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» Natural garden (garden in natural style). Nature garden - naturgarden How to create a garden in a natural style

Natural garden (garden in natural style). Nature garden - naturgarden How to create a garden in a natural style

The naturgarden style originated in Germany at the end of the 18th century as a result of a discussion about the English landscape garden. The German natural garden was supposed to differ from the English version in greater functionality, a scientific approach and less idealization of nature. In the 20th century, the nature garden gained particular popularity in Western and Northern Europe and is now being transformed into an eco-garden, in which the entire design of the site, including buildings, is carried out with maximum environmental friendliness.

General principles

Naturgarden is designed to unite man and nature. “Native” plants are especially welcome here, the design is focused on landscapes native to the area, but from wildlife differs in that the space is planned and created by a person, he also takes care of it. Excluded use chemicals, diseases and pests of plants are fought with organic farming methods.


Paths can be gravel or covered with mulch, platforms - in the form wooden decking but in any case not paved. They must allow water to pass through and not contribute to soil compaction. The place of the lawn is usually occupied by a lawn with local types of grasses.


Sometimes in the descriptions of plants there is a note "to create flower beds of a natural appearance, natural gardens." The latter is an attempt to grow natural species on the site that have decorative properties. Such flower beds should subsequently require minimal care, since, if everything is done correctly, the plants themselves will regulate growth and development, as in the forest, in the field, in the meadow, depending on which natural garden was chosen for the sample. The site is divided into miniature ecosystems depending on the conditions: swamp, meadow, rockery, forest - where the corresponding plant species are planted.

At the heart of the garden is correct selection plants, in strict accordance with the existing environmental conditions on the site. The main factors are light, humidity and soil fertility. The amount of herbs and cereals is strictly regulated, flowering plants, annuals and perennials so that they can provide natural renewal. Landings must be mulched with wood chips, bark or other natural materials. In the first few years after creation, such gardens require careful maintenance: weeding, watering. In the second or third year, as a result of the gradual closing of plants among themselves, care work will be reduced.

An important role is played native trees and shrubs, ferns, cereals, bulbs of a natural appearance (for example, if tulips are botanical).

3 useful ideas from the creators of nature garden style

1. Smart landing pattern. Ideally, plants should be selected and placed so that the garden does not need to be watered or weeded at all.

In practice, this is rarely possible, but it is enough to implement the idea at least partially, this will already facilitate the maintenance of the garden.

Divide it into sections depending on environmental conditions: note where it is hot and sunny all day, where moss grows and dampness is felt, and where snow blows away in winter. Make lists of plants for each place in the directory. Consider their lighting and soil requirements. Better not give too much of great importance flowering time, foliage shape and other decorative features. Plants are always harmonious, and even unexpected combinations can be extremely successful. You may want to subsequently replace some species, but there will be few of them.

2. Water-permeable coatings. stone and concrete walkways they do not let water into the lower layers of the soil, but redistribute it so that in some places it turns out to be too dry, in others it is damp. Microbiological processes in the soil are disturbed, it loses its porous structure, caking. It becomes more difficult to care for plants, and compacted soil can become an obstacle to the movement of groundwater.

Try to use more filtering, that is, water and air permeable coatings for paths and playgrounds. Wooden and composite flooring, gravel, lawns do not violate the ecology of the site.

3. Local materials. Take a closer look at the decoration and landscape materials traditional for your area. They tend to be the most inexpensive and also look the most natural in a natural garden.

Natural style in landscape design is also called forest. hallmark style is to maximize the preservation of the natural landscape and complement it decorative elements. Natural style in the most general sense is an ennobled forest.

Style Features

  1. In the forest style, it is preferable to design large areas.
  2. The arrangement of plants is similar to that in the forest area (levels depend on the height of the plants).
  3. No exotic plants.
  4. Creation of artificial reservoirs imitating forest lakes, rivers, etc.
  5. Winding paths created in the form of paths.

