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» Abies koreana Korean fir. Fir variety Silberlok

Abies koreana Korean fir. Fir variety Silberlok

Korean fir (Latin name - Ábies koreána) - conifer tree, belonging to the Pine family. It can reach 15 meters in length. It is a long-liver: the average age is 150 years, but there are some individuals whose age reaches 300 years. The crown has the shape of a cone. Juveniles have light gray, smooth bark. As they age, they will change color to brownish-red.

Description and main characteristics

It is widespread in the southern part of Korea, including on Jeju Island. It grows in mountainous areas at altitudes from 1000 to 1850 meters above sea level.

According to the description, Korean fir is rich green in color, with a lush cone-shaped crown. Young shoots have a yellowish tint, which turns purple with age. Young seedlings have smooth grayish bark. Over time, it turns red-brown. The trunk is straight. The hard, thick, curved needles are dark green in color. The length is 10−20 mm, width 2−3 mm. Darker on top, shiny below. Young plants have a more spiny top. Fir cones are cylindrical in shape. Their sizes are small: length 5−7 cm, width 2−3 cm. Adult cones have a violet-purple color.

Plant varieties

This species is classified according to the size of its annual growth. This allows you to imagine what the tree will be like after some time. There are 5 groups:

  • microscopic (growth 1−3 cm per year);
  • miniature (3−8 cm per year);
  • dwarf (8−15 cm per year);
  • medium-sized (15−30 cm per year);
  • full-grown (30 or more cm per year).

Use in landscape design

This type is widely used in arranging parks and gardens both in the Moscow region and in other regions of Russia. However, these plants suffer greatly from air pollution, with the exception of a few varieties. They look good against the background of other trees and shrubs and complement a pleasant landscape. They are used to create hedges, as they do not require constant trimming due to their natural shape. Thanks to their thick, non-falling needles, the branches are used by florists to decorate compositions.

Fir is one of the favorites among gardeners. The rich color of the needles, blue-violet cones that never fall off, as well as the symmetrical formation of the tree’s silhouette give it beauty and elegance. The following varieties are most often used in landscape design:

There are many more varieties of fir, but not so common, for example: Korean fir, Fliegende Untertas, Blue Emperor bonsai.

Reproduction methods

Sowing seeds should be done in autumn or spring, and before that it is mandatory to go through a period of stratification, which lasts 30-40 days (keeping seeds under required temperature). This process is needed to speed up seed germination after planting. Harvesting occurs at the very beginning of the ripening of cones. Seeds can be snowed: they are placed on pre-compacted snow in a prepared and cleaned place, covered with matting or straw, covered with polyethylene and, finally, covered with snow.

Cuttings are taken from a one-year-old tree and planted in the soil, where drainage should be added before this. The land may not be very fertile. Acidic soil is also acceptable. For good rooting, the plant should be treated with special chemicals.

Diseases and their prevention

A sharp change in temperature has a detrimental effect on this plant. Due to changes, the tree may lose lush needles and young buds. In the worst case, the fir may die.

The dacha has practically ceased to be a place for growing vegetables; now many modern summer residents enthusiastically decorate their property with various ornamental plants. Korean fir (abies koreana) is one such plant.

Korean fir has a number of differences from its popular relatives, so it is important to indicate its description. In conditions natural environment This ornamental plant appears to be a giant tree, up to 14 m in height. And the trunk can have a diameter of almost 1 m.

Korean fir (abies koreana)

But decorative varieties the parameters are much smaller, but the general features are similar:

Varieties for growing abies koreana

If you plant Korean fir at random, then perhaps the chosen variety will not take root in the region and will disappoint with its decor. In addition, the tree has two varieties - low-growing varieties similar to a flattened ball, and tall with cone-shaped and pyramidal crowns.

There are species that differ in the color of their needles, the shape of their cones, their preferences in conditions, let’s look at the most in more detail popular varieties:

Choosing a landing site

Fir does not take root in all areas, because its homeland is subtropical and temperate zones . Therefore, the landing place is on its own The site should be chosen carefully, sometimes making significant changes.

