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» Epin: instructions for use for flowers, vegetables and fruit trees

Epin: instructions for use for flowers, vegetables and fruit trees

Epin extra is a popular, effective remedy that stimulates the growth and development of plants and has an anti-stress effect. It contains special components that protect seeds, seedlings and adult plants from harmful effects. environment.

About ten years ago, you could find a similar drug called Epin on store shelves. However, due to numerous fakes, its production was discontinued and replaced by Epin Extra, more advanced and of higher quality. So be careful and don't buy a fake.

How Epin Extra works, instructions for using it for seedlings, what it advises, what is the use for indoor plants, adult garden and vegetable crops– we will talk to you about this important topic for many gardeners today.

What is this product?

This is an artificially synthesized plant growth stimulator, similar to natural biostimulants. The product is used for soaking seeds and spraying green spaces.

The drug has a pronounced adaptogenic, anti-stress effect. Activates and stimulates the plants’ own defenses, helps strengthen their immunity to aggressive environmental influences, such as sudden changes in air temperature, frost, drought, heavy rains, etc.

According to observations, all plants that were treated with this product increase their yield by more than 15% compared to untreated ones. In addition, fruit-bearing crops ripen faster.

In addition, according to the instructions attached to the package, after treatment with Epin extra, seeds, bulbs and tubers germinate faster, seedlings and cuttings take root better. The drug stimulates the active development of the root system. In addition, after treating old plants with the product, the growth of young shoots is stimulated.

Very important property for all gardeners and gardeners is to reduce the level of harmful substances in fruits: nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals. The level of which decreases due to regular processing of crops before the appearance of ovaries.

Thus, we can confidently state that epin extra for plants is effective means for full development and health. Moreover, both for garden, vegetable and house plants, since it has wide range actions. Let's talk in more detail about how to use it:

Instructions for use for seedlings

As we already mentioned at the beginning of our conversation, the drug has a protective effect on young vegetation, adult specimens, protects them from aggressive influence environment, protects against pests and diseases. Accelerates the germination of crops, activates flowering, etc.

To soak the seeds, prepare an aqueous solution: 1 to 3 drops of product per 100 ml of water. Seeds are kept in solution different time. This depends on the crop and determine the length of soaking using the directions and recommendations available on the package. The approximate average holding time is from 4 to 6 hours.

Epin extra for seedlings is used after three true leaves appear on the seedlings. As soon as this happens, young plants are sprayed with an aqueous solution: 5 drops of product per half liter of settled water. It is better to spray the plant a day before transplantation, or carry out the procedure immediately after it. It is advisable to use a fine spray (spray).

In order to increase the resistance of young green spaces to unfavorable weather conditions(frost, drought, lack of sunlight, prolonged downpours, etc.), spraying is carried out every 7 or 10 days until they get stronger.

Processing of vegetable and fruit crops

For example, during the flowering period, as well as before the onset of frost, they are sprayed with a solution: 1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of soft, settled water. A solution of the same concentration is used for treatment, treating fungal infections and preventing, for example, late blight.

For preventive purposes, plants are sprayed with a solution a week after planting or transplanting. Also received in early spring, after the final melting of the snow.

The duration of the drug’s effect on fruit and vegetable crops is about two weeks. After this period, it is completely removed from their structure.

Experienced gardeners use Epin-extra to increase potato yields. For this purpose, pre-planting treatment of tubers is carried out using a solution: 8 drops of the drug per 250 ml of water. Treatment is carried out one day before the intended planting. An important condition The effectiveness of such treatment is to carry it out in cold weather. After exposure to the drug, potato yield increases by approximately 20%.

Epin extra - use for indoor plants

Epin-extra gives no less positive results when used for indoor plants. The drug is used to treat seeds for rapid germination and is used when transplanting adult plants. After transplantation, they quickly take root in a new place and their stems do not stretch. Increases the resistance of home flowers to external negative impacts. Old or wilted plants are rejuvenated, come to life, and begin to actively flower.