The location of plants in the forest and examples relevant to the natural style:

  • The first level is formed by the tops tall trees. Landscape designers suggest planting adult plants typical of Russian forests: maple, oak, hazel, spruce, pine, mountain ash, birch.
  • Plants of the second level are small trees. On the landscaped area are used fruit crops: pear, apple, sea buckthorn, cherry.
  • The third level is represented by shrubs: raspberries, gooseberries, currants, honeysuckle.
  • To create the fourth level, herbs, flowers and greens are used: fern, St. John's wort, dill, chamomile, club moss, sedge, sage, mint, etc.
  • For the fifth level, designers use creeping crops such as thyme.
  • Vertically growing plants like vines and grapes form the sixth level.
  • Root crops that do not require light are on the seventh level.

Sometimes the improvement of the territory comes down to cleaning the site and a slight design correction: old and diseased trees are removed, wild plants are planted, paths stylized as forest paths are outlined and laid. Small architectural forms are used for decoration. An artificial pond is being built or a natural one is being put in order.

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How to create a garden natural style

The desire to merge with nature, to find peace opens up new possibilities in landscape architecture.

We live in a time when the world is constantly changing, and there is a significant rethinking of values. Including when arranging the site, design ceases to be the main goal. The desire to move away from the hustle and bustle and merge with nature gradually comes to the fore.

The philosophy of the "garden outside of man"

The time when man tried to prove his dominance over nature is over. And with it, gardens with sheared, parterre arabesques, flower beds go into the background, where species that require different care adjoin. Now there is more and more interest in gardens, where plants and the feeling of contact with nature are more important than architecture.

And personal plots appear where the presence of a person is not felt and there are no traces of complex man-made work - “gardens outside of a person”.

Pay more attention to plants and the sensations they evoke.

Nature style garden - less design

The garden can become a backstage complex, a series of open spaces and viewpoints. Try to stop at either one expressive plant, such as miscanthus, or a whole group, such as cereals, and fill the space with them.

Create a free-growth effect or let the plant take over territory on its own.

Shapes and sizes for a nature style garden

To create a flower garden in the garden of sensations “outside of man”, stop at species with various forms of inflorescences: panicles, umbrellas or balls. But don't use the standard high-rise mixborder approach, where the tallest plants are in the background and the shortest in the foreground.

Appreciate the charm of natural beauty when bright or textured flowers peep through tall openwork "veil" plants. Try as a "veil" to plant a burnet or cornflower with a Veronica, loosestrife or black cohosh mysteriously peeking out from behind.

We erase traces

Do not place in the garden any cut shrubs, parterre

lawns, statues and waterfalls. The main thing is the lack of an abundance of species and artsy forms. But at the same time, high-tech, comfort and garden equipment play an important role.

Mini-ecosystem - the basis of the garden

Take inspiration from nature itself. If you are the owner of a pine forest, then try to create scenes from the undergrowth of young trees and hawthorn, and decorate the lower tier with blueberries, strawberries or ferns. For this, there is no need to radically change the landscape.

You need to use what is on the site, with some additions ornamental plants, which are characterized by these growing conditions.

The "Garden Outside Man" will not only help you relax and immerse yourself in nature, but it also has another important advantage - it is low-maintenance, does not require much time and investment, and does not dictate what needs to be done every month, every day.

Flower garden in natural style

The fashion for natural gardens, which came from the West, is timidly knocking on our door. The idea of ​​imitating nature, which became so popular with light hand Dutch landscape designer Pete Udolf and his followers, has not yet mastered the minds of most Russian gardeners. Many of them treat it with some apprehension: they say, we already have enough weeds, where else is cultivated, something that grows literally everywhere! Moreover, even in purely ornamental garden with flowerbeds and mixborders, creating a corner in a natural style runs into a lack of space. Therefore, we are still looking at new trends, studying decorative cereals, and, as you know, they grow slowly.

Paying tribute to the new fashion, I want to offer a great alternative to the cereal garden in the form of a "wet" garden, which will be quite in the mainstream, as it is also an example of imitation of the natural ecosystem.

Such a garden does not require much labor, especially if you have a corner with a low relief level on your site. Now you don't have to haul in soil by dump trucks to level it - take advantage of this situation and create something special in your garden.

