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» Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, construction process. Manufacturing technology of laminated veneer lumber and its advantages. The use of laminated timber: a brief excursion into history

Houses made of laminated veneer lumber, construction process. Manufacturing technology of laminated veneer lumber and its advantages. The use of laminated timber: a brief excursion into history

The ecology of large cities, with wide transport interchanges and numerous industries, leaves much to be desired. Many city residents once chose brick and panel high-rise buildings for the benefits of civilization. Now that the benefits of civilization are not associated with apartment buildings, they are striving to acquire housing closer to nature, and to make the house from the most natural materials possible. On the last point, there is no competition from wooden houses, which have been and remain one of the most comfortable for living.

Among all types of private housing built from wood, houses made of laminated veneer lumber attract special attention. It is believed that this material exhibits best qualities wood, and the disadvantages are leveled out by technological processing.

The embodiment of comfort, high quality and traditions of wooden housing construction

Evolution of technology

The technology for the production of laminated veneer lumber did not arise out of nowhere. Long before the appearance of the first country houses assembled from this building material, similar methods of wood processing were used in different parts of the world and in different eras. As a result, craftsmen from several individual planks or rods obtained durable parts with characteristics not available to products made from a single piece of wood. The following uses are widely known:

    Technology for making combat bows in Japan. In the 12th century, not only samurai appeared in the country, but also new multi-layer (composite) bows. Durable, reinforced weapons (the service life was calculated in decades, and the bow was often inherited) were obtained by gluing together wooden and bamboo fragments.

    Construction technology of palace arched structures. The French architect Philibert Delorme, the author of the incomparable bridge at Chenonceau Castle, was the first to think of connecting wooden beams using a wedge. Similar bent load-bearing parts were also used in Rus' in the construction of churches, noble and merchant mansions.

Bent laminated timber in a frame structure

    Production technology of bent glued trusses. A patent for this invention was received by German carpenter Otto Hetzer in 1890. He began to make massive multilayer structures, connecting the fragments with casein glue.

    Technology for the production of modern materials. The impetus for the spread and construction of houses made of laminated veneer lumber was the development chemical industry, which launched the production of a wide range of adhesives for different conditions operation.

The essence of technology

The production of the house kit is carried out in accordance with the design of the future house. Glued laminated timber is the product of a high-tech chain consisting of several successive stages:

    Preparation of raw materials. The wood undergoes strict quality control and is sorted according to physical and mechanical properties; low-quality raw materials (with visible defects) are rejected. This selection of material takes place at every stage.

One of the ways to saw a log

    Sawing logs into boards. To produce high-quality laminated veneer lumber, boards (lamellas) with longitudinal, radial or semi-radial cuts are used. Small companies purchase ready-made lumber; large manufacturers have their own sawmill. To reduce wood loss, sawing is carried out at modern equipment with computer control. Depending on the size of the log, the smart machine selects optimal scheme cutting

    Drying. Can be done under natural conditions, but kiln drying is preferable. A critical stage that determines the properties of future lumber. A conscientious manufacturer dries the workpieces in a soft, gentle mode; This takes more time, but allows you to even out the moisture level and reduce internal stress, which can cause the finished beams to become bent. Computerized equipment allows you to monitor and adjust wood moisture content directly drying chambers. Glued laminated timber made from such lamellas will not be subject to warping or cracking.

    Applying glue. After the initial processing (gouging and trimming), glue is applied. Various compounds are used, but all of them are mandatory certified for such work.

High-quality glue does not harm health and does not change properties during use.

    Pressing. Dried lamellas (with a moisture content of 8-12%) are assembled according to a pattern (often from several types of wood, to give additional strength) into bags. The cross-section of the timber can be varied over a significant range, which will not change the characteristics of the product. Then the workpiece is pressed and maintained under pressure until completely bonded.

    Treatment. The glued workpieces undergo thicknessing (processing that makes the surface smooth).

    Milling. After being sorted by strength, the beams are profiled and cut to the required length. Landing bowls (longitudinal grooves of thermal locks), holes for communications and dowels (studs) are delicately cut out on them.

    Finishing work . The set of timber is treated with antiseptics, labeled and packaged.

Beam with a “comb” profile

Nuances of technology

The physical characteristics of laminated veneer lumber are significantly superior to those of ordinary wood or even profiled timber. The first “popularizers” of the technology were Finnish houses made of laminated veneer lumber, which are famous for their reliability and durability and are perhaps the standard of wooden house construction. The quality of the material used in construction is the result of a fairly complex and thorough technological processing raw materials, which takes place in several stages with strict quality control.

Wood selection

For the production of material, coniferous trees are considered optimal, including:

    Pine. The most affordable material (due to the rapid growth of trees) and therefore popular material. The best wood has pine, which is brought from the northern forests - Arkhangelsk, Karelian, Angarsk.

    Spruce. It has ideal wood for construction; used for load-bearing walls, and for partitions, floors and doors. Disadvantages that relegate spruce to second place are increased knotiness and resin content of the wood; In addition, spruce is inferior to pine in terms of growth and behaves capriciously when drying (it can warp).

