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» Forsythia intermediate Golden TimeForsythia Golden Time. Forsythia: varieties, cultivation and all the intricacies of caring for a luxurious golden shrub Planting a forsythia seedling

Forsythia intermediate Golden TimeForsythia Golden Time. Forsythia: varieties, cultivation and all the intricacies of caring for a luxurious golden shrub Planting a forsythia seedling

The main advantage of forsythia is its prolific blooming of bright yellow flowers in early spring, when other trees are just waking up. This makes it popular ornamental plant among the inhabitants of Europe and America for more than 200 years. The cultivation of this shrub in China or Korea dates back several thousand years: in addition to its decorative qualities, it is appreciated medicinal properties forsythia (in ancient Chinese treatises it is included among the fifty main medicinal plants).

The genus Forsythia unites a variety of species: nine of them originate from East Asian countries, the homeland of one - European forsythia - is the Balkan Peninsula.

Did you know? Shrub blooming "gold" in early spring, brought to Europe from China at the end of the 18th century. Through the efforts of the Scottish scientist William Forsyth, they named it in his honor - “forsythia” (in Latin transcription - “forsythia”).

Forsythia: plant description

All species of the genus Forsythia (Forsythia) of the Olive family are similar in their external characteristics (morphological and biological).

Externally, forsythia is garden shrub with yellow flowers (from 1 to 3 m tall). The leaves are opposite, oval in shape (15 cm long). Flowering - medium-sized bell-shaped flowers of four petals in few-flowered inflorescences. Color - the most different shades yellow - from lemon-golden to dark orange. Abundant flowering(usually until the leaves bloom) lasts from 20 to 40 days. The fruits are elongated capsules with winged seeds. Forsythia is light-loving and undemanding to soil. Over 200 years, breeders have developed dozens of forsythia varieties, differing in:

  • according to the characteristics of the bush (shape, crown, size, type of branches, etc.);
  • by flower size (small, medium, large);
  • by the pigmentation of leaves, branches and flowers (different shades of yellow in flowers, green, yellow and purple in leaves, green, yellow, red in branches).

Important! Snowy winters birds in the absence of food can peck flower buds on forsythia, seriously harming the plant.

Intermediate forsythia (F. intermedia) is a large yellow shrub (can reach 3 m in height and 2.6 m in crown width). The shoots are straight. The oblong ten-centimeter leaves have rough-toothed edges. Begins to bloom at the age of three. Blooms for 20 days at the end of April. The flowers are soft yellow, growing several in inflorescences.

Did you know? Forsythia intermedia was obtained for the first time in 1878 as a result of hybridization (from hanging and greening forsythia) in botanical garden University of Göttingen (Germany). Since 1889, the hybrid began to be cultivated in the USA.

Its most popular varieties:

  • dense flower (densiflora)– with spreading branches, crowded flowers of yellow and pale yellowish shades;
  • wonderful (spectabilis)– straight shoots, on them there are large (4 cm) bright yellow flowers in inflorescences (5-6 flowers each);
  • primrose (pumulina)– flower petals are wavy, the flowers themselves are located near the base of the shoots;
  • Beatrix Farrand– a tall bush (can reach a height of four meters), vertical shoots, flowers of bright yellow shades, distinguished by orange stripes at the base. Winter hardiness is average;
  • Lindwoodtall bush(over 3 m), flowers (3.5 cm in diameter) have a bright gold color. The leaves change from dark green in summer to purple in autumn;
  • Fiesta– a small bush (up to 1.5 m) with small flowers gold-colored, emerald leaves (in autumn they become spotted, in yellow-cream tones).

Forsythia drooping (F. suspensa) or crying. IN natural conditions found in Korea and Northeast China. It got its name because of the shape of the bush - thin shoots spread along the ground. The ten-centimeter leaves are ovoid, opposite, and three-lobed. The color of the leaves is green, turning purple with autumn cold weather. The flowers are bright, small (up to 2.5 cm), in inflorescences - from one to three flowers. It has good winter hardiness.

Did you know? Forsythia drooping ended up in Europe thanks to Swedish naturalist Carl Peter Thunberg. In 1833, while in Japan (he served in the Dutch East India Company), he noticed plants of this species in the gardens and transferred several seedlings to Holland.

Hanging forsythia (Forsythia suspensa) also has another name - drooping forsythia. Looks like a shrub with spreading arched branches olive color. Actively used to decorate walls. Thanks to hanging forsythia, many hybrid varieties have been developed:

  • Variegata ("Motley")– characterized by sword-shaped, rich green (yellow-variegated in autumn) leaves and flowers of dark yellow and orange shades;
  • Artocalis (purple stem)– distinguished by dark purple shoots in summer and foliage of the same color in autumn;
  • Fortune– most ornamental shrub forsythia: straight-growing shoots grow first, later arch-like shoots. The leaves are narrow, the flowers have orange-yellow petals. The inflorescence grows from 2 to 6 flowers. It does not bloom every year;
  • Siebold– the most frost-resistant form, represents low shrub. The shoots are thin, spreading along the ground. The leaves are simple. The flower petals are dark yellow and bent back;
  • Dicipiens (deceptive)– attracts with large (over 4 cm in diameter) flowers with golden-yellow petals. The leaves are dark emerald in summer and change color to red-brown in autumn.

Forsythia ovate (F. ovata Nakai), native to the Korean Peninsula, was described at the beginning of the 20th century.

Important! The peculiarity of forsythia ovoid is its high frost resistance (in mid-latitudes in winter it can do without shelter) and drought resistance. The big disadvantage is the transience of flowering.

