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» What is a singularity? Singularity point. Black hole singularity. Cosmological singularity

What is a singularity? Singularity point. Black hole singularity. Cosmological singularity

Today, the question of what a singularity is concerns not only people interested in science, but also the best scientists in the world. We come across this term in mathematics, physics, astronomy, cosmology and others. exact sciences. Its interpretation varies slightly, but the principle remains the same. Therefore, now we will take one look at what a singularity is from different points of view, and find out why this mysterious phenomenon is so interesting for researchers.

General interpretation of the term

Before we begin to delve into the secrets of the Universe, let us turn to the history of the universe. The most correct version of the origin of the world at the moment is the Big Bang theory. At the moment of the birth of everything that surrounds us, there was only one single point of singularity. Its size is not known exactly, but for understanding, scientists often compare it to a pea. At the same time, you should not think that this mini-ball could be held in your hand. Its mass was equal to the mass of all the stars and galaxies that exist in space today. Moreover, the temperature of this pea simply went off scale, and the gravitational force in it was higher than that of currently existing black holes. In other words, the singularity point is a unit of space-time that contained all the matter filling our Universe.

How did time appear?

It is certainly worth highlighting that the term “matter” means not only outer space, consisting of billions of astronomical units, but also all time periods. Yes, it is difficult to imagine, but to understand what a singularity is, you need to imagine time as a spatial dimension in which you can move both forward and backward. All this is inextricably linked with the curvature of space, which we will talk about below. Scientists also do not know how long this pea existed by earthly standards. The paradox is that in such a compressed state in any dimension, infinity is equal to zero. Later, the singularity point began to grow, the temperature in it fell, and the particles repelled each other. So time separated from other dimensions and ceased to be a spatial unit. Therefore, today it can only go forward.

Cosmological concepts

As you know, the science of cosmology studies the evolution of the Universe. All the so-called eras that followed the Big Bang are considered here. It was in accordance with this theory that scientists hypothesized that the Universe arose from a singularity. However, the period of existence of the latter cannot be determined. Based on this, the two most plausible versions are still being carefully studied. The first is that our world is static. The Big Bang occurred at a certain moment when all the particles, which were in a state of infinite compression, sharply pushed away from each other. In addition, the singularity of the Universe before the explosion was characterized by the presence of matter and antimatter. To date, scientists have not discovered a single antiparticle. The second version is based on the fact that the Big Bang is the present of space. It has been established that galaxies are constantly moving away from each other, therefore, the process of expansion of the world continues to this day.

Singularity in cosmology

In the evolution of the cosmos, oddly enough, there is no place for physical formulas and laws operating on Earth. This phenomenon is clearly demonstrated to us by the cosmological singularity. Of course, in practice it is impossible to find out in what state matter was at the moment of the birth of the world, but theoretically scientists have calculated paradoxical patterns. The first is the curvature of space-time. This means that it is impossible to lay a straight geodesic line or angle in the singularity sphere. The second is, as we have already said, a completely different time. Here you can get to any point in the time period. The cosmological singularity, according to scientists, is the starting point, which is called the Big Bang. During this period, the density and temperature of the substance were close to infinite. At the same time, the measure of chaos tended to zero, multiplying the two previous units by itself. From the point of view of earthly physics, temperature and density cannot simultaneously be in an infinite state. And this is just one of many paradoxes that scientists cannot solve.

Old and new theory

Many years ago, Albert Einstein gave the world the famous theory of relativity, which is now called the theory of gravity. Thanks to it, today we describe all the phenomena in space and time that surround us. According to the theory, physical objects cannot have a singularity. That is, in practice, no substance or matter can have a mass, density or temperature equal to infinity. But mathematics is known as a theoretical science, because it has a place for functions with infinite values. By superimposing one area of ​​knowledge onto another, we get approximate calculations of what could have happened at the moment of the Big Bang. These, as already mentioned, are points with infinite physical quantities. This phenomenon is called a physical or cosmic singularity. But its laws are not comparable with the theory of relativity. A new theory of quantum gravity can explain this phenomenon. This is where the behavior of light, its properties and significance in the Universe are studied. The theory itself does not yet exist, but there are certain calculations and prerequisites that can become its basis.

