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» How to grow a rose at home: all the secrets from experienced flower growers. Caring for a room rose at home

How to grow a rose at home: all the secrets from experienced flower growers. Caring for a room rose at home

House roses in pots are a miniature copy of the queen of the garden, but this does not make her any less attractive. That is why the rose is in a pot recent times acts as an alternative to the traditional bouquet, and their photos can be found on the relevant sites. And if the first weeks after the purchase (gift), the rose, thanks to numerous fertilizers and stimulants, looks great, then in the future it will not be easy to maintain the attractiveness of this “living bouquet”. But if you try, the reward in the form of a brightly blooming rose will be a worthy reward for your efforts.

Indoor rose: a variety of species

Another argument in favor of the fact that an indoor rose is no worse than a bouquet is the diversity of the species:

  • Bengal rose is the most adapted species for growing at home, care is quite simple (when compared with other varieties), therefore it is the most common. Flowering is long, it can last until the New Year, however, the plant will have to be additionally illuminated. In addition, the plant does not shed foliage for the winter, continuing to delight with decorative greenery. Flowers - semi-double, medium-sized, shades of red (from bright red to dark red), almost always - without aroma. At home, the bush grows small, does not need pruning - only diseased and weak branches are removed, after complete pruning the plant will simply die
  • Chinese rose - it is important to understand that we are talking about the rose, not about hibiscus, which we traditionally call the "Chinese rose", although in fact it has nothing to do with the pink family. Chinese rose- the smallest of all indoor species, the bush does not grow above 15 cm, the flowers are miniature, no more than 2 cm in diameter, while there are many species that differ in both color (yellow, burgundy, red, orange and even silver shades), appearance flower and scent. Chinese rose (most species) needs a cold wintering.

If we talk about home (apartment) growing conditions, then polyanthus roses are widely represented in them, they are easy to care for, these flowers are not too capricious, plus they smell good:

  • triumph - a fairly large rose, flowers - with bright red, pleasing bloom from spring to early winter, can perfectly winter on a cool windowsill
  • miniatures - a mini-bush, flowers - terry, white or pink, winters well in the house, its reproduction is very easy to carry out by cuttings - the roots break through 5-6 days after the cutting is placed in water
  • gloria is a medium-sized rose, it has very miniature flowers, which, due to their unusual color, resemble smoldering embers. It looks very attractive, but it has absolutely no aroma. For wintering, it must be taken out to a separate place where the temperature does not exceed 10C.
  • Clotilda is a small shrub that is abundantly covered with double flowers with a pleasant aroma. The peculiarity of the variety is that the flowers gradually change color, from light pink (as soon as the bud has blossomed) to white in a few days.

Home rose in a pot: care, transplant, reproduction

Care room rose very difficult, it is a very demanding and capricious plant for keeping at home. Care begins with the fact that they select the right place:

  • illumination - there should be a lot of light, so for a "blooming bouquet" it is suitable sunny window sill, and so that the flowers do not disappear with the onset of autumn, the flower will have to be additionally highlighted
  • want to grow a home rose - do not allow the soil (pot) to overheat, therefore, by setting the flower on sunny side, the pot must be shaded by closing it from hot sun rays
  • no drafts - you may even have to install barriers or light fences around the rose


Regular, fairly plentiful, care should not allow the earthen clod to dry out - which is especially important if you grow flowers on the bright south side. The main rule is that the rose does not tolerate cold water, so it should be watered only with settled water. room temperature.

Advice! After watering, after half an hour it is necessary to remove water from the pan that has not been absorbed.


Domestic roses are very sensitive to transplants, due to the destruction of the earthy coma and damage to the root system, they can get sick for a long time and take root poorly. Therefore, they are transplanted as needed, the main indicator that the rose has become cramped in the pot is that the roots have become visible in the drainage hole. The best time for a transplant is the growing moon.

Advice! Do not rush to transplant a newly purchased rose, even if shop pot categorically does not fit into the interior - the rose must be given some time so that it can adapt to the new conditions.

