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» If the grape leaves have a hole. The leaves of the grapes have holes, what to treat with. Grape leaf mite

If the grape leaves have a hole. The leaves of the grapes have holes, what to treat with. Grape leaf mite

How to use the table?
It is necessary to start the definition from the first paragraph, comparing the characteristics given in it with the characteristics in another paragraph, indicated by a number in brackets. By comparing the signs, we decide which one is more suitable. If the signs of the first point are suitable, move on to the second. If, on the contrary, the signs of the point indicated by the number in brackets are suitable, then the definition begins with this and the following points, skipping all the previous ones.

Table for identifying grape pests by the nature of damage to the bush

1(8) . Kidneys are damaged in the spring.
2(5) . The kidneys have wide holes eaten away, often with torn edges. The damage is caused by beetles with a short and thick rostrum, fused elytra, and rounded shoulders. Skosari.
3(4) . All legs are the same length; the head and pronotum are relatively small; femora without ring of scales; elytra shiny with rows of dots; the body, legs and antennae are black. Hind tibia with deep notch; length 6-12 mm. Crimean mower.
4(3) . The elytra are deeply wrinkled and tuberous, with groups of pearlescent golden scales; legs and antennae are red; length 8.5-11 mm. Turkish mower.
5(2) . A narrow, deep canal has been eaten away in the kidney. The long-proboscis weevil often eats away the eyes before the buds open; the body is shiny, blue or green, up to 5.5-9.0 mm long. Pear or grape pipe maker.
6(7) . The pest's entrance hole with a spider web or small excrement can be seen on the bud. The caterpillar is gray or dirty green, the head is black. Body length up to 10 mm. Grape leaf roller.
7(6) . The buds dry out and die; damaged by sucking small (up to 1.5 mm) elongated insects with 2 pairs of narrow fringed wings. Thrips.
8(1) . The generative and vegetative parts of the plant are damaged.
9(17) . Inflorescences and clusters are damaged.
10(11) . Damaged inflorescences are combined with leaves, the damage is caused by a grayish-green caterpillar with a black head. Grape leaf roller.
11(10) . The pedicels of buds and flowers, entangled in cobwebs, are often gnawed, with a caterpillar between them. The stalks are gnawed, together with the berries are tangled in a web, there is a caterpillar inside the damaged berries or in the cobwebs. The caterpillar's head and chest shield are yellow-brown, the body is yellowish-green with sparse light hairs; length 12 mm. Bunch leaf roller.
12(10) . The head and chest shield are black, the body is light-colored or reddish, with dark setaceous scutes, length 12-14 mm. Biennial leaf roller.
13(14) . Green bunches with a sooty coating, insects on the ridges and pads, covered with powdery secretions, the berries dry out or wrinkle. Grape mealybug.
14(13) . There are small brownish galls on the ridges; sometimes there is a pink mosquito larva inside. Grape gall midge.
15(16) . Relatively deep cavities are eaten away on ripening and ripe berries, damaged by adult hymenoptera insects, the body is yellow-black, the abdomen is pendulous. The head is reddish-yellow, the body is black with yellow and rufous patterns, body length is 25-30 mm. Hornet.
16(15) . The head is black with yellow, the body without a red pattern; length 15-20 mm. German wasp.
17(9) . The vegetative parts of the plant are damaged.
18(35) . Leaves and young shoots are damaged.
19(20) . The leaves are cut off, only stumps remain, the beetle damages big head and well-developed jaws; the body is convex and shortened, 24 mm long. The nibbled leaves are carried away. Kravchik-golovach.
20(21) . The leaves are rolled up in the shape of a tube or cigar, damaged by beetles of bright metallic color, the rostrum is long, the antennae are not cranked. Tube screwer.
21(22) . The leaves are eaten away from the edges in an irregular pattern; the notches often reach the thick veins. Large short-proboscis weevils cause damage. Skosari.
22(23) . Rough deep eating from the edges is combined with holey. The damage is caused by large lamellar beetles. Marble Khrushchev.
