Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» A wave of the hand is a signaling device used by river vessels. Fire detection systems on ships and ship fire alarms. Special types of signal production

A wave of the hand is a signaling device used by river vessels. Fire detection systems on ships and ship fire alarms. Special types of signal production

To ensure that a fire can be detected at an early stage, all ships are equipped with fire detection equipment. First of all, this applies to fire alarms, but for the same purposes, the video surveillance system installed on the ship, as well as various security systems, can be used.

The ship's fire alarm consists of:

1. Automatic fire alarm sensors installed in various areas of the vessel.

2. Fire detectors activated manually when signs of fire are detected. Due to the small size of river vessels, fire detectors may not be installed, but they must be installed on passenger ships and tankers.

3. Fire alarm panel, which is installed on the navigation bridge and where signals from sensors and fire detectors come.

Automatic fire alarm sensor is one of the main parts of the system that ensures fire safety. It is the degree of reliability of the sensor of such an alarm that determines the overall efficiency of the system, which ensures fire safety.

Fire detectors are divided into four main types:

1) thermal sensors

2) smoke detectors

3) flame sensors

4) combined sensors

1) The fire alarm thermal sensor reacts to the presence of temperature changes. From the point of view of the device, thermal sensors are divided into:

a) threshold - with a given temperature limit, after which the sensors will work.

b) integral - react to a sharp rate of temperature change.

Threshold sensors - have a relatively low efficiency, due to the temperature threshold at which the sensor is triggered, about 70 ° C. And the demand for this type of sensors is determined by an exceptionally low price.

Integrated fire detectors are able to register a fire at an early stage. However, since they use two thermoelements (one in the sensor itself, and the other is outside the sensor), and a signal processing system is built into the sensor itself, the price of such fire sensors will be significant.

Fire alarm thermal sensors should only be used when heat is the main symptom of a fire.

2) Fire alarm smoke detectors detect the presence of smoke in the air. Almost all manufactured smoke detectors work according to the principle of scattering infrared radiation on smoke particles. The disadvantage of such a sensor is that it can work with a large amount of steam or dust in the room. However, the smoke detector is also extremely common, although, of course, it is not used in dusty rooms and smoking rooms.

3) The flame sensor implies the presence of a smoldering hearth or an open flame. Flame detectors should be installed in rooms where a fire is likely to occur without prior smoke emission. They are more efficient than the previous two types of emitters, since flame detection is carried out at the initial stage, when many factors are absent - smoke and a significant temperature drop. And in some industrial premises, which are characterized by a high level of dustiness or high heat exchange, only fire detectors of the flame are used.

4) Combined fire alarm sensors combine several ways to detect signs of a fire. In most cases, combined detectors combine a smoke detector together with a heat detector. This allows you to more accurately determine the presence of fire signs in order to send an alarm signal to the console. The cost of these sensors is proportional to the complexity of the technologies used to create it.

The overall effectiveness of a fire suppression system is directly dependent on a properly designed fire alarm system based on the data received from the fire sensor. That is why the correct location, the use of a suitable type of sensor for certain rooms, as well as the quality of fire sensors, allows you to determine

the effectiveness of the fire protection system of the building as a whole. Manual call points, small square boxes containing a closed plastic or glass plate (lid)
alarm button. They are located in clearly visible and accessible places near the entrances to the premises, the ends of the corridors, etc. The distance between fire detectors on passenger ships in the corridors is no more than 20 meters. The positions of the detectors are indicated by standard signs made on luminescent material.

Fire alarm panel - installed on the navigation bridge. Designs may vary. Fire alarms can be combined with burglar alarms.

In the event of a fire, a signal comes to the fire alarm panel, which can come from both the sensor and the manual fire detector. The light corresponding to any zone on the vessel will light up on the indicator and an audible signal will sound. Thus, the watch officer will know in which part of the ship the fire broke out and a general ship alarm will be announced indicating the place of ignition.

To transfer information from the sensor to the central device, communication lines are used - cable routes that form beams, each of which is connected to several sensors and manual call points located in the same or close to each other rooms.

The fire detection signaling should provide a quick identification of the object from which the signal was received, for which it is preferable to use mnemonic diagrams (and on passenger ships it is mandatory). When the detector is triggered, an audible and visual alarm should be triggered on the system control panel. If within 2 minutes these signals do not attract attention and their reception is not confirmed, an alarm is automatically set in all crew accommodation, service, engine rooms, and control stations.

In some types of fire alarm systems, it is provided not only to determine the beam to which the triggered sensor is connected, but also the sensor number. For this purpose, a ballast resistance or a capacitor is connected in parallel to the sensor contacts. When the sensor is triggered, its resistance is turned off and a circuit is formed with the remaining resistors, the resistance measurement in which allows you to determine the number of the triggered sensor.


To extinguish small fires, as well as to prevent fires on ships, portable fire extinguishers are used. According to the PPB for the VVT ​​of the Russian Federation: the use of fire-fighting systems, property and inventory for other than its intended purpose is not allowed, except in cases provided for by construction documentation, as well as during firefighting drills and drills.

Fire buckets - stored on the open deck in supports, painted red with the inscription "Firemen" and supplied with a line of sufficient length.

5. Koshma (fire blanket) - can be made from various materials: fiberglass, canvas, asbestos cloth. With the help of a felt mat, fires of classes A, B and C can be extinguished.

A box of sand and a shovel (scoop) - should be on every ship. They are located mainly on the open deck and in the MKO. Sand, in the first place, is intended not to extinguish a fire, but to prevent fire. For example, when a flammable liquid is spilled, it is necessary to cover it with sand as soon as possible, thereby eliminating the very possibility of its ignition, and in addition, the liquid will not be able to spread over the deck and get overboard, creating a threat of pollution. In addition, sand has the properties of a dielectric, and when extinguishing a fire, it absorbs a lot of heat.

7. Fire extinguishers. We will discuss the device and use of portable fire extinguishers in the next chapter.

8. Suit and equipment of a firefighter. It will be studied in detail in the following chapters.


History reference

History of the fire extinguisher

The first fire-extinguishing device was invented by Zacharias Greil, around 1715 in Germany. It was a wooden barrel filled with 20 liters of water, equipped with a small amount of gunpowder and a fuse. In the event of a fire, the fuse was set on fire, and the barrel was thrown into the hearth, where it exploded and extinguished the fire. In England, a similar device was made by the chemist Ambrose Godfrey in 1723. As a design improvement, in 1770, alum was added to the water.

In 1813, English Captain George Manby invented the fire extinguisher as we know it today. The device was transported on a trolley and consisted of a copper vessel containing 13 liters of potash (POTASH (German: Pottasche, from Pott - "pot" and Asche - "ash") - potassium carbonate, potassium salt of carbonic acid, a white crystalline substance, readily soluble in water), a chemical used in firefighting since the 18th century.

The liquid was in a vessel under pressure of compressed air and was released when the tap was opened. The fire extinguisher was the most famous of Manby's inventions, which also included a device for rescuing people jumping out of a burning building in a fire.

In 1850, another chemical fire extinguisher was introduced in Germany by Heinrich Gottlieb Kühn, a small box filled with sulphur, saltpeter and coal, with a small powder charge. The charge was activated with the help of a fuse, the box was thrown into the hearth, after which the released gases extinguished the fire.

The Fire Annihilator was patented in 1844 by the Englishman William Henry Philips. While in Italy, Philips witnessed several volcanic eruptions, which prompted him to think about extinguishing fires with water vapor mixed with other gases.

The design of the Annihilator was quite complex, the principle of which was based on the mixing of certain chemicals inside the vessel, as a result of which heat was intensively released, turning water into steam. Steam was supplied through a sprayer at the top of the fire extinguisher. Unfortunately, Mr. Philips was unable to prove the effectiveness of the invented device, two tests in the USA were unsuccessful, and Philips' factory, ironically, was destroyed by fire.

Here's how the Brooklyn Daily Eagle describes the failed Destroyer demonstration:

“Yesterday, in order to satisfy our curiosity about the merits of the so-called 'Fire Destroyer', we came to New York to witness the public testing of the machine, which was previously announced. To avoid accidents, the test was conducted on the outskirts, on 63rd Street, in an open space without any buildings in the neighborhood. During the tests, combustible material was set on fire, and the fire was extinguished using two devices. The material was spread over an area of ​​about six feet by four, with a layer thickness of about two or three inches. The first of the machines began to extinguish, and the stream of white steam coming out of it was directed at the fire; on the other hand, a second vehicle was brought in to put out the fire. The extinguishing was accompanied by a strong hiss, however, when both machines exhausted their charge, the fire burned as strongly as before. The tests were repeated several times with the same results.