In order to successfully grow an indoor rose, it is necessary not only to choose the right pot, but also to prepare it for planting. The new pot should be 2-4 cm (no more) wider than the previous one and 5-7 cm higher. If nothing has grown in a ceramic pot (this is especially important for unglazed ones) (it is absolutely new), then it must be soaked in warm water for 2 hours. If the pot has already been used and something has grown in it, then it is thoroughly washed in cold water by scrubbing thoroughly with a stiff brush.

top dressing

At home, home rose fertilizer is carried out in two ways - root and foliar top dressing. As a root top dressing, you can irrigate with mullein (as an option - purchase a full-fledged mineral fertilizer), conducting it during the active growing season 2 times a month, with the appearance of buds - even 1 time per week. The rest of the time (period - summer-spring), top dressing can be carried out once every 2-3 weeks, be sure - after watering the plant. For spraying ( foliar feeding) acquire special solutions, while its concentration must be made somewhat weaker than indicated in the instructions. In autumn and spring, when rose care is minimal, top dressing is stopped.

Cuttings are the simplest and effective method to carry out reproduction of a room rose, it is carried out in May-September, choosing the middle part for cuttings with a thin, faded branch, leaving only 2-4 buds on it.

Advice! In order for reproduction to be successful in the future, it is very important to make the first cut correctly. The lower cut is made oblique, choosing a place 1 cm below the kidney (the kidney itself should be directed upwards), the upper one is straight, 0.5 cm above the upper kidney.

Freshly cut cuttings must be immediately placed in water or wet sand, avoiding even a short-term drying of the cuts - this sharply reduces the survival rate. When using water for rooting, it should be remembered that the water that was poured for the first time cannot be changed, even if it turns green - you just need to add fresh water if it becomes less. Such care will ensure the early appearance of roots.

When the roots reach 1-2 cm in length (photo 1), the cuttings can be planted, while the root neck is not buried, it should remain at the level of the soil. Especially carefully it is necessary to sprinkle the roots - they are very fragile and easily damaged. The stalk continues to be grown in a bright place, but where direct sunlight does not fall. If reproduction is carried out correctly, then after a couple of weeks the kidneys should start to grow.

Propagation by cuttings allows at home not only to preserve varietal characteristics, but also to obtain a plant that is optimally adapted to the conditions of a particular room (apartment).


Care home rose must include trimming. If you neglect it, then next summer, instead of a bright bouquet, you will have a sluggish, poorly flowering plant. Pruning is best done with a growing moon, using pruners or a sharp knife. First of all, weak, diseased, small and intertwining branches are removed. On healthy branches, with matured wood, shoots with 5-6 eyes are left, on weaker shoots - 3-4 eyes (photo 2).

Advice! After cutting, the roses are placed in a cool (10-12C) room where they hibernate. After the first new leaves appear, the rose is returned to its usual place again.

Having bought a young rose - a seedling with only one central trunk, you must not let it begin to bloom. To grow a healthy, full-fledged rose at home, the first bud that appears must be removed, after which you need to find a well-developed bud on the trunk and pinch the stem above it. It's okay - soon two shoots will appear in this place, and at the moment when buds begin to form on them, the operation must be repeated again. Only after you can grow stems of the third order, it will be possible to let the rose bloom. It will take time, but as a result you will have a properly developing, healthy and strong plant.

Who want to enjoy their flowering and in own apartment and not just in the garden. For such true connoisseurs, there are potted roses. These roses begin to bloom earlier than their garden relatives, and finish flowering later - due to the fact that for a rose in a pot you can create favorable microclimate.

Roses in pots begin to bloom in May-June, and in stores they are sold blooming all year round. When you buy a potted rose, carefully consider it - the number of blooming flowers should be small, but there should be a lot of unopened buds. Pay attention to the leaves - they should be a juicy healthy green color, without any spots and damage.

Why give a bouquet of cut roses that will wither pretty soon when you can give live roses in a pot?

These graceful roses from the Patio group (Isabell-Hit and Ramona-Hit varieties) are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and long flowering - when good care will delight with flowers all summer.

The Diamant rose is planted here in the same pot along with ivy. This variety of rose is distinguished by large double and fragrant flowers.

Be careful that the soil in the container does not dry out - when mixed landings this is a common problem. However, it should not be over-moisturized either.

Care for roses in pots

Roses before sale are grown in greenhouses, where the temperature is maintained at 15-18°C. That is why the first time after the purchase it is important to keep approximately the same temperature regime to facilitate the acclimatization of the flower. That's why best time to buy roses in a pot- it is the cold season, from autumn to spring, and most optimal time- February March. During these months, it is easiest to provide a slightly lower temperature for roses at home.

