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» How to wash stretch ceilings. How to wash a stretch ceiling. How to wash a stretch ceiling correctly

How to wash stretch ceilings. How to wash a stretch ceiling. How to wash a stretch ceiling correctly

Glossy stretch ceiling is a capricious element of the interior. Its splendor is easily destroyed by one careless movement. Therefore, for cleaning, you need to be well prepared.

Cleaning the ceiling is always difficult because you have to be in an uncomfortable position. The unnatural position of the body causes pain and numbness of the limbs. Under such conditions, it is very easy to damage a delicate surface or leave stains on it. To minimize risks, it is recommended to create the most favorable conditions for work.

It is advisable to clean the structure on a good stepladder or a well-fixed ladder. A durable and comfortable surface will help you perform all actions with two hands and focus on the process.

For processing glossy ceiling you need to prepare as many clean, thin and soft napkins from cotton fabric. Washed old rags torn into small pieces from white bed linen or a flannel diaper are perfect. You can use microfiber cloths or pieces of suede.

You will also need some new foam sponges, a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment with soft bristles and detergents non-abrasive character.

Before starting the procedure, you should remove all jewelry from your hands: rings, bracelets, chains. They can leave scratches on the canvas. For the same reason, it is better for women with long nails to work with rubber gloves.

Cleaning procedure

Modern stretch ceilings are subjected to antistatic treatment during the production process. Therefore, the dust weakly sticks to them. Caring for such a canvas is quite simple. It is enough to periodically wipe it with a dry or damp cloth. Can stretch ceilings be washed?

Regular wet cleaning will keep the decoration of the interior in perfect condition. If a small spot appears on the ceiling, it makes no sense to wash the entire surface. The stain is carefully rubbed with a damp cotton cloth, then the treated area is wiped with a dry and clean cloth.

It is possible to clean only a contaminated place only if the rest of the surface is perfectly clean. If the ceiling has already become dirty and dust or other types of pollution have appeared on it, the cleaned area will stand out against the general background with a lighter shade and shine.

How to wash stretch ceilings correctly? It is advisable to do this manually. Cleansing should be carried out in stages, washing small areas in turn. Some housewives wash stretch ceilings with a cloth wound around a mop. This method is not excluded. However, when cleaning the canvas with a mop, maximum care must be taken. A soft cloth should completely cover the crossbar of the mop so that it does not accidentally touch the glossy surface.

A vacuum cleaner will help remove dust from the ceiling. Despite the presence of soft pile on the nozzle, its direct contact with the canvas should be avoided. Keep the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner should be at a distance of 1-2 cm from the surface of the canvas. The slightest pressure on the fabric of the structure can lead to a weakening of its tension and sagging.

Stretch ceilings do not withstand any physical activity. For the same reason, do not forcefully rub the detergent into the surface. Excessive pressure can cause defects and rupture of the material. Cleansing should be done with soft delicate movements.

How to wash stretch ceilings to safely remove dirt and restore the original shine?


Stretch ceilings are made of fragile materials. It is necessary to select the most gentle detergents for their purification. Remove from ceiling light dust can be deposited with ordinary water. If the pollution is old and the dust layer is dense, there will not be enough water. Detergents are necessary for washing stretch ceilings in the kitchen, loggia, summer cottage and bathroom. Without detergents, it is difficult to wash the matte stretch ceiling.

Among industrial cleansers, it is worth giving preference to the products "Mr. Muscle" and "Vanish". The concentration of active substances in them is not so high as to harm the delicate surface of the stretch fabric. However, it is quite sufficient for high-quality cleaning of the structure. Dilution of cleaning products in warm water will better clean the surface, avoid streaks and restore the original shine.

Mirror shine will give the product a polish for stretch ceilings. Before using the product, you should carefully read the instructions for its use.

To make maintenance less burdensome, it is recommended to regularly use special products for glossy stretch ceilings with an antistatic effect.

If there are no special cleaning products, you can wash stretch ceilings at home with foam detergents that do not contain a large amount of alkaline substances. These include baby and laundry soap, in addition, dishwashing detergent.

No need to apply detergents directly to the surface. You should also not lather it with soap. Cleaning of the canvas should be carried out with foam of a pre-prepared soap solution. The foam is whipped from the latter. It is her, and not a soap solution, that is applied to the stretch ceiling. Foam perfectly eliminates pollution and is easily washed off with water.

To prepare a soapy solution, use slightly warm water. The high temperature of the liquid can damage the material of the stretch ceiling. Optimum temperature detergent is 30-40°C. Some more expensive designs can withstand higher temperatures, but it's not worth the risk.

You can wash the stretch ceiling without streaks with a window cleaner, which includes ammonia. It will easily clean the surface, leave no streaks and restore a radiant shine.

The most suitable is a window cleaner made in the form of a spray. The less physical impact will be exerted on the structure, the better.

When buying a product, you need to make sure that it does not contain acetone. Some window cleaners are made from it.

How to get rid of circles after cleaning

When using a soapy solution, clearly visible white streaks will appear on the ceiling. To get rid of them, you need to wash the surface with water with a sponge several times. At the same time, the water and the sponge are changed every time. After wet treatment, the surface is wiped dry with a dry, clean cotton cloth. The ceiling is cleaned with water and wiped dry until there is not a single soap spot left on it.

Experienced housewives recommend not to make circular movements while cleaning the stretch fabric. This will help reduce the likelihood of divorce. If there are seams on the structure, they should be processed only along the seam line. Movements directed at an angle to the seam line will cause the detergent to enter into it. This will lead to deformation of the canvas, the glossy sheen on the seam line will disappear. The suspended ceiling will look uneven and lose its beauty.

A non-concentrated alcohol solution will help to achieve sparkling highlights. Alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Most often use ammonia. Although it copes worse with soap stains, the risk of its negative impact on the dyes of the ceiling is minimal.

