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» That it is the moon that causes the precession of the earth's axis. Anticipation of the equinoxes

That it is the moon that causes the precession of the earth's axis. Anticipation of the equinoxes

Anticipation of the equinoxes(lat. praecessio aequinoctiorum) - a historical name for the gradual displacement of the points of the spring and autumn equinoxes (that is, the points of intersection of the celestial equator with the ecliptic) towards the apparent annual movement of the Sun. In other words, each year the spring equinox occurs a little earlier than the previous year - by about 20 minutes 24 seconds. In angular units, the shift is now approximately 50.3" per year, or 1 degree every 71.6 years. This shift is periodic, and approximately every 25,776 years the equinox points return to their original positions.

The anticipation of the equinoxes does not mean that the seasons move on the calendar; The Gregorian calendar used today reflects the length of the tropical year, which corresponds to the interval from equinox to equinox. Therefore, the effect of the anticipation of the equinoxes is actually included in the current calendar.


The main reason for the anticipation of the equinoxes is precession, a periodic change in direction earth's axis influenced by the attraction of the Moon, and also (to a lesser extent) the Sun. As Newton pointed out in his Principia, the oblateness of the Earth along the axis of rotation leads to the fact that the gravitational attraction of the bodies of the solar system causes precession of the Earth's axis; Later it turned out that the heterogeneity of the density of mass distribution inside the Earth leads to similar consequences. The magnitude of precession is proportional to the mass of the disturbing body and inversely proportional to the cube of the distance to it; the faster the precessing body rotates, the less speed its precession.

As a result of precession, the earth's axis describes a cone in space. The rotation of the earth's axis also shifts the equatorial system of celestial coordinates associated with the Earth relative to distant stars that are practically stationary on the celestial sphere. On the celestial sphere, the axis describes the circumference of the so-called small circle of the celestial sphere, centered at the north pole of the ecliptic for the northern hemisphere and at the south pole of the ecliptic for the southern hemisphere, with an angular radius of approximately 23.5 degrees. A complete revolution along this circle occurs with a period (according to modern data) of approximately 25,800 years. During the year, the speed of the earth's precession caused by a given celestial body changes - for example, for the Sun it is maximum on the days of the solstices, and on the days of the equinoxes it is zero.

There are other reasons for the displacement of the earth’s axis, first of all - nutation, a periodic, rapid “swing of the poles” relative to the precession period. The nutation period of the earth's axis is 18.61 years, and its amplitude is about 17" (arc seconds). At the same time, precession (unlike nutation) does not affect the angle of inclination of the earth's axis to the ecliptic plane.

In addition to the Moon and the Sun, other planets also cause precessional displacement (mainly due to a decrease in the inclination of the ecliptic plane to the equator), but it is small, totaling approximately 12 arcseconds per century and is directed opposite to the lunisolar precession. There are other factors that disturb the direction of the earth's axis - aperiodic " pole wander", changes in ocean currents, movement of atmospheric masses, strong earthquakes, changing the shape of the geoid, etc., however, their contribution to the displacement of the earth’s axis in comparison with precession and nutation is negligible.

Similar phenomena occur on other planets and their satellites. For example, the axis of Jupiter, under the influence of its many satellites and the Sun, shifts by −3.269 arcseconds per year (at the beginning of the 20th century, it was assumed that the angular rate of precession of the Jupiter axis was approximately half a degree per Jovian year, or about 50 times the present value). Mars' axis precesses at an angular velocity of −7.6061(35) arcseconds per year. There are also two types of lunar precession - orbital precession with a period of 8.85 years and nodal precession with a period of 18.6 years.


The rotation of our planet's axis has various consequences. The direction of the precessional shift is opposite to the direction of the Earth's axial rotation, so precession shortens the length of the tropical year, measured from equinox to equinox. In other words, the tropical year becomes 20 minutes shorter than the sidereal year. Since the longitudes of stars are measured from the equinox point, they gradually increase - it is this effect that led to the discovery of this phenomenon.

During precession the view starry sky, visible at certain latitudes, changes, as the declinations of certain constellations, and even the time of year of their observation, change. Some constellations, now visible in the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere of the Earth (for example, Orion and Canis Major), gradually sink below the horizon and in a few thousand years will be almost inaccessible to these latitudes, but the constellations Centaurus, Southern Cross and a number of others will appear in the northern sky. Of course, not all constellations of the southern hemisphere will be accessible as a result of precession - the modern “summer” sky will rise highest, the “autumn” and “spring” ones will rise less, the winter sky, on the contrary, will lower, since it is currently “raised” to the maximum.

Similar processes will occur in the Southern Hemisphere. Many constellations of the Northern Hemisphere, which are currently not shown in the Southern Hemisphere, will become visible there, with the modern “winter” sky rising highest, which is visible from the Southern Hemisphere as the summer sky. For example, after 6 thousand years the constellation Ursa Major will be accessible from the middle latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, and 6 thousand years ago Cassiopeia was visible there.

The celestial pole now almost coincides with the North Star. At the time of the construction of the Great Pyramids in ancient Egypt (about 4,700 years ago), it was located near the star Thuban (α Draconis). After 2103, the pole will begin to move away from the North Star and in the 5th millennium it will move into the constellation Cepheus.

Historical sketch

Based on some indirect evidence, it is assumed that the difference between the sidereal and tropical years (the simple logical consequence of which is the movement of the equinoxes against the background of the stars) was first established in the 3rd century BC. e. Aristarchus of Samos. The difference between the sidereal and tropical years, calculated on the basis of these data, corresponds to a precession rate of 1° per 100 years, or 36" per year (according to modern data, 1° per 71.6 years).

Based on observations of the stars, the anticipation of the equinoxes was discovered by the outstanding ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus in the 2nd century BC. e. He had at his disposal the results of observations of the Greek astronomer of the 3rd century BC. e. Timocharis, from which Hipparchus discovered that all the longitudes of stars increase by approximately (by his estimate) 1° every 100 years. In the 2nd century AD e. the existence of precession was confirmed by Claudius Ptolemy, and the rate of precession according to his data was the same 1° per 100 years.

Most astronomers of the pre-Ptolemaic period believed that all the stars were fixed on one sphere (the sphere of fixed stars), which was the boundary of the Universe. The apparent daily rotation of the sky was considered a reflection of the rotation of this sphere around its axis - the axis of the world. To explain precession, Ptolemy was forced to introduce, outside the sphere of fixed stars (in the figure on the left indicated by the number 1), another sphere that rotates with a period of one day around the axis of the world (NS). A sphere of fixed stars 2 is attached to it, rotating with a precession period around the AD axis, perpendicular to the ecliptic plane. Thus, the rotation of the sphere of stars is a superposition of two rotations, daily and precessional. Finally, another sphere 3 is embedded inside this sphere, rotating around the same axis AD, but in the opposite direction, which compensates for the precessional movement for all internal spheres (but this sphere still takes part in the daily rotation).

