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» How to veneer a fireplace - we make the right choice. Cladding a fireplace: choice of material and design examples How to cover a fireplace

How to veneer a fireplace - we make the right choice. Cladding a fireplace: choice of material and design examples How to cover a fireplace

IN Lately The construction of a fireplace in the country has gained particular popularity. After all, this multifunctional product allows you to enjoy natural warmth, its crackling has a beneficial effect on nervous system. In addition, it can become a real home decoration. Who doesn’t dream of enjoying the comfort of radiated heat on cold winter evenings? But in order for it to fit perfectly into the interior, you need to carefully choose it exterior finishing. Surely, many are interested in how to decorate a fireplace on their own, while creating harmony and comfort.
Today there are many options for finishing a fireplace. Cladding a unique fireplace with your own hands, step-by-step instructions for which are presented below, allows even an inexperienced owner to become the happy owner of a beautiful piece of furniture.

Joining seams - a simple finishing method

After the fireplace is built, it is imperative to fill out the joints. To carry out this type of work, it is necessary to evenly distribute the solution between the masonry elements using a special device. The seams can have a depressed or convex shape. It depends on the individual wishes of the dacha owner.
Today, very often a special pigment is added to solutions, which can color the substance in any shade. This allows you to create original design, fits perfectly into the design.
To fill the seams you will need:

  • hammer-pick;
  • trowel;
  • special jointing for creating convex or concave seams;
  • spatula for applying the solution.

Instructions for performing the work:

  • formation of horizontal seams;
  • formation of vertical seams;
  • cleaning the masonry with a special brush consisting of natural fibers;
  • application of a special paint and varnish substance that is resistant to high temperatures.

All work should be carried out very carefully. It is strictly forbidden to clean the masonry with a brush with coarse wire bristles, as it can ruin the appearance by causing scratches. Anyone can do this type of fireplace design with their own hands.

Finishing the fireplace with plaster

Decorating a fireplace with your own hands using plaster is the simplest and, at the same time, inexpensive way to create beauty and comfort. With its help you can create the most incredible scenery. For example, applying the plaster mixture with a sponge will give it a peculiar waviness. You can also in finishing mixture add pigment and thereby color it in the desired shade.
So, after the masonry has dried, you can safely begin plastering:

  • add finely chopped fiberglass to the prepared plaster mixture and table salt. This will improve the quality of the coating;
  • clean the surface of the masonry and seal the seams evenly to a depth of 1 cm;
  • heat the fireplace for better distribution of the plaster and its uniform drying;
  • moisten the surface of the fireplace with a spray bottle;
  • apply the first ball of plaster mixture using the “spraying” method;
  • ensure that the first ball is completely dry;
  • apply the finishing ball of plaster.

Applying the finishing layer requires special attention. Using a trowel or brush, apply the mixture, distributing it evenly over the surface. You can eliminate unevenness using a special grater, which should be worked in a circle. The thickness of the ball should not exceed 0.5 cm.

Using drywall to decorate an electric fireplace

When performing this type of design, you should first arrange the frame. It should be installed with precise calculations. That is, vertical frame racks should allow the drywall to be securely fixed, but at the same time its joints should be neat and invisible. Fastening plasterboard sheets should be carried out strictly according to the frame. Fixing them between profiles is strictly prohibited. Thus, decorating a fireplace with your own hands using plasterboard includes the following steps:

  • clearly plan the design;
  • Apply only visible marks to the surface for attaching profile elements. Marking should be done evenly, clearly and at the same distance;
  • secure the vertical profiled frame according to the marks. For this type of work, ordinary screws are suitable;
  • installation of horizontal frame elements;
  • use plasterboard sheets to sheathe the frame. For fixation, use self-tapping screws, which are fastened at a distance of no more than 150 mm from each other;
  • seal drywall joints using a special tape soaked in gypsum mortar;
  • install the corners - this will not only give expressiveness to the shapes, but also ensure the strength of the structure;
  • carry out external decoration. You can decorate drywall different ways, including plastering.

Installation of drywall is not complex look work and does not require special equipment. For this type of work you only need a screwdriver, which can be found in every home.

Using stone to decorate a brick fireplace

Finishing with natural stone allows you to make the fireplace especially refined and chic. Natural material, like no other, fits into any room design, allowing you to emphasize the nobility and sophistication of the owner. In addition, natural stone has unique performance characteristics.
With special equipment, you can create real masterpieces of art. If you do not have devices for processing natural stone, then you can use shell rock, limestone, and rubble stone. Such a DIY fireplace will become the pride of every home owner.
You can also use artificial decorative stone to decorate the fireplace. It looks similar to natural material, is easy to install and has a long period of use without losing its appearance.