23(24) . Sixteen-legged caterpillars damage them. The hairs are not feathery and are located on dark warts in a star-shaped manner. The body is gray-yellow above, light below, 12-20 mm long. Older caterpillars eat holes or eat leaves from the edges, leaving veins. Grape moth.
24(25) . The caterpillar is velvety brown above, with black warts, the side stripes are lemon yellow, with orange warts and tufts of black hairs, the head and legs are black; length 35 mm. American white butterfly.
25(26) . The damage is caused by a ten-legged slender caterpillar; Eating from the edges is combined with perforating. Grape moth.
26(27) . Several leaves are united by a web. There are holes in the woven leaves, the petioles are gnawed, and the caterpillar damages them. Grape leaf roller.
27(28) . Among the leaves, pulled together by a web or rolled into a tube, there is a caterpillar. The caterpillar's body is greenish, the head is greenish-brown, body length up to 20 mm. Comb or polyphagous leaf roller.
28(29) . The leaves are mined. The serpentine part of the mine is strongly sinuous, with large excrement, a spot irregular shape; the caterpillar is green, the head and pronotum are brown. Body length up to 4 mm. Grape leaf miner.
29(30) . There are small light dots on the leaves that merge into spots, the leaves turn gray and die; damaged by greenish, small (2.5-3 mm) insects, head and scutum with dark spots; elytra with red stripes. Grape leafhopper. Possible damage by other leafhopper species.
30(31) . Galls on the underside of the leaf, pinkish, round, inside are yellow larvae with piercing-sucking oral apparatus or eggs. Vine phylloxera (leaf form).
31(32) . On the underside of the leaves there are felt spots that are whitish, brownish, or reddish. On the upper side there are small swellings and bulges of various sizes; damage flares with two pairs of legs. Grape felt mite (itch).
32(33) . On the leaves there are small, discolored necrotic spots or other acarinous tissue lesions. Ticks.
33(34) . Young shoots are damaged. Shoots are damaged under shelters after planting or in schools. Plants are gnawed at the horse's neck. Gnawing owls.
34(33) . The shoots of grape seedlings are gnawed or the pest's entrance hole is visible in the root part. Click beetles and darkling beetles.
35(18) . Trunks, skeletal branches and roots are damaged.
36(40) . Trunks and skeletal branches are damaged.
37(39) . The damage is caused by larvae with an elongated body, narrowing towards the rear end. Under the bark and in the wood of the trunks there are wide passages clogged with stubs in the form of shavings. On the surface of the trunk there are round flight holes of the beetle. They damage larvae with a more or less flattened body, an expanded chest, and short or absent legs. Mustache. Grapes are damaged by: large fruit barbel, variable, polyphagous, etc.
38(37) . The passages inside the trunks are slightly flattened and filled with drill flour. Flight holes of beetles on the bark are elliptical in shape.
The damage is caused by a legless whitish larva, the prothorax is greatly expanded, the head is small; on the last segment there are 2 toothed processes. Body length up to 20 mm. Vine narrow-bodied borer.
39(37) . Larvae with other symptoms cause damage. The larvae are C-shaped, with three pairs of legs, and hairy. The body is somewhat widened in front. Always only in wood. False bark beetles. The most common species are the grape borer and other species.
40(36) . Roots are damaged.
41(42) . There are thickenings on the root lobes and small roots. Beak-shaped thickenings on young roots - nodosites - Grape phylloxera (root form).
42(43) . The thickenings on the roots are nodular, bead-shaped, with small worms inside. Root nematode (eelgrass).
43(44) . Woody roots are damaged. On the roots there are tuberosity swellings and relatively deep cracks. Grape phylloxera (root form).
44(45) . The roots are eaten by beetle larvae with three pairs of legs. Longitudinal wounds have been eaten away, mainly on the main root extending from the root stem; Often the gnaws are very deep, especially from the root collar of seedlings. Large light fleshy larvae of lamellar beetles damage. Marble Khrushchev.
45(46) . Wounds on the roots are in the form of winding grooves or spiral-shaped. The damage is caused by small bark beetle larvae. Grape dropsy.
46 . The roots are chewed by weevil larvae. The larvae are legless, white, the body has brown bristles, and the head is light brown. Body length up to 12 mm. Skosari.

