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» Altar: dangerous walking. Actions of the altar server at the liturgy

Altar: dangerous walking. Actions of the altar server at the liturgy

On September 19, the Orthodox Church celebrates the day of the altar boy or the day of the sexton. Today we want to tell you more about this day and tell you about who the altar server is.

history of the holiday

Traditionally, the day of the altar boy is considered the day of the miracle of the Archangel Michael, who was in Khonekh (Colossae), performed through the prayers of Archippus of Herotopus, who served in the temple for about 60 years. The Monk Archippus of Herotopus was born into a Christian family in the city of Hierapolis. When he was 10 years old, he came to the Church of St. Michael the Archangel and remained here to serve as a sexton. Archippus led an ascetic life, fasted a lot, humbled his flesh, and prayed.

He convinced many pagans who came to the holy spring to leave the service of soulless idols and, having repented, turn to Christ. Inveterate pagans, led by their priests, tried several times to kill the Monk Archippus, but the Lord protected him. Finally, the wicked decided to wipe out the temple of God from the face of the earth and destroy Saint Archippus by flooding the area where the church and healing spring were located.

Seeing their intentions, Saint Archippus did not leave the temple and began to pray and ask our Lord Jesus Christ and Archangel Michael, so that the house of God would not suffer an evil fate. Archangel Michael The Lord heard the prayer of His saint, and the saint became a witness to the great miracle of the Archangel Michael, who was in Khoneh, when the Archangel himself appeared near the church and, with a blow of his rod, opened a wide cleft in the rock and ordered a destructive stream of water to rush into it. The temple remained undamaged. The pagans, in great fear, abandoned everything and fled, but the Christians glorified the Lord and thanked the Holy Archangel for his miraculous help.

From then on, the Monk Arkhippus, without leaving his side, lived at the temple until a very old age and died peacefully at the age of seventy. Believers buried their beloved saint in Khoneh, at the site of his spiritual achievement.

Who is an altar server?

The role of the altar server has changed quite a lot over many times and now looks different. Previously, the main task of the altar server was to protect the temple (the role of a watchman). Over time, the responsibilities have changed and now the altar server monitors the timely and correct lighting of candles, lamps and other lamps in the altar and in front of the iconostasis; prepares the vestments of priests and deacons; brings prosphora, wine, water and incense to the altar; lights the coal and prepares the censer; is engaged in serving the plate for wiping the lips during Communion; assists the priest in performing the sacraments and requirements; cleans the altar; if necessary, can read prayers during services and perform the duties of a bell ringer.

Temple of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste - Feast of Pentecost

The surplice is a vestment for the altar boy

Visually distinguishing an altar server is quite simple! The altar server wears a surplice over lay clothes. The surplices come in several colors and each of them carries a specific meaning. The golden surplice is worn every day.

  • Blue or the blue color of the vestment is worn on the feasts of the Mother of God (as well as Candlemas).
  • White- on the days of remembrance of the ethereal Angelic forces, in parents' Saturdays, Lazarus and Holy Saturday.
  • Violet- in the days of remembrance of the Cross of the Lord, this surplice symbolizes the power of the Spirit and the Savior’s feat on the cross. Also on Saturdays and Sundays on Lent, Maundy Thursday, First and Second Finding of the Head of John the Baptist and the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste.
  • Green- on the feasts of saints and holy fools. In green vestments of all shades symbolizing color eternal life, the days of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit and Palm Sunday are also celebrated.
  • Black- on ordinary days of Lent.
  • Red- It is customary to wear it on Easter and on the days of remembrance of martyrs.

The article was prepared by the sexton of the Church of the Forty Sebastian Martyrs Boris Galkin

“I can,” Pasha said and pulled his miter over his eyes. “I think the cap is coming,” he smiled, looking down at the speechless altar boys and the deacon. Pasha really looked down on him - he was about two meters tall. Piety, apparently, too: you can’t just put a bishop’s miter on your head. Humility is needed here. Increased. And, of course, it was, as the rector later explained to the altar boys, who were pale with indignation: “Guys, don’t touch it. He is the nephew of the Most Important Man. So it's good. And he always behaves well. Well, or almost always. In short, don’t worry: it might hit you. Or snitch."

It was not even Pasha’s ability to knock that angered the altar attendants, both old and young, but the simplicity, not allowing even a hint of objection, with which he walked along the altar in the bishop’s miter. “Well, you can’t do that!” - everyone sighed. And Pasha smiled humbly and continued to circle around the altar. He still took off the miter. He didn’t even take it off - he tore it off when he heard steps and the knock of his uncle’s staff. And before anyone else, he bowed deeply, being the first to run up, folding his hands in blessing.

Soon he disappeared, went somewhere, leaving behind the most grateful memory and the nickname “Pasha Obnorsky” - apparently given to him for his special piety. Well, he left and left. Maybe he’s already serving somewhere now. In mitre. It was a long time ago. Or maybe it didn’t happen at all - it was a nightmare.

Pasha left, but the problems remained. More precisely, they were identified.

Parishioners quite often express complaints about the aunties behind the notorious church “box”: they say they can be rude, look with an unkind eye, say all sorts of ad-libbed heresy, and so on and so forth. And the problem that has emerged concerns the opposite, most eastern part of the temple - the altar. More precisely, altar servers. Even more precisely, their behavior. Is everything okay, is everything okay? It is this problem that we are talking about with Archpriest Alexy Sorokin, rector of the Vologda Church in the name of St. Lazarus the Four-Days.

- Father Alexy, no one argues that altar servers are needed. It is clear that they are simply necessary. Another thing is the dangers that altar servers are exposed to while being in the most important place of the temple...