In addition, green pets have increased resistance to disease and begin to bloom earlier. Moreover, flowering is always abundant and long-lasting. The drug also removes harmful substances from plant tissues.

To treat indoor flowers, Epin Extra is used as follows:

When transplanting, as well as during their propagation, an aqueous solution of the drug is used to soak cuttings, tubers, bulbs and roots. For this purpose, prepare a solution of the following concentration: 0.25 mg of the drug per 2 liters of water.

To spray young and adult plants in order to increase their flowering, as well as to prevent diseases, prepare a solution: 7 drops of product per 200 ml of water.

Before picking young cuttings into separate pots, a day before, they are sprayed with a solution of the same concentration (see above).

With the onset of spring, when the plants produce new young shoots, they are sprayed with a solution: 0.25 mg of product per 5 liters of water. The same concentration is used to treat indoor flowers when the first buds begin to appear.

At stressful situations: cold indoor air, drafts, in case of diseases, pest damage, as well as withering or damage to the plant, treat with an aqueous solution of the following concentration: per 100 ml - 7 drops of the drug.
Spraying is carried out weekly until complete recovery.

In the fall, before the dormant period, spray with a solution: 7 drops of product per 200 ml of water.

Precautionary measures

When carrying out work with Epin Extra, be sure to protect your hands with gardening gloves and wear a gauze mask on your face. After work, thoroughly wash your hands and exposed areas of the body with soap and rinse your mouth with warm water.

To date, this universal remedy It is considered the most effective when caring for garden, garden and house plants. The drug does not pollute the soil and does not pose a danger to beneficial insects.

Its use really gives wonderful results. Use Epin Extra, and after receiving the results, share with us your impressions of this product. Good luck, dear gardeners!

"Epin-extra" is a biostimulator of crop growth, which is especially popular among summer residents. This drug has won a large army of fans for a reason. As a result of its use, not only plant growth and productivity improve, but also the quality of agricultural products increases. Let's find out all the advantages and disadvantages of Epin and consider in detail the rules for its use.

Characteristics of the drug

“Epin Extra” is based on epibrassinolide, a substance that activates and increases the plants’ own defenses. Thanks to it, the culture is less susceptible to viral and fungal diseases, and when infected with such, the “recovery” process proceeds quite quickly. "Epin" exhibits an anti-stress effect, as a result of which the immunity of plants to an aggressive environment is significantly increased. Both young seedlings and mature crops become resistant to rainfall, survive drought, frost and temperature changes.

On a note!

It is worth noting that the drug called “Epin” was discontinued several years ago due to widespread counterfeiting. Today we are talking about a new patented product called “Epin-extra”, but for convenience, it can be further referred to as simply “Epin”!

The result of the tool is as follows:

  • productivity increases;
  • neutralized in contaminated soils bad influence radionuclides and heavy metals;
  • plants acquire the ability to overcome unfavorable conditions;
  • the strength of seed germination increases;
  • seedlings take root well, just like plants when transplanted;
  • shoot formation occurs very actively;
  • The shelf life of the harvested crop increases.

Preparation of working solution

"Epin" is sold in ampoules. Before using the product, the drug should be diluted with water in a certain ratio and used to treat plants - for soaking or spraying.

The working fluid is prepared exclusively using boiled or filtered water. Alkaline water is not suitable, and in order to soften it, it is recommended to add ½ teaspoon of vinegar or a pinch of citric acid for each liter!

The culture does not absorb the remedy through root system, therefore, only its above-ground part can be sprayed. Leaves and shoots should be watered generously with the working solution as evenly as possible. After treatment, the diluted drug should be stored for 2 days, but no more, and the place should be chosen in a dark place. If it was exposed to sunlight, its storage time is reduced to 24 hours. The same situation occurs in the absence of an acidic or slightly acidic reaction.

A couple of weeks after treatment, the active substance that was absorbed by the plants is broken down.

