Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Biopolymers proteins and their structure. Proteins are natural biopolymers. The structure of a protein molecule

Biopolymers proteins and their structure. Proteins are natural biopolymers. The structure of a protein molecule

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The purpose of the lesson: expand and deepen students’ knowledge about the most important organic substances of the cell – proteins.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: summarize students’ knowledge about the biological functions of proteins, structure, structure, introduce students to the chemical functions of proteins, reveal the connection between chemical knowledge and everyday human life, monitor the degree of mastery of basic skills and abilities studied and developed in previous lessons, as well as biology lessons.
  • Educational: continue formation scientific worldview, cultivate a culture of speech.
  • Developmental: develop cognitive interest in the subject, processes such as attention, logical thinking, erudition; skills independent work with a textbook, the ability to analyze information, establish cause-and-effect relationships between the composition, structure, functions and use of substances; apply theoretical knowledge in practice; skills in drawing up reaction equations for the formation of peptides from amino acids; skills to work with chemicals; continue the development of students' chemical speech, such concepts as polymer, alpha-amino acid, denaturation, polycondensation reaction, expand students' horizons with the involvement of additional sources of information, continue to develop skills and abilities in using knowledge and skills in new situations.

Lesson type: combined


  • egg white solution, solutions of copper (II) sulfate, zinc chloride, sodium hydroxide, ethyl alcohol, test tubes No. 1 - egg white, meat broth, milk, No. 2 - bouillon cube, copper wire, wool thread, alcohol lamp, matches; didactic material(diagram “Chemical composition of the body”, “ General formula alpha amino acids”, structural formulas of alanine, serine), task cards, computer, TV.
  • On the student tables: test tubes with substances (No. 1 - egg white, meat broth, milk, No. 2 - bouillon cube), copper wire, woolen thread, alcohol lamp, matches; tasks.
  • On chalkboard: diagram “Chemical composition of the body”, “General formula of alpha amino acids”, structural formulas of alanine, serine.

Lesson structure

I. Organizational moment

II. Learning new material

III. Consolidation

IV. Conclusion

V. Homework

During the classes

I. Organizational moment (1 min)

Greeting from the teacher. Checking the class's readiness for the lesson. Psychological mood of the class. Marking absentees.

II. Learning new material (40 min)

1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Introductory speech by the teacher with elements of conversation. Filling out the diagram on the board.

The body consists of many substances. Let's classify them. Here is a list of various substances: water, proteins, carbohydrates, mineral salts, fats, nucleic acids. Divide them into groups and give names to the groups.

Filling out the diagram. (student at the blackboard)

Open the textbook, paragraph 27 p. 227 fig. 36, which shows chemical composition human body. Which substance is more abundant in the body? (water – 65%).

Of the organic substances that make up the body, which substances are more numerous? (proteins)

So, the basis of a living organism is proteins. Today in the lesson we will look at proteins, their composition and structure, and get acquainted with the chemical functions of proteins. To do this, we will need knowledge from the biology course, as well as your life experience.

The topic of our lesson: “Proteins as biopolymers. Chemical functions of proteins.” ( Slide 1, Recording the date and topic of the lesson in a notebook)

2. Biological functions of proteins.

Conversation, completing a task in a notebook.

Let us recall the biological functions of proteins. Complete the following assignment in writing. Take the assignment sheet. (Annex 1)

Task No. 1. (slide 2)

Proteins and their functions are listed. Match the function to the protein using arrows. The task takes 1 minute to complete. Be careful when completing the task.

  • Enzymes – ... (catalytic)
  • Myosin – ... (motor)
  • Hemoglobin – ... (transport)
  • Collagen, keratin – ... (structural)
  • Insulin - ... (regulatory)
  • Albumin -... (Storing)
  • Thrombin - ... (protective)
  • Glycogen - ...----------------

Glycogen is an extra substance in this list, since it is not a protein. This is a carbohydrate.

And now a question for you from biology teacher Irina Arkadyevna (Slide 3):

The following fact is known in science: a chemistry student in love decided to use the information that our body has iron in an original way. He decided to make a ring for his lady from the iron contained in his blood. In small portions it released blood and chemically released iron. But this romantic method of metal mining ended tragically: he died of anemia. After all, he did not know that our blood contains approximately 3 to 4 grams of iron. What protein contains iron, and what is its significance for the body? (iron is part of the hemoglobin protein, which is involved in the transfer of oxygen).

Look at how diverse the functions of proteins are. All life processes are associated with proteins. Thanks to proteins, the body has acquired the ability to move, absorb food, grow, reproduce, and respond to external influences.

So, we remembered some biological functions of proteins. Let's move on to the next question: protein as a chemical substance.

3. Composition and structure of proteins.

Conversation with elements of explanation, performing exercises.

Let's consider the composition and structure of proteins.

Make up a definition of proteins from the given words (Slide 4):

Protein, alpha amino acid, biopolymer, monomer. (A protein is a biopolymer, the monomer of which is an alpha amino acid).

Which chemical elements are they part of proteins? (Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, as well as sulfur, phosphorus and others).

Make up the formula for alpha amino acids on the board from the given parts:

C, NH 2, H, COOH, R.