A man-made swamp must be on the one hand, preferably from the south, surrounded by shrubs


It must be admitted that when in our country in the nineties land was massively distributed for collective gardening, few people got a plot of former collective farm arable land or meadows. More and more wastelands, overgrown with small forests, and peat bogs. Most of the sites are in need of reclamation and drainage but by definition. Therefore, a swampy landscape is a phenomenon familiar to the eye of a Russian gardener and quite easily reproduced artificially. Moreover, very often we are accompanied by a high standing of groundwater, due to the close location of the clay layer and the soil horizon.

If there is no clay on your site, you will need to make a waterproof layer yourself: without this, our water idea will not work. In nature? this type of swamp is called lowland, where water accumulates in low places and does not leave because of the m covering clay horizon. So we, creating an artificial swamp, will have to think about how to reproduce such a situation.

To do this, experts usually do clay castle, laying clay in an even layer of at least 20 cm over the entire surface of the bottom. Or cover it special film to create reservoirs. You can also bury a ready-made plastic form or any other container - a tank for boiling clothes that has served its purpose, a trough or an enameled bathtub found in a garbage dump. I know a garden whose owner literally hunts for old discarded bathtubs!

Soup plate

The center of the composition should be a pond, which will play the role of a reservoir that supplies moisture to the surrounding area. You can simply dig it out, deepening the natural lowering of the relief. In the context, the structure should resemble a soup bowl filled to the brim. The upper edge of such a plate is a zone of temporary flooding, where water will accumulate during floods or rains. Not the depth should not exceed 10-15 cm. It should be understood that the pond looks like a plate only in the section.

When viewed from above, its shape should not resemble a shell funnel: a round reservoir looks too artificial, and our task is to approach natural ease. A proven option is the shape of a bean or a water lily leaf.

When the boundaries of the potential flooding zone are established, vertically bury pieces of pipes (asbestos-cement or sewer plastic) 50 - 70 cm long along the perimeter in several places. It is easier to do this with a garden drill. The top edge of the pipe should be almost level with the ground. Thus, you will create an overflow system through which excess water during heavy rains will go into the ground. This is done in order not to turn the coastal area into an impenetrable quagmire, stepping into which you risk losing galoshes.

From the forest, obviously

It would be good to cover the bottom of the flood zone with pebbles, which will look beautiful through a thin layer of water.

In order for a pond to quickly turn from a muddy reservoir of an incomprehensible color into a self-regulating ecosystem, the first thing to do is pour several five-liter bottles of water into it from a neighboring reservoir - a river, lake or swamp.

Thus, you will populate the pond with the necessary microorganisms and small fauna. In just a few days, only memories will remain of the dirty puddle: as if by magic, it will be filled with crystal clear water.

At the same time, you can dig in the river directly with silt and plant it in a basket (for this purpose, hanging planters from coconut fiber) some aquatic plants, such as a water lily or arrowhead.

As a result, you will get a system consisting of three zones with different moisture regimes, which determine the species composition of the flora planted in each of these zones. These are the pond itself (I), the zone of temporary flooding (II) and the coastal zone (III). In zone I, that is, in the pond, aquatic plants will grow, in zone II, marsh plants, and in zone III, coastal plants. All of them as a whole will make up a very attractive picture of a mini-garden in landscape style, and since they will be planted in conditions that meet their environmental requirements, we can hope that they will delight you for more than one year. Having made a “wet” garden, in the future you can limit yourself to purely admiring - no additional labor is required. Such a corner is quite rightly considered a garden for busy people.

Expert advice

In order to prevent frogs looking for adventure from getting into the pipes, the ends of the pipes must be tied with a piece of mosquito netting, just as they tie jars of jam with a piece of cloth, or make special mesh linings, fixing them on pipe sections.

About the inhabitants

Nature has created a huge number of plants that feel comfortable in the conditions high humidity, on acidic and waterlogged soils. You will plant something from the proposed list yourself, guided by your own taste, something, I assure you, will come to your garden on your own, as the loosestrife, meadowsweet, forest geranium and bluebells came to me.

