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» Do-it-yourself garage roller doors. Automatic roller gates with electric drive. Video: installing roller shutters

Do-it-yourself garage roller doors. Automatic roller gates with electric drive. Video: installing roller shutters

Today, roll-up gates have become an indispensable attribute. This is an excellent way to protect the premises from outside attacks by unwanted persons, as well as from bad weather. They have found applications to ensure the safety of residential premises, in trade, pavilions and other in public places. Rolling doors for garages have become especially popular.

Classification of fencing of this type

Garage roller doors

This is a simple design consisting of slats that rise and fall along guides. To twist the canvas, a shaft hidden in a box is used. The box can be located both outside the opening and inside, depending on the type of installation and design features travel A small number of reliable parts make garage roller doors economical and easy to repair.

The device operates in a vertical plane, so it does not require additional area in front and behind the opening, unlike other types of gates. They are suitable for installation in any opening, and the lightweight installation of this design allows you to make a roller shutter for the garage with your own hands. The canvas elements are made of aluminum, which makes them light and durable. They are resistant to temperature changes and corrosion.

Industrial roller doors

They are installed with reinforced elements, which allows them to withstand heavy loads and intensive use, as well as heavier impacts. For large openings, large structures can be installed. They can be up to 7 meters wide, and the area can reach 21-22 sq.m. These sizes do not make them weaker; they are also strong and reliable. Consumer reviews about roller doors for garages, they say that this product is very popular and preferable for installation.

A profile with a soft foam filler is perfect. Weight per 1 sq.m. is 4.73 kg, the maximum width of the canvas is 6.4 m, the area is 25.0 sq.m.

Commercial roller doors

Slightly different from garage roller doors. Their only difference is that they are lighter than industrial and garage structures. Installed in shops, stalls, kiosks, offices and so on. They also have a large margin of strength and wear resistance.

Street gate

Sometimes roller gates are installed at the entrances to private territory. This is possible if there are no strict requirements for the height of the vehicles being driven, because the box will limit the opening from above. Outdoor mechanisms of this type are made of a 77 mm high profile, which is quite reliable both from breaking and entering, and from environmental influences.

Advantages of roller shutters over swing gates

By choosing roller shutters, the owner receives a design that is optimal in all respects. The main advantage over swing and sectional doors is the compactness and variability of installation types (i.e. there are no requirements for internal preparation of the opening and the presence of a lintel). The canvas rises smoothly, and while lowering, in case of accidental contact with a foreign object, it stops and returns up.

This feature of garage roller doors allows you to create additional safety for the car; they will not hit the car, as swing doors can do.

Color and system control, profiles

By installing roller shutters for a garage with your own hands or inviting a company that specializes in this work, you can be sure that they will fit perfectly into any architectural ensemble. A variety of colors and shades allow you to choose one that will harmoniously combine with the facade of the house.

The remote control system allows the owner not to get out of the car to open or close the gate. One press of a button, and the garage roller shutter begins to silently rise or fall. This becomes possible thanks to the use of automatic tubular drives, which have a high degree of protection from moisture, dust and temperature. The electric drive is selected depending on the weight of the gate.

Manual control is provided in case of power outage. For this purpose, a special knob is installed. Also applicable manual methods controls: spring-inertial (in other words, raising and lowering by hand), cord and cardan.

If the weight is large, additional consoles are installed. In this case, the box is not installed or the front cover is missing. Most often, such a system is chosen for industrial and warehouse roller doors.

How to install it yourself?

Before installation, you need to weigh the pros and cons. It is not difficult to install roller doors for a garage yourself; it will be more difficult to cope with automation. When installing a structure in a house with different entrances to the room, you should adhere to uniform style and colors. For small openings use profiles AR/37, AR/55. Large openings are best covered with profile AG/77. By purchasing and installing roller doors for a garage, the customer reviews of which are only positive, the buyer receives high-quality and reliable device. Side covers with carriages or additional consoles will help increase service life. This will allow the slats to move without unnecessary bends.

Modern market building materials allows you to solve the same problem by several different ways. This means that it becomes possible to approach each specific case as flexibly as possible and take into account all the smallest subtleties and nuances. So, for example, when installing garage doors You should know that there can be quite a lot of variations on this theme. This will satisfy the most original requests.

