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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» House for children from OSB. Do-it-yourself children's wooden house for the dacha. Manufacturing of windows and doors

House for children from OSB. Do-it-yourself children's wooden house for the dacha. Manufacturing of windows and doors

We used to build play structures out of chairs, pillows and blankets. So why not help the younger generation today and build a real children's house with your own hands? You can use any available materials - wood, PVC or aluminum pipes, plywood, wooden pallets or thick cardboard.

Playhouse in the apartment

Even in the room small area It is quite possible to install a small frame covered with fabric in the form of a tent or wigwam. If square meters allow, build a full-fledged wooden or plywood house in the form of a fairy-tale hut, carriage, trailer, rocket or ship.

Wigwam house

As you know, a wigwam is a special structure consisting of several long poles, connected at the top and covered thick fabric. Such a structure can be easily disassembled and stored, moved from room to room, taken out into the fresh air, into the yard, or packed into the trunk of a car and transported to the garden plot.

And it’s not at all difficult to make such a children’s wigwam playhouse.

You can use the following as a frame:

  • carefully sanded and coated with varnish or drying oil wooden slats 120 cm long and 2-4 cm thick; for installation on fresh air You can also use strong tree branches, but only if (!) even the smallest knots are cut off
  • PVC water pipes
  • lightweight aluminum pipes, for example, left over from old curtains

To cover a tent house, it is better to choose thick linen or cotton that allows air to pass through well. Under such an awning, children will feel comfortable and easy to breathe even on hot days.

The simplest structure is a wigwam– three poles, firmly tied at the top at a distance of 10-20 cm from the top. To make the fastening strong, it is better to connect them with bolts by drilling holes in the upper part of the frame.

The design can be slightly more complicated by making a rigid base for it from wooden slats or pipes, which will be installed on the floor. There is no need to make a crossbar from the entrance to the wigwam - children will constantly trip over it.

In principle, you can build a full-fledged tent in the shape of a quadrangle or a tent, but you will have to tinker with the frame fastenings a little longer. We'll talk about this below.

Several small pillows made of colored fabric, a mattress or a soft fluffy carpet will decorate children's wigwam and make it more comfortable.

Tent or marquee made of PVC pipes

Plastic water pipes craftsmen They have long been used not only for their intended purpose. After all, they make quite durable and comfortable garden chairs, tables and even greenhouses.

Decorate the windows of such an impromptu house with chintz curtains and lay down a rug. The outside of the home can be covered with fabric, remnants of wallpaper or colored napkins, painted with paints, decorated with appliqué, bright inflatable balloons, flags and garlands.

Let your child participate in the finishing process by handing him a brush and paints.

Plywood construction

It will take no more than a couple of days to make such a house:

1 There are a lot of drawings for making a children’s house on the Internet. You can use any of them. We will only describe the assembly principle itself.

2 The floors in the house are warm, and the house can do without them. But it’s still better to make a small elevation using wooden logs with plywood screwed to it. It will be more convenient to attach the frame to such a base, and the structure itself will be more stable.

3 We install a frame of rack-beams attached to the floor. It is better not to use nails - they may become loose. Fastening with screws will be much more reliable and durable.

4 Horizontal jumpers are screwed across the racks.

5 A block is attached between them, forming the ridge of the roof.

6 For gable roof you will need to make a pediment - wooden slats knocked down in the shape of a triangle.

7 All that remains is to sheathe the walls and roof with plywood, paint it or cover it with wallpaper.

8 The roof can also be made pitched by covering it with plywood top part buildings at a slight slope.

8 The door is made from wooden planks or they make only a frame for it, and the door leaf cut from plywood. Hang it using ordinary metal hinges, which can be purchased at a furniture store.

9 You can paint or cover the house with fabric, wallpaper or bright appliqué from the inside.

10 Curvilinear figures from plywood are cut out at home with a jigsaw. If you know how and love to work with wood, make furniture for your child that he can put in his new house.

