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» Two-story bathhouse: choosing projects for construction with your own hands. Projects of two-story baths: convenience and comfort Small two-story bath

Two-story bathhouse: choosing projects for construction with your own hands. Projects of two-story baths: convenience and comfort Small two-story bath

If you live in Moscow, you have definitely thought more than once about spending your free time in nature. But sometimes the construction of a steam room and country cottage separately it turns out to be too expensive.

At the Tsar Bath company you can order an exclusive bathhouse project that combines a room for thermal procedures and a relaxation room. This will allow you to save money on arranging a cozy country house and at the same time invest it in healthy image life.

Two-story wooden baths: national holiday traditions in a new way

If it seems to you that a log bathhouse usually looks standard, we will change your idea of ​​this building. As soon as you contact our company, your dream will become real elite bath will become reality.

If you are interested in two-story bathhouse projects, you will certainly appreciate the benefits of cooperation with us:

  1. Each of our projects is unique. Our specialists will ask the client in detail about all his wishes and, based on many years of experience, will develop a sketch of a bathhouse with original design, which will comply with the most stringent building regulations.
  2. In our two-story bathhouse projects, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, so you will truly enjoy a weekend spent in your own steam room.
  3. We will definitely pick you up suitable option for any customer, regardless of his financial capabilities, since your comfort is important to us. You can choose a bathhouse not only with a toilet, shower, swimming pool, terrace or barbecue, but also become the proud owner of a building with an attic or balcony.
  4. A favorable price for high quality is what will dispel your doubts when choosing construction company. After all, these are the factors that most concern most customers. By contacting our company you can evaluate the quality of our buildings, we will show you the completed project that you want to order. If you want to make changes to the finished project, we will be happy to fulfill your wishes. At the same time, the price for the future building will not change.

Secrets of building two-story baths: what you should know

Any two-story turnkey bathhouse has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when practically implementing the project. In the case of two-story buildings, this is especially important, since its repair will be quite expensive. For us, building two-story baths is not at all difficult thanks to our extensive experience in this field.

Among the advantages of working with us, we highlight the following:

  1. We carefully calculate all the risks when constructing two-story baths, in particular, the load on the foundation and the strength of the beams.
  2. At your request, it can be a bathhouse made of logs or profiled timber. Our company works only with materials High Quality, so the final choice is up to you.
  3. When building two-story baths, we clearly indicate the period after which you will be able to steam in your own steam room.

Our company cares about the reliability of its reputation. Therefore, feel free to order a two-story bathhouse of excellent quality from us. A turnkey two-story bath house from the manufacturer is a rational choice at the best price.

Functionality, practicality and comfort are the common features of all two-story bathhouse projects. More and more often suburban areas in Moscow and the Moscow region, not just bathhouses are being built with the obligatory presence of a steam room, washing room and dressing room, but real full-fledged houses: stylish, presentable, decorating any landscape.

A building made of rounded logs - ideally even, smooth, pleasant to the touch - costs like a toy, like fairytale house. Open the door and you will find yourself in a cozy living room, where a hot fire is burning in the fireplace, and hot tea is waiting for guests on the table. Do you appreciate the natural beauty and texture of wood? Pay attention to the photos of log bathhouse projects manual cutting, where each log is selected individually and without haste, very carefully, processed by the hands of experienced craftsmen.

Do not like log walls? Consider such an affordable option as a two-story bathhouse made of timber with monolithic, windproof walls. This is an example of reliability, strength and longevity. Buy such a sauna, and your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will take a steam bath in it.

Two-story baths - beautiful, inexpensive, profitable

What are the advantages of building a two-story turnkey bathhouse?

  • Availability additional area On the second floor. Attic rooms You can arrange it however you like: equip a recreation room, a billiard room or an office.
  • Space saving, since construction will move “up” and not “spread” across the entire site. Such a bathhouse can be built on a small plot.
  • Possibility to build two-storey house with a bathhouse at the same time, investing a much smaller amount in construction.
  • Economical operation, due to the heating of the first floor, the attic, where the chimney is located, is perfectly heated.

You can live in the finished two-story bath house or set up a guest house. In any case, its construction is beneficial both from a material and aesthetic point of view. With a minimum of occupied space, it is possible to compactly arrange a maximum of rooms for various purposes, starting from the billiard room and ending with the workshop. Having decided on the necessary functionality of the rooms, you can choose the appropriate layout option. By the way, often projects two-story houses with a bathhouse are complemented by a warm swimming pool equipped inside. A terrace, gazebo or veranda expands the functionality of the bath house.

When choosing a project, a number of factors are taken into account, including:

  • type of soil on the site, terrain features - the type of foundation depends on this
  • number and location of existing buildings
  • required functionality and area of ​​premises
  • the number of people who will use the bath complex at the same time.

