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» Drawing vibrating table for paving slabs. Do-it-yourself vibrating table - various manufacturing options. What is a vibrating table for tiles

Drawing vibrating table for paving slabs. Do-it-yourself vibrating table - various manufacturing options. What is a vibrating table for tiles

Paving slabs are a great solution for decorating personal plot. Its use gives the site a neat and well-groomed appearance, and the area laid out with paving slabs for recreation or for parking will always be clean and dry. The only negative arises when the estimate for the arrangement is knocked down. Price paving slabs is not going to fall yet, and the design of paths and playgrounds can fly into a good penny.

What is a vibrating table

If, nevertheless, an irresistible desire arose to decorate the courtyard with tiles, then there is a way out of how to do it inexpensively and efficiently. Tiles are possible. In this case, its price will be several times less than the purchased one, and if you make an effort and do everything according to the technology, then in terms of quality such a tile will not differ from the branded one.

To do this, you will have to use a concrete mixer and make a vibrating table with your own hands, a drawing and brief explanations for the manufacturing process can be found on the page. This is the largest investment that will have to be made to begin work on the arrangement of the yard. A concrete mixer does not count, since almost every owner has it, but problems can arise with a vibrating table. Vibrating table required for compaction concrete mix, from which the tiles are cast, and without the compaction process, the material will be loose and loose, which will undoubtedly affect the strength and service life of the finished tile.

The vibrating table is arranged very simply and for its manufacture, you can use different methods. The drawings and photographs that make up the page show that its design can be different, as well as power and performance. Depending on the tasks set, everyone selects the design according to their needs.

The main element of the vibrating table is an eccentric motor, which together form a vibrating unit. The vibration mechanism sets in motion a movable plate, on which a form with a solution will be located during the production process. Under the influence of vibration of the plate, the solution is compacted to a certain limit, after which new forms are installed on the plate.

The main characteristics of the vibrating table

To make a simple vibrating table, you need to prepare a set of materials and tools, and with good metalworking skills, the design is assembled in a day and another day is spent on fine-tuning. From the materials you will need:

  • 4 rack-supports made of rolled metal (pipe, angle, I-beam);
  • a sheet of metal with a thickness of at least 3 mm;
  • electric motor of any power;
  • durable hardened steel springs.

The tool, of course, will be necessary, but you can limit yourself to a minimum set of a welding machine, a drill and a grinder.

The main characteristic of the vibrating table is its dimensions. The larger the table, the more forms can be placed on it. But then there is a need to increase the engine power, since the mass of the countertop will also grow. Springs are selected empirically, and engine power can start from 250 watts. Recommended table dimensions - 1800x800 mm.

Vibrating table motor and drawings

Engine power should not be too high, so many use motors from washing machines. Its only drawback is a small resource. But if there are no plans to provide the entire area with tiles, then one engine can work properly for several years at medium loads. You can modify the motor, since the main weak side its steel bushings or bearings. If you immediately change the bearings to reinforced ones and remove the bushings and replace them with bearings, then the table will last even longer.

You can use a ready-made vibrator. IV99, for example, will cost 5-7 thousand, but it is almost eternal, since it has a power reserve and is designed for such work. An excellent addition would be the speed controller. With this help, you can adjust the vibration frequency for each batch of tiles individually.

Important details in the manufacture of a vibrating table

Despite the simplicity of the design, the work on manufacturing and calculations requires compliance with some subtleties. The working surface of the table must have a mass that is dictated by the size and materials of manufacture. The mass of the table must correspond to the capabilities of the vibration motor, and the frame itself must be welded strong and rigid.

In this case, it is very important to adjust the frequency of vibrations. If this is not done, then the tile will either be unaesthetic if the amplitude is too large, or not sufficiently compacted. Thus, after spending a few days, the household will acquire another useful tool which will come in handy more than once.

The issue of designing tracks on the site sooner or later confronts all site owners. The option of using paving slabs for this purpose is one of the simplest, most reliable and beautiful. Therefore, for self-production and installation, you will need instructions on how to make a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands. This article will consider all the nuances of assembling the device, as well as the recommendations of experts on the manufacture of the frame and the choice of engine.

The vibrating table is used for the production of polymer-sand paving slabs, concrete elements of the fence, figures, monuments, statues, by vibrocasting

A vibrating table, or as it is also called, a vibropress, is a special device designed for the manufacture of paving slabs. The main advantage of this device is the ability of its working surface to make oscillatory movements. In addition, the vibrating table can be used for other purposes, for example, for the manufacture of monuments, sections concrete fences etc.