(R – CHNH 2 –COOH) (student at the blackboard)

What functional groups are included in amino acids? (amino group, carboxyl group)

What properties does an amino acid have? (amphoteric)

Why is an amino acid an amphoteric compound? (the amino group determines the basic properties, the carboxo group determines the acidic properties)

How many amino acids are proteins made of? (20)

What reaction results in the formation of proteins? (polycondensation)

What is a polycondensation reaction? (this is a reaction that results in the formation of a polymer, with the elimination of a by-product)

Let's complete the following task on the board and in your notebook:

Task No. 2 (student at the blackboard):

Write an equation for the reaction of dipeptide formation from glycine and serine. Indicate the peptide bonds in it.

The resulting region is a dipeptide region of the insulin protein. Polymer chains of proteins consist of tens of thousands, millions or more amino acid residues. Here are the formulas of some proteins (Slide 5):

  • C 254 H 377 O ​​75 N 65 S 6 insulin
  • C 3032 H 4876 O 872 N 780 S 6 Fe 4 – hemoglobin
  • C 1864 N 3021 O 576 N 468 S 21 - lactoglobulin (milk protein)

What do you think molecular mass proteins? (Very big). For example, the molecular weight of insulin is M r 5727, hemoglobin is 66184, lactoglobulin (milk protein) is 39112.

The protein chain is so long that it is packaged into structures to better perform its functions.

Let's look at the structures of proteins.

What protein structures do you know? (primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary)

Let's model the structure of a protein from a wire that lies on your table. Take it.

What protein structure can it be compared to? (primary)

What is the primary structure of a protein? (alternation of amino acids in a polypeptide chain)

Wind the wire around the handle. What protein structure can the resulting helix be compared to? (secondary)

What has changed in the molecule? (size decreased, shape became different)

Make a lump from this spiral. What protein structure did you get? (tertiary)

What is tertiary structure? (globule)

Turn towards each other, combine two globules? What is the protein structure? (quaternary)

We complete the following task from the card.

The card shows pictures of protein structures. Below the numbers are the types of connections that define the structures. Determine the protein structure and type of bonds. Write the desired number under the picture.

Let's check that the task is completed correctly. (Slide 6)

Which structure is the strongest? (primary)

4. Chemical properties of proteins.

Teacher's explanation with elements of conversation. Performing demonstration and laboratory experiments. Writing on the board and in a notebook

Let's begin studying the properties of proteins related to their structure. Attention to the screen: a question from technology teacher Tatyana Leonidovna (Slide 7):

Any housewife knows that if you need to cook a delicious broth for 1 dish, the meat is placed in cold water, and when the meat is delicious for 2 courses, go for the main course. Does this make chemical sense?

What property of proteins are we talking about? (about denaturation)

1) Denaturation (due to heat, chemicals, etc.)

What is denaturation? (the process of a protein molecule losing its structure when changing external factors).

a) increase in temperature

What causes denaturation when cooking meat? (heating, increasing temperature)

So, we looked at the composition and structure of proteins. Let's move on to the next question.

Let's answer Tatyana Leonidovna's question.

Why is meat placed in cold water for tasty broth, and in hot water for tasty meat? (If you put meat in cold water, the soluble proteins go into the water and become denatured there. The broth turns out tasty. If you put meat in hot water, the proteins are denatured immediately in the meat, so the meat turns out tasty)

– What factors, besides temperature, cause denaturation? (temperature changes, radiation, heavy metals, acids, organic substances, dehydration and other influences)

b) the effect of heavy metal salts (dem. experiment)

I take an egg white solution. I add zinc chloride to one glass and copper (II) sulfate to the second.

What do we see? (protein folding)

Proteins bind heavy metal ions and neutralize them. In case of heavy metal poisoning, the victim is given milk as an antidote.

c) the effect of organic substances (dem. experiment)

I add ethyl alcohol to the egg white solution. We observe the precipitation of proteins.

What protein structures are destroyed during denaturation? (secondary, tertiary, quaternary with preservation of the primary). Biological activity is lost. The protein becomes available to the action of digestive enzymes.

What is denaturation? (reversible and irreversible). This denaturation is irreversible. Can protein structure be restored? Can we reverse the denaturation process? (Yes). Renaturation is the process of restoring protein structure.

Next Chemical properties help identify proteins in solutions.

2) Color reactions

a) biuret (on a peptide bond)

This is a universal reaction for the determination of proteins. Let's watch the video experience . (Slide 8)

Fill out the diagram in your notebook.

Protein + ______________ = ____________ coloring

Protein + ( alkali+ CuSO 4)= purple coloring

We will conduct an examination of unknown substances in test tubes using the biuret reaction. Get started laboratory experience according to the instructions. (Slide 9)

Which test tube contains the protein? Look at what substances were in your test tubes (Slide 10):

  • Test tube No. 1 – milk
  • Test tube No. 2 – bouillon cube
  • Test tube No. 1 – meat broth
  • Test tube No. 2 – bouillon cube
  • Test tube No. 1 - egg white
  • Test tube No. 2 – bouillon cube

I chose a bouillon cube to determine the proteins. Does a bouillon cube contain protein? (No). And its composition contains vegetable fats and chicken meat.

b) xanthoprotein (for aromatic rings) (video fragment, Slide 11)

Fill out the diagram in your notebook:

Protein +__________= ___________staining

protein + conc. HNO3 = yellow coloring

If handled carelessly nitric acid When it comes into contact with the skin, it leaves a yellow stain. This is a xanthoprotein reaction with integumentary tissues.

