Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» A business game for educators “a journey to a lost island with preschool education.” Business game for preschool teachers “Experts of the subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions

A business game for educators “a journey to a lost island with preschool education.” Business game for preschool teachers “Experts of the subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions

Business game

Target: formation of a mechanism for interaction between all participants in the educational process aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of students and teachers,identify the level of creative potential of teachers, develop cohesion, the ability to work in a team, and defend their point of view with reason.


awareness of common goals by subjects of the educational process;

division of areas of responsibility and formation common approaches to achieve the goal;

development of communication skills of all participants in the game.

Equipment and materials: ball, brick cards,sheets of A4 paper different color; cards on which the roles of the participants are written, pens, felt-tip pens.

Game time: 30 minutes.

Progress of the game

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

A happy accident brought us together
Here in these walls, in this hall.
A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,
We're having fun this morning,
winter gives us a ringing holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game.
She is our big and smart friend,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged,
A cheerful, noisy argument will start,
It will help to learn new things.
Let the game gather us
Today, tomorrow and always

Today's meeting will take place in the form of a business game“Unlocking the teacher’s potential” .

Exercise "Web"

Hold the free end of the thread tightly in your hand and pass the ball to the teacher opposite only after you finish the sentence.


I like people who...

The greatest joy for me is...

I like when…

I am proud that...

My strong point is professional activity...

School for me is...

The biggest achievement in my life...

I appreciate in people...

I feel confident when...

A person is considered successful if...

In this way, the ball is passed on further and further until all participants find themselves part of one gradually growing web.

Why do you think we made such a web?

(creating a friendly atmosphere of mutual assistance, trust, friendly and open communication with each other)

    One of the main tasks of the modern education system is to improve the quality of educational work, to create conditions for the creative self-realization of the personality of each student.

    Today, society needs a teacher who is competent, comprehensively prepared, who is an example of philanthropy, decency, and a teacher who possesses pedagogical skills.

The teacher deals with a developing personality - the most complex system of all systems known so far. In order to interfere with the process of personal development and regulate it, it is not enough for a teacher to be a good man. He still needs specialized knowledge and the skills that make him competent, forming his teaching skill.

Building relationships in a team can be compared to building a house. What materials it will be built from, that’s how it will be - whether a hut on chicken legs, or a luxurious palace. The same thing happens with relationships. Think of the team as a building. Its foundation, its building materials are the character qualities of colleagues, mood, willingness to help, support and warmth. There is one important feature– the teaching staff is building this house together. This is the team. The fundamental difference between a team and just a group is that a team implies interdependence. It is more than the sum of its members. A team is people working together to accomplish more than they could do individually. That is, according to the formula: 1+1=5

Exercise “Every brick is important to us”

In the handout we offer you “building material” in the form of bricks. You have pieces of paper on which the main criteria for the success of the team are written:

1. Mutual assistance

2. High motivation of the entire team for success

3. Desire to learn something new

4. Creativity

5. Mobility – the ability to change, accept someone else’s point of view

6. Competence, professionalism

7. Organized

8. Self-realization of each team member

9. Sense of Humor

Choose one brick that is most important to you and tear it off. Let on at this stage this will be your contribution to building a new team.

Leading. Today, during a business game, we will try to analyze our work at school from the point of view of the stated topic and develop general actions, to solve emerging problems.

1) And at the first stage of work, let's determine: what qualities, in your opinion, an ideal student should have.

Please discuss this issue and write on the first colored piece of paper the 5 most important qualities ideal student.

Leading .

2) Time passed, and our students grew up and became independent adults. Discuss what qualities you should have modern man and on the second colored sheet write 5 qualities that characterize a successful modern person.

Leading . Now compare the characteristics of a student and an adult. Do the qualities that we cultivate in students correspond to the qualities that we want to see in adults?

Leading. Each of us considers school problems from our own perspective. professional position: teacher, psychologist, head teacher, medical worker, etc. But sometimes it can be helpful to step outside your position and look at an issue from a different perspective.

Participants take one of the cards:



subject teacher;

classroom teacher;

specialists (social educators, psychologists, medical workers);


Leading. And now let each of you tell us from the designated position what he can do to preserve the health of schoolchildren?

Leading. So, we see that participants in the educational process care about preserving the health of each student and can interact with each other. And the more each of us cares about the health of students, the less room there is for accidents that can harm the child’s health.

Exercise “Drawing with hands”

Use your hands to draw an object in the air and pass it to the participants in the game. They have to guess what item you handed over.

Leading: The profession of a teacher makes serious demands on the emotional side of his personality.

This is “the work of the heart and nerves,” wrote Sukhomlinsky. Nevertheless, modern statistics are as follows: teachers, as a professional group, are characterized by extremely low indicators of physical and mental health.

I suggest you"Daily regime" , which should be followed if you want to preserve your psychological and physical health.

“Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson.

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves.

One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, rudeness, aggression. Another wolf represents goodness - peace, love, loyalty, compassion.

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

Which wolf wins in the end?

The old Indian smiled and replied:

The wolf you feed always wins.”

I really want that after our lesson, you have no doubt about which wolf in you you need to feed!

Leading. Otherwise, this thought can be expressed like this: nothing will teach you to live, nothing will change, no one will help you be happy, only I myself can change myself and my life.

No technique will establish harmony in the soul. Spiritual movements always go ahead; techniques only shape them.

Thanks for the meeting!

Mutual assistance

High motivation of the entire team for success

Desire to learn something new


Mobility – the ability to change, accept someone else’s point of view

Competence, professionalism


Self-realization of each team member

Sense of humor



subject teacher

classroom teacher

social teacher


medical worker


7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

7.00 - Smile and sit in lotus position.

7.15 - Take a contrast shower.

7.30 - Eat oatmeal with honey and nuts.

12.00-18.00 - Hug an invisible tree and “breathe” with your lower back.

20.00 - Pump energy through the spine.

22.00 - Wash the negative information out of your hair, compose yourself a fairy tale and launch the “crisis” into the sky.

Goals psychological games- purely psychotherapeutic: games contribute to the harmonization of the teacher’s inner world, ease his mental tension, and develop internal mental strength. Psychological exercises help the teacher to navigate one’s own mental states, assess them adequately, manage oneself, maintaining one’s mental health and, as a consequence of this, achieve success in professional activities with a relatively small expenditure of neuropsychic energy.

Psychotechnical games do not require much time or special premises. Alone or in pairs with another teacher, the teacher can perform exercises during breaks between lessons (in his office or teacher's room), during lessons when students are working independently, on the way to work or home. Try to develop the habit of psychological actions: then there will be a need for mental stability and internal order.

Psychological relaxation games for teachers

In 3-5 minutes spent on psychotechnical exercises, a teacher can relieve fatigue, stabilize, and feel self-confident. Like a worker who after working day takes a shower in a hot workshop, and a teacher, performing special psychotechnical exercises at school and after work, resorts to the “psychological shower” method, which cleanses his psyche.

Exercise 1. “Inner Ray”

The exercise is performed individually; helps relieve fatigue, gain inner stability.......

In order to perform the exercise, you need to take a comfortable position, sitting or standing, depending on where it will be performed (in the teacher’s room, in class, in transport).

Imagine that inside your head, in the upper part, a light ray appears, which slowly and consistently moves from top to bottom and slowly, gradually illuminates your face, neck, shoulders, hands with a warm, even and relaxing light. As the beam moves, wrinkles are smoothed out, tension in the back of the head disappears, the fold on the forehead is weakened, the eyebrows fall, the eyes “cool”, the clamps in the corners of the lips are loosened, the shoulders drop, the neck and chest are freed. The inner ray, as it were, forms a new appearance of a calm, liberated person, satisfied with himself and his life, profession and students.

Perform the exercise several times - from top to bottom.

Doing the exercise will give you pleasure, even pleasure. End the exercise with the words: “I have become a new person! I became young and strong, calm and stable! I will do everything well!”

Exercise 2. “Press”

The game exercise is performed individually. Neutralizes and suppresses negative emotions of anger, irritation, increased anxiety, aggression. We recommend doing this exercise before working in a “difficult” class, talking with a “difficult” student or his parents, or before any psychologically stressful situation that requires internal self-control and self-confidence. The exercise is best done immediately after you feel psychological tension. If for one reason or another this moment is missed, then the raging emotional “element” can sweep away everything in its path and make it impossible to control itself. As a result, something happens that we see so often: negatively charged energy is “dumped” onto a student or work colleague. Most often, the “grounding” of negative energy, unfortunately, occurs in the teacher’s family, where he weakens internal control after work.

The essence of the exercise is as follows. The teacher imagines inside himself, at chest level, a powerful press that moves from top to bottom, suppressing the negative emotions that arise and the internal tension associated with them. When performing the exercise, it is important to achieve a clear feeling of the physical heaviness of the internal press, suppressing and, as it were, pushing down unwanted negative emotions and the energy that it carries with it.

