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» What land to plant an olive tree. Is it possible to grow an olive tree from a seed. Olive tree indoors

What land to plant an olive tree. Is it possible to grow an olive tree from a seed. Olive tree indoors

Small white or slightly yellowish flowers with a pleasant delicate aroma appear in mid-June. AT room conditions this process takes several months. Insects or the wind pollinate the olive, but if the weather is calm, the branches are shaken daily. When self-pollinated, the fruits are tied different sizes, and cross-pollination improves both fruit quality and yield. In room conditions, the olive gives about 2 kg of olives, and in the garden - up to 20 kg.

The olive tree is very drought tolerant, but if there is no growth of branches, this is a clear sign of a lack of moisture. In addition, the plant is photophilous (with a lack of light, branches begin to become bare), does not tolerate waterlogged and acidic soils. Liming significantly increases the yield.

Olive can be propagated by cuttings, grafting or seeds. Before planting, the seeds are kept for 16-18 hours in a 10% solution of alkali (caustic soda), then rinsed and cut with secateurs "nose" of the bone. Planted to a depth of 2-3 cm. Sprouts appear in 2-3 months.

When olives are propagated by grafting, the budding of the game is done with a sprouting eye (it can also be a cutting) in a split or in the butt under the bark. The first olives can be tasted after 8-10 years.

For cuttings, 2-4-year-old cut branches with a diameter of 3-4 cm are taken, the cuts are covered with garden pitch and buried in March horizontally in the sand to a depth of ten cm. Since there are many dormant buds on these cuttings, shoots appear within a month. Cuttings, before being planted, are cultivated with a growth stimulator. In the future, they try to maintain the most favorable regime: temperature 20-25 degrees, sufficient lighting, but without direct sunlight. To maintain high humidity, the box with cuttings is covered with glass or film. Spray (do not water!) Water at room temperature once a day. Such cuttings are transplanted after 2-4 months. They begin to bear fruit in the 2-3rd year.

Best time for landing in regions with mild winter- autumn. By spring, the plants take root and grow. When feeding a tree with manure (especially mullein), I always add 200 g of superphosphate so that the soil does not oxidize. In spring, the soil is lime.

The main crop is formed on growth last year, therefore, when pruning, I remove only old and unproductive branches. It is better to do this in March, before the start of sap flow. I give the tree a goblet shape - this greatly increases the yield. In room conditions, the height of the tree is limited to 60-80 cm.

In my opinion, olive is quite unpretentious plant. I raised mine from a bone bought in the store. Of the five planted, only two sprouted.

A year later, the seedlings were transplanted into pots, the plant quickly began to grow. Now I already have a small bush with silver-green leaves. They live for two or three years, then crumble.

The change of leaves occurs, as a rule, in spring or early summer. Since the olive leaves are dense and leathery, in the summer I practically do not spray the plant. In winter, spraying will not hurt.

My plant bloomed with small yellowish-white, very fragrant flowers. AT open ground flowers are pollinated with the help of the wind, at home you have to work with a brush. The duration of the formation and ripening of fruits from the moment of pollination to full maturity is 90-100 days.

I want more grow and form an olive tree in the form of a tree.

And here are some general rules that apply to growing olives:


The best place for an olive tree is a brightly lit window sill on the south or southwest side. AT winter time easily tolerates lack of light, especially at low temperatures. In nature, the olive can withstand up to -10 degrees. However, she will overwinter and room temperature but in this case will not bloom.

+5 - +12 degrees are required for laying flower buds. From April to September (two to three times a month) fertilizer should be applied. It is advisable to alternate mineral and organic.

Watering in the summer should be regular and quite plentiful. It is important not to allow the earthen coma to dry out, otherwise the leaves will fade, curl up and begin to fall off. After watering, turgor quickly recovers.

olive trees grow well on soil with a sufficient content of lime, on stony-sandy, strong roots allow them to grow even on a rock.