Unraveling the mysteries of gravity

In astrophysics there is such a thing as escape velocity. It is used to determine the degree of acceleration with which a certain object can resist. For example, a rocket, given its mass, must move at a speed of about 12 km/s to leave the Earth's atmosphere. But if our planet had a diameter of not 12,742 kilometers, but one centimeter, then to overcome the gravitational field it would be necessary to move at a speed greater than. In this case, the Earth would not be surrounded by the force of gravity we are used to, but by a gravitational singularity. Of course, everything is as if our planet accepts similar sizes, it will turn into a black hole. But such an experience makes it possible to understand the significance of gravity in the Universe.

What does the force of gravity depend on?

The closer the atoms are to each other, the denser the substance. If the molecules somehow interact with each other, then a heating process occurs, therefore, the temperature of this substance rises. Under earthly conditions, such processes occur within certain limits, which is why we have long invented formulas that allow us to calculate the behavior of any chemical element. All because the power gravity prevents particles from approaching less than a certain distance and moving away more than a certain amount. In outer space, where there are wastelands between galaxies, space is especially rarefied, this is called a vacuum. There is no gravity here in principle, so a small amount of matter remains in chaos. Near very dense objects (giant blue stars, quasars, and black holes), the force of gravity rises to values ​​that are unrealistic for us earthlings. The particles here are located so close to each other that a phenomenon called “gravitational singularity” is formed. This is the very basis that influences the distortion of space and the degree of curvature.

Gravity and the behavior of matter

Matter is not sucked into the singularity region. Only cosmic wind and microscopic particles are attracted there. But a person, purely theoretically, can go to such areas of his own free will. They are located in quasars and black holes and, alas, are deadly for living beings from a biological point of view. Once in an area of ​​high tidal force, the body will begin to stretch both along and across. As a result, the outline of a person will envelop the sphere and will rotate in it. Theoretically, if the eyes still see and transmit a signal, he will be able to simultaneously see all parts of his body, including his face, which will rotate in front of him, exceeding the speed of light. It is clear that in this form human body cannot exist, but this concerns earthly physics. However, such an example gives us the opportunity to imagine what a singularity is from a practical point of view. It would be interesting to assume that we are like biological species we will be able to accept these new physical laws and exist in such forms, forming new worlds for ourselves.

Time flow

What time is can be debated forever. Today it is defined as the process of passing physiological, physical and mental processes for living organisms and matter of our world. But the properties of time, it hidden possibilities have not been studied yet. We perceive it as something subjective, and this can be carefully tracked by remembering our past years. When we lived through the first year of life, this period for us was equal to 100 percent. He was the only thing we had, all our lives and experiences. On his second birthday, one year already became 50 percent, on his third - only the third. By the age of 80, one year was already only 1/80 of life and meant practically nothing. This happened because during the first year everything we saw was new. Subsequently, we came across more and more familiar things and phenomena. That’s why it seemed that childhood lasted an incredibly long time, and adult years flew by instantly. This clear example how one person's perception distorts the passage of time. But what happens if you look at this term from an astronomical point of view?

Time at the beginning of time

This was a small digression that made it possible to understand everything that we see. Being locked within the framework of physics and, moreover, our own perception, it is difficult for us to imagine that the world was and can be completely different. So, the singularity of time had the same place in cosmology as the singularity of space. Now it will take 0.2 hours to cover a distance of 1 kilometer at a speed of 5 km/h. It takes several years to fly from Earth to Saturn. But what about time if all the distance in the world is equal to 1 centimeter? Multiplying such insignificant parameters by an infinitely large density and mass, we obtain the curvature of space-time. This means that at the moment when the Universe was singular, everything that we see now could happen. Events may have been mixed up, incredibly distorted and juxtaposed. To put it simply, any material object could look into the past of the Earth or another planet, as well as into its future.

Technology and entering a new era

There is also the so-called singularity theory, according to which our planet will soon turn into a large biotechnical intelligence. According to researchers, by the middle of the 21st century a computer will be created whose capabilities will exceed the capabilities of the brain. Artificial intelligence will naturally prevail over less developed creatures. This moment will come. This name was invented because it is unknown how such a progressive leap in the field of science will end and whether humanity will be able to survive.