Exercise 3. “Maria Ivanovna”

The exercise develops internal means of role decentration.

Performed individually, within 10-15 minutes. Imagine your unpleasant conversation, for example, with the head teacher. Let's call her Maria Ivanovna, who allowed herself an uncivil tone in a conversation with you and unfair remarks. The working day is over and on the way home you once again remember the unpleasant conversation, and a feeling of resentment overwhelms you. This is harmful to your psyche: against the background of psychological fatigue after a working day, mental stress develops. You try to forget the insult, but you fail.

Try going the other way. Instead of forcibly erasing Maria Ivanovna from your memory, try, on the contrary, to bring her as close as possible. Try playing the role of Maria Ivanovna on the way home. Imitate her walk, her manner of behavior, play out her thoughts, her family situation, and finally, her attitude towards a conversation with you. After a few minutes of this game, you will feel relief and tension will subside. Your attitude towards the conflict, towards Maria Ivanovna will change, you will see a lot of positive things in her, things that you did not notice before. In fact, you will be involved in Maria Ivanovna’s situation and will be able to understand her. The consequences of such a game will reveal themselves the next day when you come to work. Maria Ivanovna will be surprised to feel that you are friendly and calm, and she herself will probably begin to strive to resolve the conflict.

Exercise 4. “Head”

The profession of a teacher is not only classified as stressful, it is a profession of managerial work. The teacher is forced to continuously influence students during the working day: to restrain them in some way, to suppress their will and activity, to evaluate, to control. Such intensive management of the learning situation causes “management stress” in the teacher and, as a consequence, when overexerted, various physical ailments occur. One of the most common complaints from teachers is headaches and heaviness in the occipital region of the head.

An exercise is suggested to help relieve unpleasant somatic sensations. Stand straight with your shoulders back and your head thrown back. Try to feel in which part of the head the feeling of heaviness is localized. Imagine that you are wearing a bulky headdress that puts pressure on your head in the place where you

you feel heaviness. Mentally remove the headdress with your hand and expressively and emotionally throw it to the floor. Shake your head, straighten the hair on your head with your hand, and then throw your hands down, as if getting rid of a headache.

Exercise 5. “Hands”

It's your last lesson. The class is busy solving a problem. The class is quiet and you can take a few minutes to yourself. Sit on a chair with your legs slightly extended and your arms hanging down. Try to imagine that the energy of fatigue “flows” from the hands to the ground - it flows from the head to the shoulders, flows over the forearms, reaches the elbows, rushes to the hands and seeps down through the fingertips into the ground. You clearly physically feel the warm weight sliding over your hands. Sit like this for one to two minutes, and then lightly shake your hands, finally getting rid of your fatigue. Stand up easily, springily, smile, walk around the class. Rejoice interesting questions questions that children ask, try to meet them openly and with full readiness, answering thoroughly and in detail.

Exercise relieves fatigue, helps establish mental equilibrium, balance.

Exercise 6. “I am a child”

Many experienced teachers play the game “I am a child.” Here, for example, is how he describes his state: “My method: I evoke in myself a state of childhood, i.e. I evoke in myself that feeling of childish lightness that is characteristic of a child: I throw off “everything adult”, and mainly, that external adultness that is inherent in my administrative role. Next comes the selection of forms of addressing children, which include the choice of intonation, method of explanation, demeanor, and most importantly, thinking through the first words, so to speak, the formula of address.”

Remember what game you loved most as a child. Do you remember? Now go to your child or grandchild and invite him to play this game. During the game, you must play the role of a child, be on an equal footing with your partner. This gives him the opportunity to feel like a leader and discuss the rules of the game with you. And you will feel the freshness, originality, originality of children's thinking, the richness of the child's inner world. You will probably become closer to him.

Adaptation games for teachers and educators

Every teacher can remember a difficult period in his work associated with professional adaptation at school. Young teachers who come from pedagogical universities get used to school from 6 months to 3 years. They get used to the constant noise during breaks and intense communicative interactions. But the hardest thing for them is to develop the ability to maintain discipline in the classroom for 45 minutes during a lesson. Many teachers complain of feeling weak and exhausted after lessons, and of difficulties in developing the readiness to keep the class under control.

We had to watch various situations, which young teachers end up in.

We saw the teacher rushing around the class like a shuttle. Where she stood, the children became quiet, but at that time they began to talk loudly in another corner. It’s not hard to imagine how tired this teacher was by the end of the lesson.

How to facilitate and at the same time intensify the process of professional adaptation of a young teacher at school? First of all, we must remember that only one who knows how to manage himself well becomes a good leader. By developing these qualities, a young teacher will be able to go through the adaptation period faster and more effectively. We offer several exercises to develop internal means of self-regulation.

Exercise 1. “Focus”

The exercise is performed 10-15 minutes before the start of the lesson. Sit comfortably in a chair or armchair. When giving commands to yourself, focus your attention on one or another part of the body and feel its warmth. For example, on the command “Body!” focus on your body, at the command “Hand!” - on the right hand, “Brush!” - on the right hand, “Finger!” - on the index finger of the right hand and, finally, at the command “Fingertip!” - at the tip index finger right hand. Give commands to yourself at intervals of 10-12 seconds (find a rhythm that is favorable for you).

Exercise 2. “Breathing”

It is advisable to perform the exercise before the start of the lesson. Sit in a chair or armchair. Relax and close your eyes. On your command, try to turn your attention away from the external situation and focus on your breathing. At the same time, do not try to specifically control your breathing: there is no need to disrupt its natural rhythm. The exercise is performed for 5-10 minutes.

Exercise 3. “Psychoenergetic umbrella”

The exercise is carried out in the first minutes after the start of the lesson, and also, if necessary, periodically throughout the lesson.

The teacher stands in front of the class, preferably in the center of the room, and, explaining the material, tries to imagine that with his will and consciousness he is establishing a kind of “umbrella” that tightly covers all the students. The teacher’s goal: to confidently, firmly and steadily hold the handle of this “umbrella” throughout the lesson.

The exercise develops the ability to control the situation in the classroom.

Exercise 4. “Distribution of attention”

It is also important to learn how to distribute your attention in class.

The exercise is performed for 15-20 minutes, in home environment. Turn on the TV and open a book you are unfamiliar with (it’s better to take a fiction or nonfiction book first). Try reading a book and watching and listening to TV out of the corner of your eye at the same time. Watch yourself: after how many minutes will you feel tired? If fatigue sets in within 4-5 minutes, it means that your ability to distribute attention is poorly developed. Then try to briefly reproduce for yourself on paper what you read and restore what you saw on the TV screen. The more often you do the exercise, each time you will become better at distributing your attention.

Psychologists: Lemeshinskaya M.G., Smagulova A.S.

Target: to help increase teachers’ interest in the problem under consideration, creative search, initiative, and growth of pedagogical skills.

Game participants: physical education instructors, preschool teachers

Game scenario:

1 . Organizing time.

In the hall there are 3 tables and chairs in a semicircle for participants in the business game. The presenter addresses the participants:

Dear colleagues, our communication with you today will continue with a business game dedicated to the problem of developing interest in physical culture and sports in preschool children. But before we begin, I suggest you pay attention to this table with objects and choose one of them for yourself. We will learn about why we need these items and whether they can really be used only this way and not otherwise at the end of our game today.

Next to the leader there is a table on which various objects are laid out: a ball, a hand expander, a cup, a kokoshnik for outdoor games, a ribbon, a medal, etc.

The presenter invites everyone present to choose one item from those laid out on the table and take a seat at any of the three tables - this results in three teams.

2. Presentation of the “Business Card” commands

After the participants of the game, having chosen objects, sit down at the tables, the presenter takes the floor. He draws the guests' attention to the fact that they are all seated at three tables, thereby forming three teams.

And since there are teams, it means it must have a name and a captain. I suggest you choose a captain, come up with a team name and introduce yourself to the opposing team.

Team members choose captains, come up with a greeting and a name. The teams are being introduced.

3 . Introduction to the topic of the game.

After the presentation of the teams has ended, the presenter takes the floor.

A business game, as you know, is to a certain extent a rehearsal of the teacher’s activities. It makes it possible to play out any pedagogical situation in person, taking the place of the child, his parents or colleague. Today, together we will try to play out those ways that contribute to the formation of children’s interest in physical education and sports.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that, in modern world Children bear a large psychological burden; the fast pace of life requires endurance and good physical fitness, while the share of human physical labor in everyday life and in production is increasingly decreasing. The task of all adults is to teach the child the culture of physical education, to accustom him to the fact that maintaining sports shape is a natural and constant process. Then the child in later life will perceive physical activity as part of a normal lifestyle.

Preschool teachers are known to use a variety of ways to develop children’s positive attitudes towards physical education and sports.