The rose is usually kept on a glazed balcony. You can later bring it into the apartment, but you should avoid placing it near the batteries and heating appliances.

If you bought a rose in a pot specifically to decorate a composition on the terrace or in the garden, also take your time to expose the plant to the air in the spring. Wait until the danger of frost has passed. flowering plant will not withstand sub-zero temperatures.

Despite the fact that roses need coolness, the place for them should not be darkened. After all roses are very light-loving.

Roses in pots usually bloom ahead of garden roses for a few weeks. When stable is established warm weather, potted roses must be put on Fresh air.

Miniature roses Ballet and Vanilla delight their owners on the sunny terrace.

If you do not have a garden, then you can plant miniature roses in a container on the balcony - as, for example, in this photo.

Here the composition is composed of roses of the Patio series in three shades, ivy and cumin.

Large containers stimulate the development of the root system of roses.

Since roses are sold in small pots, and before the end of flowering, the plant is not recommended to be transplanted, regularly check soil moisture(In small containers, the soil dries out very quickly). Since it is important to observe the golden mean in this, water a little, but often - so as not to overmoisten, but also not to overdry the earth.

From mid-May, it is recommended to take the roses in pots to fresh air. This will allow them to gain strength and strengthen immunity. In addition, a rose in a pot - lovely decoration garden. It will complement any flower arrangement. If you don’t have a garden, then the rose will have a great “summer vacation” on the balcony as well - you can even transplant it into.

Every two weeks from March to August potted roses fertilize- use liquid fertilizer for indoor flowers, adding half the dosage indicated on the package to the water for irrigation. withered flowers need to be cut regularly - the cut is made under the first pair of leaves, which is under the flower.

After the onset of cold weather (in October), roses in pots are brought into the room. From October to March, roses are at rest and the ideal temperature for them is 10-12 degrees. After the end of the dormant period, the rose is cut and transplanted, soon it begins to bloom.

If you planted a rose in the garden (be sure to first find out if this variety of potted roses can winter in your climatic conditions), then you will need to, and then cover.

If you bought in early spring a blooming rose in a pot, then at first it will delight you in the apartment. After flowering, cut the plant back to 1/3 and transplant into a pot. bigger size. When frosts are over, put the plant in fresh air - in the garden or on an open balcony. The rose should give new shoots and bloom again.

How to grow a rose in a pot

Although it is not a problem to buy a blooming potted rose these days - these flowers are very popular and are available in any flower shop - some people prefer to grow a flower on their own, or from seeds.

Grow a rose from seed- the matter is rather complicated, but how interesting it is to do it yourself!

Rose seeds take a very long time to germinate. They are planted either before winter in ordinary containers with light permeable soil (can be planted in a pot with houseplant, and after the appearance of sprouts - to plant them). Either the seeds are planted in February under glass and kept at a temperature of 3-5 ° C. The seed planting depth is 0.5 cm. In both cases, the seeds should sprout in late spring or early summer. Before planting, the seeds are soaked for 2 weeks at 15-20°C.

Composition from potted roses shades of pink looks very romantic and elegant.

In order not to distract the eye from the beauty of the flowers, the roses are planted in the same pots. In the photo you see varieties of roses Lady, Isabell-Hit and Ramona-Hit.

Roses are different too! In the photo you see three varieties of roses different shades yellow- apricot Amber, lemon Goldy and vanilla Champagner.

A white Carpathian bell has been added to this solar ensemble.

Tell me, how to properly care for a rose bought in a pot? They gave me a dwarf rose for my birthday, but I don't do flowers much. I'm afraid that this beauty would disappear with my meager experience in floriculture.

Recently, the queen of garden flowers has been expanding her possessions, and today you will surprise no one blooming roses on the windowsills. Small compact bushes, strewn with charming delicate roses, feel quite comfortable in apartment conditions if you give them a little attention.

What is the proper care behind a purchased rose in a pot? After acquiring a beauty, you need to pay attention to such points:

  • conduct a thorough inspection of the bush and assess its general condition;
  • transplant a rose nutrient soil changing the pot if necessary.

Preparing a rose for "home living"

When you bring a flower home from the store, you should inspect it well for pests so as not to put other pets at risk of infection. In addition, remove all dry leaves and faded buds. If the flowering has already ended completely, it will not be superfluous to immediately cut the bush, leaving up to 5 buds on each shoot.

