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» What you need to know about modular furniture. Modular furniture system What does a modular set mean?

What you need to know about modular furniture. Modular furniture system What does a modular set mean?

In the 21st century, furniture has ceased to be just interior decoration. We no longer buy Czech walls to make our neighbors jealous. Therefore, all our cabinets and shelves should be as functional as possible. It is for these purposes that modular transformable furniture was invented.

A large factory wants to please everyone, but cannot create models individually for everyone, like small private firms. That's why we have to create universal solutions, consisting of many elements.

Some buyers don't quite understand what modular furniture means. These are headsets consisting of large quantity cabinets, cupboards, shelves, which a person himself can arrange in the room the way he wants. For small apartments, this solution is often the only correct one.

What are the main advantages of modular furniture?

Simple and minimalistic design. It will fit into any room;
- Affordable price. MDF and laminated chipboard are used for assembly;
- Easy installation and transportation;
- If you move to an apartment larger area, the modular system can be easily expanded. You can easily rearrange by arranging the furniture differently.

Some sites even have a special constructor. In it you can see how the set will look in the room, rearrange individual elements, change color, etc.

Cabinet and modular furniture. Difference

Are you interested in the difference between cabinet furniture and modular furniture? Cabinet furniture is considered to be furniture that has standard elements - floor, roof, back and side walls. In contrast, a modular one is assembled from individual parts - housings. Good examplemodern kitchens. Essentially, this is a set of n-number of bedside tables and cabinets that you place/hang at your discretion. A furniture wall consisting of several individual elements, this is a modular system. A full-wall wardrobe is an example of cabinet furniture.

This is a set of various standard sized lockers. The most common housing material for modular furniture - This is a chipboard lined with veneer or laminate. differ great variety. There are plenty to choose from, taking into account the general style of the planned interior.

Who produces modular furniture and why?

Production modular furniture mainly deal with large furniture factories who do not have time for an individual approach to each of their clients.

Modular programs differ in the number of elements they contain. Those that include a larger number of items (over 60) and, accordingly, make it possible to create more composition options, are made from more expensive materials. There are modular systems that are more democratic, combining about 30 items, and intermediate varieties (30-60 components). The more components, the more individual the interior will be, closer to custom-made furniture.

Why is modular furniture cheaper?

The lack of an individual approach in any case makes the products significantly cheaper . Judge for yourself:

  1. A measurer does not come to your home and take the dimensions of your kitchen, taking into account all its features, such as:
    • location of gas pipes,
    • water pipes, as well as other communications,
    • window sill size,
    • curvature of the walls,
    • floor level,
    • the presence of a ventilation shaft,
    • other boxes.
  2. Based on the measurements obtained, an individually unique design of your kitchen design is not made.
  3. At a furniture factory, when cutting chipboard, your exact dimensions are not set.
  4. Materials, most often not expensive: . The fittings leave much to be desired. A layman still won’t understand how such a low price was achieved.
  5. If you assemble the furniture yourself, it will cost even less.

The process is as impersonal as possible. The manufacturer DOES NOT spend extra money and time on an individual approach. You do some of the work yourself, deciding which cabinets, what size you need and where you will put them. Did you play with construction sets as a child? It's the same here. Many people like to feel like designers, arranging their living space at their own discretion.

In order to simplify this process as much as possible, many large manufacturers make programs available on their websites in which you can pre-arrange furniture and see what the room will look like after purchase. The cabinets open, the color of the facades changes at your discretion or is matched to the color of the wallpaper, even falling sunlight from the window it is possible to indicate. The filling of the cabinets can also be selected at your own discretion. I do not like? There is an opportunity to change everything radically. Have fun arranging household appliances, flowers in vases, computers and hanging mirrors. Feel like a designer. And in the end, when you reach the optimal option, in your opinion, the program will also give you the final price, taking into account discounts, promotions and delivery. Do you agree? Order! This is how you can change the situation without getting up from the table. Neither you nor the manufacturer waste extra effort and time. Convenient, isn't it?

