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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Medical personnel in the labor market. Labor market: domestic and foreign experience. Analysis of offered salaries

Medical personnel in the labor market. Labor market: domestic and foreign experience. Analysis of offered salaries

Any country forms its labor market and its system of labor relations, taking into account the peculiarities of the national economy, social traditions and a number of various factors.

There are models of labor relations that go beyond the national and cover a number of countries.

1. European (continental) model, it is often called social democratic. Its characteristic features:

· High level of legal protection of the employee.

· Harsh labor laws aimed at preserving jobs.

· Strong trade unions, the existence of institutions of workers' representation.

Industry tariff regulation

High statutory minimum wages

· Relatively small wage differentiation. This model is more used by European countries. It provides a high level of social security.

· Support for weakly competitive workers through subsidies to firms.

Support for employment in socially significant sectors of the economy

· Creation of special jobs within the framework of the state employment promotion program.

· Carrying out a "policy of solidarity" in wages to achieve equal pay for equal work, regardless of the financial condition of certain firms;

· Supporting less profitable firms and curbing the profits of more efficient firms, leading to equalization of wage levels in them;

· Unemployment benefits are paid subject to the simultaneous retraining of a person for his subsequent employment.

2. Anglo-Saxon model (USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand). She has the following features:

· Greater similarity of labor and civil rights.

· Decentralization of legislation on employment and assistance to the unemployed.

· Employer's freedom to hire and fire.

· Collective-contractual regulation mainly at the level of the company, not the industry and the region.

· Weak distribution of in-house training of personnel.

· Very high territorial and inter-company labor mobility, especially in the US.

· Higher wage differentiation.

This model has no small advantages: jobs are created more dynamically; the unemployment rate is lower; higher economic growth rates.

Japanese model. Its properties:

· For a significant part of the employees, there is a system of labor relations, which are based on the principles of "lifetime employment", in which the employment of a permanent employee in the company is guaranteed until he reaches the age of 55-60 years.

· Wages and social benefits depend on how long the person has been working for the firm.

· As a result of long-term relationships, the potential of women is most effectively identified and used, so their price discrimination is minimal.

· There is an effective system of personnel selection for investment in human capital and promotion.

· Intra-company patriotism, which allows using such methods of motivation that are not applicable in other countries.

· An increase in wages by 10-20% in connection with the onset of significant events in the life of an employee.

· If it is necessary to reduce production, the staff, as a rule, is not fired, and part of the workers is transferred to other enterprises or the working hours are reduced for them.

· The difference in wages is not large: the lowest-skilled worker receives only 4 times less than the highly skilled one.

· The unemployment rate is low, in the range of 2-3%.

· The regulation of labor relations mainly takes place at the level of enterprises, where there are various trade union organizations that operate at the level of corporations.

At present, the situation in the labor market in Japan has changed: international competition has intensified, and the degree of risk in business has increased.

And the last Chinese model of labor relations. She is characterized by:

· Harsh regulation of labor relations in the public sector.

· Complete lack of legal regulation in the private sector.

· Low price of labor, allowing to achieve success in price competition in foreign markets.

Labor surplus in many parts of the country

· The industriousness of the population, whose morality has evolved over the centuries under the influence of Confucianism.

· Availability of free economic zones that help attract foreign investment and advanced technologies.

A distinctive feature of the Russian labor market is that a significant part of employers and the self-employed, as well as a silent part of employees, operate in the shadow economic activity mode.

The shadow economy is an unrecorded economic activity which includes:

Legitimate economic activity that is not included in official statistics and is not subject to taxation

· Illegal, deliberately concealed economic activity.

According to various expert estimates, the value of products and services produced in the informal sector of the economy in the 1990s ranged from 20 to 50% of GDP.

Such a large spread of shadow economic activity is explained by high costs, including those associated with the costs of starting a legal business, its maintenance, and the protection of property rights in an inefficient state for paying taxes. The informal economy selects a significant part of the country's labor force. It employs more than 25 million people, i.е. more than 30% of the economically active population of the country.

Informal employment has its advantages: it helps to ease social tensions associated with unemployment, low income from legal activities and the uncertainty of future income, and contributes to the growth in the production of goods and services in demand by society.

In the informal sector, three main types of employment can be distinguished according to the degree of legal formalization of employment relations:

1. Quasi-formal hiring (the contract is concluded, but rather for appearances, for inspection authorities; it does not protect the employee, does not give him an illegal status, nor the benefits and guarantees provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

2. Informal hiring based on verbal agreement (especially common in street and market trade, in the field of individual services, when hiring immigrants).

3. Self-employment, carried out in Russia mainly in the informal sector of the economy.

One of the features of the Russian labor market can be called the massive spread of secondary employment - voluntary (permanent or temporary) paid labor activity, carried out in their free time from the main job.

There are some disadvantages in the shadow economy: more than 25 million people are employed in the informal economy. this is more than 30% of the economically active population of the country. But there are also pluses: it weakens the social tension associated with unemployment, low income from legal activities, and contributes to the growth in the production of goods and services in demand by society.

In the modern economy, there are three main models of the labor market: American, Japanese and Swedish.

The American model of the labor market assumes free entry and exit of the labor force and the flexibility of costs for it. Managed through free recruitment and wage flexibility. An employee often takes care of his education on his own. Often there is a change of employer when offering more favorable working conditions and wages. The same positions in different organizations may have different salary levels. When setting wage rates, personal data (sex, age, length of service, education) are usually not taken into account. When performing the same labor functions, wages do not differ.

The American employment policy is characterized by an orientation towards high territorial mobility of the labor force.

The Japanese model of the labor market is “a system of lifetime employment, providing guarantees for the entire period of labor activity of workers. The model assumes a closed entry and exit of the labor force and constantly high costs for it. The main features of this model are: careful selection of personnel, poor labor mobility, low staff turnover. The employer's guarantees towards employees are backed by trade unions. The cost of training lies mainly with the employer, low staff turnover allows the use of in-house training, educating employees in a creative attitude to work, to high quality work. Salary depends on many criteria (experience, qualifications, and so on). Employers are also interested in other aspects of the life of employees in addition to professional.

The Swedish labor market model assumes an active public employment policy. The state finances education, creates jobs in the public sector, subsidizes private companies to create jobs, and so on. Employment policy in this case is linked to the general economic policy of the state.

Methods of regulation of the labor market abroad. Features of state regulation of the labor market in foreign countries.

In some developed countries (for example, in the USA), the doctrine of a flexible labor market has received practical application. A flexible labor market means a high level of adaptation of the labor force to fluctuations in the labor market. As a result, a flexible wage system (taking into account profit and income sharing) has become widespread. The workers are paid high wages, but they have no job security. The functional flexibility of the enterprise implies that the staff should not have barriers between specialties. Constant modernization of production requires the ability of staff to easily change profession.

State regulation of the flexible labor market is as follows:

The role of legal norms in the field of labor relations is decreasing;

Refusal of a number of state social programs;

Abandoning programs of significant income redistribution and wage regulation;

Encouragement of individual rather than collective agreements.

However, this policy is effective only during the period of economic recovery; during the recession, there is a need for state regulation to mitigate the consequences of the crisis.

There are two types of employment policy: active and passive. Active - aimed at creating new jobs, passive - social protection of the population in the labor market.

The employment policy of many developed countries has two directions:

Stimulation of the labor market;

Social protection of unemployed citizens and members of their families.

To accelerate the involvement of the unemployed in labor activity, employment centers are being created that accumulate information about the unemployed and vacancies, select jobs, organize training, and so on. Social protection of the population includes unemployment benefits, protection against unjustified dismissals, protection of socially vulnerable sections of citizens in the labor market. At the same time, unemployment benefits should not cause dependency, but also should not cause impoverishment.

One of the main areas of regulation of the labor market is the establishment of the minimum wage by the state. In particular, in France and some other countries, the minimum wage is set not only for the entire market as a whole, but also different for different qualifications and levels of education.

Minimum permissible working conditions may also be established (length of the working day, working week, participation of employees in the management of the enterprise, and so on). A developed system of collective agreements is applied.

Compliance with these norms can be monitored by both state bodies and trade unions.

However, systems aimed at improving working conditions and collective agreements cause problems with the employment of socially unprotected layers of citizens.

As for the functions of foreign employment services, at present, due to the increasing globalization of the economy, international organizations in the field of labor have gained great importance.

The most significant of them - the International Labor Office (ILO) - is a specialized division of the United Nations, which promotes the establishment of social justice and the recognition of human rights in the field of labor at the international level.

The ILO forms international labor standards in the form of Conventions and Recommendations, setting minimum standards for fundamental labor rights.

The main areas of activity of the ILO:

Employment policy;

labor management;

Working conditions;

Management development;


Social protection;

Labor statistics and safety and health at work;

Vocational training and restoration of labor rights.

