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» Homemade lemon is a decoration for your home. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Homemade lemon is a decoration for your home. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

IN natural conditions lemon trees grow in the tropical zone and reach a height of two to six meters. This is perennial evergreen. When growing lemon trees in standard city houses and apartments, these plants reach a smaller height, but if the plant is not shaped, it can become very elongated. from seeds at home does not cancel his love for stably warm temperatures, high humidity and it also requires care.

How can you grow it yourself at home and how will it differ from a citrus varietal plant from a cutting?

Plant lemon Tree at home you can use cuttings or seeds. It should be borne in mind that varietal plants retain their properties only when vegetative propagation, that is, propagation by cuttings. From the seeds you will get a citrus plant that will not bear fruit at home.

Lemon tree from cuttings

When planting a lemon tree, take a cutting about 8-10 cm long, on which a couple of leaves and several live buds are left. Before placing the cutting in the ground, it is advisable to treat its base with a root formation stimulator, for example Kornevin, after which it is planted in the soil to a depth of 3-4 centimeters and covered with a jar or bag. Until the cuttings have roots, it will need to be sprayed with water daily and the soil in which it takes root well moistened. Rooting occurs approximately a month to a month and a half after planting. It should be borne in mind that only some cuttings take root - this is to some extent a matter of luck. Next, the plant can be transplanted into a permanent pot.

Lemon has numerous beneficial properties. It is simply oversaturated with vitamin C, which is so necessary for the body; 100 g of fruit contains approximately 50 mg. And also many other vitamins and microelements. Lemon slices are added to tea, put in salads, baked meat with them, and so on. And the leaves release phytoncides and purify the air in the room from germs. In order for lemon to produce really tasty fruits at home, you need to purchase varietal seedlings, because those grown will be small.

Varieties of indoor lemon

There is no difficulty in growing an ornamental lemon tree; the main thing is to purchase a good seedling. If you want to have a large, tall lemon, buy a seedling of the Lisbon and Kursk varieties. They grow up to 1.5 m and higher. The lemons Pavlovsky, Lunario, Maikopsky, Villa Franco, etc. have a smaller height. It ranges from 1.2-1.5 m. And very low ones, up to one meter, include Canadian, Genoa, and Chinese Dwarf. Moreover, the latter is a hybrid of lemon and orange and produces delicious fruits. In general, there are a lot of varieties, so you can ask the consultant in the store to tell you more about this or that seedling.

How to plant indoor lemon

Plant the purchased seedling in a baked clay pot with a hole in the bottom to ventilate the roots. In this case, the pot should not be glazed. First, take a container with a volume of 1-2 liters, then, as the root system grows, you will need larger pots. Fill with this soil mixture:

1 part washed river sand;
1 part humus;
1 part of turf land.

Don’t forget to put broken shards at the bottom of the pot for drainage, with one shard covering the hole in the bottom with the convex side up. This is necessary so that water does not accumulate, but at the same time air constantly flows from the hole.

Place the tree in a place in the room where scattered light will fall on it. sunlight. Lemons do not like direct rays and do well near windows, but in winter they can be placed directly on the windowsill.

Indoor lemon at home: care

Video on the topic

Cuttings are the easiest method of propagation various plants, including citrus fruits. The most remarkable thing about this method is that a plant grows from the cuttings, completely identical to the parent. A lemon tree obtained by cuttings begins to bear fruit 5 years earlier than its counterparts grown from seeds. This is the main reason why plant lovers propagate lemons in this way.

You will need


Prepare river sand and citrus soil, which can be purchased at flower shop. Wash the sand in cold water and then bake in . This is done to remove contaminants and kill pathogenic bacteria.

Take cuttings from annual shoots of a healthy fruit-bearing tree. Cuttings ready for rooting should be 10-12 cm long and have 3-4 developed buds. Make the bottom cut as close to the bud as possible at an angle of 90 degrees. The upper one is at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the shoot at a distance of about 5 mm from the last, upper bud. Remove the bottommost leaf completely and cut the rest in half.

