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» Double-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler baxi. The use of liquefied gas with a Baxi boiler Baxi gas consumption

Double-circuit wall-mounted gas boiler baxi. The use of liquefied gas with a Baxi boiler Baxi gas consumption

Gas technology has gained popularity thanks to high efficiency, which is produced during the combustion of fuel. In addition, the exhaust gases contain a minimal amount harmful substances. At the time of buying heating equipment We want to get an efficient and economical device. Therefore, it is important to calculate in advance the actual gas consumption in the boiler.

What factors affect fuel consumption?

Years of use different types fuels have proven that gas is 30% cheaper than diesel and electricity. Most users connect to a common pipeline, since when using gas in cylinders, funds are spent on delivery.

Factors that should be taken into account when choosing a heating boiler to avoid high fuel consumption:

  • Heat losses. Consumption gas boiler directly depends on heat loss through walls, windows, doors, roof. Therefore, preliminary calculations of the equipment’s power are carried out. The area of ​​the room, the quality of insulation, and the purpose of adjacent rooms are taken into account.
  • Settings system. Automatic installation includes sensors that record temperature external environment and configure the operation of the unit in optimal mode. This allows you to save on consumption.
  • Type of equipment. When using a condensing unit, gas consumption is reduced by 15–20%. Unlike the conventional convection type, the condenser contains a separate heat exchanger to direct the energy of the combustion products to heat the system. This increases the coefficient of performance (efficiency) to 100%.

The presence of one or two circuits also matters. A single-circuit device works only for heating. Whereas double-circuit - for hot water supply (DHW) and heating. Consequently, its consumption will be greater.

Units with a closed combustion chamber consume less fuel than those with an open combustion chamber. The length of the heating season also affects. After all, in winter the boiler works at maximum, while in summer it works at minimum, only for heating hot water.

Why do appliances consume a lot of gas? This is all due to poor insulation of the building and scale deposits.

The table shows an example of maximum consumption for 210 days.

Equipment power (kW) How much gas does it consume (hour/m³) Consumption for the whole season (m³)
10 1,12 5 644
12 1,6 8 064
15 1,68 8 467
20 2,6 13 104
24 3,1 15 624
30 3,9 19 656
40 5,2 26 208
50 6,5 32 760
60 7,9 39 816
100 13,1 66 024
200 26,2 132 048

Knowing how many cubes are consumed per hour, you can calculate the rate per day and per month.

How to calculate fuel consumption

To heat a private house or apartment, calculations are used that are based on two parameters: the power of the heating equipment and the area of ​​the room. An average calculation is taken - 1 kW per 10 m².

Many articles have been written on this topic, but few clarify that the kilowatt unit of measurement is thermal power, not electrical power. This misleads many users.

It would be more logical to measure work on natural gas in cubic meters (m³ per hour), and on liquefied gas in kilograms (kg/hour).

On average, 1 kilowatt of thermal power consumes 0.112 cubic meters per hour of main gas.

For example, let’s take the “” unit with a power of 17.4 kW. The passport data indicates the consumption of main fuel is 1.87 cubic meters, liquefied gas - 1.3 kg/hour. These values ​​are valid for continuous operation, but if the device is constantly running under wear and tear, then the parts will quickly fail. When choosing, add plus 20% to the indicated power.

“AOGV” in our example will be installed in a room of 140 m². Now take a look at the rates (approximately):

  • Natural fuel: 3.9 rubles per cubic meter.
  • For bottled gas, the calculation is based on the volume of the container. For 50 liters - 600 rubles. The cylinder is not completely filled with propane, approximately 80% (21 kg). This means: 600/21= 28.6 rubles. You can add shipping costs here.

The daily calculation for the main connection will be as follows: :

Day (24 hours) x 1.87 (cubic meters/hour)/2 = 22.4 cubic meters. To find out the cost: 22.4 x 3.9 (tariff) = 87.5 rubles.

Per month:

22.4 (daily consumption) x 30 (number of days) = 672 m³.

Per year (seven months - heating season):

7 x 672 (monthly norm) = 4,704 m³.

When working on propane per day :

24 (hours) x 1.3 (kg/h) /2 = 15.6 kg. To find out the minimum costs: 15.6 x 28.6 (tariff) = 446 rubles.

For a month (30 days):

15.6 (per day) x 30 = 468 kg. That means you use 22.3 propane tanks per month.

For a year (seven months):

7 x 468 (per month) = 3,276 kg or 156 cylinders.

