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» Do-it-yourself scraping of old parquet and flooring - sanding wooden flooring without dust. Scraping a wooden floor: features of the technology How to scrape a wooden floor with your own hands

Do-it-yourself scraping of old parquet and flooring - sanding wooden flooring without dust. Scraping a wooden floor: features of the technology How to scrape a wooden floor with your own hands

Scraping is leveling using scraping. This action is performed either manually or using a special machine called a scraper. The name comes from hand tools, which used to be used to level floors - “scrape”. However, even now you can meet a person who would decide to do this type of repair manually.

Sanding differs from sanding in that rougher processing is carried out. wooden covering than when grinding. Quite a large amount is cut from the floor surface upper layer material, and the minimum is no more than half a millimeter.

Nowadays, truly cycle machines can be called, perhaps, drum machines, with the help of which it is good and old varnish coating. They are not very suitable for finer work. For other types of work, disc grinders are used.

However, the name firmly attached to such work is “scraping”.

We recommend checking out the company “Our – Parquet” Private master” which performs parquet scraping inexpensively and efficiently in Moscow and Moscow Region without dust at reasonable prices per m2.

1.2 Preparing the room for work

To do this you need to do a few simple steps:

1.3 Inspect the floor surface

Before we do the actual scraping, let's inspect our floors.

2. Let's start scraping

A scraper (grinding) machine is expensive, so it’s better to rent one; you must first read the instructions and also get advice from professionals. The best option- carry out everything yourself preparatory work, and entrust the scraping itself to professionals - and your nerves will be in order, and much less time will be spent.

If you decide to do everything yourself, then...

2.1 Let's start looping

  • Start sanding by taking into the work area a grinding machine, several types sandpaper(coarse, medium and fine grain), carefully plug all the cracks in the door leading to the living part of the apartment. Cover your ears with earplugs, put on glasses over your eyes, and a respirator over your nose and mouth. It is also necessary to ensure an influx fresh air. However, if the machine has a dust collector, the only equipment you will need is earplugs; such machines have not yet learned to operate quietly.

Video on how to scrape a floor:

2.2. We putty cracks and other imperfections after the car

The scraping itself is almost complete. We remove all dust from the floor, ceiling and walls using a vacuum cleaner. We examine the resulting surface. It is likely that some defects still remain, for example, small gaps. We cover them with special putty on water based, we use a pistol in our work. Then remove the excess solution with a rubber spatula and let it dry. We do the same with the holes from the nail heads. After the putty has dried, you may need to go through the sanding machine again with fine-grained sandpaper.

Advice. If you want to get a light varnished floor, cover it with a thin, almost invisible layer of putty. After drying, this floor will appear lighter. After applying the varnish, it will not darken, and the structure of the wood will be clearly visible.

If you carry out the final scraping with zero, give the room a “rest” - let all the dust that is in the air settle. Next, you need to thoroughly wet clean, removing dust from all surfaces and the floor. Now you can get started.

We looked at a common option for scraping a wooden floor. It is used on both old and new wood flooring.

3. Manual scraping of old parquet

Now let's look at one of the popular options - how to sand a floor covered with old, well-worn parquet. The option is valuable because these works, even performed by a professional professional equipment, will always cost less than . In addition, the old coating is very reliable, although time could not but affect it - small chips and cracks, places where the varnish has completely worn off. Let's try to bring all this back to its original form.

It is worth noting that now rarely does anyone ask the question of how to manually cycle floors. This is dictated by the fact that the machine method of performing such work is noticeably easier, faster and of better quality.

4. Machines for scraping and grinding floors (scraping equipment). Consumables

Below we will talk about parquet sanding machines. Because by sanding floors in most cases we mean sanding parquet, and not ordinary plank flooring. Although such machines can be used on it.

Why grinding and not scraping? Because this is the correct name for this type of machine. But we call them looping ones in the old fashioned way, often recalling L. Gaidai’s film “Obsession.”

4.1 Parquet sanding machines are:

Almost all modern machines for such work are equipped with dust collectors similar to vacuum cleaners. Therefore, there is much less dust during work, although you still cannot do without it.

Thus, when thinking about how to cycle floors, you need to think about one more question - how will you do it, manually or using technology. And if using technology, then which car should be preferred when renting. The purchase should be abandoned immediately. This technique is not cheap, but you only use it once, maximum twice, in your life.

