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» Olive from the bone at home. The European olive is a fruit-bearing tree in your home. Flowering plant care

Olive from the bone at home. The European olive is a fruit-bearing tree in your home. Flowering plant care

Olive trees need a temperate climate to grow. If you live in a region where the weather for this plant is unfavorable, then planting can be done even in an apartment, providing the necessary temperature regime. How to grow olive Tree at home? Detailed instructions.

Choose a variety

First you need to choose a variety of olives. This condition is important because they have different purposes:

  • for eating;
  • for making butter;
  • for any purpose.

When planning to grow an olive tree at home, use dwarf plants. They are designed specifically for this.

Olives are dioecious. This means that both male and female cells are needed to produce fruits. Pollination in natural conditions produced by the wind. At home, you will have to do this yourself, using a brush or a piece of fur.

Olive propagation methods

Seedlings can be obtained in three ways:

  • using seeds;
  • planting a cutting;
  • through vaccination.

1. How to grow an olive tree from a stone

This method is time consuming. It takes 10-15 years from planting to fruiting. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Remove pits from fresh olives.
  2. Soak them in a 10% lye solution overnight.
  3. Rinse warm water.
  4. Dry with paper towel.
  5. File a hard layer of the stone (to facilitate germination).
  6. Plant the seed in the ground to a depth of 2 - 3 cm.
  7. Expect germination for about 3 months, maintaining the optimum temperature + 18 C heat.

Important Tips:

  1. For soil, a mixture of sand, turf and garden soil is used in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 with the addition of a small part of peat and lime (in general, 25 g per 1 kg of land).
  2. The pot is chosen in small sizes. As the plant grows, it increases. This makes it easier to control watering. Olive does not tolerate excessive moisture.

The seedling is transplanted every year until it reaches the age of five. Then after 2-3 years.

2. Vegetative propagation

It's over fast way demonstrating how to grow an olive tree at home. Such a seedling will begin to bloom faster, inheriting all varietal characteristics. For vegetative propagation use cuttings or root offspring. The process takes place in several stages:

  1. Prepare annual cuttings.
  2. The cut site is treated with a drug that promotes rooting.
  3. Cuttings are planted in wet sand (March), providing an optimal temperature regime of + 20 C. If you plant a cutting in a transparent container, you can control the process of root formation.
  4. The sand is regularly moistened.
  5. Using a plastic bag, a greenhouse is created above the handle. After the roots appear, the stalk is transplanted into the soil.
  6. On the permanent place the seedling is planted in autumn (August - September).

To shorten the period until the moment when the olive begins to bloom and bear fruit, it can be grafted using varietal plants.

3. Grafting an olive

Reproduction is carried out by budding. A cutting eye is cut from the stem, which is placed in a split on the bark. The first fruits appear after 8-10 years.

Olive tree care

Caring for a young plant is to remove lower leaves and new shoots. This will help give the plant the appearance of a tree. Shrunken, weakened or strongly vegetative shoots should also be removed.

The plant should be in the brightest place in the apartment, and in winter it needs additional lighting. Water it daily, but in small volumes. Feeding required in spring complex fertilizers. In winter, water less and do not fertilize. They are transferred to another place (the least warm is + 10-12 C). During this period, laid flower buds. The plant blooms in spring.

With a little effort, you can get olives yourself. It will be environmentally pure product grown, as a bonus, with love.

Olive tree (lat. Olea) or European olive is a plant whose fruits are rich in oils and are used for food. These evergreen representatives of the flora belong to the genus Olive (Oleaceae). The species Olea europaea (cultivated olive), which is otherwise called the olive tree, has become widespread. In addition to growing a plant to produce fruits, it is cultivated for decorative purposes. At the first mention of cultivated plant such places as Greece (Crete) and the Black Sea coast appear. Olives, in general, love the sunny and windy climate of the Crimea, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and even India. And with more stringent climatic conditions well take root in greenhouses or greenhouses.
An olive tree at home rarely reaches a height of two meters. As a rule, these are dwarf specimens with direct long barrel and a spherical dense crown.
In the case of a houseplant, the olive can be made in the bonsai style, while the straight and thin trunk is fancifully bent, and the root system is oppressed. Sometimes, from afar, the eye catches the silvery sheen of the crown, which looks amazing in home interior subject to good natural light.
The white calyx of the olive flower has the shape of a glass, rather small in size. The flowers smell very weakly and not sharply, rather like grass or dust beaten down by rain, figuratively speaking, like the steppe over the sea.
The European olive is a bisexual plant, the trees are male and female. To obtain fruits, it is necessary to cross-pollinate, therefore, in order to obtain a crop, often two seedlings of different sexes are placed in one hole of the container. Contrary to popular belief that olives are green and olives are dark purple, it is worth noting that these are the same stone fruit. The only difference is ripeness. So that the tree does not bear fruit, but serves as a decoration, the ovaries must be removed after flowering. It hibernates without shedding dense narrow leaves and remaining green all year round, renewing them only once in 2-3 years.


