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» We make our own jigsaw machine. How to make a homemade jigsaw in your home workshop. A simple design from the last century

We make our own jigsaw machine. How to make a homemade jigsaw in your home workshop. A simple design from the last century

I didn’t want to permanently place my expensive Makita jigsaw on the table, so I decided to buy another one to create a table. I was very lucky to find a jigsaw in the “Our House” store Caliber LEM-610E for only 862 rub. Includes: wood saw, side stop, adapter for vacuum cleaner, spare brushes for the motor.

There was an outlet next to the display case and I looked at it in action. It is quite well made, convenient, there is a speed control with a wheel, and the activation is fixed with a button. The saw holder moves smoothly without any play.

It’s very fortunate that I was able to twirl it in my hands before buying it; I wouldn’t risk ordering it from the website without knowing what it is. (Although they write good reviews about it) By the way, it costs more there and there is also a delivery fee... so I successfully bought it at Our House. :)

Despite its advantages, it has a number of disadvantages that I noticed upon closer examination:

1) The file does not fit into the saw holder. Apparently this is a defective copy, but I did not waste my time on the exchange. Each file has to be sharpened. (Although I won’t be able to use them on the second jigsaw after grinding - it doesn’t matter, they are relatively inexpensive)
2) And this flaw is visible even in the picture. The canvas is tilted strongly forward. (This was also corrected by placing under back soles of tin strips, achieving 90 o.
3) The speed control wheel turns heavily, not very clearly and with jamming. At the minimum speed value, the tool cannot start at all (However, the same garbage with the start is also true for my other “calibrated” drills. This is unpleasant, but does not spoil life much)

As always, everything is in the spirit of minimalism. I did not make a separate switch. It is quite convenient to turn on with a standard button and lock into place.

To do this, I bought a bracket at KrepMarket (this is a fastening element from some kind of system iron structures)

By the way, I really love CrepeMarket. Any screws, nuts, screws, fasteners. Every time I design something, I wander around in thought and collect the necessary details.

I cut off the excess and sharpened it.

Back view. Now the distance between the bearings has a fixed clearance for the file of 1.2mm. I have a plan for the future: to make a gap adjustment.

For thin materials can be lowered below.

As an experiment, I drew a star and tried to cut it out evenly

For a 130mm file, the maximum possible thickness is 5cm. It turns out there are very long files; I recently saw a 300mm file on the market

I sawed off a 1.5mm slice from a 40x40mm block

Which is what I did. Now you can use it to cut long workpieces 11.5 cm wide. The old L-shaped design also remains, and if greater strength of the holder is needed, it can be installed again, although the new design remains quite strong and reliable.

I also came up with the idea of ​​making a knife from an old dull file, grinding off its teeth and sharpening it.

They can be used to cut material like sealant into shapes. The cut is smooth. Much better than stationery knife. The photo shows a mouse pad.

Well, that's probably all. The table turned out to be reliable and comfortable. Now I have a tool with which I can perform more delicate work than with a circular saw.

The idea of ​​​​creating a homemade jigsaw is most often due to the disadvantages that a factory-made one has hand tool. You can make a small one with your own hands table machine, which will include a pusher, a reciprocating motor, and a saw tension system. In this case, you do not need complex drawings - once you understand the essence, it is easy to achieve the result.

The desire to create a homemade jigsaw may arise for several reasons:

  1. There is no power supply in the workshop, but it is possible to use low-power internal combustion engines.
  2. There are pneumatic motors, but the compressor power is not enough for a serial tool.
  3. The electric motor is powered by batteries or solar panels, the power of the source is not enough to use the power tool.
  4. It is required to obtain saw motion parameters that are unattainable using a commercial tool.

Designing a jigsaw is not difficult. A typical structure looks like this:

The installation is easy to adapt to any torque source. A pair of pulleys (one is located on the engine shaft, the other drives the crank mechanism) allows you to vary the gear ratio, reducing the load on the power unit and allowing you to get the required speed (they are also responsible for the number of saw strokes per minute) on the actuator.