Please remember that these calculations are for one model only. The meanings vary for each brand; you need to look them up in the documentation. See tables below:

And also for bottled gas:

Consumption is affected by the location of the device: floor or wall. Heat exchanger material, type gas burner, number of working days.

How to reduce costs

If you follow our recommendations in the domestic sphere, then you can save on using the boiler:

  • Start with choosing a technique. It is considered the most economical. It saves up to 25% fuel, and efficiency reaches 100–110%. Of course, its cost is much higher, but, according to experts, it will quickly pay for itself. Pay attention to consumer reviews when purchasing. uses 20–25% more thermal energy. Therefore, if the room only needs heating, give preference to a single-circuit installation.
  • Take care of wall insulation, install plastic double glazed windows. Heat loss through the roof can be easily determined by the build-up of icicles. The more heat goes away, the more icicles there are. In this case, cover the roof and use special materials for insulation.
  • Choose modern automatic equipment. It’s not for nothing that manufacturers install sensors, thermostats and regulators. This system works as a single organism, automatically regulating and adjusting the operation of the equipment to the conditions in the room. Timers and special modes allow you to maintain minimum values ​​during vacation or weekend. You can also select the “Winter - Summer” mode.
  • Carry out routine maintenance once a year. Be sure to call a specialist for technical inspection. Clean parts from blockages. Scale accumulations on the heat exchanger contribute to increased thermal energy use. Remove soot and soot from burner nozzles and clean the chimney in a timely manner.
  • Install the heat accumulator (TA). This buffer container accumulates coolant and retains heat for a long time (similar to a thermos). Even when the boiler is turned off, the TA will supply liquid to the radiators. Using such a buffer allows you to save 20–30% of fuel.
  • Don't choose maximum temperature. Set comfortable indicators, because against the backdrop of average monthly consumption, even 1–2 degrees matter.

This is how the cost of heating a living space is calculated. If you are not sure of the accuracy of the calculations, contact a specialist. He will take into account all the nuances and help you with the selection of economical equipment.

Gas wall-mounted boiler Baxi Eco Four 24 of the fourth generation. The model is characterized by ease of installation, simple maintenance and versatility of operation. The use of modern technological innovations makes use comfortable and safe: a wide liquid crystal display constantly displays in real time Current state boiler, maintains automatically set parameters, performs an emergency shutdown in the event of a drop in water pressure or gas pressure.

Description of the gas wall-mounted boiler Baxi Eco Four 24

  • Baxi Eco Four 24 is a high-power 2400 W double-circuit turbo boiler.
  • A modified copy of the ECO-3 Compact series of compact units, well known to users.

  • The model has been improved without increasing the compact design, the dimensions are kept within 730 x 400 x 299 mm.
  • Closed combustion chamber.
  • The brass hydraulic group increases the cost of the unit, but extends the service life by 100% compared to conventional metal water supplies.
  • Push-button control and control. The buttons are located on the front panel.
  • LCD screen for information about the operating status of the column. Highlighting and tabulation are clear and easy to read. Serves to provide information in real time and to set the mode.
  • A boiler with a turbo system is easy to operate and easy to maintain.

Technical parameters of Baxi Eco Four 24

  • The maximum useful thermal power is 2400W.
  • The minimum value of useful thermal power is 9300 W.
  • Maximum power consumption 2580 W.
  • Minimum power consumption 1060 W.
  • Type of energy carrier used: natural or liquefied gas.

  • Maximum flow natural gas 2730 l/h.
  • Maximum liquefied gas consumption 2000 l/h.
  • Maximum efficiency of 92.9%.
  • Working at a third of the force gives power with an efficiency of 90.4%.
  • The filling pressure of the expansion tank is from 6 to 8 l/bar.
  • The heating temperature range in the circuit is from 35 to 60 C.
  • Productivity for hot water at a temperature of 25 C is 13.7 l/min.
  • Productivity for hot water at a temperature of 35 C is 9.4 l/min.
  • Minimum water supply to the DHW circuit is 2 l/min.
  • Pressure in the DHW circuit max|min 8|0/15 bar.
  • Smoke exhaust pipes: diameter of coaxial 6-10 cm, separate 8 cm.
  • Maximum total length of outlet pipes: coaxial 500 cm, separate 3000 cm.
  • Recommended natural gas pressure is 13-20 Mbar.
  • Power supply 130 W, 230 V.
  • Electrical protection class IPX5D.
  • Overall dimensions 40 x 73 x 29.9 cm.
  • Weight 36 kg.