Since the tests were long delayed and publicly announced, it can be assumed that everything was well prepared to show the true properties of the machine, and having witnessed them, we are forced to report that we have more confidence in a bucket of water than in the "Fire Destroyer" .

Dr. Francois Carlier in 1866 received a patent for a fire extinguisher "L'Extincteur", the principle of which was based on the use of acid. The fire extinguisher device for the first time in history made it possible to obtain the necessary pressure to release the fire extinguishing agent inside the vessel itself. The reaction between "tartaric acid" and sodium carbonate (soda) produced a large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2), which pushed out the contents of the fire extinguisher. The device was improved and patented again in 1872 by William Dick of Glasgow, who replaced tartaric acid with cheaper sulfuric acid.

In 1871, Henry Harden of Chicago patented the No. 1 Harden Grenade in the United States. It was a glass bottle filled with an aqueous solution of salts, designed to be thrown into a fire. Despite the fact that glass fire-extinguishing grenades had a very limited use, their production continued until the 50s of the 20th century. Since 1877, Harden grenades were also produced in England by HardenStar, Lewisand Sinclair Company Ltd. in Peckham. Soon, production was established at a large number of factories throughout Europe and the USA.

In 1884, engineer Schwartz of Bocholt, Germany, developed the "Patent Hand Fire Extinguisher", a tin tube with a rectangular shape and triangular section. The pipe was filled with fire extinguishing powder, probably soda. The contents of the fire extinguisher should be poured into the fire with force. Soon fire extinguishers of this design, in the form of tin containers and cartridge containers, were established around the world and lasted until the 1930s. Early

the models were called "Firecide" (USA) and "KylFire" (England).

The Carré model was sold in several European countries, including Germany. The brothers Clemens and Wilhelm Graff were involved as representatives in the regions of northern Germany. They soon improved the design of the fire extinguisher and introduced their Excelsior 1902 model. This model later became the famous Minimax fire extinguisher.

At the turn of the century, a steel carbon dioxide fire extinguisher was patented. Its design formed the basis of many developments based on this technology. At first, the compressed gas container was located outside the cylinder, examples of this design are the Antignit, VeniVici or Fix fire extinguishers from Berlin. Later, the flask with gas was reduced and placed inside the fire extinguisher itself. Although a compressed gas bulb was a more convenient way to obtain the required pressure, acid fire extinguishers were produced until the 1950s.

VeniVici Fire Extinguishers with Compressed Gas Flask

In the first decade of the new century, hundreds of companies produced fire extinguishers based on the use of water as an extinguishing agent. Public demonstrations have been a successful method of promoting new designs and models. Usually, wooden structures were built in the town square, and the audience watched the fire extinguishing, if, of course, the fire extinguisher worked.

In 1906, the Russian inventor Alexander Loran patented a method for producing air-mechanical foam and a compact fire extinguisher based on this principle. The volume of the fire extinguisher was divided into two parts connected through the drummer. In the event of a fire, the striker was removed, the fire extinguisher was turned over and the two liquids were mixed. Sodium bicarbonate and aluminum sulfate, with the participation of a reaction stabilizer, produced a fire-extinguishing foam. The volume of foam many times exceeded the volume of the fire extinguisher. Unfortunately, the patent of the Russian inventor did not find application in Russia, and was later sold and used by a German company in the Perkeo model, the first foam fire extinguisher in Germany.

Foam extinguishing technology was improved in 1934 by Concordia Electric AG, which introduced the first compression foam fire extinguisher that produced foam at 150 atmospheres of air pressure. Soon, many companies, including Minimax, began to use foam extinguishing technology, which has proven itself to be the best in fighting fuel fires. On the basis of foam fire extinguishers, stationary foam fire extinguishing installations for use in engine compartments and other rooms using flammable liquids began to be produced. Perkeo fire extinguishers have also been used to protect large volumes, such as fuel tanks and fuel tanks, for which floating fire extinguishing devices have been released.

In 1912, the first model of the Pyrene fire extinguisher was released, which was a hand pump. The chemical substance - carbon tertachloride (carbontetrachloride, CTC, formula CCl4) - has proven to be very effective in fighting fuel fires and extinguishing electrical installations under voltage (the extinguishing agent does not conduct current up to 150,000 volts). The only and most important drawback was that when heated, this agent produced a deadly gas for humans - phosgene, which could lead to death of people when using a fire extinguisher in a confined space. In Germany, in 1923, a law was passed limiting the volume of carbon tetrachloride fire extinguishers to 2 liters in order to reduce the risk of large quantities of deadly gas.

Pyrene Mfg. Co was founded in 1907 in New York City and manufactured its fire extinguishers and other products well into the 1960s. The compact fire extinguisher proved to be effective, and due to the growth in the number of automobiles and fuel fires, the company has taken a leading position in the market for CTC-based fire extinguishers.

Pyrene assembly line, 1948

CTC was soon adopted by many companies, in addition to fire extinguishers, it was used in fire grenades to improve their performance. Manufacturers such as Red Comet, Autofyre and Pakar sold them well into the 50s. Most CTC-based fire extinguishers were 1 gallon (4.5 liters).

Pyrene fire extinguisher with 1 gallon capacity

In 1938 in Germany, Minimax, Hoechst, and Junkers developed a less dangerous version of the extinguishing agent, chlorobromemethane (CB). Most fire extinguishers were then refilled with the new agent, until the discovery of halon in the 1960s, an inert gas safe for humans with excellent extinguishing properties. Currently, the use of freons is also limited due to their destructive effect on the ozone layer of the earth.

Powder as a fire extinguishing agent was already in use in the 1850s. Most of the designs were based on the use of sodium bicarbonate placed in tins or cartridges. In 1912, Total in Berlin received a patent for a powder fire extinguisher using carbon dioxide as a propellant. The gas was stored outside the fire extinguisher, in a separate container, and the effectiveness of extinguishing was achieved mainly thanks to it. Only later did the fire-extinguishing ability of powders reach an acceptable level.

Fire extinguishing powders have become the most commonly used fire extinguishing agent. The design of fire extinguishers has changed over time, nozzles and sprayers have been added, the quality of the powder and the ability to store it in large volumes have improved. In 1955, the use of powders began. capable of extinguishing Class A fires such as burning wood or other solid combustible materials.

Antifyre Ltd of Middlesex, England, made a fire pistol in the 1930s that was loaded with fire extinguishing powder cartridges. In addition to the powder, there was a small powder charge in the cartridge, as in a live cartridge. When pointing at the hearth, pulling the trigger and releasing the powder, the fire could be extinguished from a distance. The company offered free reloading if the cartridges were used to put out fires. Several large and small models were produced, supplied with several charges, in a wall-mounted steel box.

Several other manufacturers produced similar devices, sometimes using CTC or CBF as an agent in a glass or metal flask.

CO2 (carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide) has long been recognized as an effective fire extinguishing agent. The German scientist Dr. Reidt patented a method for storing liquid carbon dioxide in steel bottles in 1882 and soon F. Heuser & Co from Hamburg began their production. At about the same time, CO2 cylinders began to be produced all over the world and soon, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers were included in the product range of all manufacturers. By 1940, there were several models, the design of which has remained virtually unchanged until today.

Liquefied carbon dioxide is stored under high pressure in steel or, in the case of small volumes, aluminum tanks. If necessary, gas can be supplied through a valve, a flexible hose and a wooden or plastic tip. When changing from liquid to gas, the temperature of the extinguishing agent is about -79°C, so frost may form on the outlets of the extinguisher. When the combustible substance is cooled and oxygen is replaced by inert carbon dioxide, the fire is extinguished.

At first, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers were mainly available in 5, 6 or 8 kilogram versions. Later, in the 1930s, large volume fire extinguishers were produced, transported on trailers and even trucks.

