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» Egyptian holidays. One day in the life of an ancient Egyptian. Mulid in Tanta

Egyptian holidays. One day in the life of an ancient Egyptian. Mulid in Tanta

Holidays in Egypt - the Muslim holiday of Ramadan is especially unusual for us, when life in Egypt in Muslim quarters subsides during daylight hours due to fasting; at this time you cannot eat, drink, or participate in any entertainment. After sunset the fast is broken. The apogee of the Ramadan holiday is the 26th night of fasting, because it was on this night, according to legend, that the first revelation was sent down to Muhammad. The end of the month of Ramadan is marked as “small Van Ram”, which lasts only 3 days.

70 days after “Little Bayram”, at the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca, it is customary to celebrate the Feast of Sacrifice in memory of how Ibrahim prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac. Livestock are sacrificed. Islamic New Year, is celebrated unusually modestly on the first day of the month of Moharram.

The holiday of Jam en-Nessim is also popular in Egypt; this holiday falls on the first Monday after Coptic Easter and coincides with Orthodox Easter; its roots are in Ancient Egypt. This holiday is considered a spring holiday. In Egypt, families usually have picnics outdoors on this day. Coptic Christmas in Egypt is celebrated on January 7th.

moving date in October-February - the beginning of the new Hijri year ( lunar calendar) January 7 - Coptic Christmas

February 22 - Union Day (anniversary of the creation of the United Arab Republic - the union state of Egypt and Syria in 1958)

moving date between the end of December and the beginning of February on the eve of Eid al-Adha - Arafat

movable date between the end of December and the beginning of February - Eid al-Adha (Eid al-Fitr)

moving date in March-April - Good Friday(celebrated only by Copts, according to the Orthodox or Julian calendar)

moving date in March-April - Easter (Sunday, celebrated only by Copts, according to the Orthodox or Julian calendar)

moving date in March-April - Clean Monday Orthodox calendar, celebrated by all of Egypt as Sham en-Nessim, the Spring Festival

April 25 - Sinai Liberation Day (anniversary of the return of the Sinai Peninsula occupied by Israel in 1967, 1982)

moving date in spring and summer - the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad

moving date in May-June - Trinity (celebrated only by Copts, according to the Orthodox or Julian calendar)

June 18 - Evacuation Day (anniversary of the departure of British troops and the proclamation of the republic in 1953)

October 6 - Armed Forces Day (anniversary of the Egyptian offensive at the start of the war with Israel in 1973)

movable date in October - early November - Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr, Muslim holiday of breaking the fast)

December 23 - Victory Day (anniversary of the liberation of Port Said from the Anglo-French landing, 1956)

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Periods of persecution of Christians occurred quite often in the history of the Earth. This is because the pagans could not come to terms with the existence of monotheism - monotheism and the active promotion of this religious concept, different from the monotheistic views that had been formed over thousands of years. Many believers in Jesus Christ perished in those days, and oh more martyrs, little is known today. This fact is directly related to the saint, whose name is Nikander the Egyptian.

Personality of the Roman Emperor Diocletian

The chosen one of God Nikander the Egyptian lived in the 3rd century AD. He was born in 284, and the years of his earthly existence fell exactly during the reign of the cruel Roman emperor Diocletian. To clarify the further story, a few words should be said about the personality of this person.

The full name of the ruler of the Roman Empire sounded like Diocletian - Kai - Aurelius - Valery.

He was born in Dalmatia and before taking the throne as a crowned person in the “city on seven hills”, he served as a simple soldier. However, somehow Diocletian managed to become, as they say, one of the people. He became emperor in 284. Into history this person entered as an insidious and unjust person towards his subjects, but this was not always the case. At first, Diocletian showed kindness and showed affection towards others. However, having fallen under bad influence one of his co-rulers, the Roman emperor radically changed his own position as a ruler and instituted persecution of Christians. He penned four edicts (laws), according to which believers in one God did not have the right to have with them and, moreover, to read divine books, to conduct divine services in Christian churches. These same documents stated the need to return “those who have lost their way” to pagan traditions, and whoever disobeys will be deprived of their position, job, subjected to inhuman torture, and if the will of the obstinate is not broken, even deprived of their life.