Description of the gas system of the Baxi Eco Four 24 turbo boiler

  • Highly efficient performance on both natural and liquefied gas.
  • Constant, uninterrupted electronic flame support in hot water supply and heating modes.
  • Ignition is smooth, electronic.
  • The boiler has been adapted to work in local regions. Gives stable performance when pressure drops to 5 Mbar.
  • Burner divider made of stainless steel.
  • The air flow supply and regulation system is patented.

Description and characteristics of the Baxi Eco Four 24 hydraulic system

  • Control of hot water consumption with a separate water meter.
  • The copper heat exchanger for the primary stage is additionally protected against corrosion.
  • The circulation pump is energy-saving, with built-in automation on the air vent.
  • The plate heat exchanger for the secondary stage is made of stainless metal alloys.
  • Valve made of brass, three-way, with electric servo drive.
  • Pressure gauge with a convenient scale and graduation.
  • Baylas automatic.
  • Post-circulation pump.
  • Login filter cold water. Cleans from large particles up to 5 microns.
  • The automatic system tests the dispenser for anti-blocking of the pump and three-way valve after 24 hours.
  • It is possible to reconnect to solar collectors.

Features of temperature control of the Baxi Eco Four 24 boiler

  • Digital temperature display.
  • There is a function for connecting a programmable timer and thermostat for internal use.
  • Automation taking into account weather conditions outside. It is possible to connect a sensor to display information about the temperature outside.
  • Adjustment and auto support temperature regime in the DHW heating circuit.
  • Dual-range temperature control heating system from 35 C to 85 C. It is possible to use the column for underfloor heating systems from 30 C to 45 C.

Maintaining control and ensuring safety when using Baxi Eco Four 24

  • Liquid crystal display with push-button control.
  • Self-diagnosis of the system is electronic.
  • If the user wishes, the installation blocking signal is output to the control panel.
  • Control of combustion and flame composition using an ionization system.
  • Primary heat exchanger with a protective thermostat against overheating and boiling of water in the system.
  • A special pneumatic relay-type control sensor for the removal of combustion products.
  • Insufficient water pressure causes the pressure switch to trip.

Baxi ECO Four 24 F is a wall-mounted gas boiler of the fourth modification, which has gained wide popularity among consumers for its compact size. Despite its modest dimensions, the Baxi ECO Four 24 F will be able to heat a living space up to 240 m2 and ensure the operation of the hot water supply system.

A closed combustion chamber and two heat exchangers separated from each other are responsible for performing these tasks. Small sizes and wall mounting, allow the boiler to find its place even in a limited area of ​​living space.Besides everything, free place under the unit can be rationally directed to satisfy domestic goals.

The design of Baxi ECO Four 24 F is intended as a heating device for a private house or apartment. In addition, when connecting the DHW circuit, the boiler supplies residents hot water with a temperature control range of 35-60°C. and flow rate through the apparatus at a rate of 13.7 l/min.

A wide range of functions is responsible for visualization of controlLCD display with convenient buttons on the front panel.It displays everythingsubject to control,characteristics of the device.

In addition, with the support of the provided interactive, it is possible to process information about failures and errors that occurred during operation. By comparing the digital and alphabetic symbols on the display with the table of errors in the operating instructions, even an inexperienced user can troubleshoot the problem without resorting to the help of a specialist. According to numerous reviews, cope with the operation of the fourth generation wall-mounted boilerBaxi ECO Four 24 F has become much simpler.

Baxi ECO Four 24 F Technical specifications

  • Correction of values ​​and automatic support of the set temperature regime in the Baxi ECO Four 24 F heating circuit is possible, starting from the lowest performance indicator of 9.3 kW and ending with the maximum possible useful thermal power - 24 kW.
  • BAXI engineers managed to achieve a maximum performance value of 92.9% (efficiency) in this boiler.
  • The Baxi ECO Four 24 F gas boiler has been fully adapted to domestic requirements. Stable operation of the equipment is possible with a natural gas inlet pressure of 5 mbar. The designers provide the possibility of reconfiguring the operation of the device from the supply of liquefied gas. Economical operation without using DHW, does not exceednatural gas consumption is 2.78 m3/h; after switching to liquefied gas, the consumption value is within 2.04 kg/h.
  • Built-in expansion tank allows a filling pressure of 0.8 bar, the filling volume is 6 liters. Helps keep the design compact coaxial installation chimney 60-100. The input voltage for the controls is 220 V.

by equipping the Baxi ECO Four 24 F boiler with a built-in pump from Grundfos company, model UP15-50 and other energy-consuming elements, power consumption reaches 80 W. All Components do not disturb the owner’s peace and create a background noise level of no more than 29 dB.