Minimax fire extinguishers of large volume, transported on a trailer

Some companies, such as Minimax in Germany, have begun to specialize in fixed gas extinguishing systems for ships, trains and manufacturing plants. Such systems included a large volume of liquefied carbon dioxide, smoke or temperature sensors, and a central control system. In addition, a network of pipelines with nozzles for distributing gas to compartments.

Today, modern fire extinguishers have come a long way since their invention in 1715. Most of the compact fire extinguishers currently produced are pressurized powder or CO2 cartridges. Their design has remained unchanged since the 1950s, but naturally all components have been improved to achieve greater reliability. In addition, modern extinguishing powders are certified and used to extinguish various classes of fires (combustible liquids, solid materials, electrical installations under voltage), which cannot be compared with the situation of the 50s.

The very effective gas Freon was banned from use in fire extinguishers and fixed fire extinguishing installations almost worldwide in 2003 due to its devastating effect on the ozone layer. Currently, no real alternative has yet been found, so the market for gas fire extinguishers is dominated by liquefied carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

Freon Fire Extinguisher for Helicopter

Increasingly, water-based fire extinguishers are used despite their limited effectiveness (only class A fires - wood and solid combustibles, and uselessness in extinguishing class B and C fires - liquid and gaseous combustibles - as well as energized electrical installations). In this case, additional components are added to the water - wetting agents (for example, AFFF), which allow increasing and sometimes doubling the effectiveness of a fire extinguisher when extinguishing a fire. Recent developments in high-pressure water fire extinguishers produce water mist from minute water droplets. At the same time, consumption is minimal, which reduces the damage to property that can be caused by water during extinguishing.

Currently, there are several types of foam extinguishers used to fight class A and B fires. The principle of operation of most of them is based on the use of concentrated foam and propellant cartridges.

Portable fire extinguishers are one of the most effective means of putting out fires at an early stage.

The following types of fire extinguishers are used in the fleet:

Foamy (air-foamy);

carbon dioxide (CO 2 -fire extinguishers);


In addition to these three types, there are water and freon fire extinguishers that are not used in the fleet for a number of reasons.

We will analyze the device and the operation of fire extinguishers in more detail.

1. Foam fire extinguisher.

There are two types of foam fire extinguishers: air-foam and chemical foam.

The air-foam fire extinguisher is designed to extinguish class A and B fires. The operating temperature range is from +5 to + 50 0 C. They are produced in various sizes, with a charge weight of 4 to 80 kg.

Due to the fact that foam fire extinguishers contain water, there are problems when storing them in the winter on board river vessels. Therefore, in the river fleet they try not to use foam fire extinguishers. In the navy, ships operate all year round and foam fire extinguishers are very common.

A standard OVP-10 fire extinguisher has a mass of 15 kg.

To extinguish class A fires, fire extinguishers of the OVP-10A brand with a low expansion foam generator are produced. To extinguish class B fires, fire extinguishers of the OVP-10V brand with a medium expansion foam generator are produced.

Air-foam fire extinguishers are not allowed to be used to extinguish electrical installations under voltage, as well as alkali metals.

The device of air-foam fire extinguishers is similar. The OVP-10 air-foam fire extinguisher consists of a steel case, which contains a 4-6% aqueous solution of the PO-1 foaming agent (an aqueous charge solution based on secondary alkyl sulfates), a high-pressure canister with carbon dioxide to push the charge, a cover with a shut-off and starting device, a siphon tube and a bell-nozzle for obtaining high-expansion air-mechanical foam.

The fire extinguisher is actuated by pressing the hand on the trigger lever, as a result of which the seal breaks and the rod pierces the membrane of the carbon dioxide cylinder. The latter, leaving the cylinder through the metering hole, creates pressure in the fire extinguisher body, under the action of which the solution enters through the siphon tube through the sprayer into the socket, where, as a result of mixing the aqueous solution of the foaming agent with air, air-mechanical foam is formed.

The multiplicity of the resulting foam (the ratio of its volume to the volume of the products from which it is obtained is on average 5, and the durability (time from the moment it is formed to complete disintegration) is 20 minutes. The durability of the chemical foam is 40 minutes.

Preparing the fire extinguisher for work and operating procedure

1. Bring the fire extinguisher to the fire at a distance of 3 m and install it vertically.

2. Unwind the rubber hose and point the foam generator at the fire.

3. Open the locking device of the cylinder charged with working gas until it stops.

After using the fire extinguisher, its body is washed with water and both the fire extinguisher body and the working gas cylinder are charged.

Chemical foam fire extinguisher - considered obsolete due to its poor efficiency. Therefore, we will analyze its device briefly.

Inside the fire extinguisher contains a solution of soda (sodium bicarbonate) with the addition of cheap surfactants and a glass of acid. At the moment of operation, the glass opens, the acid comes into contact with a solution of soda, as a result, carbon dioxide is rapidly released. The fire extinguisher is turned upside down and the carbon dioxide pushes the contents through the hole into the fire. Due to the presence of surfactants, a lot of foam is formed.

Before use, the opening of the fire extinguisher had to be cleaned with a metal twig: if it was clogged, this threatened with trouble.

Chemical foam fire extinguisher OHP-10 (fig.) is a welded cylindrical cylinder 1 made of sheet steel. In the upper part of the cylinder there is a neck 5 with an adapter 4, on which a cast-iron cap 8 with a locking device is screwed. The locking device consists of a rubber gasket 9 and a spring 10 that presses the cork to the neck of the glass 2 when the handle 6 with the stem 7 is closed and prevents its spontaneous operation. With the help of the handle, the cork is raised and lowered. For the convenience of carrying the fire extinguisher and working with it, there is a handle 3 in the upper part of the body.

To put the fire extinguisher into action, it is necessary to turn the handle 6 in a vertical plane to the full, then take the handle with your right hand and the bottom end with your left hand, come as close as possible to the place of burning and turn the fire extinguisher over with the lid down. In this case, the cork of the acid glass opens and the acid part flows out of the glass and, mixing with the alkaline solution, causes a chemical reaction with the formation of carbon dioxide CO 2, the jet of which is sent through the spray 11 to the center of intense combustion.

The OHP-10 fire extinguisher can be used to extinguish solid combustible materials, as well as flammable and combustible liquids in a small area. Since the foam conducts electricity, this fire extinguisher cannot be used to extinguish burning electrical wires, electrical equipment and devices under voltage, as well as to extinguish fires in the presence of metallic sodium and potassium, burning magnesium, alcohols, carbon disulfide, acetone, calcium carbide. Due to the fact that a relatively high pressure is created in the fire extinguisher, before putting it into action, it is necessary to clean the spout with a pin suspended from the fire extinguisher handle.

A very big drawback: the work of the fire extinguisher is irreversible - once you set it in motion, the fire extinguisher can no longer be stopped (unlike, for example, a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher). As a result, the consequences of extinguishing a fire may be no less than the consequences of the fire itself. According to the apt expression of the chemist A.G. Kolchinsky:

"... the elimination of the consequences of the work of a foam fire extinguisher can be no less tiring than the consequences of a fire. This is a tool that willingly puts out other people's fires, but rarely their own."

Not surprisingly, according to NPB 166-97 (fire safety standards), chemical foam fire extinguishers were forbidden to be put into operation, and the existing OHP-10 fire extinguishers were replaced with other types of fire extinguishers.

Extinguishing tactics:

When extinguishing, be at least 3 m away from the source of the fire;

Avoid intensive swinging of the fire extinguisher, direct the jet, smoothly shifting it to the center of the fire, the foam should slide over the burning surface;

Avoid getting foam on open areas of the body; Avoid splashing flammable liquids.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher (CO 2 fire extinguisher).

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers (OU) are designed to extinguish fires of various substances and materials, electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 V, internal combustion engines, combustible liquids.

It is forbidden to extinguish materials that burn without air (aluminum, magnesium and their alloys, sodium, potassium).

Operating temperature range: from -40 to +50 0 С.

The OS carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is a high-pressure steel cylinder (pressure inside the housing is 5.7 MPa), which is equipped with a shut-off and starter device with an overpressure relief valve and a plastic cone-shaped socket. The main color of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers is red.

