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» Why is soil stabilization carried out? Construction of roads using soil stabilization method. What is a polymer emulsion

Why is soil stabilization carried out? Construction of roads using soil stabilization method. What is a polymer emulsion

Found on the Internet without the author's signature:
“In road construction, liquid glass has not become widespread, with the exception of the construction of experimental sections, as well as the silicification of crushed stone highways using the method of impregnation and surface treatment. The reason is the low frost resistance of silicated glass, as well as inconvenience in work due to the rapid setting and hardening of the mixture of soil and silicate. At the same time, the experience of the engineering troops of the advancing Soviet army in 1944 showed the advantages of silicating temporary dirt and crushed stone roads: when constructing bypasses mined and blown up by retreating Nazi troops roads, quickly strengthening the soil with shovels and garden watering cans gave excellent results. "

From the book by V. D. Glukhovsky “Soil silicates”:
"The construction of highways using liquid glass binders with inert aggregates (limestone, dolomite, quartzite, sandstone, granite) is based on the ability liquid glass form solid monolithic masses with fillers.

Work carried out in this direction in various countries has yielded positive results in some cases and negative results in others. In Italy and especially in France, thousands of kilometers of silicated highways have been built. Germany has not achieved positive results in this matter.

In our country, work on silicating roads was carried out by V. M. Shalfeev and gave satisfactory results.

The construction of such roads can be carried out using the silicate concrete method or the impregnation method.

When building using the silicate concrete method, the working mixture, consisting of coarse aggregate, seedings and liquid glass, after thorough mixing, is laid in a layer of 10 cm and compacted with rollers. After 24 hours, the mass acquires sufficient strength and vehicles can move on it."

From my experience working with liquid glass, I will say that apparently liquid glass alone is not enough. I made paints based on liquid glass. They were washed away from the facades by about the tenth rain. This description is missing some component that increases moisture resistance.

The same Glukhovsky additionally uses a salt solution when strengthening soils (not roads). He doesn't say what salt you need. Other sources talk about potassium salt, but do not indicate whether potassium or sodium liquid glass is used. Also, Glukhovsky recommends impregnation in a saline solution after molding to increase the water resistance of building blocks made of soil silicate. The book is written disgustingly, information has to be collected bit by bit from different chapters and still much remains incomprehensible. It feels like the car is deliberately trying to confuse everything.

At the same time, Glukhovsky claims: “Such roads are cheaper than concrete and roads with other types of crushed stone surfaces. They are one and a half to two times more durable than asphalt and concrete, and also more wear-, water- and frost-resistant.”

Why am I so concerned about the topic? After I screwed up with paint on liquid glass, I stopped using it in production and had about a ton of liquid soda glass hanging in my warehouse. It's been standing for seven years now.

And there are many places in the country where I would be happy to strengthen the access roads. Maybe someone can tell me the technology. I would be very grateful. Otherwise the experiments may take longer. You won’t appreciate the results right away; you need to wait a year or two.

Maybe the soil is mixed with liquid glass, laid down, and then watered with a salt solution. The Red Army soldiers used garden watering cans to water the roads with something in 1944. If the liquid glass is sodium, then apparently sodium salt NaCl is also ordinary table salt.

Here’s more from Glukhovsky: “Liquid glass is used to repair surface parts concrete structures. In this case, a layer of liquid glass with a module of 3.3-3.4 is applied to the damaged area moistened with water, which is sprinkled with cement powder. As a result chemical interaction Between the cement and the alkali silicate, the mixture quickly hardens."

This technology invented by ANT-Engineering LLC in 2006. To date, more than 150 km of roads of various categories have been built in Russia and abroad. Highways built using ANT technology are used in all climatic zones: from the desert to the Arctic Circle.

The main element of the technology is the drug “Stabilizer of soils and organomineral mixtures “ANT” (English - “ant”). It is used both independently for soil stabilization and in conjunction with inorganic or organic binders for strengthening.

Operating principle of the soil stabilizer "ANT"

Soil stabilizer "ANT" is Russian product and is produced in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. It is a complex organic preparation. Its action is aimed at carrying out redox reactions in the soil. Produces directional oxidative reaction by exposing the surface of a soil particle to molecular oxygen, as well as in cement (if used). As a result, new oxides are formed chemical elements contained in the soil. Then, the previously attached oxygen is separated, and a reverse reduction reaction occurs, which leads to the formation of new crystalline compounds in the soil between its particles.