In fact, we are all susceptible to this danger - getting used to the sacred - priests, altar servers, singers, cleaners... In my opinion, everyone who works in the church runs the risk of losing the sense of the sacred, the sacred - of beginning to perceive the temple not as a place of service, but as a place of work, or friendly gatherings, or gossip - you never know what! And, by the way, about the main place of the temple: isn’t every centimeter of it the main one? I remember that the repentant publican did not stand in the Holy of Holies at all, but even in the vestibule...

Now about the altar servers. Yes, they are needed. Priests need them first of all, “for it is unfitting for us to leave the word of God and worry about tables” (Acts 6:2). Although these words of Holy Scripture mostly concerned deacons, the essence is the same: the main work of a priest is prayer. And it is unlikely that prayer will be intensified if the priest has to do without the help of those very altar servers: he must light the censer, warm the water on time, and simply constantly maintain order. So, in my opinion, the main task of altar servers should be considered their assistance to the prayers of the priest and, consequently, the parishioners, the entire community. Of course, this assistance implies sacrifice. And also concentration: after all, while helping at the altar, let’s say, physically, physically, the altar server should not forget about the spiritual side. That is, he himself must pray to the best of his ability - otherwise great benefit there will be no harm from his presence at the altar. Rather, harm - to one’s own soul in the first place.

This is very well stated in the preface to the wonderful book “Repentance is Left to Us” by Abbot Nikon (Vorobiev). Let’s remember: “Father loved to serve and served with concentration, concentration, and with all his heart, which was felt by everyone. He performed the service simply, restrainedly, naturally. He could not stand artistry or any pretentiousness in performing worship, reading, singing, and made comments to the “artists”...

He forbade anyone to enter the altar, or even more so to stand in it unless absolutely necessary. At the altar, the priest never said anything other than the most necessary, and he did not allow others to do this. I never confessed during the Liturgy: I conducted confession either before the Liturgy, or the night before (at ). He said: a person should pray during the Liturgy, and not wait in line to confess.”

It seems to me that such a strict and reverent attitude of Abbot Nikon towards church service- and to prayer at the altar in particular - deserves the closest attention and imitation on our part. Indeed, unnecessary conversations, inactive, idle presence in the altar, and in the entire church, should not be allowed - this is a profanation of Christianity.

But there are quite a lot of young people, even boys, in the altars of our churches. Don't you think that the time has long passed when any male person entering a temple was automatically considered a potential clergyman or clergyman, and therefore was easily ushered into the sanctum sanctorum?

Seems. That is why we demand that young altar servers learn piety. Due to their age, and upbringing too, they cannot do without difficulties: there are completely useless, stupid conflicts, and, alas, there are also violations of reverent silence. That's why sometimes you have to be strict. But, in addition to severity, it is necessary - I want to draw attention to this - education. The whole community, and not just one priest, can and should engage in such education. If the service in the temple takes place in reverent silence, then the order itself forces the youth in the altar to adhere to strict rules. If at the service they whisper, discuss old news, push and quarrel, if the church “box” becomes a gathering place for a bustling queue (this most often happens before the removal of the Chalice, during the reading of prayers for Communion - in the most important moment worship!), then this, alas, provokes young people to unworthy behavior. Then this vile hypocrisy appears: to leave with important look from the altar, pushing aside the parishioners, walk around the temple, enter the altar again, close the doors and, considering the altar as something like “your room,” continue jokes or something else.

In addition, the help of senior altar servers is important. A mature person, a sincere believer, serves at the altar, as I am constantly convinced, very responsibly and reverently. And it is really easier for a priest to pray when such people help him. So the young should learn from the elders.

And priests, I think, should be more attentive to those boys and young men who are offered to help at the altar. In my opinion, it is not worth introducing into the holy of holies any boy who catches your eye in the church. This is dangerous - both for the order of service and for this boy himself in the future.

- Are there examples of altar servers who make you happy?

Of course have. To be honest, what struck me most was not the ministers, but the altar servers: the old maidens who once helped in cathedral Vologda. The reverence with which they treated their service, I am sure, can be learned by many, including clergy. This is truly an example of serving Christ with your heart!

- What advice would you give to young people helping at the altar?

Not me, but gives advice: “Be careful how dangerously you walk” - “Take heed therefore and walk carefully, not as fools, but as wise...” (Eph. 5:15).

Currently, the responsibilities of an altar server may include the following:
- replacement in the temple,
- burning in and on the iconostasis,
- if necessary, reading at a service (see).
- bringing water to the altar,
- Preparation ,
— training of priests and deacons (see),
- serving fee for wiping lips during ,
- assistance to the priest when performing and,
- functions of a bell ringer,
- cleaning the altar.

For this position, the rector selects lay men with high moral qualities, filled with reverence. All those who decide to devote themselves to the priesthood must serve as an altar server as an obedience.

Altar boy as a prototype of an Angel

The altar boy carries out three parish ministries: reader, sexton and paraecclesiarch. As a reader, he participates in worship, conveying to the church people the words of prayers and teachings (including the texts of the Holy Scriptures). As a sexton, he performs the sacred rites prescribed for him by the charter (entrances with candles, etc.) and helps (as if he serves) the clergy. As a paraecclesiarch, the altar boy keeps order in the temple during the service, prepares the temple premises and church utensils for the service and cleans up after, prepares the substance of the Sacraments (bread, wine, oil, etc.).