Leading American astronomer Simon Newcomb in 1896 gave a formula for precession, which also showed the rate of change of its value:

P = 50.256 4 ″ + 0.000 222 ″ ⋅ T (\displaystyle P=50(,)2564""+0(,)000222""\cdot T) Here T is the number of years that have passed since 1900. P = 50.290 966 ″ + 0.000 222 ″ ⋅ T (\displaystyle P=50(,)290966""+0(,)000222""\cdot T) Here T is the number of years that have passed since 2000.

see also


  1. , Chapter “Why does the declination of stars change?”
  2. , Chapter “How to measure precession?”.
  3. Precession.
  4. , With. 183.
  5. , Chapter “Will Polar always remain Polar.”
  6. , With. 354-355.
  7. Basics of Space Flight, Chapter 2 (undefined) . Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA (October 29, 2013). Retrieved March 26, 2015.
  8. Kulikov K. A. Movement of the Earth's poles. - Ed. 2nd. - M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1962. - 87 p. - (Popular science series).

And comparing them with those found earlier, Hipparchus in the 2nd century. BC e. discovered that the coordinates of all the stars had changed. Having studied these changes, he found that the plane of the celestial equator slowly rotates towards the annual movement of the Sun (that is, from east to west) by 50.3” per year. This movement was called anticipation of the equinoxes or precession, since the rotation of the equatorial plane leads to a displacement of the vernal equinox point towards the apparent annual movement of the Sun and the vernal equinox occurs earlier than it would be with a stationary equator.

The rotation of the equatorial plane is equivalent to the movement of the Earth's rotation axis, and therefore the celestial pole, which moves among the stars, describing a full circle in 26,000 years. Figure 21 shows that 3-4 thousand years ago, the star closest to the pole (Polar) was α Draco; in our time, α Ursa Minor is Polar; after 12,000 years the pole will move to the brightest star in the northern sky - Vega (α Lyrae ). The vernal equinox point 4-5 thousand years ago was in the constellation Aries, now it is already in the constellation Aquarius.

Changing the position of the vernal equinox point is equivalent to changing the initial coordinate reference point. These changes are easily predicted, since the movement of the equatorial plane is known.

The phenomenon of precession is easily explained by gravitational forces. If the Earth were an exact sphere, then no precession could occur. However, the Earth is somewhat flattened at the poles. This allows us to imagine the Earth as a ball with small bulges at the equator. The ball is attracted by the Moon and the Sun as a material point located in its center. Material from the site

The forces with which the Moon attracts these thickenings form a pair of forces that tend to rotate the Earth’s axis of rotation and make it perpendicular to the plane of the lunar orbit (the attraction of the Moon) and the ecliptic (the attraction of the Sun; Fig. 36). However, the Earth rotates, and such an impact leads to the fact that the axis of rotation (SN in Figure 36) begins to describe a cone. This is precession.

Pictures (photos, drawings)

On this page there is material on the following topics:

Wikipedia: Precession is a phenomenon in which the axis of a rotating object rotates, for example, under the influence of external moments. A similar movement is performed by the Earth's rotation axis, which was noted by Hipparchus as the anticipation of the equinoxes. According to modern data, the full cycle of earth's precession is about 25,765 years. Oscillation of the Earth's rotation axis entails a change in the position of the stars relative to the grid of the equatorial coordinate system. In particular, after some time the North Star will cease to be the bright star closest to the north pole of the World. Presumably, periodic changes in the Earth’s climate are associated with precession, in particular, global warming last time.

History of the problem

Although in the so-called observable “historical” past of mankind there are no recorded geological disasters that wipe out entire civilizations from the face of the Earth, we still find information about such global catastrophes in the epics of almost all the peoples of the Earth. We should not neglect the ancient memory of mankind, which has left us for edification and warning evidence of the cyclical nature of evolutionary processes, that periodically physical humanity is destroyed almost completely, and this is integral part life not only on our planet. Let's try to connect together all the information about disasters from antiquity to the present day and look at this subject through the eyes of an occultist.

The “father” of English geology, Sir Charles Lyell, remarks: “The connection which exists between the doctrines of successive catastrophes and the repeated degenerations of the moral character of the human race is more intimate and natural than may at first be supposed. For in the rude state of society, all great disasters are considered by the people as the Judgment of God, caused by human depravity.”

Cataclysms and colossal earthquakes are recorded in the annals of most peoples - if not all - and in both parts of the world.

The Aztecs believed that the universe existed within great cycles. The priests said that since the creation of the human race, four such cycles have already passed. An existing monument from the Aztec era in Mexico is the "Stone of the Sun" by Acayacatl, the sixth ruler of the royal dynasty. This basalt monolith weighing 24.5 tons was carved in 1479. In the symbolic inscriptions carved on it near the concentric circles it is reported that the world has already experienced four eras or Suns: “The first, the most ancient of them, is represented by the jaguar god Oselotonatia: “During this Sun there lived giants who were created by the gods; but then they were attacked by jaguars and devoured.” The Second Sun is represented by the head of the snakes, the air god Echecoatl: “During this period, the human race was destroyed by hurricanes, and people turned into monkeys.” The symbol of the third Sun is the lord of rain and heavenly fire: “In this era, everything was destroyed by fiery rain from the sky and streams of lava. All the houses burned down. People turned into birds to escape the disaster." The fourth Sun is represented by the ruler of the rain, the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue. Destruction came in the form of heavy rains and floods. The mountains disappeared and the people turned into fish.” The symbol of the current era of the fifth Sun is the face of the Sun God Tonatiuh himself. A tongue in the shape of an obsidian knife protrudes from his mouth, ... his face is wrinkled due to his old age.” "The Fifth Sun is due to end on December 23, 2012." Isn't it true, what an expressive allegory of the Five Root Races, if you do not take into account the ominous date?

The rise and subsidence of continents is a constant process. The British Isles were submerged four times and then raised and repopulated. In the spurs of the Alps and Caucasus, the Himalayas and the Cordillera, raised by titanic forces to their true heights, sedimentary rocks of the ancient seabed are found. The Sahara was a body of water in the Pliocene Sea. During the last five or six thousand years the coasts of Sweden, Denmark and Norway have risen from 50 to 180 meters and are still rising from the sea; on the other hand, the coasts of Greenland and Venice are noticeably sinking. Why, then, could a gradual shift in distant eras not give way to a formidable cataclysm, especially since such cataclysms occur on a small scale at the present time? For example, you are impressed by this far from full list victims? (based on materials from the “Geographical Atlas of the World”, M., Terra, 1999, p. 128)

Volcanic eruption:

* Tambora, Sumbawa, 1815 - 90,000 people.
* Miyi Yama, Java, 1793 - 53,000 people.
* Pele, Martinique, 1902 - 40,000 people.
* Krakatoa, Indonesia, 1883 - 36,300 people.
* Nevado del Ruiz, Colombia, 1985 - 22,000 people.
* Etna, Sicily, 1669 - 20,000 people.
* Laki, Iceland, 1783 - 20,000 people.
* Unzen, Japan, 1782 - 15,000 people.
* Vesuvius, Italy, 79 - 10,000 people.
* El Chichon, Mexico, 1982 - 3,500 people.