Modern technologies make it possible to select an artificial material to match any natural resource. In addition, you can make artificial stone yourself. To prepare a mixture for making stone, you need to mix cement, sand and pigment. Pour the finished mixture into special silicone molds and leave for a certain time until it hardens completely. Remove the finished artificial stones from the mold. They are ready for facing work.
Carrying out cladding work with both natural and artificial materials is done in exactly the same way: using a special adhesive for ceramic tiles, you need to fix the stones on the surface of the fireplace. For creating beautiful drawing stones can be laid out on a flat surface, choosing the most advantageous options for their placement. Thus, when they are fixed already on the surface of the product, there will be no troubles associated with size or shape.

Using tiles as a fireplace finish

Cladding a fireplace with tiles is one of the most popular design options. Experts recommend using tiles:

  • clinker, with which traditional designs are created;
  • majolica, which has a glazed surface with a pattern applied;
  • terracotta, impressive with its matte finish;
  • porcelain stoneware, having a variety of shapes and decorations.

In addition, these decorative elements have increased heat resistance. They will last a long period without losing their pristine beauty.
When choosing tiles for finishing a fireplace, you should Special attention give it its size. Naturally, large tiles are installed very quickly, but they are more difficult to adjust to the size of shelves and niches.
Small sizes are easier to install in this regard, but finishing the cladding work will take much longer.
Special attention should be paid to purchasing the adhesive mixture. It must be heat-resistant, elastic and provide reliable fixation.
Execution of facing works includes:

  • performing preparatory work, including cleaning and deepening the seams. Particular care should be taken to remove the old finish, if any;
  • leveling the surface. To do this, apply an even layer glue mixture and ensure it dries;
  • marking the surface of the fireplace;
  • installing tiles starting from the bottom. To do this, glue is applied to the tiles. Further facing material placed evenly on the base and tapped using a special rubber hammer. To create straight lines, it is recommended to use special plastic crosses, which can be purchased at a hardware store;
  • removing protruding glue. This must be done while it is not yet frozen, since then it will be very difficult to cope with such work;
  • allowing time for the glue to dry completely;
  • Grouting joints using paste-like mineral grout. It is recommended to fill the seams evenly; using a damp sponge you need to level their surface;
  • time for the fireplace to dry;
  • seam covering special means which will repel dirt and dust.

You can veneer a fireplace at any time of the year, but it is best to do it from spring to autumn.

The use of special finishing tiles

Tiles allow you to create an original and unusually beautiful appearance of the fireplace. They can be used different forms and sizes. Today, specialized stores offer a choice of glossy and matte decorative elements, with printed patterns and plain ones, with embossed and flat surface. Externally, the tiles resemble tiles, but their reverse side has a special box-shaped protrusion - a rump. In addition to creating a beautiful appearance, tiles help to increase the heat transfer coefficient of the fireplace and more. long-term preservation heat.

  1. 1 step
    Prepare the material by carefully examining it. Tiles from the same manufacturer may have external difference. Next, you should arrange the finishing elements, putting them into a beautiful harmonious pattern.
  2. Step 2
    Measure the tiller on each element and, if necessary, adjust it to the same dimensions.
  3. Step 3
    Level the surface and apply the solution.
  4. Step 4
    Fasten the elements using wire. To fix it on the surface of the fireplace, the pump should be filled with a mixture of clay and pieces of brick, combined in equal proportions. Insert a tiller into the holes; as a rule, a wire with a diameter of no more than 5 mm is used for this. The edges of the wire should be bent upward. Place the finished tile in the original pattern and press it to the surface. Hide the ends of the wire in the solution.

Use of wood – natural and elegant

Cladding a fireplace with your own hands using natural wood is not a difficult task. This natural material makes it very easy to create sophisticated designs. Any species is suitable for finishing, but you should still give preference to strong and durable wood. It is not the main decoration. By using wooden elements You can give, for example, a plastered product a special touch of nobility. Wooden shelves They will decorate any fireplace and fit perfectly into the interior of the room. For use natural wood It is recommended to use special heat-resistant impregnations. They will allow the natural material not to react to high temperatures. The wood can also be treated with special paints and varnishes to give it a perfect look.
Whatever finishing method is preferred, it is worth taking care to create a harmonious design of the entire room. After all, the fireplace is part of the room, exquisitely complementing it, providing comfort and coziness.