Baxi ECO Four 24 F - heating and hot water supply

  • The Baxi ECO Four 24 F model is equipped with a primary heat exchanger made of copper alloy to transfer thermal energy to the coolant. The durability of the element, in addition to the copper version, is determined by the specific content of the mixture, which protects against corrosion, which is applied under production conditions.
  • The second heat exchanger is a plate type made of stainless steel, used to heat the DHW liquid in a dual-circuit design of the device. The heat exchangers are independent of each other. The maximum pressure at which the system exhibits stable operation is 3 bar.
  • Movement along the circuit and radiators is ensured by a forced method using a circulation pump built into the boiler from the famous Danish brand Grundfos. It is allowed to use glycol-containing liquids (antifreeze) in proportions not exceeding the values ​​​​specified in the operating instructions. The total volume of pumped coolant can be no more than 672 m3. The continuous electronic modulation function makes it possible to maintain a minimum and maximum temperature value ranging from 35 to 85°.
  • The double-circuit design of Baxi ECO Four 24 F is designed specifically for heating cold water to a hot state of 60°C. minimum possible installation The value is at around 35°C. In the range from 25°C to 35°C, as stated above, productivity remains at the level of 13.7 liters per minute, with increasing temperature, the rate of hot water preparation decreases.

Let's agree that in summer period inactivity and downtime of the device as a heating device, the Baxi ECO Four 24 F boiler in most cases is used as a regular one.

Weight, overall dimensions and connection features

The boiler from the Italian brand Baxi ECO Four 24 F has a laconic design, white color and ultra-compact shape 730 x 400 x 299 mm. In general, the ECO Four model line is supplied to the market in single-circuit and double-circuit performance , and models are equipped with an open and closed combustion chamber.

Note that the Baxi Ecofor 24 boiler is the “star” of the model range. Despite being equipped with two circuits, two heat exchangers and a closed chamber, the engineers managed to keep the structure lightweight at 29 kg.

Hydraulic connections are located at the bottom of the boiler: return and supply of the heating system with dimensions 3/4 inch, pipes are used for cold water inlet and hot water outlet0.5 inch. Gas connection -3/4 inch. In addition to traditional connections, at the bottom of the boiler there is a safety relief valve, a drain valve, a make-up valve, and a simple pressure gauge.

Baxi ECO Four 24 F - gas and hydraulic parts

Above we touched on some characteristics of the Baxi ECO Four 24 F, now we propose to summarize them and bring them into a single form:

Behind strange and incomprehensible words: Continuous electronic modulation, hides an innovative combustion approach. This means that the intensity of the flame, or rather the gas supply to the burner, changes depending on the signals from the sensor installed on the heating and hot water circuit.

For example, the flame decreases when the room temperature rises and increases when it becomes cool. In the water supply, this is expressed in a stable flow temperature, regardless of the size of the tap;

– Forget about matches, smooth electronic ignition will start the device with one click of a button;

– Adaptation to domestic realities. conditions. Baxi ECO Four 24 F continues to burn steadily without attenuation with a pressure from the main line of 5 mbar;

– Flame spreaders have a long service life, as they are mounted from stainless steel;

– Balanced air supply complex– has its own European patent. (in versions with a closed firebox);

Gas valve SIT Sigma 845;

– Equipment reconfiguration is allowed for operation with liquefied gas.

The hydraulic part of the device looks quite traditional for dual-circuit models. The primary heat exchanger is made of stainless steel and transfers heat energyhot water circuit. Interesting fact, exactly the same heat exchanger is used in the boiler8230. The second, copper heat exchanger serves as a transmitter of thermal energy to the heating circuit.

An air vent is mounted and equipped in the lower part. If the owners feel the need for a larger volume of heated water, then the Baxi ECO Four 24 F boiler provides the opportunity to connect to a separate water supply circuit

Features of temperature control Baxi Ecofor 24

The boiler was being developed wall-mounted Baxi ECO Four 24 F at an Italian enterprise with the ability to adjust the heating intensity both in a traditional heating system with radiators, within the range of 30 - 85 ° C, and underfloor heating systems, where the parameters are slightly lower and vary from 30 - 45 ° C.

Additional equipment with weather-compensated automation accessories significantly expands the versatility of the Baxi ECO Four serial products. By connecting the outdoor temperature sensorto the heating system, the intensity of the operating parameters of the device automatically changes depending on street conditions.

Also, to achieve more precise control over the heating of the room, you can use room mechanical or programmable thermostatic devices.