The choice of planting location will depend on the type of tree chosen. But the basic requirements are:

  • good lighting, because partial shade and shade are destructive for many varieties;
  • absence large trees close, especially if you are planting tall fir;
  • absence strong winds and drafts, seedlings are especially intolerant to them.

Soil requirements

When grown, Korean firs do not require much nutrients, so almost any soil is suitable for planting. Even heavy soils and loamy soils are suitable; over time, plants can improve the soil, making it more structured.

But it is best to plant Korean fir on sandy soils and other light soils with a high content of organic matter. Acidic soils are also suitable for this purpose..

Please note that firs do not like wetlands, areas that are flooded with water. If your site is like this, then take care of the drainage system.

How to plant Korean fir correctly

Early spring is considered the ideal time for planting, a time when young shoots and buds have not yet appeared on the seedlings.

For a seedling, the age must be at least 4 years; even ten-year-old trees are also excellent. It is not recommended to use even younger seedlings, because in the summer they will suffer due to strong lighting, and in the winter they can die from frost.

Prepare a deep planting hole for the seedling. Consider the characteristics of the variety, the more root system, the larger the hole should be. Its depth on average can vary from 40 to 80 cm. You fill the hole with soil and peat dug from it.

Let the mixture settle, then start planting - spread the roots of the Korean fir into a mound and cover it with soil. Water the fir thoroughly after planting with several buckets of water.

It is important that the root collar does not go deep when planting in the soil. A tree will not grow if it is underground.

Soil and Korean fir care

Abies koreana requires care, which is based on the needs of the tree, based on the time of year and the characteristics of the soil on the site. Trees that are planted in decorative containers require special attention. They require more frequent feeding and watering.

Young seedlings need more moisture, especially those with a strong root system. After planting, it is worth adding moisture to the soil every 15 days. The same should be done with trees that are grown in containers.

It is worth adding moisture to large trees no more than 3 times during the growing season, because fir is drought-resistant. If the summer is extremely dry, then organize twice a day of watering within a month.

Do not forget to loosen and weed the soil around the tree after each watering. In autumn and spring time cover the circle around the trunk with mulch to better preservation moisture in the soil. Use sawdust or pine needles as mulch. The soil will become more permeable for air and moisture thanks to this, and you don’t have to worry about your teammates.

Feeding and pruning

You should not apply fertilizer often, because the tree is not demanding of it. Carry out the first fertilizing no earlier than 3 years after planting the tree. Use special liquid preparations that are intended for coniferous trees.

Korean fir does not need pruning. But to achieve the thickest possible and branched needles, it is important to trim the shoots in the center. Every year, dried needles, branches and cones should be removed, this will improve the decorative appearance of the tree.

Korean fir is quite simple to care for and grow, but you should first choose the right variety for planting and a place in which the tree will feel extremely comfortable. And if everything goes well and the tree takes root, it will become the most beautiful and trouble-free decoration on your site.


Among coniferous plants in landscape design, Korean fir is notable. In addition to standing out appearance and variety of varieties, it deserves attention because one of the few among the representatives of the genus is able to withstand the climate middle zone. But before you go shopping at the nursery or garden center, ask whether the conditions of your site are suitable for growing fir, whether you are able to provide the tree with proper care, what type of Korean fir and growth rate will correspond to your landscaping plans. To begin with, let's do short excursion to botany.

Korean fir variety Silberlocke

Botanical portrait

Origin. Korean fir is an endemic coniferous plant, natural habitat which is the south of Korea and the volcanic island of Jeju, which belongs to this country. Thanks to its beauty, unpretentiousness and versatility, it has gained popularity almost all over the world. Korean fir was introduced in Europe, Southeast Asia and America.