The importance of serving as an altar boy imposes a special responsibility on the people who bear this obedience. Firstly, the altar server must be a person of high spiritual life, because Without inner prayer and without struggling with one’s own passions, it is impossible to serve (serve) at the Throne of God. The altar server should especially cultivate the virtues of humility, prudence, attentiveness, hard work and responsibility (not only for himself, but also for his fellow men). Secondly, the altar server must be literate in the church: know the rules of worship, Church Slavonic language, creed Orthodox Church, and must continually improve his Christian education. Thirdly, the altar server must be extremely strict with himself. This concerns not only the inner life of the soul, but also the external appearance of the clergyman. The altar server should behave meekly and sedately when dealing with people. Appearance he must always be neat (clean hair, not wrinkled clothes; plain shirt, black trousers and black polished shoes). The altar server's speech should be calm, polite and convincing.

Often in modern parish life one can find a disdainful attitude towards the service of the altar boy. However, the Tradition of the Church testifies to us that the altar boy, like other servants of the Altar, represents in himself and through his obedience the image of the heavenly world - the image of the Kingdom of God, prefiguring the Angels, and will serve Christ the Savior in the matter of saving people (the local church community) from sin and death.

Hieromonk Jerome (Zub)

Responsibilities of altar servers during the liturgy in the absence of a deacon

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1) Warm up lamps. Prepare wine. Before pouring wine into a jug, you should definitely taste it to see if it has turned sour or if there are any foreign flavors; it is ideal to pour the wine in the evening. Prepare water for proskomedia, a small amount of, so that the bottom of the pot is only covered, the water should be the most ordinary, not consecrated, not the remnants of warmth from the last liturgy. Bring notes to the altar. Read the memorials with the blessing of the priest during the proskomedia and at free intervals before the Cherubim.

2) Submit censer at the end as directed by the priest (First raise it with your right hand, left hand holds the bottom cup so that top part did not interfere with holding it over the censer. Then release the lower cup to burn the large cover). Slice.

3) When censing begins, open. (Close it after the Great Entrance). Before the start of the liturgy, turn on chandelier.

4)Small entrance. During the outcry priest "For God is good and a lover of mankind, and we send glory to You..." before the start of singing 3 (usually “Blessed”), the sexton’s lamp is lit candle on a high place. The altar boy stands next to her. The beginning of the Small Entrance usually occurs during the singing of “Blesseds of Mercy” (if troparia are sung on “Blesseds”, then on “Glory”) the altar server is simultaneously baptized with the priest, bows to him, after the saint goes from the throne to the high place , approach the door with a candle, when the priest passes the high place, open the northern gate and go out. After blessing the priest at the entrance, the altar server enters the southern gate, puts the candle back on the high place, crosses himself and bows to the priest, and puts out the candle.

5) Reading of the Apostle. While singing the Trisagion, holding Apostle vertically in front of you, take the blessing with the words: “ Bless the Lord, Holy Apostle, read" and get out.
6) During the reading of the Apostle (if there is only one altar boy, then before) serve censer.
7) While singing the Alleluaria, bring out candle on the pulpit.
If there is one altar boy, then after the Small Entrance he does not bring the candle into the altar, but leaves it burning in front of the icon of the Savior. After reading the Alleluary, a candle is placed in front of the pulpit.
After reading the Holy Gospel candle is brought into the altar and extinguished.
8) During the pronunciation of the funeral and funeral litanies, distribute the ordered commemorations among the serving clergy.
8a) Submit censer, if there is a funeral litany. The priest, reading the litany, censes the throne, standing with his back to the open royal doors.

9) Great entrance.
9a) After the priest reads the secret prayer “No one is worthy...”, submit censer for censing the altar and iconostasis.
While the saint censes the iconostasis on the salt, light it candle. Upon completion of censing, pick up censer.
9b) After the third reading by the priest “Like the Cherubim,” approach the altar with censer. Give it to the priest. If there is only one altar server, then take the censer in your right hand, take it in your left candle– we go out to the soleya, stand in front of the pulpit. As soon as the saint places the Gifts on the throne, enter the altar.
9c) Immediately put and extinguish the candle and serve censer high for censing the cover.

10) Exclamation “Let us love one another” - approach the curtain to open it. At the cry of “Doors, doors...” open veil.
11) While singing the Creed, it boils kettle.
12) When singing: “We sing to you...” (after the consecration of the Holy Gifts) after bowing to the ground, give the holy censer for the incense of the Holy Gifts.

13) At the cry of “Let’s get out there!” Holy of holies" close veil
14) Immediately serve on a tray kettle with boiling water (pre-rinse the kettle with boiling water).
14b) Place immediately candle in front of the Royal Doors.

15) At the end of the singing, the sacrament is read prayers to Holy Communion.
16) Open veil as directed by the priest.
17) Rearrange candle to the icon of the Savior.
18) Hold boards and wipe the lips of the communicants. If the Holy Gifts get on the cards, do not allow them to fall to the floor.
19) After receiving communion for the laity, give censer for the incense of the throne, and then the altar.
20) Light it up candle on the altar.
21) Pick up censer and present it again to the priest before the altar.
22) Carry away candle from the pulpit to the altar after the exclamation: “Always, now and ever...” before the transfer of the Holy Gifts.
23) Distribute antidor.
24) Read prayers of thanks.
25) Give a letter kettle With warm water for washing the Bowl.