This reaction completely repeats the processes of formation of sedimentary rocks in earth's crust. If we had the opportunity to increase the load during compaction of the treated soil by more than 5 times, then we would be able to obtain strengthened soils with a strength grade of over M200. But, unfortunately, modern technology and methods of road work do not allow us to achieve these results.

In addition, the stabilizer contains surfactants, which makes it possible to achieve a maximum coefficient of soil compaction, and, consequently, obtain a material with less capillaries. This allows you to significantly reduce water absorption of stabilized and strengthened soils.

5 main advantages

1. High physical and mechanical properties.

Soils strengthened using Stabilizer "ANT", have high physical and mechanical properties and fully comply with the requirements of GOST 23558-94 "Mixtures of crushed stone-gravel-sand and soils treated with inorganic binders for road and airfield construction."

For example, during construction highways V technical category of transitional type, it is sufficient to install one layer of reinforced soil with a thickness of h = 15 cm. This structural layer is designed for traffic with an axle load of up to 8t. The total modulus of elasticity on the surface of this layer will be more than 150 MPa.

2. Low consumption, as well as its low estimated cost.

The consumption is 0.007% of the soil mass. When carrying out road construction work, 1 liter per 7.5 m 3 of the future layer is required. For the construction of 1 km of category IV–V highway, i.e. installation of 6000 m 2 layers of reinforced soil, 15 cm thick, stabilizer consumption will be 120 liters, the estimated cost, respectively, is 312,000 rubles or 52 rubles / m 2.

3. Simplification of the processes of stabilization and strengthening of soils.


  • lack of maintenance of hardened soils;
  • the possibility of resuming vehicle traffic immediately after compaction of the layer;
  • no need for expansion joints.

4. Possibility of useSoil stabilizer "ANT"both independently and together with inorganic and organic binders.

When using the Stabilizer together with cement, the strength properties of strengthened soils increase by more than 30% relative to control samples without it.

When used in conjunction with bitumen emulsions or foamed bitumen, there is a better distribution of the binder throughout the entire volume of the soil, an increase in the adhesion of the binder particles to the soil and a subsequent increase in physical properties. mechanical properties strengthened soils.

5. Complete environmental safety.

Stabilizer "ANT" does not have any negative impact on the environment and is 100% environmentally friendly. When carrying out road construction work, it is not necessary to provide technical personnel with additional protective equipment. It also does not have a negative impact on machine components and mechanisms.

Scope of application of soil stabilizer "ANT"

    construction of foundations for highways of categories I–V, non-rigid and rigid types;

    road surfaces of IV – V categories of transitional type;

    stabilization of the base and working layer of the subgrade;

    as an additive when strengthening soils with organic or complex binders.

Independently, the “ANT” stabilizer can be used to stabilize clayey soils with a plasticity number from 1 to 17 (sandy loam, loam, clay). Stabilized soils can be used to stabilize the base or working layer of the subgrade, as well as the construction of lower layers of foundations.

To obtain strengthened soils, it is necessary to add cement in an amount of 2% -5% by weight of the soil. The rate of cement consumption depends on the type of soil, climatic zone and the required strength properties of the reinforced soil. To carry out the work, it is possible to use sandy loam, loam, sand and gravel mixtures, low-strength stone materials, waste from crushing stone materials and concrete.

Usage Soil stabilizer "ANT", together with organic or complex binders, it allows to reduce the consumption of binders and increase the strength characteristics of strengthened soils. In addition to the redox reaction occurring in the soil, the “ANT” Stabilizer will increase the adhesion of the bitumen binder to the soil, as well as evenly distribute it throughout the entire volume of the soil.

Consumption rate

The required amount of Stabilizer is 0.007% by weight of the soil. When carrying out road works, the norm for its consumption is 1 liter of stabilizer per 7.5 m 3 of the future structural layer.

Consumption rate soil stabilizer "ANT" for every 1000m 2 structural layers, depending on the thickness of the layer

Soil stabilizer "ANT" is used in the form of an aqueous solution. The required amount of water is calculated based on natural humidity soil and optimal compaction. They also provide for an adjustment for the amount of water for climatic conditions, type of soil, amount of cement used, etc. In practice, the coefficient of dissolution of the stabilizer with water ranges from 1:250 to 1:1000.

Options for road construction work

Carrying out road work is possible using various options equipment equipment.

    Self-propelled recyclers. With their help, during a work shift, they construct a structural layer of reinforced soils with an area of ​​over 5000 m 2. The treated soil mixture is prepared directly on the road, in one pass. The aqueous solution is dosed into the rotor, and its flow is controlled by the machine’s on-board computer. The cement is distributed before the recycler passes.

