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» Expert opinion on the installation of a fire alarm. Fire alarm performance test report. What to pay attention to when registering

Expert opinion on the installation of a fire alarm. Fire alarm performance test report. What to pay attention to when registering

In construction, incoming inspection of installed equipment plays an important role. Input survey is a study quality characteristics goods received by the customer for its further use. The results of the examination are displayed in the report.

The document is drawn up and approved within 3 days after inspection of the arrived products. The act is signed by all members of the commission. The essence of the survey is to identify information about the condition of the goods and compare them with the parameters regulatory documents. Based on the results of the inspection, a conclusion is written about the product’s compliance with standards and the data is entered into the accounting log. The accompanying documents indicate the results of the examination and markings are carried out. If the product meets the required parameters, it is sent for production. The defective product is returned to the supplier.

Why is input control needed?

For what purposes is entrance examination used? This event is carried out to check the quality of the supplied goods, which are intended for further use in a particular production. When equipment or materials arrive at the facility, an inspection is performed external state received products, the compliance of the technical characteristics with the design documents is checked and a corresponding protocol is drawn up. Based on this accompanying protocol, the equipment is accepted and put into operation. The information displayed in the act is recorded in a journal, which must be present at every construction site. The log displays the name and number of elements arriving at the construction site.

The entrance examination may be:

  1. Full check carried out upon arrival of piece goods.
  2. Selective control is carried out when some elements from a batch of goods are checked and, based on the results, conclusions are drawn about the condition of the entire batch. Verification by this method is carried out only when the batch is fully completed.
  3. Continuous monitoring ensures verification of received goods in the sequence in which they were produced. The examination is carried out based on an agreed schedule between the provider and the recipient.

Who draws up the incoming control act

The following persons have the right to carry out screening at the entrance:

  • The recipient of the goods, when making his own decision.
  • Recipient in agreement with the sender.
  • A third independent representative engaged by the recipient.
  • Institution for certification of characteristics (standardization laboratory, expert enterprise)

The act can be drawn up by specialists from the receiving party - an engineer, a foreman or a department head. To prevent bias in the completed act, a special commission is created, consisting of two or more representatives.

Incoming equipment must be inspected and tested. After the inspection has been completed, a report is filled out showing the product’s compliance with the requirements and signed by all members of the commission.

If the product is found to be defective, this is recorded in the report, and a claim with accompanying documents is sent to the supplier. Further actions are carried out in accordance with the contract for the supply of goods between the supplier and the recipient or existing legislation.

Rules for drawing up an incoming control act

There is no standard form for drawing up an act. The document is filled out in free form or based on a sample developed by the institution. The act is usually drawn up on an A4 sheet of paper. Before starting the control, a set of accompanying documents is checked. If some of these documents are missing, the commission has the right to postpone the entrance examination.

Mandatory data required to fill out the form:

  • The fact of the examination.
  • Date and place of implementation.
  • Results of the survey.
  • Complete information about controlled products.

The document is created in one copy.

The information displayed in the acts must be entered into a journal that displays the following:

  • Product Name
  • Party size
  • Document number
  • Supplier information.

When identifying a defect, it is required to display each defective element in the report. The defective product is sent to the supplier with accompanying documents. Such documents may include:

  • Statement of the party's staffing.
  • Packing form.
  • Operational protocols.
  • Invoices and other documents.

Below is a sample delivery list.

Instructions for writing an incoming inspection report

The main standards that must be followed when drawing up an act are GOST 24297-87 “Incoming Product Inspection”, which contains instructions for organizing the inspection and displaying the inspection results. Articles 704, 713 and 745 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulate that in construction it is allowed to use materials from both the customer and the contractor.

The purpose of the entrance examination is as follows:

  • Check the compliance of the quality parameters and the complete set of equipment and materials supplied by the sender. Correspondence of parameters – constructive and normative technical documentation.
  • Reduce costs by eliminating defects.
  • Check the storage conditions of the goods.
  • Collect and systematize information about the materials used.

Control is carried out in two stages:

  • Carrying out an external inspection.
  • Quality survey.

Examination procedure:

  1. First, an inspection plan is developed (displaying the inspection methodology and sequence, checking the characteristics of the product, etc.).
  2. After this, the date and location of the event is set.
  3. A commission is created, which can consist of the sender, the recipient and an independent expert.
  4. Next, the main scope of the inspection is performed:
  • Checking the quantity of goods in a batch.
  • Checking product documentation.
  • Visual inspection.
  • Checking the completeness of the batch (carried out by opening the package).
  • Survey of quality parameters.
  1. When accepting goods by transport, the following is checked:
  • Is there a sender's seal and is it in good condition?
  • Vehicle condition.
  • Checking compliance with transportation rules.

An example of a completed act is presented below.