Forsythia ovate is an early flowering yellow shrub. This is a low bush - from 1.5 to 2 m tall. The spreading branches have a grayish-yellow color due to the color of the bark and green seven-centimeter leaves with pointed tips. In autumn the plant “dresses” in dark purple and orange colors. Blooms with single yellow flowers (2 cm) for 15-17 days.

The most famous varieties:

  • Dresdner Vorfrühling– differs in earlier flowering (three weeks earlier than other varieties). Flowers are traditional for forsythia - medium in size (up to 4 cm) with delicate yellow petals;
  • Tetragold- a low bush (up to one meter high) with yellow-mustard flowers. Flowering is also earlier;
  • Spring Glory– American variety (known since 1930). Its height and width are approximately equal - about 3 m. Very abundant flowering in April - May. The flowers have bright yellow petals. Green summer leaves change to bright yellow-purple in autumn;
  • Goldzauber– blooms with large golden flowers, tolerates late frosts well;
  • Weekend– shoots grow upward and bloom immediately after the snow melts. Large flowers are traditionally yellow.
  • Arnold Draft– forsythia is a dwarf variety with dense branches (the flowering volume is inferior to other varieties).

Forsythia dark green (F. Verdissima) or the greenest is a three-meter bush, the dark green bark gives a greenish color to the entire bush. The shoots grow upward. Large lanceolate leaves (15 cm long and 4 cm wide) grow very densely. Flowers big size have green-yellow pigmentation. It was opened to Europeans in 1844 by Robert Fortune in the mountains of the Chinese province of Zhejiang.

Decoration landscape design Forsythia often appears in gardens and courtyards, Moreover, planting and caring for it do not cause any particular difficulties. Due to its aesthetic appeal and spectacular appearance This shrub looks much more advantageous than many other ornamental crops.

How to choose the right seedling in the store

The very first and, perhaps, fundamental question concerns the purchase of forsythia seedlings. How to do right choice so as not to regret it in the future?

We do not recommend buying plants from people without necessary documents, confirming their trading activities and professionalism in the field of plant trade. Simply put, it’s better not to take it “from hand.” Order seedlings from organizations shopping centers, in a word, those who specialize in landscape design and have established relationships with trusted nurseries and plant suppliers. It is better to entrust the choice to an experienced dendrologist. Another advantage to this is that, being next to him, you will receive basic but necessary information about your future plant.

If you decide to make a choice yourself, then definitely go to the trade fair. Since choosing a forsythia seedling, like any other plant, is not easy, it is better to have a certain reference book with you. This is how you will choose, ask leading questions, and generally navigate this type of product.

You have every right ask for a quality certificate regarding the selected forsythia. The main points to pay attention to are the supplier country and the climatic zone of growth. What looks great when planted does not necessarily stay that way until the very end.

Pay attention to the age of the seedlings. The older the plant is and the more the conditions during future planting differ from the previous ones, the more difficult it will be for the shrub to adapt.

When choosing a seedling, examine not only the one you like, but also the others. If there is at least one patient among them, leave there with nothing. An infected plant will be an extra troublesome task for you, since it will not only require special care, but will also infect nearby plants. Buy only seedlings with thick and strong branches with many buds. Do not purchase plants with broken branches or damaged shoots.

Did you know? The ornamental shrub received its name in honor of the botanist from Scotland William Forsyth, part-time head gardener of Kensington Palace and one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society. He was the first to bring the forsythia bush from the Celestial Empire to Europe.

Planting a forsythia seedling

To forsythia bush with yellow flowers became a decoration for your garden, you need to know a few basic aspects of planting it.

Optimal planting dates

Planting forsythia in principle, just like replanting it, it’s better in the spring or early autumn, until frost hits. The plant needs to get accustomed to winter.

Choosing a landing site

Forsythia is a warm and sun-loving plant. Taking this factor into account is important when planting and further care behind the bushes. In the rays of sunlight, forsythia develops much better and flowering is more spectacular. But even in partial shade this ornamental shrub feels good. The place where forsythia grows should also be well protected from the wind. Typically, group planting of shrubs is done along paths and fences.

How to prepare the soil for planting

Rich nutrients and well-ventilated soil is best for forsythia to develop. For this plant, it is certainly better to prepare a special soil mixture. Humus, sand and leaf soil in a 1:2:1 ratio will take root well in soil of this composition. Forsythia will not be able to fully grow in acidic soils. If the soil pH level is low, it will need to be balanced by adding wood ash.

Proper planting of seedlings

The hole for forsythia should be about half a meter deep and wide. If you plan to plant several shrubs on the site, then you need to leave a distance of at least two meters between them. The process of planting forsythia occurs as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the hole, a ten-centimeter layer should be laid out with drainage consisting of broken bricks or crushed stone.
  2. On top of the drainage there is a five-centimeter layer of coarse sand.
  3. The plant must be carefully removed from the container and lowered into the hole so that the root collar is visible on the surface.
  4. The roots need to be covered with the prepared soil mixture.
  5. The trunk circle needs to be trampled down a little.
  6. At the end, the forsythia needs to be watered and mulched with humus, straw or fallen leaves.

Comprehensive plant care

Unpretentiousness is a kind of “slogan” for almost all types of forsythia. Caring for this shrub is not particularly difficult. All a gardener will need to do with forsythia is:

  • Water periodically.
  • Loosen and weed around the trunk.
  • Trim the bushes.