    When using technogenic soils, it is possible to prepare the mixture in specialized soil-mixing or concrete-mixing plants. The treated soil is laid using an asphalt paver (the best results in terms of geometry) or a motor grader. The speed of work depends directly on the productivity of mixing plants.

    The preparation of treated soil is also carried out using agricultural milling machines and harrows. The penetration into the ground should be 30% higher than the calculated thickness of the structural layer. Best results are achieved by using horizontal mounted milling cutters driven by the tractor strength take-off shaft. In practice, the speed of work per shift is 1000 m 2 or more.

When developing the Road Classification of Stabilizers, the accumulated domestic and Foreign experience the use of chemical additives (stabilizers) and binders to improve the properties of soils in road construction. However, in relation to the domestic practice of road construction, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between two parallel existing, but fundamentally various technologies: soil stabilization technology and soil strengthening technology.

Stabilization technology differs in that clay soils are treated only with those types of stabilizers that do not contain binders as structure-forming elements, i.e. according to General classification(see figure) these should include cationic (cationic), anionic (anionic), universal and nanostructured stabilizers.

With the help of stabilization technology it changes in positive side almost the entire complex of water-physical properties of clayey soil. At the same time, its hydrophobicity increases. By reducing the filtration coefficient, its water permeability decreases. The heaving and swelling properties of soils are also reduced, to the point of being completely eliminated. The height of the capillary rise and their optimal humidity decrease with a simultaneous increase in the maximum density with standard compaction (GOST 22733-2002).

Stabilization technology should be recommended for use for soils laid in the working layer of the subgrade, since the most intensive processes of water-thermal regime (WTR) and moisture transfer affect mainly top part earthen dense road structure. At the same time, stabilization of the soils of the working layer will not only have a beneficial effect on the water transport, but will also make it possible to lay local muddy soils, previously unsuitable for use in this element of the road structure, due to an increase in their water-physical characteristics in terms of water permeability (GOST 25584-90), heaving (GOST 28622-90), swelling (GOST 24143-80) and soaking ability (GOST 5180-84) to the required values.

Complex stabilization technology differs in that clay soils are treated with structured stabilizers (see Figure 1), i.e. those that contain a binder, or any other stabilizers in an amount not exceeding 2% by weight of the soil, or all other types of stabilizers are used , according to their General classification (see Figure 1, Figure 2), but with additional addition of binder to the soil in the same quantities.

Technologies for complex stabilization of clayey soils, in addition to improving their water-physical properties, promote the formation of rigid crystallization bonds, which has a positive effect on increasing physical and mechanical characteristics soils and, first of all, such as shear strength and deformation modulus.

An increase in the strength and deformation characteristics of complexly stabilized clay soils makes it possible to use them for constructing not only a working layer, but also for roadsides, as well as the soil bases of road pavements and coatings of local (rural) roads. Increasing the amount of binder used in soil treatment beyond 2% by weight while maintaining the amount of stabilizer additives introduced into the soil (up to 0.1% by weight) transforms the technology of soil stabilization into a technology of soil strengthening, which, taking into account the presence of additives, should be characterized as a technology of complex soil strengthening .

The presence of stabilizer additives in strengthened clay soil, firstly, leads to a decrease in the required consumption of binder and, secondly, makes it possible to increase the frost and crack resistance of strengthened soils.

Complexly strengthened soils, as well as reinforced soils, should be used as bases in road pavement structures in accordance with GOST 23558-94.

Taking into account the above, the Road Classification of Stabilizers (see Figure 2) is compiled according to the target functions of soil treatment with additives. This means that, depending on the final function of the soil treated with stabilizers, a certain type of soil treatment is selected, taking into account the properties of the soil in terms of pH and the type of stabilizer compatible with this soil.

Also, the function of the soil properties determines the purpose of the resulting material in the required structural element road pavement and roadbed. Therefore, the applied nature of the Road Classification of Stabilizers is expressed in its functional focus, i.e. it clearly reflects the purpose and scope of use of the stabilizer in road construction. Therefore, the following main objective functions are distinguished:

First function- hydrophobization of soil in the working layer.

Second function- structuring (together with hydrophobization) of soil in road bases.

Third function- increasing the frost and crack resistance of reinforced soils in the structural layers of road pavements.

All the identified target functions of the process of influencing the soil with stabilizer additives are implemented using a similar technology; the curtain is based on combining the soil with additives and compacting it at optimal humidity.