What should never be washed stretch glossy ceiling?

What can't be used

In no case should you use it to clean the stretch ceiling. washing powders, tar soap, baking soda, soda ash, mustard, acetone (and products containing it), detergents containing chlorine, acids, solvents and strong alkalis, as well as powder and cream detergents with solid particles. All of these products have a devastating effect on the material of construction. Paints lose their original shade, the structure of the canvas is deformed, microcracks appear on it. The ceiling is covered with wrinkles and scratches, loses its luster. The tension of the structure weakens, and ugly sagging appears on it. The destruction of the material can be so strong that holes can appear in the ceiling.

In the event that there is doubt about the safety of the detergent, its action should be tested on small plot in an inconspicuous corner of the ceiling. If the procedure did not cause undesirable phenomena and cleaned the surface with high quality, the product is suitable for washing the entire canvas.

Do not use a broom for dry cleaning. Even the softest broom with careless movement can damage the material false ceiling. It is strictly forbidden to use abrasive sponges and hard brushes to clean the fabric of the structure.

How to keep kitchen and bathroom ceilings clean

Features of these rooms require increased attention to stretch ceilings. To keep them looking flawless, they need regular grooming. because of high humidity limescale often forms in the bathroom. It is necessary to wash it with a wet cloth and wipe the cleaned area dry with a dry cloth.

The glossy surface of the ceiling in the bathroom is constantly covered with soap stains due to splashes falling on it during bathing. It is advisable to wipe the surface of the structure after each shower. Dried soap drops are more difficult to remove.

It is necessary to constantly take care of the stretch ceilings in the kitchen. This room becomes dirty very quickly due to the rising hot vapors during the cooking process. Even if there is a powerful hood in the kitchen, grease, dust and soot quickly accumulate on the ceilings. Kitchen dirt does not just settle, but penetrates into the canvas. How to wash stretch ceilings in the kitchen? Some grease stains are so large and dense that it is not possible to wipe them off with a wet cloth. They should be pre-treated with dish or window cleaner, then left for a few minutes. Under the influence of detergents, the stains soften and are subsequently removed with a wet sponge. The cleaned area should be wiped dry with a clean cloth. If the contamination cannot be cleaned the first time, it should be re-treated.

A steam mop or steam cleaner can help remove kitchen dirt.

When using a steam mop, put a microfiber pad on it. Cleaning with steam is carried out with careful movements parallel to the seams.

If cleaning is carried out with a steam cleaner, the steam jet is directed to the ceiling. After steam treatment, the condensed liquid is carefully removed from the ceiling with dry cotton napkins. Stubborn and stubborn dirt should be removed with a steam cleaner after pre-treatment with a degreasing agent.

After cleaning the ceiling with a steam mop or steam cleaner, it is recommended to treat the ceiling with a solution of ammonia. This will help avoid divorce.

To prevent stubborn dirt from appearing, stretch fabrics in the kitchen must be cleaned as often as possible. On the mirror glossy surface of the structure, any speck is noticeable. Therefore, in kitchens and bathrooms, it is preferable to install not glossy, but matte stretch ceilings.

Stretch ceilings are one of the best solutions in modern interiors. They amaze with a variety of textures, colors and shades, provide ideal flat surfaces, help to hide all engineering and technical communications and mount any lighting system, which allows you to embody the most creative design ideas. With all the practicality of the materials that are used during installation, sometimes it still becomes necessary to wash stretch ceilings.

One of best tools for cleaning stretch ceilings, you can consider a long mop with a soft nozzle

Over time, dust and other contaminants accumulate on the surface of the ceiling (even with antistatic impregnations):

  • in the kitchen - greasy soot and splashes from various products;
  • in the living room - traces of stormy holidays and parties with sparkling wines;
  • in the nursery - manifestations creative imagination in the form of stains from paints, felt-tip pens, etc .;
  • in the bathroom - soap stains and lime deposits from hard water;
  • in any rooms where they smoke - tar and the stubborn smell of tobacco smoke (so if you still have not got rid of this bad habit, despite all the persuasion and prohibitions, you will have to wash the stretch ceilings much more often).

Different types of ceiling coverings, the nature of the accumulated dirt and the composition of the stains require an individual approach to the question of how to wash stretch ceilings at home. There are many videos on the Internet with step by step instructions that show the whole process. We will consider the main recommendations and methods.

Safety regulations

If you have a question, is it possible to wash stretch ceilings, then the answer is yes. The main thing is to do everything carefully and be careful.

Use highly absorbent and non-fading rags made of flannel or other natural lint-free cloth, microfiber cloths, soft side of dish sponges

To wash colored fabric and film (PVC) ceilings, do not use hard sponges and brushes, abrasive products (soda, salt, mustard, acetone, etc.), aggressive household chemicals - they can mechanically scratch the surface, lead to changes and uneven "eating" color, glossy tarnishing.

It is also dangerous to overdo it when trying to clean ceilings, especially with a vacuum cleaner or a long mop. Keeping your hands constantly raised up, trying to reach out and wipe off dirt at a height, it is difficult to calculate the effort and avoid stretching or even tearing the canvas. Do not rush to remove individual clumps of dust or hanging cobwebs from the stretch fabric with a vacuum cleaner - it is safer to collect them with a whisk or rag.

To wash stretch ceilings at home, it is better to use a ladder

Rubbing the canvas by hand from a stepladder, of course, takes longer, but it is more reliable and safer. By the way, if you are ready to spend time on manual work, then do it with gloves, having removed all rings and bracelets in advance. Even small decorations (especially massive ones with protruding stones or bulging decorative elements) are dangerous, as they can leave scratches and other damage on your beautiful ceiling.