For prevention and protection against harmful insects treat the rose with Fitoverm and Previkur.

After inspection and processing, the bush must be left alone for two weeks - during this time it adapts to the home climate.

We transplant a flower

At the end of the adaptation period, you can begin to transplant the purchased one. Most often in flower shops plants are in temporary pots with transport soil, plus they are still fed with fertilizer all the time to continue flowering. A flower brought home must be transplanted into fresh nutrient soil.

Ready-made soil mixture can be bought in the store immediately when buying a rose, or you can make it yourself by mixing:

  • in equal parts humus and sod;
  • adding 0.5 parts of sand.

It is better to choose a flowerpot for a rose in the form of a cone, expanded upwards. You should not take too large dishes - it is enough if there is a distance of 3 cm between the walls of the pot and the bush (in a large pot, the earth will dry out and turn sour for a long time).

Carefully remove the bush, free it from old earth, smooth the twisted roots and place for 10 minutes in a growth stimulator solution. Plant the treated rose in a new flowerpot, falling asleep with fresh soil.

In order for the bush to better tolerate the transplant, cover it with a cap for a week. Ventilate periodically.

Further care of the rose

After a week, the cap can be removed and the rose taken care of as usual, namely:

  • water after the topsoil dries out:
  • once every two weeks, feed with a mineral complex (the first fertilization can be done no earlier than a month after transplanting the purchased flower);
  • regularly remove dry flowers, shorten shoots every spring to stimulate branching and flowering.

Video on how to care for a room rose after purchase

An ornamental rose bush consists of several stems covered with thorns and wide leaves of a dark green hue. Buds are white, pink, bright red and burgundy. Some varieties throw out black and orange inflorescences. An indoor rose growing in a pot is 1.5–2 times lower than a garden one, and the diameter of its buds reaches 10–15 cm. The flower will develop well if you observe the temperature regime, regularly water and feed the soil.

Correct window

Rose refers to light-loving plants. The bush will like it on the southeast or east window sill. The flower receives enough light and heat even in winter period. Some varieties decorative roses I like south windows better. Understanding whether a plant is comfortable or not is simple:

  1. The leaves have become saturated green tint and buds open? The flower feels comfortable. He lacks light and warmth.
  2. Leaves and inflorescences become lethargic? Are the edges yellowed or brownish spots? The rose was burned due to the abundance of ultraviolet radiation. The plant should be immediately hidden in the shade until complete recovery, and then choose another window sill with subdued lighting.

In summer, when there is too much sun, the pot with a decorative rose is moved to a shelf or stand. You can close the window with blinds or translucent tulle, which will soften and scatter the sun's rays.

In late autumn and winter, the rose sunbaths under table lamp or special, designed for indoor flowers and seedlings. lighting fixture included for 3-4 hours. ornamental plant due to lack of sun and ultraviolet becomes lethargic. Immunity decreases, and insects begin to attack the rose: spider mites, aphids and other pests.

The distance from the lamp to the top of the decorative bush is 30-35 cm. If you put the device closer, burns will appear, and if it is further, the rose will not receive the amount of light that it needs for normal development.

The flower is grown in light pots. Dark flowerpots will not work, in summer they attract too much ultraviolet light. sunlight dries out the substrate and roots of ornamental bushes, causing them to wither.

Brown, black and dark blue pots are wrapped in summer clean sheets paper. The white cover reflects the light and prevents the soil from drying out. The roots and substrate can also be covered with A4 sheets or regularly moistened with a spray bottle.

Water and low temperatures

Roses love light but hate heat. In the room in which there is a pot with an ornamental bush, they support high humidity air. Minimum 60–65%, but not more than 80%. Tropical climate is also contraindicated. With an excess of moisture in the soil, a fungus appears, which leads to the death of a tender plant.

In summer, the decorative bush is sprayed with soft water at room temperature. In winter, the liquid to moisten the soil and leaves is heated to 37-39 degrees. Spraying is carried out 1-4 times a day. If the air is dry or the rose pot is next to the battery, water is sprayed as often as possible. The number of sprays is reduced if the room is cold or the substrate is too wet, and liquid constantly accumulates in the pan.

