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» What to do if grape leaves are full of holes. The leaves of the grapes have holes, what should I use to treat them? Methods for combating grape leaf miner

What to do if grape leaves are full of holes. The leaves of the grapes have holes, what should I use to treat them? Methods for combating grape leaf miner

The vineyard attracts the attention of many dozens of pests. Around the world, about 800 species of insects have been recorded that can harm the harvest of this crop. Moreover, not only berries suffer, but also roots, perennial and green shoots, inflorescences and leaves.

Without a well-built plant protection system, preventive and therapeutic treatment of grapes from diseases and pests, there is a risk of losing 30 to 50% of the crop, and some enemies of this crop can completely destroy the plantation.

Grape mites and methods of combating them

The most common pests of grapes throughout the world are numerous types of mites, which, feeding on the juices of the green parts of the plant, weaken the vineyard. With general harmfulness, insects are isolated that cause the greatest damage to the buds and leaves of grapes.

If you do not stop the reproduction of insects in time and do not start using methods to combat grape mites, their vital activity negatively affects the ripening of shoots, the quality and quantity of berries, and colonies of bacteria and fungi can develop on the affected parts of the plant, including the causative agents of such serious diseases as mildew and.

Female mites overwintering on weeds or inside buds in the spring, already at a temperature of about 7–8 ° C, begin to feed and lay eggs. As a result, the rudiments of inflorescences and shoots are damaged, the resulting clusters turn out to be smaller than before the mite attack, and the growth is weaker. If the mite infects the buds, they turn red, become dense and crumble.

The damage from the insect, which produces from 6 to 11 generations per season, increases in the summer months, when the grape itch is fed by the juices of the green part of the bush.

Traces of the presence of a pest look like deformation outside the leaf plate, the appearance of noticeable tubercles on it, which correspond to small depressions covered with a pile similar to felt or cobwebs.

The stronger the damage to the leaf, the weaker the metabolic processes in its tissues. If urgent measures are not taken to combat grape itch, felt spots on the back of the leaves merge, sheet plate collapses, practically falling out of the process of photosynthesis. The leaf weakens and dries up. Sometimes ripening brushes are found under the felt cover.

If at the beginning of the season the mite settles on the lower tier of the vine, then without proper control it can spread to younger shoots. The spread of the mite is facilitated by dry, hot weather, gusty winds; insects fall from diseased parts of the plant to healthy parts during pruning, planting or grafting. To minimize the risk of crop loss from grape mites, methods of combating this pest should include agronomic practices and spraying with modern insecticides and acaricides.

Shoots that are weakened or frozen in winter must be removed. In autumn or in early spring, when the grape buds have not yet begun to grow, the vine and potential places where grape itch accumulates are treated with a two percent DNOC solution. A 3% solution of nitrafen will be effective against wintering female ticks. Since insects are often hidden by the felt covering that forms, Special attention When treating grapes against diseases and pests, the back side of the leaves is applied.

A long-tested measure to combat grape itch is considered to be double treatment of plantings with sulfur preparations. It is important that the air temperature is above 20 °C, and there are 10–14 days between procedures.

When plants are attacked by mites, remedies chemical treatment, including Fufanon, Neoron and Aktara, or Tevit Jet, are chosen not only taking into account their effectiveness, but also safety in relation to bees and humans.

Grape aphid or phylloxera

An extremely dangerous pest for rootstock and European grape varieties is the grape aphid, which causes damage to plantings in all existing forms, be it larvae, nymphs, winged and soil insects.

Appearing in Europe in the mid-19th century, this pest caused devastating damage to the most famous vineyards, calling into question the cultivation of this crop in France.

During the season, aphids give 7-8 generations, as a result, plants infected with the root form of phylloxera noticeably weaken, their root system turns out to be underdeveloped, and without treating the grapes from diseases and pests, the vine dies within a few years. This form can only be dealt with by completely removing the affected bushes. The leaf form, characterized by the appearance of galls containing aphid eggs on the back of the leaves, is usually detected in the second year.

Since this dangerous pest is a quarantine pest, control measures include preventing the spread of aphids, as well as using phylloxera-resistant rootstocks. Actelik, Dilor, Confidor Maxi and Etafos are used against the leaf form. The first treatment is carried out when the buds bloom en masse, and the second at the stage when the shoots already have 9–12 leaves.

