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» A container of polyurethane foam without a gun. How to use polyurethane foam without a gun. Rules for working with pistol foam

A container of polyurethane foam without a gun. How to use polyurethane foam without a gun. Rules for working with pistol foam

Polyurethane foam can act as a sealant and thermal insulation material. It can be used when installing various window and door designs, when carrying out repair work different types. With its help, the tightness of structures is restored, cracks and joints are sealed.

Polyurethane foam is sold in aerosol cans, which must be shaken before use. Immediately after application, the substance begins to harden, resulting in a yellowish-colored material. Lightweight material, has good thermal insulation and sound insulation characteristics. Depending on the manufacturer's recommendations, foam can be used indoors and outdoors.

Conventional polyurethane foam has a number of positive characteristics:

  • Resistance to moisture, providing thermal insulation and sound insulation properties.
  • Possibility of using sealant when installing electrical equipment due to low current conductivity.
  • Resistance to fire (special fire-fighting types of polyurethane foam).
  • A significant increase in volume immediately after leaving the can, filling distant microcracks located in hard-to-reach places.
  • Possibility of gluing various homogeneous and dissimilar materials.
  • Environmental friendliness, absence of toxic substances in the composition, chemical inertness.

Before using polyurethane polyurethane foam and apply it to surfaces, it is recommended to check its performance characteristics on the packaging. Typically, the packaging indicates the volume of the substance after leaving the cylinder, the viscosity level and other characteristics.

Release form

Manufacturers produce polyurethane foam in different forms and types. The choice will depend on the intended use and operating conditions of the sealant.

It is customary to distinguish:

  • Professional polyurethane foam, which is produced in special large cylinders that must be inserted into a gun to spray the substance. With the help of a gun it is ensured economical consumption sealant. Used by builders when carrying out large volumes of work.

  • Household polyurethane foam, which comes with a tube (it is usually used to foam cracks, joints, and gaps). Designed for household use For minor repairs and gluing surfaces.

Also, the can of polyurethane foam must indicate the recommended temperature regime using sealant. There are summer, winter and universal (all-season) polyurethane foam. When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the flammability class of the material (B1 - fire-resistant materials, B2 - self-extinguishing materials, B3 - combustible materials).

Scope of application of polyurethane foam

Conventional polyurethane foam cylinders, which are sold in construction stores, find their application in the installation of door and window designs, as well as during installation of electrical equipment and pipes.

The sealant is at a sufficient level thermal insulation characteristics so that it can be used to seal gaps and cracks in heating systems, defects in the roof threshold, as well as provide partial insulation of ceiling, floor, wall structures and floors. It is also often used to secure Wall panels and polymer boards on the rough surface, which allows for decorative and waterproofing functions.

Polyurethane foam is used for processing external surfaces metal baths(made of steel or cast iron), which allows for a reduction in heat transfer from the metal.

If we talk about how to properly use polyurethane foam and how to work with it, then you need to clarify whether a gun is used or not. If you plan to carry out a full renovation of your home, you will have to use both professional and household foam to foam joints, seams, gaps, and install windows and doors.

You can install the gun on professional sealant as follows:

  1. First, the canister with the substance needs to be warmed up a little in warm water up to 20-25 degrees. Then you need to shake it several times so that the substance becomes as homogeneous as possible and comes out of the can smoothly and easily.
  2. At the top of the gun, you need to remove the protective cover, then turn it with the handle down and screw on the can of sealant. You need to screw it in until a characteristic hissing sound appears, which will indicate the beginning of the substance entering the gun.
  3. If the gun is not new and has already been used, then it is necessary to inspect it before screwing in the can so that it is washed thoroughly. If after screwing in there is no hissing, then the gun is dirty and you need to buy a new one.
  4. Before starting to work with polyurethane foam, according to the rules, you need to shake the gun with the cylinder again, turn the adjusting screw ¼ turn and, holding the trigger, begin processing.