The substrate can be prepared by yourself from river sand, turf and garden soil (2:1:1) with the addition a small amount peat and dry quicklime, ground into powder (per 1 kg of land - 20-25 g).


Propagated by cuttings taken from one-year growth or growth of the current year, as well as root offspring, which are cut in June-July. They are rooted in wet sand, having previously processed the places of cuts with root.

Bones germinate in about two and a half months. But they have a rather low germination rate.

Rooting and germination conditions: high humidity air, sufficient lighting and temperature not less than +20 degrees. Plants grown from seeds bloom in 10-12 years, and from cuttings - in the fourth or fifth year.

The olive tree, olive family, grows in countries with a warm subtropical climate, in Russia it is cultivated in the southern regions: in the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory. middle lane our country is not suitable for cultivation olive culture, however, it is possible to grow olive Tree in a greenhouse or at home, with a minimum of effort.

Table varieties of olives, with proper care, will delight you with fruits for a long time, because olive trees are long-lived flora. An example is the Gardens of Gethsemane, with olive trees over one and a half thousand years old.

Greece is called the birthplace of olive culture, there is a legend that Greek goddess Athena sent an olive branch as a gift to the fertile land, which gave rise to the first olive gardens.

Types and varieties of olive trees

The olive tree has more than 30 types of culture. The most common type remains European olive, as well as golden-leaved and Cape.

Olive tree varieties can be divided into several groups:

Oilseed - a varietal group of olives grown for the production of olive oil.
Combined ( universal grade olives) - is intended both for the production of oil and for conservation.
Table varietal group - intended for conservation and consumption.

The names of olive varieties are often similar to the places where the crop is grown. Wild varieties of olives are unknown, the explanation may be that people have long, in order to increase the yield, grafted cultivated olive branches to the wild variety, thereby completely destroying the primitive species of olive trees. Today, a European high-yielding variety of olives is grown on an industrial scale.

Large producers of olives can be called Spain, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Syria, Morocco. All cultivars differ in characteristics(composition of olives, size, color), destination group, the quality of the final product directly depends on the variety of olive raw materials.

Olive varieties include Spanish, Ascolana, Cherignola, Zinzala, Lucca, Sabina. And oilseed varieties include: Frantogno, Tajasca, Caione, Biancolilla.

For growing an olive tree at home, choose European table varieties. The most suitable are recognized: Della Madonna, Urtinsky, Nikitinsky, Crimean, Razzo. To the question: “How long does an olive tree live?”, We can safely say that it is more than a hundred years old.

Through the painstaking work of breeders, potted varieties of olive trees were obtained, allowing you to grow an indoor olive tree in a pot. Such trees differ from their relatives only in size. These are evergreen, undersized trees with a lush, dark green crown. The harvest of olives, of course, will not please you, since the variety has a decorative function, but you can still collect 10-15 homemade olives from a tree.

Olive tree at home. Growing from seeds, seedlings and cuttings

Growing an olive tree indoors is quite painstaking work. It's all about the temperature regime, if it is not observed, the tree will not bear fruit. In order for the buds to appear, the indoor tree, like its soil counterparts, must fall into a winter sleep, so the olive must be exposed to low temperatures, but hypothermia of the culture must be excluded. Optimum temperature for sleep will be from +1 to +5 degrees.

The flowering of the olive tree is accompanied by the appearance of large white inflorescences, the first flowers appear from April, May. Maturation indoor fruits after flowering comes in four months.

A good yield of an olive tree is considered to be about 30 kg., Well, indoor plant considered fruitful if it gives about 600 gr. olives.

The indoor olive tree remains evergreen throughout its life, however, like its large relatives, it can drop leaves, this is considered the norm and does not require resuscitation.

Growing an olive tree from seeds is not an easy process, requiring patience and attention. First you need to purchase olive seeds (pits), canned foods will not work, olives for planting can be fresh or dried.