But it cannot be argued that the point of view of the Roman emperor regarding believers in Christ depended solely on instigations from without. Of course not. The personal opinion of Diclitian himself also played an important role in the subsequent persecution of Christians. The fact is that the ruler of the most powerful empire on Earth at that time saw in people who professed Christianity, first of all, an enemy threat, capable of sooner or later depriving him of the throne. Christians were, in the eyes of Diocletian, too independent and therefore dangerous. He saw how the believers in Jesus gathered an army and went to war against Rome. The emperor perceived Christians as a separate people with their own ideology, religion and beliefs.

It should also be noted that Diocletian himself was a true supporter of all kinds of superstitions. He was constantly surrounded by priests and sorcerers, believed in fortune telling, prophetic dreams and the predictions of oracles, tried to find in ordinary natural phenomena- lightning, eclipses of the sun and moon - mystical signs. Like any ardent pagan, the Roman emperor sacrificed animals to his gods, and after the act, he paid great attention to contemplating the insides of the unfortunate animals. Now can you imagine the environment in which Nicander the Egyptian had to exist?

Life of the ascetic Nikander the Egyptian

God's chosen one Nikandr lived in Egypt. Hence the addition to his name - Egyptian. The future saint was pious, kind person and a doctor by profession and vocation. This suggests that Nikander the Egyptian showed devotion to his specialty and provided all possible medical care even to those people who were considered enemies of the state. It's about, of course, about Christians persecuted by the cruel pagan ruler Diocletian. Nikander the Egyptian constantly visited the martyrs imprisoned and suffering for their faith in one God. He provided victims of persecution with moral support, and also treated the unfortunate, bringing them food and water, and completely disinterestedly, from the bottom of his heart. Those Christians who died from unbearable conditions content or painful torture, Nikander the Egyptian buried with honors.

One day, the ascetic of piety Nikander the Egyptian walked past the place where the execution of Christian sufferers by pagans had taken place the day before. The martyrs were given to be devoured by wild animals, and their dead bodies or what was left of them lay in the field, not buried. It was during the day, and Nikander the doctor did not dare to take the remains of the sufferers, fearing that he himself would end up captured by the pagans and subjected to terrible torture.

At that moment, God’s chosen one, Nikander the Egyptian, was just a kind, but at the same time weak man, fearful of physical pain and death. However, God strengthened the future saint in faith. As soon as darkness fell on the city, Nikander the Egyptian went into the field under cover of darkness. There he placed two corpses of the martyrs of Christ on his shoulders, carried them to the burial place in a secret place, dressed them in clean shrouds and buried them in the ground.

Unfortunately, a pagan passed by. Seeing what ritual Nikander the Egyptian was performing, the wicked man immediately went to imperial palace and reported what had happened to Diklitian himself. The latter immediately sent guards for Nikander, and they seized the pious doctor. Nikander the Egyptian was subjected to the most severe tortures so that he would renounce Christ. But the tormentors were unable to break the will of the saint, because the Lord himself was with him. Nikander the Egyptian, who just a few hours ago was afraid of physical pain and reprisals with death, now endured torture with joy in his eyes and heart.

The pagans were enraged by the unshakable determination of the physician: it was easier to move a mountain from its place than to force the unfortunate man to turn away from God alone. They began to skin the living man, and then cut off his head. Nikander the Egyptian went to the Kingdom of Heaven around 302 AD.

The meaning of the name "Nikandr"

To each Orthodox Christian It is known that by naming a newborn child one name or another, we “assign” a heavenly patron to the baby. It is better to do this in accordance with the Saints.

It is best to name a newborn boy who was born on the day of remembrance of Saint Nikander the Egyptian - March 28. But also angel days for such a child can be considered June 18, October 7, November 17 and 20.