Reading order

Priest: Let's remember. Peace to all.
Reader: And to your spirit.
Priest: Wisdom.
Reader:Prokeimenon, voice (.): the entire prokeimenon.
Choir: repeats the prokeimenon.
Reader: Verse after prokemna.
Choir– the entire prokeimenon.
Reader: Prokeimenon (1st part - up to the comma).
Choir: 2nd part of the prokinna.
(If there is a second prokeimenon, then instead the reader: Prokeimenon, voice(.): the second prokeimenon in its entirety. Chorus: prokeimenon).
Priest: Wisdom.
Reader:……….. *reading.
(Acts of the Apostle reading (Or: Petrov's conciliar message [or: Ioannova, and it’s not customary to say what message this is- first, or second, or third] reading. Or: To the Romans [To the Corinthians; To galatum; To Timothy and so on.] reading of the epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul.))
Priest: Let's remember.
The reader reads Apostle…(Starts in a slow low voice, raising the tone; if there are two readings, then the first reading ends with a lowering of the tone and then the tone rises again)
Priest: Peace be with you, who honor you.
Reader: And to your spirit.
Priest: Wisdom.

If one reading, then
Reader: Hallelujah (3 times)
Choir sings “Hallelujah” three times on the indicated voice.
Reader: 1st alleluia verse; Chorus:"Hallelujah",
Reader: - 2nd verse of the alleluia, Chorus:"Hallelujah".

If there are two readings, then
Reader: Hallelujah (3 times) and immediately 1st alleluia verse; Chorus:"Hallelujah",
Reader: - 2nd verse of the alleluia, Chorus:"Hallelujah".
Reader: 1st verse of the second alleluia; Chorus:"Hallelujah"

In churches where they sing the znamenny chant instead of Hallelujah (3 times), they often pronounce the Hallelujah voice (.)

It is unacceptable to make mistakes when reading prayers; the emphasis in words must be placed correctly. Also, the reader must understand well the meaning of what is being read, correctly make logical stresses, stop at punctuation marks, etc. Reading should be recitative, without shouting, monotonous, without jumps that hurt the ear. If there is a lack of experience, it is necessary to review the text of the prayers in advance, and the text of the Apostolic Readings, Prokeemna, and Alleluia must be viewed in advance in any case.

The candle is lit with the stub of another candle. When they light or take away a candle from a high place, they first cross themselves and bow to the high place and bow to the throne.

How to give a censer to a priest. Hold the ring with your right hand, pull out the chain of the lid with your left hand and grab all the chains.

Definition of the apostolic principles and reading of the prokeimns, alleluaries, troparions, kontakia

If there are 2 troparions on the clock, then: troparion 1 - Glory.. – troparion 2nd – And now.
The kontakion is always read alone. At the 3rd hour the first, at the 6th the second.
If there are 2 prokeimenons, then: prokeimenon, voice... (1st prokeimenon) - verse - prokeimenon voice... (2nd prokeimenon).

Definition of the conception of the Apostolic Reading, Prokeemnon and Alleluary.

  1. We open the chapter “Collection of 12 months” (non-permanent calendar). Conceived in the Apostle through (from beginning to end). If there is no holiday with reading on this day, then step 2.
  2. Chapter “Prokimny... daytime” (by days of the week). Select the appropriate day.
  3. On Sunday. Chapter “Prokeemny... liturgical eight voices.”
  4. If we want to commemorate a locally revered saint, then the chapter “Prokeemnes... common to the saints.”
  5. During the Easter cycle we use the “Tale of Antiphons and Prokeimenons” (rotating calendar).

While reading the Apostle, we gradually raise our voice and end on 3 notes.
If there are 2 apostolic readings (a holiday and a saint), then at the end of the first the voice is lowered. Without announcement, we immediately read the second reading from the same low note. Further, as one reading.

Rules of conduct for altar servers

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Before entering the temple, you must turn off your mobile phone.

Upon entering the holy altar, the altar server should reverently do three prostrations in front of the holy throne, cross yourself with a bow towards the High Place and approach the senior clergyman for a blessing.
On Saturday, Sunday and holidays, according to the prescription of the Typikon, it is necessary to make only bows from the waist.

Before putting on the surplice, it is necessary to ask for a blessing to put on the surplice from the serving priest or from the bishop (if during the service it is necessary to remove the surplice, then it is no longer necessary to take a blessing to put on the surplice again).

The duties of the altar attendant include monitoring the seven-branched candlestick, lamps and altar candlesticks, except those that stand on the throne. The latter are watched by the clergy. Persons who do not have holy orders are not allowed to place or remove lamps and candlesticks from the throne. In addition, the altar server must carefully monitor the censer so that the coal burns in it at the right time.

The altar boy must present the censer to the serving deacon from the right side of the holy altar.

When passing through a mountainous place, it is necessary to make the sign of the cross. Before presenting the censer to the deacon, the altar boy must cross himself with him towards the icon of the high place and bow to the serving priest. It is recommended to take the censer from the deacon in the same place and with the same actions that should be done before serving the censer.

You should try to walk around the altar as little as possible. Conversations and laughter in the altar are unacceptable. It is allowed only in a whisper, calmly, to say something concerning the service. During the Eucharistic canon, the Cherubic song and the reading of the Gospel there should be no extraneous actions or speech, except for prayers.

Touching the throne and the altar, passing in front of the throne (between it and the Royal Doors), and entering/exiting through the Royal Doors is strictly prohibited.

Food products (and especially those of animal origin) are prohibited in the altar.

It is advisable not to make notes in the liturgical books.

In case of any type of bleeding, the altar server must immediately leave the altar.

How to hold the plate during communion

During the communion of the laity, the altar boy may be invited by the priest to hold the cloth and wipe the lips of the communicants. This obedience should be performed with the utmost attention and caution. It is important to ensure that communicants:
- held their hands on their chest in a cross;
- under no circumstances were baptized in front of the Chalice;
— the children immediately swallowed the Holy Gifts.
You should hold the board wide (fully unfolded) and be prepared for the child or adult to make a sudden movement or even cough.

If the baby is in the arms of the parents, then they should put his head to theirs right hand. The altar boy should hold the baby's hands.