The singularity of the black hole, from which this cosmic object actually consists, is one of the biggest mysteries of the world. The wormhole itself actually looks not like a hole with a funnel and a narrow tunnel, but like a sphere formed by a gigantic force of gravity. We have already talked about black holes above, defining them as deadly objects in the Universe. The force of their compression is incredibly high, because at the event horizon space bends and time stops. The black hole singularity is comparable to the Big Bang theory. It has not been thoroughly studied, but it is believed that the compression force inside the wormhole is the same as at the moment of the birth of the world. That is why there is a theory that black holes are the evolution of new Universes that exist in parallel with ours.

Appendix explaining part of the theory

In general terms, the theory of infinite density is explained by the game “Singularity”. Completing a mission involves moving in space and time, where these two concepts are united. The hero moves between 1950 and 2010, correcting the mistakes of Soviet scientists and rescuing modern convicts imprisoned on an island surrounded by radiation. If you immerse yourself in this world, you can gradually understand what time means in the spatial dimension.


Studying all the secrets of space that relate to gravity makes it possible to understand that the theory of relativity limits us to the utmost. Of course, this is an incredible find for terrestrial conditions, but if we're talking about about exploring other spaces, then it’s worth discarding all stereotypes. A concept such as “singularity” reverses the perception of sound, light pulses, curvature of space and duration of time. But so far it is found only in mathematical theory, but does not find an explanation in physical practice. The singularity of a black hole is now being studied in most detail, but it is believed that this region, although compressed to infinity, is not the most collapsed point in the Universe.

In philosophy, the word “singularity”, derived from the Latin “singulus” - “single, individual”, means the singularity, uniqueness of something - a being, an event, a phenomenon. Most of all, modern French philosophers thought about this concept - in particular, Gilles Deleuze. He interpreted singularity as an event that generates meaning and is of a point nature. “These are turning points and inflection points; bottlenecks, nodes, vestibules and centers; melting, condensation and boiling points; points of tears and laughter, illness and health, hope and despondency, points of sensitivity.” But at the same time, while remaining a specific point, the event is inevitably connected with other events. Therefore, the point is at the same time a line that expresses all the modifications of this point and its relationships with the whole world.

When will man create a machine that will smarter than a person, history will become unpredictable because it is impossible to predict the behavior of intelligence superior to human

In other sciences, the term “singularity” began to mean individual, special phenomena for which the usual laws cease to apply. For example, in mathematics, a singularity is a point at which a function behaves irregularly - for example, tends to infinity or is not defined at all. A gravitational singularity is a region where the space-time continuum is so curved that it becomes infinite. It is generally accepted that gravitational singularities appear in places hidden from observers - according to the “principle of cosmic censorship” proposed in 1969 by the English scientist Roger Penrose. It is formulated as follows: “Nature abhors naked (that is, visible to an external observer) singularity.” In black holes, the singularity is hidden behind the so-called event horizon - the imaginary boundary of the black hole, beyond which nothing escapes, not even light.

But scientists continue to believe in the existence of “naked” singularities somewhere in space. And the most striking example of a singularity is a state with an infinitely high density of matter that arises at the moment of the Big Bang. This moment, when the entire Universe was compressed into one point, remains a mystery to physicists - because it involves a combination of mutually exclusive conditions, for example, infinite density and infinite temperature.

In the IT sphere, they are waiting for the arrival of another singularity - a technological one. Scientists and science fiction writers use this term to designate the turning point after which technological progress will accelerate and become so complex that it will be beyond our understanding. This term was originally proposed by the American mathematician and science fiction writer Vernor Vinge in 1993. He expressed the following idea: when man creates a machine that is smarter than man, history will become unpredictable because it is impossible to predict the behavior of intelligence superior to human intelligence. Vinge suggested that this would happen in the first third of the 21st century, somewhere between 2005 and 2030.

In 2000, American expert on the development of artificial intelligence Eliezer Yudkowsky also hypothesized that perhaps in the future there will be an artificial intelligence program capable of improving itself at a speed many times greater than human capabilities. The proximity of this era, according to the scientist, can be determined by two signs: growing technological unemployment and the extremely rapid spread of ideas.

“This will probably be the most rapid technological revolution yet known to us,” Yudkowsky wrote. - It will most likely fall out of the blue - even for the scientists involved in the process... And then what will happen in a month or two (or a day or two) after that? There is only one analogy I can draw - the emergence of humanity. We will find ourselves in the post-human era. And despite all my technical optimism, I would be much more comfortable if I were separated from these supernatural events by a thousand years rather than twenty.”