The inhabitants of the Mediterranean have been breeding for centuries various varieties homemade olives, which differ in the percentage of oil. The most oily - belong to the oil group. Combined - suitable for processing and canning. Oil is not squeezed out of table varieties, but consumed raw, canned and pickled. Today, the olive is grown not only in plant nurseries, but also cultivated at home. Popular table varieties: Crimean 172, Revolution, Nikitskaya 1, Nadzhviyskaya, Razzo, Askelano, Mession, Sevillano, Urtinskaya, Otur, Coreggialo.


The composition of olives includes oil rich in unsaturated fatty acids which are very beneficial for the body. Vitamin F restores cell membranes, rejuvenating the skin. Medicine widely uses the leaves of olive trees.


The principle of olive life is quite simple: the phase of growth and development, flowering, fruiting, dormancy or wintering. New shoots appear in February - April, when daylight hours increase and the plant begins to receive more light. Until then, the flower is dormant. During the dormant period, the plant accumulates forces.
If the tree has enough strength, flowers appear at the end of April. Flowering lasts several months, on average until early July. In order to start healthy fruits, it is better not to rely on self-pollination. Gentle shaking of the branches promotes the exchange of pollen between different inflorescences. You can use cotton swabs and transfer the pollen by hand.
In order for flowering to be plentiful, in autumn and winter the olive tree is provided with a dormant period (from November to February, when metabolic processes slow down), taking it out to an insulated balcony (10-12 degrees), watering is reduced, and not touched. Manipulation is carried out with plants older than five years, which have not been transplanted during the year.
If fruiting is not planned, then in addition to the above actions, to care for the European olive at home, artificial crown formation is performed. It is desirable to remove young shoots near the trunk so that growth occurs upwards, and not in breadth, and the tree does not become like thickets. In mature plants, dry or weak branches are pinched off. Decorativeness is achieved quickly if pruned regularly.

Growing olives at home gives you the opportunity, with sufficient competent care, to get up to 2 kg of yield. AT apartment conditions content bears fruit every two years. The olive is not a simple culture; grooming it for the first six months can be more difficult than any other greenery. In particular, many difficulties arise when growing from seeds: the seeds are capricious, the germination rate often does not exceed 50%, and fresh shoots often lose their viability. But do not despair, because there are easier, and bringing at times the best effect, methods of reproduction, such as cuttings and grafting.

Conditions of detention

olive tree like indoor plant, grown in a pot requires certain conditions for healthy development, and it does not matter how it is planted, we will consider them in order:

The soil

Since in nature olives grow on loams and sandstones, it is necessary to choose a soil of similar composition. Trees do not like acidic soil, but a slightly alkaline environment suits them perfectly. As a baking powder, you should choose a coconut substrate, volcanic tuff, fine expanded clay. Before planting, the land should be loose and moderately moist.


Oliva in room conditions grows well at a temperature of 18-22 degrees. However, during the wintering period, a decrease in temperature to 10-12 degrees is considered acceptable.


A lot of light is required, it's good if they are bright Sun rays from dawn to dusk, not desk lamp several hours a day. Otherwise, the tree will begin to wilt and shed its foliage. It is recommended to expose the seedling to a fresh warm air- this activates growth, it is useful for the ovary of the kidneys.


It is desirable to control the soil moisture, the adult olive tolerates dryness, but the roots begin to rot from the bays. However, with young seedlings, you need to be especially careful not to dry the barely hatched shoots. A sign that the olive does not receive enough water is dull, withering leaves, which, curling up, begin to fall off. During hot summer days the crown should be irrigated with water from a spray bottle.