I will give some tips on how best to arrange the banks of the reservoir. This man-made swamp must, on the one hand, preferably from the south, be surrounded by trees and shrubs. Indeed, in natural conditions, trees and shrubs grow next to any swamp, giving partial shade. A pond left without such a cover will quickly overgrow with duckweed. In addition, the evaporation process is more intense in the sun - in the heat you will have to add water all the time.

Near the pond it is customary to see a weeping willow. But for small area this decision will be inappropriate, since such a willow, familiar to us but in the pictures of the willow, is very a big tree with a strong stem. When you understand this, it will be too late, and you will have to part with a beautiful monumental tree. Not the best choice and landing grafted weeping willow on the stem. In a garden that mimics a natural plant community, such a plant will look too pretentious. For such a case, we can recommend (checked!) Red willow 'Nana' (krasnotal), which grows no more than 3 m in height and diameter. Her silvery leaves they tremble very beautifully from the slightest breath of the breeze, it forms a regular, dense spherical crown, which from time to time, once every 7-8 years, must be thinned out from shrunken branches. It lends itself well to molding, unpretentious, tolerates prolonged flooding.

The swamp ecosystem is extremely harmful to the neighborhood of birches, which work as powerful pumps that drain the area within a radius of up to 20 m.

By the pond, it is appropriate to plant any spirea, both spring-flowering (gray village, Vangutta village) and summer blooming (birch-leaved village, Japanese village, Nippon village, willow-leaved village). Panicle hydrangea can also be included in the tree-shrub group. In this case, just do not plant varieties with dense large caps of inflorescences such as 'Limelight', 'Phantom', 'Silver Dollar', which can destroy the fragile beauty of a flower garden in a natural style. It is better to prefer varieties with lacy buds that create a halo of light foam, such as 'Kyushu' (tall spreading bush with fragrant buds), 'White Dome' (a rare variety in our gardens, but worth hunting), 'Brussels Lace' (named 'Brussels lace" absolutely accurately conveys the beauty of the variety).


  • Ranunculus anemone
  • Highlander bird
  • Iris iris
  • kaluzhnitsa
  • European bathing suit
  • forget-me-not marsh
  • cattail


  • Aquilegia
  • astilba
  • Badan
  • Bruner
  • Buzulniki:
  • b. jagged,
  • b. Przhevalsky,
  • b. Fischer Verbeiniki:
  • V. cellular, c. coin,
  • V. pinpoint
  • marsh geranium
  • Highlander bird
  • loosestrife loosestrife
  • Irises:
  • And. airy,
  • And. Siberian
  • Bells:
  • to. nettle,
  • k. broad-leaved
  • Kupena officinalis
  • meadowsweet
  • ferns
  • hosts

© O. Pupasova-Maksimova, O. Piskareva

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  • Greetings, dear friends! Sometimes in summer cottages you can find a garden in a natural style, or in another way - an eco-garden. After all, not all owners country house are fond of creating a vegetable garden or garden from exotic crops. Some are much closer to the natural beauty of nature.

    In part, such a landscape resembles a corner of the wild nature characteristic of the area. But this is only an external appearance. A natural garden is a combination of well-chosen crops according to natural conditions. And it also requires human attention. But in response to care, an ecological garden gives comfort, natural beauty and much more free time than an artificially created one. household plot. How to make a garden in a natural style and how to care for it?

    Natural gardens first came into fashion quite a long time ago - back in the 19th century. And they still continue to conquer with their natural charm, organically combined with modern details landscape. Trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, including - all varieties of forms can advantageously decorate the site.

    The concept of "ecosystem" is reflected not only in textbooks on ecology and biology, but also in real life. Creating an ecological design in the country is not only a tribute to fashion. It is based on much more significant patterns and features than just the aesthetic perception of the garden.

    Advantages of Ecodesign

    All living organisms, including plants, are in close relationship with each other and with abiotic conditions. And, although the garden and the garden are agrosystems, spatio-temporal and biological relationships are also observed in them. And the stronger these relationships, the more stable the community. It is this principle that underlies the natural garden.

    Planted plants in this area show much greater resistance to infectious diseases, pests and extreme factors(temperature differences, high or low, dryness of the substrate, excess moisture, drafts). High life potential allows them to successfully compete with weeds for food and light.