Nikander is a name of Greek origin. IN modern world it is not widespread, at least in our country, and completely in vain, since in translation it means “winner.” A man with this name risks achieving great heights in life. Nikandr is brave, sociable, diplomatic, polite, and loves to talk. However, this does not mean at all that he is capable of telling a stranger all his secrets. On the contrary, in this sense, a man named Nikandr tends to look closely at the subject claiming his trust for a long time.

As a friend, Nikandra is distinguished by loyalty, devotion, a penchant for self-sacrifice and support. He is kind and fair to all people. At the same time, Nikandr is quite a bright personality with whom it is impossible to get bored.

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Holidays in Egypt are quite different from Russian ones. This is due to the fact that Islam is practiced in Egypt. Religion is reflected both in the country's constitution and in its holidays. In Egypt, they celebrate both national and religious holidays, as well as well-known ones.

Official public holidays

Ten holidays in Egypt are public holidays; on these dates, official institutions are closed. For example, Christmas (January 7) and Labor Day (May 1) are holidays that we know well. Egypt also widely celebrates its military dates:

  • April 25 is the day of the liberation of Sinai in the October War of 1973. In 1967, Israeli troops captured the Sinai Peninsula. The countries signed a peace treaty in 1979, under which Israeli troops must leave Egypt within three years. This happened on April 25, 1982, since then this date has been considered memorable.
  • July 23 is the day of the revolution. Holiday dedicated to July Revolution 1952, when the national liberation movement led the country to independence.
  • October 6 is Armed Forces Day. Despite the fact that Israel won the Arab-Israeli war on October 6, 1973, the Egyptians believe that they have proven that a country like Israel can be defeated.

In addition, in Egypt there are Muslim holidays with floating dates. This is explained by the fact that the Muslim calendar is 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar, so the date of celebration relative to our calendar shifts every year:

  • Sham El Nessim - “spring festival”. Celebrated on the first Monday after Orthodox Easter. The name of the holiday translates as “the aroma of the west wind.” This is a holiday to welcome spring.
  • New Year according to the Islamic lunar calendar.
  • Mawlid is the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed. Celebrated on the 12th day of the third month of the lunar Muslim calendar. On this religious holiday, people go to mosques where they listen to sermons about life path prophet This event is celebrated for three days.
  • Aid al-Fitr is the end of the holy month of Ramadan. Celebrated for three days with rich feasts and folk festivities.
  • Aid al-Adha is a sacrifice to mark the end of the Hajj. This holiday does not allow us to forget the story of Abraham’s sacrifice of his son Isaac. It is carried out within four days and is celebrated 70 days after Eid al-Fitr ends.

Significant dates

There are also holidays that are not public holidays, and on these days all institutions are open:

  • January 1 – New Year according to the Gregorian calendar. Preparations for it begin in early December. Christmas trees decorated with garlands and the stars of Bethlehem are placed everywhere. Even the palm trees are decorated! Santa Clauses are walking around the city. This is done primarily for tourists.
  • March 1 is Athletes Day. Similar significant date available in many countries. The Egyptian government actively supports sports endeavors and funds many sports clubs. At any university you can find a department of sports culture.
  • March 21 is Mother's Day. Officially celebrated since 1956. Egyptians have very strong family ties, so this holiday is especially important for them. On this date, all residents of Egypt bow to the work of mothers around the world.
  • August 15th is the day the Nile floods. The entire life of the inhabitants of Egypt depends on this mighty river, because it supplies fresh water the whole country. Many centuries ago, people began to celebrate the day on which this great river. Now that the Aswan hydroelectric complex has been built in Egypt, the spill no longer occurs, but the Egyptians do not forget the traditions of their ancestors.