The execution of an equipment commissioning act always occurs when new equipment arrives at the enterprise, since from the moment it arrives there is a need to record the beginning of its use and enter it into accounting as fixed assets.


Before issuing a water certificate for operation

If the equipment requires any tests and inspections, then before drawing up this act all such procedures must be carried out and completed.

As a rule, new equipment is checked for defects, defects, defects, malfunctions, as well as whether it complies with the regulations and standards adopted by the enterprise, labor protection and fire safety requirements.

All these procedures are carried out by a specially created commission, consisting of at least two people, which is appointed by a separate order by the head of the organization.

Basic rules for drawing up a water act for operation

This document does not have a unified, mandatory form, so it can be compiled either in free form or according to a template developed and approved within the enterprise. The act can be written on a regular A4 sheet, or on the organization’s letterhead.

It must necessarily include information about the enterprise where the equipment is being put into operation, as well as detailed information about its name, technical characteristics, conditions of use, etc. The more complex the equipment, the more details it needs to be written down and the more points the act may contain.

This document must indicate the compliance of the equipment being introduced internal requirements organization and legal standards, and also recorded the presence of comments or identified malfunctions. If the facts of defects are confirmed, then a special document must be drawn up for the equipment and the equipment cannot be put into operation until the defects are eliminated.

It should be remembered that after signing the act of putting the equipment into operation, the manufacturer’s warranty begins to apply to it.

Instructions for writing a water act for operation

  1. In the first part of the document its name is written, and its essence is also briefly indicated (in in this case“On commissioning of equipment”). The line below indicates locality, in which an act and date are created: day, month (in words), year. Then the composition of the commission that checked the equipment is entered: the positions of the employees are entered, as well as their last names, first names, and patronymics. Here you should also make a reference to the order of the director who appointed the commission (indicate the full name of the enterprise, surname, first name, patronymic, manager, number and date of the order).
  2. The main part is to certify the fact that the equipment has been examined and inspected by the commission. Here you need to enter its name, serial number, specifications, name of the manufacturer, place of manufacture of the equipment, etc. options. The regulations, laws, documents on the basis of which the inspection was carried out and its timing are also recorded here.
  3. The third part of the document contains information about the condition and quality of the equipment being put into operation. If it is in good condition, then this should be noted; if it has any defects or malfunctions, then this should also be indicated. If there are any comments, they must be included in the act with all the details. Next, you should add a clause about the commissioning work carried out, as well as that the equipment meets all safety requirements (fire, technical, environmental, industrial).

    In conclusion, in this part, a separate paragraph needs to summarize that the equipment has passed the test and is ready for use.

The penultimate part of the document contains conclusions on the entire above procedure. If there are no complaints about the equipment, then here you need to enter that the equipment will be put into operation on such and such a date at such and such an address (the address of the enterprises where it will be used is indicated).

If there are complaints, then you should write “not ready for use until identified defects are eliminated.” Next you need to add a warranty clause.

After entering all the information into the act, links to all annexes to it with numbers and dates are included.

The act must be certified by the signatures of the inspection commission. The document can also be certified by a seal, but not necessarily, since since 2016 the presence of a seal has legal entities is not a requirement by law, but is voluntary.

Facilities fire alarm represent a complex set of equipment, controllers and sensors. This is one of the main engineering systems building, responsible for the safety of people, staff and visitors. When creating fire alarm systems, it is mandatory to draw up as-built documentation for the fire alarm project. Depending on the characteristics of the objects, both the project and the composition of the executive documentation for fire alarms will differ, which is regulated by a special rule, VSN 25-09.67-85, as well as RD 78.145-93 - a guideline document regulating the rules of work when creating an fire alarm system.

The latest regulation provides a definition of the term ID. Clause 11.4 states that the installation organization that implemented the fire safety equipment system project must present to the commission;

  • Working documentation – a set of drawings or survey reports;
  • TD from manufacturers;
  • Certificates of conformity, technical passports;
  • Production documents."

Another norm known to all managers is the Fire Regulations Russian Federation paragraph 61 of which states that all technical documents according to the PS, it is drawn up by the contractor, the organization performing installation operations in the building or on the territory, and upon delivery it is handed over to the customers. The documents are kept by the client and presented at the request of the Ministry of Emergency Situations inspectors.

Why do they trust us to create ID APS?

When carrying out design and creation work fire protection GEFEST-ALARM LLC draws up and transfers to the Customer all the drawings, diagrams, and acts required by the rules, which fully comply with state norms and rules. But at other sites it may be lost or compiled with errors, which will cause claims from the inspection authorities. In this case, you can contact our specialists for an ID recovery service. This is a complex process that is similar to design.

We will conduct a full inspection of the equipment, draw up plans and create drawings of cable communications. To carry out this work, we will need building plans, all other papers, certificates and acts related to the PS operating at the site.