Soak the cuttings in a solution of a root formation stimulator, for example, heteroauxin, for 10-12 hours. Before cutting into wet sand, sprinkle its lower cut with charcoal. This will prevent the cuttings from rotting.

Place the prepared cuttings in damp sand to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Spray with water at a temperature several degrees above room temperature. Cover the planted cuttings with a glass jar. In this way you will create some kind of similarity. Place the container in a well-lit place away from direct sunlight. Sun rays. Make sure that the sand is constantly moist and spray the cuttings with water at least once a day. After 2-3 weeks, the first roots should appear. You can determine whether a cutting has taken root or not by looking at the young leaves that appear if rooting is successful.

Harden off the plant. To do this, remove the jar for more than a few hours a day, gradually increasing the time. After two weeks of such procedures, the jar can be removed completely.

Place expanded clay or pieces at the bottom of the pot in which you plan to place the lemon to create drainage. broken bricks. The thickness of this layer should not be more than 1/5 of the height of the pot. Pour a small layer and sprinkle it with charcoal. Fill the pot with soil. Make a hole into which you carefully transplant the prepared one. The depth should not exceed that which was when the cuttings were rooted. Place the pot with the seedling in a well-lit area. Make sure that the earthen ball does not dry out. Lemon does well with moderate watering.

Helpful advice

You can plant the prepared cuttings in transparent aquarium. In this case, pour wet sand onto the bottom, place the cutting in it and cover the aquarium with glass.

Citrus plants are very popular. Each type is interesting in its own way. Oranges have the most beautiful crown with dark green leaves, tangerines can be called the brightest, and grapefruits have the largest fruits. However, the easiest thing to do is grow lemons.


Cut the lemon cuttings a couple of millimeters below the bottom eye, and from above, cut off each shoot a couple of millimeters above the apical bud. Use a very sharp garden knife to make bevel cuts.

Plant the cuttings in pairs in pots with a diameter of about 10 cm, in a mixture of sand and soil. Lemons should stand at some distance from each other so as not to shade the neighbors’ leaves. Planting depth is about 5 cm.

Thoroughly compact and water the cuttings, then cover the future trees glass jars- this is necessary to ensure greenhouse effect. Under such conditions it is usually root system develops quite quickly. Only in very hot weather do you need to slightly lift the jars so that the cuttings can breathe a little.

Provide optimal conditions for lemon propagation. The pots should not be exposed to direct sunlight; Under no circumstances should drafts be allowed in the room. For rooting cuttings, a good temperature is from 20 to 25 degrees, but for regular watering, the water should be heated to 27 degrees.

If you chose healthy lemon cuttings and cared for them properly, they will take root within a month. The apical bud will begin to develop. Now gradually lower the temperature in the improvised chamber, raising the jars more and more. Then remove them completely and let the small trees develop in the same conditions as the mother plant. Those that have become stronger can bear fruit already in the third year.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Some experienced citrus growers grow their own seedlings from the seeds of homemade lemons. The hatched sprout will take a long time to gain strength and will begin to bear fruit no earlier than after 6 years. If you graft the eye of a fruiting lemon into the crown of such a wildflower, then in just a couple of years the cultivated plant can produce its first harvest.


  • Lemon cuttings

To achieve success in growing indoor lemon, it is necessary to properly care for it and take cuttings, that is, propagate. There are several ways to do this, but one of the most effective is using a greenhouse. So how to properly root a decorative lemon?

You will need

  • - expanded clay,
  • - scissors,
  • - soil for citrus fruits,
  • - sand,
  • - plastic bottle,
  • - “Kornevin”.


It is necessary to select a mature one with well-formed leaves for future cuttings and divide it into cuttings. Make a cut with a sharp knife three millimeters below the bud, remove two bottom sheets, and leave the next two or three. If the leaves are too long, shorten them by two-thirds with regular scissors. The top cut should be five millimeters higher than the sheet. Prepare the remaining cuttings in the same way and place them in the Kornevin solution.