Military holidays

Arab men have a particular weakness for weapons. Therefore, any military victory is widely and universally celebrated in Egypt. Egyptians also consider the following national military holidays:

  • June 18 is the day of evacuation of foreign troops in 1954. On this day, people who died on June 18, 1954 are remembered.
  • October 21 – Day Navy Egypt. On October 21, 1967, the Israeli destroyer Eilat was sunk by Egyptian forces.
  • October 24 – Day of Popular Resistance. A memorable date for Egyptians, dedicated to the anniversary of the capture of the city of Suez by the Israelis and the heroic resistance of local residents. These events took place during the Yom Kippur War.
  • December 23 – Victory Day. The holiday is dedicated to the end of the Suez crisis on December 23, 1956.

The inhabitants of Egypt are very sensitive to their history and, accordingly, to their holidays, each of which reminds the Egyptians of some important event. Anyone who wants to visit Egypt and understand this mysterious country should study its holidays.

Holidays and events in Egypt 2020: the most important festivals and highlights, national holidays and events in Egypt. Photos and videos, descriptions, reviews and timings.

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In Egypt, the holiday calendar includes many both secular and church dates. Egyptians are deeply religious people and cannot imagine how it could be otherwise. Muslim and Christian holidays are celebrated on a grand scale. No less importance is attached to the concept of family and family values, which is why memorable events are celebrated by gathering all relatives.

On New Year's streets, shopping centers and hotels are decorated with artificial fir trees and pots of thujas. Natural Christmas trees are rare here; they are imported from Holland. Severe “frosts” reach plus 16 degrees, so in Egypt many people swim in the sea even on New Year’s Day. And at the end of January comes the turn of Mawlid an-Nabi - the Nativity of the Prophet Muhammad. Solemn religious ceremonies are accompanied by public festivities.

On the holiday, tents decorated with flags appear on the streets, where you can buy sugar figurines in the form of the prophet’s bride with a paper fan and a horseman with a saber.

On February 22, Egypt has long celebrated the Sun Festival, dedicated to the coronation of Pharaoh Ramesses II. Built in honor of the pharaoh, the temple is decorated with statues positioned so that the rising sun plays on the faces and figures, creating an amazing light show that only happens twice a year. Entertainment with songs and dances is prepared for tourists on this day. On March 21, Egyptians celebrate Mother's Day. On this day, relatives and friends visit each other, turning the holiday into a solemn ceremony with the exchange of pleasantries.

Labor Day on May 1 is not complete without numerous demonstrations on city streets. And on the first Monday after Coptic Easter, the brightest and most unique Egyptian holiday begins - Zham en-Nessim, which means “floral aroma”. It is a holiday of spring and agricultural work. On this day they cover festive table with vegetables, fish and colored eggs- a symbol of reincarnation. All Egyptians celebrate this holiday on fresh air, go out into nature.

On the first Monday after Coptic Easter, the brightest and most unique Egyptian holiday begins - Zham en-Nessim, which means “floral aroma”, this is a holiday of spring and agricultural work.

In Jam en-Nessim, the Egyptians prepare a special dish - “fesikh” - for which they pre-salt fish for several months. Cooking secrets are passed down from generation to generation, and mistakes lead to frequent poisonings on this day.

National Day of Liberation from Aggression of England, France and Israel on October 23 is celebrated with mass celebrations. On this day, numerous concerts and festivals are organized for residents and guests of Egypt. At the end of autumn, the country celebrates the Hijri New Year. Muslims believe that as a person spends the first month of the year, so will the rest. That is why they try to fast and observe religious customs.

The truth is always the same.

Group "Nautilus Pompilius".

I am too sexy for my land.

Right Said Fred.

The papyrus alarm clock rang, as always, early - damn, I have to get up at eight in the morning every day! Yes, well, I have work... I jumped up and rushed to put on my loincloth. My head was buzzing, heavy thoughts were creeping into it, and all because I had bad habit(however, in our kingdom I’m not the only one) - sit in front of a water screen and delve into ancient Sumerian mythology... Break away from this new game- simply impossible. Earlier, about a year ago, I had another occupation, much more interesting - the beautiful Nevertite lived with me, oh, I remember her lips and hips... Oh well, it’s better not to remember this (but, as luck would have it, I couldn’t tear myself away from the bas-relief on the wall depicting her naked body - I made it myself, masterfully). She left me, and I was going to marry her.