An integral stage of grape cultivation is to protect the crop from various diseases that affect different parts of the plant, including leaves. It is believed that the most effective method fight is to use chemicals. However, they contaminate the berries and soil with harmful residues and are often quite expensive. A reasonable alternative to pesticides can be folk remedies, which are no less effective both in terms of treating most diseases and preventing them.

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    Black spot

    The disease is caused by a fungus and can affect all organs of the plant. The development of the disease occurs most intensively in places with high levels of humidity. On the foliage, the disease is presented in the form of black dots, which are located near the veins. Gradually, these marks increase in size, forming lacerated wounds on the leaf blades with a light border on the sides. The leaf soon weakens and curls develop on its surface. Then the foliage turns yellow and falls off prematurely.

    The disease is difficult to treat folk remedies. In this regard, without the use of chemicals, they are limited to severe pruning of the plant.

    Leaf rubella

    This grape leaf disease also belongs to the fungal category and occurs in areas with insufficient irrigation. Another cause of the disease is mineral deficiency nutrients. Rubella first infects lower leaves and gradually reaches upper parts grape plant. In white varieties, the foliage is covered with brown-yellow spots. Black varieties develop burgundy markings on the foliage.

    U experienced gardeners It is customary to fight against the disease with the help of ash and laundry soap dark colors, which are diluted in 10 liters of water. The treatment procedure must be carried out every one and a half weeks throughout the growing season.

    Alternaria blight

    The fungus that causes the disease successfully develops and spreads in warm weather in waterlogged areas. In the first stages, the disease affects the foliage. Marks form on the surface of the plates, in the center of which necrotic spots are observed. Sheet for a short time becomes dark, and after rain it is covered with a gray coating, consisting mainly of fungal spores. If on at this stage the disease will not be cured, it will spread to the fruits, which will become covered with a film gray, and subsequently to other plant organs.

    Of the folk remedies against the disease, the most widely used is cow dung, 3 kilograms of which are diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. Not only the foliage, but also the fruits and stems should be thoroughly treated with the resulting solution.


    The disease is also known as false powdery mildew. In the early stages, the foliage becomes covered with light oily marks. After a short period of time, a mycelium forms on the underside of the leaf blade, which can be recognized by its white fluff.

    Very effective means against the disease is a decoction of garlic heads (100 grams per ten-liter container of water). It would also be useful to plant dill near the grapes. This plant reduces the risk of occurrence and intensity of development and spread of the disease.

    5 grams of potassium permanganate are stirred in a bucket of water. At the same time, wood ash is prepared and pre-sifted in advance. The back side of the leaf blade is sprayed with the solution, and then, while the foliage is still wet, it is covered with ash.

    A kilogram of ash is diluted in a bucket of water and the solution is infused for a week. After this period, you should strain the solution and use it to process grapes. The procedure usually begins in July and is carried out every week and a half. Thanks to this product, they not only achieve protection against mildew, but also accelerate the ripening process and increase the sugar content in fruits.


    In a number of sources, it is bred under the name “powdery mildew”. Forms on the foliage white coating, changing color to dark over time. Brownish-dark marks form. The foliage soon dries out and falls off, and the disease affects the fruits and stems.

    Folk remedies against the disease include a milk solution (a liter of milk per 10 liters of water), which is used to treat grapes at least once a month. To others effective means is 40 grams soda ash, which are dissolved in a 10-liter container of water. In this case, it is possible to replace soda with 5 grams of potassium permanganate.

    It is also recommended not to mow a large number of fresh herbs and place it in a dark, moist place. After some time, the hay will begin to mold and take on a pronounced grayish color. Then this entire mass is placed in a pre-prepared container and filled with water. The solution is thoroughly mixed and filtered. The resulting liquid can be used to carry out preventive treatments against powdery mildew throughout the summer.

    2-3 kg of fresh cow manure is diluted in 10 liters of water and infused for two days. After this period, the solution is filtered and a teaspoon of urea is added to it. The mixture is treated with leaf blades on both sides.

    5 grams of potassium permanganate are diluted in a bucket of water and sprayed on the plants.