The theme of technological singularity has inspired cyberpunk writers - for example, it appears in William Gibson's novel Neuromancer. It is also shown in the popular novel by modern science fiction writer Dan Simmons “Hyperion” - it describes a world, in addition to people, inhabited by AIs - that is, carriers of artificial intelligence who come into conflict with humanity.

How to say

Incorrect “It was a singular event when the mechanism got out of control.” That's right - “single”.

Correct “I am sure that sooner or later the Universe will collapse into a singularity again.”

Correct “I like this novel - best description technological singularity of all the things I've read."

Cosmological singularity is a theoretical construction of a certain state in which the Universe was at the initial moment. The peculiarity of this state is that it is characterized by infinite density and at the same time infinite temperature.

The emergence of the concept

A cosmological singularity is a special case of a gravitational singularity. If we are accustomed to considering matter as some smooth and boundless space (manifold), then in the region of gravitational singularity space-time is curved. In 1915 - 1916 great physicist Albert Einstein published his theory, according to which gravitational effects exist not as a consequence of the work of any forces arising between bodies or in fields, but as a result of the distortion of space-time itself. Using his equations, Einstein was able to describe the relationship between the curvature of space-time and the matter that is in it.

Later, in 1967, Stephen Hawking used Einstein's equations for general relativity, which describe the dynamics of the Universe, to obtain solutions for elapsed time. That is, he determined the state of the Universe at the initial moment of its existence, and proved that such a moment really exists.

Gravitational singularity

It is not yet possible to accurately describe the gravitational singularity for the reason that many known quantities within its limits tend to infinity or become uncertain. For example, the energy density of the chosen frame of reference for this region or the scalar curvature.

Thanks to the work of theoretical physicists, we have strict evidence that such a gravitational singularity must be located in the hearts of black holes, namely behind, otherwise the black hole simply would not have formed. Unfortunately, it is impossible in principle to observe anything beyond the event horizon, although there are suggestions that there are black holes whose singularity extends slightly beyond its limits and can be observed. The cosmological singularity is called “naked” because theoretically it could be seen.

Properties, paradoxes and consequences of cosmological singularity

The main characteristics of the singularity are simultaneously infinite temperature and density of matter. One can try to imagine such a phenomenon as the concentration of an infinitely large mass in an infinitely small volume. However, according to physical calculations, these two quantities cannot simultaneously tend to infinity. As is known, temperature is closely related to the measure of chaos, which can only decrease with increasing density, just like temperature itself.

It is reliably known that there is a certain moment in time at which the Universe was born from a singularity. But we cannot obtain any knowledge about what happened before the singularity from calculations or observations. Also, the central point, the core from which the Big Bang occurred, cannot be found. And most importantly, how the cosmological singularity gave birth to the unthinkable of our Universe.

Unfortunately, today the developed physical structures cannot explain the presence of such a phenomenon as singularity, since all existing laws of physics are not applicable in its area. As I said famous physicist modernity Michio Kaku: “we call the singularity what we cannot understand.”

Space-time is the stage on which the entire history of the Universe unfolds: from the moment of the Big Bang, through the birth Milky Way, Suns and the rise of dinosaurs - to Alexander the Great and electronic popular science magazines.

The word continuum is often added to it, from the Latin “continuous” - but in some places space-time breaks off. Here the usual laws of physics lose their force. Time looks different here. You can’t even say “here” here, because there is no space here. This is the realm of nowhere and never. This is a gravitational singularity.

The attraction of geometry

Since the time of the ancient Greeks, space seemed to be something unchanging, constant, homogeneous, and time - an unrelated cyclical spiral of eternal return and repetition. By the era of scientific and technological revolutions, these ideas only became stronger. The Cartesian coordinate system outlined the world with three mutually perpendicular axes, time straightened into a separate straight arrow, independent of space (and nothing at all). In many ways, we still live in those ideas that arose back in the 18th century.

The revolutionary nature of Einstein's views largely consisted in the understanding of two important facts, changing views of both time and space. Firstly, they are interconnected and represent a single space-time continuum. And secondly, this continuum is not at all immutable and constant: it is deformed in the presence of any form of energy, including in the form of mass.

The classic way to imagine this world renewed by Einstein comes from geometry. Imagine a two-dimensional space - a tightly stretched net on which a heavy billiard ball is placed. Run past it tennis ball: the ball has stretched the net a little, and the ball will deflect in its movement, as if attracted by it, and perhaps even “fall” on it. Gravity in Einstein's understanding can be considered as geometric property space-time, its distortion arising under the influence of energy (mass). Even a simply rotating massive body carries with it a “grid” of space-time.