Thinking about this gloomy topic, I ran out of my shack (I live in a residential area) straight into a noisy street. There were, as always, a lot of people - and all of them almost naked, ours, ancient Egyptians. Morning rush hour. After jostling a little in the dirty, sweaty crowd, I dived into the subway - however, there were even more people there. Oh, great Ra, I thought, if only you were all blown to pieces (but I immediately began to pray for forgiveness). Finally, I found myself at the station - it was all made of red granite, and white drawings depicted our great first ruler Menes. Then about ten minutes later the train arrived. It is also granite. I went inside - not to mention sitting down, there was almost no place to stand there.

Barely holding on to the reed handrails, which kept breaking, I read newspapers out of the corner of my eye, made in the form of bas-reliefs right on the granite (they are knocked out every morning - the news must be fresh). On the front page, as always, there is a huge photo of our “great” pharaoh Cheops and his extensive interview. I wince. I am not one of his supporters and have never been a member of the puppet corrupt bureaucratic party “United Ancient Egypt"(EDREG). Fuck them all. Cheops has been ruling us for twenty years, because he came to power, if my memory serves me right, and if Wikipedia does not lie, in 2589 BC! Well, how long can you rule us? Do and say the same thing? Blah blah blah... Foreign policy successes... Financing of social programs, despite the global economic crisis... I am Pharaoh, the son of God, I know what you all fucking need... Meanwhile, we, lord, have been starving for a long time, and you are still spending money on building your pretentious pyramid . Do you want to get a place in history at our expense? And you will get it. So everyone will then say - “the pyramid of Chiops.”

I got out of the metro at the Second Pyramidnaya station. From here to my place of work it’s just a stone’s throw away. As you (by the way, who is it - you?) have probably already guessed, I work on the construction of that very pyramid of Cheops, as a simple driver. Why am I - half the capital works here, if not more. This is, so to speak, a mega-project for employment.

We, the ancient Egyptians, are literally fixated on the afterlife, on death, on what our fate will be after this great event. If you want to successfully pass the court of the terrible god Anubis, follow the commandments and live correctly. Also, save your dead body. However, not everyone can afford to do the latter - the luxury of “immortality” can be afforded by nomarchs, priests and, of course, first of all, the pharaoh. This is what he does. As for ordinary people like us, workers or peasants, at best, they can build themselves a solid stone grave. But it’s easy to rob her, so there’s not much guarantee for the safety of the body. All that remains is to trust in the mercy of the gods - and in your relatives, who will remain alive after your death and look after your body.

Although... Everything I said here - I talked about everyone. But not about myself. Do I personally, Ujit Jr., believe in all these things? To be honest, not really. My parents believed, and in my childhood and youth, taught by them, I also believed. But now I have matured and the world around me has also matured. Our generation is different, we sit for hours in front of water screens, we don’t dry papyrus bags on hot sand radiators, but throw them away and buy new ones... In general, everything is different. I don’t understand how you can believe in this Anubis - at least as much as before - in the age of wooden robots and grasshopper dildos... I believe less and less. My generation as a whole believes, I think, out of pure inertia, out of its stupidity and, at least, without fanaticism.

So I’m in no hurry to build myself a stone crypt - I live one day at a time, so to speak. Okay, I'm babbling for some reason. Be that as it may, I arrived at the construction site of the century, one of the seven wonders of the world, at exactly nine o’clock. If I had been even a minute late, I would have been fucking executed.

The place I came to was sickeningly familiar to me. In the middle of the desert there is a memorial complex, in the center of which is she, the pyramid. Now it is almost built - it stands on a hill, its height is about 130 meters, it is a huge high triangle of white and gray. If anyone is interested in the details, let them look at Wikipedia - after all, everything is there, and if not, then it doesn’t exist in the world either. The pyramid is built from blocks of granite, basalt and limestone. For the rest of humanity, this phrase about blocks will remain a phrase. But for us, builders, these are not words, but our life, our torment. And - my torment personally. Because it’s been twenty years since I’ve been driving these same blocks on a cart. They are made by hundreds of masons in a special camp located right at the foot of the great building. They chop and I take it away. My job (well, I'm certainly not the only one doing this) is to move the block from the mason to the pyramid. There other people take it and raise it. We work from nine to nine. So we are a construction worker for Pharaoh consumables, no better than stones.