    Take 35-40 grams of lye, dilute it in a liter of water and mix thoroughly. Then 40 grams are poured into the solution liquid soap. The output is a mixture, which is filled into a spray bottle and sprayed on the bushes.


    It is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of grapes. It occurs in several forms:

    • non-infectious;
    • infectious;
    • edaphic.

    Non-infectious chlorosis

    In the first case, the manifestation of the disease occurs in the form of small-sized formations yellow spots. Their number increases exponentially, and soon they begin to merge into larger formations. As a result, only the veins remain green on the leaf, and the rest of the plate becomes yellow. The cause of the disease is most often alkaline reaction soil.

    Infectious chlorosis

    The infectious type of the disease is caused by a virus spread through pests (such as grape itch) or infected planting material, and manifests itself in the form of yellowing of the veins. The foliage soon becomes mosaic appearance(hence the second name of the disease – mosaic disease). The disease is practically untreatable, and the best thing to do in such a situation is to remove and destroy the affected vine in a fire.

    The edaphic type develops in stressful situations when the plant suffers excessive waterlogging, drought or low temperatures. As soon as the stress factor disappears, the culture returns to normal.

    The disease is poorly treatable with folk remedies. The only thing that can be recommended against chlorosis is not to resort to the use of manure, since it increases negative impact lime Instead, you should use sapropel, peat or composts.

    The disease is often confused with non-infectious chlorosis due to similar symptoms. You can clarify the diagnosis by cutting off a thick stem or trunk. In the case of fusarium, dead vessels can be clearly visible on the cut, and the wood will have a characteristic pink color.

    To treat the disease, marigolds should be collected during their flowering period. Half a bucket of dried flowers is diluted in 10 liters of water and left for two days. After this, the solution is ready for its intended use.

    A third of the empty bucket is filled with fresh cow dung and three liters of water is added on top. The resulting mixture is infused for three days. Then it is filtered and the bucket with the solution is filled with clean water.

    3 kg of wood ash is diluted in a bucket of boiling water and left for two days. The resulting solution is used to treat the trunk sector of the plant.

Summer residents often notice that the sheets are covered with holes. different sizes. This is especially troubling for those who use grape leaves for food and makes homemade preparations using them. However, in fact, concern should arise in any case, because this indicates that something bad is happening to the plant, seriously affecting its full development. Such phenomena can cause significant harm by changing vital processes, which will delay the formation of fruits, and may even completely damage the grape bush and have to be removed.

Pest infestation

Of course, first of all, you need to regularly spray the vineyards with preparations to prevent such a situation. If insects appear immediately, you should try to destroy them immediately. Treatment is mainly carried out with ready-made preparations sold in gardening stores and solutions that can be prepared based on what you have at home. It's about about organic substances. So, you can use karbofos, use “Fufanon”, “BI-58”, “Iskra”, “Omite”, “Confidor”, “preparation 30”, “Apollo”, “Nitrafen”, “Akkaritsid”, “Neoron”, "Aktellik".

As improvised means, they use spraying with boiling water, watering the vines with a solution made from wood ash, potassium permanganate, vitriol and even a garlic mixture. However, all this is effective in the case of the initial stages of infection; a large number of individuals can only be destroyed with chemicals!

The vineyard attracts the attention of many dozens of pests. Around the world, about 800 species of insects have been recorded that can harm the harvest of this crop. Moreover, not only berries suffer, but also roots, perennial and green shoots, inflorescences and leaves.

Without a well-built plant protection system, preventive and therapeutic treatment of grapes from diseases and pests, there is a risk of losing 30 to 50% of the crop, and some enemies of this crop can completely destroy the plantation.

Grape mites and methods of combating them

The most common pests of grapes throughout the world are numerous types of mites, which, feeding on the juices of the green parts of the plant, weaken the vineyard. With general harmfulness, insects are isolated that cause the greatest damage to the buds and leaves of grapes.

If you do not stop the reproduction of insects in time and do not start using methods to combat grape mites, their vital activity negatively affects the ripening of shoots, the quality and quantity of berries, and colonies of bacteria and fungi can develop on the affected parts of the plant, including the causative agents of such serious diseases as mildew and.