The ILO promotes the development of independent employers' organizations and trade unions and provides training and counseling services in the world of work.

A special place in the labor market regulation system is occupied by the labor exchange (employment service, recruitment assistance service), which is one of the important structures of the market economic mechanism. It is a special institution that performs intermediary functions in the labor market. In most countries, labor exchanges are public and run by the ministry of labor or a similar body.

The main activities of labor exchanges are: 1) registration of the unemployed; 2) registration of vacancies; 3) employment of the unemployed and other persons wishing to get a job; 4) study of the labor market situation and provision of information about it; 5) testing of persons wishing to offer a job; 6) professional orientation and professional retraining of the unemployed; 7) payment of benefits.

In addition to employing the unemployed, labor exchanges provide services to people who want to change jobs, study the demand and supply of labor, collect and disseminate information on the level of employment by profession and territory, provide career guidance to young people, and send them to various courses.

At the global level, there is the World Association of public employment services (World Association jf Public Employment Services), which brings together the employment services of many countries.

In many countries government recruitment assistance is important.

So in the United States, the functions of the employment service are performed by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administraition, which administers the government training program and the workforce distribution program, manages federal grants for public employment services programs and organizes the payment of benefits for unemployment. These services are provided primarily through state and municipal workforce development systems.

The US Employment Administration has an extensive network of labor exchanges throughout the territory that register the unemployed, select vacancies for them, test job applicants to determine their qualifications, and so on.

The Swedish Public Employment Service operates in 68 regional labor markets. This division is based on the ways of replacing employees and on the regional preferences of organizations regarding the recruitment of personnel. Regional labor markets are four market spaces.

The Employment Service also includes the Department of Industry and Target Groups and the Department of Employment Support and Services. The Industry and Target Groups department works with particular customer categories. The Employment Support and Service Department ensures the internal activities of the Employment Service.

The Swedish Public Employment Service is authorized by the Government and Parliament to carry out various tasks in the field of employment. These tasks are further described for the purposes of the annual budget and financial documents.

The main goal of the Swedish Employment Service is to improve the functioning of the labor market. The employment service does this by:

Matching job seekers with employers wishing to hire staff;

Making every effort to serve individuals in the labor market;

Contributing to the achievement of a stable and high level of employment in the long term.

The problem of social protection of the unemployed is solved with the help of unemployment insurance and the system of payment of unemployment benefits

At the same time, a large number of private intermediary firms operate in the labor market, along with state employment services, and their efficiency is very high.

At the international level, there is the International Confederation of Private Employment Agencies - an organization created to support the interests of recruitment agencies at the international level. Support is provided through:

Helping its members run their business;

Development of quality standards for recruitment and recruitment services;

Developing a better understanding of the status quo in recruitment services;

Improving the image and representativeness of recruitment agencies;

And others.

The Russian employment policy is developing, combining various foreign experience, but having its own national characteristics, which are considered by the authors below. Unlike other countries, there are two concepts in the Russian Federation: officially registered unemployment and actual unemployment. Officially registered unemployment is the number of unemployed registered with the employment service and looking for work through this service, but according to analytical agencies, they are 3.5 times less than the actual unemployed. This discrepancy is due to the fact that in Russia the amount of unemployment benefits is set in the range from 850 rubles to 4900 rubles, the average amount according to statistics is 4200 rubles, and the unemployed do not seek to register with the employment service. In other countries, this trend is not observed and the actual unemployment is equal to the registered one.

For comparison, in the US, the unemployment benefit is 30,000 rubles, in Japan - 72,000 rubles, in the Eurozone countries from 14,400 to 75,000 rubles. Thus, the low amount of the allowance does not contribute to an increase in the number of applications from citizens who need work. Moreover, the authors note one of the features of the Russian unemployed - most of them prefer to find work through relatives and friends - 59.5%, or through the Internet - 29.8%.

In Russia, the unemployed must submit a package of documents confirming that the citizen currently does not have a job, but is striving to get it. If a citizen is recognized as unemployed, he must confirm once every two weeks that he is unemployed and is looking for work. The main advantage in being registered with the employment service is that the unemployed person does not have a break in his work experience, which significantly affects the size of the pension when it is calculated. A citizen registered with the employment service has the right to undergo vocational training, vocational guidance, participation in paid public works, receive psychological assistance and other active policy measures. Because unemployment benefits below the subsistence level, then the unemployed can receive a subsidy for utility bills on the terms of poor citizens. The authors note some difficulties in obtaining this subsidy, because the average salary over the past 6 months should be below the subsistence level, which means that it will not be possible to receive a subsidy immediately, but after 3-6 months, depending on the level of wages at the last place of work.

The average age of the unemployed also belongs to one of the national characteristics. By the end of 2013, it is 35.2 years in the Russian Federation, 39 years in the USA, and 37.1 years in Japan. The low average age of the Russian unemployed is due to the fact that employers prefer not to hire young people without work experience, while in other countries this trend is not observed, on the contrary, new personnel are formed even when they receive higher education and when they receive a diploma, students in the United States, Europe and Japan already have job offers.

In informal employment, as in any phenomenon, there are positive and negative sides both for a citizen, an enterprise and the economy as a whole, but the volume of informal employment in the Russian Federation must be reduced, because its share, and hence the share of the shadow market, which is not regulated at the legislative level, is very large, this requires state intervention, improvement of both tax and national policy. When developing a state policy program to reduce the share of the shadow sector of the economy in the Russian Federation, it is also necessary to take into account foreign experience, because the vast majority of developed countries have a minimum share of the shadow sector of the economy, and its presence does not have a big impact on social and economic factors.

At the present stage of development of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to raise the status of the state employment service at the legislative level, adopting restrictions for recruiting agencies from foreign experience, stimulating the development of the state employment service. One of the points in increasing the attractiveness of the employment service is to increase the size of unemployment benefits, but this increase should not be very significant, otherwise it will lead to an increase in the number of unemployed who deliberately do not want to go to work. When forming an employment policy, an analysis of foreign experience is necessary, but completely adopting someone else's model of behavior is unacceptable for Russia.

Annotation: The article discusses the features of the functioning of the labor market of medical personnel working in healthcare institutions of the Moscow region. At present, this region has both specific features of the functioning of the labor market, and properties that are characteristic of the whole of Russia. The article identifies the main problems of the personnel policy of health care in the Moscow region in terms of economic, legal and social factors. The issues of providing the territory with medical specialists, as well as the staffing of medical organizations with personnel in accordance with the approved staffing standards are analyzed. Methods for the rational use of human resources in the health care system of the region are proposed.

Key words: personnel management, labor motivation, human resources, healthcare.


The article examines the functioning features of medical staff labor market in the Moscow region. Nowadays this region has both peculiar features and characteristic common for all Russia. The article highlights the main problems of personnel policy of health care in the Moscow region from the point of view of economic, legal and social factors. Furthermore, there are also analyzed the questions of penetration of the territory by medical experts, and also the completeness of the medical organizations staff according to the approved regular standards. To conclude, the author offers several methods of rational use of personnel resources of health system of area.

Key words: HR management, motivation, human resources, health care.

The labor market is a system of social relations that reflects the level of development and the balance of interests achieved for a given period between the participants present on the market: employers, employees and the state.

The issues of the labor market of medical workers are the most relevant today.

Staffing problems have been an important part of state policy for many years, including in the field of healthcare. At the same time, many issues of personnel policy require further in-depth study.

The peculiarities of the labor market in health care are the specific training of medical personnel, the presence of a very narrow specialization of workers, and the continuous professional development of sufficiently experienced personnel. Also, the labor market in healthcare is characterized by the fact that there is no unemployment on it, there is a constant shortage of labor resources with a full staffing of healthcare organizations. The degree of intensity, the amount of work performed, as well as the income of medical workers depends on the features of the implemented system of compulsory medical insurance.

A feature of the Moscow region is a significant amount of commuting labor migration of the workforce.

Due to the higher level of wages provided by the package of social services, proximity and transport accessibility, up to 30 percent of the economically active population of a number of districts of the Moscow Region adjacent to the capital are employed by organizations in the city of Moscow.

In turn, the Moscow Region remains a fairly attractive region for skilled labor resources from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, mainly from the regions that are part of the Central Federal District, as well as the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and far abroad. This is due to the relatively higher standard of living of the population of the Moscow region.

The number of labor resources of the Moscow region is more than 4 million people, of which the medical staff working in the health care institutions of the region is almost 110 thousand people.

The effective development of the health care system in the Moscow Region largely depends on the state of the professional level and quality of training, the rational placement and effective use of medical and pharmaceutical personnel as the main health resource.