4.2 Consumables

  • Putty;
  • Parquet varnish or paint (for regular floors);
  • Stationery knife;
  • or brush, rubber spatula

5. When you can and when you can’t cycle

Thinking about recovery parquet flooring and how to properly scrape a floor, you need to know that not every surface can be renewed using scraping. To do this you need to know the thickness flooring material. If the parquet board has a thickness of 0.8 cm, then it can be processed manually no more than three times; if it is 1.5 cm, then no more than 5 times. If the thickness of the boards is less than 0.8 cm, such parquet cannot be scraped. The same goes for regular wooden floors.

In a word, the more high-quality coating was started at the beginning, so large quantity It will withstand treatments.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you need to take care of your floor coverings. You should not walk on varnished parquet in stiletto heels, wash it with water, or move furniture on it. Use soft woven slippers at home by simply wiping the floor damp cloth, and make special gaskets under the furniture legs. Regularly coat your floor with protective products to extend the life of the varnish. Only in this case will you be able to enjoy the result of your labor for a long time, which is called floor scraping.

WITH According to professional terminology, the concept of scraping refers to scraping wooden surface for cleaning and leveling. Unlike sanding, floor scraping, namely floor scraping we will talk about in this article, is technological process for removing the old floor covering and leveling it. The very concept of scraping a wooden floor refers to repairs wooden floors and according to technology, after scraping the floor, it is followed by grinding and subsequent coating with protective varnishes or paints.

Manual and mechanical floor scraping

Wood floor scraping is divided into manual and mechanical scraping. For mechanical scraping of floors, they are used special machines various types. The main surface of the floor is scraped with bulky machines, the corners of the room are scraped with small grinding machines, and in all hard to reach places scraping is carried out using hand scrapers.

Sanding, a priori, involves removing a thick layer of a wooden surface, and sanding technology is used as a drastic measure to remove the top layer of wood, including layers of old varnish or paint, before revealing a layer of natural wood.

Stages of scraping a wooden floor

Let us highlight the following stages of floor scraping:

  • Preparing the room;
  • Surface inspection;
  • Choice between manual and mechanical scraping;
  • Mechanical scraping;
  • Sanding in corners and junctions;
  • Room cleaning;
  • Repairing defects in the floor;
  • Coating the floor with varnish or paint.

Preparing the room for scraping

  • To carry out sanding work, all furniture must be removed from the room;
  • If you plan to replace the baseboards, then the old baseboards must be removed;
  • The surface of the walls for a width of one meter must be protected with cellophane;
  • For work you will need a worker electric outlet or access to an electrical panel to connect an electric sanding machine.

Gender survey

  • The wooden parquet floor is inspected for the integrity of the parquet planks and their strong fastening. If necessary, broken parquet strips must be replaced.
  • The wooden plank floor is examined for strength. All floor boards must be firmly fixed and not sag or creak.
  • If the floor is covered with mastic, it can be removed with white spirit.

Sanding a wooden floor in three stages

1. At the first stage of scraping, the floor is processed by a scraping machine (machine scraping).

Machine scraping includes three stages of scraping. Each stage of machine sanding is carried out using sandpaper with different grain sizes. Begin surface treatment with coarse-grain sandpaper (No. 40), and finish with a third treatment with fine-grained sandpaper (No. 120). Sanding work is carried out at behind closed doors and windows of the room, wearing safety glasses and a respirator.

  1. The sanding machine “rolls” along the floor in parallel strips with stripes overlapping by 5-6 cm.
  2. The second scraping of the floor is carried out with a change in the number of sandpaper, in the direction perpendicular to the first scraping.
  3. The last layer of treatment of the wooden floor surface is carried out with fine-grained sandpaper (No. 120), in the direction of laying the floor boards.

2. Sanding in the corners of the room. In the corners of the room and where the floor meets the wall, the floor is scraped using a manual sanding machine.


3. In hard-to-reach places: under radiators, around pipes, the floor is scraped with a hand scraper.

The scraping ends with a thorough cleaning of the room(s) using a vacuum cleaner. The protective covering is removed from the walls.

Varnishing the floor after sanding

The floor is varnished the next day after sanding. The floor is vacuumed again and wiped with white spirit.

An excellent method for restoring a wooden floor is sanding. But scraping a wooden floor with your own hands is a labor-intensive process work that requires skill. In some cases, sanding the floor will not solve the problem. You may have to replace the entire floor covering. In this article we will look at these and other questions in detail.