Leaf rollers and other green grape pests

To protect the crop from leaf rollers and cutworms, treatment of grapes against diseases and pests with insecticides is carried out during the period when butterflies emerge.

If eggs and caterpillars are found on the grapes, it is important to carefully remove the damaged parts of the plant, preventing the pests from spreading. You can protect the crop through three successive treatments with Fozalon, Ambush, Sumicidin or modern biological products.

Thrips: description of a grape pest, photos and methods of treatment

On thrips-affected leaves, browned areas appear, first along the edges and then throughout the entire blade; the surface becomes deformed and gradually curls.

Similar damage can be seen on young shoots, tendrils, and later on berries. As is the case with grape mite, methods of combating these insects are to use Phosfamide or BI-58, Carbamyl and Methomyl.

Scale insects and mealybugs

Grape shoots attract many pests. Small scale insects and mealybugs, leading a sedentary lifestyle, settle on the vine and suck out the juices. Which leads to weakening of the affected parts of the plant, their drying out and reduced yield. The presence of scale insects is indicated by glossy spots of honeydew secreted by these insects. However, damage to the plant from this type of pest is not limited to the weakening of shoots and foliage; fungi soon develop in the habitats of scale insects and scale insects, and outbreaks that are dangerous to grapes appear. Where do these grape pests shown in the photo live, and how to treat the bush affected by them?

In autumn, young scale insects concentrate at the base of one-year-old shoots, attach themselves and overwinter. In the spring, mature insects give birth to a new generation, which emerges from under the scutes of dead females.

Mealybugs with a whitish, loose, waxy mass as a coating can cause serious damage to grapes. Overwintering as larvae under the bark of adult shoots and even on trellis supports, with the onset of warm weather the pests move to the green parts of the plant, to shoots and leaves, where they become adults. With mealybugs and various types Scale insects are fought by treating all above-ground parts of the bush, as well as parts of the trellis. Spraying is carried out in early spring, before the buds open and, necessarily, under high pressure so that the drug penetrates into the layers of the bark.

Weevils or weevils

Vineyards are damaged by several species of weevils, which gnaw out the buds and leaf blades of young foliage, and their larvae can seriously damage root system.

Adult beetles and larvae of this pest overwinter in the ground at a depth of 15 to 30 cm. Insect activity begins with the arrival of spring, when the air warms up above 10 °C. Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests, including weevils, is carried out using insecticides in the period from April to May, when the beetles are actively feeding, and also in June, when young individuals emerge from the soil. The vineyard is sprayed twice with an interval of 10 days, using chlorophos and fozalon, the soil between the rows is loosened to a depth of at least 15 cm.

Protecting grapes from wasps

If for most of the summer a colony of wasps actively increases their numbers and looks for protein food to feed their offspring, then in August the insects begin to prepare for winter and their diet changes radically. The harvest of many crops is suffering from wasps, now exclusively interested in sweets. garden crops, including grapes. Moreover, due to the thin skin of grape berries, these pests can seriously reduce yields and negatively affect the quality of grapes.

Therefore, protecting the vineyard from wasps is a task of paramount importance for the gardener.

Coping with wasps is not easy because when the berries ripen, the use of insecticides becomes dangerous.

The best results can be achieved if you start fighting the pest in advance and use all existing methods. It is best to destroy wasp nests in the evening, when insects gather for the night. When planning to perform such a task, be sure to take all personal safety measures. The area where the pests are concentrated is treated with a fast-acting insecticide that is active against wasps.

The use of industrially manufactured and homemade traps will not help get rid of insects, but with a systematic approach it will significantly reduce their numbers. At the beginning of summer, the trap is equipped with meat or fish bait, and in August and September the vessel is filled with syrup or other sweet product. As the device is filled, it is cleaned and hung near the vineyard.

When the clusters begin to ripen, to protect the grapes from wasps, other insects and birds, they are covered with covers made of mesh or non-woven material. Such a shelter should be loose enough so as not to interfere with the filling of berries and to prevent condensation from appearing inside and the development of rot.

Video about diseases and pests of grapes

Material prepared by:

Deputy President of the Association of Gardeners of Russia (APYAPM), leading specialist of APPYAPM on berry crops

Dorokhova E.V.,
specialist of the Association of Producers of Fruits, Berries and Planting Materials

Grape pests and measures to combat them
(Part 1)

Grape flea beetle

The beetle is a leaf beetle. In early spring it feeds on young leaves and gnaws shoots. Then it lays eggs in groups of 10-30 pieces on the underside of the leaf. The hatched larvae gnaw holes in the leaves.