With the help of a vibrating table and special forms, you can make paving slabs of any size and configuration

As for the independent manufacture of a vibrating table, this is most often resorted to when they want to independently engage in the manufacture of paving slabs to decorate their own yard. Although in some cases this method is used to organize your own small business.

Of course, using a vibrating table, it’s definitely not possible to engage in production on an industrial scale, but considering that it can be made from improvised materials, and with its main functions - eliminating air bubbles and compacting the composition of forms, such a device will do just fine.

Let's take a closer look at what it takes to do it in as much detail as possible. homemade vibrating table, and step by step instructions for its manufacture.

Vibrating table can be purchased at hardware store or make your own from improvised materials

Types of equipment for the production of paving slabs

Vibrating tables are different, and before moving on to manufacturing, you need to decide on suitable option and its features. So, depending on the direction of vibration, the following types of devices are distinguished:

  1. Models with horizontal vibration.
  2. Models with vertical vibration.

These types of devices are divided depending on how exactly the rotor is located in them. In this case, the first option (a table with horizontal vibration) is more popular.

Depending on the installation method, vibrating tables can also be divided into two types: stationary and portable (mobile). But depending on the specialization of the devices, there are those that are designed to form products, as well as those that are designed to extract the finished product from the mold using vibration.

Externally, molding and molding tables are practically no different, with the exception of a special nozzle with holes, on which the mold is installed, from which it is required to remove the finished product.

Scheme of the design of a vibrating machine for the production of paving slabs

If you want to make your own machine for the production of paving slabs, it will be enough to make a vibrating table with horizontal vibration. At the same time, there are two ways to remove the tile: manually (usually flexible forms are used in a home workshop) or by installing a molding nozzle.

Paving slab manufacturing technology: the principle of operation of the machine

In order to understand how to properly make a particular device, you need to understand the manufacturing technology of those elements for which it is designed. Therefore, we will consider the principle of operation of the vibrating table and what each of its constituent parts is intended for.

The working surface of the table is attached to the bed using a special spring system, if we are talking about the horizontal vibration device or by means of suspensions, in the case of vertical devices. Due to the operation of an electric motor of rated power, on the shaft of which there is an eccentric, the tabletop is set in motion. Due to the fact that the eccentric is displaced, the center of gravity changes, resulting in the desired vibration. For the convenience of working with the vibrating table, the height of the legs of the base should be taken into account

How to make a vibrating table with your own hands: drawings and description

It is quite possible to get a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe device of the vibrating table by reading the sketch. But for the independent manufacture of such a design, you will need a full-fledged drawing, which will allow you to take into account all the nuances and designate in advance required dimensions each of the elements.

Before starting to create a drawing, it is worth considering the two most popular options: for beginners and for masters. In the first case, the vibropress has more simple design, but at the same time allows you to perform the main task - to form products. Assembly, maintenance and care of such a device are quite simple and quite within the power of even a novice master.

Helpful advice! Over time, to such a simple design can be added additional functions such as a sand sifter. The main thing is to do everything right necessary calculations so that the addition of new functions does not cause the failure of the main elements.

More complex structures, designed for craftsmen, initially combine a vibropress and a sand sifter. In assembly, this design is more complicated, however, it is convenient in that it facilitates the process of obtaining components. desired faction.

Scheme of the frame and the molding nozzle for the vibrating table

Step-by-step instruction for the manufacture of a vibrating table with horizontal vibration

The first thing you should pay attention to before starting work is the size of the countertop. It is believed that the minimum surface size should be 600x600, since with narrower sides, the forms will fall in the process of movement. In addition, a narrow design will have less stability.

Helpful advice! If, in the process of making paving slabs at home, the forms still fall off, you can try to reduce their number. This will negatively affect the performance of the device, but in this case, the number of tiles damaged due to falling will be reduced.

In many ways, the size of the vibrating table is determined by the required production volume. We can say that there is a direct relationship here - the more elements must be made at a time, the larger the countertop area should be. Naturally, a large vibropress will require a more powerful engine, and the materials from which the structure will be assembled must be very durable.

Vibrating table base and unbalance fastening

As for the height of the vibrating table, everything here depends on the individual data of the person who has to work on it. standard height, optimally suitable for a person of average height, is considered 90-100 cm.

Important! When deciding on the height of the table, it is worth taking into account the installation method that will be used. So, for example, if stationary device will need to be dug into the ground and cemented, then in the length of the table legs you need to take this into account in advance.

