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» What is Body pump in fitness and training videos. Pump is a rhythmic strength training with a barbell: features and effectiveness

What is Body pump in fitness and training videos. Pump is a rhythmic strength training with a barbell: features and effectiveness

Dear readers, we continue our series of articles about sports and fitness. Just recently we told you, and today you will learn about a new format of training for weight loss. Body Pump is a fat-burning workout with a barbell, performed at a fast pace and with big amount repetitions for each muscle group.

The program was developed by a group of famous Les Mills trainers based on many years of experience in the field of fitness and healthy lifestyle.

The training is performed to the accompaniment of rousing music and forces the whole body to work intensively. The program works the muscles of the arms, legs, back, chest and abs, burning extra calories and forming a brilliant relief.

What is Body Pump and what are the benefits of this program?

Body Pump has a number of advantages, thanks to which the workout has gained popularity all over the world:

1. An excellent combination of aerobic and strength training. Body Pump is performed at a high tempo, but with a weight in the form of a barbell, which makes it possible not only to strengthen the muscles of the body, but also to successfully get rid of excess weight.

2. The program is completely updated every three months. Obviously, this method is extremely effective. When changing programs, the muscles do not have time to get used to the exercises, and the variety in training will not let you get bored.

3. The training works all muscle groups. The duration of the class is about an hour, during which the whole body will be involved, which will allow you to burn the maximum number of calories.

4. Body Pump is perfect for absolute beginners in sports. If you are not yet ready for serious exercise, then the exercises can be performed with a small weight (2x1.25 kg) or with an empty barbell. As physical development progresses, the load can be increased little by little.

5. This leads to another advantage of the program - adjustable load. Do you feel like your current weight isn't putting you under enough stress? Or, on the contrary, do you feel that you are not yet ready to increase the load? With Body Pump you can easily adjust the intensity of your workout by decreasing or increasing the weight of the barbell.

Body Pump Program This is not quite the standard aerobics that you usually see in group classes in the fitness room. That is why you should take into account some of the features that imply this type training:

1. The program involves intense workload. The last exercises of each cycle must be performed with all your might if you want to achieve the effect of the exercises.

2. It is highly advisable to strictly monitor the technique and listen carefully to all the trainer’s recommendations: performing the exercises incorrectly can lead to serious sprains or injuries.

3. You need to listen to your body. If a trainer, for example, advises doing squats with a minimum weight of 2x5 kg, and you are physically unable to complete the exercise to the end, it is better to stop and select the optimal load for yourself.

4. Don’t be afraid of becoming “over-pumped.” Without appropriate specialized nutrition and working with serious weights, this is very difficult to achieve. Body Pump specifically works out the relief of the body.

5. There is no need to take excessive weight and perform exercises at an insufficient pace or with poor technique. You won’t achieve the effect, but your body won’t thank you.

6. During intense exercise, energy consumption per workout is approximately 500-600 kcal.

If you are just planning to try this program, then check out the recommendations for the weight of the barbell, which will vary depending on the muscle being trained. However, it should be noted that the following are only approximate figures calculated for the average girl with standard physical fitness. Your weight may vary up or down.

1. Warm-up – 2x3.75 kg
2. Squats – 2x5 kg
3. Chest – 2x2.5 kg
4. Back – 2x3.75 kg
5. Triceps – 2x2.5 kg
6. Biceps – 2x2.5 kg (or 2 dumbbells 1.25-2.5 kg each)
7. Legs – 2x3.75 kg
8. Shoulders – 2x2.5 kg (or 2 dumbbells 1.25-2.5 kg each)

During your first workout, try not to force things, exercise with light weights and carefully repeat the exercises after the trainer. Then you will get your bearings and select the optimal load for yourself.

With the development of Body Pump, Les Mills have made a real breakthrough in the field of group fitness. If you discover this program, then the question of how to lose weight easily and with pleasure can be considered closed. By the way, don’t forget to eat right while playing sports, see the list, and in the evening you can do it.

Having purchased a subscription to almost any fitness club, you will find a pump in its schedule. Because pump training is both an aerobic and strength exercise. Largely due to this, this direction and is considered attractive for novice athletes. Pump aerobics takes place at a fast pace accompanied by energetic music, thereby luring more and more new visitors to its classes.