When not to cycle

Floor scraping is advisable when the parquet floor is trampled evenly. There is no point in scraping the floor if:

  • there are potholes and uneven spots on the floor,
  • the parquet split, the lock bulged,
  • from the top parquet board the distance to the tongue is less than 5 mm,
  • fumes from the subfloor are observed in the room,
  • the parquet board is rotten.

Consumables and equipment

To perform parquet scraping on your own, you will need a set of the following tools:

  • Drum sander. For removing old varnish and rough leveling the surface.
  • Surface grinder. Used before applying varnish.
  • Angle grinder. Used for cleaning corners and other inconvenient places.
  • Industrial vacuum cleaner for removing dust.

For this equipment you need to purchase consumables:

  • For roughing, sandpaper P36-P40.
  • For fine grinding P60-P80.
  • To remove raised pile after applying the first layer of varnish P100-P120.
  • For flat grinder three disks with a reference point of 20 m 2.
  • Based on 20 m2 5 kg of parquet putty.
  • The same volume of parquet varnish.

Note! On average, sandpaper consumption is 1 mm per 10 m 2 of floor.

Some people decide to replace the angle grinder with an angle grinder with a cup-shaped grinding wheel. This is not recommended. This is due to the fact that a powerful tool will tear out of your hands and it will be difficult to control its operation when it comes into contact with the floor surface. As a result, potholes may form in the floor. As for choosing a vacuum cleaner, then Appliances will not be suitable. Their power is not enough to thoroughly remove all existing dust from the floor. And if the dust is not completely removed, it will be difficult to achieve mirror smoothness. If, due to some circumstances, you do not have the entire set of appropriate tools, then there is an option with manual scraping. True, manual scraping of parquet requires much more physical effort.

Safety precautions

When using electrical equipment, it is important to comply with safety regulations, so the first step is to take care of protective equipment. Not every power tool guarantees 100% dust collection. As a result, there will be a sufficient amount of fine particles. For this reason, protective glasses are needed for the eyes, a petal respirator for breathing, and a helmet or scarf for the hair. Also take into account the availability high level noise that is quite dangerous for hearing. Buy headphones. As for clothing, it is desirable that it fits snugly to the body and, if possible, is buttoned up to the neck. The cuffs should also fit snugly around your wrists to prevent dust from irritating your skin.

Note! Before starting work, remove carpets, tablecloths, and bedspreads from the apartment. They strongly attract dust. Windows must be completely open during operation.

Is sanding possible without dust?

If you use grinding machines, you will not be able to avoid dust. Although each unit is equipped with a dust collector, a small percentage of dust will be present in the air. To reduce the amount of dust, you can use imported draw machines. Unlike drum machines, they generate several times less dust. If the master specializes in parquet sanding, then belt sanders will the best option. In this case, the risk of developing pulmonary diseases is minimal.

Features of the work

Let's say a few words about the sandpaper for the sanding drum. The reverse side should indicate the direction for refueling it. As a rule, the direction is indicated by arrows. Refueling must be carried out in strict accordance with them. The working stroke of the scraping machine must be uniform and continuous. Otherwise, the drum will eat a hole in the parquet. After turning on the machine, the drum should gain good speed and only after that it can be leaned against the floor surface.

Note! Prolonged scraping across the wood fibers is unacceptable. This leads to the boards chipping and gouging.

The principle of scraping is as follows:

  1. Straight grain wood is removed from the floor. In the case when the parquet is laid in a herringbone pattern, its cleaning is carried out at 45° in relation to the parquet flooring. Finish sanding is carried out only along the parquet floors. As a result, the procedure is carried out in two stages.
  2. Figured straight-layer parquet is scraped in two mutually perpendicular directions.
  3. For decorative parquet, a technique of spiral or circular movements is used, which are directed from the edge to the center. In this case, only flat Grinder.
  4. For scraping artistic parquet It is necessary to attract only highly qualified specialists. Since many parts are made of rocks valuable wood, which are easy to damage.

As for the scraping sequence, the whole process takes place in the following order:

  • All furniture is removed from the room, baseboards are dismantled.
  • The floor is swept with a dry broom and vacuumed with a household vacuum cleaner.
  • Sandpaper P36-P40 is inserted into the drum of the sanding machine. She needs to go through the entire area twice. It is recommended to start work from the far wall and end with the place where people walk most often. All accumulated dust should be removed.
  • If after this there are small spots of old varnish on the surface, use an angle grinder from the edges to the center. This unit sands every corner and existing niches. In this case, the direction should be from the boundaries of the polished surface to the wall.
  • When it's time for the final sanding, grab a surface sander.
  • Mix putty with wood dust. It must be evenly distributed over the entire floor with a special spatula.