An example of one such interesting option is rolling gates for the garage. About some of their features technical characteristics and carrying out installation work will be discussed further.

General description and device

In order to fully understand what exactly you have to deal with when equipping a garage with roller doors, it is necessary to say a few words about what it is. Roller gates, or as they are often called roller gates, are usually called a system in which there are no doors at all, and the opening occurs according to the principle of blinds.

If you describe general device rolling gates, then it looks like this. The gates themselves are movably interconnected profile parts that make up a strip of a given width. Another essential part of a rolling gate is the movable shaft on which the gate is fixed. During operation, the shaft rotates and the gate, rising upward, is screwed onto the shaft. In many ways, such a system is reminiscent of a similar design of blinds that are installed on windows.

Performance characteristics

As mentioned above, roller gates are quite original solution, which has a number of both positive and not entirely positive performance characteristics. Therefore, before choosing this type of gate, you need to familiarize yourself with them.


The undoubted advantages of the mentioned system include:

  • Rolling gates do not have any gates in their structure, and therefore their installation is possible in confined spaces. The gate simply slides up and does not require additional space to open, which can be especially important in the case, for example, of a garage attached to the house or when the garage is located in the basement.
  • The above-mentioned quality of the gate allows you not to worry about the gate not opening after a snowfall. Of course, to get the car out of the garage, some work will still need to be done, but it will be much less than in the case of swing gates.
  • Another advantage that roller garage doors have is that when using this technology there will be no restriction of visibility, as would be the case with a swing option. This is especially important when entering/exiting a garage.
  • Among other things, we can highlight the safety of the structure. All moving elements that could somehow harm someone are at a height of at least two meters, and therefore children will be much safer than in any other case.
  • Versatility of use is also one of the characteristics of such gates. Thanks to the many color options, you can choose a gate to suit any exterior. In addition, roller shutters can be installed in arched openings.


As for the shortcomings of the system, they include:

  • Low resistance to mechanical stress. Moreover, this concerns not only wind loads, but also potential protection from criminal attacks, which in some cases is fundamentally important.
  • Relatively less ability to insulate the room from heat leaks, as well as less protection from precipitation.
  • It is impossible to equip such gates with a wicket, which means that you will have to use common gate for entry/exit, or equip additional door, so additional costs and labor will be required.

Let's start installation

If all the nuances have been weighed, and the choice in favor of rolling gates has been made, then you can begin installing them. It is worth noting that to achieve best result work, it would be most advisable to entrust their implementation to professional workers. In any case, making such gates with your own hands is impossible. The most you can talk about is installing them yourself, but this process will require a certain set of skills, abilities and tools that may not exist. However, if you want to save money or simply for the purpose of monitoring the actions of workers, it is still worth knowing the main stages of installing roller shutter gates.


Like all other work, the installation of rolling garage doors must begin with preparation. Mainly we are talking about removing all interior and finishing elements that may interfere. The shaft together with the gate leaf itself must be installed in the upper part doorway, and therefore, you will have to disassemble part of the ceiling decoration, if any. It is also necessary to inspect the opening itself, since you will have to install guide elements along which the gate tape will move and be held.

Installation of guides

The next step in installing rolling gates is installing the guides. These elements are special strips into which the edges of the door leaf will be installed and held there using a special fastening system. These structural elements are installed according to inner surface side openings.

Shaft installation

The next stage of installing roller shutter gates is the installation of the shaft itself, on which the door leaf will be attached, and with the help of it the entire system will be set in motion. This shaft is installed together with the box. Inside it is placed not only the shaft itself, but also a gear system and a chain drive, which are necessary for the operation of the system. The shaft is usually treated with special anti-corrosion compounds. It is equipped with two ball bearings, thanks to which it rotates. It is important to note that depending on design features and for personal reasons, the box can be installed inside the opening or on its external or internal side. The gate leaf itself is also connected to the shaft.

Drive installation

The final stage of installation is the installation of the drive with which the entire system will operate. The drive can be either manual or equipped with an electric motor. The first option is, for obvious reasons, much cheaper, but the second is much more convenient, since it can be controlled using remote control. In addition, it must be said that rolling gates can be equipped with additional protection against unauthorized entry in the form of additional locks and alarms.