Fireplace cladding options

In fact, there are not so many options for facing fireplaces. After all, not every material can be used in each specific case. Here, the condition of functioning at high temperatures comes first; not all components can tolerate it, especially over a long time. Therefore, this issue must be approached carefully. For a decorative design, you can use any material at all, but for an actual one, think about the fuel you will use, because different types of fuel produce different combustion temperatures. The installation location is also important. If the fireplace is located in a room without heating or summer kitchen, it should be lined with a material that tolerates air humidity well.

Before choosing how and what to cover the fireplace with, you should look at photos and videos on this topic and decide on the design. Also, many may pay attention to the installation method; you can entrust this matter to the company, but keep in mind that, most likely, this work will not be cheap. By doing the cladding yourself, you will significantly reduce the cost of the work and the entire structure.

Which facing is suitable for a fireplace?

Plastering a fireplace

This is a fairly traditional method, suitable for both stoves and fireplaces.

Application decorative plaster in the decoration of the fireplace

  • Usually this finishing is done cement mortar, but you can also use decorative plaster; it is more suitable for artificial portals. But with this material you can create almost any pattern and give the portal the desired color.
  • This type of finishing is quite easy to do with your own hands.
  • With proper cladding, you will get a durable structure that will last for decades.

Attention: This finishing is carried out only after the fireplace masonry has completely dried and the entire structure has shrunk. Salt is sometimes added to the solution; it increases the service life of the plaster and significantly strengthens the surface.

  • A layer of plaster is best applied to a warm surface. Light the fireplace and let it cool. Now apply the first layer using the spray method. Before starting work, wet the fireplace and then the solution will dry more evenly, which will prevent the formation of cracks.
  • The last layer is applied to a completely dried surface using different tools; the layer thickness should not exceed 5 cm.

Plasterboard finishing

When listing the types of fireplace cladding, plasterboard finishing should also be left out of sight. This material is perfect for decorative and electrical construction, but is not suitable for a working fireplace.

Option for finishing a fireplace with plasterboard

  • Installation of such material is done on a metal frame.

Attention: When constructing the frame, special attention should be paid to its correct configuration. Check it carefully, otherwise the fireplace will have incorrect geometric shape. Use a plumb line and a square.

  • Drywall sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws; do not attach them end to end; always leave a gap of 5 mm. After this, the seam is puttied and the joint is glued with tape, which must first be moistened in a gypsum solution. By these actions you will avoid deformation of the surface when heated.

Finishing with artificial and natural stone

This cladding is quite elegant and looks stylish and rich. It can be used for almost any type of fireplace - it can withstand elevated temperatures perfectly.

  • The work uses natural and artificial stone. The cost of the first option is much higher, and if you want to save money, calmly choose the second. You will get a strong structure that will last for decades.

We use natural stone to decorate the fireplace

Attention: When using this material, special attention should be paid to preparing the base surface. It must be done flawlessly. This will largely determine the quality and service life of the entire structure.

  • Any options for facing a fireplace with stone can be done in any room; it will not be affected by high humidity and temperature changes. Only if you use decorative stone, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the parameters of the elements. In the instructions, pay attention to the cycles of temperature changes. This value should not be lower than ten.
  • If you plan to use solid fuel when burning, then the masonry is done using clay mortar. Cement will not withstand combustion temperatures for a long time.
  • Before starting installation, you should properly and efficiently prepare the surface. After complete drying, apply a primer, it will strengthen the bonding of the surfaces.
  • When attaching heavy elements, always use metal hooks; they can support the weight of the parts, otherwise they may simply float through the solution.
  • Never do laying right away without trying on the parts. First, they are laid out on the surface in a row and carefully adjusted using a grinder. And only after this can you attach it to the solution.
  • Angles should always be checked with a square and plumb line. And the order is checked with a building level; its length must be at least one meter. Remember, a deviation of 1 mm may result in an accuracy of 1 cm after just five rows.
  • With the use of this material, you will not have a question about how to line the fireplace insert; the stone can be used perfectly with any material for making and finishing the fireplace. In addition, it looks stylish and original.

Fireplace tiling

This material is most popular when decorating a fireplace. Moreover, both decorative and functional. The following types are most often used in finishing:

  • Majolica;
  • Terracotta;
  • Porcelain tiles;
  • Clinker tiles.

We use tiles to decorate the fireplace

This finish successfully withstands temperature changes and high humidity, so cladding can be done in bath room. For high-quality fastening, you should listen to the advice of experts and comply with some requirements.