Mentally expand this example to four dimensions (three spatial plus one time) and you get a rough geometric model of real space-time. Please note: where there is mass (energy), there are no straight coordinate axes, and time itself ceases to be rectilinear and uniform for all observers. The idea of ​​a straight line turns out to be simply a mathematical abstraction: the most direct thing we know from physics is the trajectory of a light ray, the movement of a photon - but this is also distorted by gravity. The attracted matter moves locally in a straight line, but in global consideration this straight line turns out to be a curve in the gravitational field.

Breaking the networks

But what if we throw something heavier onto the grid from our geometric example instead of a billiard ball? Dumbbell, two-pound weight. Most likely, our demonstration exhibit will not hold up and will burst, and in the center of it only a hole, threads, and fragments of the space-time of our model will remain. Something like a singularity.

Even in a philosophical sense, singularity is the antonym of continuity (continuity, absence of gaps, quantization, separation into fragments - NS). A singularity is something that happens only once. The point to which events were heading until they resolved with a unique outcome. Explosion, merger, liberation. At singularity points, mathematical functions dramatically change their behavior: they rush to infinity, break, and suddenly turn to zero. If the variable X tends to zero, and the function of X tends to infinity, know: you are already in a singularity. In the region where the continuous (continuum) geometry of space-time breaks off, something completely unimaginable happens.

It is surprising that the General Theory of Relativity itself indicates the limits of its applicability: it “does not work” at the singularity. Moreover, the theory not only indicates the very possibility of the existence of gravitational singularities, but in some cases makes them generally mandatory. We are talking, in particular, about black holes - objects of colossal density, which makes them incredibly massive for their size.

A black hole may have a mass comparable to the mass of a large planet or a billion large stars, but this mass determines only the size of the region around it where only gravity reigns - and from where nothing can escape, neither matter, nor radiation, nor information. The size of this “region of no return” is called the Schwarzschild radius, and it is limited by the event horizon, a conventional line, on one side of which the Universe lives by its own laws, and on the other the singularity reigns.

Gravitational plus cosmological

It is commonly said that at a singularity “the laws of physics no longer apply.” This is not so - it’s just that the usual laws do not apply here, just as the laws do not apply classical mechanics to the world of quantum particles. As German professor Klaus Ugl colorfully put it, the behavior of mathematical equations and functions at a singularity “becomes pathological.” It is quite simple to notice this point - it is enough to observe the behavior of freely falling particles.

Regardless of the type of particle itself, or where exactly it falls, it tends to move along the most straight trajectory that exists under the given conditions. In empty space, near the surface of the Earth or beyond the event horizon, a particle changes its trajectory only under the influence of other forces, including gravity. But at a singularity, the gravitational field increases to infinity, and the freely falling particle simply... ceases to exist.

The straight lines break off here (this property of singularity is called geodesic incompleteness), and with them the fate of the particle ends. As shown about 40 years ago great mathematician Roger Penrose, geodesic incompleteness must occur inside any black hole. Subsequently, his calculations were developed by Stephen Hawking, expanding these ideas to the entire Universe.

Yes, in the beginning there was a singularity. Back in 1967, Hawking strictly proved that if we take any solution to the equations of the General Theory of Relativity and “unfold them” back in time, then in any situation in the expanding Universe we will come to it, to a singularity. From the endless failure of this “cosmological mother” the flower of our space-time blossomed.

However, for all its beauty, the “Penrose–Hawking singularity theorem” only indicates the possibility of their existence. They say absolutely nothing about what happens there, inside, what can be “seen” in the heart of a black hole and what the Universe was like before the Big Bang. Let’s take, for example, Hawking’s cosmological singularity: it must have both infinite density and infinite temperature, which have so far been impossible to combine. After all, infinite temperature means infinite entropy, a measure of the chaos of the system - and infinite density, on the contrary, indicates chaos tending to zero.

The singularity is laid bare

However, this is far from the only oddity around the singularity. Among the outlandish hypotheses built on the strict basis of the general theory of relativity, it is worth recalling the idea of ​​​​the existence of “bare singularities” - not surrounded by an event horizon, and therefore completely observable from the outside.