The substance used in carbon dioxide fire extinguishers is carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). It is carbon dioxide CO2, pumped into a cylinder under pressure. The main task of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is to bring down the flame. When a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher fires, pressurized carbon dioxide is ejected in the form of white foam at a distance of about two meters. The temperature of the jet is approximately minus 74 degrees Celsius, so frostbite occurs if this substance gets on the skin. The maximum coverage area is achieved by adjusting the direction of the plastic socket to the source of ignition. Carbon dioxide, falling on the burning substance, prevents the flow of oxygen, low temperature cools and prevents the spread of the flame, this stops the combustion process.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are very effective at putting out flames at the start of a fire. It is best to use carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to put out something very important, something that cannot be damaged, such as computers, equipment, car interiors, because after
use, the carbon dioxide evaporates and leaves no residue.

What you need to pay attention to:

Since the active substance of the fire extinguisher (CO 2) has a very low temperature, care must be taken not to freeze your hands during operation. To do this, hold the fire extinguisher only by the handles.

Short operating time, it is necessary to open the gas supply at the very fire.

The highest efficiency when supplying gas directly to the fire.

In addition, a fire extinguisher should not be used to extinguish people due to the risk of causing frostbite.

When using several fire extinguishers indoors, oxygen starvation is possible.

Not effective on the open deck in the wind.

When starting and operating the fire extinguisher, it must not be kept upside down.

3. Powder fire extinguishers.

Portable powder fire extinguishers for general use are designed to extinguish fires of classes A, B and C, and for special purposes - to extinguish burning metals. The action of a fire extinguisher is based on the interruption of the combustion reaction with little or no cooling of the burning surface, which under certain conditions can lead to re-ignition. The fire extinguisher works in a vertical position and it is possible to supply extinguishing powder in short portions.

Characteristics of powder fire extinguishers: charge weight 0.9-13.6 kg; jet flight range 3-9 m; duration of work 8-30 s.

Extinguishing tactics:

· apply the powder continuously or in portions depending on the class of fire, starting from the near edge, drive the jet from side to side;

move forward slowly, avoiding close contact with the fire;

after the fire is extinguished, wait a while to avoid re-ignition;

Powder extinguishing can be combined with water extinguishing, and some powders are compatible with foam;

When extinguishing it is better to use a respirator.

Some more rules for handling powder fire extinguishers should be remembered: when using them, a delay of 5 seconds is possible, and it is also better to use the entire charge at a time, since when serving in portions, it is possible that the fire extinguisher will not work.


Now we will analyze the stationary fire extinguishing systems that are used on ships. Stationary systems are designed and installed on ships during their construction, and which systems will be installed on the ship depends on the purpose and specification of the ship.

The main stationary fire-fighting systems on the ship are: water extinguishing system, steam extinguishing, foam extinguishing, carbon dioxide extinguishing (CO 2 -extinguishing), liquid chemical extinguishing.

Water extinguishing system.

The water extinguishing system is based on the action of powerful jets of water that knock down the flame. It is equipped with all self-propelled displacement vessels, regardless of the presence of other extinguishing agents on them.

Ship water extinguishing system

fire pump;

Fire hydrant with connecting nut;

Fire highway.

The device of the water extinguishing system. Each self-propelled vessel has fire pumps. Their number depends on the type of vessel, but not less than two. The main fire pumps are located in the engine room below the waterline in order to provide constant suction pressure. In this case, fire pumps must be able to receive water from at least two places. Tankers and some dry cargo ships have an additional emergency fire pump(APN). Its location depends on the design of the vessel. APN is placed outside the engine room, for example, in a separate room in the bow of the vessel or in the tiller room. It must be supplied with power from an emergency diesel generator.

End and ring fire systems

From fire pumps, water enters the piping system that runs throughout the ship. By type of piping system there are ring and terminal. Water is supplied through pipes to fire hydrants (fire horns - as they called it earlier). Non-working parts of the fire hydrant, as well as the fire main on the open deck, are painted red. Each fire hydrant has a connecting nut to which the fire hose is connected. And a fire hose is connected directly to the sleeve.

Fire nuts.

International connection

Storz nut
Mouth nut

Fire nut Bogdanov

There are several types of nuts that are used in the navy. The most common connections are Bogdanov nuts. Their advantages are simplicity of design and fast connection. Their diameter depends on the fire system used on a given vessel. Another type of nut used in the Navy is the Roth nut. Previously, there were a lot of such compounds on ships, but now they are being phased out. The design of Roth type nuts is slightly more complicated than that of Bogdanov nuts. Sometimes both types of nuts are used on ships, for example, in order to make it impossible to connect the hoses used to receive drinking water to the fire main and vice versa. On international ships, to connect the ship's water extinguishing system to external sources of water supply, adapters of international standard are used, which are stored in special boxes with markings.

Fire hoses.

Modern fire hoses are made of synthetic fibers, which have good flexibility, do not disintegrate in water and provide the necessary strength with low weight. Inside the sleeve is a rubber coating that provides tightness. The rubber layer is very thin, so it can be easily damaged. It should be remembered that when water is supplied to the hose, the fire valve must be opened slowly until the hose is filled with water. Then you can open the fire valve to full flow.

Fire hoses are stored in special boxes, double-rolled with trunks attached to them, and indoors and attached to fire hydrants. Length of fire hoses: on deck 20 m, in the superstructure 10 m.

Fire hoses at both ends at a distance of 1 m from the connecting heads must be marked: number, name of the ship, year the hose was put into operation.

fire hydrant
Sleeves are subject to periodic inspection and annual testing. The hydraulic test is carried out for the maximum pressure created in the water fire system by the ship's fire pump. Non-working surfaces of nuts are painted red. If the sleeves do not pass the test, then they are transferred to the category of household purposes and then the non-working surfaces of the nuts are painted black.

Fire barrels.

The main fire hoses are:

fire nozzles for a compact jet;

· fire nozzles for atomized jet;

combined fire hoses.

In the Navy, only combined fire nozzles are used, which can supply both a compact and atomized jet. In addition, it is possible to shut off the water supply directly on the trunk. Foreign-made combined barrels have the ability to supply sprayed water towards firefighters, thereby creating water protection for firefighters.

You will meet fire nozzles separately for compact and sprayed water at coastal facilities.

Stationary fire monitors are also used on ships, they are usually installed on tankers, where, due to high temperatures, it is impossible to get close to the fire.

The water extinguishing system is the simplest and most reliable, but it is not possible to use a continuous stream of water to extinguish a fire in all cases. For example, when extinguishing burning oil products, it has no effect, since oil products float to the surface of the water and continue to burn. The effect can be achieved only if water is supplied in spray form. In this case, the water quickly evaporates, forming a steam-water hood that isolates the burning oil from the surrounding air.

Some ships have sprinkler fire extinguishing system in room. On the pipelines of this system, which are laid under the ceiling of the protected premises, automatically operating sprinkler heads are installed (see Fig.). The outlet of the sprinkler is closed with a glass valve (ball) supported by three plates connected to each other by low-melting solder. When the temperature rises during a fire, the solder melts, the valve opens, and the outgoing stream of water, hitting a special socket, is sprayed. In other types of sprinklers, the valve is held by a glass bulb filled with a volatile liquid. In a fire, liquid vapor breaks the flask, as a result of which the valve opens.

The opening temperature of sprinklers for residential and public premises, depending on the melting area, is 70-80 0 C.

To ensure automatic operation, the sprinkler system must always be under pressure. The necessary pressure is created by the pneumatic tank with which the system is equipped. When the sprinkler is opened, the pressure in the system drops, as a result of which the sprinkler pump automatically turns on, which provides the system with water when extinguishing a fire. In emergency cases, the sprinkler pipeline can be connected to the water extinguishing system.

In the engine room for extinguishing oil products and the molar pantry, where it is dangerous to enter due to the danger of an explosion, they use water spray system. On the pipelines of this system, instead of automatically operating sprinkler heads, water sprayers are installed, the outlet of which is constantly open. Water sprayers start working immediately after opening the shut-off valve on the supply pipeline.

Sprayed water is also used in irrigation systems and to create water curtains. Irrigation system used for irrigation of the decks of oil tankers and bulkheads of premises intended for the storage of explosive and flammable substances.

water curtains act as fire barriers. Such curtains are equipped with closed decks of ferries with a horizontal loading method, where it is impossible to install bulkheads. Fire doors can also be replaced with water curtains.

Promising is mist water system, in which water is sprayed to a foggy state. Water is sprayed through spherical nozzles with a large number of outlet holes with a diameter of 1-3 mm. For better spraying, compressed air and a special emulsifier are added to the water.