Medical assistance to the population of the Moscow Region is provided by 495 state, municipal and private healthcare institutions, including 2 research clinical institutes. More than 50,000 beds have been deployed to provide inpatient medical care in the Moscow Region, and the planned capacity of outpatient clinics is almost 138,000 visits per shift.

Strengthening and expanding the network of healthcare institutions in the region, equipping them with the latest equipment and medical equipment contributes to improving working conditions. Purposeful measures are being taken to increase the wages of healthcare workers, laws of the Moscow Region have been adopted, providing for measures to pay preferential prices for living space and utilities for certain categories of healthcare workers. At the municipal level, additional decisions are made to improve the social protection of healthcare workers at the expense of municipal budgets.

However, there is a shortage of about 40 percent of the medical workforce against the background of an increase in the medical staffing rate. In the Moscow region, there is an increase in the number of medical personnel: the number of doctors increased during 2015 by 1514 people, paramedical workers - by 1244 people. The number of obstetrician-gynecologists, anesthesiologists-resuscitators, clinical laboratory diagnostics doctors, neurologists, neonatologists, ophthalmologists, pediatricians, district physicians (general practitioners and pediatricians), surgeons, traumatologists-orthopedists, radiologists, oncologists, doctors of other specialties). The number of nurses, district nurses, midwives, paramedics of the ambulance service has increased.

In accordance with the Moscow Regional Program of State Guarantees for the Provision of Free Medical Care to Citizens, the standard for providing the population with doctors is 34.8 (persons) per 10,000 population, and the standard for providing the population with paramedical workers is 68 per 10,000 population. The staffing rate for medical personnel remained at the level of 2014 - 31.6 in 2015; nurses - increased from 66.3 in 2014 to 71.2 in 2015.

The provision of the population with doctors of clinical specialties remained at the level of 20.9 due to the increase in the population of the Moscow region. The ratio of doctors and nurses was 1:2.25. The part-time ratio of medical workers decreased from 1.55 in 2014 to 1.49 in 2015.

Staffing of full-time positions of doctors -89.6% (2014 - 89.9%), nursing staff 92.4% (2014-93.1%) shortage of doctors decreased from 43.8% in 2014 to 39.9% in 2015 and amounted to 15429 units, including: - in outpatient clinics - 37.3% (8024); - in stationary institutions - 37.9% (5453); - in the ambulance service - 56% (1156); - doctors of district therapists - 37% (1015); - doctors of district pediatricians - 25.6% (411).

In 2015, there was an increase in paramedical workers - the shortage of paramedical workers decreased by 2.4% and amounted to 33.7%. Taking into account the combination of jobs, the number of vacancies is: - doctors - 3583 positions; - paramedical workers -5920 positions. Despite the achieved high growth of individuals in medical and paramedical personnel, there remains a high proportion of working medical workers of retirement age (doctors - 30.9%, paramedical workers - 25.2%), which will create prerequisites for a further increase in the existing deficit. In this regard, the task of reducing the part-time coefficient of medical workers to the recommended level - no higher than 1.3 becomes especially urgent.

In order to reduce the shortage of medical personnel, cooperation continues with seven higher educational medical institutions for targeted training of medical personnel for the Moscow Region: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. THEM. Sechenov, Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Ryazan State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov, Tver, Ivanovo and Yaroslavl State Medical Academies.

For admission in 2015 to the above seven medical universities, the Ministry issued and issued 1205 target directions to applicants (2010-596). According to the results of entrance examinations for study at the above higher educational institutions in 2016, 343 students were admitted (in 2010 - 146).

In 2015, 290 graduates of higher medical educational institutions arrived in the Moscow Region to receive postgraduate education and further work, of which 161 were registered for internships (in 20 specialties), and 129 were sent for training in targeted residency.

The peculiarities of the provision of healthcare personnel in the Moscow Region predetermine the need for the formation of additional mechanisms for securing personnel in the workplace, the development of contractual relations between the employer and graduates of higher and secondary medical educational institutions, as well as specialists with work experience, in the interests of the functioning of the industry.

The quality of the qualification level of personnel, their professional training and retraining plays a special role in the conditions of modernization and structural reform of health care.

In 2015, 1869 doctors and 6423 paramedical workers were certified for qualification categories (2014 - 1927 and 6415). The share of medical workers who passed certification was 10.3% (doctors - 8.1%, paramedical workers - 12.65%). The share of doctors with qualification categories of the total number of doctors was 39%, and of paramedical workers - 60.3% (2014 - 40% and 63.2%). The strategy for the development of the system of additional professional education is based on the need for training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, taking into account the restructuring of healthcare, its needs for specific specialists. The volume of postgraduate training of personnel should be formed on the basis of relevant orders from health authorities and institutions.

The main task for the coming period is the organization of postgraduate training for the development of the institution of a general (family) practice doctor, the advanced training of district therapists, district pediatricians, and district nurses, provided for in the established manner.

The system of quality control of training of specialists at all stages of continuous education should be further developed.

The organization of healthcare human resource management in accordance with the principles and requirements of the modern theory of scientific human resource management, as well as at the present stage, is a necessary condition for maintaining and developing the human resources potential of healthcare in the Moscow Region, taking into account the peculiarities of staffing it.

The effectiveness of the personnel policy and the health workforce management system directly depends on maintaining a high professional level of the management team, forming a reserve of managers with the necessary organizational skills and modern knowledge in the field of management.

The need to conduct a comprehensive system analysis of the structure, activities and provision of all parts of healthcare with human resources, taking into account both their quantitative composition and the quality of training, requires increased coordination of management activities at the regional and municipal levels.

One of the most important areas of activity affecting the retention and successful replenishment of medical personnel is the further improvement of the socio-economic situation and living standards of healthcare workers.

A necessary condition for increasing the motivation of specialists for a qualitative result of labor and attracting highly qualified personnel should be considered the improvement of the quality of the working environment, including the issues of wages, the creation of appropriate working conditions and the use of working time.

The strategic direction of reforming the remuneration system in health care is preparation for the transition to sectoral remuneration systems, the construction of which is based on the transition from estimated financing to financing according to the final result.

Currently, the course of modernization is being completed in the health care system of the region. Measures are envisaged to strengthen the infrastructure of medical organizations, the introduction of modern medical and information technologies. There are new requirements for the provision of the healthcare system of the region with medical personnel - their number, composition, intra-resource ratio.

According to the study, in the dynamics of observation, an imbalance was revealed between the volumes of the number of medical (increase) and nursing (decrease) personnel.

Regular staffing of institutions with medical personnel is often ensured by combining posts. The availability of primary contact doctors (district) is decreasing. Nevertheless, the staffing situation in terms of the availability of district pediatricians in the region is more favorable, there has been an increase in the absolute number of working general practitioners.

The analysis shows that a huge shortage of personnel remains in the healthcare industry, which is further aggravated by a significant imbalance in personnel: between primary care physicians and medical specialists, between medical and diagnostic doctors, and between doctors and paramedical personnel.

The Health System Modernization Program being implemented in the Russian Federation was a kind of indicator that revealed serious problems with the provision of qualified personnel to medical organizations. In the conditions of re-equipment of medical and preventive healthcare institutions with new modern equipment, the introduction of new technologies, standards and treatment protocols, there is a shortage of professionally trained medical workers.

The shortage of personnel remains, despite the fact that practically all measures of social support for medical workers have been preserved in the Moscow Region.

It seems absolutely timely that the decision was made to develop a set of measures to provide the healthcare system with medical personnel, which provides for the adoption in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of programs aimed at improving the qualifications of medical personnel, assessing the level of their qualifications, gradually eliminating the shortage of medical personnel, as well as differentiated measures of social support. medical workers, primarily the most scarce specialties, in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 598 “On improving the state policy in the field of healthcare”.

In addition, it is proposed to introduce a new approach to the medical personnel planning system, by legislatively obliging graduates of medical and pharmaceutical universities who studied on a budgetary basis at the expense of the state, including in the target areas of subjects, to work in any state or municipal healthcare institutions for three ( possibly five) years.

Thus, in order to increase the efficiency of the labor market for medical workers in the Moscow Region, it is necessary to optimize the planning of the staffing and structure of health personnel, improve the training and continuous professional development of medical workers, and effectively manage human resources in health care.


1. Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated December 26, 2014 No. 1162/52 "On the Moscow Regional Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care for Citizens for 2015 and the planned period of 2016 and 2017" -activity/

2. Materials of the Collegium of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region “On the work of the healthcare system of the Moscow Region in 2015 and tasks for 2016”

3. Medical personnel: the main directions for improving postgraduate training / Textbook - Pr. No. 3 dated November 27, 2013 _2014 30s.