Difference in physical and mechanical properties soil mixture depends on the type and quantitative ratio of the stabilizer and binder in the soil and the type of the latter. Therefore, as a basis for dividing the most general and broad concept“Treatment of soils with additives” the following main characteristics were selected.

Class: Determined by the depth of impact and the degree of change in the structural and physical-mechanical characteristics of the pound.

View: It is determined by the type of additives and their quantitative ratio, with the help of which the required level of change in the physical and mechanical characteristics of the pound is realized.

Subspecies: It is determined by the compatibility conditions in the pound mixture, the sign of the charge of the stabilizer ions and the type of pound pH (acidic, alkaline, neutral).

The developed Road Classification of Stabilizers considers only those materials and additives, as well as the types and varieties of soils that have received the most wide application and have a positive practical experience. The starting product in the Road Classification is stabilizers, the types of which correspond to their General Classification (see figure).

For treatment with stabilizers, the following should be used at optimal humidity: soils with a plasticity number from 1 to 22, with a content of sand particles of at least 40% by weight and a yield strength WL of no more than 50%, as well as all types of coarse clastic and sandy soils containing dust and clay particles in an amount of at least 15% by weight, with a content of easily soluble salts - sulfates - no more than 2% by weight, chlorides - no more than 4% by weight, humus - no more than 2% by weight and gypsum impurities - no more than 10%.

Normative references:

  • GOST 29213-91 (ISO 896-77) Surfactants. Terms and Definitions
  • GOST 25584-90 Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of filtration coefficient
  • GOST 24143-80 Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of swelling and shrinkage characteristics
  • GOST 23161-78 Soils. Method for laboratory determination of subsidence characteristics.
  • GOST 25100-95 Soils. Classification
  • GOST 5180-84 Soils. Methods for laboratory determination of physical characteristics
  • GOST 22733-2002 Soils. Laboratory method for determining maximum density

IN last years The road industry of the Russian Federation faces acute challenges aimed at further development networks of federal, regional and agricultural roads, which should lead to accelerated growth of the country's economy, improvement of the quality of life of the population, increase in their mobility, and reduction of transport costs. It is necessary to more actively implement the best global and domestic innovative solutions. At the same time, it is especially important to use technologies that allow solving the problems of reducing the cost and reducing the construction time of roads while simultaneously increasing their reliability and ensuring all-season operation.

One of these areas, which allows us to successfully solve the infrastructure problems facing the country, is the technology of stabilization and strengthening of soils, which is becoming increasingly widespread in the world. For these purposes, a fairly large group of surfactants is used - organic, alkaline and acid-based soil stabilizers, resins, and polymer soil stabilizers.

Kaluga region, 2011: a) initial state of the object; b) after two years of road operation

Department employees innovative technologies and materials conducted comprehensive research chemical composition stabilizers produced by Enviroseal Corporation (USA), and made a selection of components from domestic raw materials to create new road building materials for further industrial production on Russian territory.

The result of research work together with specialists from OJSC SoyuzdorNII and Central Scientific Research Institute No. 26 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the creation of a line of domestic soil stabilizers under the working name “Paragon”, which are fully adapted and successfully used in Russia, which is reflected in the relevant certificates, technical specifications and organization standards for their use. These materials are based on chemical components that are absolutely safe for human health and environment. Laboratory testing and field tests of these materials have shown that they are not inferior in their properties to the best foreign analogues and make it possible to obtain high-quality Construction Materials For effective solution challenges facing the domestic road industry. A large amount of work and extensive testing has been done with various types soils to study their physical and mechanical properties, treated with these stabilizers, both separately and together with other additives (cement, lime, fly ash). These studies made it possible to develop technical conditions (STO) for the use of these materials in relation to the technology of stabilization and strengthening of soils, in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory and technical regulations in force in our country.

Road repair using cold recycling technology

As studies have shown, soil stabilizers from the Paragon line have all the advantages of the original stabilizers, but, unlike their American counterparts, , they are fully adapted to local extreme climatic conditions.

Paragon soil stabilizers are new generation products and are produced in Russia. They compare favorably with the above-mentioned competitive soil stabilizers not only in terms of price and quality ratio, but also in their manufacturability, safety for the environment and people, and the possibility of effective use with all types of soils. The use of Paragon road-building technologies in the stabilization and strengthening of soils during the construction and repair of roads and other transport infrastructure allows us to successfully eliminate the main cause of destruction road surface– soft soils in the structural layers of the road pavement.

The Paragon line of soil stabilizers includes two basic products – the polymer stabilizer for clay soils “Paragon LBS” and the polymer stabilizer “Paragon M10+50”.