Let's all try to list them together. To do this, each of you, in turn, will have to complete the following phrase " I cultivate children’s interest in physical education and sports through...”(daily morning exercises; through joint sports activities; through joint outdoor games; walks in the park, hikes in the forest, to the stadium; joint reading of literature on sports; watching relevant feature and animated films; joint physical education holidays, entertainment, competitions; interaction with parents; buying sports equipment for a child; creating a house sports corner; meetings with famous athletes, etc.)

The presenter plays the game “Finish the sentence” with the help of a ball. Each participant, starting with the leader, picks up the ball, pronounces the beginning of a sentence, ends it with his own statement and passes the ball to the next player.

After the game, the presenter offers the participants original materials for a poster consultation on the topic “Cultivating children’s interest in physical education and sports”

The presenter continues:

As you know, interest is a conscious selective positive

a person’s attitude towards something that encourages him to be active in order to understand the object of interest. In this regard, there are emotional and cognitive components of interest. In preschool age higher value has an emotional component of interest.

That is why preschool teachers try to select or come up with forms of work with children that would be interesting to children, as effective as possible, and, what is important today, based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process.

Teams draw out pieces of paper indicating a specific living creature (“fish”, “bear”, “eagle”), come up with a set of exercises and demonstrate it under the guidance of the captain.

Because our game today is dedicated to nurturing children's interest in physical education and sports. We will consolidate and expand our knowledge on this topic. After all, in order to tell children about something, to develop their interest in something, teachers themselves need to have sufficient knowledge of cognitive information.

The presenter distributes crossword puzzles to the teams, with different questions, but one keyword. Teams solve crossword puzzles, find and highlight the keyword “interest” in them.

The presenter continues, addressing the teams:

Children's interest in physical education can also be shaped by playing small sketches. sports theme. Such pantomimes will give children a lot of joyful emotions and educational information. For example, information about back side sports, as in our next task.

“A weightlifter who didn’t have time to jump off the barbell,” “A skier who didn’t have time to escape from an avalanche,” “A gymnast who unsuccessfully fell past the trampoline,” “A football player whose ball didn’t hit the goal,” etc.

Teams draw out pieces of paper indicating the name of the sculptural composition and the whole team creates it.

Various games-competitions, both for individual and team championships, contribute to children’s interest in physical education.

Each captain is asked to make 5 ring throws right hand from a distance of 2 meters.

The captains take turns making ring throws.

Dear team members, at the beginning of the game, each of you chose an item for yourself. Each of you knows what these items are needed for. But now you will try to think about how to use these items in order to arouse interest in a child and form a positive attitude towards physical exercise and sports and tell others.

Each participant, in turn, expresses thoughts about options for using this item in order to interest the child in sports and physical education. The presenter ends the competition by offering his options for using the selected item - pictures with the image different types sports

9. Summing up the game

The presenter thanks the participants for their fruitful cooperation and reminds teachers of the words of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky:

« Sport becomes a means of education when it is everyone’s favorite pastime.”


Crossword No. 1


  1. Drill team
  2. Running, figure skating, hockey... What are we talking about?
  3. Sports team game
  4. Racing on academic ships
  5. A person who has temporarily changed his place of residence for educational or sporting purposes
  6. Specialist in a particular sport
  7. The opposite value of depth

Crossword No. 2


1. Construction for aquatic species sports
2. Competition winner
3. Device for measuring physical strength
4. Flooring, used in gyms, stadiums and sports complexes (plural)
5. Kettlebells for manual strength exercises

Crossword No. 3


1. Outstanding biologist, anatomist, anthropologist, doctor, teacher, creator
scientific system of physical education, progressive public figure in Russia
2. One of the types of basic movement (throwing an object)
3. Religion of martial arts
4. Folk game (often used in preschool institutions)
5. Synonym for “props”
6. Kettlebells for manual strength exercises
7. Entertainment, fun, amusement. Joyful pastime
8. A sedentary sport where they even walk exclusively while sitting
9. A child who is too early to engage in serious sports
10. Goalkeeper
11. Footrest that rests on wheels and has a steering wheel

Business game for teachers

“Pedagogical techniques for creating a situation of success” Slide 1.

Target: promoting the formation among teachers of the need to use the principle “Success begets success” in their work, as one of the conditions for creating a health-preserving environment.Slide 2.


  • · Systematize techniques and methods for creating a situation of success in the classroom.

    · Analyze methods and techniques for creating a situation of success.

    · Create a data bank on the problem.

    Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

    I am very pleased to see you today at our mini-seminar, I hope for your cooperation and active intellectual activity. Today we will analyze the impact of success on various aspects of students’ activities, try to systematize the techniques and methods of creating success situations in the classroom and at school, and also create a pedagogical “data bank of success situations”

    Game "Dating"Slide 3.

    Materials: paper hearts, a ball of thread, cards with unfinished sentences.


    1. Write on the heart your name and 1 adjective that fully characterizes you.

    2. Hold the free end of the thread tightly in your hand and throw the ball to the teacher opposite. You have 1 minute to introduce yourself. What is your name. Where are you from. Then draw a card and complete the sentence written on it.

    Offers on the card:

    I like people who...

    The greatest joy for me is...

    I like when…

    I'm happy when...

    I am proud that...

    My strength in professional activity is….

    I think the most important thing for me...

    School for me is...

    I especially like it when people around me...

    My friends…

    The biggest achievement in my life...

    I appreciate in people...

    I feel confident when...

    A person is considered successful if...

    Why do you think we made such a web?

    (creating a friendly atmosphere of mutual assistance, trust, friendly and open communication with each other)

    Slide 4.

    Every person is pleased to receive compliments. But you need to not only receive compliments, but also be able to return them. And now we will play the game “Compliments”.

    Game “Compliments”

    Each person should compliment the neighbor on the left.

    Required conditions.

    1. Calling by name.
    2. What is said should be pleasant not to the speaker, but to the listener.
    3. The person to whom the compliment was intended must express words of gratitude and return the compliment, starting with the words: “And today you are very...” or “And today you have...”.


      1. What did you like more: giving compliments or receiving them?
      2. Which compliment did you like best?

    Today we will talk about the situation of success, its types and the creation of a situation of success in the practical activities of a teacher in the classroom.

    Division into groups

    Please stand in two lines

    Now unite into 3 groups. (sit down at the tables)

    Rules for working in a group

    "Here and now" Slide 5

    Try to think about what is happening in the group, actively participate in the lesson, and note for yourself your thoughts and feelings that arise during the conversation.

    "Individuality" slide 6

    Do not judge anyone, do not interrupt the speaker, do not criticize the point of view of another, but offer your own

    "Flying Cloud" slide 7

    Maintain an atmosphere of trust and attention to each other in the group.

    In your subgroups, grab a rope tied into a ring

    Your task, with your eyes closed, while talking, is to rebuild from this rope a figure that I will call (square, triangle, circle)

    Reflection: what difficulties did you experience during execution? this exercise

    Main part ( Participants take their places at the tables )

    Very often in our daily work we have to deal with the reluctance of students to go to school, work in class, as well as do homework, and expand their knowledge. Why is this happening? A first-grader comes to school full of desire to learn, he hopes to achieve recognition and expects to earn love and respect from teachers and classmates. The failure of this hope is the most serious problem of learning. So why does he lose interest in learning? Are educational institutions and teaching methods to blame for this? What role does the teacher play in this? Can a teacher create interest among students in the educational process and with what help?

    Not only our contemporaries, but teachers of past years were looking for answers to these and other questions.

    Ushinsky believed that only success maintains a student’s interest in learning. And interest in learning appears only when there is inspiration, born from success in mastering knowledge.

    Sukhomlinsky argued that the methods used in educational activities should arouse the child’s interest in understanding the world around him, and educational institution become a school of joy.

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Belkin is convinced that success should be available to every child. If a child succeeds in school, then he has every chance of success in life, and he insists that if a child is deprived of faith in himself, then it is very difficult to hope for a bright future.

    The teacher must create a source of inner strength for the child, which generates energy to overcome difficulties and the desire to learn. The teacher must create conditions in which the child experiences self-confidence and inner satisfaction; he must remember that the child must be helped to achieve success in educational activities. And for this you need to create a situation of success.

    What is it with scientific point view, the situation of success?

    Psychologists separated these two concepts, and this is what happened: slide 9

    A SITUATION is a combination of conditions that ensure success;

    SUCCESS is the result similar situation;

    EXPECTATION OF SUCCESS – desire to earn approval; the desire to affirm one’s “I”, one’s position, to make an application for the future, the expectations of others, the individual, the result of the individual’s activity.

    As a result, this phrase has a dual meaning, namely slide10

    SUCCESS from a psychological point of view - this is the experience of a state of joy,

    satisfaction from the fact that the result that a person strived for in his activities either coincided with his expectations, hopes, or exceeded them.