Storms and floods:

* China, flood, 1887 - 900,000 people.
* Japan, tsunami, 1896 - 22,000 people.
* Texas, hurricane, 1900 - 6,000 people.
* Bangladesh, typhoon, 1970 - 300,000 people.
* Bangladesh, typhoon, 1991 - 150,000 people.

But, on the other hand, as Graham Hancock quite accurately noted: “Throughout what we call “history” (that is, the entire period during which we clearly remember ourselves as a species), humanity has never been on the verge of total destruction. IN different regions and in different time There have been terrible natural disasters. But over the past 5,000 years, we cannot remember a single time when humanity was in danger of extinction as a species.”

The doctrine that entire galaxies, suns, planets, races, just like humans, periodically die, i.e. subject to their own law of Reincarnation, as old as the world. Global catastrophes - earthquakes, volcanic activity, floods that change the climate and appearance of the planet are known modern science.

Only in the Fourth, real Circle, the surface of our planet was changed by fire and twice by water. If the land needs rest and renewal, new strength and a change of soil, then the same can be said about the waters. This results in periodic redistribution of land and water and changes in climatic zones. But all this is only a consequence of geological revolutions, the cause of which is “hidden” in the periodic change in precession.

What is precession?

To have an idea of ​​precession, you cannot do without short excursion into astronomy. The inclination of the Earth in specialized literature is called the “inclination (orbit),” and the orbital plane, which forms a great circle at the intersection with the celestial sphere, is known as the “ecliptic.” What is the "obliquity of the ecliptic"? According to the dictionary definition, this is the angle between the plane of the Earth’s orbit and the plane of the celestial equator, which is the projection of the earth’s equator onto the celestial sphere (Scheme No. 5).

The daily rotation axis of our beautiful blue planet is slightly tilted from the vertical direction towards its circumsolar orbit. It follows that the earth's equator, and, consequently, the celestial equator must also be located at a certain angle to the orbital plane. This angle is the “obliquity of the ecliptic,” which changes cyclically over very long periods. During each complete cycle of approximately 41,000 years, the slope varies (with the precision and predictability of a Swiss chronometer) from 22.1 degrees to 24.5 degrees and back to 22.1. Currently, the celestial equator is inclined by 23.44 degrees relative to the ecliptic, since the same angle between the earth's axis and the vertical is the same (Diagram No. 6).

The sequence of changes in angles and the value of the angle of inclination for any moment in history can be uniquely calculated using a few rigorous equations. The corresponding curve was first presented in Paris in 1911 at the International Conference on Ephemerides.

The change in inclination occurs due to the complex interaction of the gravitational system Sun-Earth-Moon-planets and other celestial bodies solar system. The corresponding forces are great enough to cause the earth's axis to “precess”, i.e. slowly sway clockwise, in the direction opposite to the rotation of the Earth. The Earth's axis completes half its precession cycle every 25,776 years. Isn't it true how close this figure is to the sidereal year, calculated at 25868 years? Anyone who has ever launched a children's top will immediately understand how this happens: if you tilt the handle of the wound top away from the vertical, it begins to “walk”, describing a circle with its end in the direction opposite to the direction of the main rotation. This movement of the top's handle in a circle is a rough but accurate example of precession, if the Earth is represented by a top and the earth's axis by its handle. Simultaneously with the precessional movement, the earth's axis experiences nutational oscillations with a period of 18.6 years, which also affect the measured movement of precession (Scheme No. 7). Nutation oscillations are usually ignored in precession calculations because when nutation is taken into account, the calculations become unusually complex.

The Earth's axis conventionally passes through the North and South Pole. Any high school student knows that in our time the earth's axis passing through the North Pole points to the star Alpha in the constellation Ursa Minor, which we commonly call the North Star and the “celestial pole.” But the precessional movement of the earth's axis forces sailors and travelers to systematically change this driver. Modern computer programs calculated that in 3000–2500 BC, for example, the role of the North Star was played by Alpha Draconis (also known as Thuban), during the time Ancient Greece- Beta Ursa Minor; 13,000 years ago, the North Pole was aimed at Vega and will return to this position in 14,000 (i.e. 12,500 years from the present), and Alpha Draconis will again “enthrone” around 23,000 AD. etc.

There must have been a good reason why the Asiatic people placed their great Ancestors in the Big Dipper. However, only 70 thousand years have passed since the Earth's pole began to point to the far end of the Little Dipper's tail, the North Star.

The Pleiades and Hyades, whose brilliant leader is Aldebaran, are all associated with the periodic renewal of the Earth.

In that century, when the Gods left the Earth, the ecliptic became, as it were, parallel to the meridian, and part of the Zodiac seemed to descend from the North Pole to the northern horizon. Aldebaran was in combination with the Sun, as it was 40 thousand years ago. From this year, the reverse movement of the equator began, and about 31,000 years ago Aldebaran was in combination with the vernal equinox. It was from this point on the ecliptic that the calculation of the new cycle began (according to E.P. Blavatsky). However, determining the starting point here is a conditional matter.

The Hyades is the constellation of rain or flood. When Ganymede-Aquarius is raised above the horizon of the North Pole, Venus sinks below the horizon of the South Pole, which also means a great tide of water.

What science says about precession and catastrophes

The history of the discovery of precession in itself is very significant. From the point of view of official science, the precession of the equinoxes was discovered by the ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician Hipparchus of Alexandria (born in Nicaea, Bithynia; died after 127 BC), but many scientists (Zaba, Sellers, Schwaller de Lubitz) provide convincing evidence that the Egyptians knew about it long before the Greeks, perhaps even before the era of the pyramids. Let us remember that Strabo wrote around 20 BC, about a hundred years after Hipparchus: “The Egyptian priests are unsurpassed in the science of the sky, it was they who revealed to the Greeks the secrets of “the whole year,” but this knowledge was later ignored, like much else... “Three centuries earlier than Hipparchus, approximately 450 BC. Herodotus reported that “it is in Heliopolis that the most learned Egyptians can be found... everyone agrees that the Egyptians, thanks to their research in astronomy, discovered the solar year and were the first to divide it into twelve parts...”.

In addition, global catastrophes are associated with the onset or retreat of ice ages.

Dr. Henry Wadward, Member of the Royal Society, Member of the Geographical Society. writes in the Popular Science Review (New Series, I, 115, article “Evidence for an Ice Age”): “If extraterrestrial causes must be resorted to to explain the great increase of ice during this Ice Age, I should prefer the theory expounded by Dr. Robert Hook in 1688 and after that by Sir Richard Phillips and others, and finally by Thomas Belt, member G. General; namely, the theory of a slight increase in the present slope of the ecliptic, a supposition which is in complete agreement with other known astronomical facts and the introduction of which will not disturb the harmony so essential to our cosmic position as units in the great solar system.”