Pump features

Pump or from the English Body pump is very popular and promoted in fitness clubs. As a rule, pumping is a group activity, but its peculiarity is that it is attended not only by females, but also by males. And, as you know, the main audience for group classes in fitness clubs are women.

But what is a pump? A pump is an intense workout with a mini-barbell aimed at major muscle groups. And, in addition to the fact that the workout itself is very fat-burning, it also involves choosing the working weight yourself. Therefore, you have the opportunity not only to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, but also, at the desired weight, on the contrary, to increase muscle mass.

Benefits of the pump

The pump has various benefits, perhaps it is because of this that the workout has gained so much fame in the world of fitness.

  • Combines two loads simultaneously
  • Constantly updating the training program
  • The workout includes working all muscle groups
  • The workout is perfect for beginners
  • Number of repetitions of exercises

The pump repertoire is changed almost every three months by the developers of the method, thanks to this there is no monotony in it. You can also independently adjust the weight of the mini-barbell, this makes it possible for beginners to attend classes, however, if you take a barbell that is too light, the effectiveness of the training will be significantly less. Well, the main thing is that the workout uses all the muscles of your body, and the body receives both aerobic and strength training. And due to repeated repetitions of each exercise, the muscles are worked more thoroughly.

How the training goes

The pump, like any other workout, begins with a warm-up. The lesson itself lasts 1 hour or 45 minutes, depending on the level of training. During the class, you work the muscles of your back, arms, legs and chest using exercises such as:

  • Chest press
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Bicep curls
  • Triceps curls
  • Standing Mini Barbell Press

A certain time and 2-3 exercises are allotted for each muscle system, so the lesson turns out to be very productive. Well, at the end of the aerobics pump, calm music is turned on, the lights are turned off and simple exercises at a slower pace for relaxation. This allows you to relieve tension from your body and not feel too tired.

Pump classes on your own

If a pump is a group program, this does not mean that practicing pumps on your own is impossible. Of course, under the guidance of a trainer, this is much easier and safer, but you can achieve good results alone. For independent training, you only need equipment that can be found in the gym of any fitness club. Well, if you want to exercise at home, then the equipment is sold in sports stores.

But in order to start training at home, it is better to take a couple of classes or study via video. The creators of this method, Les Mills, have recorded quite a lot of videos with pump training, thereby simplifying the task for fans of this sport.

Pump training modern direction in fitness, which has gathered a considerable number of followers due to its effectiveness. By exercising regularly, you will increase your strength and endurance. Dancing with a mini barbell will not leave anyone without results.

The system was developed by Les Mills in New Zealand. Body pump is a strength endurance training program. The system is focused on burning fat and increasing muscle mass. Trainings are conducted to rhythmic music. The complex includes bench press, squats and other exercises with a barbell, dumbbells, strength training without sports equipment, and exercises on cardio equipment.


Before starting training, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the program. Pros of Body Pump:

  1. A combination of aerobic and strength exercises. The effect is achieved by using moderate weight of the barbell and accelerating the tempo of movements.
  2. Regular updates of Body Pump training programs designed for people of different weights and fitness levels.
  3. Working not only on problematic ones, but on all muscle groups. Due to this, classes give a good effect.
  4. System versatility.
  5. There is no risk of gaining excess muscle mass. For this purpose, other types of loads are used in fitness.
  6. The ability to independently select the weight of equipment without instructions from an instructor some time after the start of training. A trained body itself tells you which barbells are comfortable for it.


Before starting classes, it is important to consider that any set of exercises has its limitations. Disadvantages of Body Pump:

  1. The program is not suitable for a beginner who has not previously played sports at all.
  2. A set of exercises can lead to injury, because movements require the endurance of the athlete.
  3. To practice pump aerobics at home, you will have to buy equipment.
  4. Mistakes when performing exercises lead to pain in the back, lower back, and knees.

How does pump training work?

Pump aerobics takes place to the accompaniment of energetic music. Starting to practice this system at home is problematic: the program requires physical training and special equipment. For correct execution exercises, the instructions of a professional trainer are important.