Materials and tools needed to assemble a vibrating table: prices and specifications

In order to independently assemble the structure, you will need a grinder, a welding machine, a drill, as well as the ability to handle them. Consider a list of necessary materials that can be found among the handy materials.

An example of the implementation of a vibrating table for the manufacture of paving slabs with a molding nozzle

For the countertop, you can use plywood or a sheet of metal right size. In this case, the plywood sheet should be 14 mm thick. This will allow you to transfer more vibration due to the small thickness, but at the same time provide the necessary structural strength. In addition, this way you can significantly reduce the noise level during operation of the device. If a metal sheet is used, then its thickness should be in the range of 5-10 mm.

The cost of a sheet of plywood of the required thickness, made from birch veneer, will be about 650 rubles with standard size 1525×1525 mm. But a sheet of hot-rolled metal with a thickness of 5 mm will cost more.

Helpful advice! If a thinner metal sheet is available, it can also be used by reinforcing the structure with metal corners or pipes welded in the center of the sheet and around the perimeter.

Unbalances are used to excite oscillations in the vibration mechanism of the vibrating table

metal corners size 50×50 mm. They will be required to create the edging of the tabletop and during the operation of the vibrating table will not allow the molds for the production of paving slabs to move from the surface as a result of vibration.

Channel for mounting the motor It will need to be welded in the center reverse side countertops by pre-drilling holes that will be used for the bolts holding the motor.

Metal pipes for table legs. Typically, elements 2 mm thick and 40 × 40 in size are used for this purpose.

Reliability of fastenings of all elements of the vibrating table ensures the correct operation of the device, the quality of the manufactured products and the duration of the service life

Pipes for forming the upper and lower parts of the frame. Since the main load will fall on these elements, it is worth choosing a fairly durable material - 40 × 20 and 2 mm thick for the upper part and at least 20 × 20 of the same thickness for the bottom. .

Metal plates to be used as soles for supporting feet. For this, pieces of metal with a size of at least 50 × 50 and a thickness of 2 mm are suitable.

You will also need a plate for installing electrical equipment and springs, which are designed to provide vibration. It is quite possible to purchase these items at auto-dismantling. Numerous reviews testify that perfect option- the use of springs from mopeds, the cost of which, with a height of 113 mm and a diameter of 54 mm, will be about 500 rubles. They are installed in the corners of the table, and with a large surface area, another one is additionally mounted in the center.

Important! If an additional spring has been installed in the center of the table top, then the motor mounting location and support configuration will be changed.

A vibrating table for the manufacture of paving slabs can be made from improvised materials without significant financial investments.

Additional aspects to consider when choosing materials for a vibrating table

In addition to the above materials, you should carefully select other components, which, although not visible, largely determine the quality of the device:

  • bolts for fixing the springs. This element acts as a glass for the spring, so it must have the proper strength. Sometimes for this purpose, pipe blanks 50-70 mm long are used. At the same time, it is important that their diameter exceeds the diameter of the spring by 5-10 mm;
  • bolts and washers (usually 4 pieces) that will be required to fix the engine;
  • electrical cable, which must have a sufficient cross section. It is also worth considering the presence of an outlet and a circuit breaker in the immediate vicinity.

    Important! If the diameter of the homemade glass will significantly exceed the diameter of the spring itself, this will lead to the fact that the vibration will be uneven. As a result, the spring wears out quickly, and the movement of the table can be called rocking rather than vibration.

Scheme of the design of the vibrating table with a sifter

Production of paving slabs at home: how to choose an electric motor

Consider the two most popular options: their cost and characteristics:

  1. IV-99 E with a power of 0.5 kW. Its weight is 14.5 kg, the speed is 3000 rpm, the driving force is up to 5 kN. The device is powered by a 220 V network. You can buy it at a price of 7650 rubles.
  2. IV-98 E is a more powerful model (0.9 kW), which has a greater weight - 22.5 kg and a driving force of up to 11 kN. In this case, the rotational speed is also 3000 rpm. But the main difference between this model and the previous one is the presence of unbalances on the rotor, which rotate together with the rotor shaft. Can also be used for food conventional network for 220 V. The cost of this model is 8540 rubles.

Not for production a large number this tile will be more than enough, but if you want to organize a small paving slab factory in your workshop, then it is better to pay attention to the IV-104 B model with a power of 0.53 kW. To power it, a 380 V network is required, but this will make it possible to achieve a driving force of 6.3 kN.