Glued laminated larch timber

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses made of laminated veneer lumber from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

    Larch. The wood is second only to oak in hardness, resists rotting, and thanks to a special resin with antiseptic properties, it is protected from infection by mold, mildew and wood-boring beetles. Thanks to these properties, larch timber is a valuable building material.

    Cedar. Wood, saturated with essential oils, has been valued since ancient times (mentioned in the Bible) and is similar in properties to larch wood, only less dense. Cedar wood is valued for its beauty and is in high demand, although it is not cheap.

    Oak. Although it is not coniferous tree, has a beautiful texture, strength and resistance to rotting. Over time, the wood acquires a noble shade and, as a rule, is used for the manufacture of external lamellas of timber.

Video description

About the advantages of laminated veneer lumber in the following video:

Many companies prefer to work exclusively with the northern forest. The choice is explained by the special quality of northern wood. Pines and spruces grow slowly in conditions of long winters and short northern summers. The distance between the annual rings (visible on the cross section) is small, which improves the quality of the wood. Glued laminated timber from the northern forest is as durable as possible.

Northern forest harvesting

Correct Techniques

    Sawing. It not only sets the shape of the lamellas (thickness and length). Proper cutting eliminates wood tension, which is caused by different humidity and density of material layers (both external and internal, in annual rings). When drying, the wood will not deform.

    Gluing. With a properly organized process, the lamella from the core part (with a denser structure) is located on the outside of the beam, reducing the likelihood of cracking. Parts of the timber are glued together with alternating fiber directions, which gives special strength to the product.

    Milling. High-precision equipment allows you to obtain locking connections with precise geometric parameters. Such locks connect structural elements, eliminating the appearance of cracks.

The unusual design was made possible thanks to bent timber

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building houses from laminated veneer lumber. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Materials: types and classification

Manufacturers produce various types of laminated veneer lumber, which can be sorted according to several criteria:

    Appearance. The market offers a regular and profiled version of the product. Profiled parts can have locks, grooves or ridges, making installation quick and neat.

    Dimensions. Timber is produced standard sizes and profiles, within which you can order products of any dimensions (length).

    Bonding technologies. Distinguish horizontal beam(two boards are glued in a horizontal plane), vertical (a harder board forms outer surface) and salon (includes 4 to 8 layers). The material is often combined: larch or cedar is used for the front slats, pine or spruce is used for the internal slats.

timber non-standard sizes for the implementation of design projects

Pros and cons of houses made of laminated veneer lumber

Suburban two- and one-story houses made of laminated timber demonstrate many advantages:

    High quality wall structures. The surface is not prone to cracks; There is no possibility of through cracking.

    Reliability. Follows from the first point. Such a building is superior in strength and durability to houses made from traditional lumber.

    Stable geometry. Regardless of operating conditions, the material does not deform and does not behave. Thanks to the perfect processing, the crowns fit tightly; the wall is not blown through and does not freeze.

    Thermal efficiency. Thanks to its impeccable geometry, heating costs during operation are minimal.

    Easy to assemble. Installation of the house can be carried out year-round and in any weather.

    Build speed. The house is assembled in 3-6 months (depending on the complexity of the project), and is immediately ready for occupancy. It will take 1.5-2 years to build a house from a log (including waiting for shrinkage).

Project of a house made of laminated veneer lumber with a large glazing area

    Architectural possibilities. The material has a high bearing capacity With a relatively low weight, it is suitable for creating wide window openings, long walls, spans up to 10-12 m wide and curved shapes.

    Minimum shrinkage. Glued laminated timber has a small shrinkage, 1.5-2% or up to 2 mm per meter of wall (shrinkage of solid wood walls is uneven and reaches 7-10%). Such a small value is predictable and is taken into account during design.

    Environmental friendliness. Glued laminated timber is an environmentally friendly material if certified glue that meets safety standards was used in its production.

    Aesthetics. The texture of wooden walls has a natural beauty and does not require finishing, with the exception of tinting (optional) and varnishing.

Video description

About the disadvantages of laminated veneer lumber in the following video:

Just as there is no light without shadow, there are no advantages without disadvantages. For a house made of laminated timber, these include:

    Price. The desire to build a house from laminated timber will cost more than any other wooden building.

    Regular care. Every 5-6 years, the surface of the walls must be re-treated with protective impregnations and varnished. Similar care is required for all wooden buildings.

Finnish house made of timber with tinting in natural colors

    Possibility of defects. Despite the manufacturability of production, laminated veneer lumber remains wood (for which it is valued). Like any wooden product it is not guaranteed against the appearance of cracks and shrinkage, only such troubles occur in a tenfold smaller volume.

    Possibility of purchasing counterfeit goods. Here you are not insured against anything. The result can be significant shrinkage of the house (in artisanal conditions it is difficult to ensure proper drying), changes in geometry, discrepancies in size and harm to health (no one can vouch for the quality of the glue).

    Glue. Glued laminated timber with a vertical orientation may contain 4-5 layers of glue. And although high-quality glue is close in its properties to tree resin (the basis is natural substances), it disrupts natural air circulation. In this case, the humidity in the room can only be controlled by inner surface walls. An option would be to use horizontally oriented material.