Technical data Baxi ECO Four 24 F

Controls and safety devices

It is best to buy Baxi ECO Four 24 F in a specialized store, where there is further warranty service and post-warranty support. When communicating with experts about the product Baxi ECO Four 24 F, we heard diametrically opposite reviews.

In fairness, it should be noted that the Baxi ECO Four 24 F boiler receives favorable reviews much more often. Thanks to the latest system self-diagnosis, and displaying errors on the display, it has become easier to carry out timely adjustment of equipment.

The usual equipment of the device with sensors responsible for stopping the boiler in case of overheating, lack of draft and ionization control of the flame makes household appliance completely non-hazardous. Sensors instantly signal possible problems, submit information to the electronic board, which in turn processes the data and makes a decision on further operation. The homeowner is provided with a protective function against blocking the pump.

The equipment of Baxi ECO Four 24 F includes temperature sensors NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient), submersible for DHW and overhead for the heating system. In the upper part there is a fan on a closed chamber, a pressure switch, and a condensate collector.

Functional diagram of Baxi ECO Four 24 F

Owners of private houses or other premises always feel the need to reduce heating costs.

Autonomous heating systems, which require a certain initial investment, can pay off quite a bit. short term and bring significant savings.

Wherein, an important condition system efficiency becomes right choice heating boiler, on which the operating mode and performance of the system, the amount of fuel consumed and total costs for heating.

One of good options The choice is the Baxi Eco 4S 24 F gas boiler, which is capable of providing complete heat and hot water supply to a room of the appropriate size.

Let's look at it in more detail.

The Baxi company was founded in 1929, and has been developing and manufacturing heating products for more than half a century. During this time, valuable techniques were developed, high-quality and reliable models of heating installations were created.

In 2009, Baxi merged with De Dietrich Remeha to form the industrial group BDR Thermea. Since that time, the company's capabilities have increased significantly, which has significantly affected the quality of its products.

Boilers Baxi Eco 4S 24 F are gas installations, providing coolant supply to heating systems (or heated floors) with parallel supply of hot water for domestic needs. The units are different high quality work, resistance to external influences and loads.

Most of the company's products are manufactured taking into account the specifics of Russian technological lines and climatic conditions, therefore boiler models are adapted to work with low pressures gas, with interruptions in the supply voltage in the network and other unstable indicators.

A useful function that is present in the list of boiler capabilities is frost protection, which ensures increased circulation of the coolant (or heating water - HW) throughout the system.

The units have compact dimensions; the wall mounting type allows them to be installed in any convenient location. Options and specifications installations make it possible to widely use both in private homes and in office or public spaces.

Model features

The Baxi Eco 4S 24 F boiler has a copper primary heat exchanger, which demonstrates greater efficiency compared to stainless steel units.

The secondary plate heat exchanger, which produces domestic hot water heating, is a typical stainless steel plate device.

A convenient feature of the boiler is considered coaxial chimney. It does not require a complex and time-consuming procedure for connecting to the central chimney; it is discharged through the adjacent outer wall in a horizontal position.

Pipe-in-pipe design allows for simultaneous flow fresh air into the burner along the outer part and remove combustion products through the inner part. This promotes cooling outer surface chimney, eliminating the risk of fire.

What functions does it have?

The set of boiler functions includes:

  • Supply of coolant to the heating circuit simultaneously with heating of the hot water supply.
  • Full protection with indication of switching on, presence or absence of flame, and prevention of freezing of pipelines.
  • Self-diagnosis system, safety valve, protection of the circulation pump from blocking.
  • Possibility of modulation (auto-adjustment) of the flame depending on external conditions.


Only the most basic functions are listed. The full list is too long and differs little from the capabilities of other Baxi boilers.

Technical characteristics of a gas boiler

Consider the table technical parameters boiler Baxi Eco 4S 24 F:

Advantages and disadvantages of the model

The advantages of the Baxi Eco 4S 24 F model include::

  • High quality units that meet all necessary European and Russian standards.
  • Environmentally friendly equipment.
  • The ability to simultaneously heat and supply hot water to a home.
  • Fully automatic operation mode, simplicity and accessibility of boiler operation control.
  • Availability of self-diagnosis systems and protection of the boiler from various undesirable factors.
  • Virtually silent operation that does not disturb the peace of the house's residents at night.

The disadvantages of boilers of this series are considered:

  • The relatively high price of both the boilers themselves and spare parts for them.
  • The need for regular paid maintenance.
  • Dependence on power supply parameters, requiring the use of a stabilizer.
  • The need to use filters or water softeners.

Both the advantages and disadvantages of the Baxi Eco 4S 24 F boilers are characteristic of most gas units of this level and can be attributed to design or assembly features.