Soil care

In this sense Forsythia is an unpretentious plant. One species that can be especially distinguished is the medium yellow forsythia. Many gardeners may not water forsythia at all. It tolerates drought well climatic conditions. But when warm winds blow, it is recommended to moisten the soil from time to time. This is done very rarely - about once a month. One bucket of water per plant will be enough.

Important! After each watering it is necessary to loosen trunk circle about thirty centimeters and then mulch again.

Spring feeding forsythia involves spreading manure around each bush in early March. Then in April you can feed with mineral fertilizers in the amount of 70 g for each bush. The next feeding is done when the forsythia blooms, or more precisely at the end of this period. Here they use Kemira Universal and only according to the instructions on the package.

Pruning and shaping the bush

So, we’ve sorted out the watering and feeding of forsythia, now let’s move on to the aesthetic part - crown formation. Shrubs should be trimmed in any case - this is mandatory requirement, because otherwise it will look unkempt. For a plant that is positioned as a decoration for landscape design, this is unacceptable. But the pruning procedure must be performed as carefully as possible. So, when and how to prune forsythia correctly?

In the first years after planting, shrubs are not formed. Only the removal of frozen branches is permissible. You should start pruning the crown in the third or fourth year. When the frosts pass, the frostbitten ends of the branches are cut off from the forsythia. The main pruning is carried out in summer period when the bush fades. The branches need to be shortened by half and old and dry shoots removed, leaving five to six centimeter stumps. New shoots will form from them.

The forsythia crown is usually formed in the shape of a bowl or ball. If forsythia is used in hedges, then it is periodically rejuvenated by cutting off the branches by two-thirds or to a stump of several centimeters. After this, the plant begins to grow new young and strong shoots in another large quantities. Forsythia should be pruned no more than once every three years. Otherwise, the plant will stretch out greatly and bloom poorly.

Preparing bushes for winter

Preparing forsythia for winter is similar to the procedure for relatively similar representatives of ornamental crops. Even frost-resistant varieties tested by “minus” must be insulated with the onset of severe cold. This is done using heaps of dry leaves or pine needles. Particular attention should be paid to young shoots. If they freeze in winter, they will not be able to bloom fully in the spring.

Important! Before you start insulating the branches of the bush, they need to be pressed to the ground and only then covered.

This is how you need to care for forsythia. Planting, care, pruning, watering and feeding - all this is carried out according to very simple rules.

Did you know? The most frost-resistant variety of forsythia is ovoid forsythia.

How to propagate forsythia yourself

Growing forsythia, like caring for it, is not difficult. The simplest and most used method is cuttings, but we'll look at all three.

By layering

Forsythia is propagated by layering in the spring. The shoots of the mother tree are cut to form a stump. This is done so that new young and healthy branches grow over the summer. And in the fall they are bent to the ground and placed in grooves at a shallow depth. To make it more reliable, the shoot is pinned and then covered with earth.

Such a “transplantation” of forsythia requires special processing of the soil composition. First, you need to loosen it well, then lay out the bottom of the furrows with a layer of drainage made of fine crushed stone, and sprinkle soil on top. Reproduction of forsythia by layering is permissible not only in autumn period, but also in early spring. One condition: the shoots must be young.


If you can’t trim a shrub at the root, then this will suit you The next propagation method is cuttings. Take semi-lignified twenty-centimeter cuttings and plant them in a box filled with a moistened mixture of soil and sand. The twig needs to be stuck into the ground at a slight angle of a couple of centimeters. Everything is covered with film on top.

Important! An unused aquarium is perfect as a greenhouse.

Maintaining sufficient humidity and shading, when necessary, from scorching sun rays, in a month you will receive rooted cuttings. It is better to plant them in open ground in the spring.


Forsythia can be propagated by seeds in both spring and autumn. In spring, seeds are sown in boxes with soil. After a month and a half, shoots are visible. The plant is pruned in the second year. For the winter, cover with a 20 cm layer of leaves.

Among the primroses there are not only flowers, but also shrubs. - one of the most beautifully flowering shrubs, in which golden-yellow bell-like flowers appear on bare branches in late April - early May. Flowering lasts 18 - 25 days.

Forsythia disappointed?

Forsythia is an elegant plant that has no competitors in the spring. Stores and garden centers sell cardboard packages with photographs of shrubs covered in golden flowers. How not to buy and plant such beauty on your plot! But time passes, and many site owners decide to get rid of this bush. This happened to us and to some of my friends. The fascination with forsythia gave way to complete disappointment. Not in forsythia, but specifically in the bush that grew on the site. Why has the attitude towards this wonderful culture changed?

The main reason for refusing to continue to grow forsythia is that the wrong species was planted that is suitable for a particular climate zone. This happens either due to ignorance of the characteristics of the type indicated on the packaging, or due to mis-grading, which is becoming increasingly common even in decent retail outlets. As a result, a huge bush grows, which blooms only on the lowest branches. Or it blooms very weakly, its entire top freezes out by spring. It is not always possible to properly prepare forsythia for winter. Pinning powerful two-meter or taller shoots in the fall is no joke. And you can only insulate them with a sheepskin coat. Non-woven material will not help. After a few years, you begin to doubt whether you need such a fast-growing shrub, which in the summer produces many new shoots, which freeze in the winter, and the flowers are visible only near the ground?

To prevent all this from happening, it is very important to understand the characteristics of each type and garden forms. We decided that our next forsythia will either be grown from a cutting of that shrub that blooms profusely in the Moscow region without any shelter, or we will purchase planting material in a nursery where there is no risk of running into a “pig in a poke.”