(although there is a deacon in the text, the ministry of the altar boy in this manual is described for a church without a deacon)

An icon of the holiday is placed on the lectern in the temple, a censer and a candle are prepared. The lights in the temple turn on.

Just before the startsubmit the censer according to custom (i.e. standing to the right of the priest who is in front of the Throne) and do not leave.The priest opens the altar and goes to burn incense in the temple. Accept the censer from the priest who entered at that time and take it away.

Deacon: Arise! God bless!

Priest: Glory to the Holy, Consubstantial, Life-Giving, and Indivisible Trinity always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Choir: Amen.

Priests at the altar: Come, let us worship our King God.

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God.

Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God.

Come, let us worship and fall before Him .

Psalm 103, opening

(The verses of the psalm are read by the canonarch and repeated in chorus (they are placed in square brackets).

In parish churches, only some verses of the psalm are usually sung (they are printed in italics).)

Bless, soulmy, Gentlemen, [Blessed art thou, O Lord.] O Lord my God, thou art greatly magnified [Blessed art thou, O Lord], you have clothed yourself with confession and greatness. Dress yourself in light like a robe, stretch out the sky like skin. Cover Thy most exalted waters, base the clouds on Thy ascent, walk on the wing of the wind. Create your angels, your spirits, and your servants, your fiery flame. Found the earth on its firmament, it will not bow forever. The abyss is like a robe, its robe; there will be water on the mountains. [Wonderful thingsThowl, Lord]. They will flee from Your rebuke; they will fear the voice of Your thunder. Mountains rise and fields descend to the place you founded for them. You have set a limit; they will not pass it; they will return to cover the earth. Send springs into the wilds, waters will pass through the mountains. All the animals of the village are drinking, waiting for the onagers to satisfy their thirst. On these, the birds of the sky will take root, from the midst of the stones they will give a voice. Solder the mountains from Your exalted ones; From the fruit of Your works the earth will be satisfied. Vegetate the grass for cattle and grain for the service of man, to bring bread from the earth. And wine gladdens a man’s heart, anointing the face with oil, and bread strengthens a man’s heart. The trees of Poland and the cedars of Lebanon, which you planted, will be satisfied. There the birds will nest; Erodian’s dwelling will lead them. The mountains are high with trees, the stone is a refuge for the hare. You created the moon in time, the sun knew its west. Thou hast laid down darkness, and the night has come, in which all the beasts of the oak forest will pass; bring down the roaring ones, take them away and seek food for yourself from God. The sun has risen, and they have gathered together and lie down in their beds. A man will go out to his work and his work until the evening. How great are Your works, O Lord, You created all things with wisdom: The earth is filled with Thy creation. This sea is great and spacious, there are reptiles there, there are countless of them, small animals with great ones. There ships sail, this serpent, whom you created, curse him. Everyone is looking to You, to give them food at a good time. If I give you to them, they will collect it; I will open Your hand, and all things will be filled with goodness. I will turn away Your face, and they will rebel; take away their spirit and they will disappear and return to their dust. Follow Thy Spirit, and they will be created, and renew the face of the earth. Be the glory of the Lord forever: the Lord will rejoice in His works. Look at the earth and make it shake, touch the mountains and make them smoke. I will sing to the Lord in my belly, I will sing to my God until I am. May my conversation delight Him; I will rejoice in the Lord. Let sinners disappear from the earth, and lawless women, as if they did not exist. Bless the Lord, my soul. [ Glory to You, Lord,who createdall.] Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to You, O God. (Thrice)

Great Litany

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord in peace.

Choir: Lord have mercy. (For every request.)

Let us pray to the Lord for the peace from above and the salvation of our souls.

About the peace of the whole world, the welfare of the Saints Churches of God and for the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord.

For this holy temple and for those who enter it with faith, reverence and fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.

About our great Lord and Father, His Holiness Patriarch (name), and about our Lord, His Eminence Metropolitan (or: archbishop, or: bishop) (name), honorable presbytery, deaconship in Christ, for all the clergy and people, let us pray to the Lord.

For our God-protected country, its authorities and army, let us pray to the Lord.

About this city [or: about this weight; if inmonacmеpe, then: for this holy monastery], every city, country and those who live in them by faith, let us pray to the Lord.

Let us pray to the Lord for the goodness of the air, for the abundance of earthly fruits and times of peace.

About those floating, traveling, the sick, the suffering, the captives and about their salvation. Let's pray to the Lord.

Let us pray to the Lord for deliverance from all sorrow, anger and need.

Having commemorated our Most Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and each other, and our whole life to Christ our God.

Chorus:To you, Lord.

Priest: For due to You is all glory, honor and worship, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Blessed is the husband

(First Antiphon of the 1st Kathisma)

Chorus:Blessed is the man who does not follow the counsel of the wicked. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

For the Lord knows the wayrighteousand the way of the wicked will perish. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Work for the Lord with fear and rejoice in Him with trembling. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Blessed are all the hopeful Nan. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Arise, Lord, save me, my God. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

The Lord's salvation is for menTThy blessing upon them. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, Glory to Thee, O God. (Thrice)

The censer is being prepared.

Litany small

Deacon: Let us pray again and again in peace to the Lord.

Choir: Lord have mercy.

Intercede, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Your grace.

Chorus:Lord have mercy.

Chorus:To you, Lord.

Priest: For Thine is the power, and Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages,

X op:Amen

On " Lord I cried » Place the censer at the southern gate of the Holy See. The priest opens the altar and goes to burn incense in the temple. Accept the censer from the priest who entered and take it away.

