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» External door GOST 24698 81. External wooden doors for residential and. Examples of installation of protective fences

External door GOST 24698 81. External wooden doors for residential and. Examples of installation of protective fences

When building their own home, every owner wants it to be reliable, cozy and at the same time inexpensive. Today there are many ways to construct residential buildings, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Metal frame houses are also offered on the market, and some choose this type of building. But what advantages does it have, what is it worth thinking about before deciding to purchase it, and how do the owners of such mansions respond?

What does the term “frame house” mean?

The frame structure has several layers, like a pie. Externally, a building may look different. It is sheathed with siding, clapboard or other materials that can withstand bad weather and temperature changes. But the main thing in such a structure is the house, which is made of durable materials between the internal and external cladding Insulation must be installed, so such buildings are used as shops, bathhouses, summer cottages and, of course, for housing.

House project: price and design

Even before construction begins, it is important to decide on the project. There are two options here: you can order an individual drawing for your future home, or you can choose a ready-made one from the catalog. The second option will cost much less, since you will not have to pay for the work of engineers. In addition, the construction itself will begin faster, because you will not have to wait until your personal project for the house is completed and adjusted. Price for finished drawing depends on the size of the structure and its complexity. For example, a project for a small cottage with two floors will cost approximately 1,000 euros.

Assembly of the structure

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that it is very difficult to build a house from a metal frame with your own hands. This is impossible without skills and experience. Since the entire structure is quite thin-walled, it requires reliable fastening of everything. The cladding can be securely fixed. Also, the profile is the basis of the walls in the building itself, and it is necessary for installing windows and doors. It can also be noted here that the cost of the metal frame together with fasteners is approximately 160 thousand Russian rubles per set. After installing the frame, the façade is sheathed using corrugated sheets. To save comfortable temperature In a building, insulation is laid layer upon layer on the walls and ceilings. This design necessarily contains waterproofing elements. From above, this building is closed with external panels.

Advantages of metal frame structures

Of course, such houses have many advantages. These include:

  • fast frame, as well as the entire building. From the moment of ordering until it is put into operation, only a couple of months pass;
  • appearance the buildings are decent and modern;
  • a house can be erected by a team of four people, and this saves money on attracting labor;
  • it is very easy to perform thanks to the smooth and well-thought-out frame of the entire building;
  • the lightness of the structure means that there is no need to prepare a strong foundation, and shrinkage will be insignificant;
  • this building is economical to operate because it is easy to heat;
  • metal frame houses are durable;
  • Usually, environmentally friendly construction and finishing materials are used in the work, so the building does not “emit” harmful chemicals;
  • such a building can withstand seismically unstable zones. Due to the “elasticity” of the frame, the house can withstand shocks of up to 9 points;
  • according to rough estimates, the building can stand for more than a hundred years;
  • this construction method allows you to implement various design ideas;
  • houses made of metal frames are easy to repair, and a lot of money will not be spent;
  • due to good sound insulation, extraneous noise from the yard does not penetrate into the house;
  • Construction work can be carried out during the cold season.

Does this technology have any disadvantages?

It is known that every building has its own shortcomings. What might alarm a person who is thinking about such a home? Because the we're talking about about the entire system of such construction, you can pay attention to the frame material. It is made of galvanized steel, which itself has good thermal conductivity and is prone to corrosion, which is very dangerous for a thin structure. But manufacturers claim that they were able to compensate for these shortcomings with various compositions with which the metal was processed. It is also worth noting that metal frame houses must be built by professionals. If errors are made during assembly, the entire structure will soon collapse. Therefore, it is important to note that it will not be possible to save on the construction of a building by entrusting the work to amateurs.

The welded frame of a metal building is a durable and strong internal skeleton of the structure. The advantages of such frame structures made of metal - lightness, strength, relative simplicity, high production and installation rates, mobility and independence from the access road to the installation site, ease of integration into any space. The metal frame of the building is perfectly compatible with the simplest block and pile foundation, and is also easy to complete, configure and rebuild. Material metal frame buildings - profile pipe, less commonly used angle and channel.

The metal frame of the building includes the lower frame, top harness and the racks between them. It is very easy to provide doors, openings, windows and metal sheathing roofs and floors. A frame building made of metal can be sheathed with corrugated sheets, wood, or sandwich panels. The metal frame is very easy and convenient to sheathe and insulate. Metal frame for a building

Advantages of metal frame buildings:

  • Buildings erected using metal frame technology are characterized by low cost (if compared with buildings constructed using traditional technology). The cost of the structure mainly depends on the materials used. The cheapest houses today are on wooden frames. The cost of houses with a frame made of profile pipe much more, and their price is directly proportional to the cross-section of the pipe. After all, for example, bending a profile pipe is a rather labor-intensive operation and is not cheap.
  • High speed of construction of metal frame buildings. Using a profile for the frame as the main material can reduce the construction time of a building several times.
  • The absence of so-called “wet” processes in the technology of constructing residential buildings using a frame (except for laying the foundation). This allows installation of frame buildings at any time of the year and regardless of weather conditions.
  • Making metal structures with your own hands ensures the absence of any shrinkage - not only during construction, but also during operation of the structure.

Construction of a house with a frame made of profile pipes

When creating a house from metal structures using your own hands, the most optimal solution would be to use a frame made of a profile pipe. Despite its apparent simplicity, such a frame will have enough complex design. It is necessary to have a foundation that will be lighter than with normal construction. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that without a foundation, structures can be created that will later move from one place to another, for example, greenhouses or greenhouses.