    Sometimes there is a confusion between the concepts of "ecodesign" and "landscape design". It's far from the same. The difference lies not only in the degree of decorativeness. When creating a natural garden, you also have to spend some time and effort to maintain a certain garden structure.

    Of course, watering is necessary, light corrective and sanitary pruning, weeding, mowing grass and performing other agricultural practices. But in the case of ecodesign, they are required in a much smaller volume. Plants in the natural garden are more hardy and unpretentious.

    Creating a garden in natural style

    Preparatory work

    Before proceeding to practical action to implement the idea of ​​ecodesign on the site, a comprehensive study of the conditions is required. It is necessary to have accurate data on soils (mechanical composition, pH, degree of moisture, amount nutrients etc.), relief, illumination, original vegetation. All these data are taken into account when developing a new natural-anthropogenic community. At the first stages of work, information on the arrangement may be useful suburban area with your own hands.

    Ecogarden relief

    When creating a garden in a natural style, it is desirable to preserve the relief available on the site, even if it is not ideal from an agricultural point of view. All existing "flaws" in the form of relief depressions, ravines or, conversely, hills are left in their original state and beaten, placing additional emphasis on them.

    Ponds in the natural garden

    A pond in a garden is always a win-win: it not only enhances the decorative effect of the site, but also brings complexity and additional stability to the structure of the community. Therefore, if there is already a water community on the territory (stream, pond, swamp), then it is desirable to preserve it. If there is none, then it is worth making an effort to create it. Landing aquatic plants- an occupation, though unusual, but grateful. Even a small pond on the site will benefit both the garden community itself and the person.

    Plants for the garden in natural style

    It is desirable to preserve the original vegetation on the site. First of all, it concerns trees. It is they who determine the ecological features of the natural garden and "dictate" the direction of development for it. But herbaceous plants are also important, which can grow safely in both natural and saline conditions. A striking example is ivy, hoof, etc.

    The planting of new crops is also encouraged. But it is worth considering one nuance. It is advisable to choose plants characteristic of this climatic zone. Firstly, they quickly adapt to a new place, and secondly, they will naturally support this ecosystem.

    Herbaceous plants are also selected according to the principle of compliance with the conditions of the ecogarden. In this case, they will not disappear from the composition of crops and will not require additional care efforts. Often there may be a problem of choice, but their range can be successfully supplemented with cultivated species.

    Another principle that underlies ecodesign is continuous flowering garden. To do this, it is necessary to select flower crops with different flowering periods. Do not forget about decorative leafy plants. In this case, the site will always be attractive and beautiful.

    To reduce the number of weeds and facilitate the maintenance of a natural garden, it is recommended to use ground cover plants in landscaping. They compete well with weed species and, in addition, maintain a stable level of soil moisture. It is not forbidden to apply in some areas.

    And, finally, the third principle of selecting green inhabitants for the ecogarden. Digging up plants from "wild" conditions and transplanting them into your garden is strongly discouraged. All crops that fill the space of a natural garden must be from a nursery. This is what guarantees decorativeness and resistance to diseases and pests.

    Orient in vast abundance flora and select specific suitable crops for a natural garden, this video will help:

    Garden dwellers in natural style

    An ecogarden is inconceivable without the presence of birds, amphibians, reptiles and insects. Therefore, feeders, birdhouses, old stumps and snags are highly desirable on the territory. Pruning is recommended in early spring, Bye migratory birds did not have time to choose a place for their nest.

    Herbs and twigs with seeds and fruits are left untouched in autumn. They will be food for those birds that stay over the winter in the garden. This is another small difference between a natural garden and a cultural one.

    Building and finishing materials

    When arranging any garden, you can not do without the use of building materials. They are needed for the construction of buildings, garden furniture, paths and paths. Ecodesign requires the use of natural materials. Currently, their choice is wide and includes various types of wood and natural stone.

    You can use natural material not only in processed form, but also in natural. For example, original garden compositions (rutarium, rock garden) are obtained if you use creative ideas and natural gifts.