Place in biocenoses. In its homeland, Korean fir is common in mountainous areas at an altitude of 1000 - 1900 m above sea level. Occasionally it can grow as a separate plant, but usually forms monospecific forests. Often grows together with other coniferous plant Ayanskaya spruce . On the mainland it forms mixed forests with Erman's birch.

Taxonomy. Korean fir - Abies koreana - belongs to the Gymnosperm department, class Coniferous plants. Genus Abies fir included in the Pine family (Pinaceae). The fir received its specific name due to its habitat.

Description. Korean fir is an evergreen coniferous tree, reaching a height of 15-18 m. The crown of young trees is cone-shaped or pyramidal, while in adult Korean fir the crown is spreading-pyramidal. The type of branching is monopodial, that is, fir is a tree with a pronounced central trunk, from which branches of the second and third order extend.

◄ Korean fir, variety Aurea ("Aurea")

The color of the bark of adult plants is gray. Characteristic sign– deep cracks in the bark, along the edges of the cracks the color of the bark is reddish, red-brown or purple-brown. On young shoots and trunks of young trees, the bark is smooth, light gray in color, sometimes with reddish or purple hues.

The needles are flat, with a pronounced dorsal and ventral surface. The color of the upper surface of adult needles is dark green, it is smooth and shiny. Young needles are light green or grassy in color. The lower surface of the needles is matte, whitish, with a pronounced central vein.

The ends of adult needles are blunt and rounded, while young needles sometimes have sharp ends. Korean fir needles are single, curved, reaching 1.5-2 cm in length. The width of the needles does not exceed 2.5 mm. Flat needles with a pronounced dorso-ventral surface characteristic morphological feature genus Fir (Abies). Thanks to this, fir is easy to distinguish from spruce, whose needles are triangular in cross-section.

The color of young Korean fir cones is violet with ultramarine or purple hues; mature cones are light brown. The shape of the cones is barrel-shaped, cylindrical, length 5-9 cm, diameter 2-3 cm.
Korean fir cones grow vertically upward, like candles, a distinctive morphological characteristic of the genus Abies.
Seeds with “wings” for aerodynamics: seeds are spread by the wind.

Korean fir cones, Silberlock variety


Temperature. Korean fir is native to the tropical zone, but in its homeland it grows in the mountains. Therefore, it can withstand significant seasonal temperature fluctuations. Most varieties of Korean fir belong to 5 frost resistance zone , which means they can withstand temperatures down to – 26-28°C. Breeders have managed to increase the frost resistance of Korean fir, and some of its varieties grow in zone 4, wintering at temperatures of -31-34.6°C. Young firs are less winter-hardy than adults, so for the first couple of years they need to be covered for the winter.

Lighting. Korean fir loves good lighting and tolerates direct Sun rays without suffering from burns. The tree can grow in light partial shade, but shady places should be avoided when planting fir. Hybrids with colored and light green needles need better lighting than varieties with dark green needles. Small plants have very delicate needles and can get sunburned in February-March, so at this time they need to be shaded with breathable light material, such as gauze.

◄ Korean fir, needles from the Silberlock variety

Substrate. Fertile, slightly acidic substrates with good to moderate aeration and drainage are most suitable for planting Korean fir. Its root system is highly branched and does not penetrate far into the depths. Therefore, the tree does not like compaction of the substrate around the trunk. After planting the fir for better growth it's important to leave trunk circle.

Humidity and watering. A lover of wet substrates, Korean fir does not tolerate stagnation of water, which causes its root system to rot. If the soil is very dry, it will suffer from a lack of moisture, since its root system is superficial. In order for the fir to grow better without experiencing discomfort, the soil around the plant needs to be mulched with sawdust or pine needles. Mulching is especially important for small trees and dwarf forms of Korean fir.


Most of everything planting material supplied to the market in the pots in which the tree was grown. Such seedlings take root well, so Korean fir grown in a container can be planted at any time of the year, even in winter, if a planting hole and nutrient soil (not frozen) have been prepared in advance. But it is better to do this from spring to autumn.