    From a pedagogical point of view, a SITUATION OF SUCCESS – this is a purposeful, organized combination of conditions with the help of which it is possible to achieve significant results in the activities of both an individual and the team as a whole. Slide 11

    The teacher’s task is to give each of his students the opportunity to experience the joy of achievement, realize their capabilities, and believe in themselves.

    How to create a situation of success in class?

    The main point of a teacher’s activity is to create a situation for the child to succeed in the lesson and give him the opportunity to experience the joy of achievement, realize his abilities, and believe in himself.

    Slide 8.

    I suggest you consider the types of success situations.

    There are several main types of success situations:

    1. Unexpected joy.

    2. General joy.

    3. The joy of learning.

    4. Imaginary success.

    Now I invite you to consider in detail the types of success situations and the techniques through which they are realized, and also let’s see how these techniques can be used in your teaching activities.

    Slide 9

    Type 1 “Unexpected joy” is a feeling of satisfaction that the results of a child’s activities have exceeded all his expectations. From a pedagogical point of view, unexpected joy is the result of a thoughtful, prepared activity of a teacher.“Unexpected joy” is typical for children with traditionally low self-esteem.

    Here for your attention, we offer pedagogical techniques"Unexpected Joy"

    1. Technique “Emotional stroking”

    During class, the teacher praises the children: “You’re great,” “You’re smart,” “I’m proud of you.”

    Types of Praisecan be varied: approval, verbal and written gratitude, reward, responsible assignment, manifestation of trust and admiration, care and attention, forgiveness for an offense.

    Praise requires certain conditions for its application, otherwise it may turn out to be a “disservice” or be non-pedagogical.

    When showing praise, you must adhere to the following:rules:

    · Praise should be given for the efforts made, and not for what is given to a person by nature. Undeserved praise arouses the envy of comrades and turns them against the teacher.

    · Not in front of children

    · praising a child for something that is not supported by the group, even if this is completely correct behavior from the teacher’s point of view. Such praise no longer breeds envy, but aggression. So, if only one student from the group prepared for the lesson, praise addressed to him, as a rule, pits him against the group, although he, of course, is not to blame for anything. In this case, it is better to praise him in private.

    · In every group there is always an informal hierarchy, some are considered more deserving of praise than others. Insistently praising someone who is not liked in the class is quite dangerous for them and for the group’s attitude towards the teacher. This doesn't mean they shouldn't be praised. They need to be supported, but in a motivated way, gradually changing the group’s attitude towards them, drawing its attention to certain successes of not so popular classmates.

    · Children very willingly and exaggeratedly attribute “favorites” to teachers, and teachers actually have students who are more pleasant to them, but they need to be praised taking into account the appropriate, adequate moment for praise.

    2 .Reception "Staircase" We are talking about situations when the teacher leads the student upward progressively.


    Step 1: Psychological attack. The point is to reverse the state of psychological tension. Creating conditions for entering into emotional contact.

    Step 2: Emotional blockage. The point is to block the state of resentment, disappointment, loss of faith in one’s strength. The main thing is to help the child find the reason from the position: “failure is accidental, success is natural,” and reorient from a pessimistic assessment of events to an optimistic one.

    Let us give an example of the first step of the “Staircase” technique. It will be difficult to start a conversation with a student on a topic that is sore for him. You need to do something unexpected, for example, write and put a note in the student’s diary: I’m waiting for you at nine o’clock at the entrance to the video salon. A note makes it easier to make contact. After all, the student had a kind of psychological barrier towards the teacher. He might not have been aware of it, but he felt it. The date was set late so that he thought that one of his classmates invited him. At least not a teacher. It's important to catch him off guard. So that he fails to build a psychological defense against the teacher’s interference in his inner world. The result is excellent! The student is so amazed that he meekly goes with the teacher and takes part in the conversation. This is the main task of the “psychological attack”.

    3. Technique “I give you a chance”

    Prepared situations in which the child gets the opportunity to unexpectedly discover his own capabilities.

    Consider the following situation: Alyosha, a ninth grade student, is an excellent student. He has deep knowledge in all subjects. But somewhere in the middle of the third quarter I started to lose control. Other extracurricular interests appeared. During a history lesson, he came out to answer, but so weakly that the teacher, disappointed and surprised, was forced to give him a C. At the next lesson, believing that the first failure was accidental, intending to give him a chance to correct the situation, he again called him to answer. Again a weak answer. Over the next three weeks, the teacher never reminded Alyosha about his failure, never asked, although he understood that the class expected different tactics from him.

    At the end of the month the teacher made short review performance of the class as a whole and gave characteristics of the work of each student individually. When it was Alyosha’s turn, he said that he was surprised by his “success” and intended to ask him today. Alyosha's face fell. He never expected this. But nevertheless, the teacher calls him to the board and begins to ask him questions. Alyosha answers poorly. But the teacher, to everyone’s surprise, gives him the highest score and warns that from now on he will give him excellent marks in every lesson, but will not ask him (?!) until he himself wants to show real knowledge.

    At the next lesson, the teacher’s promise was fulfilled, but Alyosha felt clearly uncomfortable. For him, this turned out to be too strong an emotional onslaught that he could not withstand. At the next lesson, he took an active part in the work of the class, raised his hand, complemented, although he did not express a desire to come to the table... It was obvious to everyone that the process of his recovery had begun.

    This situation belongs to the “unexpected joy” type, and the “give a chance” technique. The situation is far from typical, one might say unique. But the teacher was very experienced, and he firmly believed in Alyosha’s conscientiousness, in his ability to correctly evaluate everything and understand everything.

    It was during this three-week period that the teacher not only observed Alyosha, but also talked with his parents, with class teacher. He wondered if there were any compelling reasons for such an unexpected breakdown. There were no serious reasons. Therefore, the teacher decided to “shake up” Alyosha. The high authority that Alyosha enjoyed in the class will help the teacher win this situation. If he silently accepts these unjustified A's, then he will certainly lose in the eyes of his comrades the reputation of a decent person that he has always had. Of course, he would never do such a thing. The teacher reasonably assumed that Alyosha’s breakdown was a weakness strong personality, and therefore it is necessary to ensure that temporary weakness does not turn into permanent, while relying on the strength of the student himself

    4. Reception "Intentional error"

    Can be used taking into accountage only on material known to students, which is used in the proof as supporting knowledge.

    5. Reception "Advance"

    We are talking about those cases when the teacher warns the child in advance about independent final work, about the upcoming test of knowledge. It warns for a reason. Otherwise it's - proactive control. The point is a preliminary discussion of what the child will have to do: look at the plan, listen to the first version of the upcoming answer, select literature for the presentation together with the teacher, etc. In some ways it resembles a rehearsal for the upcoming action.

    6. "Cold Shower" Reception

    In classes with capable students, you can observe that periods of recovery can be replaced by relaxation. Such children are very emotional and actively react to successes and failures. Valuations are booming. Their Achilles heel is quickly getting used to success, devaluing joy, turning confidence into self-confidence. For them, “Cold Shower” can be useful.

    Slide 10

    Type 2 “General joy”- this is, first of all, the emotional response of others to the success of a member of their team. It can be prepared by a teacher or spontaneous, noticeable or unnoticeable. Joy is joy when there is no getting used to it, when it proves the growth of the child.

    1. Reception "Follow us"

    The point is to awaken the student’s dormant thoughts. The reaction of others will serve for him at the same time as a wake-up call, a stimulus, and the result of efforts.


    Step 1: intelligent background diagnostics. Awakening the mind when a child wants to catch up with students who have gone ahead.

    Step 2: selection of an intellectual sponsor. It’s easier to attach a strong student. This requires mutual interest, so that the child does not experience his humiliating weakness in front of other children, he has an advance of trust.

    Step 3: recording the result and evaluating it. It is necessary that a good deed does not remain out of sight of the children's team, that it receives its support and, most importantly, the desire to repeat it and develop it.

    It is difficult to give any specific example here, because it will not be able to reflect the entire gamut of possible situations, but it is possible to list the most typical options for intellectual sponsorship: joint participation in the preparation and holding of themed evenings, shows, competitions, and the like.

    The most effective way is to involve a high school student in intellectual sponsorship. This offers many benefits. Here is the realization of the feelings of the “elder”, and the awareness of one’s own intellectual “I”. At the same time, it is flattering for a weak student to accept the help of a senior and feel his attention. He does not experience his humiliating weakness in front of his classmates; he has an advance of trust in the capabilities of his sponsor.

    2. Reception “Emotional Outburst”

    the main role assigned to the teacher. His words, an emotional outburst of his desire to help the child, to create a situation of success.