A machine built according to the above diagram may have the most different configuration, the material of manufacture is also selected individually. Example ready installation looks like this:

Disadvantages of a manual jigsaw

The manual jigsaw is designed for shaping straight cuts . In this case, as the rollers, rod, and pusher wear out, the saw may wobble, deviate from a straight line, and change the angle of attack. Regardless of the quality of the tool components, the following features are always present:

  1. When the saw becomes dull, deviation from a straight line is observed when cutting material of uneven density (for example, low-quality chipboard). The saw is capable of leaving the cutting line when it encounters a knot in the wood.
  2. When trying to make a curved radius cut, you can observe the following picture: top line The cut, which the worker is watching, follows an exact trajectory, the lower one deviates, goes to the side, the radius becomes larger. The higher the wear of the tool and the lower the sharpness of the saw, the more pronounced this phenomenon is.
  3. Some materials cannot be worked using a pick-up or bottom feed of the saw. The carpenter is required to move the tool forward extremely evenly, which is impossible to do very accurately; as a result, the saw runs out along the entry and exit path.

It is even more difficult to work with thin ones intended for figured cuts saws. If there is no practice, achieve good result quite difficult, especially on thick slabs or wood materials. Let's look at how you can make a carpenter's job easier and the result better.

Standard solutions

The machine is made from a manual jigsaw based simple table . This device is common and mass-produced; samples can be seen in the photographs below.

The mechanics of work are simple:

  • Jigsaw machine holds the instrument clearly, ensuring no interference human factor(the hand may move the jigsaw unevenly).
  • The presence of a support allows you to move the device without deviations along the trajectory.

With the help of a table, jigsaws begin to cut in a straight line, but the capabilities of such a device are limited. If you remove the side fence and try to guide the workpiece, forming a curved cut, the same problems of saw deflection arise. The problem can be solved by using a simple saw, rigidly fixed with a pair of rollers. Making curved cuts is now convenient and fast. What homemade and industrial products of this type look like is shown in the following photos.

Tension devices for curved cuts

To perform very thin and precise shaped cuts, you can make a machine from a jigsaw with a saw blade tension system. The idea of ​​creating it yourself is as follows:

  1. A very thin saw is used, ideally for hand jigsaw.
  2. A clamp is attached to the rod of the power tool, which will tighten the cutting blade.
  3. The trajectory stabilization system will regulate both one freedom of movement and two (horizontal and vertical).

Used as a tension block hand jigsaw clamp, to which an adapter is made, which in turn is inserted into clamping fixture power tool rod. To ensure adjustment of one freedom of movement, a pair of angles and a bolt are used. The result of the idea implementation is presented on next photo.

The saw provides clearly vertical movement, good tension can be created, but there is a mandatory runout in the horizontal direction. The canvas comes with a pick-up and does not move in a straight line.

The development of this idea is in the next photo. Here the part that fixes the trajectory moves, and the metal clamp provides structural rigidity and mechanical resistance.

The system is stabilized in two degrees of freedom, the cut made with its help is neat and precise. By using a diamond-coated cord for a hand jigsaw, you can cut glass without creating messy chips on the edges.

Accessories for extremely delicate work

If you need to work extremely delicately and slowly, you will need to reduce the force on the cutting blade while maintaining strong tension and precise movement of the file. For this, a homemade jigsaw is equipped with spacer devices with long shoulders.

In this case, the power tool does not operate in the cutting zone, but at some distance. This allows, depending on the wishes of the carpenter, to regulate the force, speed and amplitude of movement of the saw. One of the options for implementing the idea is shown in the following photo.

Depending on the needs of the master, the structure can be made of steel, have additional fixing zones, and the power tool cannot be installed rigidly, but with the ability to move within its support beam.

In practice, such solutions are rarely used. For delicate work that is performed constantly, it is much more profitable to purchase a specialized band saw, which will ensure quality and productivity.

As can be seen from the presented designs, a jigsaw can even be made from sewing machine having a moving rod.

The article will primarily be useful to those people who often work with wood as a hobby, without making money from it. The author presents quite budget project table jigsaw, which can be collected in one day, with minimum costs for materials.

To create the machine you will need the following materials:
- Working manual jigsaw;
- Plywood;
- Self-tapping screws and bolts with nuts;
- Guides for furniture drawers;
- Two bearings;
- Compression spring;
- Spray paint;
- Self-adhesive paper.

Materials and tools are standard, available in every workshop.

Step 1. Body.
The first step is to create a body for a manual jigsaw from plywood. Here you need to think in advance where the holes for the switch and speed controller will be located.
It should look something like this:

Step 2. Tabletop.
It is better to take a thick piece of chipboard with good coverage, since the workpieces being processed will rub against it during operation of the machine.