To work with a gun, there is no need to have any skills and abilities in the field of construction and installation work. Work is usually performed in the following sequence:

  1. The first step is to clean the surface where the sealant will be applied to remove dirt, and then moisten it with water from a spray bottle to ensure good adhesion.

4.If the surface to be treated is wide, you need to fill it with zigzag movements, but no more than 1/3 of the volume, because the polyurethane foam will increase in size.

5.If there are any untreated areas left, they can be filled in later.

If it is necessary to carry out processing in remote areas, it is recommended to additionally purchase a special extension hose, since foam hard to reach places polyurethane foam without its use is unlikely to work.

The can usually indicates how long it takes for the composition to harden. Despite the instructions, it is recommended to wait 10-12 hours. Once the sealant has completely cured, you can remove the excess using a knife or saw.

When using household sealant, there is no provision for a gun. It’s okay if the polyurethane foam comes without a gun, since you can use it with a straw. The tube is made of polymer materials - you just need to put it on the adapter. The work is performed in the same sequence as in the case of a gun, but when using a tube you will have to put in more effort.

You can easily use polyurethane foam without a gun if you have the appropriate tube. But in construction stores, the sealant can be sold without a tube (cheap models), so you will have to purchase it separately. You should also pay special attention to this when choosing suitable polyurethane foam.

The use of a tube is relevant if a small amount of work is expected to be performed. It is recommended to use polyurethane foam with a tube if you need to fill joints, gaps, seams, or glue various materials. Household sealant is rarely used when constructing door and window structures or when treating large surfaces. For thermal insulation and sound insulation, you should also choose professional analogues.

On video: Using polyurethane foam without a gun.

Disadvantages of applying polyurethane foam without using a gun

Using a gun when applying sealant is a guarantee of uniform release of material from the container, the possibility of saving substances, and full control over surface treatment.

If ordinary household polyurethane foam is used in a package with a tube, then the workflow will have certain disadvantages. The most notable of them are:

  1. Significant consumption of sealant. Overflow occurs because the user must exercise control over the intensity and duration of pressing the valve. It is quite difficult to do this over a long period of time, so almost always when processing using a tube, an excess volume of polyurethane foam appears, which leads to significant overruns. Professional sealant using a gun is usually consumed 1.5-2 times slower. This leads to small but noticeable financial costs (especially if a large amount of work is expected to be carried out).
  2. If you purchased a professional sealant, then there is a high probability that it will not be possible to use a regular tube that is suitable for household polyurethane foam. The can simply will not release sealant. This point must be clarified when purchasing the material.
  3. Using polyurethane foam without a gun is much more difficult than with one. The tubes are made from polymer material, therefore they are flexible - they are more difficult to hold in the desired position for a longer period than a pistol.

At the same time, there is no point in purchasing professional polyurethane foam or a gun for applying it if you intend to carry out minor repair work: fill gaps, seal joints and cracks between slabs, etc. thermal insulation material. In this case, you need to buy a household sealant with a tube, use it once and throw it away.

To carry out home and household repair work, one can of polyurethane foam is enough. If all the work has been completed, the cylinder is usually thrown away as unnecessary, because after opening the substance has a limited shelf life.

Manufacturers of household polyurethane foam note that their products are designed for single use. Therefore, if, several months after the first use, the sealant in the cylinder has frozen, you need to understand that this is a completely natural process.