  1. The polymer stabilizer for clay soils “Paragon LBS” is an environmentally friendly material for the environment and human health. Soils treated with an aqueous solution of the Paragon LВS stabilizer are recommended for use when constructing a working layer of the subgrade, lower and additional base layers, as well as coatings (on roads of lower categories) in road climatic zones 2–5. “Paragon LВS” is used to stabilize and hydrophobize clay soils and allows you to increase the elastic modulus (up to 180 MPa), bearing capacity and water resistance of the treated layer, increase shear stability (up to 50%), ensure standard frost resistance, and reduce the time required for road construction work. . Excellent results are obtained by using “Paragon LВS” together with inorganic binders (cement, lime, fly ash) - GOST 23558-94. “Mixtures of crushed stone-gravel-sand and soils treated with inorganic binding materials for road and airfield construction. Technical conditions".
  2. "Paragon M10+50" is a polymer binder white based on acrylic copolymer. Ecologically safe material. Soils strengthened with the polymer soil stabilizer "Paragon M10+50" both single-component and together with inorganic binders (cement, lime, fly ash) are recommended for use in construction and repair for the installation of a coating layer (with the installation of a wear layer), load-bearing and additional layers of road pavement bases in the 2nd–5th road-climatic zones in road and airfield construction, as well as during the construction of industrial sites, parking lots, sports and forest paths. The Paragon M10+50 stabilizer is used to strengthen silty sands, sand-gravel mixtures and soils with a plasticity number of no more than 12. It works well in conjunction with the Paragon LVS clay soil stabilizer, which makes it possible to reduce the plasticity number of local soils to 12 and significantly expand scope of application of the Paragon M10+50 stabilizer according to the type and plasticity number of soils.

The results of a study of the polymer soil stabilizer “Paragon M10+50” showed that strengthening sandy loam soil with a composition based on this stabilizer and cement (from 6 to 10%) allows achieving an increase in tensile strength in bending by 36.3–40.8%, reducing the stiffness coefficient by 27.5–36.5%, reducing cement consumption per unit of achieved tensile strength in bending by 26.7–33.6%, and also provides an increase in frost resistance in comparison with sandy loam reinforced only with cement (Fig. 1).

At the same time, the shear strength of reinforced soil increases several times, making it ideal for the construction of temporary runways and highways, both as a foundation and as a surface. Thus, we can conclude that the polymer soil stabilizer “Paragon M10+50” works very well both one-component and together with mineral binders (cement, lime, fly ash), making it possible to obtain compositions with improved physical and mechanical properties as a result of soil treatment. This combination of additives added to the treated soil mixture makes it possible to obtain compositions with improved strength and elastic deflection.

This is most relevant when performing road repair work using the “cold recycling” technology when installing the top layer of the road pavement base or the bottom layer of the coating. The results of such soil strengthening are significantly superior to the bitumen emulsions or cements usually used for this technology.

Some of the existing competitive soil stabilizers are inferior to the polymer soil stabilizer “Paragon M10+50” in terms of price and quality, while others are inferior in frost resistance. Very important point is that, unlike most competitive materials, “Paragon M10+50” in the very near future will be a product produced in Russia from domestic chemical components, which will significantly affect its cost and delivery time to consumers.

It should be noted that today in Russia there is a sufficient, but in need of improvement, current regulatory and technical base, which allows the use of complex stabilization technology and complex soil strengthening technology to solve a wide range of engineering problems and the use of strengthened local soils in the development of road pavement structures of various technical categories. First of all we're talking about about documents such as:

  • Organizational standard (TU) for each specific stabilizer;
  • SP 34.13330. (2012SNiP 2.05.02-85*) “Highways”;
  • SP 78.13330. (2012SNiP 3.06.03-85*) “Highways”;
  • GOST 30491-97 “Organomineral mixtures and soils strengthened with organic binders for road and airfield construction”;
  • GOST 23558-94 “Mixtures of crushed stone-gravel-sand and soils treated with inorganic binding materials for road and airfield construction”;
  • ODN 218.046-01 “Design of flexible road pavements”;
  • ODM 218.2.017-2011 “Design, construction and operation of low-intensity roads.”

The design of the road pavement and the type of coating are taken based on the transport and operational characteristics and the category of the road being designed, taking into account the intensity and composition of traffic, climatic conditions, sanitary and hygienic recommendations, as well as the provision of the road construction area with local building materials

In the case of using reinforced soils in the structural layers of road pavements using additives that improve the soil mixture in optimal proportions, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • — the coating layer must provide the necessary load-bearing capacity and design transport and operational qualities of the road;
  • — the top layer of the base – the required load-bearing capacity of the road pavement, protecting the underlying layers from moisture and frost heaving;
  • - bottom layer of the base - redistribution of loads on the working layer of the subgrade and its protection from moisture and heaving.