According to some physicists, a naked singularity could emerge from an ordinary black hole. If a black hole rotates extremely quickly, the singularity may take on the ring-shaped shape of a torus surrounded by an event horizon instead of a point. The faster the hole rotates, the more the outer and inner horizons converge - and at some point they can merge, disappearing.

Unfortunately, in reality it is not yet possible to observe a naked singularity, but in science fiction it occurs regularly. One of the colonies inhabited by intelligent beings in the cult film saga “Battlestar Galactica” does not revolve around a star or planet, but around such a naked singularity.

It is worth saying that Roger Penrose introduced the principle of cosmic censorship into cosmology, the assumption according to which there cannot be naked singularities in the Universe. The scientist figuratively formulated his approach: “Nature does not tolerate naked singularities.” This principle still remains unproven and not completely refuted.

How to (not) get into the singularity

Reasoning logically, we can come to the conclusion that we will never be able to find ourselves inside the singularity - right up to the moment of the final destruction of the Universe. Let's imagine a particle attracted to a black hole. Here she is, accelerating, approaching her in a spiral. The stronger the gravity and the higher the speed, the more, according to Einstein’s equations, the flow of time slows down. Finally, our particle crosses the event horizon.

How long did it take her to do this? To an outside observer, this could be years. But now the particle rushes to the singularity in the center of the hole - the space-time around it literally rears up, time practically stops for the particle. You can imagine it the other way around: the time of the Universe accelerates almost infinitely in comparison.

But even black holes are not eternal. As Stephen Hawking showed back in the 1970s, as a result of the complex interplay of gravity and quantum effects at the event horizon, all black holes gradually evaporate and sooner or later disappear. Perhaps the particle will also disappear without ever reaching the singularity. But here again paradoxes appear that are worse than those that Alice encountered in Wonderland. For example, where is this particle located?

From the point of view of theoretical physics, black holes are empty. Yes, they are limited by the event horizon, but beyond it there is nothing that could be measured, designated, recorded - which means there is nothing at all. The entire mass of a black hole is concentrated in a singularity - an infinitesimal point surrounded by a sphere of almost metaphysical darkness.

What's inside her?

Some theorists believe that the Universe does not tolerate not only naked singularities, but also discontinuities in space-time. Therefore, each singularity is a wormhole - a kind of failure, a tunnel connecting one area of ​​the world with some other “direct passage”, figuratively called a “wormhole” or “wormhole”. But this is only a hypothesis, and it is unknown whether we will ever have the opportunity to confirm or refute it.

The main question remains: what is there inside the singularity? What happens after the fabric of space-time itself crumples, stretches, stands on end until it breaks completely? The answer is simple: unknown.

a region of space with unusual, extreme properties for most physical parameters. According to the Big Bang model, the beginning of the Universe came from a singularity.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


one of the concepts emerging in modern philosophy. The concept arises as an attempt to resolve certain contradictions that arise as a result of clarifying the essence of the concrete, the individual, as well as the essence of the relationship between the individual and the multiple, the abstract and the concrete. The concept of “singularity” was used in semiotics and analytical philosophy, but, in fact, it becomes largely thought out and essentially included in the sphere of reflection, first of all, in modern French philosophy. This concept receives the most complete and original interpretation in the philosophy of J. Deleuze.

The concept of S., analyzed quite deeply by Deleuze in many of his works, makes it possible to clarify the way of existence of plurality and singularity, that singularity that is essentially located before abstract unity or the One. The essence of the concept of series can be revealed through the concepts of convergence and divergence of series. S. is an event that has meaning or, in other words, meaning itself. The event itself, on the one hand, is of a point nature, on the other hand, since it is connected with other events, it must be considered as having a continuous nature, which on the surface of the world is recorded as the impossibility for an Event to exist in isolation from other events. Such an understanding of continuity, however, should not at all lead to a “blurring” of the meaning of an event and the flow of its meaning into some other one. The meaning of the event remains characterized by the concept of a point, but the point is of a proliferated nature. Such a proliferated point can be understood as a series. Any meaning, any event that has its own meaning can be reinterpreted within this proliferated point, which appears as a series or as a line that exhausts all modification options for this point. In the extreme, the possibilities for such a modification are infinite, and the point of the event then Coincides with the entire world. On the other hand, the event point, despite its proliferation, continues to have a point character, and this means that the proliferated point is at the same time a series, in other words, a line superimposed on other lines, which are essentially other points. The connection of point events is carried out precisely through this superposition of lines as proliferated points. Proliferation, therefore, allows for the connection of obviously point events through seriation. A series is a series of points, a series of proliferated singularities. The series is simultaneously a proliferated point, which, through its modification, transforms the meaning of an event and, thus, connects it with all other events, and a series of event points, the proliferations of which are superimposed on each other.