  • Prepare the surface thoroughly and efficiently. It must be completely cleaned, the seams should be deepened by 1 cm, this will allow the material to adhere well.
  • Before installation, be sure to sort the tiles by size. Make two packs. One of them will have greatest number elements, this is where work should begin.
  • Make a complete layout of the elements on the floor in life size. Try on a row and adjust the elements well, use a grinder for this. And only after this should the mortar be attached.
  • During operation, the solution may get on the front of the tile; it should be removed immediately. After some time, it eats into the surface, and then removing stains will be much more difficult.
  • During the laying process, mortar will get into the seam; it should be removed with the angle of a spatula, otherwise after drying, you may simply break the tile when cleaning.

Now you know what fireplaces are lined with; instructions for attaching almost any material are on our website. The most important thing is to take your time and do everything carefully according to the instructions, and soon you will be able to admire your new beautiful fireplace!

Video: examples of decorating a fireplace with your own hands

Almost every resident of a country house dreams of a cozy and beautiful house. To create a harmonious interior, you cannot do without a fireplace. This element can be purely decorative, or it can be quite capable and heat the room in cool weather. It should be part of the overall space, complement it and reveal it, and for this a beautiful cladding is often necessary.

Types of lesions

Fireplaces can be installed in various rooms, they can be functional or purely decorative, which determines the types of these devices. The main fireplaces in village houses They are considered wood-burning, which have a design with a capital chimney, and heating occurs due to firewood.

The firebox of such a device can be made of materials such as refractory bricks and ceramic blocks. They can look like a completely finished cast iron structure, or they can be made using heat-resistant steel. Portals are the outer part of the hearth, with the help of which the appearance and decor of the product is created. To decorate such a fireplace, you can use marble, granite, brick or other materials.

Another type of fireplace is gas installations, which differ from wood-burning fireboxes. In this case, the chimney is important, but its operation is carried out thanks to the gas line. This option works quietly and heats the room very quickly. This device is more fireproof than a wood-burning one.

Electric fireplaces are the most modern and they use only electricity to operate. Although it is not a real fireplace, the flame inside, which is very similar to a real one, is not fire and does not produce heat. These can be floor-standing devices or suspended ones, which are mounted into walls without having large dimensions.

One more interesting view fireplace is an eco-fireplace. To maintain operating condition, the device requires components that do not emit carbon dioxide. This option cannot heat a large room on its own, but in tandem with other heating devices it can help quickly make the room temperature comfortable.

There are structures that are open on three sides at once. The use of three-sided fireplaces will serve not only to heat the air in the room, but also to perform a decorative function.

There are fireplaces that are manufactured ready-made and can be used immediately. The cast iron apparatus can be installed independently, which will require all the knowledge specified in the instructions. Such a fireplace cannot be installed everywhere, because it is very heavy and the house must have a good solid foundation. This unit can be used as heating device instead of large ovens in a private house.

Decor features

Cladding a fireplace is one of the most important activities in order to make not just a heating device, but also add color to the room, decorate it in accordance with a certain style or idea. Finishing can be done using a variety of materials, the main thing is to decide on the options that are suitable for a particular case.

The best way to determine the facing material is the type of fireplace design and some of its features, among which are:

  • property location;
  • interior design of the premises;
  • financial opportunities;
  • peculiarities finishing materials.

The fireplace can be either active and permanent, or artificial, made of plasterboard.

A false fireplace can be decorated using the following materials:

  • marble tiles;
  • fake diamond;
  • ceramic tile;
  • tiles;
  • textured plaster;
  • gypsum;
  • mosaic;
  • wooden elements.


The most popular design solution would be to surround the fireplace using wood. This material will help create a cozy, warm and soft atmosphere in the room. In order to use wood in fireplace decor, it is necessary to initially treat it with fire retardant impregnations.

Drywall is perfectly framed using MDF, which will decorate the device and allow it to function for a long time and fully. The use of tiles and marble will also fit well into the interior of the room. And the use of tiles, which are very similar to tiles, will add elegance to the design, lightness and color.


For those cases where the fireplace is real and built of brick, plaster is used as finishing. It's simple but reliable option, which will give a sophisticated look to even the simplest fireplace. Particular beauty is given by the use of decorative plaster, which is applied immediately after the layer of base material.

To restore old fireplace Using this material, you need to completely remove the old coating and prepare the device for repair work. The next step is to open the seams, which go deeper by more than a centimeter. This type of work helps the new layer hold on better and stronger. If there are any cracks on the fireplace, they need to be sealed, for which now you can use a sealant that is resistant to heat of 800 degrees. Only after this, using a long-hair brush, all surfaces are cleaned and the main work begins.