Control measures: treatment of blooming buds with an insecticide - for example Karbofos, Iskra, Fufanon. The next one is how holes appear on the leaves.

Grape flea beetle

Grape leaf miner

Butterflies fly out in May, when the leaves on the grapes have already unfurled. On the reverse side of which they lay eggs, from which small caterpillars later hatch. Moth caterpillars make passages in the thickness of the leaf, which are called mines. Mines by appearance At first they look like a narrow wriggling light stripe. The damage is sometimes so severe that leaf surface completely loses its assimilation ability, the leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off, and the yield decreases.

Control measures: when mined leaves appear in the spring, use a systemic insecticide, for example, Confidor. Autumn or winter digging of the soil and removal of plant residues will help fight the overwintering stages of the pest.

Grape leaf miner

Grape cushion

Control measures: when infesting a vineyard with cushion flowers, in the spring, before the leaves bloom, use Nitrafen or Preparation 30, during the growing season BI-58.

Grape cushion

Grape mosquito

Small insect (up to 2 mm long). The larvae are harmful - one female lays up to 100 eggs scattered. After 10 days, the larvae bite into leaves, ridges, and leaf veins. In places where the pest penetrates, galls are formed - characteristic swellings similar to warts. Of these, the larvae, having eaten, fall to the ground, pupate and overwinter. If the leaf is severely damaged, it becomes deformed and does not grow, the buds and ovaries die.

Control measures. An entirely sufficient control measure is annual tillage of the soil under the vineyards, since mosquitoes do not escape from buried cocoons to the surface of the earth and die.

Grape mosquito


Weevils (elephants)- polyphagous beetles.

On grapes there are: gray beet weevil, large alfalfa weevil and black beet weevil.

Beet gray- an oblong beetle, about 1 cm long, black with a gray-brown tint.

In spring, beetles eat the buds and edges of leaves. Eggs and larvae develop in the soil, the female’s fertility is 300-350 eggs.

Gray beet weevil

The large alfalfa weevil is gray-earthy in color, up to 1 cm long. It eats buds and leaves. The larvae feed on the roots. Fertility 900 eggs.

Large alfalfa weevil

The black beet weevil is a beetle up to 10 mm long, shiny black, covered with scales. The beetles feed on swollen buds - 2-3 pieces can destroy all the buds on the bush. Active in hot weather during the day. Fertility 230 eggs. The larvae eat the roots.

Black beet weevil

Control measures: in case of mass appearance of beetles, treat the bushes with organophosphorus preparations

Grape gold

The grape borer is a beetle up to 20 mm long.

The body is narrow, slightly convex, olive-green in color. The larva is legless, whitish. Both of them harm the grapes. The beetles deform the leaves, and the larvae bore into the shoots, make winding passages in them and overwinter there. The goldenrod often inhabits weakened bushes. Signs of damage are visible visually - wilted shoots, crushed berries, dried leaves.

Control measures: remove diseased shoots, treat bushes with insecticide. If planned preventative treatments are carried out, the pest will not appear.

Damage to grape leaves by borer


Wood borer - big butterfly dark gray color. At the beginning of summer, butterflies lay eggs in groups of 20-50 pieces in cracks in the bark of branches and trunks. Fertility 800 eggs. The hatched caterpillars are red-pink and have an unpleasant smell. As a whole colony, they drill deep into the wood, eat away the general passage and overwinter. In the spring, each of them begins to gnaw out individual, intersecting chaotically, passages inside the shoots. They can be more than 50-60 cm long each. When the pest invades, the bark dies and sap flows out of the hole, mixed with the pest’s excrement and rotting products. The shoot dies, and new butterflies emerge from the caterpillars.

Control measures: inspection grapevine. If such a round hole is found on the vine, then it must be cut down to healthy tissue and burned. IN special cases You can push a wire into the hole to expand it and inject insecticide from the syringe. Then cover the hole with damp clay.


The appearance of holes on grape leaves is usually caused by the presence of some kind of pest on the vine. The list of insects that can spoil the upcoming harvest and cause damage to the entire vineyard is quite wide.

Therefore, in this article we will consider the appearance of the most common pests:

  • grape flea beetle;
  • mining moth;
  • grape cushion;
  • grape borer;
  • mites;
  • leaf rollers;
  • phylloxera;
  • weevils
  • and others.