Water is sprayed in the evening. In the morning, moisture accumulates on the leaves and petals, attracting the sun's rays, which are left on tender plant burns. During the day, bowls filled with water are placed next to the pots. The liquid gradually evaporates, moistening the air that the flower breathes.

Roses do not tolerate heat and frost. In summer, in the room where the plant stands, the temperature should range from +16 to +22. In winter, the thermometer shows +12, but not lower than +8, otherwise indoor flower get sick and disappear.

Tip: In November or December, an ornamental bush can be taken out on glazed balcony. And so that the soil and roots do not freeze, put the pot in a bucket or a large saucepan with sawdust.

Rose owners make sure that the humidity level in the room does not fall below 40-50%. Dry air is an ideal breeding environment spider mite. small insects destroy root system. The decorative bush becomes weak, it is attacked by diseases and fungus.

During the period of active flowering, the rose is bathed, observing a few rules:

  1. The procedure is carried out once a week.
  2. The water temperature should be + 36-38 degrees.
  3. The pressure is weak so as not to damage the stem and buds.
  4. The pot is wrapped in a tight plastic bag or garbage bag so that water does not get on the substrate.
  5. Rose after bathing 3-4 hours stands in the bathroom. It is returned to the windowsill after drying.
  6. A wet ornamental bush is protected from drafts and direct sunlight.

The shower washes away dust and insects that have decided to settle on a flower. The rose receives a portion of moisture, which stimulates growth. A plant that has dropped buds is not bathed. The decorative bush falls into a kind of hibernation and gains strength, it does not need water procedures.

Watering and fertilizing

In winter, indoor flower is watered 1-2 times in 10 days. A plant that is resting and recovering after flowering needs some liquid. In the spring, when the rose awakens, the amount of watering is gradually increased.

In summer, the substrate is moistened almost daily. Water nourishes and cools the root system of an ornamental bush, protecting it from pests. Pour 500–600 ml of liquid into the pot and wait half an hour. In 30 minutes, the substrate will absorb as much moisture as the flower needs, the excess will drain into the pan. The rest is poured out immediately. It is impossible for the liquid to stagnate, otherwise it will become a source of fungus or infection.

Tap water is defended for at least 3 days so that harmful minerals settle to the bottom. Impurities of iron and salt pollute the soil. It acquires a white tint and loses its nutritional properties. The rose is also watered with distilled and mineral non-carbonated water. It doesn't need to be defended.

The soil is loosened before applying the liquid. The procedure allows you to determine how wet the substrate is. If the earth is wet and sticky, watering is postponed for 2-3 days until the soil dries. Loosening also enriches the roots of the ornamental bush with oxygen, stimulating growth.

Water is always heated to room temperature. Cold liquid, like too hot, injures the roots. Ice water poorly absorbs and reduces the immunity of the plant.

Novice gardeners sometimes pour a rose. The first symptom of excess moisture is springtails. White insects the size of a flea appear only in wet ground. Pests will disappear after watering is reduced.

Slippery soil exuding a sour smell is thrown away. Symptoms point to a fungus that cannot be eradicated. The pot is disinfected, the roots of the ornamental bush are cleaned from the ground and washed, and then planted in new soil. This is the only way to save the rose from infection and death.

During the growing season and active flowering, the plant is fed with complex mineral fertilizers. Suitable "Ideal" or another drug containing nitrogen and potassium. Among organic feeds, mullein is distinguished. A ten percent solution is prepared from it.

The earth is watered abundantly before fertilization. Water will moisten the roots and protect them from burns. After 15–20 minutes, when the decorative bush absorbs the liquid, they make nutrient solution. In winter, when the rose is at rest, fertilizers are not used.

The top of old flowers that are more than 3-4 years old are sprayed with liquid fertilizer once a month. A weak solution is prepared and applied with a spray bottle to leaves and buds.


A young plant that is less than 4 years old is transplanted into a new pot every year. Buy a crock pot with a drainage hole. Suitable and plastic variety, necessarily with a pallet. The new pot should be 4-5 cm wider and 6-8 cm higher than the old container.

A flowerpot bought in a store is washed warm water. Sometimes a little antibacterial soap is added, but after the procedure, the container is thoroughly rinsed. Clay pots are soaked in warm water for several hours.

Old flowerpots in which another flower lived are cleaned of soil residues with a soapy solution. Then rinsed and poured over with boiling water. Hot water will destroy the infection and fungus that could remain on the walls of the pot.