For smooth walls fireplace, you can immediately apply plaster to the surface, and in the case of strong drop Reinforcement is used using metal mesh. By securing it in the seams with plaster, which should be laid on top of the mesh, you can level the walls. Before carrying out work, it is important to read the instructions on the plaster packaging, because many manufacturers recommend heating the fireplace walls to sixty degrees, and then using the facing material.

If this finishing option is not to your liking, you can cover the fireplace with tiles. Not every option is suitable for lining a heating device. The list of its characteristics should include resistance to high temperatures, a high degree of strength and ease of maintenance. One of the options for such a material is terracotta ceramic tiles - its surface has an unglazed appearance, it is similar to brick in terms of the coefficient of thermal expansion and has a terracotta color.

Majolica is almost the same as terracotta, but front side there is a layer of glaze. Such tiles have a certain pattern, so it is important to calculate it so that you do not have to cut the tile, disturbing it. You can use only part of such material, combining it with others.

The most popular is clinker tiles, as they have good heat resistance. The use of fireclay gives it high strength with a small thickness. Fireclay tiles can have a variety of colors and shades - from white to brown.

You can also cover the fireplace with porcelain tiles, which are very similar to clinker tiles and have similar components, but they also add quartz sand, granite or marble chips, various dyes, metal salts and other substances. The result is a material with a low-porosity structure that tolerates high and low temperatures well. The resulting tiles are similar to marble, but are not. They will not exert much pressure on the structure, because tiles of small thickness are used for the work.

To give a special appearance, the fireplace is covered with tiles. This material is almost identical to the previous two options, but differs only in its shape and how it is mounted on the surface. Such elements are installed while laying the fireplace or stove, installing a special wire for this. Tiles with tiles are made small. It has the characteristics of thermal expansion, so the material must be used carefully and in accordance with all the rules.

Another material used to decorate fireplaces is stone. When covering with natural stone and marble, you must definitely use a mesh to which the covering will be attached, otherwise everything will start to fall off. It is more convenient to use artificial gypsum stone, which looks good in appearance, but is much lighter in weight. Gypsum stones may have different heights, therefore, before installing them on the fireplace, you need to align all the elements so that they have the same dimensions. To attach these elements to the surface, heat-resistant glue is needed.

In order to make a fireplace to look like natural stone, you can use special plates coated with it. The shape of each stone is different, and it takes time to grind them down. Such materials are usually used to form a pattern or a whole mosaic, which is initially worked on the floor and then transferred to the fireplace using suitable glue. Decorating fireplaces with mosaics is very impressive when the hearth itself has a rounded shape.

The size of the tiles can be very different, it all depends on the preferences of the owners.

One of the most popular is finishing the fireplace with wood. This is true in country houses and houses, but in any other room, by choosing the appropriate wood species, texture and color, you can create a very nice option room design. With the help of decorative elements you can not only make the fireplace beautiful, but also create a unique art object.

You can line the fireplace with soapstone. This material is a natural stone created by nature itself. Its color is gray and its texture is smooth. If you use a variety of impurities, you can achieve yellow, green and even red shades. Soapstone itself has a matte sheen.

Sandstone finishing allows you to get beautiful product with exceptional thermal conductivity characteristics. In this case, you don’t have to worry about cracking from exposure to heat and water. Using the fireplace even daily, its appearance will remain impeccable. The ability to easily and quickly wash the surface will also be appreciated.

By covering a fireplace with slate, you can increase its service life several times due to the stone’s resistance to high temperatures. Whatever material is chosen, the main thing is that everything is maintained according to quality standards and installed based on technology. The overall design of the room and the fireplace should be a single whole, create an ensemble and emphasize each other’s strengths.

Finish options

If we're talking about about the classics, then everything should be good and natural; imitation of anything is unacceptable for this style. Use of marble, granite, tiles, Venetian plaster, natural wood - all this will help achieve what you want. If there is a desire to make a hall or living room in Rococo, Baroque, Empire styles, then the entire environment should resemble a palace, where furniture, wallpaper, flooring and textiles are subordinated to a single stylistic decision. Stucco and large decorations are used as decorative elements in the room.

If we are talking about a room in the minimalist style, then choose small fireplaces. In this case, the author’s design with a light coating is welcome. If you need to make a room in modern style, then using a biofireplace will be the optimal solution. You can place decorative stones in the firebox, replacing firewood with them.

The ultra-modern high-tech style suggests something technological, which is why wall-mounted and electric fireplaces are used. On a special display there will be an imitation of a flame, which is no different from a real fire, but is completely safe. You can use room heating or turn on the fireplace solely for decorative purposes.