So, having obtained and cleaned the olives, it is necessary to soak the resulting bones in a weak solution of alkali for a day, then rinse them with water and dry paper napkin. Before planting, the olive seed coat should be filed to facilitate germination. It is better to plant in a pot, it is easier to control seed germination, humidity and temperature.

The sawn seeds are placed in a pot with soil to a depth of 3 cm, do not allow the seed to dry out and be excessively moistened. The first shoots will appear within six months.

Olive trees do not tolerate low temperatures, so propagation by seeds is carried out in a warm room or in summer.

To speed up the process of growing an olive tree from the seed, you should germinate the seeds before planting in the ground, to do this, place them in a shallow container with compost, place them on a sunny windowsill and moisten daily.

When the seeds germinate, you can start planting in the soil. It is necessary to mix black soil and sand in equal proportions, add peat, dry crushed lime and plant seeds in the resulting mixture. Before planting, do not forget about the presence of drainage (the olive does not tolerate stagnant water) and hardening of a young plant by alternating temperatures.

When the olive seedling gets stronger and grows up, it can be planted in the ground, along with the contents of the pot, so as not to damage root system. The olive tree is planted in spring in well-warmed and moistened soil, in a calm and rich area. sunbeams. Fruiting should be expected three to four years after planting.

Caring for a young oilseed plant consists in cutting off the lower shoots so that the tree grows upwards and does not turn into a bush, in daily watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

When the olive is propagated by cuttings, the tree inherits all the "mother" qualities, this method of planting simplifies further cultivation and accelerates the fruiting process of a young plant.

Cuttings should be carried out from older shoots, the places of cuts are processed before planting succinic acid or other root. planting material planted in a moist sod-sand mixture to a depth of 15 cm.

To help the cuttings take root, constant watering, heated soil and good lighting can. Plantings should be watered daily, preferably with settled water. Rooting of the plant will occur no earlier than four months later. If the olive stalk does not take root for a long time, but retains its fresh appearance, then some more time is needed, but if the stalk is dry and brown, then death has come. When the stalk takes root, the olive can be transplanted into the ground.

landing on permanent place growth should be done at the end of August. The seedling is carefully removed from the previously moistened substrate, and placed in a new prepared place. It is necessary to plant the stalk carefully, without damaging the roots and not overloading it with soil, until the plant takes root in a new place.

Many novice gardeners are wondering: "How to care for an olive tree"? The olive tree is not capricious, but the “southerner” still requires attention. Watering is done daily, but without stagnation of moisture in the soil. When the olive tree begins to actively grow, feed it mineral fertilizers and nitrogen. The seedling should have enough heat and light, otherwise the olive will shed its leaves and fade.

In winter, an olive plant in the open field should not be left without proper protection. young tree should be protected from the cold by wrapping the barrel heat-insulating material stop watering and fertilizing.

Potted olive tree crops need to be artificially created winter conditions, and in the process of healing the tree, cutting dry twigs, you can shape the crown of foliage to your liking and learn the art of bonsai on your olive tree. An olive bonsai tree can also be purchased at a specialized supermarket, small-leaved varieties look especially impressive.

Olive trees in Russia, cultivation history

The Greek colonists began to cultivate the olive in the Caucasus as early as the 8th century. The debate about when and by whom the olive was brought to the Caucasus continues to this day, however, there is an assumption that the first seedlings of the olive tree appeared in our latitudes from Asia Minor, which suggests the origin of the olive in the Caucasus, earlier than in Greece .

The desolation of the ancient Greek colonies led to the fact that olive orchards ceased to exist until the 15th century, and only with the arrival of the colonialists of Genoa, a new rise in the cultivation of the olive tree and the establishment of olive production began. Subsequently, viticulture displaced the olive from the southern latitudes. Today the olive is found on everything Black Sea coast Krasnodar Territory.