Construction of two-story baths

Two-story wooden baths built from logs, profiled or laminated timber - it all depends on the aesthetic preferences and financial capabilities of the customer. The price of construction largely depends on the material from which the log house will be assembled.

In any case, its consumer characteristics will be very high. Wood, regardless of how it is processed, retains heat perfectly, demonstrates resistance to temperature and humidity changes, and lasts a long time.

There are, of course, some differences. So, bathhouses made of timber are built faster and easier than bathhouses made of logs. Also, their construction is cheaper, since the technology for manufacturing the material is not expensive or complex. They also have their fans log buildings- good-quality, cozy, originally Russian. It is easy to breathe in such a bath both in winter and in summer, since its walls “breathe”, being natural conditioner. Rounded logs with profile, neat and precise locking connections allow the construction of perfectly smooth, strong walls with high thermal insulation properties. Another plus is that you don’t have to think about finishing.

Bathhouses with an attic or insulated attic have their advantages. Many developers prefer just such projects because:

  • the construction of an attic costs about 30% less than a full second floor
  • broken roof, the windows in it, the staircase make the design attic space more original
  • Operation of the attic is more profitable provided there is high-quality vapor and waterproofing and insulation.

The countless benefits that come with using saunas make them popular among homeowners who want to enjoy relaxing, healing, and revitalizing effects in their yard. Considering that the models available on the market can cost several thousand dollars, it would be a good idea to build one yourself with less investment.

Everyone can independently satisfy their requirements to create a unique and beautiful bathhouse on two floors. Therefore, it is important to know which beautiful projects two-story bathhouses exist.


There is a huge range of two-story baths that you can build yourself. Some people love the idea of ​​creating their own sauna entirely from scratch using someone else's designs, and it's a truly unique experience that means the sauna design can be customized.

When starting construction, it is necessary to carefully consider the projects, then make the right choice.

The two-story bathhouse occupies less space on the site, it is functional and accommodates more rooms than a one-story one.

With such a bathhouse you won’t have to spend a lot of money on heating the second floor - hot air rises from the steam room and heats the rooms. It is impossible not to note the presentable appearance of such a bathhouse.

You can install a small pool inside, just find a place for it.

Numerous projects of a two-story bathhouse require the presence of a full-fledged communication system. That is, you can live in it like in a house, if only for a short time, including in winter.


External sauna

Traditionally, the bathhouse was a separate outbuilding outside the house, so there are many designs for bathhouses separate from the living space. An external sauna may end up costing a little more due to the protection from atmospheric influences and possibly water and power wiring.

On the other hand, an outdoor sauna easily allows you to install a wood stove for a traditional sauna.

Indoor sauna

A sauna can easily be located in a basement or attic. However, if you build an indoor sauna next to the bathtub, you can use the bathroom shower as a convenient changing room.

Two-story baths can vary in size from 3 x 4, 4 x 4, 6 x 4 m for one person to 10 x 14 m or more for 8 people. Most home saunas are 6 by 9 m with a ceiling of 7 by 8 m.

To choose the most suitable design for a two-story bathhouse, you need to determine additional functions, which the sauna will perform.

In addition, the following information must be taken into account:

  • the maximum number of people who will be in the bathhouse at the same time, and the planned size of the premises;
  • type of soil and terrain of the site (the type of foundation built will depend on these data);
  • the number of buildings on the site, as well as their placement;
  • the need to build a balcony, terrace or veranda.

Depending on how many people will visit the bathhouse, you need to determine its size. For a family of 4-5 people, a small two-story building will be enough.

If you do not plan to equip a full second floor with several rooms, you can choose a bathhouse with an attic, the design of which will allow you to double usable area with minimal costs.

For periodic relaxation of company guests, or if you need to live in the house for more than a day, you need to plan the construction of a more spacious sauna with several rooms on the second floor, where you can equip a relaxation room, a bedroom, a gym with exercise equipment, a pool table or table tennis.

The location of a mini-SPA bath salon on the second floor is considered increasingly popular - for this you will need to decorate the interior in a style suitable for complete relaxation. In such a corner, which perfectly complements the steam room and washing, you can equip the entire relaxation complex, create a massage table or vibrating massagers for relaxation.


For indoor sauna you can make the same floor as in the bathroom. If the bathhouse is in the open air, then it will be necessary to lay the proper concrete foundation. Steel frame walls can be built from wood. Sauna walls are usually made of spruce, aspen, alder, beech or cedar.

Foam blocks

The most popular is a two-story bathhouse made of foam blocks. It is somewhat inferior in environmental requirements to wooden log houses.

However, it has a number of advantages:

  • easy to install;
  • is light in weight;
  • not afraid of fire;
  • interior decoration is lighter than in buildings made of brick or concrete.