In order for development to proceed actively, from March to mid-summer, it is recommended to apply complex mineral fertilizers, with a frequency of up to two times a month. Possible as root dressing, and foliar - by spraying the leaves. Special tonics maintain the elasticity of the leaves, stimulate their growth. There are ready-made balanced compositions in stores.


There are three ways to grow a fruit bearing olive tree.

From the bone

More drupes should be prepared, from live olives, and not from canned ones, because the heat treatment of the fruit destroys the biological bonds in the seed. The kernels are kept under conditions close to natural environment landing. it room temperature, soaking for 12-14 hours in a slightly alkaline solution (10%). For the first planting, it is enough to have a pot of 10 cm in diameter. The washed bones are immersed in the ground by 2 cm. The first sprouts are shown after six to eight weeks. Such a plant will be able to form ovaries only by the tenth year of life. If you want to speed up the process, graft young plants to older varieties.


In stores, you can buy an olive tree in a pot, it looks compact, but has a thick trunk. Such specimens are obtained by grafting adult olive cuttings to seedlings grown from seeds. Cuttings are taken from fruit-bearing individuals, therefore, the trees obtained in this way are quite quickly ready to bear fruit. If there is a place to take a “mother”, you can independently propagate the olive at home.


Several summer branches are split off from the mother plant with an oblique cut. The ends are sprayed with a growth stimulator, the cutting is lowered into the hole 10-12 cm deep into the ground, the pot is needed with a depth of 20 cm. It is desirable to create the effect of a greenhouse, for this you should cover the seedling with a transparent jar. Heat varies from 25 to 30 degrees, without drops. The olive takes root in the fourth or fifth week, which will be signaled by the appearance of young leaves. The root system will be finally formed in 3-4 months, followed by transplanting inside a larger container to a permanent place.


The first four years the tree is transplanted annually. To figure out which month to transplant a room olive, you need to take into account the flowering period (late April - early July), the period from February to mid-April is selected to move to a new pot. Before flowering, the olive feels a shortage nutrients, that's why new soil will help to increase the number of flowers, the yield of the tree.


it evergreen, has practically no diseases, is resistant to pests, and leaf fall is not the norm. If this does occur, close attention must be paid to watering and possibly introducing crown spraying. You can also try to make a complex mineral fertilizer, to restore the strength of the plant.

Many tourists bring olive trees as souvenirs from Greece. The island of Crete is a leader in the cultivation of olives, supplying most of olive oil to the world market. The average life expectancy of the Cretans is 80 years, they explain their longevity by the regular use of olives and their products. So grow them at home, enjoy beneficial fruits and watch the beauty of the olive tree all year round!

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  • How to grow a homemade olive tree

    Olive tree, or European olive, - evergreen tree. AT wild nature does not grow. It is cultivated in countries with a subtropical climate: Greece, Iraq, Pakistan, India and America. In Russia, it is grown in the Crimea, Abkhazia or on Black Sea coast. The fruits of the tree contain useful material and micronutrients. They are used for food, oil is produced from olives. Fruits and oil are used in medicine, cosmetology. In a temperate climate in open field does not grow. It is possible to grow an olive tree indoors.

    Home olive tree: description, cultivation from the stone

    In an apartment, a tree is grown for decorative purposes, less often for fruit production. Dwarf varieties reach a height of 2 m. Bark gray color. The trunk bends over time. The leaves are gray-green, dense. The flowers are white, fragrant, bloom from April to July. The fruits are oval, up to 4 cm long. Depending on the variety, green, black or purple. To obtain fruits at home, plants of both sexes are required.

    Source: Depositphotos

    You will need seedlings or seeds to grow an olive tree.

    For growing in an apartment, already germinated seedlings or a bone are used. Canned olives will not work, the fruit is taken from a living tree, it is possible to order in the nursery. Seed preparation for planting:

      • get rid of the pulp of the olives with a hammer or the flat part of the knife;
      • place in a container with warm water overnight;
      • remove the bones that have surfaced in the morning;
      • clean the remaining pulp with a hard sponge or brush;
      • in the blunt part of the bone, make a recess with a knife;
      • soak the fruit again in water at room temperature.