You can give the following advice to those people who are working with polyurethane foam for the first time:

  1. Before starting work, it is recommended to first prepare a spray bottle with water and a knife to remove excess sealant (this is done after the applied composition has hardened).
  2. It is also recommended to stock up on a regular sponge and acetone (or a similar solvent) in advance. They will be needed if you need to wipe off sealant that accidentally gets on other surfaces (for example, on the floor or on clothing).
  3. You should not try to remove excess polyurethane foam immediately after application - this should be done approximately 8-10 hours after treatment. During this period, the sealant will harden, so it can be easily cut with a sharp knife or hacksaw.
  4. If wallpapering has not been done in the room, then it is strongly recommended to carry out work on applying polyurethane foam (regardless of the volume of material sprayed), systematically ventilating the room.
  5. If during application the sealant begins to gradually darken, this will indicate that the substance is exposed to ultraviolet radiation (direct sun rays). This kind of thing should be excluded when carrying out work.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to treat surfaces with polyurethane foam if they are located in close proximity to open fire or hot objects. Regardless of the type, the sealant almost always contains flammable substances in its composition, which, in an uncured state, are quite capable of flaring up if suddenly exposed to an open flame.
  7. Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the surface to be treated as thoroughly as possible. If it is dirty and greasy, then the polyurethane foam will not meet the characteristics specified on the packaging during operation.

Is it possible to use a can of polyurethane foam several times?

You can find information on the Internet that professional polyurethane foam can be used repeatedly, while household models are only suitable for one-time use.

This is a common misconception, because if you use household foam, then after using it you can clean the nozzle, remove the tube and block the exit hole for the substance. To be able to use the sealant again, it is recommended to do everything in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to release a little of the polyurethane foam from the can, and, allowing it to come out, bend the tube and tighten it with metal wire. At the end of the tube, the sealant will begin to harden, but the presence of a bend will not allow the entire volume of the substance that remains in the cylinder to harden.
  2. When subsequently applying polyurethane foam, you simply need to cut off part of the tube with the frozen substance and continue to treat the gaps and seams with sealant.

It should be taken into account that a container with sealant can be stored in this way for 2-3 weeks and no more. After several months of storage, the substance will almost completely harden and harden inside the package, so it will not be possible to use it again.

Is it possible to use expired polyurethane foam?

Regardless of the type of sealant chosen, the shelf life of the substance usually does not exceed 1-1.5 years from the date of production. At the same time, if during its use a delay of several days or weeks was discovered, then you should not curtail the work - most likely, the polyurethane foam has not lost its basic operating and performance characteristics.

If the expiration date is significantly exceeded, it is strongly recommended not to use the sealant even for minor household repairs (especially for installing windows or doors). This is due to the fact that after the expiration date, the sealant begins to rapidly lose its basic properties, so when you open the package, anything can happen.

Terms of use of polyurethane foam after application

Leading sealant manufacturers claim that high-quality polyurethane foam, which has been applied to the surface in accordance with all the rules, has protection against ultraviolet exposure and moisture, is able to perform all its functions for 10-20 years.

If the applied substance is exposed to negative operating conditions: outdoors, in direct sunlight, rain, snow, etc., then the service life of the sealant is reduced to 2-3 years (even in cases where moisture-resistant compounds were applied).


Professional and household polyurethane foam - both materials have a right to exist, because they usually have different areas and features of use. For small home renovation Household models with a tube for applying the substance are quite suitable, but for large-scale work it is best to buy professional sealants and a gun. Construction and installation skills are not required to treat surfaces using polyurethane foam from a tube or gun.

How to use polyurethane foam (2 videos)

Application of polyurethane foam (21 photos)

Almost every person has used polyurethane foam at least once - modern means for sealing, repairing, installing windows and doors, sealing cracks and joints. Using polyurethane foam is quite simple. There is a special gun for this, but sometimes for small repairs in the house you can do without it. But even simple work must be done correctly to achieve high quality.


A huge assortment of polyurethane foam in specialized retail outlets makes you think when choosing required material. Each of us wants to choose a high-quality and inexpensive composition. Currently specialized outlets They offer customers two varieties of this material: household and professional. Let's look at the features of each.


The main distinctive features of household polyurethane foam are the volume of the cylinder. Manufacturers produce this material in small cylinders (about 800 ml). The cylinder comes with a small tube with a small cross-section. The pressure level in household polyurethane foam cylinders is low, this is necessary in order to significantly reduce material consumption when performing repair work. To perform them using household polyurethane foam, you can use a special gun. The cylinder valve is designed to fix the tube and mounting gun.