I won't think about it anymore. Otherwise I will want to kill myself again, and this is a terrible sin. I automatically call on the gods for help (even though I’m not sure they’ll hear me), spit on my palms, put on disposable papyrus gloves, and pick up my cart. I have already become related to her.

My old friend and comrade, also a driver, comes up to me and greets me - a Marine, he is older than me, gray-haired, but strong (and I, if you are interested, are thirty-five years old). The Marine busily spits to the side (he has such a habit) and tells me that tomorrow there will be a meeting of members of the trade union of builders of the Cheops pyramid, everyone should be there. “We will still fight for our rights,” he says quietly and angrily - hinting at our exploiters. I smile and nod my head - yes, we’ll fight, old man. I love you. The Marine adds: “We will demand that they give us crocodile milk because it’s harmful!” I nod at this too, although, to be honest, I have never tried crocodile milk, or even heard of it. Well, okay - it must be so. Am I paying my membership fees in vain?

It's time to get to work. I'm pushing the cart. Back and forth. Now falling, now rising. The sun is incredibly hot - even for me, an ancient Egyptian. Damn this job. Damn this pharaoh. Damn this one world history, which we all, you know, have to contribute to in order to be written about in textbooks. Fuck it all... But, cursing, I still drive. Everyone does it. Someone next to me falls dead. And all the same - the rest are working. Whatever you will do for the sake of history. For the sake of the Wikipedia page.

But then, in the middle of the day, they finally announce a lunch break (our union achieved it five years ago, before that no one ate at work and many died of hunger). I get my stew and literally fall on some rock. A Marine sits down next to me. He gives me a couple of papyrus napkins (I forgot mine in my haste today). We eat, but we also wait. The point here is this - as you know, readers, the Cheops pyramid is so complex in the architectural, construction and mathematical sense (I did not speak as a simple carter) that, of course, it could not be built ordinary people. Of course, we are just performers. The true authors are the hardware from Orion. These are huge three-meter robots, essentially similar to us, but absolutely made of iron (exactly as they are known to be portrayed in Hollywood films). How and what they arrived on - Anubis knows them... We humans are generally afraid of them. But, be that as it may, all the most important constructions during the reign of Cheops (and maybe earlier) were conceived and designed by them. They give our masters their technologies and train them. No one but them knows what ideas the aliens are putting into these notorious pyramids.

So, the main alien flies here (under his own power, straight through the air, really), to the pyramid, every day for some reason during lunch. Today, the Marine and I saw him - he landed when we had already finished everything, but lunch time was not over yet, on the platform in front of the building. Here he was met by our chief architect - tall, plump, with an oval head, in a long multi-colored robe, with a huge, modern style, pink hair (oh, this heavy glamor of the era of the Fourth Dynasty stuck in the teeth...). His name is Hemiun. He is an absolutely stupid man with stupid eyes and is only called an architect (the whole point is that he is the pharaoh’s nephew; corruption, nepotism, you strangled us).

Zhelezyaka kept his own style. He looked at people contemptuously, as if they were insects, his face (if one can call the metallic resemblance of a human face that way) was serious, intelligent, impenetrable. Hemiun, in accordance with the established ritual, bowed to him to the ground (to the sand). Then the architect's servants lifted him on a stretcher to a height - to the level of the alien's head, so that they could communicate. All the common people around the piece of iron fled, they were afraid of him. But the Marine and I, like experienced people, sat on our rock. We were also scared, but also curious.