His device

The main components that make up the boiler design are:

  • Closed gas heating pad.
  • A fan for supplying air to the combustion chamber.
  • Primary (copper) and secondary (stainless steel) heat exchangers.
  • Circulation pump.
  • Expansion tank.
  • Three-way valve.
  • Safety valves that relieve the pressure of the heating water or domestic hot water in the event of emergency situations.
  • A control board, a system of sensors that send signals to it in a continuous mode.

The boiler operates according to the usual method characteristic of all similar designs. Using a circulation pump, the coolant is supplied to the heat exchanger, where it is heated to the highest possible temperature.

At the outlet, it is fed into a three-way valve, which dilutes the hot heating agent with a colder return flow in a given proportion, determined by the set heating mode. After this, the prepared coolant is sent to the heating circuit.

Hot water is heated in a secondary (plate) heat exchanger and supplied to the distribution points. A closed combustion chamber improves the quality of indoor air.

To organize combustion in the required mode, air is supplied using a fan, which takes the required flow from the external compartment of the coaxial chimney.

For which rooms is it best suited?

Wall-mounted gas boilers are optimally suited for use in private homes or other premises of the appropriate size.

The specificity and set of functions make it possible to provide thermal energy and hot water supply to areas of up to 240 sq. m., which corresponds in size to a medium-sized two-story private house, store or other office space, public building.

Such boilers are not recommended for use in industry, although it all depends on the specialization of the workshop and the operating conditions of the heating circuit.

Startup instructions

After delivery and unpacking of the boiler, it is installed on the wall in a pre-designated location. It is necessary to choose a convenient site with the possibility of supplying communications, ease of access for maintenance and repair.

Then all relevant pipelines must be connected:

  • Water.
  • Direct and return piping of the heating circuit.
  • Gas supply.

For the initial launch, perform the following steps::

  • Connect power supply.
  • Open the gas supply valve.
  • By pressing the corresponding button, set the “summer” or “winter” mode.
  • Using the “+” or “-” buttons to the right and left of the display, set the temperature of the coolant and hot water.

The burner will start and heating of the heating agent will begin.

The burner may not start when first turned on due to the presence of air in the system. The boiler will be blocked and the corresponding error code will appear on the display. By pressing and holding the “R” button for 2-3 seconds, the error is reset and the procedure is repeated until the expected result is obtained. It may take several tries.

Basic faults and troubleshooting methods

The sensor system constantly monitors the condition of all boiler components, signaling to the control board if any failures occur. A specific code appears on the display indicating a particular malfunction.

The full list of codes is much wider, but there is no point in citing it in its entirety. When one or another code appears, press the “R” button and hold it for 2-3 seconds until the error is reset. If it appears again, you should urgently call a specialist.

Owner reviews about the model

Let's consider the opinions of the owners of boilers of this series. Such information will help you look at the quality and capabilities of the units more realistically and pragmatically, without advertising or excessive enthusiasm.

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This article outlines what Baxi brand, information on the manufacturer, as well as the main technical characteristics of each series Baxi gas boilers.

General information on the gas equipment manufacturer BAXI

BDR Thermea occupies a leading position in the world as a manufacturer of high-tech heating and hot water supply systems. The total turnover of this market is estimated at 16 billion Euros.

BDR Thermea employs 6,400 people. At annual turnover 1.8 billion euros the company holds leading positions in the markets of European countries such as France, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands. In the markets of countries of Eastern Europe BDR Thermea has gained quite a strong position in recent years. The same goes for Turkey, China and the USA. The company's products can be purchased in more than 70 countries.

BDR Thermea has chosen the following strategy: promotion of local brands with strong positions in European markets. These brands can quickly respond to consumer preferences. Thus, the products of the BDR Thermea group in Europe can be sold under the brands Remeha, Baxi, De Dietrich, Heatrae Sadia, Potterton, Brotje, BaxiRoca, Chappee and Baymak.

The company takes great care of relationships with partners, investing heavily in employees and strengthening ties with foreign partners. BDR Thermea strives to offer customers comprehensive solutions in the field of heating and hot water supply based on innovative technologies.

Products under the Baxi brand

The company claims that Baxi boilers embody the latest technologies and the wealth of experience accumulated by the corporation over the years. Maximum efficiency combined with reasonable price gives the best performance.

More details on each boiler of this trademark you can read it by selecting it in one of the corresponding sections: , or , where by selecting the one you are interested in boiler, you can read it reviews, look options, download instructions and get to know other nuances By specific boiler.