    Let's give an example of the “emotional outburst” technique. A student in the class did not really like the Russian language, but studied more or less regularly and had average grades. In one Russian language lesson, he got a good mark, calmed down, and decided not to burden himself too much with homework. During lessons, he fell into the usual state of passively sitting back. Suddenly he heard a question from the teacher, who asked him to repeat the rule he had learned in the last lesson. I couldn’t remember the rule, my thoughts were confused. And suddenly he heard the teacher’s voice, heard the words spoken with such hope, kindness, support: “Vadim! You can't be silent. Think about it, remember! You've flown so high! You took off and are flying so high, do you understand what this is? And now you can fall, and falling always hurts!”

    I immediately remembered the lines of rules learned in the last lesson that came out from somewhere. Vadim spoke correctly, clearly, with the hope that he would be understood and supported! He didn’t come home, but ran in: “Mom, you know, that’s what she told me: “You flew!” I remembered! I remembered everything, mom! I didn’t fall...”

    The teacher’s words are certainly impromptu, inspiration, a real emotional outburst of her sincere desire to help the child, to create a situation for him to succeed!

    3. Technique “Exchange of Roles”

    The exchange of roles makes it possible to highlight the hitherto hidden potential of the intellectual, emotional and volitional capabilities of students, turning from a form of business game into a technique for creating a situation of success.

    4. Reception “Infection”

    Infection is based on precise calculation, in which the main thing is the choice of the source of intellectual infection. It is possible to “infect” a team with intellectual joy if the success of an individual student becomes an incentive for the success of others, develops into the success of many, and the awareness of this success causes joy for everyone.

    Slide 11

    3 Type “Joy of learning” - the essence of this type of success is to create conditions under which the child, while completing a task, unexpectedly comes to a conclusion that reveals previously unknown possibilities. The teacher’s merit will be to not only notice this personal “discovery,” but also to support the child in every possible way, set new, more serious tasks for him, and inspire him to solve them.

    1. “Eureka” reception

    The point is to create conditions under which the child, while completing a task, unexpectedly comes to a conclusion that reveals previously unknown possibilities. The teacher’s merit is not only to notice this personal “discovery,” but also to support the child in every possible way and set new tasks for him. You need to remember that:

    · the success of the discovery must be prepared for a long time and patiently, revealing to the child the connections between what he has achieved and what he has not yet been able to achieve;

    · the child should be constantly instilled in him that he can achieve the inaccessible, that he has enough strength and intelligence. What is needed is suggestion, support, setting for tomorrow's joy;

    · the child must be convinced that he owes his success, first of all, to himself.

    We are walking in nature, I draw the boy’s attention to the many problems that people solve in the process of work. And then the day came in which I firmly believed: Petya solved the problem on his own. The boy's eyes lit up and he began to explain. About what we're talking about in the problem, his explanation was confusing, but I saw that what had been covered in darkness was finally revealed to the child. Petya was happy. I also breathed a sigh of relief: finally. “I solved the problem myself,” he told his grandfather joyfully. Petya was proud of his success

    2. reception "Skyline"

    If a teacher leads children to the point at which they can draw an independent conclusion and experience the joy of such an “insight,” it means that he has created a situation in which even an intellectually passive child can feel himself creative personality.

    "Imaginary success"- satisfaction of students with low achievements with an objective opportunity to have higher successes.

    The teacher’s tasks are to overcome situations of imaginary success by creating conditions under which the child can increase his achievements.

    Solving the situation (discussion in subgroups)

    The student, clearly demonstrating his bad attitude towards one of his classmates, says: “I don’t want to do the task with him.”

    What will you do (how will you act, what will you say, etc.) in this situation and why?

    In this case, the teacher’s incorrect attitude will be the following actions and answers:

    "So what?",

    “You can’t go anywhere, you still have to,”

    "That's stupid of you"

    “But he also won’t want to do the task with you after this,” etc.

    “This doesn’t happen to me”, “It’s strong general description, it does not allow you to give a specific answer...", etc.

    “I still ask you to begin the task!”

    “Together you will be able to cope well with the proposed task.”

    “I will try to find out why the child does not want to work together with a classmate and, if possible, eliminate the cause of the negative attitude. I will also explain to the student why I think it is important to work together on the task in the proposed pair. If the reason is determined, the composition of the mini-groups for joint completion of tasks may be replaced. In this case it will be possible to avoid conflict situation and prevent the possibility of its occurrence in the future.”

    Slide 12

    How does the situation of success affect the activity and condition of the child?

    Teachers' responses are listened to.

    · inspires the child with self-confidence;

    · there is a desire to achieve good results again;

    · creates a feeling of inner well-being;

    · there is a reassessment of one's capabilities.

    Slide 13

    What are the consequences of creating a situation of success?

    The teacher should remember that:

    · Success achieved at the cost of little effort can lead to an overestimation of one's capabilities.

    · A strong experience of any emotion is necessarily followed by relaxation: if during this period the child is offered any work, it will be completed less successfully.

    · A child can be traumatized if a result that is important and significant for him is not adequately assessed by other people (“A in drawing? It would be better if he got an A in reading...”).

    · Constantly ensuring the success of learning can form not an active, but a habitual attitude towards educational activities.

    · Constantly expecting a positive result is fraught with the development of an inability to overcome difficulties and refusal to act in difficult educational and life situations.

    Slide 14

    Instilling in a child self-confidence is the key to successful parenting. We must correctly formulate our phrases and comments, and speak competently with students. I offer you options for phrases with incorrect wording, your task is to suggest opposite each phrase correct option answer, and then we will compare what we got.

    There's no point in saying that!

    But this is how it should be!

    You are somehow unbalanced, you are always nervous!

    I think you were excited when you answered in class.

    Why are you shouting, do you think I’m judging you unfairly?

    You're talking very loud now

    You never knew how to explain the material, again no one understood anything

    I think you explained in too complex phrases

    You're calling me names again! Yesterday he called Petya names, then, remember last week how he talked to me

    Now you're not behaving correctly

    You should take your lessons more seriously!

    Perhaps next time you should spend more time preparing

    I've been talking here for half an hour! You are not listening to me! How can I talk to you?!

    It's important to me that we listen to each other.

    Take a break, I want to tell you...

    When you finish your business, let me know. I'd like to talk to you.

    You, of course, are great, but you have a lot of mistakes, bad handwriting and complex wording.

    You really wrote interesting essay. However, the grammar needs some more work.

    Slide 15

    And now we will create a recipe for preparing a good lesson. List me, in your opinion, the best positive emotions that help maintain a friendly atmosphere throughout the lesson.

    (Teachers offer their options, then ready-made answers appear on the slide)

    Add one serving to each session:






    Devotion to your work;

    Freethinking and freethinking;


    Relaxation and health care;

    Good humor;


    Faith in every child.

    (Teachers work in subgroups, create their own recipe, and visualize it on whatman paper)

    And I offer you my recipe - Take a dozen of the best emotions. Carefully select only those that are devoid of disappointment, resentment and anger. Once you have selected 12 emotions, divide them into several activities that you have to do in your work day

    The amount of ingredients is at the discretion of the cook. To spice things up, add a dash of recklessness. Now add some love to the children and whisk everything with vigorous movements.

    Place your dish on the fire of children's hearts. Decorate with raisins of smiles and sprigs of joy. Before serving, serve the lesson with the professionalism of the teacher. Follow this recipe exactly and you will succeed!

    Bon appetit, dear colleagues! Appetite for teaching work and creativity!

    Slide 16

    Only then will you be a good teacher, and your student will be successful, when in communicating with children in and outside of class you focus on positive personality traits!

    In order to use methods and techniques successful implementation classes, in your future work you can use the reminders that are on your desks.

    Slide 17

    Exercise “Friendly Palm”


    Trace the outline of your palm and write your name on it. Then pass the piece of paper with the outline of your palm to your group colleagues and let everyone leave their wishes or compliments on one of the fingers of the palm

    (at the end of the work, participants take palms with wishes as a souvenir)

    Well, in conclusion, dear teachers, I invite you to express your opinion about today’s seminar using an opinion candle. We will pass it around to each teacher; it is very important for me to hear the opinion of each seminar participant.

    Teachers take turns passing the candle to each other and voicing their opinions about the seminar.

    Slide 17

    And in order for your classes to be successful and effective, I have prepared reminders for you - recommendations that will help you in your work.

    Slide 18


Job title: Educator

Institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 23 “Golden Key”

Locality: Surgut, Tyumen region

Subject: Collection of business games for teachers of preschool educational institutions “SPEECH DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN”

KINDERGARTEN No. 23 “Golden Key”

business games for preschool teachers


Compiled by:
Minikaeva E. N., teacher

Compiled by
Elena Nikolaevna Minikaeva

Collection of business games for teachers “Speech development of preschool children” / Comp. E. N. Minikaeva.