If you are going to wash stretch ceilings at home, warm the air in the room to 22-25 ℃ and do not bring the water to a temperature above 30-40 ℃. This will reduce the risk of punching and deformation of the web, the appearance of cracks that occur due to temperature differences.

Problems with the appearance of stains occur mainly among the owners of glossy film ceilings.

Glossy ceiling visually expands the space, makes the room lighter and lighter. But when cleaning such a ceiling, there are problems with stains.

Glossy for light dirt in the form of dust ceiling covering from the film, it is enough to wipe it with a soft cloth dampened with a clean, slightly warm water. To achieve the dissolution of fats, stains, soot, resins, professionals recommend using special products designed for washing stretch ceilings. They deal quickly and efficiently with various pollution and do not leave streaks on the surface.

Before using any new products for you, it is advisable to test for their safety in some inconspicuous corner of the ceiling

Apply a few drops of detergent to the surface of the canvas and after 10-15 minutes evaluate its condition. A change in color and gloss, the appearance of wrinkles or deformations indicate the danger of using such a composition.

As a handy alternative, it is best to take colorless and non-abrasive dishwashing gels. They need to be well foamed in water, and then only foam should be applied to the ceiling covering, scooping it up with a soft sponge. Do not apply pressure and do not try to vigorously wipe off the dirt the first time, especially if stretch fabric located close to the base ceiling (at a distance of 2-4 cm). It is better to leave the foam to “work” for a while, and then add more and wipe it off, barely touching the surface of the canvas.

After washing off the dirt, the remaining foam is wiped off with a soft, damp cloth, constantly rinsing it in clean, cool water. Eliminate the remaining stains and give glossy ceilings an even mirror shine help:

  1. Means for washing windows or mirrors. Spraying aerosols is advised not on the ceiling itself, but on a clean, dry rag or napkin, which is gently rubbed on the canvas.
  2. Homemade alcohol solutions. You can prepare them from ethyl or ammonia in a concentration of 1 tbsp. l. for 250 ml of water, ordinary vodka (without additives) at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. l. for 250 ml of water. After removing stains with alcohol solutions, it is advisable to rub the canvas with a dry cloth.
Do not rub the ceiling in a circular motion: this way you will only achieve more streaks. Move in one direction, for example, from left to right or (if there are seams) only along and parallel to the seam.

Matte ceilings can be made from a special heat-shrinkable material (fabric) or PVC film, different in texture (satin and chintz - translucent). Matte films are additionally impregnated with polyurethane, which provides the coating with dust-repellent and waterproofing properties.

Matte stretch ceilings look more like a perfectly plastered surface.

On the surface of matte ceilings, dirt is cleaned, observing general rules security, but it is acceptable to use household appliances: vacuum cleaner, steam generator.

On the vacuum cleaner you need to put on a nozzle - a brush with a soft bristle; for reliability, it is advised to additionally cover it by wrapping it with a clean, dry flannel rag. It is necessary to collect dust and soot from the ceiling without pressing the brush against the canvas and without pressing it, but by holding it at a small distance from the surface - 2-3 cm. Set the suction power to medium or minimum.

After removing the accumulated dirt with a vacuum cleaner, it is recommended to carefully wipe the matte stretch ceiling with a soft, damp cloth dipped in water. room temperature and then remove any remaining moisture with a dry cloth or rag.

Steam generators for cleaning ceilings can only be used with constant control of the steam temperature.

If your steam cleaner model has an adjustment, set the steam temperature to no higher than 50℃. When using equipment without the possibility of setting the temperature regime, do not bring the nozzle closer to the surface of the matte film closer than 30-40 cm. After steam treatment, the stretch ceiling will have to be wiped with a dry cloth or sponge so that no condensation remains on it.

To wash matte stretch ceilings, especially white ones, do not use colored detergents containing ammonia, acetone and other solvents (for example, for glasses and mirrors), as well as abrasives and hard brushes.

Main advantage matte finish The fact is that after wet cleaning there are no streaks left on it, so it is not necessary to rub it.

All built-in lighting elements, ventilation grates that accumulate dirt, you need to wipe separately by hand with a sponge and soap solutions

It is best to wash stretch ceilings at home in daytime under sunlight. So pollution is more noticeable and it is possible to de-energize all lighting fixtures in order to thoroughly wipe them from dust, wash them from layers of soot and grease.

If there are stains on the matte canvas, use a solution of dish detergent, powder for hand wash or shavings of laundry soap. It is important that the powder or soap is completely dissolved (no granules or lumps), and the solution is well whipped into foam, which is used to treat the surface. You can’t rub the same place for a long time. If the dirt does not go away immediately, it is better to leave it under soap suds for 5-10 minutes, and then collect it with movements from the edges of the stain to the center. Wipe dry after wet cleaning.

Stretch ceiling coating is designed for long-term operation with minimal maintenance. Dry cleaning is enough, dusting off the ceiling with soft brooms or brooms with a long nap made of natural wool. Wet wiping with water (without the use of any detergents) is carried out as needed (about once every six months).

General cleaning of ceilings using special detergents is advised no more than 1 time in 2-3 years

In order not to have to wash stretch ceilings too often, in the kitchen do not save on a powerful hood, and in the bathroom - on forced ventilation. In cases where accidental splashes from food, drinks or traces of children's pranks get on the ceiling, try to wipe the stains immediately before they are absorbed into the structure of the material. So your matte or glossy ceilings will always look clean, retain color brightness and gloss uniformity.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Do you know that:

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the inside out for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean the dirt from the surface acrylic bath, rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container with water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of bad smell. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively reproduce.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

AT dishwasher not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.


main feature modern materials for cosmetic repairs - their sophisticated look with maximum durability and ease of care. Some manufacturers of stretch ceilings claim that their products do not require cleaning and washing. We can say that they are frankly cunning. Indeed, over time, on any coating, the layer of which is becoming thicker. Therefore, from time to time, they need to be washed.