Steam extinguishing system

At present, steam is not considered effective as a means of volumetric fire extinguishing, for the reason that before the air is expelled from the atmosphere and the latter is unable to support the combustion process, it can take a long time. Steam should not be supplied to any room with a flammable atmosphere that is not engulfed by a fire, due to the possibility of generating a charge of static electricity. However, steam may be effective in extinguishing a burn on a flange or the like if it is applied from a hose directly onto the flange or leak from any joint or gas outlet or the like.

You may come across a steam extinguishing system on some ships and therefore need to understand how it works.

The operation of the steam fire extinguishing system is based on the principle of creating an atmosphere in the room that does not support combustion. The main part of the system is the steam boiler. Most modern ships are motor ships and do not use steam. Steam boilers are installed, for example, on product tankers, to heat the cargo before unloading, and these boilers do not have high productivity, so steam is used only to extinguish small compartments, such as fuel tanks. Modern steamships are gas carriers and LPG tankers have steam main engines and high power steam boilers, so it is quite reasonable to use steam as a fire extinguishing agent on such ships.

The steam extinguishing system on ships is carried out according to a centralized principle. From the steam boiler, steam with a pressure of 0.6-0.8 MPa enters the steam distribution box (collector), from where separate pipelines of steel pipes with a diameter of 20-40 mm are run into each fuel tank. In the liquid fuel room, steam is supplied to the upper part, which ensures the free exit of steam when the tank is filled to the maximum. On the pipelines of the steam extinguishing system, two narrow distinctive silver-gray rings with a red warning ring between them are painted.

On newly built river vessels, the steam extinguishing system is not used.

Foam system

Foam extinguishing systems are the second most common on ships after water extinguishing systems. Almost all vessels are equipped with it, with the exception of small vessels.

Vessel's foam extinguishing scheme

Foam is a very effective means of extinguishing class B fires, so all tankers must have a foam extinguishing system throughout the vessel. On dry cargo ships, foam can only be applied to certain spaces (mainly to protect machinery spaces).

The foam extinguishing system itself is powered by a water fire extinguishing system, so if the fire pumps are not working and water is not supplied through the pipelines, foam extinguishing will also not work.

The device of the foam extinguishing system is very simple. The main stock of the foam concentrate is stored in the tank (tank) for the foam concentrate, which is located, as a rule, outside the machinery spaces. On ships, low and medium expansion foam concentrates are used. If different foam concentrates are to be mixed, their compatibility must first be checked against the technical documents.

Water from the fire main through valve 1 enters the ejector (not to be confused with the injector). The ejector is a special pump that does not have a single moving part. The jet of water passes at high speed and creates a vacuum, as a result of which the foam concentrate is sucked into the foam extinguishing line with the tap 2 open. In addition, valve 2 serves to regulate the supply of the foam concentrate and obtain the required amount of foam. A mixture of water and foaming agent is created in the ejector, but no foam is formed yet. For example, if we pour liquid soap into water, there will be no foam until we mix this solution with air. Further from the ejector, the water emulsion goes through pipelines to fire hydrants 3, to which fire hoses are connected. Unlike a water extinguishing system, in a foam extinguishing system, either a foam generator or a foam-air barrel is connected to the fire hoses. Fire hydrants of the foam extinguishing system are painted yellow.

If tap No. 2 is not opened, then water is supplied to the foam extinguishing system and fire hoses can be attached to the fire hoses and the foam extinguishing system can be used as a conventional water fire extinguishing system.

An additional tap leading from the water extinguishing system to the tank with a foam concentrate is used to flush it.

The foam generator and the foam-air barrel are necessary for mixing the water-foam solution and air. The foam generator itself consists of a body, an atomizer with a fire nut for attaching a fire hose and a double metal mesh. During the operation of the foam generator, the water-foam solution leaving the sprayer falls onto a grid with many cells. At the same time, air is sucked in from the atmosphere. The result is a large number of bubbles, as in children's soap bubbles.

foam generator
The foam extinguishing system can be used as a volumetric fire extinguishing system. On some ships, foam generators are installed permanently in the engine room above the main, auxiliary engines and ship's boilers. In case of fire, foam is fed directly into the engine room and fills it. In this case, the presence of people in the room is not required.

Volumetric CO 2 -quenching system

Currently, one of the most common fire extinguishing systems. Proven high efficiency compared to other systems. Ease of device and maintenance.

carbon dioxide station

The carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system consists of a balloon station, on some ships there may be several of these stations. Carbon dioxide is stored in cylinders and when the shut-off valves are opened, it is supplied to the ship's premises.

Carbon dioxide displaces oxygen from the combustion zone and thereby stops it, but the fire does not cool down, as when using a CO 2 fire extinguisher. The following spaces are generally protected with CO 2 extinguishing: MKO, cargo tanks on tankers, cargo holds on cargo ships, storerooms with flammable and combustible liquids. The system is not used for extinguishing fires in residential and service premises.

How to use the system:

1. Remove all people from the room where CO 2 extinguishing will be applied.

2. Seal the room where the fire started.

3. Give a signal about the gas supply to the room.

4. Supply gas to the room.

5. Control the effectiveness of extinguishing by measuring the temperature in the compartment. The main indicator of the efficiency of the system is the decrease in temperature.

6. After the temperature drops, you need to wait another hour, then ventilate the room and send a reconnaissance team dressed in firefighter equipment. In case of fire in the holds, it is forbidden to open the hold before arriving at the nearest port and the arrival of coastal fire brigades.

Remember that the CO 2 extinguishing system is a one-time use, if you fail to extinguish the fire the first time, the system is no longer used for the second time until you recharge the cylinders. Therefore, if it is not possible to seal the room, then there is no point in using carbon dioxide fire extinguishing. If the CO 2 extinguishing system is not effective, other systems must be used to extinguish the fire.

Stationary inert gas system (SIG).

Let's analyze another system designed to prevent the threat of a fire and based on the principles of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing. The tanker fleet has a system for supplying carbon dioxide to cargo tanks from the vessel's operating boilers. Exhaust gases leaving the boiler enter the scrubber, a special device where they are cooled and cleaned from solid impurities with water. These gases are then fed into the cargo tanks and, by displacing oxygen, create a non-combustible atmosphere in them. The oxygen level in the tanks is measured using stationary gas analyzers.

Liquid chemical fire extinguishing system

Marine site Russia no November 14, 2016 Created: November 14, 2016 Updated: November 14, 2016 Views: 15281

Ship communication and signaling facilities are classified according to two main features: according to the purpose and nature of the signals. According to the purpose, the means of communication are divided into means of external and internal communication.

The means of external communication serve to ensure the safety of navigation, communication with other ships, coastal posts and stations, indicating the type of activity of the ship, its condition, etc.

The means of external communication of the ship include:

radio communication;



emergency radio equipment;


Intercom and signaling facilities are designed to provide alarms, other signals, as well as reliable communication between the bridge and all posts and services.
These means include the ship's automatic telephone exchange (ATS), the ship's public address system, machine telegraph, loud ringing bells, ship's bell, megaphone, portable VHF radio stations, lip whistle, sound and light alarms about temperature rise, smoke, water ingress in ship premises.

The most important part of the maritime signaling are the lights, signs, light and sound signals provided for by COLREG-72.

Sound means of communication and signaling

The means of sound communication and signaling are intended, first of all, for signaling in accordance with COLREGs-72. The audible alarm can also be used for transmission of messages both via MSS-65 and, for example, for communication between the icebreaker and the ships it escorts.

Sound means include: a ship's whistle or typhon, a bell, a foghorn and a gong.

Whistle and typhon are the main means for giving sound signals according to COLREGs-72. The supply of sound signals is carried out from the wheelhouse and from the wings of the bridge by pressing the signal button.

When sailing in conditions of limited visibility, a special device is turned on, which gives fog signals according to a given program.

The ship's bell is installed in the bow of the ship, near the windlass. It is used to transmit signals to the bridge when the vessel is anchored and unanchored, to give fog signals when the vessel is anchored, aground, to give an additional signal in case of a fire in the port, etc.

The fog horn is a backup fog signal. It is used to give fog signals when a whistle or typhon fails.

The gong is used to sound the fog signals prescribed by COLREG 72 Rule 35(g).