Korean fir, Ice Breaker variety

The sequence for planting Korean fir from a pot is standard: digging a planting hole corresponding to the size of the pot, → removing the seedling from the pot with a lump of earth → placing it in the planting hole so that the root collar remains at the same level, → filling the hole with fertile soil while simultaneously applying fertilizer according to the instructions → watering → mulching → shading from the sun, for example, with spruce branches or installing a shield nearby. The same rules are followed when planting large-sized Korean fir.

Since it is difficult to plant a large, heavy tree on your own, they resort to the help of special equipment and professionals.
Sometimes in a nursery you can buy a 2-3-year-old seedling with an open root system, dug up in your place. The advantage of such a plant, first of all, is that you know for sure: it grew in your climatic region, which means it will withstand winter well, first of all. After purchase, the root must be immediately covered with damp burlap, and to prevent moisture from evaporating, place it in a plastic bag during delivery. At home, the seedling should be immediately planted in the ground or dug in, watered and shaded.


Korean fir is propagated by seeds, which late autumn sown in the ground or in boxes with soil. For better germination seeds require a period of stratification (cold exposure).
Vegetative propagation Korean fir is carried out using cuttings, cut one-year-old shoots, which are planted in a mixture of sand, peat and compost (1:1:1). Without a rooting agent, cuttings practically do not form roots.


Korean fir, its varieties and hybrids created on the basis of this plant, are widely used in landscape design, harmoniously complementing any composition:
As a solo plant, tall and medium varieties of fir with a pyramidal and conical crown are used;
in a group with conifers and deciduous trees and shrubs use tall, medium and short hybrids with a varied crown shape depending on the composition and neighboring plants;
hedges - tall and medium forms of fir with a pyramidal crown:
compositions of perennial ornamental flowering plants (dwarf varieties with a spherical, cushion-shaped, conical crown);
rockeries - dwarf and low-growing forms with any crown shape; Korean fir, variety "Golden Glow" ▲
plants for terraces and summer areas, growing in pots (dwarf, slow-growing varieties);
borders - low-growing and dwarf varieties of Korean fir.

◊ Since Korean fir is a slow-growing conifer, it does not form well, so it is usually not used for topiary. When caring for Korean fir, do not cut it, only remove dry branches or shoots that interfere with the formation of the crown, for example, in creeping dwarf forms or a trunk.
◊ Sometimes Korean fir is grown in bonsai form.
◊ It can grow in conditions of increased air pollution, therefore it is suitable for landscaping large cities.

◄ Korean fir, grade Brilliant

The widespread use of Korean fir in landscaping is also facilitated by the fact that its varieties vary greatly in size, height, crown shape, color of needles, cones, frost resistance and other parameters.
How solo trees, arboretum elements And hedges Korean fir varieties are used:
Blue standard- a fast-growing variety with a pyramidal crown and very dark cones, reaching a height of 8-10 m, can grow in sun or partial shade;
Blue cones- with a greenish-blue upper surface of the needles and a bluish-silver lower surface, reaches a height of 9 m;
Luminetta- a fast-growing variety up to 2 m high with a pyramidal crown diameter of 1 m, has good winter hardiness;
Aurea- a variety reaching 7-8 m in height, has a conical crown and bright yellow young needles (adult needles are green);
Selek- 3-4 m tall, entering the cone development stage earlier than others;
Molly- a variety with a cone-shaped crown, reaching 7 m in height, with average speed growth and good winter hardiness.

Korean fir, variety "Blauer Pfiff"

As curb good:
Adelba- with dark green needles and a cushion-shaped crown (height 1.2-2.0 m):
Blue Magic- with bluish needles up to 1.7 m high;
Starkes Dwarf- height does not exceed 0.7 m, crown shape is spherical or cushion-shaped, delicate needles can suffer from the sun. It is better to plant in partial shade;
Silver Snow- up to 1.8 in height with green-blue needles.