According to the material from which they are made, stretch ceilings are divided into:

  1. PVC. This is the most common type of ceiling, which is used in 90 out of 100% of cases;
  2. fabric. This type material covered special film from polyurethane. It has many advantages, including significant resistance to temperature and moisture.

All materials are resistant to mechanical influences, retain their basic qualities and appearance for many years.

In order for the ceilings to serve you as long as possible, you need to properly care for them.

To begin with, it should be noted that washing stretch ceilings is not such an easy task as it might seem. Indeed, the incorrect use of preparations for processing and devices can lead to a violation of the integrity of the coating, loss of color, gloss and deformation of the canvas.

Never use materials containing abrasive particles for processing ceilings. They leave small scratches on the surface, which significantly impair the appearance of the coating. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to wash ceilings with acidic or alkaline liquids.

There are two types of stretch ceiling cleaning:

  1. Dry cleaning should be carried out using a soft cloth, it is driven over the coating in circular motions, without pressure.
  2. Wet cleaning is a more complex process. AT this case you need to get an absolutely clean surface, without stripes and streaks. Do wet cleaning preferably with a sponge and detergents.

Do not use coarse brushes and abrasive materials for cleaning and washing ceilings. Also, avoid using mops and brooms.

Stretch ceilings: wash correctly

Ceiling cleaning is a complex process that requires not only certain knowledge, but also extreme caution. After all, with an ordinary stool you will not reach the surface of the ceiling, so you will have to use a barricade of tables and chairs or a ladder-ladder. Last option the safest and most convenient. So, to get started, prepare the following devices, tools and materials:

  • Staircase (preferably a stepladder). From an ordinary ladder that you attach to the wall, it will be impossible to reach the middle of the ceiling;
  • Clean, dry microfiber or suede cloths;
  • Wide sponge (20*20 cm). A small sponge will be inconvenient to wipe the coating. In addition, you can scratch the ceiling with your nails;
  • Vacuum cleaner with a device for cleaning delicate surfaces;
  • Detergent with a neutral pH balance.

The method of washing ceilings is selected depending on the fabric (cloth) from which the coating is made.

To remove dust and stains from the surface, wipe it with a damp cloth. Be sure to wipe the wet surface with a dry cloth (lint-free).

To remove a large layer of dust, it is necessary to clean the main layer of dirt with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. You can not touch the ceiling itself, the pipe of the vacuum cleaner with a brush should be 2-3 centimeters from it. Otherwise, the fabric will warp or crack.

It is necessary to wash the surface of the material with careful circular movements, without pressing on it.

Polyester ceilings are wiped with a dry cloth, without pressure.

The glossy shiny surface is wiped with materials that do not leave lint. A glass cleaner (alcohol-based) or ammonia (10%) is applied to the cloth. After that, the entire surface is treated with a dry microfiber cloth.

Means for washing stretch ceilings

The simplest and reliable means for processing stretch ceilings - a solution of liquid (colorless) or soap shavings. To do this, grate 0.5 bar of laundry soap and dissolve it in a bucket of warm water. Let the mixture brew for 30 minutes, and strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Soap can be replaced with washing gels.

It is best to use the preparations recommended by the manufacturers. Manufacturers of ceiling coverings prudently produce and recommend using a special composition for each type. It should be noted that special tools, for the most part, consist of the same components that we use at home every day. However, for each type of ceiling, they contain additives that allow you not to leave stains and streaks on the surface.

If you are still in doubt, use ordinary laundry soap and prepare the composition described above.

Glossy ceilings: how to wash correctly?

In order not to disturb the appearance and gloss of a glossy ceiling, use the right substances to process it. Better than others, window cleaners cope with this problem. However, before applying, be sure to test it on a small piece of the surface (in the corner). Spray a drop of the solution onto a cloth and let it sit for 5 minutes. If during this period of time the canvas has not changed color, has not deformed or clouded, you can use the substance to wash the entire surface of the ceiling.

In order not to tear, scratch, or damage the delicate fabric of the ceiling covering, use soft materials. Cleaning wipes for indoors, which you can buy at a hardware store, are great.

The brightness and gloss of glossy ceilings will return ammonia. It is applied to a rag, which is used to process the coating in stages. Each area is wiped dry with a rag.

Glossy ceilings are cleaned from dust after repair using a vacuum cleaner. As described above, the ceiling covering must not be touched with a vacuum cleaner. You will damage the delicate canvas.

To clean ceilings with special means carefully read the instructions on the packaging. Strictly follow the rules for using the substance, do not exceed the indicated dosage.

Matte ceilings: how to wash correctly?

At first glance at frosted ceiling, you can see that it is more like a plastered surface. For the manufacture of this kind of canvases, polyurethane is used.

This surface does not attract a large amount of dust, and it is difficult to stain it. However, sometimes it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning of even the most ideal ceiling. Washing matte ceilings is not as complicated as the previous one. As a rule, steam cleaners or ordinary cloths with a degreaser are used for washing.

After processing, the coating is wiped with a dry cloth.

Fabric ceiling coverings: how to wash correctly?

A fabric ceiling covering is much more reliable and durable than a synthetic one. However, in the care of this canvas is much more difficult. They must be washed very carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the coating, and not disturb the appearance.

It is not advisable to use a glass cleaner for processing fabric sheets. As a rule, they contain dyes that get on the fabric, impregnate it, and leave unwanted color and streaks.

Rub dust and dirt in a circular motion, and you can not wash the ceiling in this way. So you just smear the dirt on the surface. It is better to move your hand with a cloth in one direction (your own), as if raking up dust.

If the canvas is heavily soiled, use a gel solution with water. Just test the product before working on a small section of the ceiling in the corner of the room.

Stretch ceiling in the kitchen: how to clean?