These qualitative reactions can be applied in life. And when and where a short video from Alla Surikova’s film “Look for a Woman” will tell you (Slide 12).

In what cases and for what purpose can they be applied in life? (IN Food Industry, forensic science for protein detection)

Biuret and xanthoprotein reactions are qualitative reactions, reactions that allow us to confidently judge whether the protein is in front of us or not.

3) Hydrolysis

What process is called protein hydrolysis? Fill in the missing words. (Slide 13)

Hydrolysis is the destruction... of the protein structure under the influence of..., as well as aqueous solutions of acids or alkalis. (primary, enzymes)

What products are formed during the hydrolysis of proteins? (amino acids)

How can you change the equation for a peptide formation reaction to turn it into a hydrolysis reaction? (Write it backwards)

To create an equation for the hydrolysis reaction of glycylalanine dipeptide, add water. The peptide bond is broken. A hydrogen atom is added to the residue from the amino group, a hydroxo group to the residue from the carboxyl group.

The general scheme of protein hydrolysis is in your textbook.

Hydrolysis is the basis of digestion.

4) Combustion (with the formation carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen.)

Smell: ... .

How to check that a product is made of wool? (Wool is a protein, you need to burn a piece of thread and determine the result by the smell)

Proceed with the laboratory experiment according to the instructions. (Slide 14)

We looked at the basic chemical functions of proteins.

III. Consolidation (3 min.)

Frontal survey.

Groups of words are presented in front of you on the slide. Summarize several words into 1 word or term. (Slide 15-23)

A) tertiary, secondary, primary, quaternary - ? (structures)

B) 20, irreplaceable – ? (amino acid)

C) proteins, fats, carbohydrates -? (organic substances)

D) temperature, reversible, irreversible -? (denaturation)

D) pepsin, amylase, trypsin – ? (enzymes)

E) Cu(OH) 2, violet color - ? (biuret reaction)

IV. Conclusion (1 min.)

Final words from the teacher.

Today we learned about protein chemistry. Chemists have not studied any substance for as long as proteins before they managed to unravel the mystery of their structure. They play a big role not only in the human body, but also in life. It is no coincidence that translated from Greek language proteins are called proteins, which means “first, main”.

V. Homework (1 min.)

Paragraph 27

Prepare messages on the following topics:

A) the use of color reactions

B) history of the study of proteins

B) factors causing denaturation.


1. Artemenko A.I. Amazing world organic chemistry. - M.: Bustard, 2004.

2. Gorkovenko M.Yu. Lesson developments in chemistry for the educational kits of O.S. Gabrielyan and others, grade 10. M. “VAKO”, 2005.

3. Ryabov M.A. Collection of assignments and exercises in chemistry: 10th grade: to the textbook by O.S. Gabrielyan et al. “Chemistry. Grade 10". – M.: Exam, 2008.

4. Chemistry 10th grade. Textbook for general education institutions/ O.S.Gabrielyan, F.N.Maskaev, S.Yu.Ponomarev, V.I.Terenin. – M.: Bustard, 2010.

The work was carried out by a graduate of 11 “A” class Ezhely Igor

Slide 2

Proteins, or proteins.

Translated from Greek “protos” means first, main.

Found in the protoplasm and nucleus of all plant and animal cells, they are the main carriers of life.

  • Albumin (in chicken eggs)
  • Hemoglobin (in human blood)
  • Casein (in cow's milk)
  • Myoglobin and myosin (in muscles)

“Life is a way of existence of protein bodies”

(F. Engels)

Slide 3

Simple complex proteins consist only of protein containing amino acids and non-protein parts

albumin, fibrin (lipids, carbohydrates, metal ions) – proteolipids, hemoglobin

The concept of proteins and their classification

Slide 4

  • Proteins are complex high-molecular natural compounds built from α-amino acids
  • Amino acids in proteins are linked by peptide bonds
  • Proteins as biopolymers, their composition, structure and functions in the cell
  • side radicals of the same or different amino acids
  • About 20 types of amino acids are part of proteins.

Protein composition

Slide 5

Proteins as biopolymers, their composition, structure and functions in the cell

Slide 6

Primary protein structure

Degree of organization of protein molecules

The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain connected by peptide bonds

Slide 7

Degree of organization of protein molecules

Protein secondary structure

A polypeptide chain twisted into a helix, held together by the formation of hydrogen bonds between the residues of the carboxyl and amine groups of different amino acids

Slide 8

  • Protein tertiary structure
  • The spiral, in turn, is folded into the shape of a globule and a ball.
  • This structure is stabilized by hydrogen, ionic, covalent, disulfide bonds and hydrophobic interactions.

Each protein has its own special spatial structure in a certain environment.