Log sauna

This is an old Russian type of bathhouse with many advantages: warmth, dryness, interesting appearance. The logs are, of course, round, it is important to make a real bathhouse, beautiful, durable, with tightly packed logs, carefully treated with antiseptic compounds against fungus and rot.

This material is suitable for a bathhouse with a veranda on the first floor.

When choosing logs Special attention should be given to the fibers in the wood - they should be straight, not curved, otherwise the log may crack during shrinkage or will crack after shrinking.


There are three types of timber:

  • Simple. One of the most inexpensive, with a not very good appearance, and therefore it is used in cases where the building is planned to be covered inside and outside with another cladding (for example, siding). As a rule, such baths are built if there is already a house on the site, and it is necessary to “adjust” architectural view baths with the main building.
  • Profiled. It can be simple or glued - the difference between this type is the shape cross section and connection features: manufacturers leave grooves and spikes on the working surfaces of the profiled beam (based on the principle of tight locking joints). A special feature of this type of beam is that there is no need for additional joint sealing or gaskets.
  • Glued. Its cost is slightly higher than usual - along with this, the glued version has certain advantages: high speed of installation, a “ready-made” appearance of the bathhouse that does not require additional finishing, pre-impregnation with antiseptic compounds, fire resistance and resistance to precipitation.

The most “convenient” to work with is glued timber - it meets modern safety requirements, is fire-resistant, moisture-resistant, and is not afraid of large temperature fluctuations and insect pests.


The design of the bath depends on the type of sauna, namely: traditional or infrared. The choice depends on the tolerance to hot air and the therapeutic effects the owner is looking for.

A traditional sauna operates using a wood-burning heater that heats and transfers heat into the air, thereby raising the temperature inside. Traditional units limit their therapeutic effect by relaxing your body and causing it to sweat to rid itself of toxins.

The infrared sauna is based on infrared heaters, made of ceramics or metal on infrared lamps, which create infrared radiation similar to solar heat. Unlike the traditional one, which creates hot air, it creates heat that is directly absorbed by the body without raising the air temperature too much. These units include wide range benefits such as better blood circulation, a stronger immune system, a healthier heart and more beautiful skin.

While traditional saunas use a large number of heat and steam to create an appropriate environment inside, modern saunas, as a rule, prefer an infrared heating system.

They are easy to use because they operate at lower temperatures and are dry saunas, so they do not have the bacteria and maintenance problems associated with using water and steam.

Baths with terrace

As a rule, this is a continuation of a room measuring 3x4 m, which opens to the open air. Similar projects are preferred large families in order to get together in the evenings to discuss the events of the past day with a cup of tea or coffee. In addition, terraces save several additional square meters land that will be occupied by a separate gazebo.

The only drawback of the broken terrace adjacent to the bathroom is the impossibility of equipping a barbecue area. There should be two entrances to the terrace(especially on the terraces of the first floor of the building) - from the street and through the bathhouse, where the base of the column (or pillar) should serve as the basis for the terrace. There are projects of two-story baths with terraces that have sliding walls and fences. The highlight of this design is that in the summer one wall of the terrace can be removed, pushing it towards the “sliding” gate. The owners receive full closed veranda, which can be opened if desired.

A bathhouse is always good, especially for owners of country real estate and land plots. One-story buildings are a thing of the recent past among those who have more financial resources, and among middle-income citizens as well.

After all, today the market building material and ready-made projects are so diverse that you can, without any problems, choose any design you like for a 2-story bathhouse at a low cost.

In such bath complexes there are much more possibilities than in one-story compact buildings. On the ground floor you can place a standard bathhouse, and use the second floor at your discretion - from a living space to a sauna and a swimming pool. Who likes what.

Advantages of a bath complex on 2 floors

Let's look at the question of why 2-story bathhouse projects are so attractive. And there are a lot of advantages of these buildings. Let's take, for example, the question of building a residential building on an acquired plot.

Why build 2 independent buildings separately if everything can be easily connected into one? general structure? The second floor is a space with all the necessary communications, and the first floor is a bath complex. And for lovers of a hot sauna and large space The project of a 2-story bathhouse is especially suitable for receiving guests.

Some advantages of this structure

The most visible advantages include the following:

  • Compactness of premises. After all, on one site, a two-story bathhouse occupies a smaller area than a one-story building with the same total area.
  • The 2-story building itself can include not only a bathhouse, but also a sauna, swimming pool, relaxation rooms or living space.
  • The exterior decoration, and the whole appearance of such a bathhouse, looks much more solid than a one-story small bathhouse.

It is also worth noting the fact that performing this complex with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem. It is enough to draw up a plan in advance and invite designers if you yourself do not know how to design correctly. Also purchase all the material and hire a team of builders or call friends and relatives for help, but only if they are competent in the matter of construction.