To install doors, windows, and plumbing fixtures, they use a professional type of polyurethane foam. Manufacturers produce this material in cylinders with a capacity of more than 1.5 liters. The sealant is in a bottle under high pressure. It is recommended to carry out work using professional sealant using a special gun. To make the use of the material most convenient, the cylinder is additionally equipped with fasteners for strong fixation inside the gun. A large number of The sealant in the cylinder is designed for large-scale work.

Sealants of these varieties have similar technical characteristics. When choosing the required material, you need to consider for what purposes the foam will be needed. In addition, the amount of work is also important.

Distinctive feature compositions is the possibility of re-application.

Operating rules

To perform quality repairs or installation work using sealant, you need to know several rules for applying the material.

  • The use of a special mounting gun guarantees a better result of the work performed.
  • Nessesary to use professional option sealant having useful property: Quite low secondary expansion.
  • It is recommended to carry out installation and repair work in warm time years: this will speed up the hardening process of the foam and preserve all its technical qualities.
  • When performing work, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment.

  • It is recommended to use sealant to seal minor cracks about 8 cm wide. If the width of the cracks exceeds this figure, it is advisable to use other materials (brick, wood, plastic).
  • To seal cracks and crevices less than 1 cm wide, it is more economical and practical to use putty.
  • During operation, the container with polyurethane foam must be kept upside down.
  • Fill the gap with sealant to one third of the depth.
  • After the sealant has hardened, you need to remove excess foam using a special knife.

  • After completing all the work, it is necessary to cover the frozen layer of foam with special means to protect it from exposure to sunlight.
  • To perform work on the ceiling, you need to use a special mounting foam: such a container with sealant can be used in any position.
  • To foam deep crevices or cracks, you need to use special extension adapters.
  • During operation, the foam container must be shaken and the nozzle of the mounting gun must be cleaned of excess sealant.

How to apply?

Before you start working with this sealant, you need to learn all the intricacies of its use. Otherwise, the quality of work will suffer, the consumption of sealant will increase significantly, which will lead to additional financial costs. First you need to choose the right mounting foam. The choice of material depends on the volume of work.

If you plan large-scale installation of doors, windows or plumbing, or a large volume of repair work, it is better to opt for professional polyurethane foam. The cost of materials of this kind is much higher, but the result of the work performed will pleasantly please you.

Minor indoor repairs (for example, sealing cracks) require the purchase of household sealant.

Applying sealant to the surface without a mounting gun can be done in several ways.

  • For minor repairs, you can do without a gun. A special small tube is installed on the cylinder valve. Next, the renovation work begins.
  • Professional foam can be applied using a tube, but this method will lead to a large consumption of material and unnecessary financial costs.
  • If it is not possible to use a mounting gun when working with professional sealant, you can use two tubes of different diameters. To do this, attach a tube to a cylinder with professional foam. large diameter, then a second (smaller) one is connected to this tube and carefully fixed. This method will significantly reduce material consumption and reduce financial costs.

Once you have decided on the method of applying the foam, you need to prepare the surface. In some cases, the sealant surface can become a false wall. The quality of seam sealing depends on how thoroughly the surface is prepared. The surface is thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the cracks that need to be foamed. Sometimes the surface needs to be degreased.

Large cracks are pre-filled with polystyrene foam. or others suitable material. Only after this can they be filled with foam. This will significantly reduce foam consumption and increase the quality of thermal insulation. Before starting work, the surface must be moistened. A simple spray bottle is perfect for these purposes.

Now you can start sealing. For correct execution work foam should be room temperature. Before starting the process, shake the container thoroughly. Only after this a tube or gun is attached to the cylinder. Now you can apply the composition.

If you decide to use foam without a special gun, you need to consider the disadvantages of this process.