Russia's transition to a market path of development inevitably led to the emergence of unemployment, which is an integral feature of a market economy. Under these conditions, we must study and apply the rich experience of foreign countries in reducing unemployment and mitigating its consequences, which indicates that the position of active employment is absolutely necessary in the labor market, the main goal of which is to promote the speedy return of the unemployed to active work through such diverse measures such as employment assistance, additional promotion of employment for people with disabilities in the labor market, organization of public works and temporary employment, development of entrepreneurship and self-employment, vocational training and counseling.

The attention given by foreign countries to active labor market programs and the redistribution of a significant share of their resources in favor of these programs (from 0.4 percent of GDP in the US and Canada to 2 percent in Sweden) is due to many reasons. First, an active position not only and not so much supports the existence of those who have lost their jobs, but above all encourages the activity of every citizen aimed at finding a job, which, in turn, reduces its dependence on income support through social benefits ( and, therefore, reduces the costs of the state budget), and also relieves tension in society associated with the difficult mental state of the unemployed (even if they receive fairly high benefits). Secondly, an active position increases labor productivity in general and, in particular, contributes to the structural restructuring of the economy, thereby increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources, since its main task is to find the workplace for the employee as quickly as possible, where his return will be the highest. , that is, a workplace that will optimally match his mental and physical abilities.

Based on the foregoing, it is useful to review those measures of an active position of employment in the labor market that are used in foreign countries, as well as a brief analysis of the extent to which it is possible to apply similar measures in the Russian labor market. I would like to start the consideration with the most obvious, but at the same time one of the most effective measures to assist in finding employment, carried out by a specialized nationwide service. Its main task is to reduce the time for searching for vacancies, the unemployed and employees by entrepreneurs, as well as reducing the mismatch between workers and jobs. The Employment Service encourages employers to hire people best suited to their requirements, and employees find a job with better working conditions and/or higher wages.

Thus, the main responsibility of the employment office is to ensure that buyers and sellers of labor meet. An entrepreneur with a vacancy can send an application to the agency, indicating the nature of the work, the required qualifications, and so on. An unemployed person or a person who wants to change his job has the right to ask for it at the office, for which he must fill out a registration sheet. Agency employees conduct an initial selection by matching requests and registration sheets. The employer is not obliged to hire the candidate found for him; the unemployed may also refuse a job offered to him. In almost all states, the activities of employment services are free of charge for both workers and entrepreneurs. The data collection and processing system is based on the same principles for the whole country, and the information is classified and not even available to the police.

The experience of France is interesting, where employment agencies organize special circles for the unemployed, holding classes 2-3 times a week on the topic “How to look for a job”, where various options for upcoming negotiations with employers are discussed, and other issues related to the rules of conduct when looking for a job. The activities of these circles are quite effective: they help 40 percent of their attendees find a good place for themselves. Despite the fact that the efficiency of the state employment service is high, only a small part of the vacancies is filled with its help, and these are mostly jobs that require low qualifications. In Sweden, for example, only 35 percent of job seekers contact an employment office. In France, 750 thousand people are employed through state agencies. per year, or 15 percent of the total labor requirement. Even in the US, which has 300 job banks spanning the entire country, only 5 percent of individuals get jobs through a recruitment service. The fact is that a number of reasons hinder the functioning of agencies. Thus, entrepreneurs with profitable vacancies and good employees rarely use their services, preferring to look for what they need through relatives and acquaintances or through advertisements and direct contacts. It is estimated that the majority of workers (56 percent) receive information about jobs from friends or family. Secondly, employers often do not announce their vacancies for fear of revealing trade secrets. In this regard, in some countries they are legally required to do so (the “Compulsory Registration of Vacancies Act” in Sweden). Thirdly, difficulties in evaluating both the proposed work and the workers not only reduce the success of the bureau's activities, but also reduce their prestige. In many cases, private employment agencies are more promising. Finally, the National Employment Service is often viewed as a job-seeking agency for the underdog, and employers perceive the people sent to them from the bureau as the worst part of the workforce. Another widely used government measure to improve labor market information is the publication of data on the future demand for various occupations, which is especially valuable for students choosing which career to choose. However, these publications contain a lot of room for error: the figures given are national averages, while trends in local markets may vary; technological shifts that change the demand for labor are almost unpredictable; and many calculations do not take into account that this demand also depends on wages. As for the basic principles of the work of the Russian employment service, they are in line with international practice. Like employment offices in foreign countries, the Russian employment service bodies ensure the publication of statistical data and information materials on the supply and demand for labor, employment opportunities. The activities carried out by our employment agencies are undoubtedly useful for many people who are out of work or seeking to find a new job. At the same time, to the difficulties experienced by the employment services of foreign countries, which the employment offices in Russia inevitably face, are added such difficulties specific to our country as the lack of reliable information systems, including the necessary equipment, software, and stable contacts with employers. and workers. Under these conditions, it is necessary to significantly expand the scope of labor mediation through such means as, for example, multifunctional labor exchanges dealing with various professional groups of workers from workers of broad specialties to intellectual workers; a variety of job fairs by territorial-industry, socio-professional, production-seasonal and other characteristics, depending on the situation in the labor market; specialized exchanges designed for specific categories of the population. At present, the mass media, the press, radio, and television, can also play a significant role: there is a need to issue special bulletins about vacancies, newspapers for those who are looking for a job, booklets that help to answer tests correctly, questionnaires, the filling of which usually accompanies the employment procedure, and memos for those who are afraid of losing or have already lost their place, containing the rules of conduct in the labor market. Vocational training and retraining programs, as recognized by many scholars, are the main direction of the active position of employment in the labor market, since employment prospects, especially in conditions of structural adjustment, are tightly linked to the development of human resources: good education and qualifications reliably protect workers from unemployment. Thus, the proportion of those temporarily unemployed in the United States among those employed primarily in mental labor is 2-3 times lower than among manual workers, and among those with higher qualifications, the unemployment rate is 4-7 times lower compared to the rest. A similar picture can be seen in Eastern European countries: while unemployment was initially concentrated in skilled workers, unemployment rates are now highest among unskilled workers.

These programs are developed and adopted at the level of legislative bodies or are implemented through the joint participation of the state and entrepreneurs in the organization of professional training and retraining of personnel. They are aimed primarily at people who have lost their jobs due to the fact that their former profession is obsolete, those who can no longer work in their specialty due to illness, young people who have not received the necessary professional education, women -housewives who decide to return to the labor market. Usually candidates for training are looked for by the state employment service. She arranges studies and provides scholarships. Vocational training can take place in special centers or as part of continuing education programs at the enterprise. In the centers, studies are structured in such a way as to provide people with a wide range of professions. Its high efficiency is guaranteed by the use of individual plans that take into account the abilities and knowledge of each student, the modular principle of building curricula and modern workshop equipment, including computers. Leading specialists from universities and industrial firms are involved in the preparation of training courses. The remuneration of teaching staff is carried out at the level that exists for employees of their class in the private sector. The total duration of training varies from a few weeks to 3 years, depending on the degree of complexity of the profession and the individual training and capabilities of the student. Such centers can be either public or private.

Federal Agency for Railway Transport

Siberian State Transport University

Department of "Transport Management"

Course work

in the discipline "Economics and sociology of labor"

"Features of the Russian labor market. Domestic and foreign experience in labor market regulation"

Novosibirsk, 2010


1. Features of the Russian labor market

1.1 Constituents of the market

2 Features of the Russian labor market

2. Domestic and foreign experience of labor market regulation

1 Foreign and Russian labor market

2.3 The role of trade unions in the labor market

4 Employment

3. Practical tasks


List of used literature


In a market economy, labor resources are managed in the labor market, where material and personal factors of production are combined. Because of this, the labor market is organically linked with other markets of the economic system, and its state and functioning depend on the situation in the economy as a whole. So, depending on the phase of the economic cycle, the demand for labor and the unemployment rate are determined. The inflation rate and the loan interest rate affect the re-equipment and modernization of equipment or its moral or physical deterioration, which characterizes the state of jobs and their number. The labor activity of the population is influenced by the level of its real income, as well as the social policy of the state. And, finally, each country has its own national characteristics and traditions in the labor sphere, which introduce certain specifics into the functioning of the labor market. For Russia, the peculiarity of the situation is also connected with the fact that the labor market is in a state of formation and transition from general employment on the basis of a plan to its regulation by market mechanisms and the creation of effective employment.

1. Features of the Russian labor market

1.1 Constituents of the market

The components of the labor market are the demand and supply of labor. However, there is no unequivocal opinion about the specific content of these concepts. Some authors, introducing the term "aggregate supply", mean by it the entire economically active population, and by the term "aggregate demand" - the general need of the economy for labor. Together they constitute the "aggregate labor market" or the "labor market in the broadest sense". Another point of view is "that the supply is understood only by that part of the working-age population that is in a state of job search, and the demand - only vacant jobs, which corresponds to the concept of" labor market in the narrow sense of the word "or" current market labor".