Lord, I cried

1st face: Lord, I have called to You, hear me; / hear me, Lord. / Lord, I have called to You, hear me; / Hear the voice of my prayer. / Always call me to You; / hear me, Lord.

2nd face: May my prayer be corrected, / like incense before You, / the lifting of my hand, / an evening sacrifice. / Hear me, Lord.

Put it down, Lord...(Ps. 140,141).

For 10 verses (stichera)(On all-night vigil There are 8 or 10 stichera. If according to the charter of this service there are 8 stichera, then the 10th and 9th verses are omitted.

Get me out of prison my soul, (This first part of the verse is read by the canonarch (the director of church singing); the second part of the verse is sung by the singers and immediately begin to sing the stichera.) confess to the NameThow.

The righteous are waiting for me, / until now reward me.

At 8:From the depths I have cried to You, O Lord, / Lord, hear my voice. Let there be earsThowl / heed the voice of my prayer.

At 6:If you see iniquity, Lord, Lord, who will stand?/ ForatYou have cleansing.

For the sake of the nameTYou have suffered, O Lord, my soul has endured in Your word, / my soul has trusted in the Lord.

On 4:From the morning watch until the night, from the morning watch, / let Israel trust in the Lord.

For with the Lord is mercy, and with him is great deliverance: / andTHe will deliver Israel from all their iniquities.

Praise the Lord, all nations, / Praise Him, all people.

For His mercy is established upon us, / and the truth of the Lord endures forever.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Dogmatist or stichera.

(It is sung: on Sunday - the dogmatic voice, on the twelfth holiday - the stichera of the holiday,

on the feast of the saint - placed on the row of the Theotokos.On dogmatics, an entrance is made with a censer.)

If there is only one altar server, light the candle in advance and then serve the censer. Place the candle in the High Place.

If there are two: one serves the censer, and the second with a candle stands in the High Place.

Who with a candle, synchronously with the priest, is baptized and bows to the High Place and the priest and in front of the priest goes out through the northern gate, along the pulpit through the center goes to the lectern, not reachinghim turns 180 0 , puts the candle in front of him (now standing with his back to the lectern) and steps back a little to the right so as not to stand in the center and not block the candle from people. He stands in front of the lectern, and after the priest comes out to the pulpit and bless the people, he also enters through the center,already south gate to the altar, through the High Place, bows, extinguishes and puts the candle in its place.

Entrance with censer

Deacon: Wisdom, forgive me.


Chorus:SvetaQuiet holy glory of the Immortal Heavenly Father, /Holy, Blessed Jesus Christ! / Having come to the west of the sun, having seen the evening light, / we sing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, God. /You are worthy at all times to be reverends, / Give life to the Son of God; / the world also glorifies you.

Deacon: Let's remember.

Priest: Peace to all.

Deacon: Wisdom. Prokeimenon, voice...

Daytime prokimny(vespers) with verses

On Saturday, tone 6:

The chorus repeats:The Lord reigned, clothed with beauty.

Verse 1. The Lord clothed himself with strength and girded himself.

Chorus:The Lord reigns, clothed in beauty. (For each verse).

Verse 2. For establish the universe, even if it does not move.

Verse 3. Holiness befits Thy house, O Lord, for the length of days.

Deacon: The Lord reigns.

Chorus:I have clothed myself with beauty.

On Sunday, tone 8:

Behold, now bless the Lord / all you servants of the Lord.

Poem: Standing in the temple of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God.

On Monday, tone 4:

The Lord will hear me, / whenever I cry to Him.

Poem: The God of my righteousness will always call upon me and hear me.

On Tuesday, tone 1:

MercyThowl, O Lord, / he will marry me all the days of my life.

Poem: The Lord shepherds me and deprives me of nothing; in the place of hell, there they installed me.

On Wednesday, tone 5:

God, in the nameTSave me in every way, / and judge me in Your power.

Poem: God, hear my prayer, inspire the words of my mouth.

Thursday, tone 6

My help comes from the Lord, / who created heaven and earth.

Poem: I lift up my eyes to the mountains, and from here my help will come.

On Friday, tone 7:

God, You are my Protector, / and You are mercyTthe howl will precede me.

Poem: Deliver me from my enemies, O God, and deliver me from those who rise up against me.


(occurs on holidays, reads according to “Less Menstruation”)

If there are proverbs, the altar boy takes the Menaion from the choir and becomes before(! ) analogue.

Reading order: SV: Wisdom! Reader: Genesis reading. SV: Let's hear it!... And the first proverb is read. It ends and the same thing happens again: SV: Wisdom! Reader: Exodus reading. SV: Let's hear it!... And the second proverb is read, etc.


Deacon: We say everything with all our hearts, and we say everything with all our thoughts.

Chorus:Lord have mercy.

Lord Almighty, God of our fathers, we pray to You, hear and have mercy.

Have mercy on us, O God, according to Your great mercy, we pray to You, hear and have mercy.

Chorus:Lord have mercy. (Three times, for each request)

We also pray for our Great Lord and Father, His Holiness the Patriarch (name), (or: archbishop, or: bishop) (name), and all our brethren in Christ.

We also pray for our God-protected country, its authorities and army, so that we may live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity.

We also pray for the blessed and ever-memorable creators of this holy temple (if in a monastery: this holy monastery), and about all the departed fathers and brothers. lying here and everywhere, Orthodox.

We also pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and forgiveness of sins of God's servants. brethren of this holy temple (if in a monastery: this holy monastery).

We also pray for those who are fruitful and virtuous in this holy and all-honorable temple, for those who work, sing and stand before us, expecting great and rich mercy from You.