    A day later, the seeds are ready for planting. Plant each bone in separate pot. For soil suitable a mixture of rotted garden compost and sand in equal proportions. Mix the components thoroughly and slightly moisten the soil. Place the seeds at a depth of 2–2.5 cm. It is recommended to place the olive pots in plastic bags for the first time to create greenhouse effect. Choose a warm place for the plant with diffused light.

    How to grow an olive tree in an apartment, care features

    The ornamental olive has a low germination rate. Plant 2-3 sprouts more than planned. Wait for the first shoots in 1-2 months. Once sprouts appear, remove the bag. Care rules:

      • watering - keep the moisture balance; olive does not tolerate drying out of the soil and strong moisture; in the cold season, spray the leaves with water;
      • pruning - cut the lower branches and leaves regularly; remove diseased and dry shoots;
      • fertilizer - once every 1–2 months, feed the plant with substances with nitrogen or a vitamin cocktail;
      • repotting - repot your homemade olive tree for the first time after five years in the spring; thereafter every 3 years.

    In winter, provide the plant with a dormant period. Remove the pot to a cool place with a temperature of +12 ... +13 ° C, reduce watering. This procedure promotes early flowering. With the right and consistent approach, it is possible to grow an ornamental or fruitful olive tree in an apartment.

    Olive- is pertaining to olive family. Its homeland is Africa, Australia, southern parts of Europe and Asia. In the world, the olive tree is known for the fact that it is made from healthy oil, and the fruits - olives - pickle. There are many legends about its origin. Despite the fact that the olive grows only in warm countries, it can also be grown at home. It is possible to do this from a seed - a bone. However, this will not work to enjoy delicious fruits - they will be tasteless and will appear only 10 years after planting. in this way can be grown only for decorative purposes. For information on how to grow an olive tree at home, read our article.

    planting material requirements

    If you were already going to put in a bone from a canned olive just eaten, then we hasten to disappoint you - such planting material won't grow. You will only need seeds of fresh fruit, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

    When choosing a seed planting method, you should be aware that the germination process will be quite lengthy - about two and a half months. And the germination rate in this case is quite low - for example, out of five planted seeds, only two, or even one, can sprout. Usually germination is not more than 50%.

    Did you know? The ancient Greeks revered the olive as the tree of life and longevity. It was considered as such because it was almost impossible to destroy it. Even shattered by lightning, it could live for a long time. If you need to uproot a tree, then for this it is necessary to remove its roots within a radius of five meters, otherwise even from a small remnant it will grow again. In the wild, an olive grows on average for half a century.

    Preparation: sprouting

    To begin with, the bones should be placed in an alkaline solution (10%) for 18 hours. This is necessary in order to somewhat soften the shell, which in this state can already be pierced by hatched sprouts. After treatment, the seeds are washed and dried. They must be placed in the soil only in a completely dry form. The sharp end is cut with a knife, secateurs or filed before planting.

    You can also place the seeds for several weeks in a bowl with wet for germination. The container must be kept at warm temperature, constant humidity and with sufficient supply sunlight. This procedure can help increase the percentage of germination.

    The soil

    The following composition will be the best for planting olives

    • river sand - two parts;
    • sod land - one part;
    • garden soil - one part.
    In the soil for the olive tree, you will also need to add a little powder of dry slaked lime (20-25 g per 1 kg).

    If you will use a purchased substrate, then you need to mix the growing soil (three parts) and ordinary soil (one part), slightly diluting the mixture with sand.


    Olive planting container must initially be large- at least 60 cm in depth and width. A prerequisite are drainage holes that will pass excess moisture well or take the required amount of liquid from the pan. The main enemy of the evergreen tree is high humidity soil, death is like its stagnation.

    At the bottom of the pot, as a layer, you need to lay a layer of small or brick chips.


    Planting seeds in the prepared soil should not be too deep - at a distance of 2-3 cm.

    For successful rooting and germination in the room, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at + 20 ° C. You also need to support high humidity, proper lighting.

    The appearance of sprouts should be expected after two to three months.