The range of Baxi household gas boilers is very large. Let's take a closer look at the products of this company, bringing the series of boilers into tables for ease of perception.

Gas boilers BAXI series LUNA-3 COMFORT

Gas boilers Baxi series LUNA-3 COMFORT

These units belong to the third generation. Equipped with a removable electronic control board, which allows you to install it in any place convenient for you. A nice touch is the presence of a room temperature sensor on the board.

The gas system of boilers in this series is equipped with an electronic flame modulation system, electronic ignition and steel flame dividers. Boilers can operate when gas pressure drops to 5 mbar, which is important in Russian realities. Moreover, it is possible to burn not only liquefied gas, but also liquefied gas.

The DHW circuit has an electronic water flow meter. The primary heat exchanger is made of copper coated with a special anti-corrosion compound. Secondary heat exchanger made of stainless steel. There is also a pressure gauge, a filter at the water inlet from the network, and other interesting options.

Boiler control system LUNA-3 COMFORT allows you to program the heating mode for a whole week in advance. It is also possible to connect an outside temperature sensor, and then the heating mode will be based on the outside temperature.

Among other things, these devices have a lot of security systems. This includes flame control, protection against blocking of the three-way valve and pump, a thermostat for protection against water overheating and other protection systems.

Specifications LUNA-3 COMFORT AIR 250 Fi LUNA-3 COMFORT AIR 310 Fi
31 25 24 25 31 31 25 24
10,6 9,3 9,3 9,3 10,4 10,4 9,3 9,3
Maximum consumption of natural (liquefied gas) m3/h (kg/h) 3,52 (2,63) 2,84 (2,12) 2,78 (2,07) 2,84 (2,09) 3,52 (2,59) 3,52 (2,63) 2,78 (2,07) 2,78 (2,07)
Max. productivity,% 93,1 92,9 91,2 92,9 93,1 93,1 92,9 91,2
Productivity at 30% power, % 90,8 90,2 88,7 90,2 90,8 90,8 90,2 90,3
Expansion tank, l 10 8 8 8 10 10 8 8
The combustion chamber closed closed open closed closed closed closed open
Temperature control range in the DHW circuit, °C 35-65 35-65 35-65 35-65 35-65 - - -
Nominal gas inlet pressure, mbar 13-20 13-20 13-20 13-20 13-20 13-20 13-20 13-20
Electrical power, W 165 135 80 135 165 165 110 170
-height, mm
760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760
-width, mm 450 450 440 450 440 450 450 450
- depth, mm 345 345 345 345 345 345 345 345
NET/GROSS weight 39/42 37/40 32/35 39/42 45/50 37/40 36,5/39,5 30,5/33,5

Gas boilers BAXI series LUNA-3 Silver Space

Wall-mounted boilers of this series are designed for outdoor operation. Boilers can operate down to a temperature of -15 °C.

Gas system LUNA-3 Silver Space similar to boilers .

The hydraulic system is characterized by the absence of an electric servo drive in the three-way valve and the presence of a high-speed circulation pump with an automatic air vent.

Also boilers Silver Space have a device remote control with climate regulator.

Otherwise, the boilers of these series are similar.

Technical characteristics of gas boilers from the manufacturer BAXI LUNA-3 Silver Space series

Specifications LUNA-3 SILVER SPACE 310 Fi LUNA-3 SILVER SPACE 240 Fi
Max. useful thermal power, kW 31 24
Min. useful thermal power, kW 10,4 9,3
Max. consumed thermal power, kW 34,3 26,3
Min. consumed thermal power, kW 11,9 10,6
Max. natural (liquefied) gas consumption, m3/h (kg/h) 3,63(2,67) 2,78(2,04)
Max. productivity,% 90,3 90,3
Performance at 30% power 88,0 88,0
The combustion chamber closed closed
Power, W 190 170
- height, mm
830 830
- width, mm
550 550
- depth, mm
250 250
NET WEIGHT, kg 42 41,5

Gas boilers Baxi series Nuvola-3 B40

Boilers series NUVOLA-3 B40 specially created for high hot water flows. Thanks to the built-in boiler, these units are capable of delivering 450 liters of water within half an hour, heated by 30 °C relative to cold. A wide LCD display will allow you to clearly see all the information about the operation of the boiler and possible failures.

The volume of the built-in boiler is 40 l, the body material is enameled steel AISI 316L.

If there is insufficient water pressure, the pressure switch will operate. There is also a water freezing protection system in both circuits.

The line is represented by four models: NUVOLA-3 B40 240 i, NUVOLA-3 B40 280 i, NUVOLA-3 240 Fi, NUVOLA-3 280 Fi.