A hole for a saw blade is drilled in the chipboard. The jigsaw itself will be attached to the back of the tabletop.
A stem for attaching the boom is also made from furniture guides:

Here's what it looks like assembled:

And the tabletop is attached to the body:

Step 3. Arrow.
The boom itself will be made of two furniture guides. They are bolted together to increase rigidity.

The boom supports are made of chipboard. Before painting and installing them, the point at which the boom is attached to the support is measured. Before doing this, they need to be installed in their place:

After this, it is necessary to drill holes in the support for seats bearings.

Step 4. Painting.
The prepared supports are spray painted.

While they dry, the machine itself is covered with self-adhesive tape.

Step 5. Assembly.
Bearings are inserted into the supports and screwed into place.

The boom mounting axis will be made of two bolts screwed into the guides as shown in the photo. The diameter of the bolts is selected in accordance with the diameter of the inner race of the bearing.

The bolts are tightened securely, after which the two halves are screwed to each other.

This clearly shows how the boom will be secured in the supports:

The boom is installed in its place and secured with nuts.

Next you need to install the garter spring. It is necessary in order to return the arrow to its original position after the jigsaw pulls it down. This is how the saw will move back and forth. It must be adjusted so that it is not too soft (this will complicate the operation of the machine) and too hard (this can lead to overheating of the jigsaw motor).

How to secure it is shown in the photo:

Then, from a thin strip of metal (1 mm), it is necessary to make fastenings for the file to the arrow. They must rotate freely on the axis, since during operation the boom changes its angle of inclination to the jigsaw, and if they are static, this can lead to breakage of the saw.

This is what the mounts should look like:

The boom supports are additionally reinforced with a long bolt, it can be seen in the photo:

Step 6. Electronic part.
Since access to a manual jigsaw is limited, it is necessary to place the controls on the outside of the body.

To adjust the rotation speed of the jigsaw electric motor, the author used a phase power regulator. Here is its electrical diagram.

If you are engaged in carving and make figures or parts from wood, plastic or similar material, you cannot do without a tool whose name is reminiscent of the distant Soviet past: a jigsaw.

There are differences between jigsaws, now both “pioneer” elementary manual models and electric ones are available for sale. modern instruments, only vaguely reminiscent of the usual files.

You can make a jigsaw yourself: technical literature and the Internet offer many diagrams and drawings of electric jigsaw machines.

Making such a device is not difficult, and you will get significant benefits from it. You will be able to independently produce the furniture you need and realize the most daring creative ideas for interior.

An example of manufacturing a jigsaw machine.

A homemade jigsaw allows you to professionally make smooth parts of the most bizarre shapes. First, you need to decide on the design that is most suitable for you.

Technical description and components

The schematic diagram of any jigsaw machine is the same for different models.

It must contain the following parts:

  • file;
  • drive with a power of about 150 W;
  • rocker for tensioning the file;
  • working surface with graduation;
  • drilling block, etc.

Consumables are fixed on the working surface. In advanced models, there are special devices for rotating movements of the part; in them, the working surface can change the angle of inclination.

The surface dimensions will depend on your production and creative plans: what large sizes the parts you are going to cut, the larger your production table should be. Traditional sizes are usually around 30 – 40 cm.

There are a wide variety of types of files. They depend primarily on consumables. The dimensions of the parts for cutting also matter. Conventional saws for working with wood have a length of about 35–40 cm. They are able to saw parts made of wood or plastic with a thickness of no more than 100 mm.

WITH different types The materials also change and the files also change, mainly in relation to their width: from 2 to 10 mm. Files can differ in the type of their tails - with or without pins. They are fixed in a special device for tensioning and even sawing. For this purpose, they have springs of a spring type.

Another important one: the crank assembly. Its function is difficult to overestimate: it is it that transmits movement from the drive to the saw, turning rotational movement into a progressive one.

Assembly drawing of a jigsaw machine.

Due to this, the file begins to oscillate at a high frequency, the speed of such oscillations is on average about 800 - 1000 revolutions per minute. It is important to remember the amplitude of vertical vibrations; it should not exceed 50 mm.

In advanced modern jigsaw models, the speed varies depending on the type of consumable. Most desktop models operate in two speed modes. Most often these are 600 and 1000 rpm.

Model range of jigsaw machines

Most often, in the power of an electric drive, the range of values ​​is huge: from 90 to 500 W.

These devices are also divided into varieties based on their fundamental design:

  • universal;
  • on suspension;
  • with graduation;
  • with the caliper in the lower position;
  • with double caliper.

Jigsaws with lower support

Diagram of machine design elements.