11 Plywood can even be bent if you first soak it in the bathtub. Thick sheets should lie in water for a couple of hours. For thin plywood A 10-15 minute soak is enough. The softened part is laid on the surface and secured with self-tapping screws so that during drying it takes on the desired shape.

12 Paint the plywood with regular oil or enamel paint. Don't forget to prime the surface first. In this case, the paint will lie more evenly, and much less of it will go away.

Children's house in the yard

For children living in an apartment, the dacha may seem like a boring place. To make the process of addiction go as quickly and unnoticeably as possible, take care of creating a playground and cozy house with your favorite toys.

4 The floors will need to be raised using wooden beams and floor slats - children staying in the shade on damp ground for a long time is unacceptable.

5 To prevent the tree from quickly becoming unusable, it is better to install the structure on bricks or concrete blocks. They are dug into the ground at the corners of the base on the bayonet of a shovel.

6 To obtain a durable structure, you will need polycarbonate with a thickness of 8 mm.

7 They cut its sheets with a construction knife.

8 The protective film is removed after construction is completed. Otherwise, scratches may appear on the plastic.

9 Any arched structure can be made from polycarbonate - it bends easily, but only in length.

10 The strength of this plastic is ensured by the special structure of the sheets. They are made in the form of honeycombs (stiffening ribs). However, this also has its drawbacks - if it is not fastened correctly, water can accumulate inside. To prevent polycarbonate from darkening from moisture and losing its attractiveness, cut the sheets so that the stiffeners are positioned vertically. The ends of the sheets are covered with a special end profile to prevent moisture from entering.

11 To avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the material, the sheets are attached with a protective layer outward. There are always inscriptions and pictograms on it.

12 If one sheet is not enough to cover the wall, dig additional support into the ground so that the joints of the sheets fall on its center.

13 When temperature changes, the material is capable of changing dimensions, so you should not place the sheets close to each other. It is necessary to leave a small technological gap. When installing, use thermal washers to help compensate for expansion.

14 When drilling holes for fasteners, make them a couple of millimeters larger than the diameter of the screws. They should not be screwed tightly, otherwise the plastic will crack during thermal expansion.

15 To make a gable roof you will need a ridge element made of the same plastic. You can purchase it at hardware store. You can also protect the ridge from moisture by bending a strip of metal at the desired angle.

Wooden building

The height of such a structure depends on the height of the child. But children grow quickly, so it’s better to build with reserves.

1 A children's house made of wood does not require a foundation. To protect the wood from moisture, you can install it on a brick base. You can also use low wooden or metal piles. It will be possible to attach a slide to the porch of the house, installed on such supports and raised above the ground.

2 The floor must be strong enough and of good quality. Use better floorboard or plywood. They are mounted on beams. The side facing the ground is impregnated with an antiseptic.

3 Mounted as a frame in the corners and at the location of windows and doors thick timber thickness 50x50 mm. To add rigidity to the structure, horizontal bars are attached at the top and bottom.

4 The corners are reinforced with spacer bars - bevels, the posts - with metal corners.

5 It is better to make a gable roof so that the child is not tempted to climb into it. First, gables are prepared from the bars - the end sides, shaped like a triangle. Between them there are horizontally running bars on which the lining is stuffed or plywood is attached.

6 To avoid splinters, the wood must be cleaned and sanded.

7 To ensure ventilation, sufficient lighting and ease of observation of children, several windows are made in it. They are placed 50-60 cm from the floor.

8 The height of the door should be at least 20-30 cm higher than the child’s height.

9 Near the house you can install swings, slides, sports section. For a girl, you can arrange a small flower bed with flowers, which she can take care of herself.

10 It's great if you organize Grand opening house with tea drinking, festive posters and music.

Tree house for children

1 How to make a children's treehouse? Building such a structure is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Of course, only a person who knows how to work with wood can create designer structures. But here is the simplest structure, consisting of support pillars and a platform in the center of which a cutout for a tree trunk is made, even a novice carpenter can do it. The tree on which the structure will be located must be strong enough, but not old, with strong branches. All dry branches must be removed.