  • Activities for compilation or restoration will be carried out at the highest level.
  • We guarantee high quality Carrying out these works, we have a large design and implementation of alarm systems.
  • All operations are performed in accordance with the requirements of the PPR and RD.

We can also draw up an ID for installation organizations, this will free up their time and resources, give them the opportunity to focus on the site and be sure that all papers will be ready on time.

Composition of the executive documentation

The list of executive documentation for fire alarms according to RD 78.145-93 is given below.

1. Magazines

2. Executive circuits

  • Executive drawing of fire alarm networks;

3. Certificates of inspection of hidden work:

  • Laying fire alarm networks (on walls, ceilings, in the floor; sewerage; in the ground);

4. Test reports and statements:

  • Incoming control acts;
  • The act of transferring equipment, products and materials for installation;
  • Building inspection report;
  • Certificate of readiness of buildings and structures for production installation work;
  • Protocol for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring;
  • Certificate of completion of installation work;
  • List of installed control panels (SPU) and detectors;
  • Test report of protective pipelines with separation seals for tightness (drawn up during installation technical means alarms in explosive areas);
  • Certificate of completion commissioning works;
  • Certificate of complex testing of automatic fire alarm installation;
  • Certificate of acceptance of technical means of warning and management of evacuation of people in case of fire into operation after comprehensive testing;
  • Certificate of acceptance of fire alarm technical equipment into operation;

5. Certificates and quality passports for the materials and equipment used, sanitary and epidemiological reports, fire safety certificates;

The incoming inspection report is a document with which the customer confirms the quality of the raw materials. It confirms that the incoming inspection procedure has been carried out to ensure the quality of the customer’s products.

From the article you will learn:

Why is an incoming inspection report drawn up?

For getting finished products manufacturing companies need to enter into contracts with suppliers and provide for themselves feedstock, construction products and other materials. The customer, upon accepting the order shipped by the supplier, carries out incoming inspection and confirms that the quality of the raw materials complies with the standards by drawing up a special document - an act of incoming inspection.

Incoming control and execution of an incoming control act is a mandatory part technological process. This is a guarantee that the customer will use high-quality raw materials and materials in the manufacture of their products and, subject to technology, will be able to ensure their compliance with quality standards.

Incoming inspection of products accepted by the quality control department and representatives of the customer must be carried out in any case, even if compliance with the standards of raw materials and materials supplied under the contract is confirmed by accompanying documents. In the interests, first of all, of the customer himself, to carry out such a check and confirm the compliance of the supplied materials with the standards, an incoming inspection report will be drawn up.

An acceptance specialist who confirmed, when drawing up an incoming inspection report, that the quality of the supplied raw materials, products or materials complies with established standards, is also obliged to make a record of this in special magazine input control. This record confirms that the supplier’s products have been checked; information about them and their quality is also included.

In the accompanying documents, the employee carrying out water reception makes notes about:

  1. conducting incoming inspection, place and time of its implementation;
  2. results of control tests;
  3. information about product labeling, in the case when it was used.

If the quality of raw materials is confirmed by the incoming inspection report, it, by decision of the receiver, is transferred for further use in production processes. In the event that, during the incoming inspection process, a non-compliance of the supplied materials with the standards was revealed, the raw materials are marked as defective and a complaint is filed with the supplier company.

What procedures are carried out before drawing up an incoming inspection report?

Before drawing up an incoming inspection report, the supplied raw materials, materials or products must undergo inspection or testing - incoming inspection.

Types of incoming control

Incoming control can be carried out in one of three types:

  1. Solid when the entire delivery is subject to inspection;
  2. Selective, during which a partial check of the supplied materials is carried out;
  3. Statistical, the purpose of which is to prevent the occurrence of defects and check the completeness of the supplied products and materials.

Incoming control is carried out by a commission consisting of several people. In addition to representatives of the customer, a representative of the supplier should also be included in it. It is allowed to include in the commission independent experts who have necessary equipment and a license to conduct tests and such examinations.

Primary incoming control is carried out upon acceptance of delivery:

  • compliance with transportation rules,
  • condition of the vehicle;
  • presence and condition of supplier seals.

As a rule, the further incoming control procedure consists of several stages:

  1. checking the delivered quantity, volumes, acceptance by the number of items in the batch;
  2. acceptance accompanying documentation;
  3. opening the packaging, inspection in order to detect external defects, damage, understaffing;
  4. Selection of control samples during random inspection:
  5. Conducting compliance tests to check quality.

How to fill out and issue an incoming control act

The enterprise needs to develop local regulatory act, instructions or guidelines regulating the conduct of incoming inspection and the execution of an incoming inspection report. The document must establish the methods used and the procedure for conducting control tests, and define a list of parameters that must be checked for compliance with standards.

