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» Design and interior of a bedroom in the country. Bedroom in the country: stylish solutions for a cozy country house (31 photos). Country houses outside

Design and interior of a bedroom in the country. Bedroom in the country: stylish solutions for a cozy country house (31 photos). Country houses outside

A bedroom is a personal space for every person, where you can spend time alone with yourself or with your loved ones. A bedroom is, as a rule, a place not only for sleeping, but also for rest and relaxation. A furnished bedroom in a country house is also no exception.

At the dacha, a bedroom can be made not only cozy, but also attractive. Often in country houses there is more room for creative ideas when decorating a bedroom than in city apartments. Create your own cozy corner where an atmosphere of warmth and Have a good mood It’s quite simple, you just need to show a little imagination.

Bedroom in your country house

When renovating a country bedroom, you can implement any creative ideas, even the most incredible ones. Often, much more ideas can be brought to life in country premises than when renovating an apartment. For this room in country house It is best to choose a room away from extraneous noise and eyes. The bedroom should not be next to the kitchen or living room. Good decision the accommodation will be comfortable and cozy bedroom on the top floor if the house is multi-story.

Choosing the style of a bedroom in the country

When choosing what style to decorate your bedroom you should take into account general style the whole house. If you are the owner of a luxurious wooden house, then the country or Provence style will become ideal solution. When designing a bedroom, you can use decorative elements characteristic of a traditional Russian hut. For those who are fans of minimalism, high-tech style country house will be appropriate and pleasing to the eye.

If the bedroom will be used as a place exclusively for sleeping, then small room will be sufficient. If the bedroom becomes a place for relaxation, hobbies, or meeting guests, then you should choose a more spacious room.

Large bedrooms allow you to accommodate more furniture and interesting interior items. It is only important to place it correctly so as not to create chaos in the room. It will be easier to furnish a small room, but it will be more difficult to place furniture correctly.

Basic rules for decorating a bedroom in the country

When decorating a bedroom in a private house, just like in any apartment, you should follow a few simple rules. Of course, everyone creates their own special and unique bedroom style, but there are a few simple rules that you should not forget about. These rules will help you avoid mistakes and shortcomings when decorating this room. And here are some of them.

  1. Choose color design the bedroom should be carefully and attentively. For the bedroom, pastels are the most acceptable soft tones. These can be either light or more dark shades. It is important not to use bright colors, as over time they will begin to irritate and have a negative impact. In addition, bright colors will not allow you to fully relax and unwind.
  2. For finishing it is recommended to use natural materials. At the dacha, such materials will not only be appropriate, but also beneficial for health. Natural materials will have a beneficial effect on sleep. Also, for example, oak furniture is the most resistant to climate change.
  3. Lovers of bright colors can use them when choosing decorative elements, bright interior items that will become the highlight of any design.
  4. The bedroom should not be overloaded with furniture. A built-in wardrobe is perfect for a bedroom, as well as built-in shelves, for example, in a niche in a bed. Thus, the room will be more spacious, and therefore brighter. Built-in furniture is especially relevant for small bedrooms.
  5. Good and proper lighting in the bedroom is an important factor that should not be forgotten. In a bedroom in a country house, the lighting should not be too bright, but not dim either. Correct lighting usually achieved by using multiple lighting fixtures.

Country bedroom

In a country house, a bedroom can even be made in the attic. If the roof of the house is sloped, then the room will initially be unusual and attractive. Wooden bed, cabinets with patterns and curtains - all this will create cozy atmosphere country bedroom. In a bedroom created with love and warmth, you are sure to have the most pleasant and interesting dreams.

Country style

At the dacha, a country-style bedroom can become the most attractive room in a country house.

The main element of the bedroom is, of course, the bed, which is better to choose a wooden one. It is advisable to place a canopy over the sleeping area to protect against mosquitoes, which are frequent guests at the dacha. You can place a small bedside table or chest of drawers by the bed white. For a rustic style, you can use an antique cabinet. If there is one, then it can be easily plastered and varnished. Such a cabinet will be an excellent, special piece of furniture.

For walls and ceilings it is better to use MDF panels. This material is most resistant to temperature changes. It is not recommended to cover walls with wallpaper, as they can easily come off due to humidity and other climatic conditions characteristic of a dacha. Woven rugs on the floor and linen curtains on the windows will serve as the final element of the bedroom in the popular rustic style. A checkered warm bedspread is also another special feature of the country style.

Placing furniture in the bedroom at the dacha

Furniture in the bedroom should be placed based on geometric parameters rooms, location of windows and doors. Sometimes it’s quite difficult to place everything necessary furniture in the bedroom, so you can first sketch out a plan of the room on paper.

You should also take into account the distance from the sides of the bed to the walls - designers recommend at least 70 cm. All furniture should be arranged so that it is convenient and comfortable to use. Large and heavy furniture should not be placed opposite or near a window, as this will cause the flow of sunlight daylight will be blocked. If necessary, a cabinet with a floor-to-ceiling mirror will help to visually enlarge the ceilings.