Note! If you putty only potholes and cracks, then unsightly stains may appear after varnishing.

  • After the putty has completely dried, the entire floor is smoothed using sandpaper P80-P90.
  • Now it's time to varnish the parquet. When the varnish is completely dry, the raised lint is removed using sandpaper P100-P120.
  • The varnishing process is carried out in two passes.

If there are no plans to make repairs in the near future, then a floor scraped using this method will last twice as long as usual.

Note! For varnishing, you can use a microfiber roller. The result is a high-quality multi-layer varnish. The main disadvantage is its high price, especially since it is used only once.

For manual scraping you will need a scraper. For this, an iron plane is used, the blade of which is bent with a hook. First, the piece of iron is released. For this purpose, it is heated to a dark cherry color. It should cool in the air. Then, it is clamped in a vice along with the pipe and bent along it, as if according to a template, with light blows of a hammer. Now the blade is aimed exactly at the sanding block or hardened on a wheel. After heating, the workpiece should be cooled in water.

The productivity of manual scraping will increase several times. The work process with such preparation is also simplified. As a scraper, you can use a scraper, which is used to clean seams in plank upholstery. The edges of the scraper must be made smooth, bent, sharpened and hardened.

So, from this article we learned about different methods and options for scraping a wooden floor. Regardless of the material used, this work is creative and painstaking. If you have the desire, time, means and tools, do not put off the work until later. Follow the above tips and tricks and you will succeed.


The following video shows the full parquet sanding cycle:

Paul from natural wood– this is always relevant. Despite the abundance of various innovative floor coverings on the market, many people still do not see an alternative to the proven wooden flooring. Even despite the fact that it requires periodic maintenance. And this, in turn, involves performing certain activities, one of which is sanding a wooden floor.

Is it possible to scrape the floor with your own hands? I guess, yes! However, first you need to understand what you will actually need to do. Floor scraping means an operation to gently remove the top layer from the surface of a wooden floor. There may be several reasons for performing such work, for example, eliminating unevenness that arose during the process of floor repairs, including the insertion of new elements.

Note! In the process of removing the top layer, the wooden surface is cleaned of old varnish, wax, oil, paint or other contaminants. Small chips can be removed in the same way.

  1. Parquet grinding machine (PSM), which in everyday life is called a “scraping machine”.
  2. An angle grinder or a hand scraper designed for surface treatment in hard-to-reach places and corners.
  3. Abrasive material – sandpaper No. 40-120.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Wood putty.
  6. Vacuum cleaner.
  7. Roller and brushes.

Attention! In everyday life, very often people try to make the process of doing work easier for themselves and use an angle grinder. This requires certain skills when using this abrasive tool. Be careful!

This is what a scraper for manually scraping a wooden floor looks like

For people without experience, it is better to use simple scraping machines, which are still left over from the recent “Soviet” past. They are characterized by safe operation, low weight and ease of use. Professionals certainly use a different technique. These are sanders, some of which are designed for fine sanding only, and others only for deep sanding.

Looping machine

The main area is scraped using a drum scraper, visually similar to a lawn mower. Corners and edges are processed with corner scraping.

Important! There is no point in purchasing such specific equipment - sanding a wooden floor with your own hands is rarely done. When the need for these cars arises, you should contact the rental service, and it is better to agree on all the details in advance.

Preparing a wooden floor for sanding

Before you start sanding, you need to assess the condition of the wooden floor. Special attention you need to pay attention to sagging boards - there may be a defect in the support beams. If such a problem occurs, then they must be replaced, as well as thin boards that can easily be split.

Scraping is preceded by a very thorough cleaning

After assessing the basis, you must:

  • Clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner and remove the layer of protective coating (for example, mastic) using a sponge and white spirit.
  • Determine whether communications pass under the floor. If so, secure the boards that provide access to wires or pipelines with brass screws.
  • Check for nails, if any, then press down the protruding heads with a hammer and punch.
  • Prepare wooden strips and scraps with which to fill the gaps between the boards, after smearing them with glue on both sides. After the glue has hardened, the protruding parts must be cleaned with a plane. If necessary, the repair elements are impregnated with stain.

After this, puttying is done, and then sanding with sandpaper.