  • Due to high pressure in the cylinder, the consumption of foam increases significantly (sometimes two or three times).
  • The valve design of some cylinders does not provide for the use of a tube.

Carrying out sealing work with a gun saves a lot of time. Foaming the surface with polyurethane foam using a gun is not at all difficult.

It is enough to learn how to dose the foam output. In this way you can glue any objects, not forgetting about preparing the surface. Then we begin to apply the sealant. It is important to remember that you need to fill the vertical gap with sealant from the bottom, smoothly moving upward.

After finishing work, you must thoroughly clean the gun from foam using a special washing liquid. It needs to be poured into the tool. If during work a small amount of sealant gets on your hands, it must be removed with a solvent. Excess foam from contaminated areas must be removed during operation with a sponge soaked in solvent. If the sealant has hardened, you will have to remove it mechanically.

You cannot work with expired foam. The spray can must be handled carefully. You can't bring it near the fire. If the expiration date of the polyurethane foam has expired, the material loses its properties.

When choosing polyurethane foam, you need to remember that the container can only be used once. Therefore, before purchasing, you must carefully calculate the required volume. If you have any doubts about this, it is better to consult a specialist.

Take note of some useful tips.

  • Before starting work, you should prepare a spray bottle to spray water on the surface before applying foam; you will need a knife to cut off excess material.
  • While doing the work, you will need a sponge or soft cloth soaked in acetone or solvent.
  • The correct dosage of sealant will significantly reduce material consumption.

  • It is more convenient to remove excess sealant from the surface after four hours after application; after complete hardening, this process will become much more difficult.
  • Be sure to use personal protective equipment (respirator, goggles, gloves).
  • It is necessary to ventilate the room during work.
  • After completing all work, it is necessary to process the frozen foam special means for protection from sun rays. This must be done before the foam darkens.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the cylinder near an open fire.

IN modern world used in almost all types of repair and construction work. It is used during the installation of doors, windows and window sills, and plumbing fixtures. Also this construction material found wide application as insulation - it is used to seal cracks and cracks; sandwich panels and various insulation materials are made from it.

The main advantage of polyurethane foam is its convenience and ease of use.

Types of polyurethane foam

In order to figure out how to use polyurethane foam correctly, let’s look at its varieties. Today modern industry produces three types of this material: professional and household cylinders, as well as two-component polyurethane foam (we will not consider it in this article, since it is used only in production conditions). What is their difference? Which type should you prefer? How to use a balloon with polyurethane foam The main criterion for choosing this material is its purpose.

Foam for professional use (gun)

This material is sold in cylinders from 1.5 l and is distinguished by the fact that it can only be used with the help of professional builders, since this design allows you to get the job done easily and quickly.

Using a gun makes dosing the material much easier. For one-time work in domestic conditions, the material is not very convenient, because after use you need to wash the gun, and this is an additional financial cost. There are manufacturers that complete the cylinders with a spray tube. But applying professional foam from it is not economical, since strong pressure increases its consumption.

Foam for household use

Sold in tubes with a capacity of 0.6-0.8 liters and equipped with a straw. It is intended for one-time use. Convenient for filling small spaces and correcting various installation defects. Household polyurethane foam has the same properties as professional use. The kit must include a tube. If necessary, you can use both a cylinder and a gun.

The cost of professional foam is much higher than household foam, and this is mainly due to the difference in their volume.

Pistol design

Before learning how to use a spray foam can, first let's look at the design of the gun. Regardless of manufacturer? its structure is the same and quite simple:

  • If household foam is supplied through a PVC tube, then in a gun it is supplied through a metal tube with a special tip - a nozzle. The tip hole is 5 times smaller than the cross-section of the supply tube, due to which it increases operating pressure mixtures.
  • The cylinder is connected through an adapter, which is attached to the gun body.
  • The purpose of the adjusting screw is to dose the mixture output.
  • The handle of this tool can be made of aluminum or plastic. It is attached to the barrel with a nut. Thanks to the dismountable design, the gun is easy to clean from frozen residues.
  • The trigger is used to supply the mixture from the cylinder.