Bedroom in the country - a place for rest and relaxation

The style of a bedroom in a country house should certainly be different from a city bedroom. After all, at the dacha, everyone wants to take a break from the city, in every sense. You don’t have to buy it for your dacha new furniture. You can save your budget and use old furniture that you didn’t have time to take to the landfill. With a little imagination and simple steps, you can make original and exclusive interior items from outdated furniture. It’s easy to create a cozy and unique bedroom at the dacha for a good time - the main thing is to have the desire.

Thus, the style of a bedroom in a country house depends only on the tastes and preferences of its owners. Observing simple rules room design, and taking into account the overall style country house, you can easily create the bedroom of your dreams. And it is not at all necessary to seek the services of professional designers.

It is important to remember that a country bedroom is a place for relaxation, so you should not get carried away with bright colors and you should not clutter the room.

Photos of country bedrooms

If you take a closer look at small dachas, then often the solutions that are found in small spaces are more interesting and beautiful than those where there was no shortage of space.

Very practical solution is the use of the area under the roof for sleeping place in the country. In addition, during the cold season, it will be warmer to sleep upstairs than downstairs, because... warm air it will rise up from the stove.

No matter how small your dacha is, good layout- recipe for success. Are we talking about a tiny house of 10 sq.m. or about a large country house, hastily and impulsively decisions made are unlikely to succeed. Take your time and check out successful examples layouts of a country house, draw up your plan based on them.

Discuss each family member's wishes for the future home. If it is not difficult for someone to use the toilet on the street, then for small children or true city dwellers the presence of a warm toilet in the house is another important plus in country life In the countryside.

Using a dry closet will solve this problem as quickly and easily as possible. All you need is a closed corner in a country house where you can install a dry closet.

A bathroom in a country house is often located next to the kitchen. Because If water from an artesian well is brought into the house, then it is better to arrange all the units that consume water in the house, such as the kitchen sink, showers and toilet, as compactly as possible. This way you will reduce the length of the pipes that will need to be installed around the house, which means you will reduce the complexity engineering communications, their cost and increase their reliability.

A small dacha has enormous interesting possibilities with a skillful and thoughtful owner.

Iron containers with gardening tools, standing in the country, are now becoming a thing of the past. Now the number of suburban areas on which the house stands is growing. And many owners even go to their country home for several seasons. That is why the design beautiful bedroom in a country house is the key to quality and comfortable rest any person.

For a good rest at the dacha you need comfortable bed. And it’s best if it stands in a separate room. If area country house allows, making a bedroom is a must. After all, people who go on their suburban area With the main goal of taking a break from the bustle of the city and everyday work, it is important to begin the relaxation process immediately after arrival.

A country bedroom, as in city apartments, should have a calming atmosphere of warmth and comfort. What should this room be like, and what main requirements should it meet?

Here are the main nuances that should be taken into account by those who want to decorate a bedroom in a country house:

  1. Firstly, it must be beautiful and functional. You should not clutter the room with various rubbish; for this it is better to use a pantry or other rooms.
  2. If possible, it is necessary to allocate a room for a recreation room, remote from the kitchen or living room. For example, in two-story house The ideal solution would be to allocate the upper floor to the bedroom.
  3. In case of lack of space, a small space can be used for this room. This will not cause inconvenience to those owners who come to the bedroom only to sleep.
  4. Undoubtedly, this room should be decorated only from environmentally friendly materials. pure materials. The floor, walls and furniture should not emit toxic substances and poison a person’s rest.
  5. Creating a country bedroom should not take a lot of money and time. You should not buy expensive furniture and other interior items. Create beautiful and cozy place for relaxation you can also minimal investment money.

Country bedroom design

In order to decorate a sleeping area in a country house, there is no need at all to use the services of designers, repairmen, etc. General form such a room should be as simple as possible. Each owner can independently cope with the arrangement of a bedroom in a country house.

Before starting and during the process of creating the ideal relaxation room in the country, it is important to adhere to several design rules:

  1. The style of the bedroom should not differ from the style of the whole house. It is important to follow this rule, otherwise such a room will create the impression of an alien element in the house and, as a result, will not contribute to a comfortable stay.
  2. When developing a design, great attention should be paid to finishing materials. Every owner should be sure that temperature changes will not negatively affect the decoration of the room.
  3. One of the main tips from designers for decorating any bedroom is correct selection color range. The main rule is not to use bright, flashy colors, as they most interfere with rest and relaxation. Ideal option are pastel shades.
  4. If the owner of the dacha is a fan of bright flowers, you can use them on decorative items interior
  5. Much attention should be paid to room lighting. The amount of light in the bedroom should not be very large, but the room cannot be dim.

These are the main tips for any summer resident who has decided to design a special room for sleeping in his country house.

A correctly chosen bedroom design will create unique comfort in the room and give the owner a feeling of calm, harmony and unity with the inner world.

Small bedroom in the country

Many summer residents are interested in the question - how to arrange a place to relax in a house with small area. In fact, this is quite easy to do. You just need to turn on your imagination and apply skill. Properly equipped small rooms will look even more comfortable than houses with a large area.