Many gardeners dream of growing aromatic lemon on the windowsill to please their household with delicious tea with the addition of citrus. At first glance, the task seems difficult, because a tree planted at home often takes root with difficulty and rarely bears fruit. To succeed, you need to know how to plant a lemon according to all the rules. Only then, after a few years, the first ovary will appear on it.

Description of the plant

The birthplace of this evergreen perennial plant considered South Asia. From there it was brought to India, China and many islands in ancient times Pacific Ocean. Today, lemon is successfully grown in different countries for mass harvesting of fruits, and exotic lovers are happy to grow it from seed at home.

A lemon tree planted at home reaches a height of about 2 meters. Multiple branches with dense leathery green leaves form a spreading crown. Young shoots are covered with dark green bark with a reddish tint.

If citrus is sprouted from a seed, the first fruits are observed no earlier than 8 years after planting. When citrus is planted using grafting or cuttings, the harvest appears 2 years earlier.

The beautiful tree exudes a delicate lemon aroma and looks great, so it is often grown at home not only for fruit production, but also for interior decoration.

Where to begin

Growing a lemon from a seed is something everyone can do. You need to put in a minimum of effort and strictly follow the planting recommendations. The first step is to prepare the seeds. The main mistake due to which seeds do not germinate is that they are placed in the ground when they have time to dry out. This cannot be done.

  1. You need to take a ripe large fruit, cut it and remove the seeds.
  2. Rinse under running water and select the most powerful seeds.
  3. To make it easier to peck the sprouts, it is advisable to soak the seeds for a day in a special growth stimulator, which can be bought at a flower shop.

While the seeds are being prepared for planting, you should start selecting nutritious soil and suitable pot. Lemon seeds do well in small clay pots. A two-centimeter layer of drainage is required to be poured onto the bottom of the container. This can be expanded clay or small fragments of brick - the main thing is that they allow excess moisture to pass through well, otherwise the roots of the young sprout will begin to rot and die.

Land for planting citrus fruits is easy to purchase in the store, but many people prefer to prepare a nutritious mixture at home. To do this, you need to take regular soil from the garden, sand, humus and mix them in equal proportions. It is useful to add a few spoons to the prepared mixture. charcoal. It prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria in the soil.

Planting seeds

When preparatory work finished, you can start planting. It is recommended to plant 3-4 seeds in one pot in order to subsequently select the strongest shoots. The soil in the container must be moistened with settled water. Deepen the lemon seeds 2 cm into the soil and sprinkle with soil.

In order for citrus planting to be successful, it is advisable to carry out the procedure in late February. In this case, the growth of young plants will be promoted by the spring sun and increased daylight hours.

  1. Lemons love warmth, so it is impossible to grow them at home without following temperature regime. Successful cultivation requires maintaining an air temperature of 20-25 degrees.
  2. To create a greenhouse effect, the pot is covered with film and placed in a sunny place.
  3. The first shoots hatch after 18-21 days. During this time, the film must be periodically lifted for ventilation.
  4. It is recommended to water only when the soil dries out. a small amount warm water.

Tender shoots grow quickly. When they have formed 2 pairs of leaves, the film must be removed and a separate pot prepared for each plant.


The transplant must be done in the same nutritious soil, which was prepared earlier. Try to select the healthiest sprouts.

When choosing, pay attention:

  • on the leaves - they should be strong and not fall off at the slightest touch;
  • on the crown - it is desirable that there is a small distance between the buds;
  • for shoots - it is required that they have few thorns, as this is a sign of a “wild” plant.

Subsequent transplants of a young lemon tree should be carried out as the crown and roots grow. Young seedlings are replanted once a year, in June, but for mature plants it is enough to carry out the procedure once every few years. Carefully remove the tree from the pot along with the earthen lump, so as not to damage the delicate roots, and place it in a larger container.