But there are cases when it comes to making a completely a small amount paving slabs for paths to the country house, and it is simply unjustified to purchase a motor for this purpose. In this case, the craftsmen use the engine from the old washing machine whether pumping station. In this case, you will have to spend much less money, paying only the turner for some alterations, if necessary.

The only significant drawback of this solution is the fragility of old engines. They are extremely rarely able to withstand more than three dozen work cycles. After that, the axle becomes loose or the bearing completely jams. Therefore, if you plan to manufacture a large number of tiles, it is better to purchase a more durable engine in advance that can last the required period of time.

Important! The main task of the engine is to ensure uniform vibration of the surface, because otherwise, the solution may boil in the container, which will not lead to compaction, but, on the contrary, to increased fragility of the products.

Even taking into account the need to purchase all the necessary elements, making such a design with your own hands is much cheaper than buying a vibrating table for paving slabs. The power of the electric motor determines the duration of the machine and the required amount of paving slabs produced

Do-it-yourself vibrating table for paving slabs: construction assembly rules

After everything necessary materials will be acquired, it remains only to assemble the structure together. But in order for the resulting device to serve properly for many years, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

Methods for unbalancing the vibrating table motor

Depending on where exactly the engine is installed, it is necessary to unbalance the belt drive unit on the tabletop or the pulley. You can do this in several ways:

  • put a round pulley on the shaft, in which a section of the circle is drilled or ground off;
  • experimentally select a nut that is suitable in size and weight, and weld it onto the pulley;
  • put the coupling on the shaft, after having welded on its end a bolt with two nuts placed across. Due to the fact that the nuts can be moved along the thread, imbalance is carried out.

For reliable long work vibrating table it is worth using steel elements and a cooker for fastenings

As seen, independent production paving slabs for summer cottages is quite a feasible task if you spend time and effort studying the issue and assembling the necessary device. Although it should be noted that with the help of such a vibrating table it is possible to organize, for example, a small production of polymer-sand paving slabs.

In the manufacture concrete products, paving slabs, as well as products made from gypsum and special mixtures, it becomes necessary to compact the solution in which air bubbles are present. Vibration effect promotes uniform distribution of the solution in the form, improves the structure of the material, increases its strength. In industrial conditions, massive and expensive equipment is used for this. It is advisable to make a vibrating table with your own hands in the production of products at home.

What is a vibration platform

Vibrating table (platform) is a technical device, intended for compaction in domestic and industrial conditions of mortars based on concrete, building mixtures and gypsum during molding. The forming process, carried out with the help of vibration compaction, guarantees increased strength characteristics of products, which affects their service life.

The design of the vibrating table is not very complicated

Purpose of the product

The vibrating platform, which is easy to make with your own hands, makes up to 3000 vibrations in 60 seconds and is designed for the following purposes:

  • production of small-scale products by vibration casting;
  • production of pavement tiles;
  • tamping products made of cement and asphalt mixtures;
  • molding blocks of foamed concrete;
  • vibrocompaction of fence elements, decorative items, window sills;
  • holding various kinds product testing.

Universal vibrating table - design features

Vibration platform (table) is a technical device that includes the following components:

important design feature vibrating table is:

  • ensuring uniform vibrations of the tabletop;
  • small amplitude of oscillations.

To do this, it is necessary to correctly select the engine for the vibrating table, determine the mass of the eccentric and the place where the drive is fixed. With an increased frequency of oscillations and uneven vibration, it is possible to saturate the molded composition with air, which causes a decrease in the strength of the products.

Principle of operation

The universal unit, which facilitates the molding process, functions as follows:

  • the base of the vibrating table frame is rigidly attached to the floor surface;
  • the power cable is connected;

Correctly set vibration amplitude guarantees uniform distribution of the solution over the vibroform and its gradual hardening

  • a form filled with mortar is installed on the working platform;
  • the vibration motor is turned on by pressing the corresponding button on the remote control;
  • an intensive compaction process is carried out, as a result of which air bubbles come out of the solution and the mixture settles, becoming more dense;
  • the power supply is turned off;
  • removed from the horizontal plate of the container with molded products;
  • the next cycle of vibrocompaction occurs according to the above algorithm.

A do-it-yourself vibrating table and an industrial unit work on the same principle.

Vibrating table - varieties

Vibrating tables differ in the following parameters:

  • The area and dimensions of the working surface. With an increase in size, it is possible to manufacture complex products, and the number of simultaneously compacted forms also increases.
  • Installed capacity, which determines the performance of the unit. Depending on the total mass of the molded products located on the working platform, an engine for the vibrating table is selected.