The supply of labor in the current market is determined by the demographic situation, the level of income of the population, the level of income of the population, as well as the level of wages. Its main components can be called those people who do not work and are looking for work, those who are busy but want to change jobs, and, finally, those people who are ready to work in their free time from work or study.

It should also be said about the labor reserve, in which we can name, firstly, labor reserves at enterprises with an excessive number of employees, then - reserves from the number of students employed in the subsidiary plots, pensioners, etc., as well as reserves due to service in the Armed Forces.

The demand for labor is determined by the availability of vacancies and the need for workers, both on the terms of the main activity or part-time work, and for performing one-time jobs. A distinction must be made between physical and economic jobs. A physical workplace is a technologically equipped workplace for one employee in one shift. However, this is not enough. It also requires the availability of resources, energy, information, objects of labor and wage fund. But even in the presence of a physical workplace, due to the lack of demand for the product produced or any components of the demand for labor, there may not be. At the same time, there may be one physical workplace, but it can be used in 2-3 shifts - then these are economic workplaces. In other words, the economic job provides employment and the ability to pay one worker, and therefore, when we talk about creating demand for labor, we mean economic jobs. Moreover, if the economy is in a phase of recovery, when investments exceed depreciation, there is reason to talk about an expanded reproduction of jobs. If depreciation is equal to investment, the existing structure of jobs is maintained. And if the economy is going through a period of deinvestment and depreciation exceeds investment, then, as a rule, we are talking about job cuts.

Related to this is the concept of effective and aggregate demand, when effective demand refers to the number of economically viable jobs, and aggregate demand refers to all jobs filled by workers.

The current stage of economic development is associated with a new look at the labor force as one of the key resources of the economy. This new view is evidence of a real growth in the role of the human factor in the conditions of the technological stage of the scientific and technological revolution, when there is a direct dependence of production results on the quality, motivation and nature of the use of the labor force in general and the individual worker in particular.

The growing role of the human factor in production is confirmed by the results of economic studies by leading American scientists. Since 1929, the individualization of all types and forms of production and non-production services. In new, more efficient organizational conditions, the labor force and jobs are combined, the creative potential of workers is included in the innovation-production process, training and retraining of personnel, and the solution of problems of social protection of workers. An intensive economy, living in the mode of periodic technological and organizational renewal, is gradually turning into an economy of continuous development, which is characterized by almost constant improvement in production methods, management principles, operational characteristics of goods and forms of public service. The source of the growth of labor productivity and national income of the United States in the triad "labor - land - capital" is the first factor, covering the totality of educational, qualification, demographic and cultural characteristics of the labor force.

Investments in human resources and personnel work become a long-term factor in the competitiveness and survival of the company in a market economy. It is no coincidence that the direct costs of private business in the United States for all types of training increased by the beginning of the 1980s to $30 billion, while the total private and public costs, taking into account compensation payments for training, reached $100 billion.

In the era of a highly developed market civilization, the role of the labor market in the evolution of the economy is continuously increasing. For the first time in history, the productive forces are reaching a level of development at which their evolution is possible only under the conditions of the creative activity of workers in a significant part of the professions and the widespread use of the latest technical means and related knowledge in the sphere of social labor. Completely new, in comparison with the past, requirements are beginning to be presented to the workforce: participation in the development of production in almost every workplace; ensuring high quality of products that are rapidly changing in their characteristics and technologically more complex; keeping the cost of products low through continuous improvement of methods. The labor market is becoming the most important link in the national and world market civilization, it forms the labor resources of a creative type, carrying out the daily evolution of society. We are talking about one form or another of initiative, industrial independence, the desire to improve technology and methods of servicing the population. Studies show that active creative work is currently part of the activity of the majority of the working population, primarily specialists with higher and secondary specialized education, administrative and managerial personnel, highly skilled workers, and service workers. This is the leading detachment of the national labor force, covering in Western countries from 40 to 50% of those employed in the national economy. The sphere of labor is an important and multifaceted area of ​​the economic and social life of society. It covers both the labor market and its direct use in social production. The labor market, or, as it is also called, the labor market, has a fundamental feature - its components are directly living people who not only act as carriers of the labor force, but are also endowed with specific features: psycho-physiological, social, cultural, religious, political, etc. These features have a significant impact on the motivation and degree of labor activity of people and are reflected in the state of the labor market as a whole.

On the labor market, the value of the labor force is assessed, the conditions for its employment are determined, including the amount of wages, working conditions, the possibility of obtaining education, professional growth, and job security. The labor market reflects the main trends in the dynamics of employment, its main structures (sectoral, vocational, demographic), in the social division of labor, as well as labor mobility, the scale and dynamics of unemployment.

The labor market is a mechanism for establishing contacts between buyers of labor (employers) and sellers of labor (hired). This market includes not only specially organized institutions - labor exchanges, but also all individual transactions for hiring labor. The labor market is closely connected with other subsystems of the market. For example, in order to be in demand, the labor force must have a certain combination of physical, mental and professional abilities. Realizing these abilities in the production process, it must be constantly reproduced. It depends, in particular, on the state of the consumer goods market. There should be competition in the labor market as the main driving force for improving the employee's ability to work.

The circle of sellers in the labor market is extremely diverse. It includes a miner who is hired to mine coal underground, and a rock singer who signs a contract to hold concerts, and a scientist who receives money to conduct the research needed by the customer, and a minister who is paid by the state to lead a certain field of activity.

Feeling the need for constant reproduction, and each time at a new, higher level, the bearer of the labor force is looking for only such an employer to whom he could offer it on the most favorable terms. Therefore, there must also be competition in the demand for labor. Under such conditions, the social and economic development of society will take place, based on the market activity of workers offering their labor force, on the one hand, and employers, on the other.

1.2 Features of the Russian labor market

Among the specific reasons for the decline in employment of the able-bodied population in Russia, the following can be noted:

The first reason is rooted in the fact that a characteristic feature of the Soviet economy was the excessive number of production personnel (including auxiliary and managerial) enterprises. The literature has long noted the fact that Soviet enterprises, in comparison with those similar in profile and volume of production in Western countries, employed two to three times more workers. The presence of excess personnel hampered the introduction of new equipment and labor-saving technologies, hindered the growth of labor productivity. On the other hand, the need to pay for redundant workers unjustifiably increased the cost of production, with the ensuing weakening of the competitiveness of the goods produced. The presence of an excessive number of jobs meant an artificial shortage of labor, and it undermined labor discipline, contributed to the widespread "distraction" in the payment of workers, and suppressed their incentive to do better work.

This situation was based, firstly, on the fact that the economic departments and directors of Soviet enterprises were guided by the established dogma of economic theory about the fundamental incompatibility of socialism and unemployment; secondly, that the surplus of labor turned out to be practically useful for the enterprise to serve various administrative duties imposed on it that are not related to the nature of its activity: its activities: participation in harvesting, in ensuring the safety of products at the bases, in the construction of social and cultural facilities, in cleaning streets. Finally, and this is probably the most important thing, the surplus of personnel could be successfully used for traditional rush to fulfill the plan at the very end of the month, quarter or year.

That is, for many years there was a stable and very massive hidden unemployment. Directors of state-owned enterprises are often to this day inclined to put up with the presence of excess staff. Another thing is private owners who take control of enterprises as a result of their privatization: they strive to have the optimal number of employees, i.e. possibly less. Thus, this reason for unemployment lies in the fact that the very fact of the transition to private property and market principles of management means pushing into the ranks of the unemployed significant masses of people who were unemployed before, but in a form not open, as now, but hidden.

The second reason. The transition to market criteria for evaluating the management of enterprises reveals the failure of many of them, since they cannot adapt to real demand in terms of types of products, assortment, quality, and price. Such enterprises are unlikely to be privatized in the usual way (who needs bankrupt shares?), They will have to be prepared in advance, and then sold in their entirety to natural legal individuals who are willing and able to pay off their debts and make productive investments. It is obvious that these new owners will risk becoming such only if they have complete freedom to get rid of the burden of unnecessary personnel. And this is another channel that replenishes unemployment.

Third reason. Many state-owned enterprises have taken the liberalization of prices as an opportunity for their uncontrolled increase in order not only to cover their excessive costs, but also to significantly increase income (profit, not wages). At first, this was widely successful. However, this situation cannot be maintained for long. Soon, the uncontrolled rise in prices turned into a boomerang of multiple rise in the cost of raw materials, energy carriers, components, and, ultimately, a crisis of non-payments in all technological chains. He struck not only potential bankrupts, but also many enterprises whose products are needed by society, even urgently needed, but cannot be paid for by their consumers. This crisis is another factor fueling unemployment.