Note! Electric drive needs to additional protection from dust and moisture.

In conclusion, we can add that installing rolling gates is quite interesting option, having mass positive qualities. But at the same time, you need to remember that for security reasons, the entrance to the site itself should be equipped with additional locks, since roller gates provide rather mediocre protection. Otherwise, the option is quite worthy of attention.


This animated video shows how Hormann Rollmatic rolling gates are installed:

modern solution, which has already deservedly achieved popularity among car owners. They are intended for small buildings, which means they are ideal for arranging garage space. Roller shutters It is impossible to make one for a garage yourself; production is carried out only in factory conditions.

But installation can be done on your own, without involving hired specialists in the task.

If you choose this option, the reliability and degree of protection from intruders will increase sharply.

The main elements of the gate are metal slats. The structure turns out to be hollow, so insulation is added to the voids. The most common material remains polyurethane foam.

As a rule, the slats are made of aluminum so that the weight is not too large. The resulting structure is strong, burglary-resistant and durable thanks to the metal base.

But one should not place excessive hopes on the protective properties, since if desired, criminals can still break the canvas with a strong blow. Additional security can be achieved by using secret locks and some other solutions.

Metal panels are processed protective coating on a polymer base, preventing scratches and chips. Used in gates structural solutions, which prevent pinching of hands and fingers, so they are absolutely safe. The insulation provides decent thermal insulation.

Based on the type of manufacturing, there are two types of products – extruded and rolled technological process. Extruded products have increased resistance to sun rays, precipitation and other environmental influences. Rental models are characterized by increased durability, this can be achieved thanks to a special two-layer coating.

In addition to the above-mentioned advantages (durability, strength), roller garage doors are good absorb noise. The most important advantage, undoubtedly, is the operation process. Automatic systems allow you to open the entrance to the garage without leaving your car.

For this purpose, a special remote controller, which sets the lamellas in motion. If the electricity was suddenly turned off, you can use manual mechanism.

Models from this category are especially suitable for garages in which it is impossible to install lift-and-turn or sectional doors. A typical reason could be opening size. In addition, only roller shutter models provide the highest speed gate opening. This is due to the high degree of automation and their design.

Electric garage doors:


How to install a gate roller shutters to the garage? Before the beginning installation work should do froze premises. To do this you need to do drawing walls with all adjacent surfaces. For accurate measurements, use measuring devices- level, tape measure. The height of the opening must be measured in several places.

An opening may be visually straight, but in reality be skewed. If a skew is detected, then more important size is maximum height . Then you should find out the height of the ceiling. This refers to the space between the lintel and the ceiling. The most optimal height is considered to be 20-22 centimeters.

REFERENCE: The drawing can be transferred to a computer, so you can more accurately draw lines and indicate dimensions. In addition, you will always have the opportunity to make as many copies of the drawing as you like.

Once you have taken measurements, you can go to the store for parts and metal profiles. If the dimensions rolling gates for a non-standard garage, you can ask for an individual order. Some providers provide similar services. For the most part, garage roller blinds are supplied to the market by European manufacturers.

The largest and most famous on the market are the Dutch company "FlexiForce" and a German company "Hormann". In Russia, a company is engaged in manufacturing "Doorhan". They all guarantee high quality and superior product characteristics.

In addition to the covering sheet, you will need a protective box, guide rails, a shaft, and a control mechanism. The most indispensable tools will be measuring instruments, knife, hammer, drill, pliers.

After taking measurements and purchasing all elements of the gate and tools, you can begin the preparatory stage. The place of work is freed from all types of interior decoration that will interfere. Approximately 50-60 centimeters of space around the opening should be cleared of interior elements.

Then they begin to install the guides. The edges of the metal profile will be inserted into them. The guide bars are attached along side opening.

After this it is the turn of one of the most important elementsshaft. The metal sheet is driven by a shaft. The part is mounted together with a protective box, and the shaft is placed inside it. In addition to the shaft, a chain drive and a set of gears must be placed inside, otherwise the gate will not open.