At the same time, depending on the location of the layer of reinforced soil in the pavement structure, the value of such physical and mechanical indicators of the soil mixture as compression and tension resistance, elastic modulus, frost resistance and water resistance is determined. The consumption of additives in the soil mixture for each structural layer is selected in such a way that the resulting indicators of complexly strengthened soils meet the requirements of the current regulatory and technical regulations. It has been established and confirmed by many years of research in laboratory and production conditions that when soils are strengthened with two binding materials characterized by very different, but not antagonistic properties and different structures (for example, crystallization, characteristic of cements, and coagulation, characteristic of bitumen and polymer compositions), they acquire increased shear resistance, frost and temperature resistance and, if necessary, can be less rigid and deformable materials. Methods that combine the addition of two binders or one binder and a surfactant of a hydrophobic type (surfactant-soil stabilizer) when strengthening soils are called complex methods (technology for complex soil strengthening). In the process of studying the advantages inherent in complex methods of soil strengthening, it was found that previously unknown types of complex spatial structures of a combined type are formed. Characteristic feature of these structures is that with the correct technological process, two types of spatial binary structures are formed in microvolumes of reinforced soil, characterized by different properties, complementing each other and compensating for the shortcomings of the reinforced soil of each of the monostructures. Such binary (combined) structures are interpenetrating.

The use of polymer soil stabilizer compositions specially developed for such cases in cement-soil mixtures as chemical additives creates additional features for the construction of road pavements with monolithic frost-resistant waterproof bases. When adding polymer soil stabilizers to soil mixtures, they enter into chemical reaction with cement, strengthened soils acquire improved properties (strength, elasticity, water resistance, frost resistance, manufacturability) and eliminate the main disadvantages of cement soils, such as the formation of temperature and shrinkage cracks with their transfer (reflection) into the coating layers. Long-term studies in different countries of the world show that the strength indicators of soil mixtures treated with polymer soil stabilizers are significantly improved with the addition of inorganic binders (cement), and the addition of a polymer stabilizer to the soil mixture leads to an improvement in the deformation characteristics of strengthened soils (cement soils). In addition, improved polymer additives the properties of reinforced soils make it possible to apply the principles of unification of structures, which ensures a minimum of structural layers, technological operations, time and equipment for their construction. The principles of unification of structures using complexly strengthened soils make it possible to provide for the full variety of influences of natural and climatic factors, eliminate some of such influences and reduce the list of tasks to be solved during construction to two main ones:

  • ensuring the load-bearing capacity and strength of clothing due to the base;
  • maintaining the stability of the road structure by preventing moisture in the working layer of the subgrade and base layers.

This approach to design in many cases reduces the need to use complex multilayer structures, as well as special narrowly functional layers (drainage, interruption layers, frost protection, heat insulation, etc.). The number, thickness of layers and their combination depend on the engineering problem being solved and are determined by calculations and feasibility studies of the road structure.

To build roads using the technology of complex soil strengthening by mixing local soils and additives at the work site, a special team of road-building equipment is used. As a rule, it includes a grader, a tank truck (sprinkler) for water delivery, a roller from 15 tons, a binder distributor, a loader, as well as soil-mixing road construction equipment that ensures the required dosage accuracy of the components added to the soil and the uniformity of the soil mixture being strengthened. Such soil mixing equipment includes soil cutters, recyclers and mobile soil mixing plants. This modern, highly efficient technology can significantly improve the quality of work on strengthening (complex strengthening) of soils, as well as reduce the time required to complete the work. Currently, such special road construction equipment is produced by a number of leading foreign manufacturers, such as: Caterpillar (USA), Terex USA), Roadtec (USA), Sakai, Niigata and Komatsu (Japan), Bomag and Wirtgen (Germany), Bitelli and FAE (Italy), XCMG XLZ250K and WR2300E (China). Caterpillar, Bomag and Bitelli machines are built according to the same design.