2 The frame for the tree house is made of well-sanded and primed timber. To prevent the tree from rotting, it must be dried well. The cross-section of the timber is from 5 cm. It is better to use pine - it is less susceptible to rotting.

3 The connection of the supports must be as strong as possible. You should not use a regular connection with self-tapping screws - it will quickly become loose.

4 V carpentry For these purposes, a special type of half-timber overlapping joints is used. For this purpose in wooden blocks Use a hacksaw and chisel to cut out the recesses. The parts are superimposed on each other and additionally connected with bolts.

5 The wooden platform should be as stable as possible. It is made of timber and lined with plywood.

6 The roof is covered with wooden slats, plywood or soft roofing.

7 It is necessary to make and ladder. To do this, you can nail several wooden blocks to the inclined board. It will be more convenient to climb such stairs.

Pallet house

Wooden pallets (pallets) are an excellent building material. Since the strong boards in them are already knocked together, assemble playhouse can be done quickly enough. Although, if desired, the pallets can be completely disassembled and only boards can be used in construction.

1 Be sure to pay attention to the markings. If the letters IPPC are marked on the pallets, this means that they have been treated with chemicals. The use of such products is highly not recommended. You should not build a children's house from painted pallets. After all, formulations containing formaldehyde are often used to process them. Better paint it already ready product yourself.

2 Several pallets need to be disassembled - we will use their thick crossbars to create a frame. To do this, remove all the nails using a nail puller. You can simply saw off the crossbars from the side boards.

3 Each of the pallets must be sanded, otherwise children will quickly pick up splinters. To do this, you can use coarse sandpaper. It is inserted into the holder for sandpaper (grater). You can also use a grinder or grinder for cleaning.

4 If the trays are dirty, they are first washed with a stiff brush.

5 First we assemble the floor. For the logs we use thick crossbars of pallets knocked together. For flooring, you can use chipboard or boards from disassembled pallets.

6 In order for a house made of pallets, assembled with your own hands, to last as long as possible, to protect it from moisture, we install it on a small elevation made of bricks buried in the ground at the corners of the building.

7 Let's start assembling the frame. We attach vertical supports - transverse boards of pallets - to the assembled base of the house. We use for this metal corners and self-tapping screws.

House-tent made of willow branches

It is better to place a children's hut near the house so that the games take place in front of adults. Place it near a fence or in the shade of tall trees to protect the structure from drafts.

For construction, any types of branches of sufficient thickness are used:

1 First you need to decide on the shape of the hut. Long branches can be arranged in a circle in the form of a wigwam, fastening them at the top and around the perimeter with strong twine.

2 A classic gable hut made of branches is made as follows. At the selected location, two strong thick poles are driven into the ground, the end of which is forked in the upper part in the form of a spear.

4 A support pole is placed horizontally in the oarlocks of the rods and secured with a rope.

5 It is better not to use wire for fastening. You will need quite a lot of it, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to bend all its ends perfectly so that the child does not accidentally get hurt. It is better to take polypropylene twine or thick cotton twine.

6 Thinner poles are laid on the support at an angle of 45-60 degrees, first on one and then the other side of the hut. For strength, they are also held together with twine.

7 Vertical ones can be tied across the horizontal slingshots, thus forming a lattice.

8 Spruce branches (spruce branches) or hay are laid on top of the roof. To prevent rain from getting inside, laying begins from the bottom so that the next layer covers the previous one.

9 To protect from the wind, stones are placed around the perimeter of the hut and covered with earth.

10 Hay or dead wood is used as a floor. It can be covered with a thick, dense cloth or carpet to prevent children from pricking themselves on branches.

11 You will get a more durable structure if you make a frame for the hut from wooden beams. Branches are also laid on top of it, and then spruce branches.

12 If you have a sufficient number of willow branches on hand, make a tent-shaped hut for the children. The rods of this tree bend very well, and “weaving” a house out of them will not be difficult. To work, you will need a sufficient amount of twine, which is used to fasten the willow branches.