Fourth reason. Market reforms are successful only if they are accompanied by deep structural adjustment. Such a restructuring covers not only microeconomics (restructuring of specific enterprises), but also macroeconomics: it leads to the concentration of resources on the development of only those industries that have real prospects for success in conditions of fierce market competition, and, accordingly, to the curtailment of industries whose products are not used. demand. It is obvious that in Russia, whose economy is characterized by deep disproportions, above all, a huge swelling of the group that served as the basis for the forced growth of the military-industrial complex, such a restructuring will give rise to massive structural unemployment.

2. Domestic and foreign experience of labor market regulation

2.1 Foreign and Russian labor market

Labor market - a set of economic and legal procedures that allow people to exchange their labor services for wages and other benefits that firms agree to provide them in exchange for labor services.

In Western economic theories, the labor market is a market where only one of the other resources is sold. There are four main conceptual approaches to the analysis of the functioning of the modern labor market. The first concept is based on the postulates of classical political economy. It is mainly adhered to by neoclassicists (P. Samuelson, M. Feldstein, R. Hall), and in the 80s. it was also supported by supporters of the concept of supply-side economics (D. Gilder, A. Laffer and

etc.). Adherents of this concept believe that the labor market, like all other markets, operates on the basis of price equilibrium, i.e. the main market regulator of labor. The first concept is based on the postulates of classical political economy. It is mainly adhered to by neoclassicists (P. Samuelson, M. Feldstein, R. Hall), and in the 80s. it was also supported by supporters of the concept of supply-side economics (D. Gilder, A. Laffer and others). Adherents of this concept believe that the labor market, like all other markets, operates on the basis of price equilibrium, i.e. the main market regulator is the price - in this case, the labor force (wages). It is with the help of wages, in their opinion, that the supply and demand of labor is regulated, their balance is maintained. Investment in education and skills (in human capital) is analogous to investment in machinery and equipment. According to the marginal concept, the individual "invests in skills" as long as the rate of return on these investments does not decrease. It follows from the neoclassical concept that the price of labor force responds flexibly to the needs of the market, increasing or decreasing depending on supply and demand, and unemployment is impossible if there is an equilibrium in the labor market. Since it is not necessary to seriously talk about changes in wages in exact accordance with fluctuations in supply and demand, and even more so about the absence of unemployment, supporters of this concept refer to certain market imperfections, which lead to a discrepancy between their theories and life. These include the influence of trade unions, the establishment of minimum wage rates by the state, lack of information, etc.

It seems that the concepts under consideration, complementing each other, give a general picture of the functioning of the labor market. It is believed, in particular, that the qualification of an employee is always acquired before he enters the labor market, and this is far from always true, since in many cases an employee receives a qualification already at work, i.e. after hiring. This means that it is rather difficult to assess its potential in the market. Another postulate states that the productivity of human labor is known in advance. But this is not the case either, since there are many methods of motivation that can increase labor productivity. It is also obvious that not only wages serve for the worker as a sufficient assessment of his work and a reflection of the degree of his satisfaction with his position in production and in the labor market. It also calls into question the simplified market-price approach to a person. It is also very difficult to assess the potential of a person in the labor market, because in the labor process the main contribution to production in most cases is achieved through not individual, but collective efforts.

Thus, the labor market, obeying the laws of supply and demand as a whole, according to many principles of the mechanism of its functioning, is a specific market that has a number of significant differences from other commodity markets. Here, the regulators are not only macro- and microeconomic factors, but also social and socio-psychological ones, which are by no means always related to the price of labor power - wages.

In real economic life, the dynamics of the labor market is influenced by a number of factors. Thus, the supply of labor is determined, first of all, by demographic factors - the birth rate, the growth rate of the working-age population, its gender and age structure. In the United States, for example, the average annual population growth rate in the period 1950-1990. decreased from 1.8 to 1%. This significantly affected the dynamics of supply in the labor market.

In Russia, the average annual population growth rate has also declined sharply from about 1% in the 1970s and 1980s. to minus values ​​in the 90s. On the demand side, the main factor influencing the dynamics of employment is the state of the economic situation, the phase of the economic cycle. In addition, scientific and technological progress has a serious impact on the need for labor force. The functional and organizational structure of the market there includes the following elements in a developed market economy: the principles of state policy in the field of employment and unemployment; personnel training system; recruitment system, contract system; unemployed support fund; system of retraining and retraining; labor exchanges; legal regulation of employment.

In the labor market, a seller and a buyer meet, as in any sale and purchase transaction. Sellers are workers offering their labor force (ability to work), and buyers are labor collectives or individual entrepreneurs who can independently decide how many and what kind of workers they need.

The labor market is subject to the law of supply and demand for labor, which affects wages. The law of supply and demand for labor reflects the discrepancy between vacant jobs and the composition of workers entering the labor market in terms of quantitative and qualitative parameters. A cruel, merciless selection of the most capable and enterprising is taking place on the labor market. The market does not spare the weak and incapable. But at the same time, it stimulates highly skilled labor, contributes to the creation of a rigid relationship between the contribution of each and the specific result obtained.

The administrative-command management system that existed earlier in our country, in which the state, as the owner of the main means of production, centrally planned the number of jobs necessary for full employment, distributed and redistributed labor resources, completely destroyed the motivation to work.

International experience shows that the labor market cannot exist outside of a competitive economy based on private property and democratic public institutions. A totalitarian society even theoretically excludes the possibility of the existence of such a market, because it does not consider a person an equal legally and economically independent subject from the state. For such a state, it is not so important whether the human potential is used effectively and in accordance with the personal interests of a person or not. For him, something else is significant - to have a person in complete and unconditional subordination for any needs, and to satisfy personal interests to a minimum, which excludes the economic and social independence of a person. This provides, although ineffective, but almost complete control over the masses of people. A free labor market in such conditions is simply not needed, moreover, it would be a serious hindrance, although its antipode, the distribution of labor that serves an inherently scarce, state-owned economy, is also called the labor market.

The national labor market covers all social production - through it, each industry receives the personnel it needs, not only of a given professional and qualification composition, but also of certain cultural and ethical labor merits that are adequate to the requirements of the economy.

The labor market has the opportunity to:

■ free choice of profession, industry and place of activity, encouraged by priority offers (level of remuneration, opportunities for the implementation of creative ideas, etc.);

■ hiring and firing in compliance with labor laws that protect the interests of citizens in terms of job security, working conditions, and wages;

■ independent and at the same time economically encouraged migration of labor resources between regions, industries and professional groups, which is usually accompanied by an improvement in living and working conditions, which is facilitated by the presence of highly developed, universally accessible markets for high-quality housing, consumer goods, cultural and spiritual values ;

■ free movement of wages and other incomes while maintaining the priority of qualifications and education, observing a statutory guaranteed minimum wage that provides a living wage, and regulating the upper limit of income through a tax system based on a progressive scale.

Competitive market relations reflect the deep processes that are constantly taking place in society and determining its progress. Three interconnected evolutionary streams pass through the labor market, crossing in it - the development of the economy (material and technical elements and structures), the development of a person (general and professional culture, creative opportunities, moral qualities), the development of social relations (state and class structures, relations ownership, industrial relations). They form the basis of progress in society, its main content.

The labor force is a commodity of a special kind, the production and creative qualities of which entirely determine the efficiency of a competitive economy, its ability to create high-quality goods and comfortable services, the scale and pace of scientific, technical and organizational transformations. Therefore, the preparation and release to the labor market of an educated and creatively active workforce, ensuring its qualification and territorial mobility is one of the fundamental principles of the life of the national economy. And the higher the general level of development of the economy, the more complex tasks it has to solve, the greater the need for highly qualified labor force. Similar to the labor force in the developed countries of the world in the era of scientific and technological revolution, the vast majority of employers and government agencies strive to create the best production and living conditions, guaranteeing, if possible, social security in the labor market.

Labor power is a commodity of a special kind also because it itself is, as a rule, the most interested party in the development of its creative possibilities, realized in the national economy and expressing individual, especially creative, abilities of the individual.

The prevailing community of interests of the "commodity" of the labor force and its consumers - the economy and the state - is the most important socio-economic feature of the market economy, which creates a solid humanistic basis for the development of the national economy and society as a whole. There is no doubt that the organized, largely state-controlled and supported by enterprises of the commodity economy, constantly improving as the national economy develops, the labor market is one of the key, vital links in the socio-economic system of any country.

The ultimate goal of the labor market is, firstly, to satisfy the professional, labor and vital interests of the economically active population, including social protection, and to provide the national economy with the personnel it needs; secondly, the achievement of the maximum full and minimum interruption of employment, taking into account the need for a partial work week, a rotating work schedule, etc.