This is a small black insect similar to small cockroach. Many people know this pest under the name of the leaf beetle. It affects not only vineyards, but also many other plants. The leaf beetle can jump quite well, so its spread speed is quite high. At one time, a flea beetle can lay up to thirty eggs, and the larvae that hatch from them can quickly destroy the leaves and young shoots of the plant.

The grape flea beetle begins to eat plants from the beginning of spring. The leaf beetle lays its eggs on the underside of the leaves, so treatment with insecticides should be carried out carefully, spraying the bushes not only from above, but also from below. Treatment with an insecticide should begin from the moment the buds open, repeating the procedure when new holes appear on the leaves.

Mining moth

The pest is a tiny red butterfly, almost indistinguishable without a magnifying glass. In one season, the leaf miner manages to replace two generations, as it reproduces and grows at a high speed. This insect got its name due to the fact that the caterpillars of the leaf miner, during development, gnaw characteristic round tunnels in the leaf, which they fill with waste from their vital activity.

The beginning of the activity of this insect occurs in mid-late spring, this is when the first holes in the leaves and the first clutches appear. Mining moths lay barely noticeable eggs on back side leaves, like the leaf beetle. The technology for treating plants when this pest is detected does not differ from treatment against grape flea beetles.

Grape cushion

Grape cushion borer is a sedentary, but very difficult to eliminate threat to the life of the entire plant. The pest is firmly attached to the trunk or leaf of grapes by piercing and sucking oral apparatus and is wrapped in a kind of white fluff, which protects the pad from external influences. The grape cushion can lay about two thousand eggs per season, as a result of which it spreads rapidly, affecting plants.

The larvae of this insect are born quite active and quickly begin to destroy all the green parts of the vine available to them. It is at the moment that holes appear on the leaves of the grapes that it is necessary to begin to fight the larvae with the help of an insecticide. Adults cannot be destroyed remotely; they will have to be cleaned off with a stiff brush.

Grape gold

This small insect has an elongated body of a dark olive color with a golden tint. Both adults and larvae pose a danger to grapes, which not only thoroughly damage the leaves, but also gnaw passages in the shoots of the plant for a comfortable wintering. The insect prefers weak and sickly plants, which with their intervention quickly begin to wither, the shoots become sluggish, and the yield is noticeably reduced.

Plants attacked by grape borer should be cut off from all affected tissues, and everything cut should be burned. Then you need to spray the plants with an insecticide, carefully treating all parts of the plant. The most fruitful will be spraying twice.

Leaf rollers

The most dangerous pests of this species are considered to be biennial, bunch and grape leaf rollers. They are capable of destroying a significant number of plants in very little time. short term, therefore, having discovered signs of their appearance, you should immediately take the most stringent measures.

  • An adult grape leaf roller is a brown butterfly with a wingspan of up to 3 cm. The butterflies themselves do not harm plants, but their larvae destroy leaves quite quickly. Considering the speed of their reproduction - up to 400 eggs per clutch, with the first signs of their appearance, you need to begin treating with insecticides, cleaning the soil adjacent to the vine and pruning the affected parts of the plant.
  • The adult cluster budworm is a butterfly with olive-brown wings, the span of which reaches only 1.5 cm. The cluster budworm caterpillar infects not only the leaves, but also the ovaries and green berries, as a result of which the immunity of the grapes rapidly decreases, the yield drops, plant growth and development slows down.
  • The biennial leaf roller is a small light yellow butterfly. At the beginning of their life, the caterpillars of the biennial leaf roller are also quite light, but over time they darken and become red, the head becomes black. It actively eats all green parts of the plant, preferring to start with young shoots and leaves.

A two-year-old leaf roller can be destroyed by treating it three times with an insecticide - 14 days after the appearance of each of the two generations of butterflies, then 14 days after the second treatment. The elimination of the bunch moth is also carried out in three stages - 10-14 days after the first generation of butterflies, before the start of flowering and 10-14 days after the appearance of the second generation. To combat grape leaf roller Spraying twice is enough - before the buds swell and after. To further protect the vine from this pest, you can carry out another treatment in winter.


Perhaps it is phylloxera, which many know as grape aphids, that is the most dangerous pest for grapes, since it eats not only the greens of the plant, but also its root system. Due to its microscopic size it spreads from planting material, heavy rains and even wind. The leaves of grapes affected by aphids are covered with a significant number of small holes.