Pros of modular furniture

So, the pros modular furniture :

  1. In any city you will find several representative offices of companies engaged in the production modular furniture . Having plenty to choose from is always good. Most often these are Stolplit, Shatura, Dyadkovo, Ikea, and many others. Factories of such manufacturers are located in many large areas.
  2. An unlimited number of ways to rearrange modules will allow you to create more and more unique compositions;
  3. When moving to a larger apartment, an already purchased modular system can be easily supplemented with other elements;
  4. Designers are closely monitoring fashion trends, which are immediately brought to life, so your interior will be relevant in any case;
  5. If you are not satisfied with the overall space of the room, then using modular furniture it can be easily changed, without the need to demolish some walls and build new ones.
  6. extremely convenient if you have small children. After all, whatever one may say, kids grow, and at the same time the situation in the children's room must change. With the help of modular furniture, you can easily modernize your interior by purchasing new elements that will complement each other. You don't have to throw anything away.
  7. Easy to assemble.
  8. And, of course, cheap.

Cons of modular furniture

IN Lately The development of individual furniture is beginning to gain great popularity. After all, an item made for a specific interior exactly meets all the necessary parameters, while among serial offers you may not find the required storage system or sofa. When ordering, any wishes are taken into account - size up to a millimeter, material and color of finishing, purpose and configuration of modules. The customer can either act as a designer himself or trust the help of professionals.

A modern set of modular furniture can include elements of varying depths and heights, and their number can vary from several dozen to a hundred or more. The modular kit is available in uniform style, its elements can be arranged the way you want. The products are matched to each other, therefore, all components will be combined and look like a single whole.

Upholstered and cabinet furniture, storage systems can be composed of components of a modular system.

Modular systems - represent furniture for the living room, bedroom, hallway, kitchen. And this furniture is not only cabinet furniture, but also upholstered.

Types of modular furniture

Modular upholstered furniture. Sofas - There are two types: sectional and loose. In the first, all parts are “tightly” tightened in a factory manner. The customer selects the required quantity seats, type of armrests, chaise longue module, knife. A sofa made at a furniture factory will look like a monolithic model.

The second type of modular furniture is mobile. In such furniture, the seat blocks are not rigidly fastened; they are simply installed side by side. This means that they can be swapped: add or remove modules. Well-known furniture companies produce new modules for old collections. This allows buyers to update furniture.

The configuration of the sectional modular sofa is determined by the buyer independently. Blocks of modular mobile furniture can be constantly combined.

Bathrooms and kitchens

Nowadays, most bathroom and kitchen sets are produced based on the module principle. The only difference is in the “pitch” of the module and the material (moisture-resistant chipboard or MDF is used). A set for a living room has a width of 40 to 60 centimeters or more, and for kitchens and small bathrooms narrow sections of twenty centimeters are made.

Cabinet furniture

Likewise upholstered furniture, for the living room, modular furniture can also be constantly changing. The customer himself decides what his cabinet or wall will be like, height, size, number of sections. Modules of the required width, depth, height are selected and used for various purposes: for installing equipment, storing clothes or linen, arranging working area. You can arrange the modules in any way you like. General style design, one color scheme will create a single set from individual elements. Modular sets for living rooms can easily change their purpose by changing the options for the facade and filling (hangers, internal drawers, shelves).

The choice of equipment always remains with the buyer.

Modular furniture systems for living rooms can be minimalist or have generalized characteristics classic style(however, without complex decorative elements such as carving or painting).

The advantage of modular furniture

Modular furniture also has a minus, but only one. The design of this type of furniture usually does not include either gold paintings or ornamental carvings. This type of furniture is designed for modern youth interiors. For fans of a strict classic style, this type of furniture is most likely not suitable.