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    Usually the vibrating table is made of metal materials because they have the necessary strength, stability and durability

  • The amplitude of oscillations. The presence of a device for adjusting the frequency of vibration allows you to switch to different operating modes required for certain materials.
  • To meet technological needs, the following types of vibrating tables are used:

    • molding, used in the production for vibration compaction of products in molds;
    • deforming, which allows using a special nozzle to extract finished goods from molding containers.

    Do-it-yourself vibrating table manufacturing technology

    Consider how to make your own vibrating table. First of all, you need to prepare a drawing of the vibrating table. If you have the appropriate technical training, drawing skills, you can independently develop a drawing. A ready-made sketch is also suitable, on which you can put down the dimensions of your design. Optimal Height from the base to the platform is 0.7–0.8 m, and the dimensions are 0.5x1.0 m.

    To perform the work, it is necessary to prepare the required materials, components, necessary tools and equipment:

    If you plan to use a vibrating platform for molding products from various materials, it is advisable to add an electronic engine speed controller to the vibration motor control system.

    After preparing the necessary materials and equipment, you can make a vibrating table with your own hands, following the sequence of operations:


    Following the above recommendations, it is easy to make a vibrating table with your own hands. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, it is important to take the development of the drawing seriously, think through all the technical nuances, use high-quality materials and comply with technological process assemblies. A self-made unit will allow for a long time to form concrete products at home.

To make a vibrating table with your own hands, in addition to the standard set of tools, you also need a welding machine and skills to work on it. The necessary materials are prepared in advance in the form of corners and channels. The design of the table is thought out and the power of the required engine is calculated. On such a device, paving slabs can be made at their summer cottage.

Vibrating table characteristics

Making a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands is justified if there is a summer cottage. Used paving slabs in the country for paving paths.

The purpose of the table consists in compacting the solution with the removal of air bubbles from it in the manufacture of paving slabs. This happens due to the oscillatory movements of the working surface. This vibration is provided by the operation of the engine, the frequency of which is 3 thousand rpm. Then the tile is removed from the molds and sent to dry.

Equipment classification

Depending on the direction of vibration, tables are:

  • with horizontal vibrations;
  • with vertical vibrations.

Tables with horizontal vibrations are widely used in Russia, but in some cases designs with vertical vibrations are also used.

The oscillatory movements of the frame of the device with horizontal vibration are performed using an engine with an eccentric mounted on the shaft. As it rotates, it vibrates the top half of the table.

According to the installation method, the products are:

  • stationary;
  • mobile.

If paving slabs are required to be formed on the equipment, then such tables are called molding tables. And in cases where the tile needs to be knocked out of the mold, a molding structure is made.

Preparation of the necessary materials

In order to have a good idea of ​​​​how to make a vibrating table with your own hands, you first need to make a drawing. After that, you need to start preparing materials for equipment:

Work order

Do-it-yourself vibrating table begins to form from the base. The next step is to move on to the table top. Then the general assembly is carried out.

Stages of work:

During installation, make sure that the motor does not touch the floor.

Homemade options

You can make your own different designs vibrating table. Consider possible options homemade production.

Forming construction

Such a vibrating table is needed to extract the dried tiles from the mold. The design of the vibrating table is not particularly different from the standard one. The only difference is that a hole is made in the upper part.

Work is carried out in two ways:

  • An additional countertop is being cooked. If the springs are not welded on top, then replacement is easy.
  • The native tabletop is being finalized. For this, a removable hatch is made on one side of it. A soft base is laid from below, where the tile falls.

The manufacturing process of such a design does not cause any particular difficulties.

Non-standard fixtures

Making a vibrating table with your own hands is a rather laborious task. If there is a need for small amount paving slabs, then a simplified design is used. Work on it can be performed at a high level.

These types of tables include designs:

  • From tires. Depending on the required height, 2 or 3 tires are taken. On top of them lies a wooden shield. Wooden sides are made on the sides so that the forms do not move out. You can attach the shield to the top tire with screws. On wooden surface a form with a solution is placed. Tapping with a rubber mallet on wood begins to create vibration. It is allowed to mount the engine with an eccentric in the lower part of the wooden shield.
  • From an impact drill or hammer drill. To do this, a metal plate is attached to one end of the wooden plane, and rags or rubber are nailed to the other. The soft part is focused on the wall. A perforator is brought to the metal plate. Instead of a drill, a pipe is inserted into it. Its thickness should be such that it is possible to freely enter the cartridge. When you turn on the puncher in the network, a good vibration begins.