    Conditions and care of the seedling

    The best place to grow olives is a window sill located in the south or southwest. That is where she will do enough sunlight. If there is not enough of it, the plant will signal this to you by dropping foliage. In this case, it will be necessary to look for a brighter place for the pot or additionally install a source of artificial lighting.

    Caring for an olive tree at home is simple and no different from caring for the majority. It will consist of watering, spraying when the air is dry, pruning and transplanting.

    Watering is needed regularly, as the topsoil dries up. The plant does not tolerate drought well - its foliage begins to dry out and fall off. However, the tree will react even worse to constant waterlogging - up to complete death.

    Important! Watering the olive should be carried out only after a few days. tap water room temperature.

    In the growing season (April to September) the tree needs to be fertilized. should be alternated with It is recommended to do this once every two weeks during the period of active growth and weekly in the spring-summer period. Starting from October, all top dressing should be stopped, otherwise it will be difficult for the plant to survive. winter period, and it will not bloom in the end.

    In summer, it is necessary to periodically wipe the olive leaves from dust. In winter, during the period when the heating is turned on, they will need to be sprayed.

    AT winter time the olive should be left alone - water as little as possible, do not feed and transfer to a cool place (+ 10-12 ° C). Only under such conditions will it be able to bloom.

    When flowering has occurred, the tree must be placed in a room with a temperature of + 18-20 degrees.

    A year or two after planting, the plant should be transplanted. For this, the transshipment method is used (together with an earthen clod, without opening root system). Carry out a transplant in the spring. The olive is transplanted annually until it reaches the age of five. Then the intervals between transplants should be increased to two to three years.

    Important! Soil acidity is important for olives. She prefers an alkaline substrate and cannot tolerate too acidic soils. Thus, when transplanting, peat should not be introduced into the soil.

    After transplanting, as a rule, the tree grows quickly. Two or three years later, in the spring or early summer, the olive tree in the pot sheds its leaves and acquires a new one.

    Should be carried out annually sanitary pruning dry branches. You can also carry out a formative haircut - it is not difficult for the plant to recover from it. The olive tree is great for bonsai enthusiasts because it can form a variety of miniature trees from its crown.

    For the vast majority of people, olive trees are associated with the wide expanses of the Mediterranean, combined with its hot sun, which contributes to the ripening of fruits. Despite this, olive trees are able to grow in most areas with a mild warm climate, where the temperature does not fall below zero degrees Celsius in winter. Growing an olive tree from seed can be great project for decorative purposes. A tree grown from a seed will most likely look more like wild olives, which produce much smaller fruits than varietal trees. With a little patience and loving care, you can have your very own olive tree right in your home.


    Part 1

    Bones preparation

      Decide on the type of tree you want to grow. There are hundreds of varieties of olive trees around the world. Some of them are similar to each other and have only slight differences in color and taste of olives. Others have fundamental differences and have their own growing requirements that affect the timing of fruit ripening.

      • For example, in Russia along the Black Sea coast such varieties of olive trees as European olive, Crimean olive and Turkmen olive can grow. Despite the fact that they all grow in similar areas, slight differences in climate and the characteristics of each of the varieties allow you to achieve completely different yields.
      • Research information about your area to find out which type of olive will thrive in that area.
      • A tree grown from a stone will be closer to its wild counterparts than to the tree from which the stone was obtained.
    1. Collect fresh olives. You will need fresh olives that have been taken straight from the tree and still have a live pit. Olive trees thrive in 8-11 climate zones. These areas are characterized by a subtropical climate and mild winters. Harvest olives in early autumn when the fruits are ripe and green. Leave black olives alone. Also, do not pick fruits from the ground and make sure that the olives you pick do not have holes gnawed by insects.

      • Canned olives from the store will not work for you, as they have undergone processing and the cooking process. As a result of this process, the pits inside the olives die and become unsuitable for cultivation. However, raw olives from the fresh fruit and vegetable department may be fine.
      • If you do not have access to a live olive tree, it will be possible to order the delivery of the pits directly from the olive tree nursery.
    2. Put the olives in a bucket of water. Once you have the olives, carefully crush the flesh around the pits with a mallet. Pour crushed olives with warm water and leave overnight. Stir the olives in the water every few hours. Physical impact on the fruit during stirring will accelerate the separation of the pulp from the seeds.