The flowerpot is filled with a drainage layer consisting of grated foam, broken brick or earthenware shards. Suitable small pebbles or porcelain stoneware. The height of the drainage layer is approximately 4 cm.

A nutrient mixture is poured into the pot, which is prepared from 3 components:

  • soddy soil;
  • coarse-grained river sand;
  • rotted manure.

Soil and sand are calcined or steamed. Insects and pathogens can live in the soil brought from the garden or garden. Sometimes peat is added to the substrate for decorative roses.

About a liter of water is poured into an old pot with an ornamental bush to soften the ground. After 20 minutes, put on thick rubber gloves and grab the flower at the base. The flowerpot is turned over and carefully removed from the earthen clod. Sometimes the pot needs to be rolled around the rose several times to separate the substrate from the clay walls.

The soil from the root system is cleaned off if insects or a fungus are wound up in it. The substrate is carefully removed by hand, and then the base of the decorative bush is washed with warm water. In other cases, the flower is transferred to a new flowerpot along with the old soil.

Pour 3-5 cm of soil into the pot. The roots of an ornamental bush are placed on a compacted earthen pillow. Straighten and fall asleep with a layer of substrate. Pour 50-60 ml of water into the soil and wait for it to sit down. Then a portion of the earth is added so that it covers the roots of the rose.

A pot with an ornamental bush is cleaned in warm room but kept out of direct sunlight. Do not water for 5-6 days. During this period, the transplanted plant takes root and adapts to new conditions. The rose is returned to the windowsill in a week, and after 14–21 days mineral dressing is applied.

The ornamental shrub is transplanted in early spring before the first buds appear. Sometimes the procedure is carried out late autumn after the last petals have fallen. But then you don’t need to make top dressing, because the rose “hibernates”. Fertilizers can provoke flowering, which will weaken the houseplant.


In November or December, when the rose has faded, circumcision is performed. With a sharp pruner, thin and dry twigs are removed, as well as shoots that do not grow up, but inside the bush. The blade after each process is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in an antiseptic or alcohol.

Cut off the main stems by about a third. The main thing is to leave 5-6 eyes on each. Wounds are sprinkled with activated charcoal powder. After processing, the decorative bush is taken out to the balcony or to another cool place. The cut stems can be used to grow new houseplants.

A rose is not as capricious as an orchid, but it will wither without proper care. An ornamental bush will delight with white and red buds if it is watered, fertilized and cut in a timely manner. And also protect from drafts and direct sunlight, bathe and transplant annually into a larger pot.

Video: how to care for a home rose

You won’t surprise anyone with roses in a flower garden - these flowers are very popular, although capricious, they are much less common room view which requires more care.

Varieties and varieties suitable for growing at home

To achieve a beautiful long flowering, for a rose at home you need:

  • provide space;
  • maintain optimal humidity and air temperature;
  • follow the rules of watering depending on the time of year;
  • periodically carry out the necessary hygiene procedures;
  • monitor the plant and prevent infection with diseases and pests from other indoor flowers.

Having taken care of the correct wintering of a home rose, you will be able to see the first buds in March, and with proper care, the plant will decorate your house with lovely flowers that outshine all the rest of the greenery with their beauty.

Video about caring for a room rose

Now in any flower shop you can find miniature roses. different varieties excellent for growing at home. Outwardly, they are very similar to ordinary garden ones, only smaller in size - compact bushes reach only 35 cm in height. The miniature beauty in a pot looks unusually elegant: against the background of small neat leaves of dark green color, lovely flowers with a diameter of one and a half to four centimeters stand out in contrasting spots, painted in different tones and spreading a wonderful fragrance.

Of the miniature roses, the following varieties grow especially well at home: Judy Fischer with pink double flowers, copper-pink New Penny, carmine Angela Rippon, Baby Darling orange-pink, fragrant pale yellow flowers Yellow Doll, crimson Starina with intense aroma and silvery pink Cinderella variety.

home roses

One of the advantages of the miniature species is that it reproduces well by cuttings, and you can easily grow several new plants from one purchased bush.