When using high-performance equipment in road construction or repair, such as self-propelled recyclers (Catarpiller, Bomag, Wirtgen, etc.) or mounted soil mills such as Stehr or FAE, 2000 to 4000 m² of structural material can be installed during a work shift. layer of reinforced soil. The main working body of recyclers, where the soil mixture is mixed with additives, is a milling cutter with cylindrical cutters (Fig. 2). The amount of soil stabilizer solution and other liquid binders introduced into the treated soil is precisely dosed by a pump, which is controlled by a microprocessor system, which ensures the required physical and mechanical parameters of the resulting strengthened soil. When powdered binder additives, such as cement or lime, are used together with a soil stabilizer, they are evenly distributed over the surface before milling with special distributors and then thoroughly mixed with the soil and other additives using a recycler.

The Wirtgen company produced recyclers models 1000 CR, 2100 DСR, CR 4500, WR 2500, as well as the WM 400 unit (the WM 1000 model is currently being produced) for preparing a cement-water suspension and working in conjunction with the WR 2500. Model WR 2500 from the company ranks among the most advanced recyclers, allowing the use Newest technologies V wide range works - from strengthening weak soils to restoring asphalt concrete pavements (cold recycling).

It should be noted that currently in Russia there is no production of road construction soil mixing equipment of this level. Due to the relevance of introducing soil strengthening technologies in the road industry, manufacturers of road construction equipment need to turn their attention to the production of domestic high-quality soil mixing equipment as quickly as possible.

The recruitment of a detachment of road construction equipment (Fig. 3) for soil strengthening work is justified in work execution projects (WPP) and construction organization projects (COP) in accordance with SNiP 12-01-2004.

Work to strengthen soils should be preceded by measures to install a drainage system (ditches, ditches, drainage pipes).

Calculation of parameters technological process carried out at the work site, which includes determining the length of the grip (a section of a road under construction with repeated production processes, the composition and scope of work on which the main production facilities are located, performing one or more work operations of a specialized flow combined in time).

It's safe to say that t technology for stabilizing and strengthening soils is ideal solution to create a modern transport infrastructure in our country, allowing not only to ensure the necessary load-bearing capacity of road pavement bases, but also, in most cases, to minimize costs, work completion time and the need for inert materials.

Excavator Attachments Attachments for front loaders Attachments and trailed equipment for tractors Equipment for MTZ tractors Attachments for cars

LLC "GRINCOM"as a contractor together with partnersperforms soil stabilization workduring road construction, during the construction of logistics and warehouse sites, as well as when equipping foundations for prefabricated prefabricated (frame) structures.We have the ability to perform work anywhere in the Russian Federation. Prices for work"democratic", because work is carried out using binding materials produced at our partner’s enterprises.

To place an order and pre-calculate the cost of work, you need to indicate the proposed region for the work, the conditions for the work (soil conditions or characteristics of the road surface - for the planned implementation of work on the repair of old roads; the planned stabilization area, as well as the basic requirements of the project, in particular: the depth (thickness) of the layer of stabilized (compacted) soil; necessary physical and mechanical properties of the section layer after stabilization.

What is stabilization?

The process of improving the engineering properties of natural soils (such as load bearing capacity, resistance to uniaxial compression, filtration properties, etc.) by adding a small amount of ingredients

How to achieve stabilization?

  • Usually carried out directly on site
  • Sometimes in a stabilization center.

Advantages of the method

  • Minimal use of chemical additives
  • Efficient and fast subgrade and road construction
  • Reducing energy costs
  • Preservation of the environment
  • Possibility of using local natural material and recyclable materials
  • Reduced sensitivity to changes in humidity (swelling potential, erosion resistance, etc.)
  • High level of knowledge of the technological process


What is a polymer emulsion?

  • Water soluble milky white thick liquid, non-toxic and environmentally neutral
  • X Chemically polymer emulsion is made on the basis of polymers and copolymers of various compositions

Use of polymer

  • The polymer mixture is used as a soil stabilizer
  • Soil stabilization is achieved by changing it natural properties
  • Makes it possible to design elasticity and plasticity modules, strength characteristics
  • Experience and new developments confirm the advantages of a soil stabilization modifier over the use of artificial soils

How does Polymer stabilize soils?

  • The modulus of elasticity increases due to the connection of cement-coated soil particles with numerous polymer chains
  • During the process, the property of retaining moisture is used
  • Protects the soil skeleton from harmful influence chemical soil components, such as sulfates
  • Prevents filtration and movement of capillary water
  • Reduces the effect of water migration - one of the main causes of wear of road surfaces.

Stabilization of the top layer of the subgrade, stabilization of the soil base

Soil stabilization is the introduction of additives into the soil to improve the mechanical properties of the soil. Depending on the type of soil, limes, cements, bitumen binders, chemicals can be used as additives. binders or missing soil components.