The shaft is being processed anti-corrosion coating. Metallic profile will be mounted to the box with the mechanism. The box can be located outside or inside the garage, but the second option is preferable. Internal layout will increase security. The box is closed with screws and rivets.

The roll of fabric is fixed to supports, which, as a rule, come included. Brackets are used for the lower elements; they are adjusted to the dimensions and dimensions.

The last step is installation drive. The drive starts the system. It can be of two types:

  • manual;
  • electric.

The electric motor drive allows you to do completely automated gates.

IMPORTANT: If you choose an automated gate, then think about a reliable waterproofing.

In case of mechanical drive You will have to open the entrance to the garage using your own strength. In addition, to create an automatic system you will need a receiver and a remote control; they can be purchased as one set. The receiver is connected to the garage electrical network and electric drive. That's all. As you can see, install it yourself roller gates It's not difficult at all for a garage.


Role gate for the garage represent a modern solution. They are especially recommended for garages where, for one reason or another, other types of doors are not suitable. The main reason for this is entrance dimensions. The main advantage of roller garage doors is the operation process and speed. They can be equipped automatic system and open the entrance without leaving the car.

Most models are produced by European companies. The largest and most famous are the Dutch company "FlexiForce" and a German company "Hormann". In Russia, the enterprise is engaged in production "Doorhan". Roller shutter doors for garages are quite durable as they are made of metal. But to enhance security, it is best to install additional security locks.

Useful video

Watch the video on how to install roller shutter gate for the garage with your own hands:

It is advisable to install it on a garage yourself if there is sorely not enough space to open the gate leaves. This problem is often faced by garage owners in co-ops where the garages are located close to each other.

This garage door design is easy to use and requires virtually no hardware for installation. But, roller shutter gates also have serious disadvantages - they are easy to break into.

The principle of operation is simple - a roller mechanism and a system of cables raises and lowers the metal curtain of the gate. These are metal blinds for the garage, which can be equipped with many convenient additional elements.

Basic equipment for garage roller shutters:

  • door leaf, which can be made of durable steel or lightweight aluminum slats;
  • vertical metal guides for web movement;
  • the shaft on which the lamellas are wound is installed above the gate opening;
  • the shaft is secured in a protective box, which prevents mechanical damage to the rolled roller shutter;
  • electric or mechanical drive for raising and lowering the gate;
  • locking bolts or automatic locking system.

When installing automation, the kit must include a gate unlocking lever. When there is no electricity, you can open the roller shutters by simply pressing the handle.

Additional equipment

For the comfort of using garage doors with roller shutters, you can purchase additional convenient accessories:

  • remote control;
  • automatically adjustable heating of the gate guides, which is indispensable in winter when the roller shutter leaf freezes to the frame;
  • additional sealing of the box for noise and heat insulation of the garage.

The cost of a garage roller shutter depends not only on the selected components, but also on other important parameters.

Classification of garage roller shutters - what affects the cost of the gate

The simplest budget set of roller shutters for a standard garage will cost 7–9 thousand rubles without installation. The cost is influenced by the following factors:

  • the material from which the door leaf slats are made. Steel is stronger and more durable, but is more expensive and heavier than aluminum sheets. If the garage is located in a guarded parking lot, then it is better to go with aluminum. The material is corrosion resistant and lightweight. A broken lamella can be easily replaced with a new one;
  • The method of lifting the canvas is automatic, naturally more expensive than mechanics.

Advice. If you install roller shutter garage doors with your own hands, then it is more profitable to purchase a basic inexpensive set and purchase additional parts separately. For example, an automation unit for disassembly will cost half as much.

  • degree of protection against burglary. Additionally, a motion sensor is installed that prevents the door from lowering when entering the garage, and turns on the alarm when intruders enter. The price of the sensor, depending on the manufacturer, is from 2 to 6 thousand rubles;
  • roller shutter installation method.

Classification of roller shutter doors for garages according to the degree of protection of the room:

  • type P1 - P2 - can protect the garage from dust and noise, but breaking such a gate takes a couple of minutes;
  • type P3 - P5 - steel profile is more resistant to mechanical opening. This is the most best option for garages in cooperatives and courtyards;
  • type P6 - P8 - an armored version of the gate with bulletproof lamellas. It is expensive, but it is easier to install swinging metal gates.