In the seminal work of Professors J. D. Hays and John Imbrie (USA), “Variations in the Earth's Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages” in Science, vol .194, No.4270, 10 December 1976) it is proved that the beginning ice age It is possible to predict an unfavorable moment when the following parameters coincide in time:

1. maximum eccentricity, as a result of which the Earth at aphelion (extreme position in orbit) is millions of kilometers farther from the Sun than usual;
2. minimum slope, that is, the Earth’s axis and, accordingly, the North and South Poles are closer to the vertical than usual;
3. the precession of the equinoxes leads to the fact that in one of the hemispheres winter occurs when the Earth is at perihelion (the point closest to the Sun); in turn, this means that summer begins at aphelion and turns out to be relatively cold, so that not all the ice frozen in winter has time to melt the following summer, resulting in the creation of conditions for the growth of glaciers.

A solid support for the theory of catastrophes is the radical geological hypothesis of displacement earth's crust Charles Hapgood. This hypothesis assumes the possibility of periodic movement of the earth's crust as a whole. Having its own thickness, in places not exceeding 50 kilometers, the crust rests on a lubricating layer called the asthenosphere. Charles Hapgood compares the thin but rigid crust of the Earth, which geologists call the lithosphere, with the peel of an orange, which at times can slide entirely across the liquid part of the core (as if there was a liquid layer between the crust and the lobules), resulting in a sharp change in latitude , which leaves behind a “death belt” around the globe.

Albert Einstein, back in 1953, considered the possibility of movement of the earth's crust caused by the asymmetrical arrangement of ice caps relative to the poles. He wrote: “The rotation of the Earth acts on these asymmetrically located masses and creates a centrifugal moment, which is transmitted to the rigid earth’s crust. Gradually increasing, this moment reaches a threshold value that causes the movement of the earth’s crust relative to the planet’s core, and this will move the polar regions towards the equator.” More recent research has revealed that when the shape of the Earth's orbit deviates from an ideal circle by more than one percent, the Sun's gravitational influence on the Earth increases, exerting a stronger pull on both the planet as a whole and its massive ice caps. Their enormous weight, in turn, puts pressure on the crust, and this pressure, combined with the increased tilt of the earth's axis, (another changing geometric parameter), causes the bark to move.

When the crust moves, those parts of it that are located near the North and South Poles and are covered with ice, like the present Antarctic, sharply shift to a zone of warmer latitudes, and very rapid melting begins. And vice versa, territories that until then were in the warm zone, just as sharply shift to the polar zone, undergoing devastating climate changes, and begin to hide under a rapidly growing ice cap, and the impact of the cold is so instantaneous that in the stomachs of a huge number of “quick-frozen” mammoths The grass does not have time to digest, and multi-meter trees are walled up in the thickness of the permafrost along with the fruits on the branches.

Modern scientific youth does not lag behind the classics of science (“Unannounced Visit”, 1 (39), 1998, pp. 22, 23. Sergei Gusev, Vladimir Rodichev. “So what will it be like - the second global flood?”):

“When we talk about the movement of the geographic poles, we will mean their spatial movement associated with the in-phase (simultaneous) rotation of the axis of rotation and the entire Earth. Consequently, no matter how the upper angle of inclination of the axis (nutation angle) changes, the cartographic grid of our planet is completely preserved.

... To search for the truth, we turned to the system of six Euler equations that describe the dynamics of the daily rotation of our Earth-Moon planetary system...

... At the end of our search we managed to get differential equation second order, responsible for the nutational rotation of the earth's axis. Analysis of this equation showed that only during two phases of precession of the Earth’s axis does the right side of this equation, which has an imaginary value and ensures the dynamic stability of the Earth’s daily rotation, become zero when its axis immediately begins to make a rapid nutation movement, as a result of which in 10–15 minutes “throws” from one metastable position to another. In this case, both poles “run” 110 kilometers at a speed of 133 meters per second. Thus, for the journey of the poles, Nature allotted them only a few minutes, which are reflected in unquenchable pain throughout the entire biosphere of the planet, causing all living things to shudder.

Applying special method to study the mechanical system under consideration... for the zero phase of the precession angle, water shafts 5600 meters high were obtained, completely covering Mount Ararat, and for the opposite phase - 900 meters.”

As is known, geographical point The North Pole is not exactly the same as magnetic north, which the needle of a magnetic compass points to. Today the magnetic pole is located in Northern Canada, approximately 11 degrees from the geographic North Pole. Recent studies in the field of paleomagnetism have shown that the Earth's magnetic polarity has been reversed over 170 times over the past 80 million years, with the last magnetic reversal occurring only 12,400 years ago, in the 11th millennium BC. e., and brought death ancient civilization Tiahuanaco in the Andes; the same date is confirmed by the design of the great astronomical structures on the Giza plateau in Egypt and Stonehenge in Great Britain, and by the nature of the erosion of the Sphinx. At the same time, a huge number of species of large mammals became extinct around the world; the list continues with a sharp rise in sea level, hurricane winds, volcanic disturbances, etc.

Observations of the movement of the North Pole in the 20th century showed that between 1900 and 1960 it moved towards Greenland along the meridian of 45 degrees west longitude by three meters, i.e. average speed movement for sixty years was 5 centimeters per year. But already from 1900 to 1968 the movement amounted to six meters, that is, at an annual speed of more than 30 centimeters. Thus, the lithosphere is currently not only in motion, but also the speed of this movement is increasing.

The geological terms “continental drift” and “plate tectonics”, which give names to geological theories, have been widely introduced into science since the 50s of the 20th century. public consciousness. However, the time scale against which continental drift occurs is incredibly extended: the typical speed of continents moving away (or approaching) does not exceed three thousand kilometers in 200 million years. In other words, this is a very, very slow business. But besides this “generally accepted” fact about the imperceptible drift of sections of the crust relative to each other over hundreds of millions of years, humanity will have to get used to the idea of ​​​​the possibility of an instantaneous change in the earth’s surface.

Modern geologists oppose the catastrophe theory, preferring to follow the doctrine of "uniformitarianism", which states that “existing processes operating in the future in the same way as today are sufficient to explain all geological changes.”

Sir Thomas Huxley noted back in the 19th century: “In my opinion, there is no theoretical antagonism between catastrophism and uniformitarianism; on the contrary, it may well be that catastrophes may be part of a gradual process. To illustrate, I will use an analogy. The operation of a clock is a model of a gradual process. For a watch to work well, the process characteristics need to be constant. But striking a clock is already a kind of disaster. And it doesn’t matter what exactly the hammer does: explode a barrel of gunpowder, cause a flood by releasing water, or strike a clock. In principle, it is possible to make sure that instead of a regular chime, the hammer produces aperiodic actions, which each time would differ in strength and number of blows. However, all these irregular and seemingly random "catastrophes" can be the result of absolutely regular uniform action, so why not have two schools of clock theory, one of which studies the hammer, and the other the pendulum."

So, there is an incredible complexity of the process and a multiplicity of operating factors:

- nutation;
- inclination;
- orbital eccentricity;
- own centrifugal loads;
- change in the magnetic polarity of the Earth;
- weighting of the ice caps of the poles (in Antarctica, 20 billion tons of ice grow annually);
- the gravitational influence of the Sun, Moon and planets - the combination of all these known (or maybe there are still unknown?) factors will in due time lead to the beginning of a new period in the history of the Earth and humanity.