Olive trees in Russia are also grown in the Crimea, they are found on the peninsula, adding zest to the local southern flavor. For the production of oil on an industrial scale, olives are not grown in our country due to difficult climatic conditions.

Benefits of olive fruit

Olives or olives are the fruits of the olive tree, outwardly they are similar to a small plum. Changing color during ripening, from green to dark purple, olives become a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. Olives are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and iodine. Olive oil, obtained from olives during the production process, is rich in pectin, iron and oleic acid.

The inclusion of olive oil in the diet will help get rid of cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cholelithiasis, thyroid diseases, will help strengthen the immune system and cope with constipation. Olive oil perfectly moisturizes the skin and has a regenerating ability in combination with rosehip and sea buckthorn oils.

In cosmetology olive oil used to prepare masks and conduct relaxing procedures, olive extracts are added to soap and shower products. Hand wrapping with olive oil tones the skin, moisturizes, saturates and nourishes, makes nails healthy.

Olive oil hair masks prevent hair loss, get rid of dandruff, brittleness and dullness.

The leaves of the olive tree contain the substance oleuropein, which has antiseptic and antimicrobial effects, they are in demand in the form of powder and infusions. There is an opinion that olive oil, namely the content of oleuropein in it, helps in the fight against skin cancer.

The olive fruit is used to produce table olive oil, which is used as a dressing. various dishes. Raw olives are unsuitable for consumption, due to bitterness, in order to get rid of the bitter taste, the olives are soaked in a special solution or subjected to conservation.

Oil-bearing varieties of olives, due to their varietal affiliation, are processed to obtain oil. With the help of cold pressing, the first batch of oil is obtained, which is considered the most useful. Further, by thermal treatment, the pomace is used to produce second-pressed oil, yellowish and less aromatic than first-class olive oil. From the remaining raw materials after the first and second extraction, the third grade oil is squeezed out, it is not eaten, but used for technical purposes.

Composition of olives different varieties differs, and depends not only on the type of olive tree, but also on the growing conditions and climate. All olives of a table grade are exposed to conservation or dry salting. They serve as an excellent appetizer or addition to salads, various vegetable dishes. Dry salting of olives consists in pickling olives in wooden containers, salt neutralizes oleuropein and relieves olives of bitterness. After, the olives are soaked in olive oil, stuffed or immediately sent for storage.

The benefits of the fruits of the olive tree are indisputable, consuming olives in a reasonable amount, not exceeding 5-6 pieces per day, you can strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Olive trees need a temperate climate to grow. If you live in a region where the weather for this plant is unfavorable, then planting can be done even in an apartment, providing the necessary temperature regime. How to grow an olive tree at home? Detailed instructions.

Choose a variety

First you need to choose a variety of olives. This condition is important because they have different purposes:

  • for eating;
  • for making butter;
  • for any purpose.

When planning to grow an olive tree at home, use dwarf plants. They are designed specifically for this.

Olives are dioecious. This means that both male and female cells are needed to produce fruits. Pollination in natural conditions produced by the wind. At home, you will have to do this yourself, using a brush or a piece of fur.

Olive propagation methods

Seedlings can be obtained in three ways:

  • using seeds;
  • planting a cutting;
  • through vaccination.

1. How to grow an olive tree from a stone

This method is time consuming. It takes 10-15 years from planting to fruiting. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Remove pits from fresh olives.
  2. Soak them in a 10% lye solution overnight.
  3. Rinse with warm water.
  4. Dry with paper towel.
  5. File a hard layer of the stone (to facilitate germination).
  6. Plant the seed in the ground to a depth of 2 - 3 cm.
  7. Expect germination for about 3 months, maintaining the optimum temperature + 18 C heat.

Important Tips:

  1. For soil, a mixture of sand, turf and garden soil is used in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 with the addition of a small part of peat and lime (in general, 25 g per 1 kg of land).
  2. The pot is chosen in small sizes. As the plant grows, it increases. This makes it easier to control watering. Olive does not tolerate excessive moisture.