Female mites overwintering on weeds or inside buds in the spring, already at a temperature of about 7–8 ° C, begin to feed and lay eggs. As a result, the rudiments of inflorescences and shoots are damaged, the resulting clusters turn out to be smaller than before the mite attack, and the growth is weaker. If the mite infects the buds, they turn red, become dense and crumble.

The damage from the insect, which produces from 6 to 11 generations per season, increases in the summer months, when the grape itch is fed by the juices of the green part of the bush.

Traces of the presence of a pest look like deformation outside the leaf plate, the appearance of noticeable tubercles on it, which correspond to small depressions covered with a pile similar to felt or cobwebs.

The stronger the damage to the leaf, the weaker the metabolic processes in its tissues. If urgent measures are not taken to combat grape itch, felt spots on the back of the leaves merge, sheet plate collapses, practically falling out of the process of photosynthesis. The leaf weakens and dries up. Sometimes ripening brushes are found under the felt cover.

If at the beginning of the season the mite settles on the lower tier of the vine, then without proper control it can spread to younger shoots. Dry conditions contribute to the spread of ticks hot weather, gusty winds, insects fall from diseased parts of the plant to healthy parts during pruning, planting or grafting. To minimize the risk of crop loss from grape mites, methods of combating this pest should include agronomic practices and spraying with modern insecticides and acaricides.

Shoots that are weakened or frozen in winter must be removed. In autumn or in early spring, when the grape buds have not yet begun to grow, the vine and potential places where grape itch accumulates are treated with a two percent DNOC solution. A 3% solution of nitrafen will be effective against wintering female ticks. Since insects are often hidden by the felt covering that forms, Special attention When treating grapes for diseases and pests, the back side of the leaves is applied.

A long-tested measure to combat grape itch is considered to be double treatment of plantings with sulfur preparations. It is important that the air temperature is above 20 °C, and there are 10–14 days between procedures.

When plants are attacked by mites, remedies chemical treatment, including Fufanon, Neoron and Aktara, or Tevit Jet, are chosen not only taking into account their effectiveness, but also safety in relation to bees and humans.

Grape aphid or phylloxera

An extremely dangerous pest for rootstock and European grape varieties is grape aphid, causing damage to plantings in all existing forms, be it larvae, nymphs, winged and soil insects.

Appearing in Europe in the mid-19th century, this pest caused devastating damage to the most famous vineyards, calling into question the cultivation of this crop in France.

During the season, aphids give 7–8 generations, as a result, plants infected with the root form of phylloxera noticeably weaken, their root system turns out to be underdeveloped, and without treating the grapes from diseases and pests, the vine dies within a few years. This form can only be dealt with by completely removing the affected bushes. The leaf form, characterized by the appearance of galls containing aphid eggs on the back of the leaves, is usually detected in the second year.

Since this dangerous pest is a quarantine species, then control measures include preventing the spread of aphids, as well as using phylloxera-resistant rootstocks. Actelik, Dilor, Confidor Maxi and Etafos are used against the leaf form. The first treatment is carried out when the buds bloom en masse, and the second at the stage when the shoots already have 9–12 leaves.

Leaf rollers and other green grape pests

To protect the crop from leaf rollers and cutworms, treatment of grapes against diseases and pests with insecticides is carried out during the period when butterflies emerge.

If eggs and caterpillars are found on the grapes, it is important to carefully remove the damaged parts of the plant, preventing the pests from spreading. You can protect the crop through three successive treatments with Fozalon, Ambush, Sumicidin or modern biological products.

Thrips: description of a grape pest, photos and methods of treatment

On thrips-affected leaves, browned areas appear, first along the edges and then throughout the entire blade; the surface becomes deformed and gradually curls.

Similar damage can be seen on young shoots, tendrils, and later on berries. As is the case with grape mite, methods of combating these insects are to use Phosfamide or BI-58, Carbamyl and Methomyl.

Scale insects and mealybugs

Grape shoots attract many pests. Small scale insects and mealybugs, leading a sedentary lifestyle, settle on the vine and suck out the juices. Which leads to weakening of the affected parts of the plant, their drying out and reduced yield. The presence of scale insects is indicated by glossy spots of honeydew secreted by these insects. However, damage to the plant from this type of pest is not limited to the weakening of shoots and foliage; fungi soon develop in the habitats of scale insects and scale insects, and outbreaks that are dangerous to grapes appear. Where do these grape pests shown in the photo live, and how to treat the bush affected by them?