The instructions below will tell you how to prepare and use the working fluid for a specific treatment.


Soaked in Epin Extra planting material flower and vegetable crops, as well as tubers, corms and cuttings according to this table.


Epin Extra should be diluted and seedlings and crops sprayed according to this scheme.


Spraying time
Working solution – “Epin”/waterNumber of spraysInterval between treatments

Seedlings shoots
14 drops/0.4 l2-3 7-10 days
SeedlingBefore picking, one day before landing in the ground or after landing14 drops/0.2 l1 -
Potato tubers, 50 kg

Before landing

2 ml/0.5 l1 -

Carrot shoots in open ground

10 drops/0.2 l



Beet seedlings, open ground
8 drops/0.2 l1 -
Seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and other crops, open ground 2 amp./10 l1 -
Strawberries, trees and shrubsWith the formation of the first buds and leaves in the spring2 amp./0.2 l1 -

Bud ovary, beginning of flowering period2 ml/10 l2 See phase

Real leaves in the amount of 2-3 pcs., bud ovary2 ml/10 l2 See phase

Bud ovary, flowering2 ml/10 l2 See phase
Flower bulbous cropsBud ovary2 ml/10 l1 -
Any fruit, berry and garden cropsBud formation, flowering, fruit formation2 amp./10 l3 20 days
A crop that has weakened due to disease or pest attacksWhen a disease is detected14 drops/0.2 l5-7 days
A culture that is under stressful conditions (temperature fluctuations, strong wind, lack of moisture or light) 2 amp./10 lSeveral times until complete recovery7-10 days

After treating seedlings with Epin Extra, the seedlings do not stretch during growth, and their resistance to frost increases. If the crop is frozen or wilted, then this product will bring it back to life. After processing tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and other garden crops, the risk of ovaries falling off is reduced to zero.


The use of the drug "Epin Extra" is possible in combination with many vitamins, insecticides, growth regulators, fertilizers and fungicides. The only exceptions are products with an alkaline reaction.

In any case, before combining Epin Extra with any product, they should be checked for compatibility!

“Epin” contains shampoo, so it is suitable for use as an “adhesive” when treating seedlings and adult crops against diseases and pests.

Immediately after use, the drug begins to actively work and reliably protects plants until harvest.

Safety regulations

The drug "Epin-extra" belongs to the 3rd hazard class, as it contains technical ethanol, which plays the role of a solvent. For this reason, manipulations with the solution and subsequent treatment of plants should be carried out using personal protective equipment.

While spraying seedlings and adult crops with Epin, eating, drinking and smoking is strictly prohibited. For convenience, treatment is carried out using a backpack sprayer. When spraying is completed, the handler should thoroughly wash their hands, face and rinse their mouth.

To store closed ampoules, it is necessary to select a cool, dry room, the air temperature in which should be within +14...+23°C. Please note that "Epin Extra" is located separately from medicines and food products. The storage location must be inaccessible to children and animals and away from sources of open flame.

Epin should be diluted according to the instructions and used only for its intended purpose. Its mixing with other drugs and subsequent use in personal farming is strictly prohibited!

Use it correctly

Spraying of adult crops and seedlings is carried out according to the following scheme.

  1. Before processing young seedlings, as well as plants that have suffered due to diseases, pests or unfavorable external factors, the cause of the damage should be removed - dry, diseased and damaged shoots are cut off, the pest is removed, the soil is loosened and fertilized with fertilizers.
  2. Since the active substance quickly disintegrates under direct sunlight, it is advisable to spray it early in the morning and at dusk.
  3. Shoots and leaves can be treated, and the latter must be thoroughly moistened on all sides and ensure that the drug gets on the lower part of the plate.
  4. If Epin-Extra is used to restore the strength of plants that have suffered as a result of stress, then it should be used several times at intervals of a week. It will be enough to treat a healthy crop three times per season.
  5. Since “Epin Extra” will be absorbed by the crop over the course of two to three days, it is better to carry out the treatment on a windless day, and there should be no fog, rain or dew.