The native of Orion didn’t even say hello or respond to Hemiun’s bow, he immediately got down to business - waving in the air with an iron hand, drew a virtual diagram of a pyramid in it, it flickered blue. The Marine and I froze with admiration - damn, although we were accustomed to an advanced civilized life, even for us this was a novelty. The piece of iron began to say something quite loudly to Hemiun, but almost all of his words were carried away by the wind. It was clear that he was giving some further instructions. The architect, trembling with fear, nodded his head and tried to remember everything (probably, he had been punished more than once by the nonhuman for his sluggishness).

And suddenly - somewhere in the second minute of the conversation, we heard the words of an alien. The reason was simple - the wind suddenly died down. We pricked up our ears. This is what we heard... Oh, now I’ll say that we heard, and you, the readers, are intrigued, right? The words of an alien... A creature unimaginably more developed than we humans... The same one - the true builder of the Cheops pyramid... What could he say like that, huh?

Okay, I won't keep you in the dark. He said: “We consulted yesterday and decided. There will not be a single mention of Cheops inside the pyramid. And we’ll leave the burial chambers empty...” Hemiun was surprised: “But why?! And... and... how will I report this to the divine Pharaoh?” - “So you will report, man. I don't care. As for why, I could tell you that it’s none of your business. But I won’t say, today I have good mood. I’ll tell you the truth - there is no idea in this. Neither cosmic, nor philosophical, nothing. We just want to show off. So that in the future people will wonder - what is all this for? For what? They asked how you are now. They don’t understand that all the greatest things have no meaning.” These were the words spoken by his cold metallic voice. Such was the wisdom of beings from distant Orion. The Marine and I didn’t hear anything else - the wind rose again (partly this was good - at least some coolness). These words sank into my soul and I thought about them all day.

Lunch was over, the piece of iron flew away to do its business, Hemiun, getting off the stretcher, went to the pyramid. Work after lunch is the hardest. I really want to drop everything and lie down on the sand, fall asleep and not wake up for a day. Die. But you have no right to this - not even to death.

Glory to the great Ra that at eight o’clock in the evening (it was still quite light) the television crews arrived again, and again from the NPT company, Independent Papyrus Television, to film another report about how hard life is for the workers of the pyramid. The NPT was famous for the fact that everywhere, in everything, it looked for the dark bad sides and showed them in defiance of the official policy of the pharaoh. It was rumored that this television company was secretly financed from Assyria, the main enemy of our kingdom. We, however, didn’t give a damn - we, ordinary workers, gave interviews about how we were swollen from hunger, showed our purulent wounds, mutilations, hands worn until they bled. The main thing is that they didn’t work.

That's it, another crazy and meaningless day on the pyramid is over. When we were already boarding the corporate chariots, in the air above the funeral complex, as always, many granite planes with reed cannons appeared - the pride of the country, the power of the state. They were on duty every night, guarding expensive buildings.

I don't remember how I got home. I slept the whole way - in the chariot, and then in the metro - and almost missed my station “New Shacks”. Opening the door to my closet, I was surprised - in the darkness that had already set in, in the middle of the only cramped room that served me as a dining room, a bedroom, and a toilet, candles were burning. There were three of them, they stood on a low table. I was even more surprised when I saw bottles of wine and fruit on it, and next to the table... Yes, she was sitting cross-legged... Never mind. My Nevertite. I sat down on the pillows from amazement and joy, unexpectedly, like a bag of construction waste, falling on me. She looked into my eyes and smiled quietly. Yes, this is exactly what I wanted for so long. This is exactly what I had been waiting for for so long, although I did not imagine her return in such an image. But now I realized that this image lived in my heart.

Nevertite has hardly changed, she looked, as always, quite conservative - magnificent long tanned legs (she must have visited the lunaria), a short seductive black loincloth (she knows that I love those, and that when I see them on women, I start licking my lips ), topless (large, as if challenging you, breasts - oh great Ra, how I missed her, she became dear to me, almost motherly), a tall green mohawk on an otherwise bald head, standard orange lipstick on her lips ( which, as is known, is produced from ground river silt).