This selection of business games is carried out with teachers of preschool institutions in order to improve professional competence on the problem of developing coherent speech in preschool children. During business games, teachers will clarify their knowledge on this issue, practice their ability to use technology in practical work with preschool children, they will improve the ability to plan the course of a lesson using coherent speech, structure it, and diversify it with non-traditional methods and techniques that help activate children in the lesson. They practice their ability to communicate and develop a common opinion in a team. The material is recommended for senior teachers of preschool institutions.

A business game for teachers of preschool educational institutions for the development of speech in preschool children “PEDAGOGICAL EXPRESS”.

Business game for group teachers
“Developing coherent speech.”

Business game scenario for speech development teachers.

Business game “Speech development of a preschooler.”

Business game for educators.
"Connoisseurs of Children's Fiction."

1. Increase professional level teachers, intensify the use of oral folk art in working with children;
2. Develop communication skills teachers, ability to work in a team.
3.Unleash the creative potential of each teacher.

Progress of the game:
It is believed that play is the leading activity of a preschooler. In fact, adults love to play no less than children.
Dear colleagues, today I invite you to play, as you know, you can learn a lot of new, necessary and interesting things from the game. Children's love for fairy tales and fiction is generally known, so the teacher must have a wealth of knowledge on this issue. Today we will deal with the acquisition of new and development of old luggage. I represent the teams. Amazing. You will have to go through a number of difficult tests, I think that for you, experts in your field, it will not be difficult, but I still wish you good luck! Before you start, listen to the rules. If the question is addressed specifically to the team, then it answers immediately (if the answer is ready) or thinks for 1 minute. If after 1 minute a team does not know the answer, then the other team has a chance to earn a point by correctly answering the opponents' question. Points are represented in the form of chips. Is everything clear to the teams? Then let's get started.
I. Remember who said these magic words:
1. “At the behest of the pike, in my opinion, at will...”
2. “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before the grass!”
3. “Sleep, little peephole, sleep, other one!” »
4. “Are you warm, maiden, are you warm, red one?”
5. “How can I not be sad, gray wolf, I am left without a good horse...”
6. “I’m carrying the scythe on my shoulders, I want to whip the fox, get off the stove, fox!”

II. Finish the proverb:
1. “What is written with a pen...” (you can’t cut it out with an ax)
2. “Don’t spit in the well...” (useful for drinking water)
3. “Don’t have a hundred rubles...” (but have a hundred friends)
4. “Measure seven times...” (cut once)
5. “As you sow...” (so shall you reap)
6. “Do you like to ride...” (love to carry sleds too)
7. “Do you want to eat rolls...” (Don’t sit on the stove)
8. “The hut is not red in its corners...” (But it is red in its pies)

III. What type of creativity does this refer to?
1. “As it goes around, so it goes back” (proverb)
2. “There is grass in the yard - there is firewood on the grass” (Tongue twister)
3. “The village was driving past a peasant, suddenly the gate barked from under the gate” (Tale.)
4. “Katya, Katya, Katyukha, saddled the rooster, and the rooster neighed and ran to the market” (Poteshka)
5. “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...” (Fairy tale) 6. “A car was driving through a dark forest, For some kind of interest.
Exit with the letter C" (Counting book)
IV. Puzzles:
a) I feed the whole world, but I don’t eat it myself (the earth).
b) The flowers are angelic, and the claws are devilish (rose).
c) Run, run, not reach, fly, fly, not reach (horizon).
d) Sleeps on the ground, and disappears in the morning (dew).
- Thank you, colleagues! You've completed your warm-up. Let's move on to the tasks.
Exercise 1.
Which age group corresponds to the following problems in fiction:
1. Listen to the telling or reading of small works, memorize or recognize a familiar work upon repeated listening, recognize the characters of a fairy tale, story, poem in illustrations and toys, memorize the texts of works of small folklore. Develop the ability to answer simple questions from the teacher. (1st junior group)
2. Develop the ability to listen carefully to fairy tales, poems, stories. Follow the development of the action in the fairy tale, sympathize with the positive characters. Learn to understand the meaning of the work; reproduce the content in the correct sequence using the teacher’s questions; expressively read short nursery rhymes and poems by heart. (2nd junior group)
3. Continue to develop an interest and love for fiction. Learn to answer questions about the content of the work. Learn to evaluate the actions of heroes, characterize some moral qualities(good, evil, brave). Learn to read poems and nursery rhymes expressively. Fix children's attention not only on the content of a literary work, but also on the features of the language. (Middle group)
4. Learn to distinguish between genres literary works and some features of each genre. Learn to emotionally convey the content of a short prose work and expressively recite poems by heart. Develop a poetic ear, intonation expressiveness of speech. Learn to understand the main idea of ​​the work and correctly evaluate the actions of the characters. (Preparatory group for school)

Task 2.
The following works are used to work with children of what age group:
1. A. Barto. “Toys”, “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Belobok’s Magpie”, K. Chukovsky. “Chicken”, S. Marshak “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”
(1st junior group)
2. Z. Aleksandrova “My Teddy Bear”, A. Barto “Roaring Girl”, S. Marshak “Mustachioed and Striped”, “Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Dereza Goat”, “By the Sun” visiting", E. Charushin "Wolf"
(2nd junior group)
3. “Fox with a rolling pin”, “Geese-Swans”, “Two Greedy Little Bears”, “Winter Cub”, Y. Taits “For Mushrooms”, K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s Mountain”, Alexandrova “Wind on the River”, “Dandelion” . (middle group)
4. N. Nosov " Living hat", "Ayoga", "Havroshechka", "Silver Hoof", H.K. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Sleeping Beauty" (senior, preparatory group)

Task 4.
Determine the name work of art and its author according to the proposed passage:
1. ...Well, so you see, laymen,
Orthodox Christians,
Our daring fellow
He wormed his way into the palace;
Serves at the royal stables
And it won’t bother you at all
It's about brothers and father
In the sovereign's palace...
(P.P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)
2... The troops march day and night;
They become unbearable.
No massacre, no camp,
No grave mound.
Now the eighth day has passed,
The king leads the army to the mountains
And between the high mountains
Sees a silk tent...
(A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

Task 5.
“Make a word from syllables and guess the fairy tale”
(in the form of finwords)
Teams receive cards with a task (different) and complete it within 2 minutes. Speed ​​and accuracy are taken into account. Answers must be written under each task. Russian folk tales are encrypted in a set of syllables.
Kashechrokhav (“Havroshechka”).
Bokloko ("Kolobok")
Zorkomo ("Morozko")
Ochvokamyud Thumbelina
Dyrodyom Moidodyr
Gukarosnech (Snow Maiden)
Comeret ("Teremok")
Shcheinakatar (“Cockroach”)

Task 6.
“Wonderful bag” Invite teams to name it in one word
1. a figurative, short saying that aptly defines a phenomenon (proverb)
2. a short story, most often poetic, allegorical with a moral conclusion (fable)
3. oral folk art. Song-legend based on real events (epic)
4. the main type of oral folk art, an artistic narrative of a fantastic, adventure or everyday nature (fairy tale)
5. a short, funny story with a witty ending on a topical topic (anecdote)
6. oral folk art, folk wisdom (folklore)
7. a small lyrical work intended for vocal performance (song)
8. a type of oral folk art, a question or task that requires a solution (riddle)
9. a short expressive saying that has an instructive meaning (proverb)
10. a short chorus of 2 or 4 lines, at a fast tempo, often accompanied by a re-dance (ditty).

Summing up the business game.
A business game for teachers of preschool educational institutions on the development of speech in preschool children

Purpose of the game:
Intensify the activities of teachers speech development children;
Encourage them to gain experience in teamwork;
Improve practical skills in professional activities;
Strengthen the ability to select information from different sources.
Preliminary work:
viewing methodological literature;
production by each team of a manual for children’s speech development (planar and three-dimensional models, didactic games, toys);
drawing up a “presentation” for the manual;
memorization, repetition of folklore works.