    A garden in a natural style combines two elements - decorative and natural. And to do this is quite within the power of any caring owner own site who likes eco-design and natural beauty.

    Good luck in job! Nadezhda Goryunova

    natural style

    The main condition for designing a site in a natural style is the presence of large land areas. This style is in many ways similar to the landscape style, but the natural style is based on a natural forest, which is being landscaped.

    Plot in a natural forest style

    In fact, the forest is a complete composition, and the main tasks in creating a natural style are cleaning up plant and other debris, adding certain touches in the form of specially planted trees, and creating paths and paths.

    When designing a site in a natural style, you should try to strike a balance between naturalness and the aesthetic component of the landscape. Although some elements of the site (such as rotten trees) may look ugly, this is natural for the forest and adds a certain color to the landscape.

    Landscaping in a natural style is often used for boarding houses and holiday homes in Central Russia, as well as for any holiday home.

    Rockeries in natural style gardens

    A rockery will look great in a natural-style garden, but the site should be large in size. Rockery by appearance resembles a rocky wall, but it is more complex, because it must harmoniously fit into the already existing terrain. Rockery cannot look deliberately artificial; this is unacceptable on a natural-style site. Rockery should be combined with all natural objects located on the territory.

    If the site has a natural slope, then you can arrange it suitable species plants and stones. A place for rockeries must be chosen according to the idea - dry stream beds, gorges, slopes of ravines and hills, and it is also possible to install rockeries on screes. If you follow this advice, then the rockery will harmoniously fit into big picture terrain.

    The most suitable continuation for rockeries created on a natural slope is stone scree. Scree is a cluster of small and medium-sized stones at the foot of a cliff, among which larger specimens can occasionally be found. Plants on screes are planted not very densely, giving preference to stones.

    - tarry;

    - penstemon;

    - some types of ornamental grasses, such as gray fescue;

    - Phlox Douglas.

    It is desirable that plants planted on scree be drought-resistant.

    Stones and blocks are the most important part of rockeries. The mood that is created when walking through the garden depends on the choice of material. The material must be of the same rock composition, not only for large blocks, but also for gravel and small gravel. If you choose blocks of limestone, then gravel and crushed stone should also be calcareous. If large boulders are used, then rounded cobblestones will make them a wonderful company.

    The use of large granite boulders and pebbles in the design of rockeries will allow you to recreate the harsh nature of the northern regions of Russia. The range of plants should be represented by species growing in these places:

    different kinds ferns;

    - heathers and ericas of various colors;

    - undersized forms of common juniper.

    The sublime beauty of the Caucasus Mountains is emphasized by light blocks of sandstone of various colors, porous tuff or limestone. The choice of plants is already richer, but it should also correspond to the peculiarities of the flora of the mountain ranges of the south.

    When choosing plants for rockeries, their growth and size, as well as the need for light and moisture, must be taken into account. On the slopes it is better to plant ground cover crops:

    - stonecrop;

    - heathers;

    - periwinkle;

    - pachysandra.

    At the foot of the rockery, a variety of bulbs (muscari, crocuses, tulips) and other perennials are planted, and undersized ones will naturally look at the top. mountain trees and shrubs or compact varieties of conifers.

    Rockeries also include artificial rocks. During their construction, the main role is played by decorative fake diamond plants play a secondary role.

    The stones used to create artificial rocks are up to several meters in size and weigh 10 tons or more. Heavy equipment is used to install them, and not in every area such structures will look harmonious. However, if the size of the site and the means allow you to create such a rock composition, then by its monumentality it will become the main asset and the main attraction of the site, so the place for it must be chosen in an open space, and from several viewpoints.

    Small architectural forms in gardens in natural style

    Natural style gardens prioritize naturalness in everything - unspoiled forest landscapes, natural materials and colors. Despite the fact that the main idea of ​​such gardens is their miraculous creation, many of them have small architectural forms in the form of gazebos, benches, benches, where you can sit down after a walk and enjoy the beauty of nature. Wood is most often used for their manufacture, since it is natural material. In addition, small architectural forms made of wood look most harmonious in gardens in a natural style. They carry warmth in themselves, and therefore it is more pleasant to sit on a bench from a local natural material than on a metal or stone bench.