A craft - a house with your own hands - will delight any child. The work will only take a couple of days, and the material you can use is plywood, OSB, pallets or regular boards.Detailed step by step instructions and the drawings will help even a person far from construction understand the process.

A development house can be made from a wide variety of materials, and it is better to make the final choice yourself, having studied the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

The most commonly used budget options:

  • plywood

You can also build a house from OSB, wooden boards or chipboard.

Plywood - optimal choice, because:

  • it is durable, and after treatment with special impregnations it can withstand adverse influences environment(precipitation, temperature changes, insects)
  • affordable - a do-it-yourself plywood house will cost less than one made from many other materials
  • looks aesthetically pleasing
  • has low thermal conductivity, due to which it garden house the child will be warm and comfortable

In addition, working with plywood is easy: it can be sawed, drilled, and painted without effort.

The only drawback is the toxicity of the glue used to join the veneer layers together. When purchasing, you need to study the characteristics of the product: the plywood must be marked E0 - such material contains a minimum amount of formaldehyde, and the product is considered environmentally friendly.


A house made from pallets can become a child’s favorite place to play, but you need to be careful when selecting the material.

Can not use:

  • pallets marked IPPC - hazardous materials are used for their processing chemical substances, provoking the development of various diseases;
  • pallets used in markets - after long-term use in the open air wooden structures, raw protective equipment, may become fragile, and the building will soon become unusable;
  • pallets painted in bright colors - it is impossible to vouch for the quality and safety of the paint, and it is better not to risk the health of the child.

Children's wooden house You need to build with your own hands using high-quality material without visible damage: cracks, signs of rot, mold or paint residue.


A wooden house on a summer cottage can have any size, and you need to focus on the age of the child. However, it is unwise to erect a very small structure - in a couple of years it will become cramped for a grown-up child.

Optimal parameters for a durable hut made from scrap materials: height – 2 m; width – 2.5 m, length – 2 m. Inside such a building you can organize a full-fledged place for games: arrange children’s furniture, place toys.

Construction of a plywood house

To make a craft (do-it-yourself house), you will first need to build a frame, and only then cover it with sheets of plywood. Using the same technology, you can make a house from OSB or chipboard.

Dimensions of the future building: length and width - 2 and 3 m, wall height 1.5 m, height of the house at the ridge - 2.2 m.

You can make the drawings yourself or use ready-made ones.

Materials tools

You need to prepare:

  • for the frame – boards 5×10 cm
  • for the subfloor – boards 1.2×10 cm
  • for finished floors and trim external walls– OSB 9 mm thick
  • For internal lining– plywood 6 mm (sanded)

So that the house can be used not only in summer time, but when it gets colder, it is recommended to insulate it. To do this, you can use foam plastic 10 cm thick. Additionally, glass, slats and a door may be required.

To process and finish a wooden house built with your own hands, you will need to stock up on:

  • anti-corrosion and anti-fungal impregnations
  • fire retardant
  • acrylic paint of the desired color
  • water based varnish

Base assembly

Before making a house, you need to prepare the foundation of the future structure:

  1. A rectangle is knocked out of the boards, the sides of which are 2 and 3 m.
  2. Transverse boards are nailed to it, which will serve as floor joists. They need to be placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other.
  3. The top of the rectangle is sheathed with thin strips - they will support the insulation from below.
  4. Now the structure is turned over and foam is placed in the cells. The gaps remaining between the insulation and the boards are sealed with polyurethane foam.
  5. When this stage is completed, the structure is placed against the wall and the foam begins to be covered with a subfloor board.
  6. OSB is attached to the subfloor.

Important! There should be a technical gap of about 1 cm between the subfloor and the OSB floor. If the sheets are fastened closely, they can deform over time with changes in humidity and air temperature.

Frame installation

Guided by your drawing, they assemble the frame of the walls. For this, boards 5x10 cm are used.

Racks should be located at a distance of 1 m, in places where installation is planned front door and windows, racks must be double.

Since plywood and OSB were chosen as cladding, then finished design will have sufficient strength, and therefore there is no need to install inclined supports. They may be required if slats or lining are used instead of sheet material.