One of the fundamental features of the modern Western labor market is the significant prevalence of entrepreneurial activity. Approximately one in ten people working in the US, France, Great Britain, one in seven in Japan, one in five in Italy is an entrepreneur. Almost 2/3 of them are heads of medium and small enterprises, and one in four runs a business that employs 20 or less people.

2.2 Skill level of labor resources

labor union pay employment

The general level of qualification of labor resources today is such that representatives of almost all professions are successfully underestimated by entrepreneurship, and workers in this respect hold the palm. In 2000, in the United States, 23% of entrepreneurs had working professions, 18% had management experience, 18% were associated with trade, 15% were in services, 16% had higher or scientific education in various fields, 10% were farmers .

Real grounds for participation in the development of production, regardless of professional status, are, first of all, those who have received a modern secondary specialized, higher and scientific education, which in all its links is usually primarily aimed at identifying and developing the creative abilities of students. This education, not counting the vast majority of specialists with higher and secondary specialized education and administrative and managerial personnel, in the United States in 1998 had 50% of male sales employees (30% of women), 40% of administrative and support personnel (clerical workers) , 33% - service workers (not counting specialists), 24% - highly skilled workers, 17% - semi-skilled workers.

The development of another important process, the increase in enterprises with a collective form of ownership, has an extremely favorable effect on the labor market. In the USA, for example, at the end of the 80s, 8-10% of workers were employed in such enterprises, in material production and services. Practice shows that enterprises with a collective form of ownership have higher than the industry average indicators of product quality and labor productivity. Workers and employees participate with great enthusiasm in the improvement of production and, at the same time, if necessary, more easily agree to compromises in the field of wages and a temporary increase in the length of the working week. Such production teams participate more successfully in competition and are more stable during periods of market fluctuations. The problems of retraining, professional development, staff reductions are being solved more attentively and more humanely.

For the purpose of social protection of workers and employees, additional workshops and competitive subsidiaries are being created.

For the modern intellectual labor market, an adventurous-exploitative, minute-consumer attitude towards a person, his capabilities, as completely unjustified in practice, is uncharacteristic. On the scale of the economy, the principle, repeatedly proven by international practice, encouraged in all countries by advanced prosperous corporations, dominates: "before asking a person, he needs to give a lot." That is why the modern labor market has a powerful root system. It relies on gigantic organizational structures, covering not only the economy, but also numerous state, public and private institutions, including the national education system, including those owned by firms, cultural and health institutions, various non-profit social organizations, and the family institution. Features of the Russian pile market

More recently, labor power, but in our country was not considered as a commodity. There is no doubt, however, that in real life, which is not very connected with watered - economic ideas, millions of people enter into employment relationships. But there is no doubt that the labor market that existed (and in many ways still exists today) was a kind of (quasi-market) in our country, a product of the administrative economy, burdened with numerous disproportions. The main thing that distinguishes our labor market from the real one is the presence of administrative, legal and economic restrictions that still prevent the free sale of labor power on the most favorable terms for the majority of workers. This is the presence of registration, which formally replaced propiska, and the absence of a real housing market with its huge deficit, and the underdevelopment of mechanisms for state regulation and social support in the field of employment. The labor market in Russia is unbalanced. Most regions of the country for the 90s. became labor surplus, cancer, in a number of regions and republics of Russia in 1995, the supply of labor force was tens or even hundreds of times higher than the demand for it (in the Ivanovo region - 158, in the Republic of Tuva - 143, and in Arkhangelsk and Tambov regions, the republics of Udmurtia, Buryatia, Kalmykia "Dagestan - by 42-47 times). At the same time, in the regions of the Far North there is still a shortage of workers, especially qualified ones. There is also a satisfied demand for certain categories of specialists (lawyers, bankers, accountants, programmers) with growing unemployment in most professional categories of the labor force. Despite all these difficulties, one can hope that the current quasi-market will be over soon enough. In 2002, the non-state sector of the economy already accounted for 61% of the total number of employed In a competitive environment, enterprises will strive to optimize the composition and number of employees, in turn, employees will receive as much as possible search for a job on the most favorable terms. All of this, however, can only be realized by creating a truly competitive environment through privatization, deregistration that hinders the free movement of labor, the creation of a housing market and an effective recruitment facilitation system.

3 The role of trade unions in the labor market

The role of trade unions in the labor market. Participants in the labor market (workers-sellers and employers-buyers) have been irreconcilably at odds with each other for centuries. Employers considered that the most important rule in setting wages was to keep them as low as possible. Employees took exactly the opposite view.

It is this position in the labor market that has made it so conflicted for centuries. Each side defends its interests using different methods. For hired workers, the most common is the creation of trade unions that unite workers of either an enterprise, or an industry, or a certain profession. The concerns of trade unions are related to the specifics of the work that their members do and yet all have standard tasks. The most important of them:

■ improving working conditions and ensuring its safety. The constant concern of trade unions is to reduce the risk of death at work or injury. But in the economic world, everything has its price, and such activity of trade unions leads to a real rise in the cost of labor. An increase in the price of labor (wage rate) leads to a decrease in the magnitude of demand for it, that is, the number of people that firms are willing to hire;

■ salary increase. The solution to this problem is possible in two ways - by creating conditions for the growth of demand for labor and by creating conditions for limiting the supply of labor. It is quite difficult for trade unions to increase the demand for labor: they do not have particularly great opportunities to influence the markets for goods, where the demand for the labor market comes from. And, nevertheless, one of the ways to solve such a problem is quite real. Trade unions are in favor of restricting the importation of imported goods into the country. This is argued by the fact that if imports are reduced, then the demand for domestic goods will increase, and then the conditions for the growth of the number and wages in the domestic labor market will improve. Russian trade unions also take this position, especially in the light industry, which suffers greatly from imports by firms and "shuttle traders" of goods from China, Turkey, etc. However, such a position leads to a weakening of competition in the domestic market, the quality of products decreases, and the ability to sell them is reduced. to other countries, and hence the demand for labor for its manufacture.

In addition, when one country restricts imports, other countries respond with similar measures, and this reduces exports and worsens conditions in the labor markets for workers in industries focused on the export of goods.

As for limiting the supply of labor, it is usually ensured by the fact that trade unions seek employers' consent to hire only members of the union. In Russia, this tactic is almost never used, although it is very common abroad.

Trade unions, in order to achieve higher wages, act as the sole representative of their members in negotiating working conditions and wages with employers. The logic of the union is simple: either all of its members will receive higher wages, or a strike will begin. But no union can deprive employers of the right to fire workers if their work becomes unprofitable. And raising wages above what would be achieved in a free market could lead to an increase in the number of such unprofitable workers. Modern trade unions, including in Russia, are already hiring economists to accurately estimate the amount of wages that can be obtained from employers without threatening their ruin and mass layoffs.

Today, in developed countries, the trade union movement has declined. The main reasons for this:

■ change in the nature of labor activity (development of home-based activities, reduction in the size of enterprises, etc.), a general increase in the welfare of society, which makes it possible to provide decent living conditions for employees as well.

As for Russia, the trade union movement is in crisis here too. But his reasons are very special. The collapse of the former political system of society also caused a crisis of trade unions. Many of them practically disappeared, and new ones began to form to replace them. They are still quite weak, but there is reason to expect them to strengthen in the future. After all, the income level of Russians is still very low, and the country is waiting for numerous strikes demanding higher wages. In the wake of such strikes, Russian trade unions will grow stronger.

Only when the country manages to achieve a significant increase in the well-being of its citizens will the withering away of trade unions in Russia will begin. Life shows: the richer the country, the higher the level of well-being in it, the calmer relations are built on the labor market, the less often and shorter the strikes, the less the role of trade unions and their number.

The thesis about the supposedly voluntary nature of unemployment is also put forward. However, if unemployment is voluntary, then why does it fluctuate depending on the phase of the economic cycle? The thesis is also put forward about the "search" for a job as a phenomenon that causes market instability. Its essence lies in the fact that employees are very picky and strive for the most profitable work. However, even in this case it is not clear why such workers are sometimes 4-5%, sometimes all 15%? But the main question that supporters of the neoclassical approach cannot answer is why do not all employees, if their supply exceeds demand, offer their labor at a lower price? Keynesians and monetarists adhere to a different approach to explaining the functioning of the labor market. Unlike the neoclassicals, they view the labor market as a phenomenon of permanent and fundamental disequilibrium.