    Flammability. The wood is treated with a fire retardant, which inhibits the spread of fire for 20-30 minutes, which is enough to evacuate people and call rescue services.

Modern project with elements of ethnic style

About Finnish and domestic laminated timber

Among demanding Russian customers who want to build a house for their family, Finnish laminated veneer lumber is a reference building material. Disputes about the advisability of buying material made in Finland arise with enviable regularity. Proponents of imports make convincing arguments:

    About wood quality. Finnish forest intended for cutting is carefully looked after and sanitary felling is carried out. Wood sorting is given increased attention, health safety (environmental friendliness) is tested in the laboratory.

    About production. Finnish traditions of wooden house building, multiplied by modern technologies, give consistently excellent results. The quality is Russian product cannot be called stable; some domestic companies do not care about the quality of drying (which is impossible to control) and do not maintain the exact dimensions of parts (which becomes clear during installation and causes additional problems).

High-tech project

    About the price. The cost of an average domestic house kit is 10-15% less than a similar Finnish one (and taking into account the price of the plot, landscape design and communications liner, the difference is 5-7%). Such savings for a premium home means a reduction in quality and comfort, which for many seems unreasonable.

    About technology innovations. Finnish companies do not stand still, offering building materials with improved parameters (minimal shrinkage). Such timber expands architectural possibilities, allowing, for example, to design walls with a large glazing area. New seals improve the home's thermal efficiency.

Opponents of imports have no less convincing arguments:

    About production and quality. To produce a house kit suitable for assembly, well-developed wood preparation processes (especially drying) are needed, which are beneficial to use only in large-scale production. Many domestic factories that have introduced modern technological lines supply laminated veneer lumber, which is not inferior in quality to its foreign counterpart.

Terrace classic house from glued timber

    About the price. Timber from the country of Suomi will cost the customer 30-40% more, and the difference is determined mainly not by quality, but by customs duties and internal taxes. The difference between two buildings assembled from domestic and Finnish timber, the most attentive foreman will not notice.

    About aesthetics. Finnish laminated veneer lumber is a good material, and no one disputes this. However, neighbors traditionally look at numerous knots (especially in spruce wood) philosophically, which allows the domestic product to look more advantageous.

    About developments. Domestic technical thought offers new material- insulated laminated veneer lumber. In the upper part of the profile, the product is equipped with a layer of sealant. The new product improves the sound insulation of walls and serves as a barrier to atmospheric moisture.

Video description

Are you planning construction country house and can’t decide what material to build from? We will talk about houses made of laminated veneer lumber, reveal the features and construction technologies. We also give the order of prices for a turnkey laminated timber house:

Handicraft production

The Internet offers many special articles devoted to the artisanal production of laminated veneer lumber and the construction of houses from it. The main factor that encourages you to pay attention to a similar house made of laminated veneer lumber is the price, which is attractively (and sometimes implausibly) low. Customers looking for budget options should remember that:

    To make 1 m 3 of laminated veneer lumber, 2 m 3 of boards are used (not construction boards, but special saws from the best parts of the tree trunk). Such lumber does not come cheap.

    To prevent the timber from delaminating along the lamellas after six months of use (and sometimes even earlier), it is glued together with high-quality (not cheap) glue.

    To make a high-quality (tight, without cracks) locking connection, you need a high-tech (preferably foreign-made) machine, and with it a qualified performer.

Marriage is visible to the naked eye

The recipe for cheap laminated veneer lumber is as follows:

    Buy cheap timber, sieve (with rot) or burner. Dried in unregulated conditions and transported regardless of humidity and rain. Timber made from such raw materials immediately begins to rot.

    Buy cheap glue. Even if the timber does not fall apart in six months, it will cause strange headaches and allergies among household members.

    Buying or renting an old one(production should be as cost-effective as possible) tool. The cracks are foamed, mismatched parts are pulled together with a sledgehammer, a press in a cold shed is blown with a heat gun. Cold board It will definitely (even if only briefly) stick.

Real laminated veneer lumber cannot be made in artisanal conditions, and by definition it cannot be cheap - this is an axiom that does not require proof. Houses made of turnkey laminated veneer lumber, made from high-quality material, can be cheaper than their analogues if they are intended for seasonal living.

Two-story house made of glued timber in the European style

Projects and prices of houses made of laminated veneer lumber

In order not to join the army of those who multiply on the Internet negative reviews about glued beams, don’t skimp since you’ve chosen such a building material. Prices for timber are as follows:

    Domestic wall laminated timber. The range starts from 18-22 thousand rubles. and rests on 30-35 thousand rubles/m 3.

    Finnish material. The cost reaches 45-50 thousand rubles/m 3.

The cost of a house kit lies in the range of 9.5-18.5 thousand rubles/m2, which is influenced by the complexity of the project, characteristics of materials and equipment. When choosing a project, you should understand that the price tag may indicate different offers:

    The price for timber is indicated, and turning it into a country house costs extra.