If you decide to install roller shutter garage doors with your own hands, then you need to know which design according to the installation method you need to buy:

  • overhead external gates - must be installed outside, the roller shutter box is located outside and is exposed to rain and wind - not the best option for installation. But, this type of structure can also be installed from inside the garage.

Advice. When purchasing roller shutters, immediately calculate the height, since you need space to mount the box into which the gate leaf is rolled up.

  • built-in gates are the most reliable option, since the frame of the structure is installed in the gate opening and can be further strengthened;
  • combined gates - it is necessary to make a special niche above the gate opening in order to install a box in which the rolled-up roller shutter will be placed.

The design principle is quite simple. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such garage doors?

Roller shutters - advantages and disadvantages

This design is profitable and convenient to install in garages that are located in a protected area.

Roller shutters have many advantages:

  • convenient automation;
  • easy gate opening using remote control;
  • require virtually no space, suitable for garages with limited space;
  • the structure is lightweight and does not bear any load on the walls;
  • roller shutters can be installed in garages made of any materials;
  • damaged lamellas can be easily replaced without high repair costs;
  • The warranty on the gate is from 10 years, depending on the manufacturer. The Chinese do not provide guarantees;
  • You can install a basic inexpensive kit yourself. The installation cost is usually 20 percent of the gate price;
  • Additional insulation of roller shutters helps ensure complete tightness.

There are many options for decorating such garage doors; you can choose a spectacular and beautiful finish wood effect, fabric, with beautiful drawings and inscriptions.

Roller shutters also have many disadvantages:

  • breaking such a gate is a couple of trifles, a security alarm is definitely needed;
  • aluminum roller shutters are easy to damage, and steel ones are expensive;
  • if you buy a standard set without insulation, then such gates will not retain heat, and it is impossible to insulate them yourself along the canvas;
  • automation breaks down - repair is expensive.

If you decide to install roller shutter gates in your garage with your own hands and save up to 50 percent of the cost, then we offer detailed instructions on installation.

Step-by-step installation of roller shutters on garage doors

When purchasing roller shutters, you need to take into account that such garage doors are suitable for standard garages. Standard – aluminum structures are installed on a gate area of ​​up to 14 squares, steel gates - no more than 49 squares.

For installation, you need a standard set of tools - a screwdriver, drill, level, hammer drill, hammer and pliers. Sealing of joints is carried out with acrylic or silicone sealants, along the perimeter of the box, when installed in the opening, we seal it with polyurethane foam.

When purchasing garage doors of this design, it is important to correctly calculate required dimensions. Along the gate opening, the width and height of finished roller shutters should not be less than five millimeters. Be sure to check the dimensions diagonally as well; this requirement is important for old garages, where the gate opening may have been knocked down during laying.

Installation sequence:

  • Be sure to level the garage opening with cement, remove all uneven surfaces, chips, and plaster cracks;
  • we check the opening for level, where necessary, install rubber leveling gaskets;
  • set the guides. To do this, we drill holes for fastenings on the metal side guides (50 cm increments). The diameter of the fastener is 8 millimeters.

Important. When drilling holes for fasteners, you need to retreat 10 centimeters from the edges of the guide.

  • in the upper part of the guide frame we drill holes for plugs (diameter 11.8 cm);
  • We assemble the gate frame - to do this, we fix marks in the opening at a level for fastening the frame (diameter 8 mm).

Important. If we install automation, then we immediately need to make another hole to connect the electric drive.

  • Before hanging the box into which the roller shutter is rolled, we drill holes in it for fastening the lid. It is better to mark by attaching the lid and drilling both the lid and the box at once (the diameter of the lid fastener is 4.2 mm);
  • We mount side rails on the frame along which the door leaf moves;
  • Now we level the frame in the gate opening and make marks - where we will drill a hole in the wall for fasteners, do not forget about the automation cord;
  • Now in the opening you need to drill holes for fastenings and install dowels on the sealant. We fasten the protective spring of the drive;
  • hole for a mechanical drive, depending on the selected gate model - from 12 to 16 mm;
  • Now you can fix the gate frame in the opening.