4 Settlement employment

In general, the employment of the population is an indicator of the provision of its able-bodied part with work, the performance of which generates income, or wages, entrepreneurial profit. This indicator is calculated as the employment rate, which is presented as a relative value - the ratio of the number of people employed in all areas of economic, managerial, educational and other activities to the total working-age population. The employed population includes all employees, entrepreneurs who independently provide themselves with work; self-employed persons, farmers, members of cooperatives, elected and appointed to paid positions, military personnel, university students, students of secondary specialized institutions and vocational schools, high school students. It is necessary to distinguish between global (general) and economic employment. Global employment includes, in addition to economic employment, studies in general education, secondary specialized, higher educational institutions; housekeeping and raising children; care for the elderly and disabled; participation in public authorities, public organizations; service in the Armed Forces.

Economic employment implies the participation of the able-bodied population in social production, including the service sector. This type of employment is of paramount importance, its relationship with other activities, especially with study. The economic potential of society, the level and quality of life, the socio-economic and spiritual progress of each country depend on it. Economic employment has the following characteristics:

■ socially useful activity of people in the production of material goods and services (and not only material, but also spiritual, cultural, social services), thanks to this, employment serves to satisfy personal and social needs;

■ providing activities with a specific workplace, which allows the worker to realize his physical and spiritual abilities for work; hence, the balance of labor resources with the number of jobs in quantitative and qualitative aspects is of great importance for employment;

■ Employment is a source of income in the form of wages, profits and other forms where income can be expressed in cash and in kind.

Thus, economic employment is a socially useful activity for the production of a social product, supported by specific jobs and serving as a source of income. Of great importance is the difference between legal and illegal employment (ie theft, underground activities for the production, transportation, storage and sale of drugs, weapons, etc.); the criterion here is the compliance or contradiction of the type of activity with the current legislation.

Let's return to the assessment of the need for labor force and jobs. The employment rate of the population covers almost all groups of the able-bodied population, and therefore its indicator expresses a very average value. The central question of the analysis of employment is the identification of the dynamics, factors and circumstances of the employment of a group of wage workers. The coefficient of their employment is represented by the ratio of the number of employed employees to the number of workers looking for work. This ratio reflected two groups of needs: workers - in work, and employers - in the labor force. The level of employment is determined by the demand for labor. And the need for production in workers is predetermined by the number of jobs that need to be filled by people in order to achieve the planned production volume. The jobs themselves are a special way of designing the means of production, the production capacity of an enterprise.

Thus, the objective basis for the employment of workers lies in the scale and quality of the means of labor involved in production. The dependence of the needs of production in the labor force on the scale of the means of labor (on jobs) acts as a general economic law of employment of wage workers.

The regulation of employment of the population can be carried out in various ways:

■ by changing the needs of the production itself in the labor force, which is achieved by the introduction of new jobs, provided for by the relevant national and regional programs;

■ by changing (reducing) the need for jobs on the part of workers, which is taking place in connection with the implementation of large-scale social and socio-economic measures by the state (expanding the contingent of young people studying out of work, preferential leave for women with young children, reducing the age of entry to pensions for certain groups of workers, etc.). Important in the development and implementation of plans for the regulation of employment is the understanding of the patterns of its dynamics; Western economists have significant achievements in their research.

There is a definite relationship between changes in output, productivity and employment. For a long time, the unequivocal opinion was widespread in our country that the growth of labor productivity based on the development of science and technology, accompanied by an increase in the "organic composition of capital", inevitably leads to an increase in unemployment. Of course, with the introduction of technical improvements, some of the employed workers are forced out of production, but this is in the short term. In the long run, the relationship between technological progress, productivity growth and employment is ambiguous, but more complex. After all, as you know, the progress of science and technology is accompanied by the emergence of new industries and even industries that generate demand for labor. For example, in developed countries in 2001-2003. with an average annual increase in labor productivity of 0.5%, employment increased by 0.2%, on the other hand, a decrease in productivity by 0.5% entails a decrease in employment by 0.4%.

In general, the only viable strategy to secure sustainable and well-paid employment should be based on increasing productivity through NTOs.

Another relationship in a market economy exists between the unemployment rate and inflation ("Philips curve"). As a result of a study of the measurement of wages in Great Britain for 1861-1957. Professor W. Phillips came to the conclusion that there is an inverse (inverse) relationship between the unemployment rate and the increase in wages. The higher the unemployment rate, the lower the wage inflation rate.

The current transition to market relations in Russia is associated with great difficulties, the emergence of many socio-economic problems. One of them is the problem of employment, which is inextricably linked with people and their production activities.

The market presents and requires a completely different level of labor relations at each enterprise. However, until effective mechanisms for the use of labor resources are created, new employment problems arise and old ones become aggravated, unemployment grows.

3. Practical tasks

The complex consists of five tasks covering the main sections of the course being studied. Students are invited not only to solve the tasks, but also to give a brief description of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the issues under consideration.

It is known that the volume of production is affected by labor productivity and the number of employees in the enterprise. The company plans next year to increase output from 100 million rubles. up to 115 million rubles, assuming an increase in labor productivity due to the modernization of equipment, and at the same time changing the number of employees from 1350 people. up to 1450 people Determine the planned increase in production for the following factors: 1) due to changes in labor productivity and 2) due to changes in the number of employees in the reporting and planning periods. Select the factor that had a greater impact on the growth of production.

Δ H = H plan - H basis = 1450-1350= 100 people

Δ W=W plan - W basis \u003d 115-100 \u003d 15 million rubles.

R bases = W bases / h bases \u003d 100 million rubles / 1350 people \u003d 7.4 thousand. R

R plan = W plan / h plan = 115/1350= 7.9 thousand rubles

Δ P = P plan - R bases \u003d 7.9-7.4 \u003d 0.5 thousand rubles

Δ W h = Δ H*R bases \u003d 15 * 7.4 \u003d 111 million rubles

Δ W R = Δ R * H pl \u003d 0.5 * 1450 \u003d 725 million rubles.

Answer: Δ W h = 111 million rubles

Δ W R = 725 million rubles

Conclusion: Due to changes in labor productivity, output will increase by 725 million rubles, and due to changes in the number of employees, it will decrease by 111 million rubles. For greater production efficiency, it is necessary to change labor productivity, and the number of employees either remain unchanged or slightly reduced so as not to lose output.

For product "X" labor intensity of transport operations in 2009 amounted to 0.45 man-hours. with the release of this product 2400 pieces. The planned coefficient of growth in the volume of work in 2010 is K1 = 1.69., The planned coefficient of change in the total labor costs for the performance of work in 2010 will be K2 = 1.25

Determine what will be the labor intensity for product "X" in 2010. Select the factor that had a greater impact on the change in labor intensity and substantiate the result with calculations.

Answer: t2 = 0.33 man-hour.

Conclusion: In 2009, labor intensity will decrease by 0.33 man-hours. Therefore, there is good potential for increased transport operations in 2010.

Using Okun's law, calculate the losses from unemployment over the past year and the unemployment rate at the end of the year, if the actual GNP level at the beginning of the year was 1,700 billion rubles, the unemployment rate at the end of the year increased by 9% compared to the natural one, the potential GNP level is 2000 billion rubles Natural unemployment rate - 3%

Answer: -150 billion rubles.

Conclusion: An increase in unemployment by 9% led to a decrease in GNP by 22.5%

There was also a decline in GDP. fak compared to GNP n fak by 150 billion rubles.

What form of remuneration will the employee prefer (piece-rate bonus or time-based bonus), if the piece rate per unit of production is 30 rubles, manufactured per month - 315 pieces. products. Worked 22 working days with an 8-hour working day, the tariff rate of the corresponding category is 20 rubles. Various allowances and bonuses to wages for piecework and bonus labor systems are 69% (piecework bonus) and 20% (time bonus wage system) to the basic wage.

Answer: Z/P p-p = 4224 rubles

Conclusion: the employee will prefer piece-rate wages. Zpl sd-pr \u003d 15970.5 rubles.

Determine the basic shift production rate for a work shift equal to 480 minutes, if the operational time for processing the part is 28 minutes, the equipment maintenance time is 2%, the time for rest and personal needs is 2%, the break time for technical reasons is 1%, the preparatory time - final - 40 min.

The timing and photographs of the working day carried out at the enterprise showed that it is possible to increase the shift rate of output by reducing the operational time for equipment maintenance by 6%, equipment maintenance time by 5%, preparatory and final time by 3 minutes. Determine how the norm of time for the execution of a unit of production will change and what will be the norm of output per shift.

Answer: ∆N vyp. = -2,68

Conclusion: The norm of time will decrease by 2.68 minutes.


The process of reforming the Russian economy has shown that, along with the contradictions inherent in world civilization, in particular between scientific and technological progress and a decrease in unemployment, the nature, working conditions and wages, there are precisely Russian problems associated with a high level of labor activity of the population with a low standard of living and labor efficiency, with insufficient territorial and sectoral mobility of personnel, the system of training and retraining of personnel that does not always correspond to market conditions, and the underdevelopment of labor market infrastructure.