There are different events, or we can say that there are Miscellaneous events. Event difference. In this world it is impossible, for example, blue snow or green rose. In essence, this impossibility is the impossibility that lies at the foundation of this world. However, the impossible is the incompossible as the incompossibility of some events in the world. S., realizing a certain possibility of the world as this or that event, essentially represents through it a certain non-compossibility, which is primary than possibility, as Deleuze’s ideal Event is primary in relation to the incident. S., therefore, is the place of non-compossibility as the place where non-compossibility is revealed as more primary than compossibility. The non-compossibility of convergence (co-convergence) of some series can be revealed in the world in different ways, for example, as the non-compossibility of series of predicates. The noticed incompossibility, being expressed as a S., casts doubt on the usual co-possibility “given” to us, such as, for example, the co-possibility of the predicates “green” and “color,” thereby destroying the possibility of a verified combination of these predicates as genus-species connection. There are other possibilities for combining these predicates. S. is an event, a zero dimension, a point of continuous refinement, which, as a result of this refinement, turns into a series, line or plane. S. exists as the point of birth of the plane, as the point of the fractal, from which a structurally defined plane-world is inevitably built. The fractal point creates the world in its unfolding. S., as Deleuze notes, is independent of its actualizations. Actualization is always caused by S. itself; it is its proliferation at another point. There are no different aspects of one event as ways of seeing or interpretations of one event that are produced from incidents. There is one event that is serialized, an event that, like S., lasts itself in the series of S. Being the singularity of seriation, S. creates the compossibility of events or the compossibility of events. Event seriation is different events collected in the form of “views” of one event, essentially in the form of their compossibility. Initially, there is such a system where the singularities in their seriation spread in such a way that they produce or, in other words, find other systems compossible, simultaneously both as compossible and as incompossible. This means that any system combines the points of the system at its point. In other words, since S. is more primary than the filled space, which is real and which, following Deleuze, can be represented as a flat space, as a space devoid of depth and height, then S. is always more primary than its seriation, if only because there is always one WITH. There is only one S., and all others can be represented as lines of its seriation. Topologically, the plane folds the space of the plane-world into an “accordion,” and then all the points of other planes turn out to be truly collected into one point due to the fact that the plane, having no depth, allows this complete geometric coincidence of all points in one. Such folding means that at this complex or folded point there is no longer a S., but individuality as a place of folding of multiple points into one. On the other side. S., while retaining its characteristics of a single point, remains S. Here it can be noted that there is always some gathering, folding of many points into one, which leads, on the one hand, to the creation of an individual or concrete which in its essence is different from S., and on the other pole of this logic is the creation of the One, which again is the same simulacrum as the individual. As a result of such a “topological” structure, the question of what is initial is removed - the state when the points are scattered on the surface of the “unfolded” plane, actually forming it, or the state when the surface is bent so that the points on the plane coincide and are collected at one point and all others are presented through it. This S. plane does not have a “correct” state; it bends and unbends, each time leading to the coincidence of certain S. on this plane.

It should be noted that S. as a collection never exists as one thing, in other words, as concreteness. S. in its existence determines the possibility of other S. as the possibility of other events, more precisely, as their co-possibility within the framework of the logic of co-possibility immediately created by it, for each logic in essence is a tactic of co-possibility or a set of different tactics of co-possibility . But, defining any co-possibility, S. defines at the same time the non-compossible, which is more initial than the co-possible, since it is the non-compossible that fixes and determines some choirs of the world in such a way that some quanities cannot meet in it. The world exists as a determinate one, but at the same time it is determined primarily through its incompossibility. Making, however, the effort to define incompossibility, we bring out new areas of the world as a new determinate, constantly changing its boundaries. Thus, philosophy, which raises the question of the essence of S. and compossibility, is itself, to a large extent, an effort that demonstrates in thought the compossibility of those things that usually exist within the framework of non-compossibility.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