“To be or not to be - that is the question”

The Frenchman Michel Nostradamus brought chaos into the unstable psyche of humanity with his prediction of a global catastrophe on August 11, 1999, the herald of which was to be a total eclipse of the Sun. Thank God, it all ended with a slight scare and good business from sellers of special glasses, television companies and travel agencies.

American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce predicted in 1934 that around the year 2000 “there will be a movement of the poles. There will be displacements in the Arctic and Antarctic, which will result in volcanic eruptions in the tropical zone... Top part Europe will change in the blink of an eye. The earth will crack in the American West. More than half of Japan will sink into the sea."

Let us also not forget about the ominous prediction of Burroughs, a Chaldean philosopher and clairvoyant who lived in the 3rd century BC: “I, Burroughs, interpreter of Bell, affirm that all earthly things will be consumed by fire when the five planets are gathered under the sign of Cancer, lined up so that a straight line runs through them.” The parade of five planets, from which noticeable gravitational effects could be expected, occurred on May 5, 2000, when Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Mercury, and Mars lined up with the Earth, ending up on the opposite side of the Sun.

The ancient Mayan calendar predicts the “end of the world” on 4 Ahau 3 Kankin, which corresponds to December 23, 2012, and it will pass under the sign of the Sun. Scientists expect the next inversion magnetic poles Earth will happen around 2030...

The Secret Doctrine also has its own point of view on the topic of natural disasters. It's already four global cataclysm, associated with a change in the tilt of the earth's axis, have taken place since the appearance on this Earth of Humanity Vaivasvata Manu - the humanity of the Fourth Globe. The old continents (excluding the first) were swallowed up by the oceans; other lands appeared, and huge mountain ranges grew where there were none before. The surface of the Globe was completely changed each time. The “survival of the fittest” races was confirmed by timely help from above; “unadapted” ones - unsuccessful ones - were destroyed, being swept away from the surface of the Earth. Such selection and displacement does not occur between sunrise and sunset, but requires several millennia until the new house is put in order. The happiness and misfortune of peoples, their rise and fall are closely connected with the astronomical cycle - with the beginning and end of the Sidereal Year, equal to our 25868 years. The meaning of what we are saying is clear. The date of the last precessional disturbance is known - 10,500 years BC + after AD 2000 years = 12,500 years. Thus, if we subtract the found figure from the Sidereal Year, we will obtain the grace period provided by Providence to humanity in general and to our civilized races in particular: 25868 - 12500 = 13368 years, but, as you know, man proposes, but God disposes...

The irrepressible desire to possess material forms, dictated by the overdevelopment and lack of control of the astral body, led the Atlantean civilization to death in the depths of the global flood - this is a dire warning for the Aryan Race. The mental body, used for evil by the Aryans, can plunge our civilization into fire. This is the truth that really lies behind the misunderstood Christian doctrine of hellfire and the lake of fire. It symbolically describes the end of the age, when the civilization of the mental plane - its formal aspect - will perish in a cataclysm, just as the early civilization perished in fire. I will give one hint here, it is often overlooked. There is no time on the mental plane - that's why exact time does not appear in the idea of ​​the fiery end. The time of the disaster or catastrophe has not been set. The result will take place in the realm of the mind, and can it not be said that even now the fire of anxiety, foreboding, restlessness and fear is inflaming our thoughts and oppressing our mental state? Its task is to cleanse and disinfect, so let the fire of cosmic energies do its job, and let everyone who wants to use it as often as possible, cultivating the right thinking so that the cleansing of the world takes place quickly. Much must burn and disappear, which blocks the way for new ideas, new archetypal forms. The latter will eventually establish themselves in the new age and allow the word of the Soul to resound and be heard exoterically. We realize that what is communicated is difficult to understand, but these lines contain a warning for the careless and many instructions for serious seekers.

So, everything seems to predict an imminent catastrophe and the death of humanity. But the study of the cycles of the Root Races and subraces suggests that we are not talking about the imminent “replacement” of the Fifth Root Race with the Sixth, but about the transition of humanity from the fifth subrace of the Fifth Root Race to the sixth subrace. Moreover, the power of the cataclysms that are already beginning to shake our planet directly depends on humanity itself, on its spiritual aspiration or lack of aspiration. Due to the extraordinary growth of intelligence and development in our era of the fifth principle (Manas), the rapid technological progress of mankind has almost paralyzed spiritual perceptions. In general, the intellect lives at the expense of wisdom, and humanity in its current state of “consumer society” is completely unprepared to comprehend the terrible drama of human disobedience to the laws of Being, which directly leads to a global catastrophe as a result. Teachers never tire of talking about this. And there is always hope for the awakening of reason and kindness in people - the only thing that can save the world.

Actually, this extremely condensed overview of cosmic processes is given to the extent that fundamental theses are necessary for understanding the evolutionary processes of the total evolution of the Earth in Space and Man on Earth.

Due to the disturbing effect exerted on the rotation of the Earth by the bodies of the Solar System, the axis of rotation of the Earth makes a very complex movement in space. The Earth is shaped like a spheroid, and therefore different parts of the spheroid are attracted unevenly by the Sun and Moon.

1. The axis slowly describes a cone, remaining all the time inclined to the plane of the Earth’s motion at an angle of about 66º.5. This movement is called precessional, its period is about 26,000 years. It determines the average direction of the axis in space at different epochs.

2. The Earth’s rotation axis makes various small oscillations around its average position, the main of which have a period of 18.6 years (this period is the period of rotation of the nodes of the lunar orbit, since nutation is a consequence of the effect of the Moon’s attraction on the Earth) and is called nutation earth's axis. Nutational oscillations occur because the precessional forces of the Sun and Moon continuously change their magnitude and direction. They = 0 when the Sun and Moon are in the plane of the Earth's equator and reach a maximum at their greatest distance from it. The true celestial pole, due to nutation, describes a complex curve around the middle pole. Its movement on the celestial sphere occurs approximately along an ellipse, the major semi-axis of which is 18",4, and the minor axis is 13",7. Due to precession and nutation, the relative positions of the celestial poles and the ecliptic poles are continuously changing.

3. The attraction of the planets is not enough to cause changes in the positions of the earth's axis. But the planets influence the position of the earth's orbit. Changes in the positions of the ecliptic plane under the influence of the gravity of the planets are called planetary precession.

The celestial pole, determined by the average direction of the Earth's rotation axis, i.e. having only precessional motion is called middle pole of the world.True world pole takes into account the nutational movements of the axis. Due to precession, the average celestial pole describes a circle with a radius of 23º.5 near the ecliptic pole over 26,000 years. In one year, the movement of the average celestial pole on the celestial sphere is about 50",3. The equinoctial points also move westward by the same amount, moving towards the apparent annual movement of the Sun. This phenomenon is called anticipation of the equinoxes. As a result, the Sun hits the equinoctial points earlier than the same place against the background of stars. The celestial pole describes an open circle on the celestial sphere. 2000 BC The polar star was Dragon, after 12,000 years the polar star will be Lyra. At the beginning of our era, the vernal equinox point was in the constellation Aries, and the autumn equinox point was in the constellation Libra. Now the point of the spring equinox is in the constellation Pisces, and the autumn equinox in the constellation Virgo.