Country style in a modern interpretation

    The price for ready house complete set, the amount depends on the set of elements. The price for a finished house based on an individual project starts from 50 thousand rubles/m2.

Average prices for turnkey laminated timber houses (Moscow region) are as follows:

    Houses with area up to 100 m2: 2.6-3.7 million rubles.

    Area from 100 to 200 m2: 3.89-5.65 million rubles.

    From 200 to 300 m2: 6.8-9.5 million rubles.


Wooden houses made of laminated veneer lumber have gained recognition in many countries around the world, the technology is recognized as effective and economical. Such housing pleases its owners with quality of workmanship, functionality, aesthetic expressiveness and economical operation. Only if high quality adhesive beams were used for its construction, and the construction was carried out by construction company with considerable experience in the field of wooden house construction.

Assembling a set of laminated veneer lumber is one of the most important stages of construction wooden house. In order to comply with the technology and obtain the declared performance characteristics at home, you must strictly observe and comply with the conditions specified in architectural plan. Second important factor— highly qualified builders and experience in constructing the frame of a house from laminated veneer lumber.

In this article you will learn about the basic processes of building a house from laminated veneer lumber.

Delivery of timber to the site

The timber is delivered to the construction site in pallets packed in a sealed film to protect against external influences during delivery and unloading, which is carried out only on soft slings. Unloading and storing timber on the site occurs at a pre-planned stage organizations construction process(OSB) place in such a way that it is more convenient to serve during installation. The entire set of building materials is supplied only with mandatory accompanying documentation, which greatly facilitates subsequent assembly.

Photo - unloading timber on soft slings

The procedure for assembling walls made of laminated veneer lumber

The first stage of starting to assemble the walls of a house depends on the foundation on which the walls are being installed.

On pile-screw foundation work begins with the installation of the so-called "tying beam" , which is attached to the heads screw piles through waterproofing material. Next, the first crown of wall profiled laminated veneer lumber is laid on the strapping beam.

Photo - example of assembling laminated veneer lumber on a pile-screw foundation
The lower crown is a strapping profiled beam.

On reinforced concrete foundations, after the mandatory installation of waterproofing, it is mounted backing board from larch from which the installation of the first crown of the house frame begins.

Photo - backing (starting) board made of larch on the foundation

For correct and trouble-free assembly of walls made of laminated veneer lumber, the foundation must be poured within the horizontal tolerance. The customer can always understand the quality of the starting board by the absence of any cracks or gaps that are not acceptable in construction.

Photo - quality of laying the backing board on a slab foundation

The subsequent assembly of the walls of a house made of laminated veneer lumber is carried out in a typical manner, regardless of the foundation. After installing the backing board, the first crown of the house is installed. In the corners of the house (corner joints), in door and window openings, a stud is mounted, which runs from the first to the last crown of the house frame, increasing every meter through a coupling. The pin tightens the timber together in significant places.

Photo - installation of the first crowns on a slab foundation

Photo - Shelter insulation for insulation in cups

Photo - a cup of pererub, wrapped in Shelter insulation

After preparation, finished part with insulation in cups, it is supplied by tap to the assembly site. To move the beam, slings and special mounting hooks are used, which are screwed into the beam.

Photo - special fasteners are used to feed the timber

Photo - delivery of a house kit part by crane to the assembly site

The most important stage of assembly is placing the part into the cups. Installation is carried out in such a way as not to damage the corner parts of the beam. This requires highly qualified specialists in assembling houses from laminated veneer lumber.

Photo - “planting” timber into cups

According to technological process assembling the house box, after laying the timber in the design position, each crown is attracted to the bottom using special screws for wooden structures- Shpaksov. .

Photo - high-quality fit of laminated timber

Depending on the Architectural solution project, some parts of the house kit (for example, a balustrade, pillars, other elements of balconies) can be painted in production and delivered to the site ready for installation. .

Photo - parts pre-painted in production

We also took care of the subsequent painting of the house. Parts that need to be assembled before the general painting begins are covered with a special film to prevent damage until the complete assembly of the walls of the house is completed.

Photo - mounted balcony balusters

The upper crowns in the house are mounted using a special so-called “Power Knot” and “Power Knot 2”. Force nodes make it possible to pull the upper rims of the beam together, pressing them against each other as much as possible, thereby achieving uniform contact of the beam over the entire plane.

Construction all year round

The assembly of walls from laminated veneer lumber can be done regardless of the season. The main condition is the absence of precipitation (rain in summer, snow in winter). If, during the assembly of the house frame, prolonged bad weather begins, work is suspended, and the timber is covered with waterproof material around the entire perimeter.

Photo - covering the profile from precipitation

Photo - covering the timber profile from snow


Only by following all the rules during the construction stages, with the participation of experienced and qualified personnel, can we guarantee that the assembly of the house stand will be completed quickly, efficiently and without errors.

To achieve an ideal result when assembling walls made of laminated veneer lumber, mandatory preliminary work must be completed.

Stages before starting wall assembly:

  • Design - Architectural and planning;
  • Design - Design documentation (CD);
  • Production of house kits (its quality control at all stages);
  • Organization of the construction site and construction process.