Advantages of Epin over other biostimulants

When seedlings are treated with other biostimulants, their growth is forced, that is, the culture begins to actively develop, even while in the “sleep” phase. "Epin Extra" works differently. It fills seedlings with energy, stimulates them and helps plants develop, relying on natural physiological processes. As a result, productivity increases, but the crop does not suffer.

In addition, this drug has several other advantages:

  • does not harm the environment and does not saturate the soil with harmful substances;
  • when handled correctly, it is harmless to humans and animals;
  • carefully, but at the same time very effectively, protects plants from the negative influence of the environment, pests and diseases.

The work of "Epin Extra" is reliable and really noticeable. Its action is aimed exclusively at the growth and development of a healthy plant. Being a broad-spectrum adaptogen, it exhibits a powerful anti-stress effect and is especially recommended for excess humidity, frosts and the presence of phytopathogens and pests.

Use this product according to the instructions and remember the safety rules. I wish you rich harvests!

All owners of indoor flowers sooner or later face certain difficulties in growing them. For example, a plant may fall into a stressful state after purchase or transplantation, lose leaves or even roots. In all cases, the owners worry about the flower and try to help it by using special stimulants - in particular, Epin.

What is Epin?

Epin is biological drug, helping to maintain the immune system of plants, as well as stimulating their growth and development. The main component of the product is epibrassinolide - phytohormone steroid class, stimulating active cell division and having a wide range of effects.

Epibrassinolide is the first artificial analogue of a phytohormone found in plant cells, and completely identical to natural substances. That is why Epin, unlike other stimulants (for example, cytokinin paste), does not cause deformation of leaves and shoots. Flower growers who have tried Epin remain delighted with this product in 90% of cases.

Among useful properties the drug is especially noted:

It is worth noting that Epin can be used in conjunction with drugs for foliar feeding- the main thing is that the latter does not contain alkali.

By the way, the correct name of the drug is Epin-extra. When did the product first hit the shelves? flower shops and had not yet gained popularity, it was simply called Epin, but later, due to the huge number of fakes, the manufacturers decided to slightly change the name and packaging design.

Application of Epin for indoor flowers

Methods of application and proportions in which the drug is used directly depend on the intended purpose.

How to process

When carrying out processing it is necessary to observe several simple rules:

Precautionary measures

Epin is a drug of the fourth class of danger, that is low toxic substance, practically no harm to the body (provided correct use). However, when working with it, certain safety precautions should be observed:

  1. Use only special containers to prepare the solution, which will not subsequently be mixed with food utensils.
  2. Do not spray in a residential area. When using the solution, make sure that there are no animals or small children nearby.
  3. Protect your hands with gloves and your face with a gauze mask.
  4. Do not drink, smoke or eat during the procedure.
  5. Make sure that the drug does not come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes. If this does happen, take immediate action:
    1. If the substance comes into contact with your skin, wash it thoroughly with soap and water.
    2. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them generously with plain water or a solution of a special drug (Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Miramistin). Never use hydrogen peroxide for rinsing!
    3. In case of accidental ingestion of the solution, give the victim activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight) and induce vomiting.
  6. When you have finished using the product, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Wash and hide the containers you used so that curious children or pets cannot get to them.
  7. Dispose of the remaining prepared solution - it cannot be stored.

Where to buy Epin

The drug can be bought at any specialized store - gardening or flower shop. The manufacturer produces it in ampoules of 1 ml, 2 ml, 50 ml and 1000 ml. If you plan to use Epin only for indoor flowers, buy the smallest ampoules, because after opening the drug can be stored for no more than two days, and only in a dark place.

The cost of the product depends on its volume. The price of small ampoules usually varies from 10 to 35 rubles per piece. Before purchasing Epin, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date- an expired product will not have any effect.