In addition to miniature roses for growing at home, you can choose low varieties of other varieties:

  • unpretentious Bengal, providing a long lush bloom(Ophelia variety with apricot-pink flowers, pink Grotendors variety blooming twice a year with pink rose inflorescences);
  • strongly branching multi-flowered polyanthus (Orange Triumph variety with bright red flowers, pale pink fragrant flowers varieties Clotilda Super, variety Miniatures with small double flowers of pink and white color);
  • fragrant hybrid tea (La France variety with strongly double flowers, Miss Rowena Tom, Grousse en Teplitz, Jules Boucher).

If you want to relocate low varieties growing in your flower garden to an apartment, choose those plants that were obtained from cuttings, with their own roots, and not grafted on a dog rose. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to save your own grown roses - caring for them in room conditions will not bring results.

indoor roses

Transplanting and caring for a purchased indoor rose

Flower shops mostly sell miniature species imported from abroad, which means that the plants are weakened by various regulators and growth stimulants. Having delivered such a rose home, you will need to take care of transplanting it into a larger pot with fresh earth.

If the flower is young, the first buds will have to be removed, no matter how sorry they are. But by sacrificing a few small buds, you will receive abundantly in return. flowering bush. The first bud that appears must not only be removed, but the stem should be pinched over a well-developed bud, from which two shoots will then appear at once. They will need to do the same procedure with pinching the stems. And with the advent of shoots of the third order, it is already possible to safely allow the home rose to bloom!

Flowering, well-developed plants are often treated with drugs that slow down the development of new buds. However, as soon as the drug ceases to act, the buds actively start growing, and the bush can quickly acquire irregular shape and unkempt appearance. Usually this happens closer to spring, so you first need to have time to carry out a formative pruning of the bush, and your home beauty will remain compact.

Blooming, well-developed miniature roses are often treated with drugs that slow down the development of new buds.

As for the transplant, you should not carry it out on the same day that you purchased the rose. Let the plant get used to the new conditions a little. To do this, place the flower pot in a southeast or east window and water as needed for several days.

The transfer is carried out as follows:

  • prepare a pot slightly larger than the one in which the plant was;
  • if other flowers have grown in the pot before, wash it with warm water without soap;
  • at the bottom of the pot, lay a layer of expanded clay for drainage of 1 cm, in the absence of a drain hole, make a drainage layer of 3 cm;
  • pour a nutritious soil mixture of soddy soil, humus and sand over the expanded clay, adding complex fertilizer;
  • sprinkle the ground with fertilizers with a layer of earth without fertilizers so as not to burn the roots;
  • Pour the purchased home rose abundantly and after 20 minutes carefully remove it from the previous container, trying not to destroy the clod of earth and not damage the roots (fertilizer granules remaining in the roots should not be washed off);
  • place the stem with a clod of earth in a pot (the root neck should be underground), sprinkle with soil mixture on all sides, compact it and add so much earth from above that a couple of centimeters remain to the edge of the pot;
  • spray the foliage with water and place in a shady spot.

Transplanting a home rose

In a day it will be possible to move the transplanted rosette to its permanent place and water it under the root with settled water as the soil dries out. From the next month, start feeding by watering the plant once every two weeks with a solution of mineral fertilizer or spraying the leaves.

Care rules

No matter how capricious the indoor rose is considered, caring for it will not require much effort if you take care of creating suitable conditions. First of all, it concerns light regime and air humidity. Dry air is contraindicated for a flower, so during the heating season it is especially important to spray it regularly. And in summer time it is advisable to move the roses to the balcony, to the terrace, to the street, or at least open the windows so that the inhabitants of the pots do not stop their flowering due to stuffiness in the rooms. Like garden species, indoor plants need a lot of light, but you should not keep it constantly on the south window, otherwise the flowers will quickly open and fall off immediately.

Video about caring for indoor roses

How to care for a home rose at different times of the year? In summer, you will need to water the flower abundantly, preventing the earthen coma from drying out, and also make sure that the plant does not overheat and get sick. Cut off faded flowers with secateurs. In autumn, indoor flowers can be moved from the balcony to the southern windows and reduce the frequency of watering. At the end of flowering, roses are transferred to larger pots.

For the winter, it is advisable to move the plants to a cooler room (with a temperature of +15), if there is one, and if not, then at least remove them away from heating and electrical appliances. Preparing domestic roses for wintering consists in pruning branches (no more than five buds are left on each), which can be used for the next one. The flower is watered once a week in winter, and with the advent of spring and the opening of the first leaves, watering is increased and fed with a solution of bird droppings or mullein.