Important. Check the horizontal and vertical several times to ensure that the frame is not skewed.

Frame fastening elements are usually sold as a set, but it must be borne in mind that for brick and concrete walls dowels and anchors 3 cm long are needed, for hollow wall blocks - 6 cm, and in metal garages Roller shutters are attached to metal screws.

We tighten the fastening of the frame alternately, checking the level horizontally and vertically. After installing the frame, you can mount the automation and fasten lifting mechanism and the gate leaf.

To correctly install roller shutters in the garage with your own hands, watch the video, so the process is more clear.

The domestic market of entrance and garage doors is represented by swing, sliding, up-and-over, sectional and, finally, roller structures, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. But if the choice is dictated by a lack of free space, roller shutter systems are in demand, and they will be discussed in the article.

Let's first look at the pros and cons of roller garage doors

Advantages of roller gates

  • They do not require free space to open either in front of the opening, or on the side of it, or inside the garage
  • Easy to open after snowfall
  • Do not limit visibility when leaving and do not interfere with maneuver
  • Can be equipped with a relatively inexpensive electric drive
  • Safe to use
  • In the exterior of the house they go well with window shutters
  • Suitable for arched openings(it is possible to mount the box to the wall from inside the garage)

Disadvantages of rolling gates

  • Lose to other designs in strength and resistance to burglary
  • Compared to sectional models, they insulate heat worse
  • Requires protection from precipitation, does not function well when icing
  • When installed as entry gates, they form a horizontal obstacle that interferes with the movement of freight and fire-fighting vehicles
  • You cannot cut a gate into the canvas

Methods for installing roller gates

To install roller (or otherwise roller) garage doors, you need very little space under the lintel or on the wall above the opening. In the open position, unlike traditional doors, they do not block the street, do not interfere with maneuvers when entering and leaving, and do not slam shut from gusts of wind.

At one time, roller shutter systems successfully competed with sectional systems, but lost to them, since they are less durable and provide poorer protection from the cold (due to the presence of multiple connections and thinner sheets).

But roller shutters, like sections, do not need space under the ceiling or against the wall of the garage, which means that nothing limits you when arranging this room. You can install spacious shelving, and lift large equipment, such as a boat, snowboard or surfboard, to the ceiling on cables.

Rolling gates will cope, albeit with some reservations, with security at the entrance to the site. They are easy to install, and their price is quite affordable, even taking into account the automation systems. However, these structures are manufactured mainly according to individual order, and you will have to actively participate in the process (even if not in deed, but only in word) in order to select the main components and accessories, as well as the installation method, because both the convenience and service life of the product depend on this.


Main visible part roller gates - a leaf that consists of many narrow, horizontally oriented profiles (lamellas), which are fastened to each other using a longitudinal hook-lock.

A special end piece is installed on the lower edge of the leaf to ensure a tight fit to the floor (and in some cases, to lock the gate), and on the upper edge there is a reinforced piece for fastening to the shaft. The lamellas are made from aluminum strip by roller rolling or extruded from the melt. Their sizes cross section and the thickness of the walls is approximately one and a half times greater than that of window roller shutter parts, because the lock must withstand significant weight, and the entire canvas must withstand serious wind loads.

Extruded profiles are hollow, but have internal stiffening ribs, so they are stronger than rollforming ones. filled with polyurethane foam.

For unheated room You can order canvases with ventilated or so-called viewing inserts. The first ones were done narrow gaps, protected from moisture penetration, and the second has small “windows” with polycarbonate inserts for natural light garage.

The most durable sheets are made from steel profiles with a wall thickness of 0.5 mm. But in terms of corrosion resistance, steel lamellas

inferior to aluminum (the slightest damage to the coating leads to the appearance of paint blisters and rust spots). In addition, such canvases make a lot of noise when opening and closing, as well as during rain and hail. Finally, they are significantly heavier than aluminum and therefore require a more powerful drive.

Not only the resistance of the structure to burglary and wind loads, but also its maximum dimensions depend on the type of profiles used. Let's say, the maximum width of a web (with a height of 2 m) from roller-rolled aluminum products is 2.5-4 m. For extruded aluminum - 4.5-7 m, for steel - 7-11 m.