Dwarf and miniature varieties of Korean fir Suitable for planting in flower beds, rock gardens, rock gardens, containers:
Diamond- a variety with bright green needles and a cushion-shaped crown, reaching 30-50 cm in height;
Oberon- with a round dome-shaped dense crown and bright green needles;
Green carpet- creeping variety with dark green needles, height 30-35 cm;
Denny- with a dense, rounded crown, bluish needles;
Piccolo- a variety with a cushion-shaped crown, which reaches 1 meter in diameter and 0.3 m in height;
Golden Traum- grows in the form of a bush, has yellow or yellow-green needles and a dense crown.

◄ Korean fir variety Tundra (“Tundra”) in standard form

These are just a few of the hundreds of existing varieties of Korean fir, bred by breeders. In the Russian climate of the middle zone, the most interesting are the most frost-resistant varieties of Korean fir, which can withstand down to -34°C (unlike -28°C for many others) and do not require shelter.


Icebreaker - Icebreake r – Korean silver fir with a slow growth pattern and a flat, saucer-shaped crown. The needles are slightly twisted. To preserve dwarfism, vertical shoots are cut out during care.
Silberlock - Silberlocke– cones pointing upward purple, are formed starting from 8-10 years of age. Height 10 summer tree about 2 meters. The needles are twisted, white on the underside. Crown pyramidal
Silver Star, Silver Show - Silver star, Silver Show– the needles of these varieties are silvery in color, the trees do not grow higher than 2-3 meters
Aurea– the needles of this variety of Korean fir have a golden hue. The annual growth of a tree (or shrub - variations are possible) averages 20 cm. The height at 10 years of age reaches 2-4.5 m.
Bonsai Blue - Bonsai Blue– slow growing dwarf variety with blue needles. It grows up to 6 cm per year and forms upward-growing cones at a very early age.

The dacha has long ceased to be a place for growing potatoes, and modern summer residents decorate their plots with ornamental plants with great enthusiasm. One of these is the Korean fir, the planting and care of which will be discussed in this article.

Korean fir: plant description

When talking about Korean fir, it is important to indicate its description, since this tree has a number of differences from its more popular relatives. IN natural conditions Korean fir is a giant tree that can grow up to 14 meters in height. The trunk of such a tree can have a diameter of about 1 meter.

But when growing decorative varieties of this tree, it is rarely possible to achieve similar results, although common features are still found:

  • the Korean fir tree has an attractive cone-shaped crown;
  • the needles on the tree have an unusual emerald color, although the lower part of each needle is silvery, with a waxy streak;
  • Korean fir has a peculiar cone shape, which is distinguished by its purple color and large size - up to 10 cm in height and 4 cm in width; usually the cones rise up on the branches, which gives the tree a special elegance;
  • the color of the bark is reddish, although young shoots are usually yellow;
  • the branches on the tree trunk are located quite densely, making it very attractive and even a little like an artificial spruce;
  • Korean fir has excellent winter hardiness, which is comparable to frost resistance Siberian cedar; thanks to this, it can be grown not only in the latitudes of Ukraine, but also in the northern part of Belarus and in the coldest regions of Russia;
  • V summer time this tree is no less resistant to drought, especially when it comes to adult representatives of the species.

Did you know? Except decorative properties, Korean fir also perfectly purifies the air in the area and collects harmful microelements with its needles. In addition, it has a pleasant pine aroma.

Korean fir varieties for cultivation

Planting Korean fir at random may lead to the fact that the variety you have chosen will not take root in your region or may disappoint with its decorative qualities. In addition, Korean fir has two varieties at once - tall varieties with pyramidal or cone-shaped crowns, and low-growing ones, the crown of which is more similar to a flattened ball.

It is worth noting that among the Korean fir there are species that differ in the shape of the cones, the color of the needles, and preferences in relation to growth conditions, Therefore, let’s look at the most popular varieties in more detail:

  1. . Dwarf Korean fir, which is distinguished by a cushion-shaped crown and grows in diameter to no more than 70 cm, and in height - only 0.5 meters. It is distinguished by thick dark green needles with a bluish bottom. The needles themselves are soft, up to 2 cm long. Cones are not typical for this variety.