Priest: For You are a Merciful and Lover of Mankind, and we send glory to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Vouchsafe, Lord

Grant, Lord, that this evening we may be preserved without sin. Blessed art thou, O Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified your name forever. Amen. May Thy mercy be upon us, O Lord, as we trust in Thee. Blessed art thou, O Lord, teach me by thy justification. Blessed art thou, O Lord, enlighten me with thy justification. Blessed are You, Holy One, enlighten me with Your justifications. Lord, Your mercy endures forever, do not despise the work of Your hand. Praise is due to you, singing is due to you, glory is due. To the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

(if lithium) The tetrapod is placed in front of the lectern. Move the lectern a little so that there is a passage between the lectern and the pulpit for incense. Rugs are laid out - one in front of the tetrapod, the second in the vestibule. A cover spreads over the tetrapods.

Litany of petition

Deacon: Let's do it evening prayer our Lord.

Choir: Lord have mercy.

Intercede, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Your grace.

We ask the Lord for a perfect, holy, peaceful and sinless evening.

Chorus:Give it, Lord. (For every request.)

Angela is a peaceful, faithful mentor, guardian of our souls and bodies, we ask the Lord.

We ask the Lord for forgiveness and forgiveness of our sins and transgressions.

We ask the Lord for kindness and benefit to our souls and for peace.

We ask the Lord to end the rest of our life in peace and repentance.

The Christian death of our belly is painless, shameless, peaceful and we ask for a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ.

Let us commemorate our Most Holy, Most Pure, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, with all the saints, for ourselves, and each other, and our whole life to Christ our God.

Chorus:To you, Lord.

Priest: For You are a Good and Lover of Mankind, and we send glory to You, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Priest: Peace to all.

Chorus:And to your spirit.


Chorus:To you, Lord.

May the power of Your Kingdom be blessed and glorified. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Choir: Amen.

(if lithium) If lithium, stichera are sung on lithium. They show the descent into the porch. For this purpose it lights up large candle and censer. Altar servers in front of the priest carry a candle into the vestibule, place it in front of the priest, and the censer is given at the sign. Bycensing pick it up and one altar boy leaves and carries the censer.


Deacon: Save, O God, Thy people and bless Thy inheritance, visit Thy world with Thy mercy and bounty, lift up the horn of Orthodox Christians and send Thy rich mercies upon us; the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary; by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross; intercession of the Honest Heavenly Forces of the Bodiless; Honest Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John; saints, glorious and all-praised Apostle; like our holy fathers and the great universal teachers and saints, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom; like our holy father Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, the Wonderworker; Saints Equal to the Apostles Methodius and Cyril, Slovenian teachers, Saints Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir and Grand Duchess Olga, like the holy father of our All Rus' miracle workers, Michael, Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip and Hermogenes; holy glorious and victorious martyrs, venerable and God-bearing fathers of ours, holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna [and St. (name), whose temple is and whose day is] and all saints; We pray to Thee, O most merciful Lord, hear us sinners praying to Thee, and have mercy on us.

Chorus:Lord have mercy. (40 times)

(if lithium) Place the casting device (vessel) with candles lit in advance on it on a tetrapod in front of the lectern.TO do not remove the lids.

Deacon: We also pray for our Great Lord and Father, His Holiness the Patriarch (name), and about our Lord, His Eminence Metropolitan (or: archbishop, or: bishop; moreoverinmonasteries: and about the archimandrite, or: our abbot) (name) and about all our brotherhood in Christ, and about every Christian soul that is grieving and embittered by the mercy of God and demanding help; about the protection of this city and those living in it (or: weigh the seed and those who live in it; or: this holy monastery and those living in it); about the world and the state of the whole world; about the welfare of the Holy Churches of God; about the salvation and help with care and fear of God of our fathers and brothers who work and serve; about those who are left behind and those who are gone; about the healing of those lying in weakness, about the dormition, weakness, blessed memory and forgiveness of sins of all our fathers and brothers who have gone before, who lie here and everywhere, Orthodox; about the deliverance of the captives, and about our brothers serving in the services, and about all those who serve and have served in this holy temple (also in the monastery: in this holy monastery) by heart.

Chorus:Lord have mercy (50 times)

Deacon: We also pray that this city may be preserved (or: weigh this), and to this holy temple (alsoinmonasteries: this holy monastery), and to every city and country, from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare; May our Good and Humane-loving God be merciful and merciful, turn away all anger directed at us, and deliver us from His due and righteous rebuke, and have mercy on us.

Chorus:Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Deacon: We also pray that the Lord God will hear the voice of the prayer of us sinners and have mercy on us.

Chorus:Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Priest: Hear us, O God, our Savior, the Hope of all the ends of the earth and those who are in the sea far away; and be merciful, be merciful, O Master, about our sins and have mercy on us. For You are a merciful and Lover of mankind, and we send glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Priest: Peace to all.

Deacon: Let us bow our heads to the Lord.

And to all who bow their heads the priest prays loudly:

Vladyko Many -Millosty, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, by the prayers of the all -hearted lords of our Virgin and the Big -dealer Mary, the strength of the honest and life -giving cross, the representations of the honest heavenly forces of the frosty, the glorious Prophet, the forerunner and the baptist of John, the holy glorious and all the saints and the saints and the saints and the saints and the saints and the holy glorious and the holy glorious and the saints are saints and the saints Enikov , our venerable and God-bearing fathers, like our holy father and the ecumenical great teachers and saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, like our holy father Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra the Wonderworker; Saints Methodius and Cyril, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Slovenian teachers; Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir and Grand Duchess Olga, like our holy father of all Rus' wonderworkers Michael, Peter, Alexy, Jonah, Philip and Hermogen, and the holy righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna [and the saint (name), his is the temple, and his is the day), and all Thy saints; Make our prayer favorable, grant us forgiveness of our sins, cover us with shelter for Your wing, drive away from us every enemy and adversary; pacify our life, Lord; have mercy on us and Your world, and save our souls, for You are Good and Lover of mankind.