There are several main places that can be allocated for decorating a bedroom in a small country house:

  • Attic;
  • Combination with kitchen;
  • Combination with the living room.

If the house is one-story, and the entire first level is occupied by the kitchen and living room, then the ideal and most common option is to use the attic as a place to sleep. The advantages of this arrangement include the fact that winter time the heat from the stove or fireplace will go up. Thus, sleep in the attic will be sound and warm. In addition, you don’t need a lot of space to put a bed on which you can relax.

The disadvantages of a bedroom in the attic include the fact that the bed will be located on minimum distance from the roof. Therefore, in summer time It can be very hot, but in winter it can be cool. When it rains, every drop falling on the roof will be clearly audible. But it’s not difficult to avoid this - it’s enough to finish the top of the attic with heat-insulating and sound-proofing material.

If the attic does not suit the bedroom design, the bed can be placed in the kitchen or living room. This may seem inconvenient to many owners, but this arrangement is ideal for short trips outside the city.

In fact, a small dacha is not a significant problem. After all, even a room with a small area can be made incredibly comfortable with the right layout.

Country bedroom interior

When choosing the interior for the bedroom of a country house, you should remember that there should not be clutter large quantity furniture. If a sleeping room in a residential building or apartment should be decorated expensively and beautifully, then in a country house there is no need to spend a lot of money.

Here are some tips on how to replace an expensive bed and other interior items:

  1. The ideal and most common option for decorating a bedroom in the country is to use old furniture. There is no need to throw away a bed you don't need in your apartment if you can give it a second life. Even with the help of such pieces of furniture you can create unique interior at any dacha.
  2. You can also make the most necessary furniture in the bedroom yourself. This does not require special talent, because even the most inexperienced owner, with the help of simple instructions, can create a bed, nightstand, etc. Thus, it will be possible to avoid special costs, and furniture created independently will be of great value to any person.
  3. If you still want to buy furniture, then the best option will be modular collections. Due to the lack of an individual approach to each client, furniture sales companies offer such products at very reasonable prices.

Bedroom interior design for a country house (video)

When decorating a bedroom in a country house, you do not need to resort to the help of specialists. With the right approach, each owner will be able to create a unique atmosphere for relaxation. When thinking about the design and interior of such a room, you can give free rein to your imagination and not be afraid of the sidelong glances of guests. After all, it is the dacha that is one’s own cozy corner every person, where you can relax and forget about all your problems.

Nowadays, many people strive to go on weekends or free time to nature outside the city or summer cottage in order to relieve stress, thus freeing themselves from fatigue.

For some citizens, a house built in a dacha is a small building where they have the opportunity to relax after working on the site.

Other owners of plots erect large buildings consisting of several rooms; in such houses it is possible not only to relax, but also to live with the whole family.

Therefore, the living room in a country house and its interior play a significant role in creating a comfortable environment, as well as coziness.

Living room in the country

Building on summer cottage has its own special characteristics, which makes it different from an ordinary residential building.

Let's look at them:

Most citizens spend time at their dacha only during the summer season. Therefore, the country house of most owners is not intended for permanent residence.

Usually the house on the site is furnished with used furniture, which is replaced in the apartment with new products. Therefore, very often the living room has a prefabricated interior.

The living room in a country house is the main room big size, in which there is a place for relaxation and a spacious dining room. It is in the living room that most owners make homemade vegetable preparations.

For those who visit the dacha in winter period, the living room is a resting place equipped with heating. This is usually a stove or a real fireplace.

Finishing material for the garden

To decorate a living room in a country house, it is best to use finishing materials that correspond to the intended purpose of the house.

The best materials for finishing this room in a country house are brick and wood. They are not only suitable for creating a cozy and comfortable environment, but also can be stored well in a room that is not heated in winter.

You need to know that not everyone latest materials They are well preserved in winter in a room that is not heated.

Eg, suspended ceiling, made of polyvinyl chloride material, will not withstand frosts below five degrees. It is also not recommended to glue wallpaper to the walls, especially paper, as they do not tolerate cold well.

If the dacha building is located in warm regions of the country, where frosts in winter are extremely a rare event, then the choice finishing materials increases.

Furniture arrangement in the living room

The furnishings in the living room at the dacha are very often equipped with used furniture, as well as various things delivered from one’s apartment. Usually this is old, unfashionable and irrelevant furniture today, which can last for quite a long time.

If this furniture is of no value at all, and will not last even a short period of time, then the best way to get rid of it is to not clutter up your country house.

In a room in which various unnecessary rubbish is piled up, there is no way to create a truly cozy atmosphere due to the lack of free space.

To arrange a living room it is enough:

  • Soft corner - sofa and two armchairs.
  • Large table and chairs for it.
  • Sideboard, wardrobe, chest of drawers and bedside table.

In a living room, the interior of which is made in a rustic design, a large chest would be perfect; it would also be appropriate to place a large Russian stove, if the space of the room allows.

The color scheme for the room is best to use discreet and soft colors. Shades should soothe, give relaxation and comfort after a day of work on the site.

Since rest is very necessary for a person after hard work in the garden and beds.

Photo of a living room at the dacha