    It takes root best in areas where there are no winds or drafts, but there is plenty of light. It is better to choose slightly acidic and loose soil. If it is characterized by poor fertility, then this problem can be corrected independently. The Korean fir variety Brilliant is best planted in containers or on rocky gardens.

  2. . This is a tall tree that can reach a height of more than 5 meters. It is distinguished by a cone-shaped crown, while the main trunk is often absent or difficult to distinguish. Main disadvantage– slow growth (grows no more than 12 cm per year). Among the advantages are interesting upturned “curly” dark green needles and 7-centimeter green-purple cones.

    The variety tolerates frost well, but its branches can break under the weight of snow. When planting this variety, choose bright places with acidic and loose soils. The Silberlock variety is ideal for single plantings, creating Japanese gardens or rockery decorations.

  3. . large tree, maximum height which can reach 7 meters. The crown has a conical shape and is about 3 meters in diameter. It is distinguished by the bright green color of its very dense needles, which in the lower part may have a bluish-gray color. The buds are very attractive because they are purple-blue in color. Their length is small - only 5 cm, but they very densely cover the branches of the tree.

    The Molly fir variety likes to grow in well-lit areas that are not blown by the wind. Does not like heavy watering, although the tree must be watered frequently. Best used for single plantings.

  4. . Another dwarf representative of the Korean fir, which is distinguished by a compact and symmetrical crown of only 80 cm in height. This tree is more like a slow-growing shrub (annual growth is only 5-7 cm). Another feature of the variety is its dense and long needles (4 cm) of a blue hue. But cones can be found extremely rarely, as on all representatives of dwarf fir.

    For good growth This variety is recommended to be planted in well-lit areas where there is sandy or loamy soil with a high humus content. Compacta fir is most often used for planting in containers and rock gardens. It takes root well near ponds and walking paths.

  5. . The tree of this variety is distinguished by its small height (only about 1.5 meters) and a dense compact cushion without a pronounced center. Over the course of a year, it grows by about 6 cm. It is distinguished by short, thick and soft needles, top part which has a violet-silver color, and the lower one is white. The buds are also purple or dark blue and have no big sizes.

    This is practically the only variety of Korean fir that is able to grow in slightly shaded places and also loves humid conditions. nutrient soils(but don't forget about drainage). The variety is best able to decorate alpine coaster and oriental gardens.

  6. Important! On summer cottage fir can be planted not only for decoration, but also to protect other plants from the wind. It is noteworthy that this coniferous tree is an excellent neighbor not only to its relatives, but also to fruit and berry bushes and trees.

    Features of planting Korean fir

    Since the homeland of fir is the temperate and subtropical zones, it follows that the tree is not able to take root in all areas. Therefore, the place for planting it should be chosen with special care, and sometimes significant changes should be made to your site.

    Choosing a landing site

    Features of choosing a place for Korean fir largely depend on the selected variety of this tree. But the basic requirements will be:

  • good lighting, since shade and partial shade are destructive for most varieties;
  • absence of other large trees near, especially if you want to plant tall fir varieties;
  • no strong drafts, to which young seedlings are especially intolerant.

Important! Keep in mind that fir grows slowly, but in adulthood it will be quite large. Therefore, when planting it, try to retreat as far as possible from buildings and other trees. Another feature of this plant is the shallow location of its roots, which also does not allow large plants to be planted nearby.

Soil requirements

Korean fir does not require many nutrients when grown, so you can choose almost any soil for planting it. Even loamy soils and heavy soils are suitable for this purpose, which the plant is able to “ennoble” over time, making their composition more structured.

It is best to plant Korean fir on sandy soils or other types of light soils with big amount organic substances. Acidic soils are also suitable for this purpose.