The seedling is transplanted every year until it reaches the age of five. Then after 2-3 years.

2. Vegetative propagation

It's over fast way demonstrating how to grow an olive tree at home. Such a seedling will begin to bloom faster, inheriting all varietal characteristics. For vegetative propagation use cuttings or root offspring. The process takes place in several stages:

  1. Prepare annual cuttings.
  2. The cut site is treated with a drug that promotes rooting.
  3. Cuttings are planted in wet sand (March), providing an optimal temperature regime of + 20 C. If you plant a cutting in a transparent container, you can control the process of root formation.
  4. The sand is regularly moistened.
  5. Using a plastic bag, a greenhouse is created above the handle. After the roots appear, the stalk is transplanted into the soil.
  6. A seedling is planted in a permanent place in the fall (August - September).

To shorten the period until the moment when the olive begins to bloom and bear fruit, it can be grafted using varietal plants.

3. Grafting an olive

Reproduction is carried out by budding. A cutting eye is cut from the stem, which is placed in a split on the bark. The first fruits appear after 8-10 years.

Olive tree care

Caring for a young plant is to remove lower leaves and new shoots. This will help give the plant the appearance of a tree. Shrunken, weakened or strongly vegetative shoots should also be removed.

The plant should be in the brightest place in the apartment, and in winter it needs additional lighting. Water it daily, but in small volumes. Feeding required in spring complex fertilizers. In winter, water less and do not fertilize. They are transferred to another place (the least warm is + 10-12 C). During this period, laid flower buds. The plant blooms in spring.

Nowadays, olives are grown all over the world both for trade and for personal consumption. Although the olive tree can live for over 1,000 years, like most other plants, it needs certain conditions to grow. If you want to grow a mature olive tree from a small sprout and skillfully use the various techniques that farmers use to get delicious fruit and oil, read this article.


How to create the right conditions

    Determine if your climate is suitable for growing olives. Olive trees do best in climates with mild winters and long, dry summers. For example, olives grow well in the Mediterranean region of Europe and in the coastal valleys of California. At the same time, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to grow olives in tropical climates.

    • If not taken care of properly, frost can destroy many olive trees. A temperature of -5 ºС is harmful for small branches, and at -10 ºС large branches and even entire trees die. Even if branches and trees survive the cold, the taste of olives and the oil obtained from them may deteriorate. Don't try to grow olives if your area is prone to this type of frost.
    • However, olive trees need a bit of cold. For the proper development of flowers, a cooling of about 7 ºС is necessary, although this temperature differs slightly for different varieties of olives. That is why olives are so difficult to grow in the tropics and other regions with a hot climate.
    • The flowering season should be fairly dry and temperate. Olives bloom from April to June, and this period should be fairly dry and not too hot. Olives are wind-pollinated, so damp conditions can interfere with fruit set.
  1. Check the pH of the soil and adjust if necessary. The soil should be moderately acidic or moderately alkaline so that the pH is between 5 and 8.5. Many people think that the ideal pH level is 6.5. Test the acidity of your soil with a test kit, available from a garden supply store. If the pH is below 5 or above 8.5, change it.

    Look for areas with good soil drainage. Check how water affects the soil in the area where you are going to grow olive trees. Olive trees need land with good water drainage. Check the soil after rain. Do not plant olives in a place where puddles form after rain. You can also dig a hole in the ground about 50 centimeters deep and pour water into it. If the water will stand in the hole for a long time and not soak into the soil, look elsewhere.

    Give preference to areas where olive trees used to grow. This is the best evidence that a particular site is suitable for growing olive trees. If you know that a place used to grow olives, plant trees there. You can also plant them near already growing olive trees.