Analysis of forsythia species

Forsythia europaea (Forsythia europae). This species is more suitable not for the middle zone, but for the south of Russia. It grows in nature in southeastern Europe (Albania), forming thickets on mountain slopes. An upright growing shrub 2 m or taller with dark green leaves and single golden-yellow bell-shaped leaves. large flowers. Numerous varieties of forsythia of this species have been developed. The rooting rate of spring and summer cuttings is almost 100% (with the use of stimulants).

It is clear that this type of forsythia is not suitable for the Moscow region. Unless you grow it in a container that will be in a frost-free room in winter. Let's look at the rest of the species that come from East Asia.

Forsythia Giralda (Forsythia giraldiana Lingelsh). Although the winter hardiness of this species from Northern China is above average, without insulation it can only be grown in the southern regions of Russia. Outwardly it resembles European forsythia. A bush up to two meters high blooms profusely from the age of 5. The leaves are dark green up to 10 cm long. Flowering continues for 20 days (late April - May). The flowers are light yellow, quite large, with slightly twisted petals. It is most easily propagated by summer and winter cuttings.

Forsythia ovate, or oval (Forsythia ovate Nakai) - the most winter-hardy in the temperate zone of Russia. This is a low (1.5 - 2 m) shrub with yellowish-gray bark. Bright yellow, single, medium-sized flowers appear in 17–20 days. The lush green leaves turn purplish-orange in the fall. The advantage of the species is drought resistance. This species blooms earlier than other types of forsythia. Suitable for growing in the Moscow region. It overwinters without shelter, risking losing only the ends of young shoots in the coldest winters.

It is worth noting the low-growing garden form with a height of only one meter, "Tetragold". The dark yellow flowers (about 3.5 cm in diameter) of this little one appear quite early. There is one more new variety, "Melissa". A compact bush with golden yellow flowers does not take up much space.

Forsythia drooping (Forsythia suspension) is a species that is most often grown in the temperate zone of Russia. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, it winters only under cover or snow cover. Without insulation it grows in most of Ukraine (especially in Crimea), in the Caucasus and in Central Asia. It grows wild in Northern and Central China. The shrub has a wide spreading crown. Thin tetrahedral olive or reddish-brown branches drooping, arched. The golden-yellow flowers are quite large, they are single or collected in bunches (up to 6 pcs.). In the Moscow region in the fall, you need to bend the flexible branches of this type of forsythia to the ground.

Forsythia Siebold (Forsythia Sieboldii) - the most frost-resistant form. low growing shrub with drooping (or creeping) thin shoots tolerates light shading. The flowers are dark yellow with petals bent back. There are other beautiful ones decorative forms of this type, for example, forsythia variegated (Forsythia variegate) with yellow-variegated leaves and intense yellow flowers. Forsythia hanging 'Fortune' (Forsythia suspension "Fortune") - a shrub with creeping shoots (up to 3 m long), blooms only by 5 - 6 years, and flowering is not always annual. It lasts 18 days. The winter hardiness of this forsythia is very low.

Forsythia intermedia, or average, (Forsythia x intermedia) is often grown in central Russia. It's a hybrid dark green forsythia And forsythia hanging (Forsythia viridissima x Forsythia suspenca). Shrub (up to 3 m tall) with spreading straight or slightly drooping shoots. The leaves are oblong (up to 10 cm long), serrated along the edges. Golden-yellow flowers are collected together in several pieces. Flowering for 18 days at the end of April - May. It was this forsythia that constantly froze in our area above the snow level, proving that it was not the best frost resistance. I heard that the bush can be kept in large pots, putting them in a cool room for the winter.
The rooting rate of spring and summer cuttings of this forsythia is very high. It was enough to leave the cut branches in a damp, shady place, and roots began to form.

Forsythia dense-flowered (Forsythia densiflora) with spreading branches and pale yellow, tightly twisted flowers has produced many decorative garden forms. The best one is forsythia is wonderful (Forsythia spectabilis) with bright yellow large (up to 4 cm) flowers, collected in bunches of 4 - 6 pieces. U forsythia primrose (Forsythia pumulina) flowers have wavy edges of the petals. The bulk of the flowers are located closer to the base of the shoots.

Growing Forsythia

Place. Forsythia are light-loving, but tolerate slight shading. It is better to plant the bush in places protected from the wind. It is worth considering that most of the time (except for flowering in spring) forsythia is inferior in decorativeness to many other shrubs.

The soil. The main requirement is water permeability. When planting a bush, sand and humus are added to the loam. Acidic soils lime. Forsythia responds well to the addition of wood ash. Depth landing pit- 60 x 70 cm.

Watering. Forsythia tolerates temporary lack of moisture more easily than waterlogged soil. In dry summers without regular watering, the tops of young shoots and leaves droop. After moisturizing, turgor is restored.

Trimming. In the spring, the frozen ends of the shoots and dried old branches are cut off. Shorten faded branches. If necessary, trim to the stump. After flowering, remove excess shoots, otherwise the bush will grow greatly.

Preparing for winter. The soil under the bush is mulched with humus. The branches are bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches.

Reproduction. Forsythia is easily propagated by cuttings and layering. Seed propagation is practiced less frequently due to low seed germination. They are sown in the spring, after two months of stratification. Spring and summer cuttings form roots the fastest. Rooting reaches 90 - 100%. They also practice this extremely simple method of cuttings: cuttings 15-20 cm long are cut in the fall (in October). They are stuck into the soil and covered with spruce branches or a dry leaf until spring. Some of the cuttings will definitely produce roots next year. Forsythia is easily propagated by layering. If you cut the bark on a bent branch, roots will appear faster. Shoots of weeping forms tend to take root themselves in places of contact with the soil. On average, forsythia grown from cuttings bloom in the third year of life, and from seeds in the fourth or fifth year.