To prevent the appearance grape aphid The seedlings should be washed in an insecticide solution, but if the pest has already appeared in the vineyard, it is worth starting a thorough treatment in early May, spraying the plants again at the end of the month, and carry out another treatment in the middle or at the end of June. If the plant is damaged too much by phylloxera, it is guaranteed to die.

Most often, American grape varieties suffer from phylloxera attacks, but European grape varieties are not very well protected from this pest. Aphids begin to eat European grape varieties from the roots, moving to the green parts of the plant around mid-summer, and again descending to the root system in the fall.


  • Gray beet weevil - a black beetle with a gray-brown tint, damages the buds and edges of leaves in the spring, lays up to 350 eggs in the soil. The emerging larvae begin to destroy the root system.
  • The large alfalfa weevil is an earthy-colored insect up to 1 cm in length. It reproduces rapidly - the female lays up to 900 eggs. The larvae eat the roots, and the grown insects eat the buds and leaves.
  • The black weevil is a small, shiny beetle covered with scales. Just a couple of black weevils can destroy all the buds on a plant. They are most active in the heat, during the daytime.

Pest prevention

In addition to the listed pests, grapes have many other enemies. Much easier than starting treatment for pests, carrying out preventive treatments with insecticides and inspecting the vine. The first priority will be to clean the vineyard of all green residues in which not only insects, but also various fungi and bacteria can wait in the wings.

Affected shoots and leaves should be immediately pruned and destroyed to prevent the spread of pests. At the same time, you can slightly thin out the most overgrown vines to allow the plants to ventilate. This can protect them from the appearance of fungal diseases and allow them to grow and develop properly without wasting energy on an excessive number of shoots and leaves.

Many people prefer to take care in advance of purchasing pest-resistant grape varieties. However, some owners resistant varieties Nevertheless, they carry out annual preventive treatments with insecticides in order to be sure of the absence of pests. Whether it is worth carrying out preventive spraying depends on specific situation However, in the fight against most pests, it is better to play it safe than to lose not only the entire harvest, but the entire vineyard.

Owners of their own garden tend to grow most vegetables and fruits themselves. This eliminates the presence of chemicals and nitrates in the product. To obtain a high-quality, healthy harvest, you need to invest a lot of time and effort. Gardeners often notice holes in the leaves of grapes. A negative phenomenon can upset both novice summer residents and experienced gardeners. Therefore, it is recommended that when the first signs of an illness are detected, immediately begin to look for the cause of its appearance, select effective methods to save the harvest.

Causes of perforation of the green mass of grapes

Holes on grape leaves are formed as a result of exposure to the following insects:

Methods for solving the problem

For effective fight Insecticides are used to deal with insect pests that leave holes on grape leaves. The most effective are:

Systemic drugs are used for both treatment and prevention. There are also an intestinal group of drugs (Chlorofos, Fozalon, Volaton), and a contact group (Inta-Vir, Actellikt, Tsitkor). Choose the most suitable remedy Every gardener can do it. The main thing is to focus on the degree of damage to plantings and the resistance of pests to a particular drug.

By following the rules of agricultural technology, cultivation and maintenance of a vineyard, you can grow a large number of delicious juicy berries own plot. Constant care for plants is the main task of a gardener.

Summer residents often notice that the sheets are covered with holes. different sizes. This is especially troubling for those who use grape leaves for food and makes homemade preparations using them. However, in fact, concern should arise in any case, because this indicates that something bad is happening to the plant, seriously affecting its full development. Such phenomena can cause significant harm by changing vital processes, which will delay the formation of fruits, and may even completely damage the grape bush and have to be removed.

Pest infestation

Of course, first of all, you need to regularly spray the vineyards with preparations to prevent such a situation. If insects appear immediately, you should try to destroy them immediately. Treatment is mainly carried out with ready-made preparations sold in gardening stores and solutions that can be prepared based on what you have at home. It's about about organic substances. So, you can use karbofos, use “Fufanon”, “BI-58”, “Iskra”, “Omite”, “Confidor”, “preparation 30”, “Apollo”, “Nitrafen”, “Akkaritsid”, “Neoron”, "Aktellik".

As improvised means, they use spraying with boiling water, watering the vines with a solution made from wood ash, potassium permanganate, vitriol and even a garlic mixture. However, all this is effective in the case of the initial stages of infection; a large number of individuals can only be destroyed with chemicals!