In autumn, young scale insects concentrate at the base of one-year-old shoots, attach themselves and overwinter. In the spring, mature insects give birth to a new generation, which emerges from under the scutes of dead females.

Mealybugs with a whitish, loose, waxy mass as a coating can cause serious damage to grapes. Overwintering as larvae under the bark of adult shoots and even on trellis supports, with the onset of warm weather the pests move to the green parts of the plant, to shoots and leaves, where they become adults. With mealybugs and various types Scale insects are fought by treating all above-ground parts of the bush, as well as parts of the trellis. Spraying is carried out in early spring, before the buds open and, necessarily, under high pressure so that the drug penetrates into the layers of the bark.

Weevils or weevils

Vineyards are damaged by several species of weevils, which gnaw out the buds and leaf blades of young foliage, and their larvae can seriously damage the root system.

Adult beetles and larvae of this pest overwinter in the ground at a depth of 15 to 30 cm. Insect activity begins with the arrival of spring, when the air warms up above 10 °C. Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests, including weevils, is carried out using insecticides in the period from April to May, when the beetles are actively feeding, and also in June, when young individuals emerge from the soil. The vineyard is sprayed twice with an interval of 10 days, using chlorophos and fozalon, the soil between the rows is loosened to a depth of at least 15 cm.

Protecting grapes from wasps

If for most of the summer a colony of wasps actively increases their numbers and looks for protein food to feed their offspring, then in August the insects begin to prepare for winter and their diet changes radically. The harvest of many crops is suffering from wasps, now exclusively interested in sweets. garden crops, including grapes. Moreover, due to the thin skin of grape berries, these pests can seriously reduce yields and negatively affect the quality of grapes.

Therefore, protecting the vineyard from wasps is a task of paramount importance for the gardener.

Coping with wasps is not easy because when the berries ripen, the use of insecticides becomes dangerous.

The best results can be achieved if you start fighting the pest in advance and use all existing methods. It is best to destroy wasp nests in the evening, when insects gather for the night. When planning to perform such a task, be sure to take all personal safety measures. The area where the pests are concentrated is treated with a fast-acting insecticide that is active against wasps.

The use of industrially manufactured and homemade traps will not help get rid of insects, but with a systematic approach it will significantly reduce their numbers. At the beginning of summer, the trap is equipped with meat or fish bait, and in August and September the vessel is filled with syrup or other sweet product. As the device is filled, it is cleaned and hung near the vineyard.

When the clusters begin to ripen, to protect the grapes from wasps, other insects and birds, they are covered with covers made of mesh or non-woven material. Such a shelter should be loose enough so as not to interfere with the filling of berries and to prevent condensation from appearing inside and the development of rot.

Video about diseases and pests of grapes

Summer residents often notice that the sheets are covered with holes of different sizes. This is especially worrying for those who eat grape leaves and make homemade preparations using them. However, in fact, concern should arise in any case, because this indicates that something bad is happening to the plant, seriously affecting its full development. Such phenomena can cause significant harm by changing vital processes, which will delay the formation of fruits, and may even completely damage the grape bush and have to be removed.

Pest infestation

Of course, first of all, you need to regularly spray the vineyards with preparations to prevent such a situation. If insects appear immediately, you should try to destroy them immediately. Treatment is mainly carried out with ready-made preparations sold in gardening stores and solutions that can be prepared based on what you have at home. We are talking about organic substances. So, you can use karbofos, use “Fufanon”, “BI-58”, “Iskra”, “Omite”, “Confidor”, “preparation 30”, “Apollo”, “Nitrafen”, “Akkaritsid”, “Neoron”, "Aktellik".

As improvised means, they use spraying with boiling water, watering the vines with a solution made from wood ash, potassium permanganate, vitriol and even a garlic mixture. However, all this is effective in the case of the initial stages of infection; a large number of individuals can only be destroyed with chemicals!