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Bush without foliage. Forsythia characterized by early flowering. The buds appear before the greens. As a result, a golden ball is visible. If you do not shape the crown by trimming it, you will get a free-form composition.

The abundant flowering of the bush makes you forget about the leaves. There is simply no room for them on the branches. Greenery appears when Forsythia fades. William Forsythe found it in buds, which is why he paid attention to it.

The botanist took the cuttings and took them to Europe. Delivered from China. This is where Forsythia grows in natural conditions. Considering that the bush is named after Forsyth, it would be more correct to call it Forsation. However, a modified version of the name has taken root among the people.

Description and features of Forsythia

Forsythia shrub- a kind of Chinese sakura. Like Japanese cherry, it blooms in early spring. Sakura buds also precede the appearance of greenery.

However, cherry blossoms only last for a few days. Forsythia in spring pleases with an abundance of yellow buds for a month and a half. Like sakura, they are medium in size, only they have 4 petals. Cherry has 5.

Forsythia buds resemble bells in shape. They gather in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. The yellow tone of the buds is barely noticeable, and sometimes almost red. When the color subsides, fruits form.

These are boxes with seeds on umbrellas. They resemble those that form in dandelions. Umbrellas help seeds travel through the air and take root many kilometers from the parent.

Forsythia plant belongs to the Olive family. Sakura belongs to the Plum family. But the sizes of the bushes are the same. Like a cherry Forsythia yellow grows 1-3 meters tall depending on the species and variety.

However, we will devote a separate chapter to specific features. For now, let us mention that the width of the bushes is usually 1-2 meters. Respectively, blooming forsythia only interested in gardeners. In houses, shrubs are rarely kept, as a rule, in large and bright halls, into which they will be included.

Forsythia in the photo, where the bushes already have leaves, are distinguished by their opposite position on the branches and their oval shape. The length of the plates reaches 15 centimeters. Like cherry blossom leaves, Forzacia greens have a jagged edge and a pointed tip. The latter, in some varieties, is divided into 3 lobes.

Among the heroine of the article is a long-liver. Buy Forsythia means providing your garden with beauty for at least 50 years. It is believed that those given as gifts take root and grow better.

Therefore, instead of buying Forsythia, many try to take a seedling from a friend. Let's find out where it starts growing forsythia in open ground .

Planting and caring for Forsythia

Planting and caring for Forsythia begin with choosing a method of reproduction. Bush cuttings, layering and seeds are available for sale. The latter are sown in mid-spring with the expectation of 30-50 percent germination.

Considering the spreading nature of the future bushes, the seeds are planted at least a meter apart from each other. 5-8 grains are buried in a hole. If several germinate, the strongest shoot is left.

IN reproduction of Forzacia seeds begin by planting them in home or greenhouse trays. Already strong bushes are transplanted into the garden. As a rule, this happens in the 2nd year of life, but it can also happen in the 1st year.

Up to 12 months, the shoots stretch 4-8 centimeters. In the second year of life forsythia bush reaches a height of 12-30 centimeters, and at the third - almost a meter.

Forsythia flower forms at least in the 6th year of life. So, you will have to wait for the beauty of the plant. The first 6 years are just trunks with rough grayish bark and unremarkable leaves. In the first year after transplanting the bush into open ground, you need to cover the soil with a layer of fallen leaves. She will warm Forsythia without letting her die.

Reproduction of Forsythia by layering begins with cutting the bush. A stump remains. Over the summer, flexible, healthy and young branches grow on it. In autumn they are placed in furrows in the ground. The branches bent to the soil should go 2-3 centimeters into it.

To prevent elastic branches from straightening, they are fixed with wire arches. They are placed above the shoots, sprinkled with earth. Being located on top, the soil gives additional weight.

Before propagating Forsythia, the soil is loosened by layering. Place at the bottom of the furrows in the ground fine crushed stone. It serves as drainage and prevents branches from rotting. Already in the spring they will give roots and young shoots.

So, several more daughter bushes can grow around the mother bush. However, given the spreading nature of Forsythia, the branching branches should be long. These grow over the summer, usually in hanging forms. We'll talk about them in the next chapter.

Most often, the heroine of the article is multiplied. They can be prepared in winter. This is relevant for Siberia. In central Russia, cuttings are prepared in the summer.

In the first case, the branches are stored until spring in a cool and damp room. At summer breeding The cuttings are immediately placed in the soil. It is recommended to root in film greenhouses. Their branches produce roots within a month.

For one cutting, 2 internodes are enough. About half a centimeter of the trunk remains under the bottom one. Lower leaves They are torn off from the branches, and halves are cut off from the top ones.

Wasting resources on greens prevents cuttings from taking root. When they appear, the plants are covered with leaves and left to overwinter in a greenhouse. Under open sky Forsythia is recommended to be brought out for the 2nd year.

Forsythia cuttings In winter it is more difficult to reproduce. The shoots have time to become woody and are less active vegetatively. Summer cuttings are green, flexible, and full of juices for fast growth.

Having taken root, the heroine of the article does not cause any trouble. The bushes feel equally good both in the shade and in the scorching sun. Drought and frost are also equivalent for Forsythia; it experiences both weather phenomena.