Country style involves the use of both natural and artificial stone, brick or aged wood. The firebox is lined with fireclay bricks. In case of imitation of the device, it is necessary to supplement it with real firewood to create the illusion of a real fireplace in the room.

In a modern style, it would be optimal to use suspended structures made of metal with a glass door in which an artificial flame is visible. When organizing an area near the fireplace, it is important not to use a large number of details that can direct all attention to themselves, while making the fireplace area invisible.

To ensure that the center of the room is highlighted correctly, you can use a variety of vases and figurines or even photo frames that will match and complement the style of the fireplace. Watches, especially antique ones, handmade crafts, items from some collection or cute souvenirs will look beautiful.

If the room is made in a classical style, then the objects are arranged in pairs and placed symmetrically. You need to carefully fit the mirror into the space near the fireplace. In some cases it will be appropriate, but in some cases it will ruin the whole idea. For the fireplace to be the basis of the room, it is important to position it correctly.

If the device is modern and can be placed on any wall, there should be no problems with choosing a place. When the fireplace was built as a permanent structure, it was necessary to equip the room based on this feature. It is important to remove all unnecessary items. There shouldn't be a TV or working area, but you need to put a sofa or armchair and spend quiet and cozy evenings in this unique atmosphere.

It is important to build or purchase a large fireplace so that it can be seen from every corner of the room. The area around it should be central, which means you shouldn’t use small structures, they simply won’t be noticeable. If the room is small, then it is very convenient to install a heating device in the corner.

How to tax yourself?

Cladding a fireplace with your own hands is quite simple if you know all the subtleties and nuances of this work. The technology comes down to the fact that it is necessary to select the material with which the selected type of coating will be attached. Most often, clay is chosen for these purposes. If it is not bought, but mined by hand, then it needs to be checked for suitability for this process. For this test you need a clean container of water and clay.

After placing it in water, you need to stir the contents with an iron shovel. If the clay sticks to it, it is not suitable for cladding because it is too greasy. It is important that the material for work is elastic, withstands high temperatures and holds the cladding material well. To make oily clay suitable for work, just add a little sand to it.

Step-by-step instructions for facing a fireplace will consist of several stages.

  • Mixing the solution. It is produced only in clean containers with the addition of water without impurities and the clay itself. Depending on the volume of work it is selected required quantity clay.
  • Tiling process. In order for the fireplace to be not only beautiful, but also to last a long time, it would be correct to use only certain types of tiles: terracotta, clinker, porcelain stoneware, majolica.

  • Before work begins, the entire surface of the fireplace walls is completely cleaned of old coating, dust and dirt.
  • Leveling the surface of the fireplace walls with putty or using reinforcing mesh. It is important to increase the joints between the bricks to update them.
  • Laying tiles begins with marking them on the floor, adjusting the pattern and dimensions using a grinder. Laying occurs from bottom to top vertically. After each row it is necessary to check the evenness using a level.
  • After completing the work, every other day you need to rub the tiles with a wet rag to remove all the mortar.
  • At finishing works Use with stone is recommended artificial material. The principle of operation is the same as with tiles. It is important to decide on the color, texture and correctly position the stone on the walls of the fireplace.

This question interests home craftsmen who decide to lay a stove or fireplace. It is also very relevant for everyone who has stove heating. Finishing the hearth with simple plaster is no different high aesthetics and after ten years of operation asks for replacement.

Of course, cracks and peeling of the finishing layer can be repaired. However, after such a procedure, the stove does not look its best and after a short time begins to crack again.

We will tell you how to cover a stove or fireplace so that it looks great, gives off heat well and does not require repairs for a long time.

Selecting materials for cladding a stove or fireplace

There is no fundamental difference in the finishing of these heating structures. Everything used to line a stove is suitable for a fireplace. But the requirements for finishing materials in both cases are quite specific:

  • High thermal resistance;
  • Good thermal conductivity (thermal output);
  • Mechanical strength;
  • Strong adhesion to the solution;
  • Aesthetic appearance.

Invent the new kind you won't need any cladding. The practice of stove making offers many options for performing this work and materials for its implementation.

Professional craftsmen use the following materials for finishing stoves and fireplaces:

  • Brick;
  • Ceramic tiles (terracotta or majolica);
  • Tiles;
  • Natural stone (marble, basalt, sandstone, slate, granite).

In recent years, they have been joined by artificial stone and soapstone.

Brick cladding

If you're happy with the aesthetics ceramic bricks, then use this material for cladding. The most difficult question is that protecting the heated surface from cracks does not arise in this case. The brick cladding stands on a common stove foundation and does not require the use of reinforcing mesh.