In general, it is now easy to buy any ready-made project for a 2-story bathhouse, and the price for it depends on the service provider and the material of manufacture - timber, foam blocks, etc. Each of them has its own advantages, somewhere in price and somewhere in quality.

Well, of course, what remains undeniable is that the best sauna- this is a bathhouse made of timber, because wood “breathes” and gives off its own smell, as well as healing properties.

Advice: projects for 2-story bathhouses can be implemented independently, but only from the very lightweight material- foam blocks.
From timber and other building materials this action It’s better to entrust it to specialists, as you can ruin everything by deciding to save on labor.

Bathhouse - home

How to place communications in a bathhouse complex

Any engineering systems and communications in a two-story bathhouse differ significantly from an ordinary steam room, not only in their purpose, but also in complexity. There are certain instructions about where and what to lay, what to connect to what, and where everything goes out.

But for ordinary citizens this is alien and it is better to call experienced specialists who will correctly distribute and place everything in your future bath complex.

What you need to know:

  • The interfloor covering is not as dense as in an ordinary house, since the second tier is heated by steam coming from the first floor.
  • When the bathhouse is not in operation, heating radiators are installed, which makes heating the entire room much easier.
  • If in the bathhouse even in winter time If people live in those premises that are used as residential premises, then a separate boiler room is simply necessary.
  • The best option is to locate the entire bath complex on the ground floor, depending on the area with different communications - sauna, swimming pool, steam room, washing area, shower, bathroom and possibly even. On the second floor, people most often simply live, sometimes all year round.

Advice: if you like the projects of 2-story bathhouses, then it is better to opt for the option of a house with an attic or occupy the second floor as a living space.
These models are shown in the photo, and you can easily understand all the advantages of such buildings, where the bathhouse and the house create one common indivisible structure with all the amenities.

We place all the little things in the bathhouse

In your future or already built bathhouse, you can and should install a shower if there is no swimming pool. Also, don’t forget about the bathroom, even if it is on the second floor, one does not interfere with the other. If you decide to use the second floor for housing, then in any case there is a rest room on the first floor.

Some especially large buildings also have a kitchen on the ground floor, which is convenient for receiving guests without having to use your home as a service area. The photo clearly shows how space is distributed in one of the projects of 2-tier bath complexes.

Advice: how and where to put a font or install a steam room is everyone’s business, but in finished projects usually publishers immediately offer their solution to this issue, so you can listen to their opinion.
If you don’t like something, you can always adjust and redo everything in your own way during the construction process.
We advise you to immediately decide what you want to get from your bathhouse.

Bottom line

From all of the above, we can conclude that bathhouse designs for 2 floors have big advantage in front of one-story buildings. After all, not only the space occupied on the site is saved, but also the building material itself.

The most popular bathhouses today are made from laminated veneer lumber and logs, since wood is always held in high esteem. Also, do not forget that if you wish, you can do everything yourself, of course, if your level of knowledge in this field of construction is high enough. On the issue of distribution of communications and other equipment in the premises, it is still better to get the most competent advice.

In the video in this article you will see a lot of interesting things about the construction and arrangement of two-story baths, and maybe this will give you food for thought. Happy building.

A two-story bathhouse can be used not only for its intended purpose. Often billiard lounges, studios and even bedrooms are installed on the second tiers. In any case, if you have planned such a construction project, each square will be used for its intended purpose. The photos below will be discussed various projects.

The layout of the first floor is done without infringing on any premises. All rooms are spacious and comfortable.

The second floor is a little smaller, but there is enough space to arrange two living rooms.

The layout of the first floor includes a well-thought-out spacious recreation room, steam room and shower room.

The space on the second floor is quite sufficient for additional premises.

On the ground floor there is enough space even for arranging a swimming pool, and on the second there are two cozy bedrooms and exit to the terrace.

A large terrace on the ground floor allows you to create functional area recreation. Inside there is a spacious hall and compact rooms for bath procedures.

The second floor is designed as living rooms with a separate bathroom.

A full-fledged residential complex with bath rooms on the first floor and living rooms on the second floor.

On the ground floor there is a terrace, inside at the entrance there is a large relaxation room, a steam room and a washing room with a small plunge pool.

The second floor is designed as a large studio with a billiard table and lounge furniture.

Spacious bathhouse on two floors with a terrace.

A large room rest at the entrance. By right hand shower room through which you can go to the steam room. The entrance to the boiler room is on the other side of the building. Separately, it should be noted that there is a storage room.

On the second floor there is a spacious hall, on both sides of which there are two large bedrooms.

The convenient layout of the room allows you not only to take a steam bath, but also to simply relax. On the ground floor there is a recreation room combined with a kitchen. On the second floor there is a spacious attic with access to a balcony.