Sound means of communication and signaling

Visual means of communication and signaling

Visual means are light and objective. Light includes various light-signal devices - signal lights, searchlights, ratier, klotik and distinctive lights.

The range of lighting devices is usually no more than 5 miles.

Signal figures and signal flags of the International Code of Signals (MCS-65) are used as subject means.

Signal figures - balls, cylinders, cones and rhombuses are used on ships in accordance with the requirements of COLREG-72. The figures are made of tin, plywood, wire and canvas.

Their sizes are determined by the Register. They are stored on the upper bridge, except for the anchor ball, which is located on the forecastle.

On the ships of the navy, the International Code of Signals (MCS-65) is used, the set of which consists of 40 flags: 26 alphabetic, 14 digital, 3 replacement and response pennants. These flags are hoisted on halyards and stored in the wheelhouse in special honeycomb boxes.

, which was adopted by IMCO in 1965 and entered into force on 01.04. 1969, is designed to communicate in various ways and means, especially in cases where language communication difficulties arise. When compiling the international code, it was taken into account that, in the absence of language difficulties, the use of maritime radiocommunication systems provides simpler and more efficient communication.

The code is intended for negotiating on issues of ensuring the safety of navigation and the protection of human life at sea using one-, two-, and three-letter signals.

It consists of six sections:

1. Terms of use for all types of communication.

2. Single letter signals for urgent, important messages.

3. General section of two-letter signals.

4. Medical section.

5. Alphabetical indexes of defining words.

6. Attachments on loose sheets containing distress signals, rescue signals and radiotelephony procedures.

Each signal of the International Code has a complete semantic meaning. In order to expand the meaning of the main signal, digital additions are used with some of them.

General rules

1. Only one signal flag should be raised at a time.

2. Each signal or group of signals should be left raised until the receiving station answers.

3. When more than one group of signals is raised on the same halyard, each of them should be separated from the other by a separating halyard.

The call sign of the called station should be raised simultaneously with the signal on a separate halyard. If the call sign is not raised, then this means that the signal is addressed to all stations located within the visibility range of the signals.

All stations to which signals are addressed or which are indicated in the signals, as soon as they see them, must raise the response pennant to half, and immediately after parsing the signal, to the place; the response pennant should be lowered to half as soon as the transmitting station lowers the signal, and raised again to the place after parsing the next signal.

End of signal exchange

After the last flag signal has been lowered, the transmitting station shall raise a response pennant indicating that this signal is the last one. The receiving station should respond to this in the same way as to all other signals.

Actions when the signal is not understood

If the receiving station cannot distinguish the signal transmitted for it, then it should keep the response pennant raised halfway. If the signal is distinguishable, but its meaning is not clear, then the receiving station can pick up the following signals:

Replacement pennants are used when the same flag (or digital pennant) needs to be used multiple times in a signal, and there is only one set of flags.

The first replacement pennant always repeats the highest signal flag of the type of flag (divided into alphabetic and numeric flags) that precedes the replacement pennant. The second substitute always repeats the second, and the third substitute always repeats the third from the top signal flag of the type of flags that precedes the substitute.

A replacement pennant may never be used more than once in the same group.

The counter pennant, when used as a decimal point, should not be taken into account when determining which substitute to use.

Two letter signals constitute the general section of the code and serve for negotiations related to the safety of navigation. For example, you need to request "What is your draft astern?". The word "draft" in this case will be a determinant word. For the letter "o" we find the word "draft". On the page indicated next to this word, we find that this text corresponds to NT signal This signal corresponds to the query "What is your draft?" Below this signal are NT signals with digital additions from 1 to 9. From these signals, we select NT9, which corresponds to the required request.

For ease of parsing, the signals in the International Code are arranged in alphabetical order, and their first letters are indicated on the side flaps. For example, to parse the CZ signal, you need to open the book on the valve of the letter "C", then find the second letter "Z" and read the meaning of the signal "You must become a side to the wind to receive a boat or raft".

Three letter signals serve to convey medical messages. As digital additions to the signals, tables of additions to the medical section are used, in which body parts are encoded with two-digit numbers (table M l), a list of common diseases (tables M 2.1, M 2.2), a list of medicines (table M 3).

The names of ships or geographical places in the text of the signal flag should be spelled out. If necessary, the YZ signal (Following words are transmitted in clear text) can be raised beforehand.

Special types of signal production

Special types of signal production

State flag of the Russian Federation

The State Flag of the Russian Federation raised on the vessel in accordance with the established procedure indicates that the vessel belongs to the Russian Federation.
The State Flag of the Russian Federation is hoisted only on ships that have a certificate of the right to sail under the State Flag of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Merchant Shipping Code. The day of the first hoisting of the flag is considered a ship's holiday and is celebrated annually.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is hoisted on the ship during the stay on the stern flagpole, on the move - on the hafel or stern flagpole. Small craft and tugboats while stationary and underway are permitted to fly the flag on the gaff.
The national flag of the Russian Federation on the move and in parking lots is raised daily at 8 o'clock and lowered at sunset. Beyond the Arctic Circle in winter, the State Flag of the Russian Federation must be hoisted daily at 8 o'clock and be in this position within the time of its visibility, and in summer - from 8 to 20 o'clock.
The national flag of the Russian Federation is hoisted earlier than the set time (up to 8 o'clock), and also does not lower after sunset when the ship enters the port and leaves it.

The hoisting and lowering of the State Flag of the Russian Federation and other flags is carried out by order of the officer in charge of the watch.

Flags of foreign states. The flags indicate that the ship belongs to the respective state.

On Russian ships, while moored in a foreign port, as well as when following inland waterways, canals and approach fairways under a pilot's escort, simultaneously with the State Flag of the Russian Federation hoisted on the stern flagpole, the flag of the port country must be hoisted on the bow (signal) mast.

On the days of all-Russian and local holidays, while moored in ports, Russian ships are colored with the flags of the International Code of Signals, which are carried from the stem through the tops of the masts to the tackboard.

When coloring with flags, the combination of their colors must be done in alternating order.

For coloring should not be used:

state and naval flags of the Russian Federation;

stern flags of auxiliary and hydrographic vessels;

official flags;

foreign national and military flags and flags of foreign officials;

flag of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The raising and lowering of the coloring flags are carried out simultaneously with the raising and lowering of the State Flag.

Flags of officials. The highest officials of the Russian Federation have their own flags (pennants).

The flags of officials are flown on ships where these persons have their official residence.

Raise and lower the flags (pennants) with the permission of the persons to whom they were assigned at the time of entry of this official on board the ship.

Callsigns of the ship. Each vessel is assigned its own call sign in the form of letters or numbers. The call sign can uniquely identify the nationality, type, name of the vessel and its main characteristics.

Two types of automatic fire-fighting devices are used on ships: automatic signaling and automatic fire protection.

The fire detection alarm is designed to send a signal from the place of fire to the central fire station. The automatic fire alarm system consists of sensors (detectors) located in protected premises, receiving and signaling equipment installed on a special console in the wheelhouse, power supply equipment for the alarm system and communication lines. In accordance with the "Rules for fire-fighting equipment of sea vessels of the Register of the USSR", automatic signaling systems must be powered by at least two sources.

Fire detection alarm stations are divided into installations with thermal (temperature) detectors and detectors that react to the presence of smoke in the room. Temperature sensors are located directly in places subject to control in case of fire.

Heat detectors of automatic fire alarms are placed in all residential and public premises, in storerooms for storing explosives and in rooms for dry cargo.

The equipment that receives signals from temperature detectors and allows you to monitor the status of all systems, quickly learn about a fire on a ship, and turn fire alarms on and off is combined in one station.


The fire electrical signaling station of the beam system is used to receive alarm signals from:

Manual push-button announcers of the PKIL-4m-1 type;

automatic contact fire detectors with opening contacts;

from automatic proximity detectors of the POST-1 C type. Composition:

general ship block;

4 blocks of beam kits;

power unit.

POST-1-S (thermal automatic detector) consists of:

BKU (block of control devices) - 4 pcs.

Terminal device - UO - 33 pcs.

DMD-S (maximum sensor)

DMD-70-S (maximum differential sensor) - 221 pcs.

DM-90 - 9 pcs.


Push-button detector PKILT-4m - 30 pcs.

When the ray line is broken, both the DC relay and the AC relay are de-energized (the electrical circuit is open).