Slide 9

The quaternary structure of a protein is the combination into a single structure of several molecules with a tertiary organization (hemoglobin, insulin)

Slide 10

The structure of a protein molecule

Proteins as biopolymers, their composition, structure and functions in the cell

Slide 11

Proteins as biopolymers, their composition, structure and functions in the cell

  • Types of proteins
  • Structural
  • Enzymes
  • Hormones
  • Contractives
  • Toxins
  • Spares
  • Protective
  • Transport
  • Types of proteins
  • Slide 12

    Classification of proteins according to their functions

    • Types of proteins
    • Enzymes
    • Hormones
    • Transport
    • Protective
    • Spares
    • Toxins
    • Structural
    • Structural
    • Catalytic
    • Regulatory
    • Contractives
    • Contractive
    • Transport
    • Protective
    • Spare
    • Protective
    • Keratin
    • Insulin
    • Myosin
    • Hemoglobin
    • Antibodies
    • Casein
    • Plant toxins
    • Protein functions examples
  • Slide 13

    • Intermediate knowledge control
    • Study the diagram of amino acid diversity.
    • How are amino acids different from each other?
    • Describe the essential components of amino acids.
    • Indicate those sections of amino acids. Between which a peptide bond occurs.
    • What accounts for the wide variety of proteins?
  • Slide 14

    Intermediate knowledge control

    Fill in the blanks in the table.

    Structural organization of protein

    1. What bonds exist in a protein molecule?

    2. Thanks to what bonds does the protein chain form turns?

    3. What connections underlie the tertiary structure of a protein?

    4. What structure provides the diversity of protein functions?

    Slide 15

    Thank you for your attention!

    View all slides

    "Life is a way of existence of protein bodies"

    F. Engels.

    None of the living organisms known to us can do without proteins. Proteins serve nutrients, they regulate metabolism, playing the role of enzymes - metabolic catalysts, promote the transfer of oxygen throughout the body and its absorption, play an important role in the functioning nervous system, are the mechanical basis of muscle contraction, participate in the transmission genetic information etc.

    Proteins (polypeptides) – biopolymers built from α-amino acid residues connected peptide(amide) bonds. These biopolymers contain 20 types of monomers. Such monomers are amino acids. Each protein is a polypeptide in its chemical structure. Some proteins consist of several polypeptide chains. Most proteins contain an average of 300-500 amino acid residues. There are several very short natural proteins, 3-8 amino acids long, and very long biopolymers, more than 1500 amino acids long. The formation of a protein macromolecule can be represented as a polycondensation reaction of α-amino acids:

    Amino acids combine with each other to form new connection between carbon and nitrogen atoms – peptide (amide):

    From two amino acids (AA) a dipeptide can be obtained, from three - a tripeptide, from a larger number of AAs polypeptides (proteins) are obtained.

    Functions of proteins

    The functions of proteins in nature are universal. Proteins are part of the brain internal organs, bones, skin, hair, etc. Main sourceα - amino acids for a living organism are food proteins, which, as a result of enzymatic hydrolysis in the gastrointestinal tract, giveα - amino acids. Manyα - amino acids are synthesized in the body, and some are necessary for protein synthesis α - amino acids are not synthesized in the body and must come from outside. Such amino acids are called essential. These include valine, leucine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, etc. (see table). In some human diseases, the list of essential amino acids expands.

    · Catalytic function - carried out with the help of specific proteins - catalysts (enzymes). With their participation, the speed of various metabolic and energy reactions in the body increases.

    Enzymes catalyze the reactions of breakdown of complex molecules (catabolism) and their synthesis (anabolism), as well as DNA replication and RNA template synthesis. Several thousand enzymes are known. Among them, such as pepsin, break down proteins during digestion.

    · Transport function - binding and delivery (transport) various substances from one organ to another.

    Thus, hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells, combines with oxygen in the lungs, turning into oxyhemoglobin. Reaching organs and tissues with the bloodstream, oxyhemoglobin breaks down and releases the oxygen necessary to ensure oxidative processes in tissues.

    · Protective function - binding and neutralization of substances entering the body or resulting from the activity of bacteria and viruses.

    The protective function is performed by specific proteins (antibodies - immunoglobulins) formed in the body (physical, chemical and immune defense). For example, the protective function is performed by the blood plasma protein fibrinogen, participating in blood clotting and thereby reducing blood loss.

    · Contractile function (actin, myosin) – as a result of the interaction of proteins, movement in space, contraction and relaxation of the heart, and movement of other internal organs occur.

    · Structural function - Proteins form the basis of the structure of the cell. Some of them (connective tissue collagen, hair, nails and skin keratin, vascular wall elastin, wool keratin, silk fibroin, etc.) perform almost exclusively a structural function.

    In combination with lipids, proteins participate in the construction of cell membranes and intracellular formations.

    · Hormonal (regulatory) function - the ability to transmit signals between tissues, cells or organisms.

    Proteins act as metabolic regulators. They refer to hormones that are produced in the endocrine glands, some organs and tissues of the body.

    · Nutritional function - carried out by reserve proteins, which are stored as a source of energy and substance.

    For example: casein, egg albumin, egg proteins ensure the growth and development of the fetus, and milk proteins serve as a source of nutrition for the newborn.

    The diverse functions of proteins are determined by the α-amino acid composition and structure of their highly organized macromolecules.