Foundation structure

The foundation can be made with your own hands from scrap materials. For example, old logs will do: they will need to be trimmed, trimmed and coated with protective impregnations.

The prepared logs are placed parallel at an equal distance from each other. Boards are nailed on top. A ready-made base is placed on this structure.

The base is attached to the foundation using metal brackets.

The next step is to lay out the walls. They must be positioned strictly vertically. To make the work easier, you can make temporary cuts.

Having given the wall the desired position, it is nailed to the base using long nails.

Roof structure

First, they install the ridge - they nail a board in the center of the structure, it will form a slope.

Using a jigsaw, corner cuts are made in the boards under rafter legs. First, preliminary angles are made, then they are applied to the structure and the exact location of the cut is marked. Having made one tight-fitting blank, transfer the shape of the cut to other boards using a pencil.

The prepared boards are nailed to the frame. Cross boards are installed between them. Thin wooden boards are used for roof cladding.

Or this option


The house is almost ready - all that remains is to sheathe it inside and out.

Cutting out sheet material(plywood or OSB) in such a way that the joints of the plates are on the racks. To fix the plywood, you can use nails or self-tapping screws.

All wooden elements treated with protective agents. Painting and varnishing begin only after they have dried. If you ignore this point, the wooden house will quickly become unusable - mold will begin to develop on it, it will be damaged by insects, and it will begin to rot.

Building a house from pallets

A country house made from pallets for children is good because if something gets damaged individual element there will be no need to disassemble the entire structure - it will be enough to simply replace the rotten part with a similar one.

Materials and tools

You will need:

  • metal brush
  • coarse sandpaper or sander
  • nail puller, saw
  • drill
  • hammer
  • acrylic paints
  • nails, screws
  • wood glue
  • roofing felt
  • water based varnish
  • brushes

It is also advisable to prepare a plastic film - it will need to be used to cover the structure during the construction process to protect it from possible rain.

Preparation of material

The pallets are cleaned of dirt using a stiff brush, and then disassembled into cross boards (they will be used for the frame) and thin boards (for wall cladding). The easiest way to carry out this operation is with a nail puller and saw.

All boards are carefully treated with coarse sandpaper or a sanding machine.

House assembly

Work order:

  1. Bricks or stones can be used as the foundation.
  2. The base is made from transverse boards from pallets. The logs are laid.
  3. Thin boards from the pallet are laid on the joists. To arrange the floor, you can use chipboard rather than boards.
  4. The frame of the house is assembled from transverse boards nailed together.
  5. Install the ridge. The process is described in more detail in the manual for assembling a plywood house.
  6. The finished frame is sheathed with thin boards. For fastening, nails or wood screws are used.
  7. Using a saw, cut off the protruding boards.
  8. Chipboard is laid on the roof, then covered with roofing felt. For finishing You can use metal tiles or any other material.

Children's house It's almost ready from pallets - all that's left is to install the windows and paint it.

Window assembly

If the structure is more solid, then windows can be inserted. Windows are also made from wood with your own hands. To do this, take a pallet board, saw a groove in the center, after which one of the parts is chopped off. You can make the workpiece in another way: grind off the excess wood with a plane.

For one window you will need 4 blanks. Each prepared board is sawn at both ends at an angle of 45 °, after which it is assembled together, coated with wood glue and tightened with self-tapping screws.

When windows and doors are installed, all wooden structural elements are first treated with protective impregnations, and when they dry, they are painted in the desired color.

Having familiarized yourself with the process of creating a children's house, you can begin to implement the project. Such an idea will require minimal financial investment, but the child will be happy and will be able to play in the fresh air.

Moscow is a city of many millions, in which it is increasingly difficult to find a cozy playground. But I really want the younger generation to be able to play outside in comfort. Therefore, sometimes there is no other choice but to make a children's house with your own hands. Plus, it's very simple!

How to make a children's house with your own hands with a minimum of effort and cost

Those who started a large-scale suburban construction, lack of wooden pallets No. You can hand them over and receive a small reward for it, or you can put them to use. In addition to a variety of furniture, pallets are perfect as an almost ready-made construction set for a small house!