In this room, all surfaces are subject to rapid contamination. This is especially true for those kitchens where the hood does not work. The causes of pollution are smoke, soot, fat residues that form as a result of cooking. In addition, tobacco smoke is also becoming one of the causes of plaque that appears on kitchen ceilings.

Washing suspended ceiling surfaces in the kitchen is no different from the same process in other rooms of the house. Do not use abrasive substances and materials; you need to wash the ceiling with extreme caution and accuracy.

As a rule, in this room, the ceilings are washed with a cloth, which is moistened with soapy water, and then wiped with a dry cloth.

Washing stretch coatings is often not desirable. To avoid this complicated and stressful procedure, follow these tips:

  • For the bathroom, use a special horizontal curtain that will prevent splashes from flying across the surface of the ceiling and leaving stains and streaks on it;
  • In the kitchen, it is desirable to install a powerful hood over the stove;
  • Ridiculous advice, but in the halls, as a rule, you have to wipe off traces of champagne. Therefore, try to be careful with this sparkling wine;
  • In children's rooms, make sure that your beloved child does not get to such a beautiful and creative surface with felt-tip pens.

In conclusion, it must be said that any ceiling is not a floor that needs to be washed and cleaned often. Therefore, it is much easier to follow this surface. As a rule, ceiling coverings should be washed no more than once every six months. Do not focus on expensive preparations from manufacturers, use improvised means, and your ceiling will again become clean and fresh.

January 14, 2014, 11:20

Stretch ceiling has long been considered a versatile material that combines the necessary practicality, sophistication and is used for decoration. AT modern apartments it performs the function of a decorative element.

Despite the popular assertion that such a coating does not need special care, it is still necessary to clean it periodically. However, this should be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the texture of the material. How to do this without streaks on the material at home is described below.

How to wash stretch fabrics

For a long time, glossy stretch ceilings have become an integral attribute of most homes. it versatile material, which gives the home comfort and individuality, and also helps to recreate a wonderful picture of comfort and prosperity.

More recently, such a design was the lot of fairly wealthy people. Only a few years have passed, and this finishing agent has gone to the masses, becoming one of the most sought-after materials.
Modern technologies for the production of such products use unique components, including PVC film and dense polyester fabric. Due to its composition, such material does not need more careful care, but you should not forget about it completely. It is necessary to wash the product periodically to rid it of dust and dirt.

To the delight of housewives, the need to clean such a coating does not arise so often. However, if you are faced with the need for hygiene procedures, then you need to approach this issue carefully and thoroughly.

Stretch canvases are a rather capricious surface, which is easy to damage with careless movements or spoil with unsuitable cleaning products. In addition, it is necessary to try to avoid its contact with any sharp objects.
In order to qualitatively wash the glossy material, you need to immediately stock up on auxiliary tools, including:

  • a small ladder, stepladder;
  • loose soft napkins made of natural fabrics;
  • not hard washing sponges;
  • vacuum cleaner with an additional soft bristle nozzle;
  • non-abrasive detergents.

When there are small stains on the ceiling, such as individual spots or accumulations of dust, they can be removed with a suede cloth. First you need to wipe the stain with a damp cloth to completely remove the remaining dirt, and then it is recommended to wipe the stained area with dry material. This will help to avoid the appearance of streaks on the canvas, as a result of which the coating may lose its attractive external glossy sheen and overall appearance.

If the degree of pollution is serious and it is impossible to wipe the dust with a napkin, then you need to use a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle in the form of a brush. At the same time, it should be remembered that brush must not touch fabric material, as this may cause it to sag or warp. The brush must be placed within 2-3 cm from the canvas. This will protect the ceiling from potential risks of damage.

Very often, a regular mop is used to wash it. Its use is not prohibited, but experts recommend avoiding contact of the product with the mop whenever possible. If there is no other way out, then it is necessary to work extremely carefully with this device so as not to cause any damage to the ceiling.

How to wash a glossy canvas without streaks

It is worth noting that there are special cleaning agencies that will perform this unpleasant job. However, the service of specialists will not be cheap, so you will have to fork out. Given the financial losses that not every person can afford, in most cases our fellow citizens prefer to independently carry out the procedure for washing such a cloth. Let's try to figure out how to do it.

Asking the question of how to wash the dirt on such a coating, you can give a specific answer - with water. It is water that is the main tool for achieving the goal of cleaning the ceiling canvas from dust and dirt. It is worth noting that one should not be content with water alone. Some dirt and stains are not amenable to liquid, and they can only be wiped off with the help of special detergents.
Such a coating has a rather fragile texture that does not tolerate strong chemicals well. That is why for washing it you can not use such substances, which contain active and aggressive components.

Currently, special formulations are sold on the market that contain non-aggressive chemicals (so-called non-abrasive agents). Among the most popular are "Mr. Muscle" and "Vanish". Experts recommend using them when cleaning the ceiling. The concentration in these products is designed in such a way that the material does not experience any negative effects. chemical elements. In addition, in combination with warm water, they will release special components that will surely help get rid of dirt, while not affecting the glossy sheen.
Important! Before washing, remove all jewelry (rings, bracelets, etc.) from your hands that could damage the material due to your careless movements.

If for some reason you do not have a special composition on hand, you can use its home counterpart - soap suds. It is worth noting that for washing it is better to use foam from those products that do not contain a large amount of alkaline materials. These are dishwashing detergents, household and children's soap. The foam must be mixed with lukewarm water, as it is unnecessarily heat may cause deformation of the ceiling covering.

When using a soap solution, you must be prepared for the fact that intense stains may appear on the product. white color. Naturally, their appearance will violate the aesthetic appearance of the ceiling, so it is necessary to get rid of stains as soon as possible.

In order to avoid stains during the washing process, it is necessary to process the material twice:

  • the first time the ceiling is washed using a damp soft cloth with soapy water;
  • the second time it must be treated with a dry cloth, ideally made of suede.