The most used and popular models are machines with lower support. Their feature is the division of the working bed into upper and lower parts.

If in the upper section there is only one device for sawing and cleaning, then in the lower section there are many working elements: an electric motor, a switch, a transmission unit and a control unit. This design makes it possible to saw sheets of materials of almost any size.

Double slide machines

A homemade jigsaw with a double support differs from the lower support by the presence in the upper section of a special additional bar and a work table with the ability to change the angle of inclination and overall height.

These models are designed to work with oversized parts. This machine is easier to make than the previous model. There are restrictions on the materials that can be worked with: their thickness should not exceed 80 mm.

Hanging machines

The name speaks for itself: the model is movable, it works without a stand. The fundamental point in this design is the movement of the cutting file, and not the consumables. The module itself is attached to the ceiling, the saw is driven manually.

All this provides serious advantages: in this way you can create the most complex patterns, the surface dimensions are not limited in any way.

Devices with graduation

The presence of stops and a degree scale make it possible to work according to technical drawings, without the slightest error.

Universal machines

Such devices are usually called jigsaws. Their feature is the ability to perform several operations such as grinding, polishing, sawing, etc.

How to make a jigsaw machine with your own hands?

We will not dwell on the manufacture of simple machines: you can easily find this kind of manuals with video support on the Internet. Let's talk about homemade jigsaw machines.

Do-it-yourself machine assembly.

Here is the sequence of work for their manufacture:

  • We make the frame from plywood sheet or plastic.
    The main thing is that the thickness is at least 12 mm. The function of the bed is a foundation, a working surface and a place for fixing mechanisms and an electric motor.
  • We place a special rocking chair with an eccentric on the opposite side.
    We connect them using a metal strip with bearings. All fastenings in the structure are screw.
  • We install the intermediate shaft.
    To do this, you need to prepare two bearings, place the pulley on the shaft as tightly as possible, then carefully secure it with screws. Similar actions are performed with the eccentric.
  • On a rocking chair, the range of motion should change.
    To do this, you need to change the mounting location of the screw, for which we drill exactly four threaded holes on the eccentric flange. The holes must be located at different distances from the axis. With a change in the mounting location of the screw, the amplitude of the rocker will change.
  • We make a rocking chair: these are nothing more than wooden rocker arms, into whose rear ends the screws that you made in the previous paragraph are inserted, these are tension screws.
    The rocker arms themselves are attached to the rack with hinges. We fix a file to the front ends of the rocker arms. Previous and given stages must be done with special attention and thoroughness. The fact is that attaching the file is a fundamentally important thing. Rocker arms with plates are subject to constant loads during movement due to their rigid connection with screws.
  • The rocking chair requires a stand.
    It will be better if it is made from a whole piece of material. We make a groove for the first rocker arm on the top of the rack. At the lower end we place a special rectangular opening for the second rocker arm.

Yours. We wish you great ideas and their high-quality implementation.

A jigsaw is a tool without which it is now simply impossible to perform many works on processing wood and materials in which it is used. Being compact and light in weight, a handheld portable jigsaw is capable of cutting out products of very complex geometry from a workpiece.

The jigsaw is very convenient to use and also provides very precise and thin cut. If you don’t want to spend money on a purchased jigsaw, you can make your own at home.

The lightest product

The jigsaw table itself can be made with your own hands in a short period of an hour. The advantage of the manufactured design will be its simplicity. It can easily be mounted on a tabletop or workbench and, if necessary, can also be easily disassembled. Disadvantage homemade design can be considered its small area.

The simplest product consists of the following parts:

  1. Plywood.
  2. Mounting screws.
  3. Clamps.

The working basis of the machine can be laminated plywood, in which it is necessary to drill holes for installing fasteners and for the saw itself. Plywood must be at least 10 millimeters thick. At the same time, you may also have to make holes in the base of your power tool for mounting screws.

A homemade structure can be attached to the workbench using clamps. Please note that the heads of the screws for fastening must be recessed into the surface of the sheet so that they do not interfere with you while working. Such a machine can easily handle the processing of small workpieces up to 30 millimeters thick. You can easily find a drawing of this type of machine on the Internet, and then assemble it yourself at home.

Another variant

This option consists of the following parts:

  1. Bed made of chipboard.
  2. Tube for vacuum cleaner.
  3. Laminated plywood for the machine cover.
  4. Confirmants.

There is a second option for a stationary device for working with wood material, which is collected from more spare parts, but making it will not be difficult. The frame is made of chipboard and consists of a back wall and two sidewalls. To make it easy to get to the power button, the machine has no front wall.