House made of pallets - what is needed for this

In order for construction to proceed without delays and small customers to be satisfied, the necessary materials should be delivered to the site in advance:

Also, do not forget about the tool. You can screw in the screws manually with a screwdriver, or you can speed up the process with a screwdriver or drill with an attachment. It is more convenient to cut window and door openings with a jigsaw, but in the absence of one, it will do hand saw. And you can smooth out all the unevenness so that the little ones don’t get their palms splintered, using a grinder with a sanding attachment or regular sandpaper.

How to assemble a house in one day

It is best to paint a miniature house before assembly, especially if you plan to paint the inside as well. To do this, first the walls are assembled on a rough surface and the central lintels with “cubes” are removed.

After this, the boards are sanded and painted. It is important to remove or cut off all the nails after dismantling the elements - after all, everything is for children.

Also at the stage of rough assembly (without fixing with self-tapping screws), windows and a door are marked and cut out. You don’t have to make a door, limiting yourself to only three walls.
As soon as preparatory work finished, you can start assembling:

All that remains is to bring in the chairs and the “affordable housing program” is completed!

Children's house as a training for frame construction

In addition, by insulating the building and making it at least 3x3 m, in the future such housing can be used as a guest house.

Foundation for a house

To do this, you will need a gas drill, which you can rent instead of buying. Pipes are installed in the holes made level and sprinkled with sand. Concrete is poured inside the pipes.

You can even use ordinary metal rods, and “string” logs on them through pre-made holes.

House assembly

If you are planning an insulated version, then you will have to do everything according to technology - stuff skull blocks along the bottom of the joists, lay down waterproofing, lay insulation and only then sew it up with a floorboard.

The lower frame is secured, the racks are erected and fixed in the corners, and the vertical is checked with a level. Then the internal racks are installed. The distance between them must be the same. If you plan to lay insulation, then the distance should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the mat - the insulation should be inserted tightly.
Done top harness frame, and the places of window and doorways reinforced by jumpers. The dimensions of the openings need to be thought out in advance, since their width will depend on the distance between the posts (minus 8 cm per box).

Considering the small height, you can even do this yourself. First, the outer rafters are installed and checked for level, and then all the rest are at an equal distance between them. When insulating a roof, the pitch of the rafters must correspond to the width of the insulation (for example, so that two mats are placed between the rafters).

To simplify the work with windows, the window sill is installed before installing the frame. Children really like to sleep in the attic, so if the height allows, it’s better to do it as well. attic floor, not forgetting about the window.

Interesting ideas for children's houses

If you want to do something beautiful and multifunctional, you can build a playhouse in the form of a gazebo. The kids will grow up, but the gazebo will remain. You can even make a full-fledged home, with a slide and a fireman's pole, as in the photo.

But a personal tree house will bring much more joy to children! Building it, although difficult, is quite feasible with your own hands.

Simple tree house

If there is an old tree on your dacha plot that you don’t dare cut down, you can turn it into a shelter for little “Robinsons”. To do this, a pre-assembled floor frame is placed and fixed around the trunk at the desired height.

Do not dig pillars into the ground. Even treated with an antiseptic and coated with bitumen, they will quickly rot.

It is much more reliable to make a foundation of concrete blocks laid on a sand and gravel bed. Holes are made in the blocks into which special anchors for the timber are inserted.

This ensures a strong connection between the foundation and pillars.

The entire length of the beams must be pre-impregnated with antiseptics to prevent rotting. But bitumen or roofing felt laid between the anchor and the tree will not help - the moisture will flow down the post.

Anyone can build their own children's house. And for those who are not yet completely confident in their abilities, the video shows the entire construction process in great detail - from the foundation to the roof!

Almost all adults in childhood built small buildings that resembled a house. For children this is perfect place where they can play, relax and engage interesting things to do. Of course, you can make a hut from branches or a structure from cardboard, but the service life of such products is very short. Therefore, it is better to build a high-quality children’s house with your own hands for a long time than to constantly build dilapidated buildings.