It should be noted that getting rid of soap marks will not be so difficult if you follow some recommendations, which are described below.
Experienced housewives recommend washing the ceiling gradually, without making circular movements. So the number of divorces will be minimal. If there is a seam on the canvas, then in this case it is necessary to wash along the seam, but in no way across. Failure to do so may result in soap suds getting on the inside of the web, causing warping and loss of gloss.

In addition, an alcohol solution of a small concentration (1:10) can help get rid of soap stains. As a rule, ammonia is most often used, which not only copes well with soap marks, but also does not interact with the coloring substances that cover the material.

Important! When cleaning stretch ceilings from pollution, you should not make physical efforts. Any sharp and inaccurate movement can lead to deformation of the canvas or its sagging.

Prohibited funds

Stretch fabrics are rather capricious and need a special approach in matters of washing. They negatively perceive the intense alkaline environment and the action of aggressive chemicals.

Any impact strong chemical can cause the paint to begin to lose its original shade, and the ceiling to deform and sag.

Thus, it is possible to compile a list of some products that are categorically not recommended for use in the process of washing such a product:

  • any washing powders;
  • tar soap (due to the high content of alkali);
  • baking soda and mustard;
  • acetone;
  • formulations with a high content and concentration of chemicals;
  • chlorine-containing products;
  • powder detergents.

The use of any substances from this list may adversely affect the condition of the ceiling decor. They negatively interact with the paint, which fades and loses its original appearance. They destroy the glossy sheen and lead to the formation of microcracks, which in the future may cause the ceiling to sag or its complete or partial deformation.

In addition, when washing, it is necessary to refrain from using rigid materials. Fabric is very easy to scratch. which will negatively affect its appearance, so it can only be washed with cloth napkins. Ideally, the use of suede or microfiber is recommended.

Washing a glossy canvas can be a real problem if the basic rules are not followed. A few general recommendations should be followed, thanks to which the washing process will turn into an easy task.

  1. Before using the composition, it is necessary to check its safety and interaction with the canvas. To do this, it is better to put a little substance on the ceiling in an inconspicuous place. If after wiping there are no stains and no traces left, then the substance can be used.
  2. It is not recommended to wash the ceiling with chaotic circular movements. As a result of this action, the number of soap streaks will only increase.
  3. Do not rub the stain vigorously. The material tolerates excessive physical exertion and can break through under intense impact. Therefore, it is necessary to wash it with smooth and soft movements.
  4. It is impossible to use sponges and napkins made of hard materials during the washing process. They can inadvertently damage the material.
  5. Do not use hot water for washing. Elevated temperatures will adversely affect the product and lead to its deformation.

Video on how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks:

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks at home - the most actual question after repair. Few people currently cover the ceiling with wallpaper; it is much more convenient and practical to make a stretch ceiling. This allows you to choose a variety of colors and shades, place the lighting as you like, hide possible irregularities.

Washing the ceiling is not the easiest task, because it is simply inconvenient. It is important to know how you can wash the stretch coating, and why you should refuse.

Having pasted wallpaper on the ceiling, you can no longer touch it. Tension coating is more demanding in care, especially for the first time after repair.

When builders stretch the material, they touch it with their hands, even if they are wearing gloves, marks remain.

Glossy surfaces make visible any contamination, so after all work is completed, it must be washed. Fingerprints and other traces create a not very pleasant picture, which becomes especially noticeable when daylight. Moreover, after completion construction works such a ceiling must be wiped from dust, because it attracts small particles well.

After the repair, there was a lot of dust and dirt, which is even on the ceiling.

It's time to put everything in order. The stretch ceiling is quite capricious, so not all products can be used to wash it. It is better to stock up on certain equipment in advance so that nothing else distracts during cleaning.

  1. A ladder or stepladder, an item without which it is simply impossible to wash the ceiling with high quality.
  2. Sponges of medium hardness.
  3. Soft natural rags.
  4. Detergent of non-abrasive origin.
  5. Vacuum cleaner with soft nozzle.

As mentioned above, not any means is suitable for washing a stretch ceiling. It is best to wash the glossy finish with plain water or soapy water (only mild baby soap is suitable).

They will not damage the fine structure and will not spoil the appearance. To remove more heavy pollution, a cloth soft cloth can be soaked in liquid and with a little effort to remove the stain. After the entire ceiling has been treated with a solution, it must be wiped with a dry cloth to remove possible stains.

The soap solution has one small drawback, despite the fact that it removes visible dirt from the hands well, stains are possible after it. You can remove them with ammonia.

  • alcohol is diluted in water to obtain a weak concentration;
  • in the resulting solution, moisten a sponge or soft cloth and wipe desired area ceiling;
  • at the end, the ceiling covering must be wiped with a dry cloth.

To make sure that the ammonia works well with the ceiling coating, it is best to first try it on small area. Therefore, before the workers leave, ask them to leave a small piece of material.

Stretch ceiling is modern, stylish and beautiful. At proper care it does not change its color, does not stretch or deform.

Luminaires can be arranged as convenient for the owners, for this you do not need to build additional niches and create additional mess. In order for the stretch ceiling to serve faithfully for a long time, it is very important to take care of it. Such surfaces can be washed only with certain means.

The shops household chemicals can offer several options for products that easily remove any dirt from the surface, while not leaving streaks and changing the appearance of the ceiling. But some means cannot be used categorically, unless, of course, your repair and ceiling are dear to you.

If serious pollution is found on the ceiling, for example, from soot, then do not rush to take on aggressive chemicals.

Laundry detergent of any kind, whether childish or mild, is not suitable for washing stretch ceilings. The composition of the bulk substance contains particles that can easily spoil the coating. It's not worth experimenting.