How to install a cylinder on a pistol

In order to learn how to properly use a foam gun, let’s first consider how to insert it:

  • The first thing to do is to warm the foam canister in hot water to room temperature and shake thoroughly for 20-25 seconds to bring the polyurethane foam substance to a homogeneous state. The foam will come out with a uniform consistency and in full volume.

  • The container is closed on top with a protective cap, which must be removed before installation. Then place the gun with the handle down. When connecting, hold the device firmly by the handle with one hand and with the other rotational movements The balloon is screwed onto the adapter. Evidence of connection will be hissing, which indicates the arrival of foam. If there is no sound, this indicates a malfunction of the inlet ball valve or the expiration date of the foam itself. To fix this problem, the gun will have to be disassembled and cleaned of dried old material.
  • After shaking, the device is placed in the working position with the handle down. The adjusting screw is turned a quarter turn and the trigger is pulled, pointing the barrel into the bag. When the consistency of the foam is normal, start working.

Polyurethane foam: how to use a spray can with a gun?

Working with polyurethane foam does not require any special skills. It will be enough to try to foam something once or twice, and everything will work out. Let's consider the order of work and some nuances:

Polyurethane foam is a material sensitive to ultraviolet rays, which, under their influence, is destroyed, changes color and crumbles. If used outdoors, then after complete drying and removal of excess, you need to cover it with cement mortar.

How to use polyurethane foam with a tube?

If a gun is not provided for the cylinder (in household foam), then instead the kit includes a PVC tube that is screwed onto the adapter. The operating principle is identical to professional foaming. It is not always convenient to work with such a cylinder, but it is great for one-time use. This option will be ideal in a situation where you plan to seal small seams.

So, what are the disadvantages of polyurethane foam? We have already figured out how to use it. Now let's look at the disadvantages of this material:

  • It is impossible to dose the contents of the container, which increases the consumption of polyurethane foam.
  • Inconvenience of working with this tool. Holding the balloon upside down by hand is quite tiring and even uncomfortable. The hand often gets tired and constant breaks are needed.

Using polyurethane foam without a gun or tube

Sometimes professional polyurethane foam can be used without a gun. How to use the balloon? In this situation, you will have to choose a tube to release the foam yourself and figure out how to press the valve. This process can be represented figuratively as follows: you need to release the air from so that all of it can get into desired point and at the same time did not catch his hands.

In this case, choose a tube of 3 parts: the first and third are flexible, and the second is hard. The middle part presses the valve, the first prevents the foam from spraying, and the third brings it to the treatment site.


So, we examined polyurethane foam. We also studied how to use such material. But do not forget about protecting your hands and face, since the foam is quite difficult to wash off. It is much cheaper to buy an extra pair of gloves than to buy solvent or walk around with dirty hands.

If a person dials search engine request “spray foam without a gun, how to use it,” then most likely he has never held a can of foam in his hands. Accordingly, this person did not have the opportunity to read the instructions printed on the cylinder. Well, let's fill this gap in the knowledge of beginners and conduct detailed instructions on the topic “How to use polyurethane foam without a gun.”

No super actions are required - everything is extremely clear, simple and understandable.


- the area must be clean from dust, dirt and various types of contaminants.

Anything that might fall off is removed. Dust must be cleaned up. She - main enemy for adhesion of foam and surface.

— immediately before applying the foam, the area must be moistened with water. We advise you not to neglect this point and the adhesion will be simply excellent.

— if we are talking about installing windows or doors, then they need to be secured so that the foam does not deform the structure. Spacers must be installed in advance, but not after foaming - polyurethane foam is afraid of vibration until it hardens.