A break in the middle wire (No. 2) of the POST-1C sensor causes the AC relay to operate.

Shorting the feeder wires of the sensor together leads to the operation of the AC relay.

Grounding feeder wires 1 and 2 activates the second relay (AC relay). |

When grounding feeder 3, the winding of the first beam relay of the station is shunted. The relay releases and the signal “Open” appears at the station.

Fire alarm "DOLPHIN" "CRYSTAL".


general station device -1 - OS

group device - 3-GR.

· spark-proof device -1 - FROM.

final device - 26 - K.

· the device of check of sensors - 2 -.

thermal sensors - 234.

smoke detectors - 28.

manual call points - 24.

Temperature sensors:




The GR device is designed to receive signals through beam blocks from 10 beams with thermal and melon sensors. From the GR device, control, signaling and monitoring of the health of all beams are carried out.

The device has 12 modifications.

10 beam blocks have 3 modifications:

LP-block radial loop.

LT-block beam three-wire.

LD-block beam two-wire.

Fire alarm "DOLPHIN".

Smoke detectors - IP212-11-12-1P55 Automatic thermal - IP101-14-66-1RZO.

Open circuit voltage and short circuit current on the device FROM 23V and 70 mA. Line parameters: 0.06uF; 0.2 mH.

The complex of technical means of ship fire alarm "FOTON-P"

Description and operation of the complex.

Abbreviations found below in the text:

- PU-P - fire control device;

- PPKP-P - fire control device;

- DVP - remote remote device; PSA - accident signaling device;

- BRVU - relay block of external devices;

- ID- smoke detectors;

- IT - thermal detectors;

- IP - flame detectors;

- IR - manual announcers;

- BS - interface blocks.

The FOTON-P complex is designed for targeted and non-addressed automatic fire detection based on the facts of smoke, flame, temperature with the simultaneous activation of fire alarms.

The FOTON-P complex is intended for installation on ships of the sea and river fleet, supervised by the Maritime Register of Shipping.

The FOTON-P complex is a set of various types of addressable and non-addressed devices, blocks and detectors, from which it is possible to complete a microprocessor-based information and control system of various configurations and volumes, depending on the type and purpose of the protected object. The composition of the complex is variable, depending on the types and number of detectors, devices and blocks.

The FOTON-P complex is intended for operation in marine conditions and meets the requirements of the Register's Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships to the extent of resistance to mechanical and climatic factors.

The FOTON-P complex can be operated at air temperature from minus 10 to plus 50 °С and relative humidity of 80% at 40°С.

The FOTON-P complex includes explosion-proof fire detectors, blocks and circuit breakers:

- smoke- detectors ID-1V, ID-1B, ID2-V, ID2-BV;

- thermal- detectors IT1-V, IT1-BV, IT1MDBV, IT2-V, IT2-BV;

- flame- detectors ip-v, ip-bv, ip-pv, ip-pbv;

- manual- detectors ir-v, ir-bv, ir-pv, ir-pbv;

- interface blocks- be-nrv, bs-nzv, bs-bnzv, bs-pnrv;

- breakers- r1-in, r1pv.

These detectors, blocks and switches can be used in hazardous areas of indoor and outdoor installations.

The FOTON-P complex allows connection to signal lines (alarm loops) through BS units or without them of any types of security and fire detectors manufactured by the industry, which give a signal of operation by opening (NC) or closing (NC) contacts, while monitoring actuation of contact sensors, breakage and short circuit in the sub-loop, in which they are included.

A set of devices, blocks and detectors included in the complex allows you to create a flexible information and control system that has the following functionality:

Fire detection based on the facts of smoke, temperature, flame, indicating on the display the exact location of the fire detection;

Detection of malfunctions in alarm loops with an indication of their location;

Diagnosis of smoke detectors and the issuance of information about their contamination for routine maintenance;

Multiple verification of the events that have occurred in order to increase their reliability;

Turning on alarm loops according to the beam and loop scheme;

Disabling short-circuited sections of alarm loops connected in a loop;

Output of information about fires and malfunctions to the printer indicating the nature of the event, place, date and time of its occurrence;

Output of information to a PC to enable a voice message;

Programming or changing the names (places of positions) of detectors from a PC;

Turning on/off external devices: smoke removal, ventilation, process control;

Explosion-proof execution;

Connecting sensors with contact outputs;

Detection of open and short circuits in sub-loop lines with contact sensors;

Fire archive for 1000 events;

Configuration of the complex from the control device PU-P;

Seven service modes: "Configuration", "Debugging", "Composition of the control panel", "Change of the sensor address", "Diagnostics", "Configuration with R8232", "Security";

Changing the address of the detector from the PU-P device.


1. Turning on the indicator light on triggered detectors;

2. Transfer of information about the fire from the PPKP-P devices via a serial communication channel to the control device PU-P and the duplicating device DVP;

3. Issuance of fire signals from PU-P, DVP, PPKP-P devices to external circuits in the form of closing relay contacts that provide switching of an external power source with a voltage of up to 30V at a current of up to 1A. The PU-P device has from 3 to 4 relays, the PPKP-P device has 4 relays, the DVP device has 1 relay.

4. The generalized signal "Fire" is issued by:

♦ PU-P device with two groups of contacts of two relays;

♦ PPKP-P and DIP devices - by one group of contacts.

The “Fire-120 sec” signal is issued by the PU-P device with one group of contacts.

The PPKP-P device generates a “Fire” signal for each alarm loop:

1. Switching on on the front panel of the PU-P and DVP devices the “FIRE” light panel and the “MANY FIRES” light indicator (in case of simultaneous operation of several detectors);

2. Display on the alphanumeric matrix indicators of the PU-P and DVP devices information about the number, type and location of the triggered detector;

3. Turning on the PU-P and DVP devices of the sound alarm about a fire;

4. Issuance of fire information from the PU-P device to the terminal equipment: printer, computer via the RS232 interface (only when non-explosion-proof detectors are used).

The PHOTON-P complex includes:

1. Control device PU-P - 1 pc. - the PU-P device is designed to receive information from detectors connected to 4 alarm loops and from all PPKP-P devices, process it and display it on the indicator, issue control signals to external circuits, a computer, a printer.

2. Fire control panel PPKP-P - from 0 to 8 pieces: PPKP-P device is designed to receive information from detectors connected to 4 alarm loops, process it, output information to external circuits and to the PU-P device.

3. Duplicate remote device fiberboard 0 or 1 pc. - designed to duplicate information displayed on the PU-P device.

4. Emergency signaling device PSA - 1 or 2 pcs. - designed to supply voltage = 24V (ship emergency power supply) to the light and sound device in case of power failure of the PU-P or DVP device.

5. APS-P main and backup power unit from 1 to 11 pcs. is intended for power supply of devices of the complex and external devices with voltage = 12V.

6. Relay block for external devices RBVU - from 0 to 9 pcs. designed to turn on (off) loads with a supply voltage of ~ 50Hz 220V at a current of 10A (contains 4 relays), is switched on from the output relays of the PU-P or PPKP-P devices.

7. Addressable switching unit BKA-1 is designed to turn on (off) loads with a supply voltage of -50Hz 220V at currents up to 10A. It contains 1 relay (two pairs of contacts for closing and two pairs of contacts for opening), has an address, manual and automatic control from PU-P or PPKP-P devices, is connected to the alarm loop.

8. Mnemonic diagram - 0 or 1 pc. is designed to display information about the placement of detectors on the ship and turn on the light indicators corresponding to the triggered detectors.

9. Breakers P1 R1-P - 0; 3 and more - are designed to disconnect short-circuited sections of alarm loops connected in a closed loop.

Questions for self-control.

1. What fire safety systems are used on ships?

2. Compare the fire safety systems "TOL" and "Crystal" with each other.

3. What is the advantageous difference between the "Photon" fire safety system and the "TOL" and "Crystal" systems?


1. Mateukh E.I. Ship systems of telephone communication and signaling. Course of lectures.-Kerch: KMTI, 2003.-48s.

2. Handbook of the electrician.: T.2 / Comp. I.I. Galich / Ed. G.I. Kitaenko.-Moscow, Leningrad: MASHGIZ, 1953.-276p.

Ó Yuri Nikolaevich Gorbulev

Intercom systems

Lecture notes

for students of direction 6.050702 "Electromechanics"


"Electric systems and complexes of vehicles"


7.07010404 "Operation of ship's electrical equipment and automation"

full-time and part-time education

Circulation ______ copies Signed for publication _____________.