The precessional movement of the celestial pole causes the coordinates of the stars to change over time. The influence of precession on coordinates:

d/dt = m + n sintg,

d/dt = n sin,

where d/dt, d/dt are changes in coordinates per year, m is the annual precession in right ascension, n is the annual precession in declination.

Due to the continuous change in the equatorial coordinates of the stars, there is a slow change in the appearance of the starry sky for a given place on Earth. Some previously invisible stars will rise and set, and some visible ones will become non-rising. So, in a few thousand years in Europe it will be possible to observe the Southern Cross, but it will not be possible to see Sirius and part of the constellation Orion.

Precession was discovered by Hipparchus and explained by I. Newton.

Key words: precession of the Earth, nutation of the earth's axis, features of the movement of the earth's axis.


The official justification for the precession of the earth's axis is analyzed and its inconsistency is shown. The official point of view hides a mysterious phenomenon of unknown nature, which may be key in finding a way out of the emerging crisis in science.


TSB. "Gyroscope, rapidly rotating solid, the axis of rotation of which can change its direction in space. The gyroscope has a number of interesting properties observed in rotating celestial bodies, ...
The properties of a gyroscope appear when two conditions are met: 1) the axis of rotation of the gyroscope must be able to change its direction in space; 2) the angular speed of rotation of the gyroscope around its axis must be very high compared to the angular speed that the axis itself will have when changing its direction.
The first property of a balanced gyroscope with three degrees of freedom is that its axis tends to stably maintain its original direction in world space. If this axis is initially directed to some star, then with any movements of the base of the device and random shocks, it will continue to point to this star, changing its orientation relative to the earth's axes.
The second property of a gyroscope is discovered when a force or pair of forces begins to act on its axis, tending to set the axis in motion (i.e., creating a torque relative to the center of the suspension). Under the influence of an external force P, the end of the gyroscope axis will deviate not in the direction of the force, as would be the case with a non-rotating rotor, but in a direction perpendicular to this force; as a result, the gyroscope will begin to rotate around an axis parallel to the force vector P and passing through the gyroscope attachment point, and not accelerated, but with a constant angular velocity. This rotation is called precession; it happens the slower the faster the gyroscope itself rotates around its axis. If at some point in time the action of the force stops, then the precession will stop at the same time.”

Let us also add that the direction of rotation of the precession axis is always opposite to the direction of rotation of the gyroscope flywheel.

The theory of the gyroscope, in relation to the Earth, predicts almost ideal stability of its axis, because The earth represents an unsupported, free gyroscope. The point of attachment of such a gyroscope must be considered the center of mass of inertia, and the point of application of external gravitational forces is the center of mass of gravity. Both within the framework of the classical theory and within the framework of technical theory, these centers of mass must always coincide, due to the principle of equivalence. The Earth, as a free gyroscope, can only experience short-term precession caused by the collision of the Earth with cosmic bodies; the rest of the time the Earth's axis must remain at rest. However, as is known, stable precession exists. This means only one thing - there is an external, field influence, the center of application of forces of which does not coincide with the center of inertia of the Earth.

Having analyzed the circumstances surrounding the precession of the Earth, Euler hypothesized the decisive influence of the attraction of the Moon and the Sun through their influence on the element that breaks the symmetry of the Earth. This element is the so-called equatorial ring. Euler was not familiar with the principle of mass equivalence, so he was guided by physical realities, the essence of which in this situation boils down to the following. If the now famous Einstein elevator is dropped in any real gravitational field, i.e. having a radial gradient, then a long rail falling along with the elevator will have two equilibrium states.
One of them is stable when the rack is directed along the movement of the elevator, and one is unstable when the rack is directed across. This simple sensor allows you to monitor the direction of fall (movement) and the gradient from a closed elevator laboratory gravitational field, because the rod will experience a corresponding oscillatory motion around its steady state. It was this, publicly available and true knowledge, that Euler used in his justification for the precession of the Earth.

Euler's idea, plausible at first glance, turned out to be wrong. The geometry of the hoop in a radial gravitational field acts differently than the geometry of the lath. This will be shown below. But there were simply no other options for justifying precession; no one could offer anything else. And the parameters of precession clearly indicated their connection with the Moon and the Sun, which was manifested in their periodic uneven movement of the earth’s axis.

Neither Euler nor anyone else began to test the hypothesis for reliability, although such a possibility was always there. A situation of mutual justification of two phenomena that have a clear relationship has been realized.

If Euler had made the correct mathematical calculation, then the collection of scientific paradoxes might have been replenished with another remarkable phenomenon - the mysterious precession of the earth's axis. But this did not happen.

Currently, the necessary calculation has been made, and indicates a discrepancy real parameters precession parameters of the model proposed by Euler. However, there is no official reaction.
According to the standards established by the RAS commission on combating pseudoscience, these calculations are pseudoscientific, because The rules of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as interpreted by Vitaly Ginzburg, state: “Pseudoscience is a statement that contradicts firmly established scientific data.”

Analysis of modern justification for the precession of the earth's axis

Let us analyze the rationale for the precession of the earth's axis, based on Euler's idea and officially accepted as “firmly established scientific data.”
In order not to miss circumstances that could arise in last years, let's follow the logic of justification not from classical works, but using a modern article by Dr. Ph.D. n. Sidorenkova N.S. and the training course of Alksandrovich N.L. .

Let us present the starting points, according to Sidorenkov.
Quote. “The figure of the Earth is close to an ellipsoid of revolution. When the Moon and the Sun do not lie in the plane of the Earth's equator, their gravitational forces tend to rotate the Earth so that the equatorial swellings of the figure are located along the line connecting the centers of mass of the Earth, Moon and Sun. But the Earth does not rotate in this direction, but under the influence of the moment of a pair of forces precesses. The Earth's rotation axis slowly describes a cone around a perpendicular to the ecliptic plane (Fig. 3). The top of the cone coincides with the center of the Earth. The points of the equinoxes and solstices move along the ecliptic towards the Sun, making one revolution every 26 thousand years (the speed of movement is 1 degree in 72 years).”
End of quote.

So, the Earth has the shape of a spheroid, which can be represented as an ideal sphere and a cylindrical equatorial addition, which in turn can be represented in a more compact form of an equatorial ring. A perfect ball cannot cause precession under any circumstances. But the inclined equatorial ring, interacting with the Sun and the Moon (the action of the other objects of the solar system is small - and is nullified), according to the authors, who all agree with Euler, causes precession due to an overturning moment of geometric origin, see Fig. 1, borrowed from.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the formation of an overturning moment acting on the Earth from the Sun and Moon. The forces acting on the equatorial bulge (at points A and B) are decomposed into components parallel to the direction of the disturbing body from the center of the Earth O, and components perpendicular to the plane of the earth's equator (AA" and BB"). The latter act as overturning forces.
Since the near part of the ring creates a slightly larger force compared to the far part, and the ring has a known slope of 23 degrees, as a result, the point of application of the total force will shift slightly from the direction to the center of inertia and thus create an overturning moment.
It was not possible to find a calculation of the magnitude of the moment (or a link to this calculation), and the final result of such calculations is also not given in the reference books. Here is what Aleksandrovich writes about this. “The magnitude of precession and nutation could be calculated theoretically, but for this there is not enough data on the distribution of masses inside the Earth, and therefore it has to be determined from observations of the positions of stars at different epochs.”
One might think that there is no practice of evaluative calculations in astronomy.