Polyurethane foam has unique properties. Use it without a gun or with it - in any case, you will get excellent results if the manufacturer does not let you down with quality. But sometimes it also happens that the user himself made several or even one mistake, so he will complain not about his crooked hands, but about the brand of foam. Read everything written below and try to remember - these rules, tips and recommendations will be useful to you:

Instead of a conclusion

Polyurethane foam without or with a gun - the main thing is that the rules of use are fully observed. Then the result will be wonderful. As a last resort, if you don’t know how to use it and don’t remember our recommendations and advice, carefully read the instructions on the cylinder - everything is also written there in an accessible manner.

Polyurethane foam is one of the most popular materials on the market. We have made a selection of various tricks and life hacks that will make working with it easier and more comfortable, as well as find new areas of application for it.

  1. The main components of polyurethane foam are polyol and diisocyanate, the reaction of which produces a prepolymer. For polyurethane foam to harden, moisture is required, which is usually taken from the surrounding air. According to certain calculations, it takes approximately 40 ml of water to harden the foam from a 750 ml cylinder. Based on this, we can draw the first conclusion that the presence of moisture (up to a certain threshold) promotes rapid hardening of the foam and prevents its further expansion. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-moisten the areas where the foam is applied with water. In addition, this will improve the adhesion of the foam to the applied surface.

  1. Rodents have a long-standing love for polyurethane foam, which they easily turn into dust. But at the moment, compounds have begun to appear on the market that rodents do not like.

  1. Since the foam container must be held upside down when working, with an extension made of PVC pipe, you can easily handle even cracks in the ceiling or in any hard-to-reach places.

  1. Acetone, as well as solvents based on it, can easily clean the surface of uncured foam. But with a frozen one, such a trick will no longer work.
  2. The older the foam in the container, the higher its viscosity. Accordingly, its expansion coefficient and final volume decrease. To prevent the viscosity of the foam from growing so quickly over time, manufacturers make special additives, so it is recommended to shake the contents of the container thoroughly before starting work.
  3. The gun will allow you to dose the foam more accurately, thereby giving you additional convenience and savings. It will also be convenient for large volumes of work. High quality models can be left without washing for a month or more. In other cases, you should use a bottle with a special flushing liquid.
  4. Some manufacturers offer black foam cylinders. It is also perfect for landscape works. For example, to fix stones on alpine slide. As long as it doesn't get direct sunlight.

  1. If you need to apply foam in several layers to cover large openings, manufacturers recommend waiting an hour or two between laying each new layer. But if each layer is slightly moistened with a spray bottle, then the waiting hours can be reduced to 10-15 minutes.
  2. In the absence of appropriate filler, polyurethane foam will also help when transporting fragile items. To do this, you need to line the box with cling film, fill it a third with foam, put a layer of film on which to place the fragile item. Then there is another layer of film on top, which is also covered with foam. As a result, your foam will be easily separated into two parts, which will simplify unpacking.

  1. For foaming cracks in windows and doorways Foam with a minimum coefficient of expansion should be used, otherwise it may be difficult to open windows and doors. Typically, such foam is labeled as window foam. But if you don’t have one at hand, it’s better to apply the foam in two layers. First, a small amount of foam is placed deep into the crack, to which, after final expansion and hardening, another layer can be added if necessary.
  2. In the absence of acetone, you can rinse the plastic nozzle tube using carburetor cleaner (it also contains acetone). You can purchase it at any auto parts store. But this must be done immediately after use, before the remaining foam has hardened.

  1. Winter foam can be used at temperatures down to -10 C°, and some types up to -20 C°. But at the same time, the foam container itself must have a temperature of at least +5 C°. To quickly warm up the cylinder you can use hot water, but under no circumstances should you place it in an open fire or use other methods of rapid heating. Otherwise, the result may be sad.

  1. You can get rid of spilled or splashed foam after it has hardened using special cleaning gels designed for foam. They soften it, after which the foam can be easily removed.
  2. When working with foam, do not forget to wear gloves, otherwise the foam that gets on your skin will leave stains on it for a couple of days.