Soil stabilization may be required for the construction of roads, communications, industrial warehouse complexes, customs terminals and pavement of other transport surfaces. Soil used on other construction projects also often needs to be improved.

Soil stabilization, depending on the final result, is divided into soil improvement and soil strengthening. When improving soils, it is possible to improve the compaction conditions of local soils, including waterlogged and heaving ones. Stabilizing the base allows you to provide a reliable frost-protective layer and increase its load-bearing capacity.

When soils are strengthened, there is a significant increase in the physical and mechanical characteristics of local soils. The method is used to construct both frost-protective layers and load-bearing base layers.

Currently, the requirements for reinforced materials are regulated by GOST 30491-97. "Organomineral mixtures and soils strengthened with organic binders for road and airfield construction. Technical specifications." GOST 23558-94. "Mixtures of crushed stone-gravel-sand and soils treated with inorganic binding materials for road and airfield construction. Technical conditions."

Application area

In the absence of deposits of durable stone materials in the construction area, as well as sandy soils suitable for the construction of foundations, as domestic experience shows, existing local soils, improved or strengthened with various binding materials, can be effectively used. The technology for improving/strengthening soils using the in-situ mixing method can be used in the construction of structural base layers: top and bottom layers.

Soil stabilization is used in the following areas:

1. Strengthening transport surfaces

    • autobahns, roads
    • country and industrial roads
    • parking lots, warehouses, production areas

2. Transport routes at construction sites

3. Hydraulic structures

    • dams
    • channels

4. Construction of landfills

    • mineral seals

5. Construction of foundations

    • foundations for construction


The use of binding materials when improving/strengthening local soils makes it possible to increase density, increase water resistance and frost resistance. Foundation stabilization plays an important role when constructing objects on unstable natural soils.

Modern equipment makes it possible to effectively improve/strengthen local soils directly on site to a great depth (up to 40 cm) in one working pass with great precision in the dosage of binding materials. Existing single-pass mixing equipment makes it possible to obtain a homogeneous mixture even when working with soils of high humidity.

Binding materials and additives

The main and available mineral binding materials are cement and lime. Typically, the dosage ranges from 3 to 10% of the mass of the soil being strengthened.

When using lime or cement to improve or strengthen soils, it is almost always possible to ensure the required soil compaction coefficient based on laboratory selection of the dosage of binding materials.

For strengthening with cement, silty sandy loams and sandy-clayey soils with optimal composition are most suitable.

Soil stabilization equipment

During construction and major renovation roads, airfields, parking lots, foundations, etc. using soil stabilization technology are used different kinds stabilization equipment, both specialized self-propelled complexes and trailed or mounted devices.

In any case, the complex of equipment for soil stabilization ensures the implementation of the main operations of the technological process of soil stabilization - milling (loosening) the soil to various depths (in accordance with project documentation), adding binders and mixing binders with soil.

To compact the soil mixture, traditional soil rollers or tamping slabs are used (in Lately tamping plates mounted on front loaders are increasingly used as the most efficient and cost-effective equipment).

Self-propelled specialized complexes for stabilization work have high productivity. But in recent years, such complexes are gradually beginning to be replaced by mounted (trailed) units, which have almost the same productivity in performing soil stabilization work, but are cheaper, easier to operate and do not require a huge amount of measures to be taken when preparing and delivering equipment to the place of execution works

Results of using technology in Russia:

1. Reducing the cost of construction of roads of various categories by 15-25%.

2. Acceleration of construction time.

3. Extending the service life of roads without major repairs.

4. Solving the issues of using local soils instead of expensive and scarce imported materials (sand, gravel and crushed stone).

5. Using a combination of two-component additives to achieve the desired degree of soil stabilization, setting the required parameters at the stage of processing soil samples in laboratory conditions.

6. Possibility of using dusty soils for stable layers.

7. Possibility of mixing with additives and preparing soil in stationary conditions with subsequent transportation to the construction site.

8. The irreversible effect of increasing the density of treated soil leads to a constant increase in density and a decrease in swelling and heaving.

9. Reducing the water saturation of the treated soil until it is completely waterproof leads to an increase in the permissible loads on the road.

10. Due to the practically constant water saturation of the stabilized soil, the permissible strength of the structural layers can be maintained during wet periods of the year.

11. Due to the fact that the stabilized soil becomes a “bridge” of the road, the wear layer can be reduced to 5-6 cm of asphalt concrete.

12. Use of the road under construction for vehicle traffic immediately after the soil compaction required by the technology with a heavy vibratory roller.