    • If you know other gardeners or farmers in your area, ask them - they may know where olive trees used to be grown.
  2. Find a place with direct sunlight. An area that is not shaded by other trees is best suited. It must be illuminated directly. sunlight at least 6 hours a day. Olive trees do not like shady places.

    Dig a hole about the same size as the pot. Measure the diameter and height of the pot containing the tree. Dig a hole about the same depth and diameter. There is no need to measure with great accuracy - the hole should be about the same size as the pot so that the roots of the plant fit well in it.

    Remove the tree from the pot and inspect the roots. Remove the olive tree, along with the roots, from the pot. Trim or untangle the tangled roots, but don't touch them near the root ball or you could damage the plant.

    Fill in the hole. Use whatever dirt you got from the hole to fill it in. Cover the ball of roots with a layer of earth 2-3 centimeters thick. At this stage, you do not need to add fertilizer or compost to the soil. First, the tree must take root properly in natural soil.

    Install a drip irrigation device near the tree trunk. Drip irrigation will provide the olive tree with enough water. For the first year, it is necessary to install a drip irrigation device in the immediate vicinity of the trunk of each olive tree. The following year, these devices should be moved away from the trunks at a distance of 60 centimeters. In addition, you will need to add a second device (also at a distance of 60 centimeters from the tree trunk).

    Water the trees and mulch the soil with straw. Water olive trees with drip irrigation devices.

    • Instead of coarse straw, other material can be used for mulching. For example, nitrogen and other important for trees nutrients rich mulch from alfalfa, soybeans or pea hay.

How to care for trees until they are mature

  1. Water and irrigate olive trees sparingly and as needed. At drip system irrigation trees should be watered every day in summer time. Water olive trees for an hour. You can also use small sprinklers (pulverizers), which should be installed at a distance of at least 60 centimeters from the tree trunk. Find sprinklers with a flow rate of 2.5-5 millimeters per hour and install them between the trunks of olive trees.

    • The frequency of watering depends on whether you intend to consume the fruit or make oil from it. If you are a fruit grower, water the trees more frequently - about once a week or every 2-3 weeks. If you are going to make oil, water the trees less often so that it is more concentrated and aromatic.
  2. Trim trees regularly. Do not prune young trees too often. For the first four years, simply remove side branches that grow below 1 meter. As the trees mature, they will take on a proper shape and weak and unwanted branches can be pruned. However, try to trim trees as little as possible in the early stages, as this can slow down their growth.

    Fight pests and other diseases. Like most other plants, olive trees are occasionally attacked by pests, especially the oilseed ( Saissetia oleae). If you are growing olives, you need to find a balance between natural methods and effective protection plants from pests and diseases. Sometimes you have to treat trees with insecticides. It is best to consult with professionals about this.

  3. Under normal watering, olive trees produce their first crop 2-3 times faster than under dry conditions. With proper care, some manage to harvest their first harvest 2–3 years after planting, although many olive trees do not bear fruit until 10 years. Remember that growing olives takes a long time. Two years after planting the trees, start checking to see if they are bearing fruit, but keep in mind that they may take much longer to bear fruit.
    • The olive tree can be grown indoors in a fairly large pot.
    • Olive trees can grow up to 15 meters in height and their canopy can extend up to about 9 meters wide.
    • An olive tree can be planted on a slope or terrace, but in this case it will be more difficult to care for it and harvest it.
    • To prevent fruit from appearing in unwanted places, prune the appropriate flowering branches in early summer.


    • Use a clean tool when you prune olive trees during the rainy season, otherwise they may develop growths due to bacterial contamination.
    • Olive trees grown in California can be affected by the fungal disease "Verticillium wilt". Remove diseased trees and branches and do not plant trees in infected areas.
    • In the Mediterranean region, olive trees can be attacked by pests such as the Mediterranean fruit fly and the olive fly.
    • If you are going to make olive oil, try not to spray the trees. chemicals as they can give the oil an unpleasant odor.
    • Ripe olives become soft, so pick them with care.