Order No. _______. Volume 2.7 p.l.

Publishing house “Kerch State Marine Technological University”

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Fire detection alarm residential, office, cargo, industrial premises, lamp rooms, painting rooms, etc. are being equipped. There are several types of marine automatic fire detection systems: electric, smoke alarm pneumatic, combined.

The structure of automatic systems includes the following elements: detectors (sensors), transmission lines of the impulse received by the detector, stations for receiving signals from detectors, power sources (ship's electrical network, batteries, compressed air from cylinders in MO). Typically, automatic alarm systems are powered by two sources.

Electrical fire alarm according to the method of switching on the detectors, it can be beam and loop.

In the first case, one or more detectors are included in a separate pair of wires ("Beam") extending from the signal receiving station. When the detectors are connected in this way, a fire is detected using a signal license lamp, which is equipped with each beam.

In the second case, fire detectors are connected to each other in series in one common wire ("Loop"). The location of the fire, i.e. the number of the detector, is determined from switches or code detectors that send a certain number of pulses corresponding to the code assigned to this detector. The receiver of signals at the station can be a Morse telegraph apparatus or a puncher.

Automatic detection systems of a fire include main and emergency, power sources, receiving device, fire detectors, sound and light, signals.

Non-automatic smoke alarm devices There are two types of fire detection systems: optical and smoke smell detection devices.

A signal about a fire in a protected area is sent to the receiving station using a special device or a detector device. Announcers can be manual and automatic.

Manual call points are installed in corridors, industrial premises, engine and boiler rooms, refrigeration machines, on open decks. The detectors are located in easily accessible places and so that they are clearly visible - the body is painted red. A hammer is attached next to the detector to break the glass and a brief instructive inscription, for example: "Break the glass, press and release the button!".

Our industry produces the following types of manual call points:

  • PKIL - fire-button detector of the beam system;
  • PKI - outdoor fire-button detector;
  • PILV - fire-button detector of the beam system internal;
  • KPI-5, KIP-6 - push-button fire detectors;
  • PI-5, PI-6, PI-7 - fire detectors.

Automatic detectors (sensors) are installed in residential and service premises, in storerooms for storing explosive and flammable materials.

Depending on which of the parameters is selected as controlled, the following types of detectors are distinguished:

  • temperature detectors that respond to temperature changes (thermal detectors);
  • optical detectors that are triggered by a smoke or light effect; sensitive elements - photocells or photoresistors;
  • ionization detectors, the sensitive element of which is an ionization chamber.

Temperature detectors subdivided into maximum, differential and maximum - differential.

Maximum temperature detectors they react to the value of the air temperature in the room: when the temperature rises to a certain value - a given one - they switch (close) electrical contacts and thereby generate a signal pulse.

Maximum detectors differ from each other in design and principle of operation. Common types of maximum detectors are:


  • a detector with a bimetallic plate;
  • instantaneous bimetal disc detector.


  • thermostatic cable;
  • metal cable.

with melting metal:

  • detector with a fusible metal insert.


  • expanding liquid detector.

Differential temperature detectors respond to a certain rate of temperature rise. If this exceeds the set value, the sensor generates a pulse that enters the alarm circuit. At lower speeds, the impulse is not generated.

Differential detectors have the following advantages:

  • a slow rise in temperature does not trigger the device;
  • devices can be used in rooms with low temperatures (in refrigerated rooms) and with high temperatures (and boiler rooms);
  • if they are not destroyed by fire, they can be quickly restored for later use.

Among the disadvantages of differential detectors, the following should be noted:

  • they can give false signals if the rapid rise in temperature is not the result of a fire, for example: when turning on a heating device, or during hot work near the detector;
  • a smoldering fire that causes a slow rise in temperature, for example: in a densely packed load, may not trigger this type of detector.

Differential detectors are installed in rooms with a relatively constant or smoothly changing temperature. The rate of temperature increase in the range of 5 - 10 degrees / min is considered dangerous.

The most widely used differential detectors are of the following types:

  • pneumatic differential detectors;
  • thermoelectric differential detectors.

Combined maximum differential detectors combine the principles of operation of both maximum and differential detectors, i.e. they work both at a too high rate of temperature increase and when a certain temperature limit is reached (although its increase would occur at a low rate).

The main advantage of combined detectors is additional protection: the maximum device reacts to a slowly developing fire, which may not trigger the differential detector. In addition, one combined detector can replace two detectors: maximum and differential.

The only drawback of the combined detector is the need to replace the entire device in case of failure of the maximum device.

47. Requirements related to lights, must be observed from sunset to sunrise (at night). At the same time, other lights that may be mistaken for those prescribed by these Rules must not be exhibited, impair their visibility or interfere with observation.

Rules related to signs, must be observed from sunrise to sunset (by day).


In this paragraph, obstruction to observation means obstruction to identification courts and their positions.

48. During the day, when visibility conditions require, boatmasters should use the markings prescribed for the night.


During the day, with limited visibility, you should turn on navigation lights. Such visibility conditions can occur due to fog, smoke from forest fires, heavy rainfall.

49. The location of the lights must comply with the requirements of Appendix No. 2, and the visibility range - not less than those specified in Appendix No. 3 to these Rules.


The arrangement of lights provides the visibility of one or more lights from any direction, it provides for the visibility of a certain combination of lights, or one light to determine the position of the vessel. In any position of the ship from any angle (from any side) either a group of lights or one light should be visible.

The type of vessel can be determined by the color and arrangement of the lights: single, pushed or towed, tanker or dredger, etc. The position of the vessel and the direction of its movement can be determined from the lights.

The visibility range of the lights is indicated in the table in Appendix 3. In this table, for small craft, the visibility of some lights is allowed to be much less than for large craft. Small craft lights are sometimes lost against the background of coastal lights or their reflections from the water surface and become difficult to distinguish or completely invisible, which can be dangerous when passing from ships.

Lights on pushed convoys may have their own characteristics. On the pusher, the lights are very bright, but on the convoy, on the bow of the front barge, the light can be weak, powered by a portable battery, which does not provide full heat. If the top lights of the pusher are found in the form of a triangle, it is necessary to immediately look for a light on the bow of the front barge of the train, which may be ahead of the pusher at a great distance (up to 200-250 meters).

When overtaking a towed train, especially at night, it should be borne in mind that there is a towing cable from the stem of the front barge to the yellow towing light of the towing vehicle, the length of which can be from 25 to 250 meters. This circumstance must be taken into account and not cross the ship's passage under the stern of the tug, which carries two mast lights on the mast, and behind, from the stern, the towing yellow and below the white stern lights.

50. ships which are being repaired or laid up in the waters located outside the ship's passage, and which do not create obstacles for other moving vessels, the prescribed lights and signs may not be carried.

51. signal lights:

  • mast light - a white or red light located in the center plane of the ship, emitting continuous light along the horizon arc of 225° and located in such a way that this light is visible from the direction straight ahead of the ship up to 22.5° behind the beam of each side;
  • airborne lights - a green light on the starboard side and a red light on the port side, each of these lights emitting a continuous light along an arc of the horizon of 112.5 ° and should be located so that this light is visible from a direction directly ahead of the ship up to 22 .5° behind the beam of the corresponding side;
  • stern light - a white light located in the stern of the vessel, emitting continuous light along an arc of the horizon of 135 ° and located in such a way that this light is visible from a direction straight aft up to 67.5 ° from each side;
  • all-round fire - a fire that emits light continuously in a 360 ° arc of the horizon;
  • towing light - a yellow light emitting a continuous light along an arc of the horizon of 135° and positioned so that this light is visible from a direction straight aft up to 67.5° on each side;
  • light-pulse go-ahead colored or white - a flashing light emitting light along a horizon arc of 112.5 ° from the ship's beam to the bow or stern with an overlap of the ship's diametrical plane by 22.5 °. The light-pulse go-ahead is a night and day alarm. In the absence of a light-pulse signal, it is allowed to use a signal signal at night (flashing with white light), and during the day - a signal signal;

Note. The light-pulse go-ahead may have a flash of white light or a light according to the color of the side - red or green.

  • flashing light - a light that flashes at regular intervals.