A little about the wooden house

For building a house for children with their own hands they often choose wood materials. From an environmental point of view, it is safe. Although the material, unlike stone, is characterized by less durability, a wooden house will last at least several years, and if you use a special impregnation, the service life will increase significantly. Preference is given coniferous species trees. They're not just environmentally friendly, but also have a positive effect on health. A house for a child is necessary because in such a place he can develop and feel independent.

The main task of parents is to make a children's house with their own hands without a lot of money, safe and aesthetically pleasing, so that it fits into the interior summer cottage. In addition, the building can be used as a warehouse and equipment can be stored there, however, if the dimensions of the house allow this, and the garden supplies will not destroy the building.

Initially, you should think over a work plan and make a drawing. You need to know in advance what style and size the house will have and choose the material for construction. To draw up a plan, you must adhere to the following points:

  • decide on the type of building - closed or open type;
  • select a zone for construction country yard- will the building be on a tree or on the ground;
  • choose a material that won’t hurt your pocket, but it’s also important not to go cheap;
  • will there be doors and windows, and what material will they be made of;
  • will other objects be built that will be attached to the main house, for example: stairs, fencing, slide and sandbox;
  • which roof covering applied to the roof;
  • choose the paint colors in which the building will be painted;
  • decide on the interior decoration.

There are many options on how to build a mini country house with your own hands. Mostly parents prefer the following ideas:

  • forest hut on a tree;
  • nomadic yurt;
  • Hobbit House;
  • Indian wigwam;
  • house in the shape of a pirate frigate;
  • Robinson's hut;
  • antique mini castle.

In fact, you can come up with a huge variety of ideas. But if family budget does not allow such a dream to come true, then as budget option a house made of fabric or a hut made of branches is selected.

Small country house with your own hands can be made with a tent or hip roof, have more than 3 windows, a second floor equipped with a balcony and a porch. But according to the standard, the plan looks like this:

After creating a working plan and choosing a building style, it is recommended to make a drawing and sketch (sketch of the house). If you don’t want to do such work, then ready-made drawings can be found on the Internet.

After planning and creating drawings with estimates, you should purchase materials and tools for the job. So, what supplies will you need to build a mini house:

Step-by-step construction of a mini-cottage

So, the work plan has been thought out, materials and tools have been purchased, a drawing has been drawn up, a site for construction has been selected, which means we should get to work. Typically, professionals build such mini buildings in a few days. If you have no experience in such matters, then you should not rush and speed up the work. It is important to make the house not only reliable and durable, but also smooth and beautiful.

You must understand that this is not a large-sized cottage of 150 square meters. m., but a small children's building that does not require a reinforced foundation. It is enough to dig a 60 cm deep ditch along the perimeter of the future building and lay a foundation of brick or cinder block. It is also allowed to use wooden supports, but they will rot quickly. Therefore, a stone base is the ideal solution.

However, if for some reason it is difficult to purchase a cinder block or brick, then it is recommended to use rubble or wild stone. The material can be found anywhere. But in this case it will be necessary concrete mortar and pouring the foundation. However, it is cheaper.

Installed on top of the base wooden frame from beams. The structure is secured to the foundation using anchors. It is important to first lay a layer of roofing felt under the wooden frame - this prevents moisture from getting on the tree.

Construction of a wooden frame

The frame is assembled from beams, which are attached to the frame on the foundation. Put 4 vertical racks and are fixed with metal corners with holes for self-tapping screws. 4 bars are mounted on top of the supports. The design will be in the form of a box. In the window and door openings, two beams are placed in a vertical position. Jumpers are installed between them.

To make the frame rigid, beams are installed diagonally on all sides of the future house. From corner to corner. The beams are secured by metal plates or corners, which are screwed with self-tapping screws. The frame is sheathed either with MDF sheets or boards. Only window and door openings are left.

Floor installation

The floor is installed according to standard scheme- on the lags. Logs are attached to the timber frame with a certain pitch, for example, 40 cm. Boards or plywood sheets are mounted on top of the frame. The flooring is secured with self-tapping screws.