Station 1 – Theoretical – “Pedagogical Library”
Task 1: each team needs to solve a rebus in which words on the theme of the game are encrypted: speech, word, language.
Task 2: supplement and present a diagram on the topic “Children’s speech development.” It is proposed to use methodological literature to help.
Types of schemes:
1. Functions of a child’s speech.
2. Tasks for the development of speech of children in kindergarten.
3. Methods for developing children's speech in kindergarten.
3 Task: each team to create 3 concepts (the concepts are “cut” into parts - in the appendix)
1 Team: speech, vocabulary work, dialogue;
2 Team: speech development, formation of grammatical structure of speech, monologue;
3 Team: speech culture, coherent speech, story.
Presenter: Among the many important tasks of raising and educating preschool children in kindergarten, teaching their native language, developing speech, and verbal communication is one of the main ones. In kindergarten, preschoolers, mastering their native language, master the most important form of verbal communication - orally. Speech communication in its full form - speech understanding and active speech - develops gradually. The most important thing for the active development of children's speech is the early age of children. Already from the second half of a child’s life, the baby develops an understanding of words and speech. An elementary incomplete appears verbal communication when an adult speaks, and the child responds only with facial expressions, gestures, movements, and actions. The child imitates the sounds and sound combinations of an adult. The first meaningful words appear in a child’s speech usually by the end of the first year. By the age of one and a half years, the child uses approximately 100 words in active speech; by the age of 2, the vocabulary increases significantly - up to 300 words or more. By the age of three, a child’s vocabulary increases to 1000 words. Thus, it is the early age that is most favorable for the development of a child’s speech. And both parents and educators can and should help the child with this. And for this you can use a variety of forms of work, which will be discussed in the following tasks.
Station 2 – Psychological – pedagogical consultation
4 Task: “solve problems”:
Team 1: The child’s first words are difficult to understand. Having managed to understand something, the adult with a joyful look should repeat the spoken words after him. This encourages further conversation. The child will be pleased to know that an adult understands him.
Question: How should an adult repeat a child’s words, how he pronounces them, or how an adult should?
Answer: An adult must pronounce words correctly and purely. A child, even knowing the word correctly, cannot immediately pronounce it due to the imperfection of the speech-motor apparatus.
Team 2: How should an adult speak in order to transform a child’s autonomous speech into active, correct speech?
Autonomous speech - lightweight words are used (AB - AB, distorted words (MOKO - milk, invented by a child (TOPA - TOPA - went).
Answer: If a child, seeing a bird, says: “GOOLI - GOOLI,” then the adult should support him actively - in a joyful mood and say: “Yes, this is a bird - DOVES.” That is, without paying or focusing his attention on what he said incorrectly. words, immediately pronounce the word correctly.
Team 3: How should communication be carried out with a child 2–3 years old while washing, so that:
Expand his vocabulary.
Develop a positive attitude towards water procedures?
Answer: While washing, the teacher should “voice” the washing process in such a way as to evoke positive emotions in the child. For example, “We wash our hands with warm water. It gurgles and flows. The soap foams. The hands will be clean,” etc. Since this happens regularly, the child’s vocabulary expands. And emotionally colored speech fosters a positive attitude towards water procedures.
5 Task: using the characteristics to determine the level of development of the child’s speech
1 team: high level speech development
Characteristics: Roma Sh. – age 3 years 1 month.
Sound structure of speech. The child recently turned 3 years old, and he pronounces all sounds clearly, including “r”.
Communication skills. Communicates easily with children and adults, quickly makes contact.
The vocabulary is quite rich, all parts of speech are present, except numerals and gerunds. Lots of adjectives difficult words, verb forms.
Coherent speech. Roma loves to listen when people read to him and is ready to “read” around the clock. After reading, he asks a lot of questions and looks at the illustrations for a long time. Quickly remembers characteristic speech patterns from fairy tales, comparisons, epithets.
He invites the children in the group to “read”: he takes a book with fairy tales and retells the contents almost word for word, looking at the pictures. Conveys intonation. He talks clearly, almost consistently, about incidents from life.
The grammatical structure of speech. Uses words first, and then, prepositions in, on, for, at, under. There are almost no grammatical errors typical of three-year-olds in his speech, with the exception of errors in the endings of nouns genitive case plural: coats, boots, shoes and during education imperative mood verbs: press.
His word-formation intonations are interesting: landed (fell, my mother became kinder (that is, she became kinder, stopped being angry, defended (protected).
Likes to rhyme words. Creates texts with rhythm and rhyme, but without meaning.
He says hello, says goodbye, thanks, apologizes without a reminder. (The influence of “family” speech).
Parents are involved in the development of their son, read a lot to the child, talk, and communicate confidentially. Roma draws a lot, sculpts, talks about his drawings, crafts, even tries to “write” by drawing doodles and asks to read them.
2 Team: average level of speech development
Characteristics: Masha S. – age 3 years 3 months.
Communication skills. The girl is sociable and easily communicates with adults and children. When requested, he pronounces words of politeness with pride.
Sound structure of speech. Corresponds to the norm: speech sounds softened, most consonants, except for hissing and whistling ones, are pronounced clearly, the sounds “r”, “ry” are replaced by “l” with the overtone “ry” (physiological burr).
The intonation pattern of speech changes when, for example, in a game he speaks for a doll - a daughter and for her mother and father. Tries (but not for long) to speak louder or quieter if asked.
The rate of speech is average, speech breathing is sufficient to pronounce 2 - 3 words, speaks while exhaling. The repetition of syllables when trying to say a new word is specific to her age.
Lexicon. Masha correctly names almost all object pictures that depict familiar animals, dishes, toys, furniture, and clothes.
In conversation, names - nouns are rarely replaced with gestures, but there are very few adjectives in her speech. Instead of any adjectives, she usually uses the word such. Verbs denoting actions are not enough; they are replaced by gestures and movements.
Grammatical structure. Masha uses sentences of two to four words. There are many errors in the use of verb forms, in generic and case endings nouns.
Speech contains “own” grammatical forms, especially when forming the imperative mood: drink instead of sing, lie down instead of lie down.
Coherent speech. The girl knows how to carry on a conversation, ask questions and answer the question in 2–4 words. She cannot talk about what happened to her, but she finishes phrases from songs and nursery rhymes after the teacher. He recites short poems, knows songs, loves to create and repeat rhymes that have no meaning, such as tusya - nusya - kusya.
She doesn’t like to listen when they read, because she’s used to watching TV, that is, she understands the meaning not on an auditory, but on a visual basis.
3 Team: low level of speech development
Characteristics: Misha V. – age 3 years 2 months.
Communication skills. Misha is unsociable, serious, and loves to play alone with cars, cubes, and construction sets.
He thanks, greets, says goodbye, but pronounces words of politeness unintelligibly.
The sound structure of his speech can be described as age-related physiological tongue-tiedness, but it is typical for a two-year-old, and not for a three-year-old.
The articulatory apparatus is poorly developed, the frenulum of the tongue is slightly shortened. It is necessary to do special exercises to develop the mobility of the tongue, lips, and stretch the frenulum. Apparently, the formation of the muscles necessary for pronouncing sounds is affected by insufficient speech activity.
The vocabulary is passive, allowing the child to understand speech addressed to him. The active vocabulary is clearly insufficient, especially few verbs. The boy replaces words with facial expressions and gestures, and has difficulty naming actions and objects.
There are few adjectives in speech.
Grammatical structure. Misha uses two-word and three-word sentences, and confuses the generic endings: my mom, my dad, my nose, my chair.
Case endings are poorly distinguishable, there are almost no prepositions, but he understands grammatical constructions with prepositions correctly.
Coherent speech. The dialogue is supported by one-word answers. He doesn’t know how to tell a story himself, but with the help of an adult, his tips and questions, he can reproduce a fairy tale from pictures.
Common task for all teams
Speech development causing concern for teachers.
Characteristics: Anya S. – age 3 years 2 months.
Sound structure of speech. The girl is already 3 years old, and she still uses simplified words: mako (milk, ka-si (sausages).
At home, they do not believe that Anya’s autonomous speech is the cause of anxiety and reconsideration of the relationship with the child. “She is not completely healthy and therefore does not catch up with the children,” says the girl’s mother.
The child does not make most sounds; enough for three year olds vocabulary and there is no grammaticalization.
He expresses his requests and demands primarily through gestures, facial expressions, and demanding, capricious intonation. Sometimes he still says simple sentences like Anya... give it.
Communication skills. The girl tries to communicate with the children, play together, but the children do not understand her, and Anya quickly gets irritated, offends the children, hits them or bites them.
Simple requests and instructions are partially understood, and only after they are repeated.
Doesn’t like to listen; while reading texts of nursery rhymes and fairy tales, he moves away from the teacher; illustrations, if they are bright and colorful enough, sometimes he examines them, but does not ask questions and rarely names what is depicted, sometimes he comments like this: kitty meow, aw - aw, bi - bi, bang.
Her health also raises concerns: constant nasal discharge, frequent illnesses nasopharynx and ears, which, of course, affects the development of speech.
What recommendations can you give to parents? (advise parents to contact an otolaryngologist and neurologist)
R.S. Subsequently, during an examination by doctors, Anya was found to have hearing problems. The girl was transferred to a specialized kindergarten and is currently enrolled in a program for hearing-impaired children.
Station 3 – Pedagogical piggy bank
6 Task: each team presents 2 didactic manuals on the speech development of children, briefly talking about where and how it can be used.
7 Task: show a finger game that can be used in speech development classes and in everyday activities.
8 Task: remember and read nursery rhymes that can be used in working with children to enrich children’s speech.
9 Task: working with proverbs: each team receives a card with a task
1 team:
Find the extra proverb:
“Bragging is not mowing, your back doesn’t hurt”
“Don’t be in a hurry with your tongue, be in a hurry with your deeds”
“Language will bring you to Kyiv”
“From word to deed - a hundred stages”
(answer: third proverb)
Remember the proverbs that are the opposite in meaning to the proverb “When trouble comes, open the gates”
(Answer: “Every cloud has a silver lining”, “There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped”)
Remember the proverbs about work that can be used when working with children.
Team 2:
Find pairs of proverbs:
“He who knows how to read and write will not perish”
"Chop the tree by yourself"
“Knowledge is not a burden to anyone”
“Wormwood grows without roots”
“The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother”
“After Senka and the hat”
(Answer: 1-3, 2-6, 4–5)
Remember the proverb, the opposite in meaning to this one: “The night before dawn is short if there is a lot of work”
Answer: “The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do”
Remember proverbs about friendship that can be used when working with children
Team 3:
Find the “Russian” version of foreign proverbs:
Arabic “When you sow a cactus, do not rely on a grape harvest” (“What you sow is what you reap”)
Finnish “He who asks will not get lost” (“Language will take you to Kyiv”)
French “Once the cork is removed, you need to drink wine” (Called yourself a milk mushroom - get into the back)
African “Even the reddest apple can contain a worm” (“All that glitters is not gold”).
Vietnamese “A leisurely elephant will reach the goal earlier” (“The slower you go, the further you will go”)
Complete the proverbs:
“The bird is red in feathers, but the man...” (learning)
“Learning is light, but ignorance...” (dark)
“Learn to read and write - go ahead...” (useful)
“Learning decorates in happiness, but in misfortune...” (consoling)
“Whoever is good at reading and writing will not ....” (abyss)
Remember the proverbs about love for mother, for the Motherland.
Station 4 – Pedagogical Auction
10 Task: list all possible forms of interaction with parents on the development of children’s speech.
5th station – Press – Center
1. Discussion of problem cards on children’s speech development (homework)
2. All teams take turns drawing and answering questions based on the results of the business game.
— Have you come up with any idea that you will bring to life?
— What other information on this topic would you like to receive?
— Are you interested in the form of holding this event? How?
— Which material was most interesting?
— What material and forms of work, in your opinion, would be interesting and useful to parents?
— Wishes to colleagues.