Finishing the stove in the house using facing bricks can be done simultaneously with the masonry. This material is also good for improving appearance. existing structure. Contrasting colors and shaped details pleasantly transform the appearance of an ordinary stove.

The beauty of a brick fireplace lining is not inferior to expensive marble or granite.

Brick finish is also good for metal furnaces. Here, a ballast backfill of dry fine sand is used between the steel body and the brick cladding. It protects the masonry from the deforming expansion of hot metal and transfers thermal energy well.

Ceramic tiles - an option for soft heating

Glazed ceramic tiles are a very popular and inexpensive way cladding of stoves and fireplaces. The only limitation for this material is the heating temperature of the surface. The tiles do not have powerful hooks and lock connections to resist temperature deformation. Therefore, do not place it on ovens that get very hot during operation. It is optimally suited for fireplaces (low facade heating).

Ceramic clinker tiles are an excellent “simulator”. With its help, you can “create” any type of finish: brick, tiles, wood, granite or marble.

For those who are looking for original and inexpensive solution For facing a fireplace or stove, we recommend trying a combination of decorative bricks and ceramic tiles.

The combination of smooth and rough textures, dark and light tones will give the hearth a pleasant charm and charm.

Tiles - the experience of centuries

Stove masters spent a long time looking for a way to protect the finish from temperature deformation, until they came up with tiles. In essence, these are ordinary clay tiles, but with a special “volumetric configuration”. On the back side of the tiles there are special projections - rumps. They serve to connect the tiles to each other and connect them to the masonry mass.

The laying of tiles is carried out simultaneously with the construction of a stove or fireplace, row by row. This creates a strong self-supporting wall. It is connected to the main masonry by wire “tendrils” placed in the seams between the bricks.

The tiles are connected to each other using steel hook brackets. They are connected to the brick wall of the oven not only by wire, but also by mortar placed in the tillers and in the space between the tiles.

The technology of tile cladding differs from conventional stove finishing. First, they place a row of tiles, fasten them together and hammer in the pumps. clay mortar. Only after this the brick wall of the furnace is placed close to them.

Richness of decor and color range The range of stove tiles is amazing. Therefore, finishing with this material is often equated to high art.

Natural and artificial stone

Natural stone meets all the requirements for finishing stoves and fireplaces. He endures high temperature, has a dense fine-grained structure and therefore transfers heat well. This material is extremely durable and environmentally friendly.

Beautiful texture and natural colors are the undoubted advantages of stone tiles. The only disadvantage of natural material is the high price. Home craftsmen today have an economical alternative in the form of artificial stone. It is technologically advanced in finishing and is not inferior to natural material in terms of heat resistance, strength, beauty and environmental friendliness.

The production of artificial stone does not involve labor-intensive cutting, grinding and polishing. Modern technologies for pressing and firing clay make it possible to obtain complex shaped elements that are not inferior in appearance to expensive products made from natural stone.

Thanks to the creation of heat-resistant mastics, finishing a fireplace with stone has become easier and does not require the use of embedded parts. Therefore, it is being actively mastered by home craftsmen who want to compete on equal terms with eminent masters.

Soapstone chlorite sounds nice, but is it profitable?

A well-organized marketing campaign works wonders. Therefore, today there are rave reviews about soapstone chlorite everywhere. It is a common volcanic rock, heavy, strong and heat resistant. No one can clearly answer why it is better than basalt, granite or sandstone. But in cost it is not inferior to elite marble delivered from Italy (from 7,000 rubles per 1 m2).

So far, soapstone has taken root only in baths and saunas, where heaters are lined with it. You can use it to decorate the fireplace and stove, but there are also more economical options.

The color range of this stone is quite poor. It is dominated by pale gray and greenish shades.

Wood is not only heating fuel, but also a beautiful finish

Wood has never been excluded from the category of finishing materials for fireplaces. This material conducts heat poorly, so it should be used sparingly and wisely, using it as an accent to façade decor.

IN heating stove Wood also has its own corner. Here it can be used to decorate shelves, decorate corners, beds and benches.

DIY stove and fireplace cladding

We will consider a simple option - covering the existing stove with ceramic tiles.

The finishing process here consists of the following operations:

  1. Surface preparation;
  2. Installation of steel mesh;
  3. Plastering the mesh;
  4. Tile finishing.

High-quality tiling of the stove will not work if the surface is not freed from old plaster and dust. The seams between the bricks must be cleared of mortar to a depth of 5 to 10 mm (for better adhesion to the mortar or glue).