    Natural style gazebo

    Often placed in natural style gardens wooden gazebos- buildings designed for decoration and recreation. Arbors come in all sizes and shapes, they can be in plain sight or hidden from prying eyes, they can resemble a cozy hut or a house made of beams. But in any case, the gazebo, like all small architectural forms, must meet three basic rules - beauty, strength, functionality.

    Pavilions differ in their purpose. Some gazebos are created for solitude in the bosom of nature, others for noisy meetings with friends. A gazebo located on a hill can be a place to contemplate the surrounding natural beauties, and some gazebos are combined with a stove or barbecue grill. Depending on the functional purpose, they choose the size and location of the gazebo.

    The gazebo in the garden is also protection from wind, sun and rain. Therefore, the location of walls and openings should be clearly thought out and planned - the walls should hide from the wind, the openings should open a view of beautiful places.

    In addition to gazebos, the following wooden small architectural forms can be placed in a natural-style garden:

    – benches – simple, traditional in Russian style;

    - sculptures, figures made of wood;

    - decoration of the site with snags, they are also used to make original " alpine slides"- rutaria;

    - circular benches around an old tree;

    - woodcarving;

    - fences from boards;

    - flower beds in logs and stumps;

    - compiling compositions with the participation of objects of ancient peasant life;

    - tree bark for paths and mulching;

    garden furniture- simple wooden, a lot of homemade, varnished or tinted;

    – hammocks, swings, various hanging seats.

    Levels in natural style gardens

    Since the natural style reproduces the natural corner of the forest nature, then most of the elements are similar to the natural landscape. In gardens made in a natural style, zoning is carried out in a natural way.

    Zones in natural gardens are interconnected by a network of paths and paths. You can pave them with wild stone or old natural brick. Forest-style ponds are swamps, small ponds where rainwater accumulates.

    Unlike traditional gardens, which are usually laid out in a horizontal plane (the most common plants in them are lawn grass and flowers), natural gardens include all 7 levels characteristic of a real forest.

    1. "Canopy" formed by the tops of tall trees. These trees include:

    - birch;

    - hazel;

    - rowan;

    - juniper.

    Trees should be predominantly growing in middle lane Russia. For these purposes, you can use large trees - mature trees, which, when proper processing will look like they've been growing for a long time.

    The role of planting large-sized plants is also great for creating a microclimate in the garden. Immediately after their landing, you can enjoy the picturesque landscape. The task of planting large-sized trees is to visually and environmentally improve your site.

    2. The plane of lower trees, such as miniature fruit trees. For example:

    - Apple tree;

    - apricot;

    - sea ​​buckthorn;

    3. Shrub level, usually consisting of fruit-bearing bushes. Can be used the following types:

    - honeysuckle;

    - currant;

    - gooseberry;

    - raspberries;

    - blackberry;

    - jasmine.

    4. Grass level, formed by herbs and even greens - such as:

    - parsley;

    - basil;

    - fern;

    - astilba;

    - badany;

    - buttercups;

    - chamomile;

    - cornflowers;

    - oregano;

    - valerian;

    - sage;

    - St. John's wort.

    5. Ground level, consisting of creeping plants, such as thyme.

    6. A vertical level formed by climbing grapes, which can wrap around trees.

    7. "Rhizosphere" - an underground level formed by shade-tolerant root plants, such as potatoes.

    All plants should be chosen so that they can grow well together. This will allow you to minimize the maintenance of the garden, and get the maximum benefit from it.

    From the book Six acres delight and feed. Summer cottage design author Kizima Galina Alexandrovna

    Chapter 2 The style of the garden DETERMINED ITS CONFIGURATION AND YOUR TASTE Let's consider the design options for the garden, which depend primarily on its configuration and natural landscape.1. Plot on a slope. We'll have to place it on the terraces and use it to strengthen

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    regular style regular style landscape design also called French. It has a rich history spanning over 1000 years. Initially regular style originated in Ancient Egypt and Babylon, was developed in ancient Greece and Rome. During the Middle Ages,

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