How we assemble walls from laminated veneer lumber at a speed of up to 35 m 3 per shift and guarantee high quality standards:

  • Professional architects and designers with more than 6 years of experience in designing wooden houses;
  • Knowledge of the equipment features and production capabilities of leading laminated veneer lumber manufacturing companies operating on the market.
  • Maximum quality control of the performance characteristics of laminated veneer lumber and our own specifications to manufacturers;
  • Professional and experienced installers for assembling house kits.

In this article we talked about only one, but important stage of building a house made of laminated veneer lumber and touched upon important aspects wall assemblies. To make the construction of a house made of laminated veneer lumber more understandable and predictable, read the articles in which we will talk about other equally significant and interesting stages.

Catalog of house and bathhouse projects

  • more about this house #terrace, #barbecue area, #balcony, #chalet, #attic, #second light, #boiler room area 301 sq.m number of floors 2

  • more about this house #guest house, #terrace, #barbecue area, #attic, #fireplace, #sauna area 106 sq.m number of floors 2

  • more about this house #terrace, #barbecue area, #hi-tech area 161 sq.m number of floors 1

  • more about this house #garage, #terrace, #balcony, #chalet, #attic, #hi-tech, #fireplace, #second light, #boiler room area 330 sq.m number of floors 2

  • more about this house #guest house, #balcony, #attic, #fireplace, #boiler room area 158 sq.m number of floors 2

Modern technologies have even penetrated into such a seemingly unshakable area as the construction of wooden houses. Many now prefer, instead of stone and brick buildings, which until recently were in first place in popularity, to build a house from laminated veneer lumber and its analogues.

Before you do right choice, every owner of the future house in which he will have to live must study what is good about this or that material. Why exactly laminated veneer lumber, and not, for example, solid, or ordinary logs? The advantages are as follows:

  • A house made from laminated veneer lumber is built much faster than from any other material.
  • Due to the fact that shrinkage is practically absent, carry out Finishing work and you can even move in almost immediately after the completion of construction work.
  • The unique connection method does not require additional insulation and sealing work; moreover, such houses are very economical in terms of heating costs.
  • The technology used to produce laminated timber provides several degrees of protection against possible troubles. It includes treating the material with an antiseptic, antibacterial agents and fire retardants. This triple protection significantly reduces the risk of fire, damage by fungi and insects, and also ensures the environmental friendliness of the structure.
  • Does not require special work exterior decoration, only periodic treatment with protective varnishes.
  • Durability.
  • Simplicity and compatibility provide the opportunity to implement projects of any degree of complexity.

There is hardly any other material that has so many positive properties


It would be unfair to omit this section. However, it will be much shorter.

  • The first thing you have to think about at the design stage is the price. Glued laminated timber is somewhat more expensive than profiled timber.
  • The second is the need for periodic processing of wooden structures, especially from the outside, in order to extend their service life.

Let's finish here. The remaining shortcomings are not so significant and can be easily solved as they arise to focus attention on them.

How to build a house from laminated timber in 9 steps

During construction, there is a risk of making mistakes, which will then be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to correct. To avoid this, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail, starting with documentation and approval in the necessary authorities, and ending with a housewarming party, cheerful and crowded. All this can be done in just 9 steps - the path is not too long, but requires attention and hard work, especially if you decide to build a house from laminated veneer lumber with your own hands.

Step 1: Project

The initial stage, which is one of the most important. It will not only help you do everything correctly and efficiently during the construction process, but also bypass all bureaucratic obstacles. It is much easier to obtain almost all permits at the design level than after the building has already been erected.

However, not everyone has the talent of an architect. What to do in this case? There are four options at once:

  • The Internet is full of all kinds of projects for all occasions and you can download them absolutely free. But there are several pitfalls here. And the biggest of them are the discrepancy between the foundation and the type of soil on your site and the difficulty of connecting communications.
  • The second method smoothly follows from the first method. Download the project from the Internet, and then modify it in accordance with your conditions.
  • The best option is to order the development of a project for a house made of laminated veneer lumber from a construction company, which will then supply you with building materials. Their specialists will offer you a variety of options to choose from finished projects, which we will be happy to make changes to according to your wishes. This is somewhat more expensive, but you will be sure that all the nuances are taken into account.
  • If you have any special wishes for your future home, you can order individual project, developed by specialists from the very beginning, but this will cost approximately 30% of the entire construction estimate.

The option of involving a construction company is also good because their legal services will help resolve all issues with the BTI, administration and other bureaucrats.

Step 2: Foundation

Depending on the type of soil on the site where you are going to build your house, and on the design of the house itself, taking into account its area, the location of the rooms and how many floors it will have, a certain type of foundation is poured. We also take into account the fact that laminated veneer lumber is much lighter than some other types of building materials, which means that the foundation is not so powerful, which leads to significant savings.

Another positive factor: for the construction of a brick or cinder block house, the foundation is usually poured in the fall, allowed to settle until spring, and only six months later they begin to build the house itself. It is possible and even necessary to work with laminated timber in winter.