Growing lemon requires bright light, especially in the off-season. During this period, it is advisable to purchase an LED phytolamp for illumination and turn it on in the evenings and on cloudy days.

The room where citrus grows should be warm and humid. Wash the leaves of the plant with water more often and spray it with a watering can. But it is not recommended to overfill the root system. The tree is sensitive to root rot and immediately withers away from it. IN winter time Watering should be halved and carried out when upper layer the soil will dry out well.

It is important to correctly form the crown of the plant. For lush green mass in the first year of life, you need to carefully pinch the top of the lemon tree. To keep the trunk straight and the crown round and neat, you need to turn the pot with the plant 30 degrees clockwise every 7 days.

Sometimes a lemon blooms in the first or second year. Despite the beauty of the buds, they must be mercilessly torn off. Flowering exhausts the tree too much. He doesn't have enough strength to further development, and it may die. Flowers can be left only when there are 15 green leaves for each bud.


At first, growing lemon does not require fertilizing. The soil prepared for planting contains all the necessary substances for growth and development. 3-4 months after transplantation, the grown shoots begin to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. It is advisable to buy ready-made mixtures at a flower shop and use them according to the instructions.

If for some reason this is not possible, you can use tea leaves for feeding. They should be used to sprinkle the top layer of soil in the pot before watering. Egg shells are well suited for fertilizing. It needs to be crushed, combined with starch one to one and sprinkled with the mixture on the ground before each watering.


With insufficient care, lemons growing at home begin to wither. When this happens, its leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off. To prevent this, adjust watering and provide the citrus with good lighting.

  • Yellow spots on the leaves indicate a lack of iron.
  • Drying tips indicate a lack of phosphorus.
  • Wrinkling and falling leaves indicate a deficiency of manganese and potassium.

You can help the plant by timely cleaning of damaged shoots and a properly selected mineral complex.

To prevent pests and diseases of lemon at home, it is recommended to use Fitosporin. The drug is diluted with water, following the instructions, and the root system of the plant is irrigated.

Now you know how to plant a lemon and grow it from a seed miniature tree. The main thing is proper planting, careful care, and then you will quickly be able to enjoy the fruits of the first harvest collected at home.

Each of us, when removing achenes from citrus fruits, thought that we could plant them in a pot and get a real tree with fruits.

And this is really possible, the main thing is to know how to grow a lemon from a seed at home, using many years of experience as indoor gardeners. Let's find out how realistic it is to get a full-fledged tree from a lemon achene by studying information about correct landing and caring for this plant.

For planting, you will need fresh seeds from ripe fruits: they need to be planted in the ground as soon as they are taken out.

If you wait, the seeds dry out, crack and lose their viability.

We plant as follows:

Preparing the ground

How to prepare soil for lemon?

Mix sand (1 part), peat (2 parts) and soil from under deciduous trees(1 part). We thoroughly loosen the soil and moisten it moderately.

Sow the seeds

We lay the seeds horizontally on the surface of the soil: if you place them upright, you can mix up the ends - sprouts appear from one, roots appear from the other. Sprinkle a 1.5 cm layer of soil on top, water and cover with film until germination.

In a month or a month and a half, the first shoots will appear: immediately remove the film.

Growing lemon at home in the first two years

When the seedlings have grown 6 leaves, not earlier (the plants can be destroyed), we pick them up and transplant them into pots.

The picking is done like this: without removing the seedling from the ground, we plunge a sharp knife into the soil to a depth of 10 cm and move it from side to side, cutting off the root. After the operation, we spill the soil with a pale solution of potassium permanganate.

Thanks to picking, the roots branch better.

How to grow lemon at home: transplanting seedlings into pots

Soil preparation

After picking, we transplant the plants into pots where they will grow for the next 2 years. Prepare the soil for lemon by mixing:

  • Earth from under deciduous trees: linden, birch, etc. - 2 parts.
  • Humus - 1 part.
  • Meadow soil, preferably from clover or alfalfa (very rich in nitrogen) – 1 part.
  • Gray river sand (calcined first) – 1 part.
  • Wood ash from hardwood – 0.5 parts.