    Physical properties of proteins

    Proteins are very long molecules that consist of amino acid units linked by peptide bonds. These are natural polymers; the molecular weight of proteins ranges from several thousand to several tens of millions. For example, milk albumin has a molecular weight of 17,400, blood fibrinogen - 400,000, viral proteins - 50,000,000. Each peptide and protein has a strictly defined composition and sequence of amino acid residues in the chain, which determines their unique biological specificity. The number of proteins characterizes the degree of complexity of the organism (E. coli - 3000, and in human body more than 5 million proteins).

    The first protein we encounter in our lives is protein chicken egg Albumin is highly soluble in water, when heated it coagulates (when we fry eggs), and when stored in a warm place for a long time it collapses and the egg goes rotten. But protein is hidden not only under the eggshell. Hair, nails, claws, fur, feathers, hooves, the outer layer of skin - they are all almost entirely composed of another protein, keratin. Keratin does not dissolve in water, does not coagulate, does not collapse in the ground: the horns of ancient animals are preserved in it just as well as bones. And the protein pepsin, contained in gastric juice, is capable of destroying other proteins, this is the process of digestion. The inferferon protein is used in the treatment of runny nose and flu, because kills the viruses that cause these diseases. And the protein from snake venom can kill a person.

    Protein classification

    From point of view nutritional value proteins, determined by their amino acid composition and the content of so-called essential amino acids, proteins are divided into full-fledged And inferior . Complete proteins include mainly proteins of animal origin, except for gelatin, which is classified as incomplete proteins. Incomplete proteins are mainly of plant origin. However, some plants (potatoes, legumes, etc.) contain complete proteins. Among animal proteins, proteins from meat, eggs, milk, etc. are especially valuable for the body.

    In addition to peptide chains, many proteins also contain non-amino acid fragments; according to this criterion, proteins are divided into two large groups - simple and complex proteins (proteids). Simple proteins contain only amino acid chains; complex proteins also contain non-amino acid fragments ( For example, hemoglobin contains iron).

    Based on their general type of structure, proteins can be divided into three groups:

    1. Fibrillar proteins - insoluble in water, form polymers, their structure is usually highly regular and is maintained mainly by interactions between different chains. Proteins that have an elongated thread-like structure. The polypeptide chains of many fibrillar proteins are located parallel to each other along one axis and form long fibers (fibrils) or layers.

    Most fibrillar proteins are not soluble in water. Fibrillar proteins include, for example, α-keratins (they account for almost the entire dry weight of hair, proteins of wool, horns, hooves, nails, scales, feathers), collagen - the protein of tendons and cartilage, fibroin - the protein of silk).

    2. Globular proteins - water soluble, the general shape of the molecule is more or less spherical. Among globular and fibrillar proteins, subgroups are distinguished. Globular proteins include enzymes, immunoglobulins, some protein hormones (for example, insulin), as well as other proteins that perform transport, regulatory and auxiliary functions.

    3. Membrane proteins - have domains that cross the cell membrane, but parts of them protrude from the membrane into the intercellular environment and the cytoplasm of the cell. Membrane proteins function as receptors, that is, they transmit signals and also provide transmembrane transport of various substances. Transporter proteins are specific; each of them allows only certain molecules or a certain type of signal to pass through the membrane.

    Proteins – an integral part of animal and human food. A living organism differs from a nonliving one primarily by the presence of proteins. Living organisms are characterized by a huge variety of protein molecules and their high orderliness, which determines high organization a living organism, as well as the ability to move, contract, reproduce, the ability to metabolize and perform many physiological processes.

    Protein structure

    Fischer Emil German, German organic chemist and biochemist. In 1899 he began work on protein chemistry. Using the ether method of analyzing amino acids, which he created in 1901, F. was the first to carry out qualitative and quantitative determinations of protein breakdown products, discovered valine, proline (1901) and hydroxyproline (1902), and experimentally proved that amino acid residues are linked to each other by peptide bonds; in 1907 he synthesized an 18-membered polypeptide. F. showed the similarity of synthetic polypeptides and peptides obtained as a result of protein hydrolysis. F. was also involved in the study of tannins. F. created a school of organic chemists. Foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1899). Nobel Prize (1902).

    Topic – 50: Proteins as biopolymers of amino acids. The structure of the peptide group. Biological functions of proteins.

    The student must:


    · Name of protein structure, properties of proteins with different structures and their applications.

    · Purpose of protein.

    Be able to:

    · Explain the presence of protein compounds using qualitative reactions.

    Proteins , or protein substances, are high molecular weight (molecular weight varies from 5-10 thousand to 1 million or more) natural polymers, the molecules of which are built from amino acid residues connected by an amide (peptide) bond.

    Proteins are also called proteins(from the Greek “protos” - first, important). The number of amino acid residues in a protein molecule varies greatly and sometimes reaches several thousand. Each protein has its own inherent sequence of amino acid residues.

    Proteins perform a variety of biological functions:

    catalytic (enzymes),

    regulatory (hormones),

    · structural (collagen, fibroin), motor (myosin), transport (hemoglobin, myoglobin),

    protective (immunoglobulins, interferon),

    In protein molecules, α-amino acids are interconnected by peptide (-CO-NH) bonds:

    Polypeptide chains constructed in this way or individual sections within a polypeptide chain can, in some cases, be additionally linked to each other by disulfide (-S-S-) bonds, as they are often called disulfide bridges.