In addition to the door leaf, the door delivery set includes a shaft, its casing (box), side guide rails, a drive (manual or electric) with transmission, as well as fastening and connecting parts. All elements with the exception of the electric drive must be from the same manufacturer - otherwise the structure simply cannot be assembled.

The shaft is steel, shaped like an octagonal prism, galvanized and rotates on two ball bearings. It can be installed stationary or movably - using a system of cantilever rails and roller carriages. The second option is preferable, since then the shaft, as the canvas unwinds, moves closer to the plane of the opening, due to which the lamellas are fed to the guides under constant angle, which means they never jam and wear out less. It is also necessary that the design provide for emergency braking of the shaft (as in ALUTECH systems) in order to eliminate the possibility of a sudden lowering of the blade if the gearbox breaks down. In industrial premises, the shaft is often left open, but in private homes it is always covered with a protective and decorative casing, painted the same color as the canvas.

Guide bars are aluminum profiles U-shaped section with a wall thickness of 2-3 mm, into which the side edges of the canvas extend and are firmly held there due to a system of special locks, which significantly increases the structure’s ability to resist wind loads. In addition, tubular polymer or brush seals, protecting the unit from dust and dirt and ensuring silent movement of the blade. The range of guides is quite diverse, and the choice of one option or another depends mainly on the installation method (but more on that later).

A manual drive is not capable of providing the modern level of comfort, and these days it is installed only if electricity is not supplied to the garage or car box.

The main types of mechanisms that can be equipped with gates are cord and spring-inertia. Both of them are designed for the canvas to weigh no more than 80 kg. The first is a worm gear with a handle, which is attached to the wall at a height of about 1 m and connected via steel cable with a pulley on the shaft. The second consists of two or more tension springs mounted on guides and compensating the weight of the blade, so that it is not difficult to lift it by hand. If the blade weighs more than 80 kg, a balancing mechanism with a powerful torsion spring placed inside the shaft will be required.

There is also a not very convenient drive - a crank, but it is used mainly for emergency opening of automated gates.


An inexpensive and practical electric drive in a cylindrical body has been developed for roller gates, which fits easily inside the shaft and is capable of operating from mains power. alternating current. The power of such a motor is 240-500 W. and this is quite enough to lift a canvas weighing 60-150 kg. The easiest way is to order the motor together with the gate - then it will be installed by specialists from the dealership during assembly. But on-site installation does not present any particular difficulties (however, if you do it yourself, the warranty period for the drive will be shortened). The cost of modern intrashaft drives from leading companies, such as Nice, FAAC and Somfy, starts from 3800 rubles. (without remote control).

For larger blade sizes and weights, an axial drive can be installed. It is attached to the wall on the side of the box and connected to the shaft through a coupling or by means of a chain drive. The price of axial drives is quite high (from 18 thousand rubles), but they still have unhindered access for maintenance and repair. (To remove the in-shaft model, you will need to remove the gate.)

Electric motors differ in noise level, maximum rotation speed (it varies between 8-14 rpm) and the type of limit switches (mechanical ones are cheaper, but electronic ones are easier to install and provide more high level security). Most drives are capable of operating without interruption for no more than th minute, which is equal to three-four opening-closing cycles. If you do overheat the engine, it will turn off for a while (10-15 minutes). In addition, you need to know that in cold weather (below -10 ° C) most inexpensive motors will function intermittently and at the same time sharply exhaust their service life or completely refuse to lift the canvas.

Almost all modern drives are protected by a thermal fuse. This saves the motor windings from short-circuiting, and the entire structure from damage in case of distortion or ice formation. However, when the end profile encounters an obstacle, the shaft continues to rotate, unwinding the web inside the box, which often leads to damage to the parts. Therefore, systems with a “smart” control unit are preferable - it allows you to adjust the maximum torque.

The sensitive edge of the door leaf - a hollow rubber tube with a compression sensor inside - will allow you to take your driveway and garage door system to the next level of security. It will stop the drive even in light contact with an obstacle. Photocells installed in the opening or in front of it on special posts will allow you to detect interference in advance. They cost much less than the sensitive edge, but they are noticeably inferior to it in reliability.