It is especially important if you want to grow lemons at home, to know that the soil does not contain residues of petroleum products: gasoline, diesel fuel and other harmful impurities.

To check, we dilute a handful of each type of soil in water: if a greasy multi-colored film does not form on the surface, we can safely use it for replanting.

Disinfection and fertilization of soil

The substrate, mixed independently, needs disinfection:

  • Pour the soil into an enamel container, add 1 liter of water and place on medium heat.
  • Steam the soil under the lid for 40 minutes.
  • Cool and dry the disinfected soil.

Before growing lemon in pots, be sure to fertilize the substrate with organic complex fertilizers to restore ecological balance.

Lemon transplant

To transplant lemon seedlings, growing in room conditions which is not as difficult as it seems, we buy new pots, lay expanded clay on the bottoms with a layer of 2 cm and proceed further:

  • We fill in a layer of earth to make a mound.
  • Sprinkle the root of the lemon seedling with ash and “lay out” the roots along the earthen hill.
  • Add soil evenly, occasionally tamping with a spoon or spatula so that air voids do not form near the roots.
  • Sprinkle soil until the root collar is reached (the place where the roots enter the trunk).

You cannot cover the root collar with soil: it will crack and become infected with fungus, which can cause the death of the plant.

We water the transplanted lemon trees and watch their development.

How to grow a lemon from a seed at home if the seedling is two years old

After a couple of years, we replant the trees again: by then the roots will fill the entire pot. To make sure that replanting is necessary, turn the container over and tap it on something hard or on your palm. If there are a lot of roots, the lump will quickly fall out of the pot.

How to plant a lemon after two years of life? We transplant the lemons into pots that are 4 cm in diameter.

Substrate for transplantation

Soil composition for further transplants somewhat different from the previous one. Older lemons need other ingredients: loam, silt, more sand.

Lemon is 2 years old

For planting lemons, we use soil consisting of the following components:

  • Leaf humus - 2 parts;
  • Manure humus - 4 parts;
  • Peat - 2 parts;
  • River sand - 1 part.

Lemon is 4-8 years old

For transplanting lemons 4-8 years old, the following substrate is suitable:

  • River sand – 1 part;
  • Meadow land - 4 parts;
  • Leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • River (lake) silt - 2 parts.

Lemon is 9 years old

Lemons that are 9 years old or more bear fruit well in the following soil:

  • Meadow land - 6 parts;
  • Leaf soil - 2 parts;
  • Peat – 2 parts;
  • Il – 4 parts;
  • River sand - 1 part;
  • Wood ash – 0.5 parts.

Transfer the lemon to a new pot, cutting off the rotten roots if they are clearly visible, and water.

Further care in general

To get a lemon grown indoors, we care for it like this:

  • Watering. We water the tree regularly, without flooding it and without forcing it to suffer from drought. In winter we rarely water.
  • Humidity. We make sure that the apartment is sufficiently humid: drying out the air does not benefit us or the plants.

To get rid of dryness, you can use a household humidifier.

  • Dust removal. Lemon leaves have a harder time breathing if they are covered in a layer of dust. Regularly wipe the leaves with damp gauze or sponge. Once every 7 days we spray the plants with a spray bottle to wash away dirt. Once every 30 days we give the lemon leaves a warm shower.
  • Temperature. In summer, lemon needs more heat, and in winter, during the dormant period, it needs coolness.
  • Top dressing. Once every 14 days we fertilize the plants with complex minerals and organic fertilizers, alternating them (during the rest period we do not feed).

This is almost all the information about growing lemons at home obtained from seeds.

So, you have learned a lot about how to grow lemons from seeds at home. And in order for it to produce juicy and aromatic fruits not in 9-10 years, but much earlier, it must be grafted, taking grafting material from already fruit-bearing plants.