Pedagogical dictionary
Speech development in preschool children
A word is the basic lexical unit expressing a concept.
The sound of speech is a minimal, indivisible speech unit.

Speech culture - degree of mastery language norms(in the area of ​​pronunciation, stress, word usage and grammar, as well as the ability to use all expressive means language in different conditions communication (communication).

Active vocabulary - words that the speaker not only understands, but also uses (more or less often).
Passive vocabulary is words that a speaker of a given language understands, but does not use himself.
Formation of the grammatical structure of speech - work on morphology (changes in gender, numbers, cases, vocabulary (formation of one word based on another, syntax (construction of simple and complex sentences).

Story - description - a text that begins with a general thesis that defines and names an object or object; then there is a listing of signs, properties, qualities, actions; The description is completed by a final phrase that evaluates the subject or shows the attitude towards it.
Story - narrative - a story whose plot unfolds over time.
Retelling is an expressive, coherent reproduction of a listened work of art.
A speech sample is the correct, pre-worked speech (language) activity of the teacher.
Verbal exercise is the repeated performance by children of certain speech actions to develop and improve speech skills.
A conversation is a purposeful, pre-prepared conversation between a teacher and a group of children on a specific topic.
Diction is a clear, clear pronunciation of words and their combinations.
Articulation – the position and movement of the speech organs (tongue, lips, lower jaw).
Pure speech is rhythmic speech material containing complex combinations of sounds, syllables, and words that are difficult to pronounce.
A tongue twister is a rhythmic, difficult-to-pronounce phrase or several rhyming phrases with the same sounds occurring frequently.
Speech hearing is the ability for auditory attention and understanding of words, the ability to perceive and distinguish different qualities of speech: timbre, expressiveness.
Phonemic hearing is the ability to differentiate all the sounds (phonemes) of the native language - to distinguish the meaning of words that are similar in sound.
Reading by the teacher - literal transmission of the text.
The teacher's narration is a freer transmission of the text (abbreviations of the text, rearrangement of words, inclusion of explanations, etc. are allowed)
A conversation on a work is a complex technique that includes a number of simple techniques - verbal and visual. There is a distinction between an introductory (preliminary) conversation before reading and a brief explanatory (final) conversation after reading.
Theatricalization of works of art (fairy tales, short stories, poems) - various techniques for children to retell in person those works that were read to them, the teacher explained.
Game - dramatization - a literal retelling by children in person (by role) of a work of art that the teacher read to them, or a free retelling of the text (plot - role-playing game).
Theatrical performance is a performance in which children participate who know the text of a work of art by heart, while using theatrical attributes (costumes, scenery, dolls, toys, etc.)
“Cut” concepts - 3rd task
Coherent speech is a semantically expanded statement (a series of logically combined sentences that ensures communication and mutual understanding between people.
Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people on a topic related to any situation.
Monologue is the speech of one interlocutor addressed to the audience.
A story is a self-composed detailed account of a fact or event.
Speech is an individual psychophysiological process of a person, the most important creative mental function; the process of communication between people through language.
Speech development is a creative process that is formed as a result of the perception of an adult’s speech, one’s own speech activity and elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech.
Speech culture is the degree of mastery of language norms (in the field of pronunciation, stress, word usage and grammar, as well as the ability to use all expressive means of language in different conditions of communication).
Vocabulary work – enrichment, expansion, activation of children’s vocabulary.
Formation of the grammatical structure of speech - work on morphology (changes in gender, numbers, cases, vocabulary (formation of one word based on another), syntax (construction of simple and complex sentences).

Business game for teachers
“Developing coherent speech”

Goal: To increase the professional competence of preschool teachers on the problem of developing coherent speech in preschool children through active teaching methods.

To clarify the knowledge of teachers on the problem of forming coherent speech in preschool children
To practice the ability to use TRIZ technologies in practical work with preschool children.
To improve the ability of teachers to plan the course of a lesson using coherent speech, structure it, and diversify it with non-traditional methods and techniques that help activate children in the classroom.
Exercise the ability to communicate and develop a common opinion in a team, develop in teachers ingenuity, ingenuity, creative thinking, creative imagination.

Teachers are asked to independently divide into 2 teams, come up with a team name and motto. Choose team captains.
Roles in the game:
- the presenter (the leader of the problem group) introduces the rules of the game, reads the task from the cards, monitors the regulations,
-jury: three experienced teachers from the participants of the problem group - count the points and sum up the results of the business game.

Rules of the game: Teams perform 6 tasks. One card is issued for each task. At the end of each task, the card is handed over to the jury members, who calculate the points.
Auxiliary materials are provided for cards No. 3,4,5 (see Appendix 1,2,3).
Attributes for the game:
— Labels with the names of the teams.
— A scoreboard for calculating a visual representation of the points received by each team.

Progress of the game:

All players are divided into 2 teams and choose captains. Come up with a team motto. The rules of the game are explained, and attention is drawn to the time it takes to complete each task.

Warm-up for captains: arrange a series of pictures in order and compose a story, strictly observing the requirements for compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Tasks for conducting a business game:

Card No. 1
Choose the correct answers.

Which of the following is not a form of the communicative function of coherent speech (Dialogue, monologue, report).
What skills are developed in dialogue? (listen to your interlocutor, ask a question, retell a literary work).
Which of the following does not belong to the type of monologue (description, conversation, reasoning, retelling, story, teacher conversation).
Name the types of statements (description, assumption, narration, reasoning, evidence)
What is the name of the text that lists signs, properties, qualities, actions? (narration, description, reasoning)
What is the name of a text in which the plot develops over time? (narration, description, reasoning)
What is the name of a text that includes cause-and-effect structures, questions, and evaluation? (narration, description, reasoning)
What is superfluous in the structure of the narrative (introduction, plot, enumeration, climax, description, denouement, proof)
What is not included in the structure of the argument (thesis, description, evidence, narration, conclusion)

Card No. 2

Define age group for the presented tasks
(for group No. 1)
Teach children to perceive the text read by the teacher.
Be able to coherently, consistently, expressively convey the content of a story or fairy tale without the help of questions from the teacher.
Learn to tell short tales and stories not only well-known, but also those read for the first time in class.
Teach children to come up with a continuation to a story or fairy tale they read.
Teach children to look at a picture and notice the most important thing in it
Teach children to see not only what is depicted, but also to imagine previous and subsequent events
Teach children to tell stories using a model.
Teach children to make up their own stories based on the picture.
Develop coherent speech based on the use of comparison techniques
Learn to write short descriptive stories based on toys

Card No. 2
(for group No. 2)
Compiling plot stories based on a series of toys
Learn to write collective stories based on a set of toys.
In which group is collective storytelling introduced?
In which group is collective storytelling from experience most appropriate?
Teach children collective compilation letters (special texts).