So, let's list the advantages of modular furniture:

The buyer has the opportunity to select and purchase only those components that he needs;

Additional items can be easily purchased if necessary; the exact match of color, size, fastening points, and all accessories is guaranteed by the manufacturers;

Modular furniture helps to quickly transform the interior of an apartment with the help of simple rearrangement, replacement of panels and facades. Modular systems are equipped with swing, folding (“accordion”), sliding doors, roller blinds;

A modular closet can be easily converted into a bookcase or wardrobe; just change or remove the doors;

The presence of instructions and the supplied fasteners make it possible to independently assemble the required piece of furniture, which costs a small amount of time;

Unified modules can be placed in rooms of any configuration, having different heights, width and depth are placed almost everywhere (in any corners, shallow niches) where cabinet furniture for this purpose will not fit.

The bulk of modern modular furniture systems meet the tastes of young people.

Modular system Furniture for the living room, bedroom or kitchen solves perhaps the most important task in furnishing a home. It allows you to arrange furniture compactly, but functionally, so that it is convenient to use, while still leaving room in the apartment for living.

Most of today's apartments suffer from the same thing - excessive compactness. It is quite difficult to choose furniture that does not “eat up” the space and is comfortable enough.

Modern modular systems come to our aid. Its structure is such that it helps to arrange the furniture in the apartment in the most optimal way, but more on this in more detail.

What is a modular furniture system?

As you might guess, modular furniture gets its name from the principle of construction. It consists of several blocks - modules - which are combined at the discretion of the owner. Thus, the complex can be adjusted to individual characteristics apartments, rearranging the modules to suit you.

The ability to transform gives modular furniture big advantage in front of hull models. The system can be transformed, arranged in different places, which cannot be done with a cabinet or chest of drawers.

Wardrobes, chests of drawers, shelves, as well as sets for the living room, bedroom, children's room and other rooms can be modular. There are also good examples of upholstered modular furniture, which, as you might guess, does not consist of small cabinets, but of small soft poufs that are stacked together.

Pros and cons of modular systems

Of course, such an option as a modular furniture system has its supporters and opponents. Both of them name arguments in their favor. Let's start with the pros, there are quite a lot of them.

  • First of all, modular systems are very convenient in terms of arrangement small apartments with a bad layout.
  • The ability to compactly place modules and purchase additional elements if there is room for them.
  • The modules are made in the same style, which eliminates the need to carefully select room furnishing elements; all of them will already be combined with each other.
  • Furniture in the form of modules is quite functional. It can be used not only as furniture itself, but also as a zoning element.
  • With the help of such furniture it is easy to remodel, finding a new place for some modules. As for the children's room, the furniture in it can “grow” with the child, without requiring complete replacement furnishings.
  • In addition, the modules easily survive moving, which cannot be said about massive walls or wardrobes.

If you compare custom-made furniture and modular systems, you may notice that the latter will be much cheaper. This is another advantage that helps you save on your purchase without sacrificing the beauty of the interior.

As for the disadvantages, they also exist. First of all, all modular furniture has a fairly laconic, standard appearance. Many lovers of more sophisticated furniture find such a limited selection inconvenient. However, today many manufacturers are already solving this problem by diversifying the design of their products.

It is also worth considering that modular furniture has standard dimensions. That is, she will not be able to adapt to the layout of your apartment. This means that before choosing and purchasing, you should take the necessary measurements so that the furniture fits perfectly and does not turn out to be larger than necessary.

How to choose a modular furniture system?

It all depends on what room you are buying furniture for. First of all, walls or shelving in the living room are popular. If the room is small, you can limit yourself to a shelving unit, conveniently arranging the modules.

If you can boast of a more spacious room, then here you can completely assemble a wall with greater functionality from individual modules. There are several points to consider:

  • pay attention to options with hanging shelves and elements using glass - they visually increase the space of the room;
  • Availability wardrobe solves the problem of storing things for the whole family;
  • open shelves or shelves behind glass - perfect place for storing books, photos and souvenirs in the house;
  • compartments with doors help to store things that are not usually put on public display.

When choosing other furniture elements, try to find models that have additional functions. For example, coffee table It can also have a storage compartment, so you get extra space to store the things you need.

Another option that can help solve the storage issue is corner cupboard for the living room. It won’t take up much space, but it will fit a maximum of things inside.