    Ionic (salt) and hydrogen bonds, as well as hydrophobic interaction, play a major role in creating the structure of proteins - special kind contacts between hydrophobic components of protein molecules in an aqueous environment. All these bonds have varying strengths and ensure the formation of a complex, large protein molecule.

    Despite the difference in the structure and functions of protein substances, their elemental composition varies slightly (in% by dry weight): carbon - 51-53; oxygen - 21.5-23.5; nitrogen - 16.8-18.4; hydrogen - 6.5-7.3; sulfur - 0.3-2.5. Some proteins contain small quantities phosphorus, selenium and other elements.

    The sequence of amino acid residues in a polypeptide chain is called primary protein structure.

    A protein molecule can consist of one or more polypeptide chains, each of which contains a different number of amino acid residues. Given the number of possible combinations, the variety of proteins is almost limitless, but not all of them exist in nature.

    Total number various types proteins in all types of living organisms is 1010-1012. For proteins whose structure is characterized by exceptional falsity, in addition to the primary one, more high levels structural organization: secondary, tertiary, and sometimes quaternary structures. Secondary structure most proteins possess, although not always throughout the entire polypeptide chain (Fig. 38). Polypeptide chains with a certain secondary structure can be differently located in space.

    This spatial arrangement is called tertiary structure.

    In the formation of the tertiary structure, in addition to hydrogen bonds, ionic and hydrophobic interactions play an important role. Based on the nature of the “packaging” of the protein molecule, they are distinguished globular, or spherical, and fibrillar, or filamentous, proteins.

    For globular proteins, an α-helical structure is more typical; the helices are curved, “folded.” The macromolecule has a spherical shape. They dissolve in water and saline solutions to form colloidal systems. Most proteins in animals, plants and microorganisms are globular proteins.

    For fibrillar proteins, a filamentous structure is more typical. They are generally insoluble in water. Fibrillar proteins usually perform structure-forming functions. Their properties (strength, stretchability) depend on the method of packing the polypeptide chains. Examples of fibrillar proteins are proteins of muscle tissue (myosin), keratin (horny tissue). In some cases, individual protein subunits form complex ones with the help of hydrogen bonds, electrostatic and other interactions.

    In this case, it is formed quaternary structure of proteins.

    It should be noted once again that in the organization of higher protein structures, an exclusive role belongs to the primary structure

    50.2. Classification

    There are several classifications of proteins. They are based on different features:

    Degree of complexity (simple and complex);

    Shape of molecules (globular and fibrillar proteins);

    Solubility in individual solvents (water-soluble, soluble in dilute saline solutions - albumins, alcohol-soluble - prolamins, soluble in dilute alkalis and acids - glutelins);

    The function performed (for example, storage proteins, skeletal proteins, etc.).

    50.3. Properties

    Proteins are amphoteric electrolytes. At a certain pH value (called the isoelectric point), the number of positive and negative charges in the protein molecule is the same. This is one of the main properties of protein. Proteins at this point are electrically neutral, and their solubility in water is the lowest. The ability of proteins to reduce solubility when their molecules reach electrical neutrality is used to isolate them from solutions, for example, in the technology for producing protein products.

    50.3.1. Hydration

    The process of hydration means the binding of water by proteins, and they exhibit hydrophilic properties: they swell, their mass and volume increase. The swelling of the protein is accompanied by its partial dissolution. The hydrophilicity of individual proteins depends on their structure. The hydrophilic amide (-CO-NH-, peptide bond), amine (NH2) and carboxyl (COOH) groups present in the composition and located on the surface of the protein macromolecule attract water molecules, strictly orienting them on the surface of the molecule. The hydration (aqueous) shell surrounding protein globules prevents aggregation and sedimentation, and therefore contributes to the stability of protein solutions. At the isoelectric point, proteins have the least ability to bind water; the hydration shell around the protein molecules is destroyed, so they combine to form large aggregates. Aggregation of protein molecules also occurs when they are dehydrated using certain organic solvents, such as ethyl alcohol. This leads to the precipitation of proteins. When the pH of the environment changes, the protein macromolecule becomes charged and its hydration capacity changes.

    With limited swelling, concentrated protein solutions form complex systems called jellies. Jellies are not fluid, elastic, have a certain plasticity mechanical strength, are able to maintain their shape. Globular proteins can be completely hydrated by dissolving in water (for example, milk proteins), forming solutions with low concentrations. The hydrophilic properties of proteins, i.e. their ability to swell, form jellies, stabilize suspensions, emulsions and foams, have great importance in biology and food industry. A very mobile jelly, built mainly from protein molecules, is the cytoplasm - the semi-liquid contents of the cell. Highly hydrated jelly is raw gluten isolated from wheat dough, it contains up to 65% water. The different hydrophilicity of gluten proteins is one of the signs characterizing the quality of wheat grain and flour obtained from it (the so-called strong and weak wheat). The hydrophilicity of grain and flour proteins plays an important role in the storage and processing of grain and in baking. The dough, which is obtained in bakery production, is a protein swollen in water, a concentrated jelly containing starch grains.