Tar or laundry soap

After repair, there may be traces on the ceiling from hands or any building materials, even from paint. Out of ignorance, many rush to remove pollution with the first means that come to hand, and this is not at all right. We are used to the fact that laundry soap is a universal remedy that can easily cope with many contaminants.

In this case, it can only spoil everything. The fact is that for a stretch ceiling, laundry or tar soap is a rather aggressive agent that can lead to deformation of the material and a change in its color. Therefore, it is undoubtedly worth abandoning it and giving preference to softer means, or it is better to just use plain water.


Some craftsmen advise washing the stretch ceiling with food mustard. Arguing this by the fact that it does not contain any aggressive substances and in general it is a product and cannot cause visible damage.

This is a big misconception, mustard can really be used to clean specific stains, but they should not be on a stretch ceiling. Not only will it not remove stains from the coating, but on the contrary, it will leave behind bright marks and can lead to deformation. If the stretch ceiling is black, then after contact with mustard, lighter spots will remain in certain places.

baking soda

Often, soda is used to remove any stains, it is combined with other substances and it turns out quite effective remedy. In this case, this option cannot be used categorically. Soda is small grains, stretch ceiling is a very gentle and delicate coating.

Upon contact with food product scratches may remain on the material, i.e. gloss will be irrevocably affected. If the stains can be easily removed with water, then the scratches will not go anywhere, and on a shiny surface it will be very noticeable. In addition, not only scratches can remain from soda, but also deformed areas.


Acetone is a product that perfectly removes traces of paint from any surface. Indeed, during repairs, it is not uncommon for traces of paint to appear on the stretch ceiling, but it is absolutely impossible to use the usual means to remove it. Acetone is a very aggressive agent that can leave a lighter color area on clothes or lead to the destruction of delicate fabric fibers.

It is scary to imagine what will happen if this substance is allowed to come into contact with the stretch ceiling coating. Most likely there will be a large hole on it and it will have to be redone. If you want to know exactly what can happen, do an experiment on a small area of ​​material, which naturally should not be on the ceiling.


Chlorine is a substance that modern housewives have long been trying to get rid of. It is dangerous for the skin of the hands and respiratory organs.

It causes more problems than benefits. Chlorine with prolonged exposure easily corrodes the structure of the fabric. Upon contact with the stretch ceiling, a hole may remain on the surface, and the material around it will lose its color.

Video: how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks at home?

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen suffer the most. Even despite the presence of an extract, over time, a noticeable greasy spot. That is why the ceilings in the kitchen should be washed most often so that the dirt does not have time to accumulate and the cleaning process as a result does not take much time.

The ceiling in the kitchen is washed with the same means as in other rooms.

It is unacceptable to use various degreasers. To remove stains, a soapy solution or plain water is sufficient. After all visible dirt is washed off, the ceiling is gently wiped with a clean, damp cloth, and then wiped dry.

Modern stretch ceilings are treated with special compounds that prevent dust from sticking, so you don’t have to wash it very often. Once every six months may be enough, in the kitchen the ceiling should be washed every 3 months.

You have a beautiful stretch ceiling installed, enough time has passed, and you want to know how to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks? We'll help you figure it out.

A little about stretch ceilings

The convenience and advantages of stretch ceilings are in their long service life, quick installation and the ability to hide flaws. The disadvantages of such ceilings are their price (relatively expensive) and cleaning (although it is rarely done) at a sufficient height.

Stretch ceilings can be glossy and matte, made of PVC film and impregnated fabric, but both have antistatic properties (therefore, they cannot be cleaned daily). True, the location and glossiness of the coating or its absence also determine the frequency of cleaning.

You can take care of the stretch ceiling in a dry or wet way. After cleaning with a damp cloth, be sure to rub dry.

Tips on how to wash a glossy stretch ceiling

Washing stretch ceilings is not an easy process. It takes time and precision.

Those who are not able to stand at a height for a long time, rubbing the surface, can seek help from special services. Professionals will clean the ceiling with high quality (using special cleaning equipment).

For those who are going to take care of themselves, advice: raise the certificate issued after installation. It is in it that detailed recommendations coating care.

Here are the options on how and what is better to wash a stretch glossy ceiling:

  • To clean dust deposits in rooms or on a balcony, it is better to dry clean with a lint-free soft cloth.
  • For more rare wet cleaning, soap and chemical solutions, special products in sprays are used (you can rub soap residues by dissolving them thoroughly in water, you can also dissolve laundry powders, it is possible to use Mr. Proper, Fairy, other dishwashing liquids and glass cleaners ).
  • For subsidence that appeared on the glossy stretch ceiling from burns and soot, water stains, a 10% ammonia solution is used.
  • Specially produced means for washing stretch ceilings.

The question is whether it is possible to wash the glossy stretch ceiling is not worth it. Before the hostess, another question often arises: how to clean and not harm the dense, but at the same time delicate texture of the ceiling canvas?

The answer is simple:

  • never used for washing abrasive, capable of scratching, means (soda, dry mixes);
  • do not use brushes or other objects with a very dense pile texture;
  • cleaning is not carried out with the help of piercing / cutting objects, including those with convex rings or bracelets;
  • acetone-containing substances are not used so that the ceiling does not lose color, or worse, does not deform;
  • do not clean with force (never put pressure on the tension surface, especially if you use brushes or a special mop to wash).

A separate issue is the cleaning of the stretch ceiling in the kitchen.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling in the kitchen?

Stretch ceilings in the kitchen get dirty more strongly and faster than in other rooms. Especially if they are glossy. Settling on the balcony cannot be avoided either, but they will be plentiful and dusty.

And the frequency of dry cleaning, especially in the spring and summer, will exceed the frequency of cleaning in the rest of the year. The frequency of wet cleaning with a stretch ceiling in the bathroom will also be high. No matter how hard you try to wash or take a shower carefully.