Execution technology and nuances of work

Scraping must be carried out with the mandatory use of personal protective equipment: a respirator, safety glasses, old clothes and a gown. It is better to put cotton swabs or earplugs in your ears. Before turning on the sander, you must close the door and seal the cracks in the door frame with insulating tape.

Attention! At the rental company, familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of operating the car provided. For example, clarify how sandpaper is replaced.

First, coarse sandpaper is inserted into the drum of the sanding machine, and then the machine itself is started - work begins from the corner. To work, you need to choose the “diagonal” direction, and you need to make sure that each subsequent path overlaps the previous one. Sanding a plank floor requires a very careful attitude towards the device: the sandpaper needs to be replaced periodically - during the work it breaks and becomes clogged with dust. In addition, the dust container must be cleaned frequently.

It is necessary to carry out scraping “overlapping”

Since scraping consists of several approaches, each subsequent approach is performed perpendicular to the previous direction. Moreover, each stage involves the use of finer-grit sandpaper. Finally, the scraping is done with fine-grained paper in a direction parallel to the floorboards.

In principle, the scraping process can be considered complete. All that remains is to thoroughly clean the surface of the renewed floor, as well as the baseboards, window and door frames. There is no need to sweep the floor for the next 24 hours to avoid excess dust in the air. And then we do the final cleaning, treatment with white spirit and opening with varnish. That’s it, the new beautiful eco-friendly floor made of natural wood will continue to delight you with its beauty and pleasant sensations.

Sanding and varnishing is a great way to restore worn wood floors without having to re-floor. However, scraping is a very expensive, very labor-intensive process that requires fairly high skill. Sanding a wooden floor with your own hands is also possible, but before doing it, you should learn the nuances and features of such work.

Before and after scraping.

When is it not possible and when is it possible to cycle?

Sanding a parquet floor is more profitable than replacing it only if the floor is evenly worn down. It makes no sense to scrape the floor in the following cases:

  • The parquet has dried out, the lock has swelled or split;
  • The presence of evaporation or midge from the base floor and rot on the parquet board;
  • The presence of noticeable potholes or unevenness on the floor;
  • When there is less than 5 millimeters left from the top of the boards to the tongue;
  • There is a wood-boring beetle in the room.

Some factors can be determined by eye. Weed on the ceiling and walls is noticeable by the peeling of the re-glued wallpaper. The bug is detected by the appearance of small holes containing pieces of wood dust on the baseboards or floor. . And fungus and moisture from below can be detected by simple testing.

The floor is checked for moisture by covering it with plastic film, pressed down around the perimeter with weights and slats. If condensation appears under the film during the day, we can talk about the uselessness of scraping. In such rooms, the old floors are removed, the main floor is waterproofed, the room is dried out and a new floor is laid.

Before scraping, the floor undergoes a moisture test using film.

The condition of the parquet boards is checked with a simple shoe awl, which is used to prick the parquet flooring in the corners. With medium pressure, the tip should enter no more than 3-5 millimeters into oak parquet, and up to 7 millimeters into ash, walnut or birch parquet. A deeper penetration indicates the presence of mold.

Equipment and costs

Do-it-yourself floor scraping, which you can see in the video, requires tools and equipment such as a surface grinder for finishing sanding before varnishing and a drum sander for removing (scraping, stripping) old varnish and rough leveling of surfaces, an industrial vacuum cleaner for removing dust before varnishing, an angle grinder that cleans the edges of corners and floors, 3 discs for a surface grinder, emery cloth, parquet varnish.

Do not use household vacuum cleaners to remove dust before varnishing. Their power does not allow them to “suck through” the floor. After them, it is impossible to achieve a mirror smooth surface.

An alternative option involves manual, dust-free and silent scraping. Before varnishing, cleaning can be done even with ancient Soviet “Rockets” - the device produces small shavings. However, for an area of ​​10 sq.m. a novice master will spend up to 12 hours of time and a lot of effort.

To perform parquet scraping you need to think about protective equipment. Indeed, during work in the air of the room, the density of fine dust will be very high. And it is necessary to protect the respiratory system and eyes with the help of safety glasses and a petal respirator; hair can be covered with a helmet or scarf.

The noise level emitted by the grinding machine poses a danger to the hearing organs, so it is worth stocking up with ear muffs. You should wear tight clothing that buttons up to the neck, with cuffs that fit snugly at the wrists.

When performing work, you must use personal protective equipment.

If possible, it is advisable to remove all things from the room or wrap them up plastic film. Windows are opened wide during work.