Besides, methodological instructions or a local act must approve the form of the incoming control act. There is no unified form for this document, so the employer can draw it up independently, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise’s production activities and the supplied raw materials.

When developing an incoming inspection report form, it is necessary to reflect in it all the information that will allow you to get a complete picture of the procedure and results of the incoming inspection. Representatives of suppliers, receiving specialists, and members of the commission conducting incoming inspection can be involved in the preparation of the form. In this case, it will be possible to avoid complaints about the form of the incoming control act and take into account all the nuances of preparing procedural issues.

Sample incoming inspection report

Since the form of the incoming control act is not regulated by GOST, you should approach its preparation especially responsibly and try to reflect in it all necessary information, including:

  • information about the customer company, its details;
  • name of the supplier’s enterprise, its details;
  • composition of the commission conducting incoming control;
  • name of materials, raw materials, products for which incoming inspection is carried out, technical information about them;
  • the name and composition of the accompanying documentation, which certifies the quality of the delivery and its compliance with standards;
  • name of the regulations by which these standards are established: GOSTs, technical specifications or enterprise standards;
  • technological codes of equipment, products, materials;
  • classification of supplied materials, raw materials;
  • quantitative delivery parameters: weight, volume, linear meters, amount;
  • name of the manufacturer of the supplied products;
  • date of manufacture.

In addition, the incoming control act must include columns that will reflect data on the quality conformity tests carried out:

  • type and results of incoming inspection;
  • date and place of testing;
  • other information about the testing methods and procedures, the equipment used and the persons who carried out the testing.

Incoming inspection report, a sample is presented below.

Incoming inspection report sample filling

The acceptance control report is completed by the specialists who took part in the acceptance of the delivered products. In addition to the supplier's representative, this may be a process engineer, site foreman or department head. All members of the acceptance committee must sign it.

When filling out the incoming control report, you must pay Special attention to ensure that the technical information and markings of products and materials coincide with those specified in the accompanying documentation. If discrepancies are found, the products are considered to be non-compliant technical requirements and standards. In this case, the commission has the right to draw up a report on the incompleteness of the delivery or qualify it as a defective product by filing a complaint with the supplier.

In the event that a defect is detected as a result of incoming inspection, this must also be reflected in the incoming inspection report.

The customer can deal with low-quality products at his own discretion, for example:

  1. return it to the supplier;
  2. recycle;
  3. eliminate the identified deficiencies on their own or oblige the supplier to do so.

As a rule, from the moment the products are accepted and the acceptance control certificate is signed, the warranty period begins, which is established by the supplier of the products or materials.

A sample of the incoming inspection report is presented below.

1. Register of executive documentation

2. General log of work and special work:

  • Cable management log
  • Incoming inspection log
  • Author's supervision journal (to be filled out by the responsible person from the design organization)


4. Acts, acceptance and testing protocols, other documents:

  • The act of transferring equipment, products and materials for installation
  • Building inspection report (name of the object, number of buildings, premises, number of storeys, type of structure, indication of the type of alarm, type of detectors, control panels, sirens and their installation locations for each building (room), instructions for blocking building structures(name of material, size, number of protected structures, type and number of detectors), indication of the length, types of laying of wires and their protection, indication of power supply, estimated cost and planned installation time, signatures of representatives of the customer, security department, state fire inspection authorities ).
  • Certificate of readiness of buildings and structures for work
  • Certificate of completion of work
  • Protocol for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring
  • List of installed control panels (SPU) and detectors
  • Certificate of testing of protective pipelines with separation seals for leaks (drawn up when installing technical alarm systems in explosive areas)
  • List of technical documentation presented upon delivery and acceptance
  • List of installed equipment
  • List of changes and deviations from the project
  • Insulation resistance measurement protocol
  • Certificate of technical readiness of the system


  • Laying security and fire alarm networks (on walls, ceilings, floors, sewers, ground)

6. , fire certificates, sanitary and hygienic conclusions for Construction Materials, products and designs. For all applicants construction site building materials, products, structures and equipment, an incoming inspection report must be drawn up and subsequently signed by the responsible persons

7. A set of working drawings for the construction of the facility presented for acceptance, developed design organizations, with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them made by the persons responsible for the construction and installation work, agreed with the authors of the project.

8. Documents on approval of deviations from the project during construction

The set of acceptance documentation includes a package of permits:

  • Installation organization information sheet
  • SRO of the installation organization
  • Orders for responsible representatives
  • Personnel certificates (welders, electrical personnel, etc.)
  • Detailed documentation with the Customer’s stamp “In production of work”
  • Work production project (title page and familiarization sheet)

*The presented composition of the executive documentation is approximate. Please check with the customer for the exact composition of the as-built documentation.