(if lithium): You need to go in front of the priest - move the candle, place it behind the lithium vessel. The distant rug is carried away, the altar boys leave.

Choir : Amen.

Stichera on verse

(The first stichera is sung without verse. Next, the reader reads the first half of the verse, the choir sings the second half and stichera)

Sunday verses (choruses) for the stichera, on the verse:

Verse 1:The Lord reigned, / clothed with beauty.

Verse 2: For establish the universe, / which does not move.

Verse 3: HomeTTo whom is due holiness, O Lord, / for the length of days.

Glory, and now: Theotokos.

Prayer of St. Simeon the God-Receiver

Now you are releasing the slaveTto you, Master, according to Your word, in peace; for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared beforeface of all people, a light for the revelation of tongues, and the glory of Your people Israel.

Reader: Trisagion. Holy Trinity... Our Father…

(if lithium): on Father our for the priest to take out the censer... The 2nd altar boy opens the central chamber and turns on the light. When 1 altar boy -on FATHER OUR open royal gates, turn on the light and immediately go to him with the censer (there will be censing of the lithium table at the troparia).

I have repeatedly heard the statement that there is nothing special about the service of an altar boy. Set the censer, come out with candles, read the Apostle - as if everything was simple. But this simplicity is apparent. What people see in the temple is only the tip of the iceberg; the most important thing is hidden from the gaze of an outside observer. And I would like to lift the veil, try to convey to the reader all the beauty, depth and diversity of this ministry.

Altar boy

Lowest among equals

Many people believe that the main job of an altar server is standing in prayer before God, that is, prayer. And this is quite understandable, because after all you are in a place where God dwells in a special way. But I still dare to say that prayer is not the main thing here. Just as breathing is a necessity for the flow of life, but is not the content of this life. Or, in other words, we breathe in order to live, but we do not live in order to breathe. Likewise, an altar boy without prayer is not an altar boy, but prayer is not the goal of his service.

The altar boy is called to serve the clergy - this is the main thing, this is where he must improve and see joy. The altar boy seems to symbolize the lower ranks of angels. These ministering spirits, with great zeal, joy and love, carry out the orders of God with lightning speed, without the slightest doubt or confusion, with the greatest zeal. Some serve people, others are directly next to God, always with Him. And none of them wonders whether their service is high or low. After all, they, flaming with love for their Master, receive indescribable joy and satisfaction from their service. The altar boy must become like these ministering spirits and carry out his duties with the same zeal. The ideal of altar service is the angelic performance of one's duties. Anyone who cares about a clergyman sees God in front of him, who loves him like no one else and tries to give all of himself in reciprocal love for Him. The essence of altar service is love for the clergy.

It happens that the altar server cannot get along with the priest in character. I want to tell a story about this. One altar boy, without knowing why, disliked the priest he served. The young man understood that with such a mood it was impossible to serve. He repented before God and asked for help. After some time, the thought came to him: if you don’t love him, then on the contrary you should serve him with even greater zeal. This is what he began to do, and if there were several altar servers at the service, he tried to be the first to serve the priest: wash his hands, give him vestments, carry out an assignment - and he did all this with such zeal that he did not even notice how hatred was replaced true love. Thank God if you managed to overcome your ambitions, and sad if they block the path of service.

Burning Heart

Many people wonder what it takes to become an altar boy? Confess and receive communion often? Frequently attend services? Pray a lot? In general, do you properly follow all the instructions? All this is, of course, true. And yet... Many young people regularly participate in the sacraments and divine services, but not all of them become altar servers.

Of course, in order to serve at the altar, you need to know a lot: the order of divine services, the rules of prokeimns, alleluiaries, apostolic readings, features of holidays, features of Lenten and Easter services. You must not only have knowledge, but also be able to use it in practice. There is practically no place to learn this now, and a lot of time must pass before a beginner masters the minimum skills. You will have to educate yourself, read specialized literature, which also requires some time and, most importantly, the desire to do this.

So, maybe the most important thing is a sincere desire? Of course, a good desire is necessary, but it is not enough! One young man told me about his sad experience service. Once upon a time he really wanted to become an altar boy. When his dream finally came true and, with the blessing of his confessor, he began to serve at the altar, his enthusiasm quickly faded, and the service turned into a heavy duty. Against this background, an acquaintance of mine experienced a serious spiritual crisis and decided to give up what he had once so strived for. And there are many such cases.

It seems to me that the most important thing an altar boy needs is a burning heart. Only a heart that burns with love for God makes us go to this or that service or feat. Service is a feat, spiritual improvement. Only a heart burning with love tries to be closer to the Object of its love. A heart burning in spirit is the true foundation that gives rise to a powerful desire to serve God. In turn, participation in divine services and the Sacraments of the Church support this burning, which gives a person strength to overcome the temptations that inevitably arise.

Is it impossible to become an altar boy without a burning spirit? Can. But one who has the source of his desire not for love of God, but for some other state of soul, will treat his work only as work. And this, it seems to me, is extremely dangerous. An altar boy who regards his service as regular work, looks like a man walking on a tightrope, balancing over an abyss. This path is possible, but it is very unstable, joyless and can ultimately lead to spiritual breakdown. Where love is present, the yoke will be good and the burden will be light. Serving with love always brings joy and comfort.

Mikhail GOLUBKOV, altar boy of the church

Holy Righteous Tsarevich Demetrius (Moscow)