Features of scraping

The basic principle machine method scraping parquet is to prevent the wood from moving for a long time across the grain. This can lead to chipping and gouging of boards.

Looping various types parquet has its own characteristics.

Stripping (cleaning) parquet made of straight-layer wood laid in a herringbone pattern. Performed at a 45-degree angle to the parquet flooring. Carrying out finishing sanding – across and along the parquet floors. Therefore, the procedure is performed in 2 passes. Sanding of figured straight-layer parquet is carried out in 2 mutually perpendicular directions, two-pass operations.

Decorative parquet is scraped using spiral and in a circular motion from edge to center. For those who do not know what this is, you need to warn that the procedure is carried out only with a surface grinder. Peeling may require up to two passes: a delay in one area to process “stubborn” areas is not allowed.

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Elements of artistic parquet are often made from fine-grained wood of valuable species. Such parquet is scraped by high-level parquet masters either manually or with a small angle grinder in a circular motion, gradually moving from section to section, taking into account the pattern and the properties of individual elements.

Performing scraping

Do-it-yourself floor scraping is done in a certain order. Furniture is taken out, baseboards are removed, the floor is swept with a broom and vacuumed with a household vacuum cleaner. Then coarse sandpaper 36-40 is tucked into the drum and the entire area is covered twice according to the pattern, with the exception of inconveniences and corners. Work begins from the far wall with gradual approach to more traveled areas. Dust from the dust collector is poured into a plastic bag.

Kit the necessary tool for scraping.

The remaining stains of varnish (distinguished by dark spots) are removed with circular smooth movements from the edges to the center with an angle grinder. Using an angle grinder, the varnish is also peeled off in niches and corners, with pendulum smooth movements from the boundaries of the treated surfaces to the wall.

Finish grinding is carried out with a surface grinder: the main floor area is covered according to the scheme. When there is a noticeable boundary of the area processed with an angle grinder, the niches and corners are again passed through.

Dust must also be collected from all finishing stages.

The putty base is mixed with dust. Using a putty spatula, the entire floor area is evenly puttied. The process of filling potholes and cracks after varnishing can result in the appearance of unsightly stains. Using a drum with 60-80 sandpaper, after the putty has dried, the floor is smoothed; in inconvenient areas, an angle grinder is used.

Floor varnishing. When the varnish is completely dry, remove the rising wood pile with a drum of 100-120 sandpaper or using a surface sander. Inconvenient areas are also processed with an angle grinder.

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Using a vacuum cleaner, carefully go over the ceiling, walls and floor twice. The floor is varnished in 2 layers, the subsequent ones - after the previous one has completely dried. If the parquet is valuable or, on the contrary, old and no repairs are planned in the near future, then it is varnished three or four times.

A microfiber roller is the best tool for varnishing. Multilayer high-quality varnishing can only be done using a roller. But it's not cheap. Finishing can be done with a drum with 100-120 or 60-80 sandpaper. However, the result will not be an “ice mirror”. However, plywood parquet or the Christmas tree cannot be ironed to such an extent with a machine.

Plank floor

The procedure for sanding a wooden floor does not require the use of a surface sander: it is still impossible to smooth it to an ideal result.

The natural deflection of the boards can be 1-2 millimeters, but its radius is compared with the radius of the tension rollers of the belt machine or sanding drum. Rollers or a drum with a belt can resonate, and instead of flat floors, you can get a brake track for reckless drivers.

Manual scraping is performed using a scraper: a piece of plane with a blade curved with a hook.

Manual looping.

First, the piece of iron is released: it is heated for 10-15 minutes on a gas flame until it glows dark cherry and is left in the air to cool.

Then it is clamped in a vice together with a piece of pipe and bent with uniform, frequent and light blows of the hammer. After this, having aligned the blade until it is even on the circle, it is hardened, heated to light red and lowered into water. Sharpening is carried out by removing it onto a wedge with outside bending

The productivity of manual scraping doubles or more, while the work itself becomes easier, when used as a scraper - special tool, which is used to clean seams in the plank lining of small vessels before replacing the caulk. For scraping, the scraper must be prepared; for this, its edges are made smooth on sandpaper, tempered, bent, hardened and sharpened, like a scraper made from a plane iron.

In the process of repairing wooden floors, the procedure of self-sanding is a very labor-intensive, dusty, noisy and complex job. Not everyone is able to understand how to properly cycle a floor with their own hands. In addition, it is not always possible to restore the floor using sanding. If possible, it is still recommended to trust the scraping to professional craftsmen.