Pruning Forsythia Shrubs

True, there is a catch in this. If you cut the shoots too short, Forsythia will devote all its energy to forming greenery. You can wait for flowering, but you won’t be able to wait.

The heroine of the article favors alkaline soils. Natural alkali - limestone and other sedimentary rocks, for example, shell rock. Accordingly, you need to either enrich the soil with chalk masses, or plant the plant in a substrate that already contains them.

Types and varieties of Forsythia

6 species are grown decoratively. The first one is “European”. It grows 2-3 meters and has a narrow crown. She looks like an egg. Consequently, bushes can be planted not at a meter distance from each other, but at approximately a 50-centimeter distance.

Pictured is Forsythia European

The buds of the “European” bushes reach 2 centimeters in diameter, drooping, lemon-colored. Sounds nice. But, among other Forsythia, “European” is recognized as the least decorative. But the species blooms annually in the conditions of the capital, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar.

Forsythia “Greenest” takes root well in mountainous areas. It has dark green, elongated leaves and yellow-green leaves. The branches of the bushes are vertical, powerful, stretching up to 3 meters.

In the photo, Forsythia is the greenest

The crown of the “Greenest” Forsythia is spreading. The diameter on the branches is about 3 centimeters. Representatives of the species do not tolerate cold; in Russia they bloom annually only in the southern regions. Outside the bushes freeze slightly.

The third type of Forsythia is “Dangling”. She is also called the “Crying One”. Like “The Greenest”, it loves mountainous areas and foothills. “Crying” Forsythia is recognized as the most beautiful, but in Russia it grows only in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The species gets its name from its hanging branches. The corollas of the buds on them have orange stripes. The diameter of the flowers is 2.5 centimeters.

Pictured is Forsythia drooping

Breeders crossed "Crying" and "Greenest" Forsythia. Intermediate the hybrid was called “Medium”. The name matches the data. The shoots, straight at the base, hang down at the ends. Like their parents, “Medium” are distinguished by their height and power.

The combination of genes produced hybrids that survive in the northern regions of the non-chernozem zone of Russia. No wonder that Forsythia "Medium"- the most popular in domestic spaces.

Pictured is Forsythia Linwood

Let's take, for example, the variety "Linwood". Forsythia with this name is resistant not only to frost, but also to drought, feels comfortable in a polluted atmosphere, and therefore is suitable for planting in urban areas.

It remains to mention Forsythia “Giralda” and “Ovate”. The latter is distinguished by its miniature size; it does not grow more than 2 meters. Representatives of the species are distinguished by their bright greenery and single-planted buds. They bloom even in Siberia. Its residents stock up on seeds and seedlings of the Dresdner, Tetragold, and Melissa varieties.

Pictured is Forsythia Tetragold

Forsythia “Giralda” is also miniature, but more spreading than “Ovate” and inferior in color to the buds. They are light yellow, almost vanilla. “Giralda” is distinguished by its thin branches.

They are good for decorating hedges. In April, they will be covered with buds with a diameter of about 2 centimeters, collected in inflorescences of 2-3 pieces. Flowering is possible under conditions Middle zone Russia and the Ural region.

Medicinal properties forsythia

In China, Forsythia is included in the 50 best medicinal plants and is used in traditional medicine. The reason for this: - the composition of the plant. Its shoots contain rutin. Otherwise it is called vitamin P.

The human body needs it, but has forgotten how to produce it. Meanwhile, rutin strengthens capillaries, reduces arterial pressure, normalizes the heart rhythm.

Contains forsythia and phyllirine. It belongs to the glucosides. The “family” of the latter has benefits for hair, nails, and skin. Strengthens the effect of a row essential oils. They are also found in Forsythia shoots.

Another component of the heroine of the article is lignans. These are polyphenols. For the body they are phytoestrogens. This is the name given to plant compounds that can replace human hormones.

In the photo Forsythia is intermediate or medium

Plant estrogen, when there is a lack of its own, prevents the development of cancer, mainly breast tumors. Therefore, Chinese doctors put dried forsythia in first aid kits for women.

Together, the beneficial substances of Forsythia have not only an antitumor, but also an anti-inflammatory effect. Juices help with diseases of the gallbladder, liver, and cardiovascular system.

Doctors have listed Forsythia as an antibiotic wide range actions, antifebrile and antiemetic agents. Prescriptions are made by traditional medicine specialists.

Forsythia price

Forsythia cuttings cost from 90 rubles. Seedlings in the form of one-year-old bushes are offered from 160 rubles apiece. The price depends on the type and variety of bush. Some items in seedlings cost 600-950 rubles. The average request is 250-400 rubles.

Forsythia in seeds- a rare offer. If found, you have to pay about 200 rubles for a pack of 1 gram. In conditions comfortable for the shrub, germination is almost 80%. So the costs are justified. True, forsythia grown from seeds, as a rule, bear fruit later than seedlings.

Forsythia was brought to Russia in 1861. At least, a note about planting shrubs in the botanical garden of St. Petersburg dates back to this time. It came to Europe from China in the 17th century.

Pictured is Forsythia Weeping

But the main selection work was held in the 20th. It was in this century that frost-resistant varieties of forsythia. Now, there is an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Chinese “sakura” in Primorye, the Urals, and Siberia.

Perhaps it will not only decorate the garden, but also improve your health. In most Russian regions there are clinics of Tibetan medicine, which means there is someone to consult with regarding the use of Forsythia in medicinal purposes. The flower shoots are not only dried, but also made into tinctures.