However, analyst A.A. Grishaev, as an independent researcher, was not lazy and made estimation calculations using the same initial data and the same geometric coordinates as Sidorenkov. He found that the period of precession, formed jointly by the Moon and the Sun in accordance with Euler’s idea, should be more than 900 thousand years, while the observed one is only 26 thousand years. There is reason to think.
Apparently, Euler obtained a similar result at one time, and did not publish it.

But it's not just about the numbers. Let us take a closer look at the mechanism of formation of the overturning moment given by all sources. To simplify the analysis and make it easier to perceive, we will temporarily exclude the Moon from consideration.
All sources claim that the Earth in the shape of a perfect ball will not experience precession; precession is supposedly caused exclusively by the inclined equatorial ring. Let us temporarily agree with these statements and conduct a thought experiment. Let's eliminate the equatorial ring, turning the Earth into a perfect sphere. Then we cut the ideal ball into thin disks parallel to the equatorial plane, and cut the disks into thin rings. We get a ball assembled from a set of rings of different sizes, each of which is not fundamentally different from the eliminated equatorial ring that causes precession. It turns out that a spherical gyroscope in a radial gravitational field should experience precession, because each constituent ring must cause precession.

The situation is paradoxical. This means that one of the statements: either the precession of the inclined ring, or the absence of precession of the ball, is false.
In our case, the paradox is easily resolved at a qualitative level.
To check, stop the rotation of the ring. The geometry of the forces will not change. Under the influence of the moment of force, the ring should begin to move, trying to move the center of gravity into the plane of the ring. The same should happen with a ball made of rings cut at an arbitrary angle, because the ball does not rotate and has no designated directions.
But it is quite obvious that this is impossible from the conditions of symmetry. So, we come to the final conclusion: an inclined ring cannot cause precession. The proof, despite the lack of mathematical formulas, is absolutely rigorous.

The argumentation of the authors defending the official point of view has been accepted all over the world and has not been in doubt for hundreds of years. This circumstance requires not only to point out errors in the justification, but also to explain the reason for the general error. And the reason is a subtle oversight of the pioneering authority, who used an unacceptable mixture of geometries when analyzing the situation. The essence of the error is reflected in the diagram, Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Projection of the Earth’s equatorial ring onto the plane of the ecliptic at solstice

Indeed, the Sun-Earth system under consideration is spherical. This means that when analyzing all kinds of situations in the balance of power, it is convenient to use the laws and theorems of spherical geometry.
The use of theorems of Cartesian geometry when analyzing a spherical system is permissible, but with maximum caution. It is usually used when considering infinitesimal differentials, and the practice is widely used.
Let's consider a fragment of Sidorenkov's analysis, where he divides the ring into two supposedly equal halves, using the default orthogonal coordinate system, and as a result, following Euler, he comes to a false conclusion. As a counter-argument, we present a correct analysis of the situation using the diagram in Fig. 2.

The total overturning moment of the inclined ring is formed by paired conjugate elements of the ring, cut by the elementary sector, which ensures an equal and complete number of elements on the near and far arc of the ring.
There is no need to prove that the far element of the ring is more massive than the near one by exactly enough that the overturning moment, taking into account the difference in distances to the Sun, is equal to zero in accordance with the first statement about an ideal ball.
The line dividing the ring into the near and far halves is not a diameter at all, but a curve indicated in Fig. 2 dotted line.

Thus, the official justification for the precession of the earth's axis turns out to be false. And we found ourselves in a situation in which Euler was at one time - there is precession, but there is no visible reason. So what should we do? And it is necessary to do what astronomers, Euler’s contemporaries, should have done - analyze the actual situation, without regard to the opinion of authority.

Let us continue the analysis of Sidorenkov’s model taking into account the established truth.
The diagram of the movement of the earth's axis, obtained on the basis of experimental data, as well as on the basis of records of ancient astronomers, is shown in the diagram in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Scheme of the movement of the Earth’s rotation axis in space for an extraterrestrial observer

This diagram is very approximate, but it can be accepted as a qualitative interpretation of the experimental fact. The nutation scale in the diagram is intentionally increased (for clarity). A significant change in the presented scheme (in our analysis) will be a change in the direction of the precession axis. Until now, no one has determined the direction of this axis from experimental data; it was postulated from considerations of the symmetry of lunisolar precession.
Rejecting the Euler model, it can be argued that the axis of the observed precession is directed approximately in the direction of the ecliptic axis. It is in this direction that we need to look for the real source of the stable gravitational field that causes the observed precession. This source may be the core of our Galaxy, which is currently observed in the constellation Sagittarius, i.e. very close to the ecliptic axis.

So, the Sun does not create a displacement of the Earth’s centers of mass, and neither does the Moon. But precession is an experimental fact. This means that there is a displacement of the centers of mass. There is, but is not a consequence of the influence of the Sun (and Moon). And this is the most important conclusion from the current situation.

The phenomenon is mysterious. But all discoveries began with experimental facts that were mysterious for some time. The purpose of this article is not to search for a solution, but it is simply necessary to identify as much valuable information as possible from the available facts.

In the current situation (detection of a mysterious displacement of the Earth's centers of mass), an accompanying precession of the Earth's axis should arise, caused by all third-party sources of gravity, and there are at least three of them: the Sun, the Moon and the galactic core. The axis of stationary precession always coincides with the vector external force. Our task is to isolate all the active components that form the total precession.

The axis of precession caused by the Sun is in a state of constant forced circular motion, which is not emphasized in the justifications of the official authors.
At each specific moment for the Sun-Earth system, it is possible to determine both the vectors of motion of bodies and the distribution of forces, and calculate the differential displacement of the earth's axis. But the usual integration of the resulting function is unacceptable, because the initial conditions are constantly changing.
In addition, the classical formula for the movement of the gyroscope axis cannot be applied to this precession, for the same reason - the initial conditions are constantly changing, and not at all like in the classical gyroscope model, where after an elementary rotation all the relationships of forces and velocities are exactly repeated, only slightly shifted coordinate system.
Thus, in the model considered by Sidorenkov, taking into account the updated data, it is necessary to take into account the forced, uniform rotation of the axis of instantaneous precession around the Earth.