After the work has been done it is necessary sand the floor. It’s better to do it right away than to breathe wood dust in a cramped room. Coarse-grained and fine-grained are used sandpaper. It is not recommended to sand the floor surface without a respirator.

Making a roof begins with a frame. The bars are taken and installed in triangular shape. The rafters are laid on top ridge beam, which will connect the entire structure. For additional rigidity, jumpers are installed. Here, metal corners and plates are also used to strengthen the structure. It is recommended to make the frame to the point where it becomes motionless when trying to stagger.

So, the roof skeleton is ready. Now we need to build the gables using boards or MDF sheets. Next the sides of the roof are sheathed. Next, it is installed on the roof surface waterproofing film. Then mounted metal tiles or ondulin. It is important that the roof slopes protrude beyond the walls by 15 cm.

Then the fillies are made and screwed to the rafters. Next, boards are screwed onto the frame to form a box. The structure is then covered with siding.

The building should reflect the real house as much as possible, so it is necessary to make a minimum of furniture. The first step is to impregnate the wood. by special means from rotting and bugs. After which the inside of the room should be varnished.

After processing, it is necessary to build furniture, for example: a chair, table, bed, etc. Only the furniture must be of minimal size to fit the mini house. Instead of making mini furniture, you can buy the same one, only plastic. It is enough to go to a children's goods store and find the accessories you are interested in.

Manufacturing of windows and doors

In this final step, the windows and doors are installed. To make doors, you should draw a sheet of MDF along the right size and saw off the product electric jigsaw. A handle is attached to the door, installed in the opening and fixed evenly using wedges. Next they attach door hinges. After which the latch is installed.

Windows are installed using a slightly different technology. Two openings are equipped with cross-shaped lintels. You can also install glass there, but it is not recommended, since it is a breakable material that can harm a child. It is preferable to use polycarbonate. This material is mainly used for greenhouses. It is durable and flexible. It also transmits light. Pieces are cut to the size of the opening and screwed with self-tapping screws.

There are some nuances that need to be taken into account. They affect the safety of the child in the house. To keep the premises safe, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The site for the construction of a mini-house should not be embossed or contain driftwood or similar objects that can cause injury. If a tree is chosen for a house, it must be reliable and strong.
  2. After processing the wood, an inspection is carried out to identify defects. Because it is necessary to prevent the entry of splinters.
  3. The screws are screwed tightly so that the caps do not peek out, otherwise you can get hurt by them.
  4. By attempting to shake the structure, its strength is tested. If it wobbles, then additional reinforcement of the structure should be done, otherwise destruction from the wind or for another reason may occur.
  5. Sharp corners metal tiles should be hidden, as the child may cut himself.

Mini cottage on a tree

This construction option is more complex than a regular house on the ground. In this case, the object is placed on a tree, or more precisely, on a branch. Otherwise, the technology is almost identical to the first option. The construction of a mini cottage on a tree consists of step-by-step actions:

  1. For such purposes, hardwood trees are selected. But soft species, for example, walnut, are not suitable because they do not have a dense enough structure. Therefore, there is a risk of branch fracture. They also choose not old trees that have dried up or are about to dry out. They begin to rot, turning into dust. This is dangerous, because the tree can fall at any moment.
  2. This step involves working out the idea for the house, and then creating a plan and drawing.
  3. It is not advisable to install a building on a tree. It's easier to make the structure on the ground. The remaining fastening work is carried out on wood. The platform on which the mini-house for children will stand should be strengthened as much as possible. Each tree has its own individual shape, so supports and other reinforcing structures are made according to circumstances.
  4. At this step, the ladder is installed. The structure is also assembled on the ground and then attached to a tree trunk. Be sure to tie a rope next to the stairs to ensure a safe descent.

True, it is safer to choose the option where the house is on the ground. After all, children risk falling from a height of 3 meters, which can result in serious injury. However, as you can see, building a house for children out of wood with your own hands is very simple.