My heart was beating either too slowly or too fast, I couldn’t understand, but in general - somehow differently.

You are back?
- Yes, Udjit Jr. She's back. If...” she paused for a second, “if you accept me.”

It was a question. Do I accept it? Do I accept? Lord... If my father were in my place, he wouldn’t even think about it - he would immediately kill her, on the spot. And here I am, thinking. I think because, damn it, I’m a modern person, living in the 26th century BC. Am I offended that my beloved woman Anubis knows why she left me and wandered around for a whole year, or even more? Yes, it's a shame. What was she doing there? It’s clear what. I was offended like a man, but at the same time, I was pleasantly turned on by this independence of Nevertite, turned on by the fact that she slept with others. Yes, it was strange and scary, but that's how it was. And in general, I terribly missed a woman, even if she was a virgin. I'm already up. Got up as soon as I saw her.

I reached out to her right across the table, it toppled over under my weight. Nevertite, smiling with relief (forgiven), managed to remove the candles so that they wouldn’t start a fire. First, I kissed her on her familiar-alien lips, and then I began to kiss the same familiar-alien nipples, caressing them, and my whole body groaned with pain and pleasure. From long unbearable loneliness. My whole life, all my insignificance, all my fear in the face of the terrible Universe - all of this rose and rested directly in Nevertite’s stomach, and she picked up my tension first with her hands, then with her lips, and then completely let it into herself. And I moved in her, who was already lying on her back, with her legs spread, quickly, feverishly, as if in five minutes I was going to die. And he finished. Everything that was in me, everything that had accumulated, was now in her. Yes, now it was possible to die. In this huge crazy phantasmagoric world, light began to dawn. Perhaps it was just a spark of light, but for me it was the size of the sun and it was more than enough for me. I was drowning in it.

Nevertite and I fell asleep already in the morning. I understood that tomorrow (today) I would come to work tired again. Well, to hell with him - let them kill me (and the NPT is filming another report about the new victim of the pharaoh's lawlessness). Lying with my head on her shoulder, I whispered:
“You know, the piece of iron from a distant star who is building a pyramid,” she nodded, “he said yesterday that the pyramid is being built simply for the sake of showing off, that there is no special deep meaning in it.” Can you imagine?
For some reason, Nevertite was not surprised:
- I can imagine. I've been guessing about this for a long time. But isn’t the Universe also a cosmic show-off without much deep meaning? Is it possible that it exists for us to simply admire, like a shell on the seabed?
Yes, for a simple ancient Egyptian woman, her reasoning was quite advanced. I liked her idea, I smiled:
- Or how I admire you, Nevertite.
She looked into my eyes - with a happy look.
- Is it true. You are as beautiful as the Universe. Perhaps you are even more beautiful than her.
She laughed. And she said:
- So, you don’t need to look for anything like that in the pyramids, you just need to look at them.
- So, so.
We were silent for a while. I spoke again:
- Do you know what else I thought? Imagine that people in the distant future - for example, in the 21st century AD - suddenly decide that our ancient Egyptian civilization was primitive because it was one of the first in history. And that we didn’t have anything advanced - no water screens, no granite trains and planes, no dust-based electricity, no grasshopper dildos - nothing. That's terrible, right?
- Yes... - Nevertite introduced it - but I still believe that there will be those who will see the truth and convey it to others. They will laugh at them and say that they are crazy, but they will accomplish a great feat of knowledge.
“Yes,” I agreed, “The truth is always the same.”
Nevertite picked it up and together we sang a very famous religious chant from the time of Menes: “The truth is always one. Pharaoh said this. He was very smart. And for this they called him Tutankhamun.” We finished singing the beautiful melody and laughed - the only thing in this chant that no one understood was who Tutankhamun was.

Then we disconnected - together and at once. I had exactly an hour to sleep, after which I had to hear my hated papyrus alarm clock again. But, all the same, that night and morning in the entire Universe there was no one happier than Nevertite and me. And even the Universe itself, permeated with the cold of cosmic loneliness, I know this, envied us.