Step 3: First crown

Laying the first crown is one of the most crucial moments in building a house. Let's bring step by step instructions how to do it correctly:

  • The beam for the first crown should be made of coniferous species tree.
  • It is recommended to apply at least three layers of antiseptic to it.
  • The first crown is laid only on a perfectly level foundation.
  • It is necessary to lay waterproofing material under the timber itself.
  • The timber is secured with anchors, pins or metal crutches.

Step 4: Subfloor Joists

At the same time as the first crown, the subfloor logs are installed. If the area of ​​the house is not very large, the logs are fixed to the timber using metal corners. If the area under the joists is large, additional supports should be formed.

Step 5: Assembling the Box

If the construction company from which you first ordered a project, and then a set of laminated veneer lumber, immediately sawn and formed according to required sizes, fulfilled all the conditions and wishes, making the box yourself does not present any difficulties. Each element is already numbered in accordance with its place in the log house, all that remains is to carefully place it in place, not forgetting to place thermal insulation material, if it is provided for by the configuration of the connecting profile.

If you bought an ordinary laminated veneer lumber and are going to do all the work yourself, you will have to choose methods of longitudinal connections (in half a tree, in a paw, on a root tenon), corner connections(on the main tenon, on the insert tenon, in the frying pan, in the bowl). Learn how to cut connecting grooves and think about how to fasten the timber together (with self-tapping screws, dowels).

Installation of timber floors also requires special calculations. If there is an ordinary attic or unused attic above the residential floor, the load on them will be insignificant and the beams can be fastened to a metal support.

If the house is two-story, the floor beams should be installed directly into the timber. The distance from the beams to the heating pipe is also taken into account.

Step 6: Roof

Due to the fact that shrinkage in a house made of laminated veneer lumber is minimal and practically does not play any negative role, rafters can begin to be installed almost immediately after the construction of the box. And then cover the roof with the selected roofing material.

Step 7: Individual Elements

Windows and doors. This is another one positive attribute houses made of laminated veneer lumber. A window frame is not required for installing door and window openings. The casing has more of an aesthetic than a functional meaning.

Final installation and connection of communications. This includes sewerage, water supply and heating.

Installation of vertical supports, if provided for by the project. Again, due to the slight shrinkage, no difficulties arise here either, but experts still advise using sliding fasteners for them, with the help of which you can subsequently adjust the height of the supports.

Step 8: Interior finishing

Interior decoration is absolutely optional. Glued laminated timber in itself it looks quite aesthetically pleasing, but no one forbids sticking wallpaper or attaching drywall to it. There are only two factors to consider. Interior finishing is a more precise matter, and therefore even such a small shrinkage as in a house made of laminated veneer lumber can have an effect. This is the first. Second: with plaster or gluing decorative tiles It's worth waiting at least 5-6 months.

Step 9: Exterior Finishing

If a house made of laminated veneer lumber does not need interior decoration, then decorating it from the outside is generally somehow strange. It already looks stylish, rich and presentable. However, some scope of work is still necessary and it comes down not only to processing by special means, extending service life. So:

  • Caulk the seams (optional).
  • Sealing cracks (only if they appear)
  • Insulation of door and window openings (an urgent need).

As you can see, the amount of work depends primarily on how well you built your house.

What is the price

It is impossible to name a specific figure in response to this question - there are too many factors that influence it. But it is quite possible to list the factors themselves:

  • Dimensions of the building.
  • Foundation type.
  • Complexity of the project.
  • Section of timber.
  • Number of floors.
  • The presence of a balcony, veranda, attic.
  • Roof type and configuration.
  • Number and complexity of communications.
  • Cost of documents.
  • Transport and delivery costs.
  • The price of the material itself.

As you noticed, this list does not include the costs of construction work and payment construction team. This is because there are more and more self-built houses from laminated veneer lumber. We are confident that you can do it on your own if you have the desire, hard work and the required amount of time.

Timber is a log hewn on one or more sides, most often square section. Traditionally, it is made from coniferous wood - cedar, larch, spruce or pine.

Comparative characteristics of the technology for building a house from laminated veneer lumber, double laminated timber, vertical timber, profiled timber and ordinary timber

Glued laminated timber made from radially sawn wood. Then these cuts (they are also called lamellas) are dried to 10-12% humidity, and then glued together. After this, the blanks are given the usual square shape. The maximum possible length obtained using this technology is 18 meters.
It is stronger than ordinary, does not deform, is resistant to high humidity and fungus. It also has disadvantages, the main one of which is the high price due to complex manufacturing technology.
An alternative to traditional timber is the so-called double beam, whose name poorly reflects the true state of affairs. The technology with which Finnish manufacturers have learned to combine popular materials for the construction of main walls and partitions has provoked the appearance on the market of structures that look like timber from solid wood. The reality is such that it would be more accurate to call the structure a wooden sandwich wall. These are two boards placed on edge, with a thickness of 0.44 to 0.7 m and a height of up to 1.40 m. The seating edges are formed according to the tongue-and-groove principle, which gives rigidity to the structure and protects the seams from blowing.