Forsythia ( Forsythia) – a shrub 2-3 m high with a spreading or erect crown. Forsythia is one of the first to bloom. Bright yellow flowers appear before the leaves. Bushes strewn with flowers “glow” from afar in a bare, barely waking garden. Forsythia species are similar in appearance. Most often used:

Forsythia medium ( F. x intermedia)

Forsythia drooping ( F. suspensa) , which have decorative forms and varieties.

Forsythia develops best on fertile soils. Photophilous, does not tolerate excessive moisture. In severe winters it can freeze. Easily propagated by cuttings. Forsythia is also called forsythia, as it received its name in honor of the English botanist W. Forsyth.

Forsythia in bloom looks especially advantageous against a dark lawn background. It is better to place the shrub not alone, but among other tree species, because after the plant drops its flowers, forsythia no longer attracts attention. In this article we will talk about the features of planting, care, and also give detailed information on how to forsythia decorative element for garden.

Yellow ornamental forsythia shrub: photo and description

A flowering forsythia bush is the first sign that spring has arrived.

This magnificent plant is completely covered with golden flowers 3 cm in diameter. They appear long before the foliage. And only when they fall, the first greenery appears. Fosythia leaves are serrated, 2-15 cm in length. The foliage seems to shimmer: from dark to light green. The fruit of the yellow forsythia bush is a capsule with winged seeds inside. Forsythia loves light very much, although it is shade-tolerant. Not demanding on soil. It is a close relative of the olive. Forsythia looks best against the background of a lawn in a composition with other ratania. The shrub blooms for three to four weeks. Unlike many plants, forsythia remains attractive even in late autumn due to its light purple leaves. Usually this shrub blooms in early April, and in the southern regions even in February. Forsythia has an exquisite shape - the branches are thin and arched inward. After reading the description of forsythia, look at the photo of the bush:

How to plant forsythia in spring and fall

Planting and caring for forsythia in open ground requires novice gardeners to have certain knowledge. We will tell you how to plant forsythia in spring and autumn. It is necessary to plant forsythia when warm weather sets in and before the first frost, so that the plant can take root before the onset of cold weather. A windless piece of land on sunny side-forsythia easily tolerates shade, but prefers sunlight. The shrub does not tolerate frost well and prefers warmth. In winter, the tops of the shoots may freeze, but with the onset of the first thaw, the crown of the plant quickly returns to normal. The recommended soil composition is alkaline and slightly dry. If it is acidic, then it is worth lowering the pH level by digging and adding ash to the soil. Forsythia is also resistant to harmful gases: do not be afraid to plant it near the road. Tolerates drought well and is not prone to disease. Before wintering, forsythia should be bent to the ground and covered with foliage or spruce branches.
Planting forsythia shrubs is most effective in a complete composition. If you want forsythia to bloom much earlier, plant it in a well-lit area or near a heat source, for example, a wall on the sunny side of the house.
Hanging forsythia will be most effective when planted at higher elevations: its weeping branches will look most advantageous.

Holes for planting forsythia need to be dug 50x50x70 cm. To plant a group of plants at once, they should be dug at a distance of 1-1.5 m. Before planting the shrub, drainage - crushed stone - is laid at the bottom. Its layer should not exceed 12-15 cm. Pour sand on top of the crushed stone, about 5-10 cm. All this is covered with a mixture of compost. After planting, the bush is covered with earth and thoroughly compacted. Also, immediately after planting, the plant is well watered. If the forsythia was planted in the fall, then before the onset of the first frosty nights it must be mulched with breathable material to prevent freezing. With the onset of warmth, the mulch is removed and the branches are bent. Now you know how to plant forsythia correctly. Pay attention to the photo of the correct planting of forsythia:

Types and varieties of forsythia: photos and descriptions

There are 7 types of forsythia shrubs, some of them came to us from Asia, and others were grown in Europe. In our area, the most established ones are ovoid, weeping and intermediate forsythia. A detailed description of forsythia varieties is presented below.

For more warm regions European and Forsythia Giralda are suitable - these varieties are more vulnerable to cold weather.

Types and varieties of forsythia differ from each other in a number of characteristics.
Oval forsythia tolerates cold weather best. It grows up to two meters in height. This type of shrub was brought to us from Northern Asia.

In country gardening most often they use the most frost-resistant type- Goldzauber.

drooping forsythia came to us from the warm regions of East Asia. Representatives of this species require careful care before frost: the bush must be covered.

Intermediate variety of forsythia– a mixture of dark green and weeping forsythia. It has many decorative forms.

European look differs in that it blooms along with the appearance of foliage. Because of this, the bright blooms do not stand out as much as other species. Not frost-resistant, the buds of the bush are often damaged due to cold.

Forsythia Giralda is similar to the European one, but is more vulnerable to night frosts.

You can see photos of forsythia varieties and types below:

Also, after reading the description of forsythia varieties, look at the photo, which shows the most obvious differences:

Care when growing forsythia shrubs

Caring for yellow forsythia bushes is not difficult. Adult shoots do not need constant moisture. Water them abundantly, especially during dry periods. Do not overly moisten forsythia, it does not like it. To maintain an optimal water level in the soil, the plant should be mulched around the trunk with compost. Thanks to fertilizing, forsythia blooms much earlier and brighter. It will be enough to fertilize the plant twice: at the first thaw, during the period of ripening of flowers using complex fertilizers, and after they fall, with phosphorus fertilizers.
When planting and caring for forsythia, it is important to take into account that it must be constantly weeded, since it does not tolerate weed “neighborhood”. Loosening the soil will also be useful.
After 3-4 years, you need to prune all dead shoots. This procedure must be carried out every spring, before the budding period. Caring for and growing forsythia requires regular feeding. The first feeding of the plant must be carried out in full mineral fertilizers. For 1 m, the feeding consumption is about 50-60 g. After flowering, to help the bush establish new buds, excellent option will become Kemira Universal fertilizer. It should be used at the rate of 100 g per square meter. m. If the climate in your region is dry, then forsythia must be regularly moistened. Monthly watering of 8-10 liters will ensure the full development of the bush. After abundant moisture, the soil must be loosened and mulched to avoid premature loss of moisture. Planting and caring for forsythia shrubs is a long but not difficult process. The main thing is timely feeding and pruning of the plant. Pay attention to the photo of planting and caring for forsythia:

Forsythia is less prone to diseases, which is its advantage compared to other ornamental shrubs that require constant care, which in turn turns out to be a real problem for a novice gardener. The main cause of forsythia diseases is excess moisture in the soil. It tolerates dry periods with ease, but if when planting you did not take into account the need for drainage and provide the shrub with regular watering, then be prepared for the fact that the plant will soon begin to wither. Rot in the roots is almost impossible to remove, therefore, it will be much easier to avoid the disease. To do this, you need to water the bush correctly: 10 liters of water every 3-3.5 weeks.

If excess moisture in the soil cannot be avoided, then immediately start loosening: this will help dry the soil faster.
If the roots of the plant are constantly kept damp, this can lead to more serious consequences. When rot has already appeared in the roots, it is necessary to dig up the bush and trim all affected parts. The remaining roots should be immersed in a disinfectant solution for 30 minutes. If root system was severely damaged and after pruning there was almost no left, then it is necessary to cut off most of the shoots. Otherwise, the plant will immediately feel a lack of nutrition from the roots to so many shoots. After all these procedures, the shrub must be transplanted to a new place, preferably with good lighting. Don't forget about the drainage system when planting.
One of the most dangerous diseases of forsythia is bacteriosis. The main symptom of the disease is premature yellowing of the foliage. After a certain time, the bush begins to wither. Dark areas are clearly visible on the cut of the shoot.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to save a plant from bacteriosis. The only way out is to remove the bushes from the soil and then dispose of them. The thing is that bacteriosis can spread to neighboring plants, and since forsythia is most often planted in compositions, such a development of events is inevitable. The place where the shrub previously grew must be treated with potassium permanganate for disinfection purposes. See what healthy forsythia bushes look like in the photo:

How to propagate forsythia from cuttings and seeds

Forsythia propagates by seeds and cuttings. Drooping forsythia can be multiplied by layering. We will tell you how to propagate forsythia using each method.
  • How to propagate forsythia from cuttings
In early October, it is necessary to cut off thick shoots older than 1 year for 15 cm cuttings. Then, they are lowered into the ground, leaving a couple of buds outside. The shoot is covered with dry leaves. Already with the onset of spring, the cuttings will begin to actively grow, and in the fall they will become full-fledged seedlings. If you notice that the plant is not developing well and is weakly putting out branches, it needs to be pruned. The cut branches are lowered into water until roots appear, after which they are planted in the soil. Cuttings with developing foliage are cut in June. After a few weeks, when the cuttings have finally taken root, they can be transplanted into the garden for 2-3 years;
  • How to propagate weeping forsythia
At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, a branch of a weeping bush is bent to the ground and fixed. After which, it must be covered with a layer fertile land. To make the roots grow faster, the bark on the branch should be trimmed a little. With the onset of spring, it is separated from the main plant. Next year a new forsythia will appear in this place. The shoots of this forsythia variety take root well and do not require growth stimulants.
  • How to propagate forsythia by seeds
After 2 months of stratification, the seeds can be sown in spring or early autumn. Caring for them is no different from caring for any other seeds. It is important to water them and fertilize them on time.
In order to enjoy the beautiful flowering of forsythia, you don’t have to wait for spring to arrive in your garden. Growing forsythia is also possible in the cold season. To do this, you need to cut off branches that are more than 1 year old in the fall, cover them with polyethylene and hide them in the refrigerator.

To awaken spring in your home, just lower the branches for a few hours in warm water. After that, pour water into a glass or vase and dissolve 50 g of sugar per 1 liter in it. Place the shoots in a vase. After just a week, forsythia will delight you lush flowering yellow bouquet.

How to prune forsythia in spring and summer

Young forsythia shrubs should not be touched for the first few years, except perhaps to remove dead shoots after wintering. Mature plants are pruned more heavily. We will tell you how to prune forsythia correctly and when to do it.
  • How to prune forsythia in spring
After severe frosts, most often young shoots freeze and need to be removed. Also in the spring, the foundation for the formation of the future bush is laid, since the branches are better visible and it is much easier to get into the depths of the bush than when everything is overgrown with foliage. However, the main pruning is carried out in the summer, after the flowers have fallen;
  • How to prune forsythia in summer
All faded branches must be cut in half. Dried and old shoots, even if they are already quite large, must be shortened at a height of 5 cm from the soil level. New buds will soon appear on the resulting stumps, from which young, healthy branches will emerge. When pruning, it is worth giving the plant a bowl or ball shape. If you use forsythia as a hedge, then it must be rejuvenated every 3 years. To do this, the plant is cut to half its height. This will give a powerful impetus to the active development of many young shoots, which means the hedge will become denser.

Forsythia is an ornamental shrub, so it needs to be pruned at least once every 4 years. Otherwise, it will lose its appearance and bloom worse.