Now the entire surface of the oven, where the tiles will stand, needs to be covered with a fine steel mesh (cells 15x15 mm). To fasten it, dowels with washers are used. They are driven not into the joints of the masonry, but into holes drilled in the brick. Dowels are placed more often in the area of ​​the firebox, since the greatest temperature deformations occur there. After installing the dowels, the mesh is pulled over them.

Do-it-yourself oven cladding begins with the first bottom row. Here the tiles are fixed using heat-resistant mastic or heat-resistant glue strictly according to the level. To apply the adhesive, use a standard notched plaster trowel.

Pressing the tile against the masonry, it is leveled horizontally and vertically, achieving uniform distribution of the mortar. If the tile is thick enough, then use a hammer with a rubber striker to push it down. Best for thin cladding installation tool- hands. To obtain an even seam, plastic crosses are used. The correct installation of each row is controlled by a level and plumb line.

After finishing the cladding, take a break for 2-3 days so that the glue gains brand strength. After this, they begin to grout the joints using a dry cement-polymer mixture and a rubber spatula.

The main purpose of a fireplace can be considered to maintain air temperature for comfortable living. But in some cases it is an integral part of the interior of the room. It means that general form and the style of the room are determined by the shape and cladding of the portal, and special attention should be paid to its design. Decorating a fireplace with your own hands is not only possible experienced craftsmen, but also for those who have minimal knowledge and skills in construction industry. To make the hearth look attractive externally, you can use: natural materials for finishing, and artificial.

DIY fireplace decoration


Tiles are widely used in the design of fireplaces. This is explained by the fact that the material has high thermal conductivity. For work, they most often use porcelain stoneware, glazed ceramic tiles or gypsum volumetric tiles that imitate natural materials.


The facing tiles used to decorate the fireplace have a number of differences:

  • high temperature stability,
  • ease of use and care,
  • variety of colors,
  • possibility of creating different styles registration

Decorating a fireplace with ceramic tiles takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparing tools. For high-quality finishing you need to have the appropriate tools: building level, pencil, spatulas, sponges, rubber hammer.
  2. Preparation of the surface intended for finishing. It is necessary to clean the surface from various contaminants and treat it with a primer. In some cases it is recommended to install metal mesh. This will prevent staining of the brick from which the fireplace is laid.
  3. Customization of material. Before laying, the tiles are laid out on the floor, assembling the future composition, and adjusting the dimensions of the tiles.
  4. Preparation of adhesive solution. Laying is carried out using heat-resistant glue, the preparation of which is carried out according to the instructions.
  5. Laying tiles. Work begins from below the firebox. Glue is applied to the surface of the hearth, then the tile is applied and pressed to the base. It is compacted by lightly tapping with a rubber hammer. Protrusions and corners are finished with special elements.
  6. Material processing. To protect the finished surface from soot and dirt, heat-resistant varnish is used, which covers the entire finished surface.

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Decoration with ceramic tiles

Stone fireplace decoration

Stone is more often used for wall decoration, but can be used in the design of fireplaces. It not only gives a solid appearance to the hearth, but also retains heat. Stone differs from other finishing materials in its increased strength and the fact that when laying it does not require leaving even seams. But the heaviness of the material and high cost are its main disadvantages. Stone laying is carried out using the same technology as tiles.

Decorating the hearth with natural and artificial stone

Fireplaces are decorated using the following materials:

  • Shell rock. This is one of the cheap minerals that has a decent appearance. Its disadvantage is its porous structure, which becomes clogged with soot within a short time, which leads to a decrease in attractiveness.
  • Granite. Raw and processed material is used. Both types look great on a mantelpiece. Ease of care is the main advantage of the material. It is not afraid of scratches, so various detergents can be used during operation.
  • Marble. The material that is most often used to decorate fireplaces. Natural beauty, affordable price and variety of marble varieties are only part of the advantages that are inherent in the material.

Plastering a fireplace

Facing the hearth with plastering can be considered a quick and inexpensive finishing option. After all, the cost of the material is affordable for everyone, and the work process does not require special knowledge and skills. In addition, plastering does not burden the main masonry of the fireplace, therefore, there is no need to strengthen the base. It’s also easy for short term is changing color design, is created a new style fireplace.
The main condition for quality finishing is right choice plaster. It must be heat-resistant with the addition of special fibers. These conditions are met by adding clay, lime, hemp or straw to a regular solution. The decorative effect of a plastered portal is achieved by painting with compounds that are resistant to sudden changes in temperature: from strong heating to the final cooling of the fireplace.