The corners of the structure are mounted using the cutting method. Insulation is placed between the panels - ecowool, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, flax fiber or chopped straw.
The main advantage of double timber is good thermal insulation. The shrinkage percentage is 1-2%, so there is no need to wait six months after construction.

There is only one drawback - over time, some types of insulation cake, forming cold cavities. But if you use ecowool, this does not happen.

The term " profiled" means the presence of a locking connection - a profile of various shapes. On one side of the workpiece there are grooves, on the other there are tenons that perform guiding and fixing functions. This method guarantees a strong connection and excellent thermal insulation properties, since the crowns are connected to each other very tightly. Wherein outer side timber is flat or rounded to imitate a structure made of logs.
Common types of profile connections:

  • a comb, which is a structure with several spikes;
  • profiles with one and two tenons;
  • “Finnish” profile, which is a deepened widened groove on one side and several parallel tenons on the other. This design minimizes heat loss;
  • profile with beveled chamfers and others.

Peculiarity vertical beam in a complex form. When building a house, logs from such blanks are fixed vertically. This technology reduces the shrinkage period after construction is completed.
Many cuts increase the thermal insulation properties of the material. In addition, it is lightweight, so installation can be done independently.

Heat loss during winter operation of the house for each type of timber

Heat escapes through walls, windows, and roof. Some heat is lost through ventilation.
The most significant heat loss is through the walls of the house. Their value is higher, the greater the temperature difference between the house and the street. The amount of heat loss directly depends on the thermal insulation properties of the material from which the house is built.
The thermal conductivity of a material directly depends on its density: the higher the density, the lower the thermal conductivity.

The wood species from which the blanks are made have different densities. You need to know this when calculating heat loss in winter.
When calculating the heat loss of a house made of timber, the term heat transfer resistance is used - a value that characterizes the heat-protective properties of enclosing structures.
This characteristic demonstrates how much heat is lost for a given temperature difference through a square meter of wall.
Calculation using the formula:
Q = S * ΔT/ R,

where Q is heat loss;
R – heat transfer resistance;
S is the area of ​​the structure;
ΔT is the difference between the temperature in the house and outside.
The value of the variable R is in construction reference books - SNiP II-3-79.

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Practicality and cost of building a house (capital costs for construction)

Regular timber is the most affordable. This is due to low manufacturing costs and relatively simple technology. Environmental friendliness and low cost are its advantages, however, a house made of such material needs insulation and finishing.
Profiled timber (which also includes vertical timber) is manufactured using complex technology in several stages. This type of lumber meets strict parameters; cutting accuracy in production is maintained within 1 mm. This technology increases the speed and quality of building a house, but at the same time increases the cost.
The manufacturing technology of laminated veneer lumber is complex and time-consuming. It improves utilitarian characteristics, but increases cost. The downside is the deterioration of air circulation and the presence of adhesives.
Double timber is cheaper than laminated timber and warmer than profiled timber. The price per square meter of double timber is comparable to the cost of solid wood from 150*150 mm logs, but without insulation.

Name of timber

no deformation;
resistance to fungus, high humidity and insect damage;
does not require finishing.

high price;
the use of adhesives; due to the poor quality of some of them, delamination of the wood is possible.

Since ancient times, the most popular building material there was wood. It was used in almost any area where something needed to be built. But in some cases, for special architectural ideas, ordinary logs cannot be used. We have to use other materials. After the advent of laminated veneer lumber, it became possible to build complex buildings entirely from wood.

Appearance of the end section of laminated veneer lumber with a description of its advantages.

With such construction, it is required that the technology of building a house from laminated veneer lumber be carried out very carefully and carefully. When a house is built, the best and highest quality materials are selected for it.

Become preferred natural materials that meet basic requirements. They must be durable, reliable and consistent with the external design. The recently developed technology for building a house from laminated veneer lumber has revived the lost interest in building houses from wood. After all, in Lately Houses built from brick became very fashionable.

The project and its features

Every construction always begins with design. The construction of houses from laminated veneer lumber is no exception. A special tool will allow you to independently develop and design a house made of laminated veneer lumber. computer program. Of course, such work will require certain knowledge. When developing documentation and drawings of a house made of laminated veneer lumber, you need to prepare:

Foundation for a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

  1. Foundation plan. A drawing of the foundation is being developed, which indicates its type, the depth of the trench, the materials used, and so on.
  2. Floor beam plan. The type of support beams will depend on the type of foundation chosen. For this, a special drawing is made, which will become the basis for future floor construction.
  3. Floor plan of the building. Such documentation is considered the most labor-intensive when developing a plan. The drawing must show the places where there will be: windows, doors, walls, internal partitions.
  4. For each part, all overall dimensions must be indicated. In addition, it is desirable that the completed drawing shows the location of the fireplace and all utility lines.
  5. Screeding. During construction, the drawing shows a section of the house wall. In accordance with these drawings, the preparation of laminated veneer lumber is carried out. This process is the most labor-intensive and requires special attention. I must say that this is the most difficult design point. When screeding technology is developed, the walls of the future building are drawn, an axial section is made, all the details of the wall and its connection with other walls are shown. In the final form of laminated veneer lumber houses, a drawing of each wall detail is made. All major dimensions, hole diameters, cutouts and cups are shown.
  6. Numbering. Each project gives all elements an individual number, with which it can be easily identified in the future.