In this case, appropriate adjustments should be made to the calculation of the profile pipe. Typically, profile pipes are used for the frame of a residential building. square section size 60x60 or 100x100 mm. You can determine the pipe size more accurately by knowing the dimensions of your house and using a profile pipe calculator. , performed outside production premises, must be carried out in compliance with all necessary safety requirements.

We manufacture frame elements from profile pipes as follows:

  1. We take the pipes and, if necessary, cut off the part from them that is needed for installation of the structure.
  2. We bend the pipes if they need to be given an arched shape, having previously calculated the radius of curvature. This operation can be done using special toolmanual pipe bender, or contact a specialized workshop where the pipes can be bent on a pipe bending machine.
  3. We weld the resulting frame elements according to the requirements of the drawing for the metal structure.

For interior decoration the most optimal solution would be to use tongue-and-groove boards from coniferous species wood having a width of 40-60 mm. The board must be treated with antiseptics and antipyretics (substances that reduce the flammability of wood). For the subfloor, you can use a board laid on top of logs from the same profile pipe. Any profile covering can be laid on top of the subfloor. Extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 60-100 mm is a good choice as insulation. And the frame racks made of profile pipes can be additionally thermally insulated with strips of foam insulation.

For exterior finishing you can use siding or facade plaster, and if finances allow, then natural wood. Proper processing metal pipes allows you to make a roof from them not only as separate design, but also how frame element. The calculation of a profile pipe for the manufacture of roof rafters is carried out taking into account the planned roofing: a lightweight roof with a large angle allows the use of thinner pipes.

Construction of a metal frame for the construction of a garage

When creating metal structures using your own hands, you need to take into account that this structure must be very rigid, durable and stable. The material for the frame can be a large section corner. It is better to fasten the frame elements by welding, but you can also use a nut-and-bolt connection by drilling holes for fasteners with a hammer drill.

The assembly of the metal frame must be carried out on the construction site. First, the lower frame is mounted, which is attached at the corners to the pins protruding from the foundation - this ensures its immobility. Then corner posts are installed, connected at the top by ceiling purlins.

Vertical posts are installed along the back and side walls of the metal structure made by hand, which will ensure the rigidity of the structure and will serve as lathing for installing wall cladding. There should be a distance between the racks equal to the width of the sheathing sheet, or be slightly less by 3-5 cm if installation with overlap is provided.

Reliable metal frame houses 29.07.2016 12:55

About construction frame houses was still known in the 17th century, with the aim of solving the problem of constructing high-quality and inexpensive housing. This technology is economical, simple and, moreover, in demand. Traditional material for most frame low-rise buildings is a tree. An alternative to it in the building materials market is steel steel light thin-walled structures.

Installation of metal frame

There are many known ways to build metal frame houses. One of them involves the use of a galvanized steel frame. Such structures are strong and durable. There are several ways to assemble this frame: its elements are connected to each other using welding or self-tapping screws. The frame for a house is installed on an existing foundation in about three weeks. Tools you will need: a screwdriver and a cutting machine. If there is no light at the construction site, cordless tools are used to install the metal frame.

Advantages of a steel frame over a wood frame

There is no shrinkage, houses made of metal frames do not rot, the building assembly time is very short. That's why this method construction is now the most relevant and popular. In addition, it is completely impossible to notice that the house is built on a metal frame, because this is not visible (both inside and outside). Sandwich panels close up frame structure, and when finishing the room, gypsum boards or other materials are used. Communications are hidden inside the frame.

Frame-panel buildings are built using a special profile that can resist low and high temperatures. Consequently, walls made from it also have this property. Houses built using this technology are always dry and warm.

Currently, thermal profiles are effectively and widely used in small-scale construction, significantly reducing the cost of wall insulation. There are special slots on it, which, creating air gap, leave warmth inside the house. And the design of the thermal profile itself has low thermal conductivity.

IN modern construction for a long time metal structures were used for the construction non-residential premises. In the process of improving technology, metal frame house projects, which have low thermal conductivity, high reliability and low cost. These technologies, keeping up with the times, make it possible to build high-quality housing in the shortest possible time.

Metal frame house and its advantages

For a project to be in demand, it must satisfy the basic requirements of consumers. Such houses have a lot of advantages and positive characteristics.

Main advantages:

  • the DomaSV company guarantees the rapid construction of the frame and the entire house (on average 2 months);
  • attractive appearance;
  • By contacting our company, you can order construction of metal frame houses, it is carried out with the involvement of a minimum workforce, due to this there is a cost saving;
  • ease of implementation finishing works;
  • does not require the construction of a massive foundation;
  • heating does not require a lot of money, savings in operation are obvious;
  • strength and durability of the structure (preliminary data indicate a hundred-year service life);
  • use of environmentally friendly finishing materials during installation;
  • withstands seismic activity up to 9 points, the ability to withstand in such zones is due to the elastic frame;
  • the opportunity to bring to life the most sophisticated design solutions brick houses;
  • ease of repair: simple and inexpensive;
  • high noise insulation and low thermal conductivity;
  • construction works are held regardless of the season.

Turnkey metal frame house from the DomaSV company - comfortable, warm and high-quality housing. Everyone who has come across such a design is satisfied, because it is not only a cozy nest, but also very profitable project With economic point vision. You can also check out