IN back wall do it yourself drill holes for the vacuum cleaner tube and cord. The cover for the machine can be made from laminated plywood 10 millimeters thick. The entire structure can be tightened with confirmants. The jigsaw can be secured in the same way as described above in the first case.

On a machine made according to this option, it is possible to process more massive workpieces, however, when working with a thick workpiece, the jigsaw saw can go in both directions and lean back. At the same time, cutting accuracy deteriorates. This drawback can easily be eliminated with your own hands by installing a bracket on a homemade machine that will serve as a support.

The jigsaw blade will move between two 11mm bearings, which must be screwed to an L-shaped strip made of steel. The back of the saw will rest against the wall of the bracket itself. This design will prevent your jigsaw blade from deviating from the intended path.

The bracket must be attached to the frame, made of 50 by 50 millimeter bars. It can be lowered or raised depending on the length and thickness of the wood being processed. To do this, the frame itself, together with the stop, must not be firmly attached to the side of the machine, but pressed against it with a hardboard, steel or textolite plate. Install vertical stand frame between the hardboard and the frame.

The machine can be more convenient if you mount an additional limit bar on it, with which you can cut the material into workpieces of the same length and thickness.

The limiter is attached to the machine using clamps. His made from wooden beam , aluminum or steel corner. For convenience, you can also install a bar on the slide, which must be secured to the sides or bottom of the tabletop.

Table for a jigsaw made of chipboard

To make this jigsaw table you must have a certain carpentry skill, since when connecting its frame to the legs, it must be done in a tongue-and-groove manner. The tongue and groove itself can be replaced with a connection using dowels, wood glue and self-tapping screws.

The machine cover must be made liftable to facilitate access to the tool when replacing it. In order for the machine to be multifunctional, it is necessary to provide space for mounting a manual milling machine.

The table is assembled from the following materials:

  • block 80 by 80 millimeters;
  • block 40 by 80 millimeters;
  • laminated plywood or chipboard measuring 900 by 900 millimeters.

Measure the distance between the legs, it should be from 60 to 70 centimeters. The bars for the legs and drawers will be obtained if you cut the bars 80 by 80 millimeters lengthwise. You can choose the height of the legs themselves at your own discretion, it all depends on how comfortable it will be for you to perform work on the machine.

At each end of the legs and drawers, it is necessary to drill two holes for dowels. The same holes must be made on the sides of the legs. Coat the dowels with glue half their length and insert them into the ends. After this, assemble the entire frame. It will turn out to be non-separable. After checking and possible corrections, it is tightened tightly.

All surfaces at contact points must be coat with glue. Use self-tapping screws for additional structural strength, which must be screwed through holes prepared in advance for them.

The cover must be attached to one of the drawers using hinges; to do this, a slot must be made in it to facilitate removal and installation of the jigsaw. In the back of the tabletop, you need to screw two strips with a pre-selected quarter into which the sole of the power tool should fit.

Holes must be made in the strips, into which bolts or clamping screws must then be installed. A jigsaw mounted under the tabletop will be able to cut thicker material if a recess is made in the lid for its sole. The easiest way to make this deepening is using a milling machine.

The resulting table will be very simple and spacious, so the necessary strength of its lid can be provided by a large thickness of chipboard or plywood. Use sheets of 20 millimeters or thicker.

Jigsaw using thin saws

Since when cutting complex patterns in plywood, a jigsaw is not well suited for this, you need to take a thin file. It can be fitted to hand power tool, using the original device.

We also attach the jigsaw to the tabletop, but the thin file needs to be tensioned, since it will not be enough just set on a pendulum. To facilitate the process of tensioning the file, it is necessary to make a rocker arm from a block.

The tension of your canvas is ensured by a spring. Place its lower loop on the transverse pin. The upper loop must be inserted into the adjusting screw, which changes the tension force of the damper. All wooden blanks For homemade machine made from hard wood.

Since a jigsaw machine does not have the ability to fasten a blade with a thin section, you can remake a piece of an old saw by first drilling a hole in it and adding a screw with nut and clamping plate.

A vertical slot must be made in the rocker arm into which a second steel plate must be inserted. It is attached to the rocker with screws. The upper part of the file must be attached to it in the same way as the lower one. To make it easier for you, you can use scraps from an old jigsaw to make the plates.