Minimum set for Body Pump:

  • high-quality sports sneakers with foot support;
  • barbell (plates for its bar are selected taking into account individual physical data);
  • step-platform (experts recommend purchasing, but the presence of this item is not necessary).

For independent training, the system was personally adapted by Les Mills. The program was called Pump Workout. It includes 8 groups of exercises:

  1. "Basics". Lasts 10 minutes. Basic exercises from this set are aimed more at mastering technique than at developing muscles.
  2. "Challenge". Lasts 25 minutes. A set of exercises is performed with a barbell at a slow pace and is considered a general strengthening exercise.
  3. "Barn." Lasts 35 minutes. At this stage of pump training, the pace gradually increases. Light weights are added to the bar (up to 2.5 kg for men, up to 1.5 kg for women).
  4. "Shred." The first level of intense exercises of the complex. The set is aimed at burning fat and forming a strong muscle frame. Lasts no more than 45 minutes.
  5. "Revolution". Lasts up to 55 minutes. At this level, all muscle groups of the athlete are involved, and the number of repetitions of movements reaches 800.
  6. "Extreme". Includes an hour-long workout at maximum pace. Completing this level helps you burn 550–600 kilocalories.
  7. "Flow." A group of stretching exercises. The movements are borrowed from fitness and yoga. The pump training stage lasts 20 minutes.
  8. "Hardcore". The final part of the Body Pump. The level lasts 15–20 minutes. At this time, the athlete intensively works the abs and leg muscles.

For weight loss

Pump fitness helps you lose weight quickly. To lose weight with this program, it is recommended to exercise at least 3 times every week. The most effective complexes for burning fat:

  • "Shred";
  • "Revolution";
  • "Extreme".

Training should be alternated with aerobic exercise. If Body Pump is the first experience of sports in a person’s life, then you should not overload. In this case, aerobics is replaced by moderate physical activity. As you lose weight, you can add 20 minutes of cardio (exercise on a stepper or treadmill).

To lose weight using the Body Pump system, it is important to eat right. Fasting is strictly prohibited. Diets with significant calorie deficits and an imbalance of fats and proteins can be detrimental to human health. Body Pump strength endurance exercises require a lot of energy. Otherwise, you may develop problems with your immune system and experience hair loss.

Experts recommend consuming 1.5 g of protein and 1 g of fat per 1 kg of body weight when losing weight. The amount of carbohydrates is adjusted individually, taking into account the person’s physical activity. Household physical activity, running and walking will help burn extra calories, which will allow you to avoid a strict low-carb diet.

For gaining muscle mass

Research has proven that you can build muscle mass through Body Pump training. Previously, an experiment was conducted in which 12 respondents took part. All of them trained according to the Body Pump program 3 times a week, without skipping.

Participants ate more protein foods, but overall the diet was not in a calorie deficit (2000 kcal for women, 2500 kcal for men). Only the amount of fat was limited (butter, fatty meat, red fish, cream, etc.) As a result of the experience, each respondent managed to gain about 800 g of pure muscle mass.

If a person has weak individual muscle groups, then Body Pump is supplemented with auxiliary strength training under the supervision of a trainer. The additional workout lasts about 20 minutes. It is recommended to do it 2 times a week.

Sports training can not only help to acquire a beautiful body contour, but also cause harm. To prevent classes in the Body Pump program from causing injury, beginners should follow a number of recommendations:

  1. The first classes should be carried out with light weight. Excessive loads to an unprepared person harmful.
  2. When training at home, it is important to ensure required quantity fresh air. For this purpose, classes are conducted in a well-ventilated area.
  3. It is important to observe regular training according to the Body Pump program (once every 3 days). No omissions allowed. Prolonged rest (more than 48 hours) will lead to loss of muscle tone.
  4. The working weight for an athlete who has been training using the Body Pump system for more than 1 month should not be too large or small. Standard recommendation: 1.25–2.5 kg on each side for arms, from 3.75 for legs.
  5. It is worth listening carefully to the advice of a professional trainer.
  6. Music during pump aerobics should not be too loud and interfere with concentration. It plays the role of a background, not an accompaniment to the lesson.
  7. You should take a break of at least 48 hours between workouts. Light cardio exercises are allowed at this time. Other strength activities are prohibited.