NUVOLA-3 Comfort.

In this series, the built-in boiler has become even larger. Now its volume is 60 liters. This means that you can already get 510 liters of hot water within 30 minutes. The boilers of this series are equipped with a removable digital panel.

In total, the series includes 5 units: NUVOLA-3 Comfort 240 i, NUVOLA-3 Comfort 280 i, NUVOLA-3 Comfort 240 Fi, NUVOLA-3 Comfort 280 Fi, NUVOLA-3 Comfort 320 Fi.

Gas boilers BAXI series LUNA-3 Comfort COMBI

These are no longer just boilers, but a whole complex consisting of a wall-mounted boiler and an 80-liter boiler located on the floor. Moreover, the boiler is designed in such a way that you can install the boiler on the boiler without fixing it to the wall. The compact dimensions of the boilers of this series are also noteworthy: 1640×450×550. Thanks to them, the boiler can be placed even in the smallest spaces.

Essentially the series is a combination of a boiler LUNA-3 Comfort 1.310 Fi with boiler COMBI 80.

The elegant design and compact size did not prevent the designers from making connecting the boiler to the boiler simple. A low-temperature heating circuit kit (“warm floor”) is offered as a separate option. It consists of a mixing valve, a pump and a temperature sensor. The system allows you to connect not only boilers LUNA-3 Comfort 1.310 Fi and LUNA-3 Comfort Combi, but also any other single-circuit ones from the a series besides this, boilers LUNA-3 Comfort HT 1.120, LUNA-3 Comfort HT 1.240, LUNA-3 Comfort 1.280.

However, to connect the boiler to the boiler you will need a special kit KSL 714110510.

The fourth generation of boilers begins with a series MAINFour, which, in essence, continuation of the MAIN Digit series. Despite its compact dimensions (730x400x299 mm), the boiler is equipped with a control panel with a wide LCD display. And its small size allows you to use the unit in confined spaces.

Gas boilers BAXI ECO Four series

These boilers are also ultra-compact, like the previous ones. Their sizes are the same, but the series on which they are based is different - ECO-3 Compact.

Boilers ECOFour Available in both single-circuit and double-circuit. Combustion chambers can be either open or closed. The power of the units reaches 24 kW. The undeniable advantages of this series include ease of maintenance, operation and installation.

And of course, it would not be possible without a wide LCD display as part of the digital control panel.

New on the market is wall-mounted boiler of the fifth generation MAIN 5.

In addition to the above, BAXI has wall-mounted boilers of the LUNA-3, FOURTECH series.

Description of the series of wall-mounted condensing boilers from BAXI

Presented in the company's products and wall-mounted condensing boilers. This is a series PRIME HT, LUNA HT Residental, LUNA-3 Comfort HT, NUVOLA-3 Comfort HT, Duo-tec Compact, LUNA Duo-tec, NUVOLA Duo-tec, LUNA Duo-tec MP.

The condensing technology of BAXI boilers provides an efficiency of about 110%, which leads to fuel savings of 35% over an annual period compared to traditional boilers.

In addition, condensing boilers still manage to operate silently. All thanks to a combustion chamber made of special composites.

LUNA HT Residential Series designed in such a way that the boilers can be connected to each other in a cascade. Thanks to the control units available as accessories, up to 12 boilers can be connected together.

Duo - tec Compact– these boilers can adapt to the quality and type of gas, chimney diameter and other parameters . In addition, they include a burner with full pre-cooking gas-air mixture, allowing to achieve a power modulation ratio of 1:7.

LUNA Duo-tec MP– powerful units, reaching 110 kW in this parameter. In addition, up to 16 boilers can operate in cascade. The power modulation coefficient of these boilers is 1:9.

A brief overview of floor-standing gas boilers from BAXI

Floor-standing gas boilers Baxi Power HT

Floor standing gas boilers BAXI- these are series POWER HT And POWER HT 230-320, and Slim And Slim HP.

Despite the high power (up to 150 kW), engineers in the series of units POWER HT managed to save compact dimensions. So, all boilers have a width of 45 cm. Moreover, in the series POWER HT 230-320 power increased even more, up to 320 kW. Such boilers are suitable for heating large buildings, for example, office or shopping complexes. High durability is achieved through the use of silumin heat exchanger.

Boilers Slim And Slim HP have cast iron heat exchanger And atmospheric burner. Power range from 15 to 62 kW. Moreover, in Slim HP There is also fiberglass insulation under the hood to keep heat loss to a minimum.

All of the above (and other) boilers can be found in the category: .

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