    50.3.2. Denaturation of proteins

    During denaturation under the influence of external factors (temperature, mechanical stress, the action of chemical agents and a number of other factors), a change occurs in the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of the protein macromolecule, i.e. its native spatial structure. The primary structure, and therefore the chemical composition of the protein, does not change. Are changing physical properties: solubility, hydration ability decreases, biological activity is lost. The shape of the protein macromolecule changes and aggregation occurs. At the same time, the activity of certain chemical groups increases, the effect of proteolytic enzymes on proteins is facilitated, and therefore it is easier to hydrolyze.

    In food technology, thermal denaturation of proteins is of particular practical importance, the degree of which depends on temperature, duration of heating and humidity. This must be remembered when developing heat treatment regimes for food raw materials, semi-finished products, and sometimes finished products. Thermal denaturation processes play a special role in blanching plant materials, drying grain, baking bread, and producing pasta. Protein denaturation can be caused by mechanical impact(pressure, rubbing, shaking, ultrasound). Finally, the denaturation of proteins is caused by the action of chemical reagents

    (acids, alkalis, alcohol, acetone). All these techniques are widely used in food and biotechnology.

    50.3.3. Foaming

    The foaming process refers to the ability of proteins to form highly concentrated liquid-gas systems called foams. The stability of foam, in which protein is a foaming agent, depends not only on its nature and concentration, but also on temperature. Proteins are widely used as foaming agents in the confectionery industry (marshmallows, marshmallows, soufflés). Bread has a foam structure, and this affects its taste.

    Protein molecules, under the influence of a number of factors, can be destroyed or interact with other substances to form new products. For the food industry, two very important processes can be distinguished:

    1) hydrolysis of proteins under the action of enzymes and

    2) interaction of amino groups of proteins or amino acids with carbonyl groups of reducing sugars.

    Under the influence of proteases - enzymes that catalyze the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins, the latter break down into simpler products (polypeptides) and ultimately into amino acids. The rate of protein hydrolysis depends on its composition, molecular structure, enzyme activity and conditions.

    50.3.4. Protein hydrolysis

    Hydrolysis reaction to form amino acids in general view can be written like this:

    50.3.5. Combustion

    Proteins burn to produce nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water, as well as some other substances. Combustion is accompanied by the characteristic smell of burnt feathers.

    50.3.6. Color reactions

    Use following reactions:

    xanthoprotein , in which the interaction of aromatic and heteroatomic cycles in a protein molecule with concentrated nitric acid occurs, accompanied by the appearance of a yellow color;

    biuret, in which weakly alkaline solutions of proteins interact with a solution of copper (II) sulfate to form complex compounds between Cu2+ ions and polypeptides. The reaction is accompanied by the appearance of a violet-blue color.

    Biopolymers- a class of polymers found naturally in natural form components that make up living organisms: proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides. Biopolymers consist of identical (or different) units - monomers. Monomers of proteins are amino acids, nucleic acids are nucleotides, and in polysaccharides they are monosaccharides.

    There are two types of biopolymers - regular (some polysaccharides) and irregular (proteins, nucleic acids, some polysaccharides).


    Proteins have several levels of organization - primary, secondary, tertiary, and sometimes quaternary. The primary structure is determined by the sequence of monomers, the secondary structure is determined by intra- and intermolecular interactions between monomers, usually through hydrogen bonds. Tertiary structure depends on the interaction of secondary structures, quaternary, as a rule, is formed by combining several molecules with a tertiary structure.

    The secondary structure of proteins is formed by the interaction of amino acids using hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions. The main types of secondary structure are

    α-helix, when hydrogen bonds occur between amino acids in the same chain,

    β-sheets (folded layers), when hydrogen bonds are formed between different polypeptide chains running in different directions(antiparallel,

    disordered areas

    Computer programs are used to predict secondary structure.

    Tertiary structure or "fold" is formed by the interaction of secondary structures and is stabilized by non-covalent, ionic, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions. Proteins that perform similar functions usually have similar tertiary structures. An example of a fold is a β-barrel, where the β-sheets are arranged in a circle. The tertiary structure of proteins is determined using X-ray diffraction analysis.

    An important class of polymeric proteins are fibrillar proteins, the best known of which is collagen.

    In the animal world, proteins usually act as supporting, structure-forming polymers. These polymers are built from 20 α-amino acids. Amino acid residues are linked into protein macromolecules by peptide bonds resulting from the reaction of carboxyl and amino groups.

    The importance of proteins in living nature is difficult to overestimate. This construction material living organisms, biocatalysts - enzymes that ensure reactions occur in cells, and enzymes that stimulate certain biochemical reactions, i.e. ensuring selectivity of biocatalysis. Our muscles, hair, skin are made of fibrous proteins. A blood protein that is part of hemoglobin promotes the absorption of oxygen in the air; another protein, insulin, is responsible for the breakdown of sugar in the body and, therefore, for providing it with energy. The molecular weight of proteins varies widely. Thus, insulin, the first protein whose structure was established by F. Sanger in 1953, contains about 60 amino acid units, and its molecular weight is only 12,000. To date, several thousand protein molecules have been identified, the molecular weight of some of them reaches 106 or more.

    Nucleic acids

    The primary structure of DNA is a linear sequence of nucleotides in a chain. As a rule, the sequence is written in the form of letters (for example, AGTCATGCCAG), and the recording is carried out from the 5" to the 3" end of the chain.