Before starting classes, you should consult with your trainer and doctor. Body Pump requires a certain level of training of the athlete. In addition, the program has contraindications:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • spinal injuries;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • rehabilitation period after surgical operations.


Large and voluminous body shapes have long been out of fashion. Moreover, this applies not only to women, but also to men. In order to get their body in order, tone muscles and lose weight, many people go to the gym or hire personal fitness trainers. Others prefer to do everything at home. The main assistant in such a difficult task is the pump. We will tell you more about this type of training later.

According to many sports fans, pump exercises can be compared to an effective fat-burning exercise. At the same time, it affects not only individual (for example, exclusively problem areas), but also increases the overall tone of the whole body.

Operating principle

Pump training is usually performed according to a specific program consisting of a set of sequential exercises. It is based on a highly effective low-impact load exerted on the trainee’s body for 1 hour. During this barbell workout, you will be able to thoroughly work out the following zones and areas of the body:

  • Chest and back.
  • Arms (shoulders, biceps and triceps).
  • Legs and buttocks.
  • Abdomen (upper and lower abs).

As you can see, pump training perfectly tightens all muscles, improves mood and increases the body's protective functions.

What are the advantages of classes?

These classes have a number of advantages, including:

  1. The ability to combine aerobic and strength training for greater efficiency.
  2. Training is fun and to the rhythm of music.
  3. The opportunity to acquire a beautiful, toned and sculpted body by performing exercises with weights.
  4. Not only men, but also women can train.

Moreover, the pump is a great opportunity to work out each muscle individually. Let us remember that during such intense exercises it is possible to use all muscle groups. This means that you don’t have to worry about being pumped up by using a barbell. Thanks to a carefully designed program, your entire body will change and acquire beautiful shape evenly.

And more about the benefits of training

Pump aerobics makes it possible to control and increase the load on the body due to regularly updated programs (this happens no more than once every 3 months) and the weight of the weights for the barbell. This approach allows you to load your muscles to the best of your ability.

According to the stories of many users, changing the program is simply necessary, as the muscles get used to regular exercise. This leads to the fact that the previous training will no longer bring the same results. Currently, about 93 issues of the program have already been released, and they continue to be supplemented.

General description of the workout

When choosing pump fitness, you should be prepared for intense exercise. This type of training usually begins with a short warm-up. To do this, you should jump rope for 15-20 minutes, run in place, or perform a cycle of 10-15 “Jumping Jack” jumps (jumping with legs and arms spread wide apart). Next, a specific complex is performed, which includes the following exercises:

  • Chest press and squats.
  • Deep and cross lunges.
  • Arm curls (biceps and triceps strengthening exercises).
  • Press from a standing position.

It is noteworthy that each muscle group is assigned 2-3 diverse exercises. In this case, all exercises are repeated 2-3 times, and a small barbell is used during the entire complex. Pump is an intense workout that involves not only rhythmic exercise, but also a certain relaxation.

As a rule, the training itself takes from 1 hour to 1 hour and 45 minutes. After intense exercise, a short relaxation complex is performed to restore strength and properly relax. It usually takes 4-5 minutes.

Who can do it?

Exercise with a barbell better for people more or less prepared. Still, these are exercises with weights. Therefore, they are not suitable for beginners. In addition, it is far from easy for beginners to complete the entire workout. And the next day they simply cannot avoid the consequences in the form of sore throat.

This workout will be ideal for people who do not like to work out in the gym. Since the pump is also suitable for home exercises, it brings double joy to those who cannot stand stuffy and crowded places. However, for those who love exercise equipment, it is also suitable. To do this, just attend a group class at a fitness club.

Who shouldn't exercise?

The pump is still an intense workout. Therefore, it is not suitable for everyone. For example, it should not be used by people who have suffered spinal injuries. It is not recommended for those who have problems with joints and veins, as well as signs of heart failure. Training is strictly prohibited for men and women with diagnosed heart defects and renal failure.

What do you need to study at home?