If there is suburban area, the need for a vibrating table arises constantly. The purchased product is expensive. Having made the design with your own hands, there is a significant savings in financial resources. There is not always a need for a serious adaptation. In this case, you can get by with simplified designs. IN household there will always be old tires or a rubber mallet. The product is small, but the work is done on it with high quality.

Making paving slabs with your own hands is enough interesting process, but this requires certain materials and tools. One of these is the vibrating table, which we promised to write about.

In the previous article we talked about it, so be sure to read it. And today you will learn how to make a vibrating table with your own hands.

Device Requirement

The hardening of concrete is always accompanied by small fluctuations, during which air bubbles are released. Due to this, the future product becomes durable, and the concrete structure is compacted. In order to ensure this, a vibrating table is needed. It oscillates at a frequency of 3000 movements per minute.

All vibrating tables can be divided into two types:

  • Industrial with hydraulics;
  • Home use, creating vibrations with the help of an eccentric mounted on an electric motor.

It is the latter that we will consider.

Important! Since it is impossible to calculate the number of vibrations, the vibrating table must have an amplitude adjustment function.

But first things first.

In order to make a vibrating table with your own hands you will need:

  • Metal sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm;
  • Springs;
  • Channel and corner;
  • Pipes;
  • Electric drill;
  • Welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Spanners;
  • Metal legs;


First of all, you need to draw a drawing of the future vibrating table or download a ready-made one on the Internet. It is important that all dimensions and the required distance are calculated in advance.

The engine should be placed closer to the center. The drawing itself is drawn starting from the bed. When creating a drawing, do not forget to take into account the height of the table and how it is fixed to the floor.

Engine selection

When making a vibrating table for tiles, you need to pay attention not only to the structure itself, but also to the engine, because all the load will come to it. Or rather, on bearings and bushings. Therefore, when choosing an engine, do not rely on its power, because for home use enough 1-2 kW. But the bearings must be of high quality and reliable. In extreme cases, during operation, you can replace them.

One more tip! By installing the eccentric directly on the shaft, you will significantly extend the life of the motor.

Making a vibrating table for paving slabs

  • We proceed to the assembly only after the preparation of the drawing.
  • Based on its data, we cut the workpiece for the future frame. Corner - 45 mm. Pipes must be at least 65 mm in diameter. Length, depending on the desired height of the table. We weld all the necessary elements and only then we weld the metal sheet.
  • After that, you need to take the spring and cut it into pieces of the same length, in the amount of ten pieces.
  • Then, we weld the springs to the finished frame: in the corners, in the center and between the corner and the center at the same distance.
  • From the remaining pieces of the pipe we make glasses and weld them on the underside of the table. In diameter, they should be 3 mm larger than the springs and located exactly where they are located.
  • To obtain a secure fixation, you can weld the rods.
  • After welding, you need to install the table on the frame.
  • The eccentric mechanism is welded from below, in the center.
  • The engine is mounted at a distance that corresponds to the length of the belt.
  • At the end, you need to install the on / off button, connect the power.

This completes the assembly and installation. You can run and calibrate the amplitude of the oscillations, if necessary. This is done by moving the eccentric.

Mistakes and how to avoid them

  • Be sure to make a side around the perimeter of the table surface, so that when moving the form with tiles do not fall.
  • To limit the amplitude, instead of rods for springs, bolts can be welded onto which a washer and nut must be screwed.
  • In order to more accurately regulate vibrations, install not an engine, but a vibrator of the IV-99 type.
  • Securely fix the legs so that the table does not “walk” during the process. It is best to cement them.
  • The legs of the vibrating table should be high enough so that you do not have to bend over.
  • The motor must not touch the ground.


When making a vibrating table for paving slabs with your own hands, do not forget about safety! First of all, put on protective equipment when carrying out welding work.

  • Carefully work with the grinder so as not to injure your hands.
  • Do not forget to ground before turning on the vibrating table.
  • When starting the technical device for the first time, remove the drive belt to prevent Negative consequences associated with incorrect connection.

As you can see, making a vibrating table for creating tiles is not so difficult, it is enough to follow certain rules. If they are observed, the product will serve you for more than one year, and as a result you will receive quality tiles.

Of course, in any case, it will differ from the factory one, but it will also come out much cheaper. Savings of 20%, even when assembling the vibrating table.

And for you to see good example assembly, watch the video below.