      • If a hammer is not available, take a wide knife and crush the flesh of the olives with the flat part of the blade.
      • If you see olives floating to the surface, fish them out and discard them. Most likely they disappeared.
    3. Drain the water and clean the bones from the pulp. Collect the bones that have separated from the pulp and wipe off the remaining pulp with a hard sponge. You probably already have a sponge that you use to clean pots and pans. After rubbing the bones from the pulp, rinse them thoroughly with warm water for several minutes.

      • If you don't have a hard sponge, you can try sanding paper instead.
    4. Cut the bones from the blunt end. At olive pits There are blunt and sharp ends. Take a knife and cut the bone from the blunt end. Do not cut through the shell of the stone, otherwise it will become useless. Instead, try to make only a small hole about the size of the tip of a ballpoint pen.

      Part 2

      Planting seeds
      1. Fill up a little flower pot earth. For each stone, take a separate pot with a diameter of about 7.5 cm. Fill the pots with soil with good drainage properties. It should consist of one part coarse sand and one part decomposed garden compost. Both can be purchased at a garden supply store. Lightly water the soil with water to keep it moist but not sour.

        • Use larger pots if you like. Subsequently, you will have to transplant the plants when they sprout and get stronger.
        • Remember to thoroughly mix the soil components with a spoon, stick or hand.
      2. Plant the bones. Immerse the seeds in the ground to a depth of 2.5-5 cm. It is best to plant one seed per pot. So they will not fight among themselves for nutrients.

        • Plant a few more olive pits than the number of olive trees you require. The olive shows low germination even under ideal conditions.
      3. Place pots in plastic bags. This will help retain moisture in the soil and serve as a kind of greenhouse. Place the pots in a warm and well-lit area. Great place a window sill can be used to place pots, but remember that at first direct sunlight can be quite dangerous for seedlings. If you have covered the pots with plastic, place them in diffused sunlight.

        • Instead of using polyethylene, the pots can be placed in a special germination thermostat (if you have one).
        • Expect germination within a month.
      4. Don't forget to water the pots. You need to constantly maintain moisture in the surface soil layer several centimeters deep. The condition of the soil is assessed by periodically dipping a finger into it. Water the pots only when the top 5mm of soil appears dry. Over watering can encourage the growth of fungi and bacteria, which will destroy your plants.

        As soon as shoots appear in the pots, remove the bags from them. Pots with seedlings can be kept on the windowsill or in another warm place of your choice until it is time to transplant seedlings. Continue watering them normally.

      Part 3

      Transplanting seedlings in open ground

        Plan to transplant outdoors in the fall. In most cases, the ideal transplant time is August or September. This will give the trees plenty of time to acclimatize to the new soil type before the cold snap sets in and frost hits. However, it is necessary to wait until the seedlings reach a height of 45 cm.

        • Since olives are hard hit by frost, you may be better off waiting until spring if your area gets below -1°C in winter.
      1. Dig a hole. Choose a very sunny place for the tree, this will help it grow faster. The hole does not have to be very deep. It is better to use the hole a little bigger size than the size of the pot in which the olive was originally grown.

        • The hole can be dug with a shovel or just by hand.
        • A positive feature of the olive is that this tree can grow on almost any type of soil, including rocky and sandy soils. the only mandatory requirement there is good drainage, otherwise the tree will gradually wither and die due to excess moisture. Poor soil drainage can lead to root diseases such as verticillium or late blight. The soil around the tree should never become sour with moisture, but only slightly damp.
      2. Plant a tree. Carefully remove the seedling from the pot, being careful not to disturb the root ball of the earth too much. Do not forget to pre-water well the seedling in the pot and the hole prepared for it. Place the seedling in the hole, lifting it just above the level of the ground at which it sat in the pot, and cover the plant with a layer of soil from the surrounding area about 2.5 cm thick from above.

      3. Water the olive in the usual way. Previously adopted rules home watering also apply to watering a tree in open ground. Check the soil around the tree for moisture and water it only when the topsoil, about 5mm deep, is dry. Never over-moisten the soil. Nature will take care of the plant and it will flourish.

        • Olive trees are hardy enough that they usually do not require special care or watering during the cold season. However, if you live in a very dry climate, be sure to water regularly to maintain moisture in your garden. upper layers soil.