If you soak pepper seeds before planting, then germination seed material will speed up significantly. This important stage in the process of growing a healthy and strong plant, which in the future will be able to please its owners with an excellent harvest.

Methods for soaking pepper seeds before planting

Preparing pepper seeds for planting begins with careful selection:

  1. Purchased or collected grains are laid out on paper.
  2. Too small and very large ones are rejected, leaving medium, full (not hollow) ones.

Next, the pepper seeds are soaked and germinated in order to disinfect them and prevent the future bush from being damaged by diseases. This preparation of grains helps to soften their film, speeding up the process of germination and germination. Used for disinfection and growth stimulation different compositions, each of which will help benefit the young plant.

Soaking pepper seeds before planting in Epin

A growth stimulator for soaking pepper seeds before planting is an excellent solution. The solution helps plants adapt to fluctuations in humidity, temperature, light, and increases resistance to lack of light, hypothermia, overheating, waterlogging, and drought. Soaking pepper seeds in Epin solution before planting accelerates their germination and stimulates growth. But the most important thing is a drug with biological active substances reduces the sensitivity of crops to unfavorable conditions and increases their resistance to diseases.

Epin is sold in small packages that are stored in the cold and dark. How to soak seeds:

  1. The package taken out of the refrigerator is heated in the hand, after which the sediment disappears and the composition becomes transparent.
  2. The test tube is shaken and 2 drops of the drug are added to ½ glass of water.
  3. The biological composition is poured into seeds that have been previously disinfected in a manganese solution.
  4. The treatment period is 12-24 hours at a temperature of +20-23°C, after which the Epin is drained, and the seeds are dried and placed for germination.

Soaking pepper seeds in Zircon before planting

A biological product from Echinacea is a powerful growth stimulator with high root-forming activity and a pronounced increase in seed germination. It is stored in the light room temperature. Zircon - proper soaking of pepper seeds before planting:

  1. The solution is diluted - 1 drop per 1.5 cups of water.
  2. The stimulating composition is poured into seeds that have been previously disinfected in a manganese solution.
  3. The processing period is 16-18 hours at a temperature of +23-25°C.
  4. Then the Zircon is drained, the grains are dried and germinated.

Soaking Pepper Seeds in Baking Soda

Along with industrial growth activators, natural nutrient mixtures can also be used to soak pepper seeds before planting. Their advantages are obvious - there is no need to spend money on buying drugs and once again treating the grains with chemicals. Baking soda is also useful for soaking; it enriches the seeds with minerals. This way they are cleared of pathogens; such crops are almost a third more productive than untreated crops. How to soak pepper seeds in soda before planting:

  1. To obtain the mixture, dissolve 10 grams of soda in 1 liter of water.
  2. The seeds are left in this composition for 12-24 hours.
  3. After this, the grains are thoroughly rinsed clean water, dried and germinated.

Soaking pepper seeds before planting in potassium permanganate

To disinfect seeds at home, potassium permanganate is often used. This treatment helps get rid of bacteria and fungal spores, which can subsequently damage the plant. Peppers from seeds that have undergone similar treatment grow healthier. Disinfection is carried out immediately before planting or treating grains with growth stimulants.

Soaking pepper seeds in potassium permanganate before planting:

  1. Dilute 1 g of potassium permanganate in 1 glass of water.
  2. Place the seeds in the solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Carefully drain the potassium permanganate, covering the glass with a piece of gauze, thoroughly rinse the seeds in running water and dry.

Soaking pepper seeds in hydrogen peroxide

Pharmacy peroxide is an excellent oxidizing agent; it perfectly disinfects everything that is irrigated with it. Treatment seed material This drug disinfects it and increases germination. How to soak pepper seeds in peroxide before planting:

  1. Make a solution - 1 tbsp. Dilute a spoonful of peroxide in 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Place the pepper seeds on cheesecloth and cover with the mixture for 24 hours.
  3. After processing, they must be washed thoroughly running water, dry and you can germinate.