The article under consideration examines in detail the nature of the annual change in the rate of precession, which is maximum on the days of the solstices and is equal to zero on the days of the equinoxes.
Quote. “The moments of gravity that act on the equatorial bulges change depending on the positions of the Moon and the Sun in relation to the Earth. When the Moon and the Sun are in the plane of the earth's equator, the moments of forces disappear, and when the declinations of the Moon and the Sun are maximum, then the magnitude of the moment is greatest. As a result of such fluctuations in the moments of gravitational forces, nutations (from the Latin nutatio - oscillation) of the Earth's rotation axis are observed, consisting of a series of small periodic oscillations. The most important of them has a period of 18.6 years - the time of rotation of the nodes of the Moon’s orbit.”
End quote from.

Sidorenkov actually analyzes the parameters of instantaneous precession around the Sun-Earth axis, and directly, incorrectly attributes its characteristics to the resulting precession obtained experimentally and displayed in Fig. 3. He considers the direction of solar precession to be unchanged.
Sidorenkov, following the authorities, does not notice the geometric metamorphosis that occurs with the direction of rotation of the Earth relative to the Sun when passing the equinox point.
To visually experience this effect, you need to mentally bring the tilt of the earth’s axis to 90 degrees, then everyone can easily simulate the effect of changing the direction of rotation by walking around any rotating household object (fan, bicycle wheel, etc.), mistaking themselves for the Sun. During such a walk, if you keep looking at the fan, at the moment of crossing the equatorial plane, the rotation of the fan (without stopping) will change its relative direction of rotation from a clockwise direction to a counterclockwise direction (or vice versa).

A change in the direction of the Earth's rotation at the moment of the equinox automatically causes a change in the direction of the Earth's precession caused by the Sun. Thus, the component of Earth's precession caused by the Earth's revolution around the Sun is a back-and-forth wobble of the Earth's axis of rotation. But, nevertheless, by the nature of the forces causing it, this movement is a specific precession.

The official point of view, popularized by Sidorenkov, attempts to present this reciprocating precession, formed with the participation of the Moon, as the only component of the resulting precession of the Earth. The scientific inconsistency of this approach has already been demonstrated above, but it has been accepted worldwide for many years. scientific community for the truth.
The real object causing the cone-shaped classical precession must be located, as expected, on the axis of stationary precession. Such an object can only be the galactic core, but it is located in the constellation Sagittarius, i.e. the direction towards it is slightly shifted from the ecliptic axis.

Here we are faced with the “disease” of interpreters - the mutual adjustment of experimental results and theoretical calculations. No one calculated the direction of the Earth's precession axis along a section of an arc several degrees long; its direction was assigned (postulated) as quite obvious, namely, coinciding with the axis of the ecliptic. The error is not catastrophic, it is easy to fix. But the saddening tendency is to see not what is, but what you want to see. And there are more and more such situations in modern science.

The misunderstanding that occurred with the substitution of the true direction of the precession axis by the ecliptic axis could not have happened if not for one fatal coincidence.
The solar system, in its circulation around the center of the Galaxy, behaves according to the law of the gyroscope, i.e. preserves the direction of the ecliptic axis in space. The plane of the ecliptic is now inclined relative to the plane of the Galaxy by approximately 63 degrees, and is most likely precessing. The projection of the ecliptic axis onto the equatorial plane of the Galaxy describes a full revolution in 230 million years, maintaining its direction, and twice during this time its orientation coincides with the direction to the center of the Galaxy. This is exactly the situation that is currently taking place.
Thus, the real precession caused by the gravity of the galactic core was passed off as the precession created by the Moon and the Sun.

Based on the analysis carried out, it can be argued that the currently used interpretation of observational data on the movement of the earth's axis is erroneous. Observable, classical precession is caused by the gravitational pull of the Galaxy, and "nutation" is actually reciprocating precession caused by the Sun and Moon. The nature of this precession is determined by the behavior of the total gravitational force of the Moon and the Sun, which periodically and relatively quickly changes in magnitude and direction, always remaining orthogonal to the stable axis of precession caused by the weak field of the Galactic core.
Thus, the back-and-forth precession caused by the Moon and the Sun appears as a disturbance of the stationary, slow precession, Fig. 3. This refined interpretation becomes even more convincing if we remember that true nutation always decays, but this does not happen with the “nutation” of the Earth.

Due to the prevailing circumstances in space, the axis of the ecliptic is currently as close as possible to the center of the Galaxy. It won't always be this way. In 75 million years, i.e. after a quarter of the period of revolution of the Sun around the Galaxy, the center of the Galaxy will be observed in the ecliptic plane. The parameters of the earth's precession will change radically.


The analysis of the official justification for the observed precession of the earth's axis indicates its partial inconsistency, which resulted in a distorted understanding of the observed phenomenon - the precession of the earth's axis. It is shown that the gravity of the Sun and Moon cannot cause the Earth's center of gravity to shift from the center of inertia of the mass. However, precession exists. The existence of precession irrefutably proves that the displacement of centers of mass is completely real.
But if there is a displacement, then both the Sun and the Moon should cause, and do cause, precession of the earth's axis, without being the cause of a displacement of the centers of mass. This explains the clearly observed periodic dependence of the so-called nutational component of precession on the movement of the Moon and the Sun. The cause of the cone-shaped precession with a period of 26 thousand years is the core of the Galaxy.
But the galactic core cannot be, and is not, the cause of the displacement of the Earth’s centers of mass.

Thus, a cosmological effect has been revealed that has been inaccessible to the scientific community for hundreds of years - a displacement of the Earth’s centers of mass for an unknown reason. It can be stated with complete certainty that the search for the cause of the effect must be sought outside the framework of classical and Einsteinian theories, built on the basis of the postulate of mass equivalence. This postulate has been tested many times, but always only at zero speed relative to the surface of the Earth, and never at sublight speeds.
If we assume that the mass of inertia and the mass of gravity depend differently on the speed of their movement, then for rotating bodies that also move translationally, the displacement of the centers of mass is realized in a natural way, see. There are no other possibilities to create a displacement of the centers of mass.

In this regard, it is necessary to begin a search for factual material, perhaps already available, but rejected by experimenters, due to the contradiction of the obtained material with “firmly established scientific data.”

Nizhny Novgorod, February 2014

Information sources

1. Ginzburg V.L. “Pseudoscience”, BULLETIN OF THE RAS No. 9.
2. Sidorenkov N.S., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. n. “Instability of the Earth’s rotation”, Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Moscow. BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, volume 74, no. 8, p. 701-715 (2004)
3. Aleksandrovich N.L., “Fundamentals of astronomy. Precession", training course based on the fundamentals of physics and mathematics, Internet
4. Sidorenkov N.S. "Interannual oscillations of the atmosphere-ocean-Earth system." – Physics, No. 25/98.
5. Grishaev A.A. “On the so-called lunar-solar precession of the earth’s axis”,
6. Mikhailov A.A., “The Earth and its rotation”, M.: Nauka.
7. Podobed V.V., Nesterov V.V. “General astrometry.” Nauka, M., 1982.
8. Munk W., MacDonald G. “Rotation of the Earth.” Mir, M., 1964.
9. Leonovich V.N., “The concept of a physical model of quantum gravity,”;
10. Physical encyclopedic Dictionary. M. Soviet Encyclopedia.


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