A subtropical tree called lemon will definitely take its rightful place in the green corner of your home. Anyone can grow it, provided that the bush is provided favorable microclimate. Find out how to plant a lemon at home, and one day it will truly reach large sizes. In addition, lemons actively bear fruit. If you follow basic care instructions, your tree will bear fruit throughout the year.

Planting lemons is done by two common methods: cuttings or seeds. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but is equally widely used by domestic flower growers. To plant lemons at home correctly, it is worth considering both technologies. This way, you can choose the most optimal method for yourself.


How to properly plant a lemon tree using seeds is something that gardeners who are faced with such a need for the first time are often interested in. First of all, you need to select high-quality seed material. Take only large seeds for planting. Direct drop off grains into the soil is carried out in stages:

  • pour a substrate specially designed for planting citrus plants into the flower pot;
  • sow lemon seeds into the ground;
  • At the end of the procedure, thoroughly moisten the soil, but avoid excessive accumulation of water in the ground. Otherwise, the seeds will begin to rot and the seedlings will not appear;
  • It is recommended to sow several grains in one pot at once homemade lemon. When they finally emerge, you can leave the strongest ones in the ground. Another option is to simply plant all the sprouts you like in different containers;
  • When you decide to grow lemon sprouts at home, be sure to take care not to damage the root system, which is already quite frail. That is why it is better not to touch the earthen lump enveloping the rhizome of the plant.

This planting method is not bad and is often used by domestic flower growers. However, not all so simple. There is an opinion that lemon grown does not bear fruit on its own. This is possible, but the situation is fixable. To do this, it is recommended to graft the sprouted and strengthened plant from another citrus tree (grapefruit or orange), which has been growing in your home flower garden for several years.


This tree is often propagated at home. To do this, you will need to cut it off, leaving two buds at the edges. It is desirable that each future sprout have 2-3 leaves and the same number of buds. When the branch is cut, dip it briefly in a growth stimulator, and then put it in water for several days. Planting occurs, as a rule, at a time when the cuttings have not yet sent out roots. That is why it is very important to be able to properly care for the plant. Spray newly planted sprouts thoroughly, since without roots, the future tree is still unable to receive moisture from the soil.

Boarding time

How to plant a lemon correctly? The result is influenced not only by the method of planting or quality, but also by the period that is most optimal for such a procedure. Most lemon trees are planted in the ground in late winter or early spring. What is favorable about this time of year is the phase of awakening of the tree itself and the activation of vital activity. A plant rooted during this period will quickly take root.

What kind of soil is needed

To plant and care indoor plant proved to be effective, special attention should be paid to the selection or preparation of a high-quality substrate.

He must answer two key requirements: to be loose and include various nutrients. In addition to soil, it is recommended to put a drainage layer in the flowerpot. The very same soil mixture It is considered optimal for growing indoor lemon if it includes light loamy soil, leaf soil, as well as sand and humus. Of course, some gardeners prefer to dig up ordinary soil somewhere on personal plot. However, if you want to grow a full-fledged lemon tree, such land will be too poor for it.

Selection of capacity

It is necessary to plant a lemon tree in a properly selected container. You should not immediately purchase a voluminous flowerpot: it is too large space the root system of the plant may rot. As for the material, it can be plastic, glass, or wood. However, it is preferable to buy a clay container in which indoor flower will feel “at ease”. You will have to water the planted lemon quite often, so you cannot do without drainage holes in the pot.

Landing instructions

Flower growers often ask how to properly plant lemons using cuttings. You will get the desired result provided that you follow the basic recommendations. Special attention Pay attention to the deepening of the root neck of the tree into the ground: it should not be located deeper than 5 mm in the substrate. Plant the cuttings in such a way that the root collar does not begin to rot in the future. After you have planted all the branches, it’s time to spray them first with water and then with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Further care

Video "Growing Lemon"

In this video you will hear useful tips on growing lemon.