Advantages of a house made of laminated veneer lumber

Positive qualities are ensured due to the manufacturing technology of laminated veneer lumber. It is first cleaned, all knots are removed, then sorted according to texture and color shades. This technology allows you to get a great appearance:

Construction of house walls from laminated veneer lumber.

  1. Constancy of overall dimensions. Glued wood is able to maintain its dimensions. It does not change shape after many years of use. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber do not shrink, since the timber does not twist and does not begin to bend over time. The reason for these properties is the absence of internal stresses and perfectly dried raw materials.
  2. Strength. Solid wood is much inferior to laminated wood in this regard. Its strength is half that of laminated veneer lumber. Therefore, such timber began to be used in the latest wooden house construction. The characteristics of houses made of laminated veneer lumber meet the requirements of construction technology.

Thermal properties of a house made of laminated veneer lumber

It has long been known that any wooden house is warm. Excellent thermal performance makes it possible to save on the purchase of expensive heating equipment and fuel. To heat houses made of laminated veneer lumber, tens of times less fuel is required when compared to a house built of brick.

Construction of a wall in a house made of laminated veneer lumber.

The time it takes to build such houses is much less than the time required to build the same building if untreated wood is used. This became possible due to the fact that laminated veneer lumber is manufactured at the factory to precise dimensions and good drying. The structure of the house is assembled very quickly, installation is not particularly difficult. After laying the foundation, assembly of the house lasts approximately 5 weeks.

A lot of space is allocated to insulating the house. In ordinary wooden houses there are seams that are very difficult to seal. With houses made of laminated veneer lumber everything is much simpler. During assembly, the beams are precisely adjusted to size, so there is no need to install additional insulation to close the grooves. It should be noted that the design of such beams protects its middle from water. Such a house is never affected by rot.

Individual logs are very difficult to finish even with excellent fit. The walls still remain uneven, and the finishing process becomes much more complicated. Walls made of laminated veneer lumber are very smooth, the surface is completely smooth. This wall looks like it is monolithic. There is no need to finish these walls from the outside.

The nuances of construction from laminated veneer lumber

Any home starts with a foundation. For laminated veneer lumber, a strip version is used. Such a foundation must have a well-ventilated space (directly under the house). Therefore, special vents are provided in this foundation, thanks to which the subfloor is ventilated. For each part of the strip foundation there must be two air vents.

At the first stage, the dimensions of the strip foundation are determined.

Beam fastening diagram.

A one-story house made of laminated veneer lumber usually has a foundation poured to a depth of 800 mm. Its width reaches 500 mm. 15 cm of the dug trench is filled with sand, which must be compacted.

After the foundation work is completed, all construction is carried out according to the classical system:

  • a reinforcement frame is made;
  • formwork is installed;
  • Concrete is being poured.

The formwork should rise above the ground level by approximately 300 mm. Before pouring concrete, it is necessary to prepare in advance ventilation holes. To this end, in the right places Mortgages are inserted, which are subsequently knocked out. You can, of course, do without installing mortgages. It is possible to make holes using a hammer drill. However, such work is quite complex and time-consuming. They wait exactly a month for the foundation to dry.

The second step of construction means mounting the crowns. Before this operation the foundation is covered waterproofing material. First, the entire surface is coated bitumen mastic, and then several layers of roofing material are laid.

Schemes for marking joints of beam corners.

A crown is installed on top of the insulation, which consists of beams laid directly on the foundation. First, the bottom trim is done. Floor joists are laid along with it, after which the first crown is installed. This structural element laid along partitions: it is installed together with load-bearing walls.

After completing the work with the crown, the construction of the walls begins. IN in this case installing a house made of laminated veneer lumber is similar to assembling a construction set. The beams are fastened with spikes, which are driven into pre-prepared holes. In this work, much attention is paid to when the corners are bandaged.

Final moments of construction

Connecting timber along the length with a straight rim lock and an oblique rim lock.

One of the penultimate steps in the construction of houses made of laminated veneer lumber is the installation of the roof. Its installation is similar in complexity to the construction of walls. As mentioned above, such houses are built according to a special design in a factory. They are brought to the construction site in the form of finished parts that only need to be assembled.

One of these parts is the roof. In this regard, its installation requires only the correct fastening of the necessary elements in specific places. Basically, such houses have a roof made of colored flexible tiles. It must be said that only roofing material in this case it is not made of wood.

The final operation of constructing a house from laminated veneer lumber requires only finishing the surface of the floor and walls. Most important work During this technological operation, the production of the floor is considered. This is usually a multi-layer structure with moisture-resistant plywood placed underneath. A special one is mounted on top of it decorative coating. Both of these layers are separated by a reinforced screed, and sometimes a durable boardwalk is laid.

The surfaces of the walls inside the house are most often made of wood, but decorating with other types of materials will also look good.