If you decide to experiment with your transformation at home, you need to purchase the following attributes and equipment:

  • A barbell bar and a set of iron plates for it.
  • Step platform.
  • Fitness shoes.

Moreover, it is necessary to find a suitable starter program specifically designed for home use. For example, these were exactly the ones that were developed for lovers of these exercises by Les Mills.

Before you begin interesting and effective fat-burning activities, you must consider the following recommendations:

  • To avoid overload, start your workout with light weights.
  • Perform all exercises without sudden jerks and follow the advice of the video trainer.
  • Monitor the program updates and gradually increase the load.
  • Develop a habit of exercising and do it regularly. In order to get the full effect of your exercises, perform a set of exercises 3-4 days a week.

In short, start with a small load and increase it gradually. Follow the trainer's recommendations and do not overuse the weight of the pancakes. Your barbell should not be too light or too heavy. Everything in moderation. And only then is it possible to count on a quick and 100% result.

Find out what a pump is in fitness and make your dreams of a beautiful body come true. You will not only pump up your biceps and become a resilient person, but also tighten your stomach, buttocks, and get rid of back pain. According to athletes, Body Pump is an excellent calorie burner.

What is Body Pump

Body Pump is a barbell workout that is designed to burn excess fat. It is performed at an accelerated pace to music. Its creators - famous company Les Mills. The developers made sure that all muscle groups worked during the training process. The weight of the bar is adjustable so you can perform a large number of approaches of exercises. You can start with zero weight and gradually add pancakes. To start training, experience in such training is absolutely not important. The result will be achieved if you carefully follow all the trainer’s recommendations.

Benefits of Body Pump Training

The benefits of Body Pump are so great that it's hard to resist the temptation to try the workout for yourself. After all, a number of advantages have made such intense power aerobics so popular all over the world. They are:

  • A complex approach. Synthesis of aerobic, strength exercises.
  • A fast pace of movements that will allow you to get rid of a couple of extra pounds and give your body a toned and slender look.
  • Exercises are updated every 3 months. In this situation, your muscles do not get used to one exercise, and the workout becomes more varied.
  • An hour-long exercise involves all the muscles of the buttocks, back, shoulders, legs, and arms.
  • Pump training is suitable for absolutely everyone. People who are not able to immediately start exercising with a heavy load can perform exercises with an empty bar.
  • Adjustable load intensity. You can increase or decrease the weight of the dumbbell at your discretion.

The simplicity of the exercises and smart approach will allow you to achieve an ideal healthy body. The benefits will make you think about the opportunity to join the ranks of those who have already experienced the effectiveness of the developed body pump program and start training.

Disadvantages of Body Pump Training

Barbell training has gained popularity among a wide range of coaches and athletes. People who study this program leave only positive reviews. It is difficult to assess the effectiveness of such exercises unless you personally attend at least one class. Any aerobics or set of exercises has its limitations in use. Remember that a competent approach and working with a coach can improve your achievements. Please note the disadvantages of Body Pump:

  • the program is not suitable for beginners who have never trained physical activity;
  • a set of exercises requires increased endurance;
  • You can get injured while doing this sport;
  • Improper execution of the technique can lead to pain in the knees, back, and lower back;
  • training is contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension, varicose veins, pain in the joints and spine and serious illnesses;
  • If you do pump fitness at home, you will have to purchase equipment.

Body Pump for weight loss

Everyone wants to be the owner of a sculpted torso and toned muscles. To keep your body in shape, you need to spend a lot of time in the gym. Body Pump workout for weight loss is a great opportunity to lose weight overweight and restore elasticity to the body. Under the guidance of an experienced mentor, you can improve the effectiveness of your classes. The fair sex will enjoy pump aerobics. During such a workout, strength loads alternate with stretching, gymnastic exercises and breaks.

Body Pump at home

Not everyone has time to visit fitness clubs and gyms. If desired, you can conduct Body Pump classes at home. This is possible if you have sufficient free space and necessary equipment. For training you will need: a barbell, sportswear, comfortable and light shoes. It is worth remembering that one lesson a week will not be enough to lose weight and maintain muscle tone. You should try to train every 3-4 days.

Video: Body Pump workout