In the kitchen, it is possible and necessary to install a hood for cleanliness and maximum disposal of odors and precipitation. But this will not fully save from cleaning.

Let's figure out how to wash the stretch ceiling - gloss in the kitchen?

Care here will be carried out by both methods of cleaning, but more often - wet.

Dry cleaning is carried out in the kitchen after small preparations food, if the precipitation does not have droplets of fat. Taking a soft dry cloth, microfiber is better, with light movements it is necessary to “brush off” sedimentation.

But if the precipitation is not only dusty, but also has “obvious” all the consequences of the cook’s many hours and many days of work, and the stretch ceiling no longer seems glossy, wet cleaning cannot be avoided.

To wash the ceiling in the kitchen, you will have to use ammonia, soapy, well-diluted water (just remember to make soapy water, not soapy slurry), preventing the appearance of stains after cleaning on the ceiling.

Also, in order to avoid “post-harvest” stains, in addition to the wet cleaning, it is mandatory to rub all this. The work is not fast and painstaking, as when cleaning windows.

Having studied in detail how to care for a glossy stretch ceiling and how often cleaning is carried out with it, we wish you successful work in this direction so that every incoming guest says that everything in this house shines.

Stretch ceilings are now perhaps the most popular option for finishing the ceiling surface. This is not surprising, because they combine sophistication and practicality. In addition, there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bspace for various design solutions.

Their practicality lies in the fact that they will serve you for many years without requiring special care. And, according to some manufacturers, they do not even need to be washed. Although this is not entirely true.

Dry and wet cleaning will still be needed.

Although the surface is treated with an antistatic compound, dust is still impossible to defeat without resorting to cleaning. In addition, other contaminants are also possible, which will also have to be dealt with. We will talk about how to wash stretch ceilings at home and how to carry out dry cleaning in this article.

Types of stretch ceilings

Before telling how to wash stretch ceilings, it should be said that they are divided into two groups according to the material of manufacture: fabric and PVC. And also into two groups by surface: glossy and matte.

Fabric ceilings are more expensive as they are more durable and can be seamless across the entire tension surface. The fabric is able to hold water in itself, not letting it out, if you are suddenly flooded by the neighbors on the floor above.

PVC ceilings are cheaper, but they have the advantage of being more versatile in color. In addition, they can simulate the night and day sky. Especially, it looks spectacular with properly installed and selected lighting.

What is matte and glossy surface no need to tell anyone. Let's just say that the matte ceiling resembles a very well-plastered surface.

The most common pollution

In addition to the usual dust, which is quite easy to deal with, other types of pollution can occur on stretch ceilings. If you take various rooms in the apartment, then the list will be as follows.

  • The kitchen is soot and grease stains.
  • Bathroom - water splash stains.
  • Children's - stains from various children's toys, for example, water pistols and other sprinklers.
  • Living room - traces of an incorrectly opened bottle of champagne or soda.

See also: How to remove old paint what types of wash are there

It is not so difficult to cope with all these pollutions. To do this, you need to know how and what to wash. It is also important to know what not to do when caring for stretch ceilings.

Although stretch ceilings are made of durable material, the use of certain care products can harm them. Cannot be applied:

  • abrasives and powders,
  • acetone and other solvents,
  • chlorine-containing agents and acids,
  • washcloths.

Sometimes some people ask the question: is it possible to wash stretch ceilings hot water? The answer to this question is also negative.

Their surface can be washed only with warm water. Failure to comply with these conditions may cause serious damage to the surface, which can no longer be restored. Acetone, for example, can easily burn them, and scratch the abrasive particles.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling

Basic hallmark gloss is its brilliance and even on such a surface all the stains left after wet cleaning, if it was carried out incorrectly, are perfectly visible. What do you need for wet cleaning?

  • soft microfiber cloth, suede or sponge
  • soap solution
  • clean warm water
  • mop or stepladder if the ceilings are high,
  • glass cleaner.

Ordinary dust, if there are no other contaminants on the surface, is easy to remove. This does not require additional detergents, you need ordinary warm water.

The main question that arises among housewives before wet cleaning glossy ceiling: how to wash stretch ceilings so that there are no streaks left. The most commonly used glass cleaner. When buying them and before using, be sure to read the composition of the product, some of them contain acetone.

Do not immediately start washing the entire surface. First, test the product on a small inconspicuous area.

And if, after its application, the surface does not wrinkle, bubbles, etc., do not appear, the product can be used on the entire surface. It is also not worth using such products for washing fabric stretch ceilings, since they are more susceptible to destruction by chemical means.

In addition, for washing without streaks and giving shine to the ceiling, you can use a soap solution containing ammonia or ethyl alcohol. It is also possible to use ordinary vodka.

And now a little about how to wash glossy stretch ceilings. The surface should be washed, moving along the perimeter, from one corner to another.

If the design consists of several sections, then cleaning should be carried out in sections. Movements should be soft and smooth, without strong pressure, which can harm the ceiling. Do not use circular motions, which can also cause circular white streaks.

To remove stains from the ceiling, too, do not use much effort.

Since this will not remove the stain, you can cause damage to the ceiling in the form of scratches and deformation. When using a mop, you need to ensure that the limb with which you will wash the ceiling is completely covered with a rag. And if you use a stepladder, be sure to secure it well to avoid injury and not spoil the glossy surface.

How to wash matte stretch ceilings

The matte surface is not as capricious as the glossy one. Divorces and dust on it are almost invisible. But this does not mean at all that washing should be treated without caution.

They are also afraid of chemicals and acetone. So you need to wash it with the same means as glossy ones. But there is no need for polishing agents such as alcohol solutions.

Unlike glossy, matte stretch ceiling can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

But there are some limitations here. The suction power of the vacuum cleaner should be kept to a minimum to prevent sagging. And the brush of the vacuum cleaner should not touch the surface.