    Secondary structure is a structure formed due to non-covalent interactions of nucleotides (mostly nitrogenous bases) with each other, stacking and hydrogen bonds. The DNA double helix is ​​a classic example of secondary structure. This is the most common form of DNA in nature, which consists of two anti-parallel complementary polynucleotide chains. Antiparallelism is realized due to the polarity of each of the circuits. Complementarity is understood as the correspondence of each nitrogenous base of one DNA chain to a strictly defined base of another chain (opposite A is T, and opposite G is C). DNA is held in a double helix due to complementary base pairing - the formation of hydrogen bonds, two in pair A-T and three in the G-C pair.

    In 1868, the Swiss scientist Friedrich Miescher isolated a phosphorus-containing substance from cell nuclei, which he called nuclein. Later, this and similar substances were called nucleic acids. Their molecular weight can reach 109, but more often ranges from 105-106. The starting substances from which nucleotides are built - units of macromolecules of nucleic acids are: carbohydrate, phosphoric acid, purine and pyrimidine bases. In one group of acids, ribose acts as a carbohydrate, in the other, deoxyribose.

    In accordance with the nature of the carbohydrate they contain, nucleic acids are called ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acids. Common abbreviations are RNA and DNA. Nucleic acids play the most important role in life processes. With their help, two important tasks are solved: storage and transmission. hereditary information and matrix synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein macromolecules.


    3-dimensional structure of cellulose

    Polysaccharides synthesized by living organisms consist of large quantity monosaccharides connected by glycosidic bonds. Often polysaccharides are insoluble in water. These are usually very large, branched molecules. Examples of polysaccharides that are synthesized by living organisms are storage substances starch and glycogen, as well as structural polysaccharides - cellulose and chitin. Since biological polysaccharides consist of molecules of different lengths, the concepts of secondary and tertiary structure do not apply to polysaccharides.

    Polysaccharides are formed from low molecular weight compounds called sugars or carbohydrates. Cyclic molecules of monosaccharides can bond with each other to form so-called glycosidic bonds through the condensation of hydroxyl groups.

    The most common are polysaccharides whose repeating units are residues of α-D-glucopyranose or its derivatives. The best known and most widely used is cellulose. In this polysaccharide, an oxygen bridge links the 1st and 4th carbon atoms in adjacent units, such a bond is called α-1,4-glycosidic.

    The chemical composition similar to cellulose is starch, consisting of amylose and amylopectin, glycogen and dextran. The difference between the former and cellulose is the branching of macromolecules, and amylopectin and glycogen can be classified as hyperbranched natural polymers, i.e. dendrimers of irregular structure. The branch point is usually the sixth carbon of the α-D-glucopyranose ring, which is linked by a glycosidic bond to the side chain. The difference between dextran and cellulose is the nature of the glycosidic bonds - along with α-1,4-, dextran also contains α-1,3- and α-1,6-glycosidic bonds, the latter being dominant.

    Chitin and chitosan have a chemical composition different from cellulose, but they are close to it in structure. The difference is that at the second carbon atom of α-D-glucopyranose units linked by α-1,4-glycosidic bonds, the OH group is replaced by –NHCH3COO groups in chitin and –NH2 group in chitosan.

    Cellulose is found in the bark and wood of trees, plant stems: cotton contains more than 90% cellulose, trees coniferous species– over 60%, deciduous – about 40%. The strength of cellulose fibers is due to the fact that they are formed by single crystals in which macromolecules are packed parallel to one another. Cellulose forms the structural basis of representatives not only flora, but also some bacteria.

    In the animal world, polysaccharides are “used” only by insects and arthropods as supporting, structure-forming polymers. Chitin is most often used for these purposes, which serves to build the so-called exoskeleton in crabs, crayfish, shrimp. From chitin, deacetylation produces chitosan, which, unlike insoluble chitin, is soluble in aqueous solutions of formic acid, acetic acid and hydrochloric acid. In this regard, and also thanks to the complex valuable properties combined with biocompatibility, chitosan has great prospects for a wide range of practical application soon.

    Starch is one of the polysaccharides that act as a reserve food substance in plants. Tubers, fruits, and seeds contain up to 70% starch. The stored polysaccharide of animals is glycogen, which is found mainly in the liver and muscles.

    The strength of plant trunks and stems, in addition to the skeleton of cellulose fibers, is determined by the connective plant tissue. A significant part of it in trees is lignin - up to 30%. Its structure has not been precisely established. It is known that this is a relatively low molecular weight (M ≈ 104) hyperbranched polymer, formed mainly from phenol residues substituted in the ortho position by –OCH3 groups, in the para position by –CH=CH–CH2OH groups. Currently, a huge amount of lignins has been accumulated as waste from the cellulose hydrolysis industry, but the problem of their disposal has not been solved. The supporting elements of plant tissue include pectin substances and, in particular, pectin, which is found mainly in cell walls. Its content in apple peels and the white part of citrus peels reaches up to 30%. Pectin belongs to heteropolysaccharides, i.e. copolymers. Its macromolecules are mainly built from residues of D-galacturonic acid and its methyl ester, linked by α-1,4-glycosidic bonds.

    Among the pentoses, the most important are the polymers arabinose and xylose, which form polysaccharides called arabins and xylans. They, along with cellulose, determine the typical properties of wood.