The Best Way to Soak Pepper Seeds Before Planting

To achieve excellent germination of seed, it is best to organize its disinfection and soaking before planting in several stages:

  1. Before germination, treat the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate as described above. It will help get rid of ailments and harmful microorganisms that accumulate in the grains.
  2. Next, you need to treat the seeds with microelements. For this, it is recommended to use wood ash. It contains about 30 nutrients.
  3. For getting mineral mixture you need to take 20 grams of ash and dilute it in 1 liter of water. This composition, stirring, needs to be left for about a day.
  4. After this, roll the pepper seeds into a gauze bag and keep in the mixture for about 5 hours.
  5. Then remove, rinse with clean water and dry in a warm place.

After disinfection, undiluted aloe juice can be used as a nutritional composition, obtained from the leaves of a plant older than 3 years, which were kept in the refrigerator for a week before the procedure. The seeds are kept in it for 24 hours, then laid out for germination without washing the juice. For high-quality processing, before planting, you can soak pepper seeds in biostimulants from the store - Epin, Zircon, Humat.

How long does it take for pepper seeds to germinate when soaked?

The process of germinating pepper seeds begins in late February or early March. After disinfection and soaking, the grains are placed on gauze and covered with it on top. Seed material is placed in a closed Plastic container with holes for ventilation, moistened with water (preferably melted water) and placed in a warm place (with a temperature not lower than +24°C). Every day, while the grains are sprouting, the lid should be opened for a short time.

There is no exact answer to the question of how long it takes pepper seeds to germinate when soaked. This is a long process and you need to be patient. Different varieties peppers sprout in different terms, on average - from 7 to 15 days, but some species may need up to 20 days. As soon as the seeds have sprouted, they are transplanted into peat tablets or regular pots. It is much easier to care for peppers grown from soaked seeds - the plants get sick less and produce a good harvest.

To each for an experienced gardener Epin fertilizer, which is very common today, is known. It is used to treat seeds before planting in the soil, and is sprinkled on indoor flowers, seedlings, and plants as a growth stimulant. But not everyone knows how to use Epin Extra correctly.

Soaking seeds in epin affects germination, awakens active growth and provides protection from the negative influence of the environment. Let's try to figure out together what epin is for plants and how to use epin.

Did you know?Epin was developed by Russian scientists, but is not produced in Europe.

Epin extra: what is the drug

Since epin extra has found wide application among farmers and summer residents, you should understand in more detail what it is made from and how beneficial it is for plants. The instructions for the substance Epin do not disclose the composition of the drug, but only tell how it affects plants.

Everyone knows that spraying with epin helps to activate the protective functions of the plant, stimulates an increase in immunity, affects the increase in yield and earlier ripening of fruits, and effectively restores injured plants.

But we do not know the main thing, what exactly stimulates these processes in the plant.

The biological product is based on a phytohormone that is classified as a steroid – epibrassinolide. Epibrassinolide – This is an artificially bred similarity to the phytohormone brassinolide. The phytohormone activates plant cell division. Plants themselves are capable of producing this phytohormone, but the dose of the produced steroid is too small to accelerate the development of seedlings.

Epibrassinolide, penetrating into the plant, provokes inhibition of the production of hormones (ethylene, abscisic acid), which slow down the growth of the seedling. The use of epin does not provoke distortion of stems, leaves and fruits, but only contributes to the activation of ontogenesis.

Important!Epin can be used to spray plants or soak seeds. Watering is not recommended, since the drug is absorbed through the leaves and stems.

Using Epin, how to properly prepare the solution (dosage)

Advertising for a biological product assures us that it not only affects seed germination, seedling survival and increases disease resistance, but also reduces the level of toxic substances and nitrates in plant cells.
The use of epin during the growing season helps to increase the ovary, it crumbles less, and the fruits ripen ahead of schedule. When using Epin extra, you need to know how to soak the seeds correctly so as not to harm the future plant.