Just keep in mind that fir does not like wetlands, as well as areas that are flooded with water in the spring. If your site is just like this, take care of a good drainage system in advance.

How to plant Korean fir correctly

Having decided on the planting site, let's figure out how to plant Korean fir seedlings so that they not only take root, but also grow into an attractive bush.

Firstly, the ideal time for planting is early spring, while young buds and shoots have not yet appeared on the seedlings.

Secondly, the age of the seedling for planting must be at least 4 years, although even 10-year-old trees are excellent for this purpose. It is not recommended to use younger seedlings, as in the summer they will suffer due to strong light, and in the winter they may die from frost.

landing pit We prepare a deep one for the seedling. In this matter, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the variety - the larger the crown and root system, the larger the hole should be. On average, its depth can vary from 50 to 80 cm. When preparing a hole, it is important to fill it with a mixture of soil dug from it with humus and peat ( we take 1 part of the soil from the site and 0.5 each of humus and peat).

Having poured this mixture in a mound into the hole, give it time to settle, then start planting - spread the roots of the Korean fir over the earthen mound and fill it with the rest of the soil. After planting, the fir is watered generously with several buckets of water, and the circle around the trunk is mulched.
It is very important that when planting, the root collar is not buried in the soil. If it ends up underground, the tree will not grow and after a while it may even die.

Important! When planting fir, you can pursue two goals - growing single lush trees or creating a hedge. In the first option, it is necessary to leave a distance between trees of at least 5 meters, and in the second - only 2 meters.

How to care for Korean fir

Korean fir, except correct landing, also requires care, which is important to base on the needs of the tree, as well as based on the characteristics of the soil on your site and the time of year. Trees that were planted in decorative containers will require special attention. They will need watering and fertilizing more often.

Watering the plant and caring for the soil

Young seedlings that do not yet have a strong root system need moisture more. In particular, immediately after planting, it is worth adding moisture to the soil every 10-15 days. The same should be done with those Korean fir trees that are grown in containers.

As for adult large trees, it is worth adding moisture to them no more than 2-3 times during one growing season, since fir is a drought-resistant plant. However, if the summer turns out to be very dry, it would not be a bad idea to organize twice a day of watering during the month.

Plant nursery "Sign of the Earth"

Landscape design of the site

Landscape design of a site is a real art, which involves a whole group of specialists. Landscape design is distinguished by individuality, because you are unlikely to find two identical plots: each house with its surrounding area and landscape is unique. Therefore, designers and planners create a landscape design that is suitable only for you and where all your dreams are realized. Landscape design is only limited by your imagination. For example, you need to beautifully decorate your terrace for a pleasant pastime. Or maybe you are dreaming about small pond, where a cascade with murmuring water will be built. If the project includes a swimming pool, then a changing cabin is needed, and the ground around the entire perimeter must be covered with safe materials.
Having equipped a fountain, you can listen to the sound of falling water. For some, the presence of bodies of water personal plot is not necessary, then a landscape design specialist can create the appearance of the presence of water using a “dry” stream. Our fantasy landscape designers is limitless, and the photo gallery of our completed projects will help you in determining what your summer cottage should be like. Our company employs creative personalities, who are experienced and highly qualified specialists who are ready to fill your garden with life, which will bring you the joy of communicating with it for many years.
Our studio landscape design strives to preserve and improve the existing natural environment on the site. In this regard, each tree, shrub or part of the relief, at your request, will become integral organic elements of the new garden design. Our specialists love their work and will be happy to provide any assistance!

Nursery ornamental plants

We are engaged landscaping personal plots, cottages, suburban and urban areas. Our task is integrated approach to landscaping. We are ready not only to give you beautiful and adapted plants, but to deliver them and plant them.

Our plant nursery employs only competent and qualified specialists in various areas. Each of us has unique knowledge of planting and replanting plants, pruning trees and shrubs, we will tell you how to properly care for your garden and give recommendations on landscape design.