It is also important to know how to dilute Epin Extra. An acidic environment is required to completely dissolve the active substance epin. Most often, the water we use is alkaline. Before diluting epin, add a pinch of citric acid to the water.

Before planting, epin treats not only the seeds, but also the tubers with bulbs and cuttings. Before planting, disinfect the bulbs and cuttings for 12 hours ready-made solution, prepared from one milliliter of epin and two liters of water. Potato tubers are irrigated before planting in the ground. For 5 kg of tubers, use 1 ml of the drug dissolved in 250 ml of water.

Did you know?In China, grain crops are sprayed with phytohormone, which makes it possible to obtain 15-20% more more harvest than without its use.

Soaking seeds with Epin Extra stimulates germination and further rooting of cuttings. Epin for seeds is prepared as follows: Two drops of the biological product are dissolved in one hundred milliliters of water. The seeds are dipped into the solution and kept for 24 hours at room temperature.

Epin is used as a preparation for rooting seedlings and forming additional roots. Seedlings are sprayed with a solution of six drops of epin and half a liter of water when the seedling has two or three leaves and immediately before planting in open ground.

Epin extra can also be used for tomato seedlings before budding, it stimulates the formation more ovaries. During the growing season, not only seedlings are sprayed. You can process all vegetables, fruits and flowers growing in the garden.

In order to relieve the stress received during planting or transplanting all crops without exception, spray with a biological product by dissolving 1 ml of epin in 5 liters of water.

In case of return of frosts the day before and after them, the plants are also sprinkled with epin in the following proportions: - vegetables, strawberries and fruit trees during the flowering period, dissolve 1 ml of epin in 5 liters of water.
Epin is also used as a fertilizer to feed indoor plants. The biological product is used in spring or winter period when indoor flowers lack sunlight. Epin, according to the instructions for use for indoor plants, is diluted in a ratio of 1 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water.

Strawberries are sprayed after winter (dilute 1 ml of epin with five liters of water).

Epin according to the instructions for use is used for recovery coniferous plants after sunburn received in winter. Dissolve the drug as indicated in the instructions, and spray not only damaged, but also healthy needles.

Important!It is necessary to use the epin solution immediately after preparation, otherwise the substance loses its properties.

Features of plant treatment with epin

When using Epin Extra to stimulate the growth of seedlings and other plants, we must understand what effect it has on plants. Unlike root or heteroauxin, epin does not force plants to grow vigorously, but simply promotes survival in stressful situations (frost, violation of the integrity of shoots, disease, replanting), affecting the course of physiological processes.
If the plant has entered a dormant phase, epin will not force it to actively develop, because it is designed to restore and support immunity. Epin must be used according to the instructions and the plant must be sprayed again no earlier than two weeks later, since an overdose of the drug threatens to cause the opposite effect.

The active substance Epin will begin to accumulate in the plant cells as a pesticide. During sprinkling, the leaves should be evenly moistened with the solution. Practice has shown that the most effective use of epin is before and after plant budding. Spraying should be done in the morning or evening, in the absence of wind and precipitation. Under influence sun rays

epin evaporates so quickly that the plant does not have time to absorb it.

Did you know?It is necessary to spray only the growing parts of the plant - leaves and shoots. Epin absorption occurs within three days, so the next treatment is performed no less than two weeks later. If the plant has not been exposed to stress and is not sick, it is recommended to treat it three times over the entire season.

Phytohormones that stimulate plant growth are isolated from pollen.

Compatibility of Epin Extra with other drugs Often, in order not to treat the same plant twice with different drugs, we resort to mixing them. Scientists have found that combination of epin with drugs such as Vitalizer NV-101, Zircon, Tsitovit
To disinfect seeds and protect seedlings from diseases, the use of epin allows you to reduce the dosage of pesticides by half. Epine is dissolved together with agro- and pesticides. The disadvantage of the biological product is the destruction of epibrassinolide under the influence of lighting.