Team electronic unit control (for internal shaft drives it is often built-in, and for axial drives it is remote) is supplied from a mobile or stationary remote control. Modern remote controls are miniature radio transmitters with a range of at least 50 m, emitting a floating coded signal. At the same time, the number of remote controls for one control unit is practically unlimited.

As a backup control, you can install a stationary panel on the inside on a fence or garage wall, and a switch with a key or code buttons on the outside. If you want to control both the gate and all the roller shutters in the house from one remote control, you should purchase a wireless device that can issue commands to several control units at once, for example Chronis RTS L, Telis k RTS (Somfy), Ergo, Piano (Nice).

The chain drive is usually hidden inside the box (a), but when the shaft is installed openly, it is placed inside a special casing (6). The tubular drive does not require additional protection from dust (c). Uniform flow of profiles onto the shaft is ensured by special rollers


Rolling gates can be installed in three main ways: overhead, lintel and built into the wall. They differ in labor intensity and results. The overhead method is considered the simplest: a shaft is attached to the wall above the opening (from the inside or outside), and guides are attached to the sides of it. TO outdoor installation usually used in houses equipped with roller shutters (the frames of which are never secured from the inside) to maintain the integrity of the facade pattern. Internal installation is more universal (suitable for openings with any geometry), does not introduce unnecessary elements into the architectural appearance of the building, and the structural parts are better protected from precipitation. The lintel method involves fastening the shaft at the top of the opening. In fact, the decorative box forms a new lintel, which is 35-40 mm lower than the base one.

It does not protrude beyond the plane of the wall, and it can even be hidden under sheathing material, for example under siding. Alas, it will be possible to resort to such a scheme only if initially high altitude opening (from 2400 mm). Embedding into a wall is a complex, time-consuming method, which is rarely used in the case of gates due to large sizes box sections (from 250 * 250 mm).

You need to think about the possibility of implementing it even when designing the building. A niche for the box is provided above the opening; later it is covered with brick, or covered with clapboard, or the box is simply plastered together with the wall so that it becomes invisible neither from the inside nor from the outside.

When lowered, the canvas seems to move out of the wall, which looks very impressive. And when the shutters are open, their presence is indicated only by guides screwed to the slopes, and even these can be easily hidden, for example, with a layer of plaster. However, there are also disadvantages here: the drive mechanism turns out to be practically inaccessible, and in cold weather it is possible that the section of the wall above the window (at the location of the niche) may freeze.

Installation options for roller shutters: under the lintel (a), internal overhead (6), external external (c)
In the diagrams: 1 - threshold; 2 - wall; 3 - guide rail; 4 - canvas; 5 - shaft; 6 - protective and decorative box

Installation of roller gates at the entrance to the site

The practice of installing roller gates at the entrance to a site is not very common, but it still exists, which confirms the operability of the system in street conditions. Here, a strong competitor to the roller shutter is console sliding design , which has almost the same set of useful qualities and is much more massive and tougher. However, it requires a foundation laid to the depth of soil freezing, and free place on the side of the opening (there should be no buildings, trees or other obstacles there). Installing rolling gates is much easier, and they will cost less. But to do this, you will have to solve a number of problems, the main one of which is: how to ensure the geometric stability of the opening? After all, the slightest distortion will certainly cause the web to jam when moving along the guides.

First of all, the pillars will have to be installed on a single foundation - it does not have to be deeply buried, but it must be well reinforced. In addition, the racks at the top need to be connected by a jumper, preferably a powerful steel beam. It is also worth building a roof over the gate, which will protect the leaf from precipitation and prevent moisture from getting inside the casing to the shaft and drive.

To automate street gates, it is allowed to use both internal and axial drives with a high protection class (for example, IP44).

Garage door assembly (on the floor - before installation)

When installing a garage roller door structure, a kind of U-shaped frame is first assembled on the floor. His top part a box1 (1) is formed with a shaft (2) already installed inside, and the sidewalls are formed by guide rails (3). Then this portal is attached to the walls, the canvas (4) is wound on the shaft, lowered and raised, setting the extreme positions

Additional Information

Resistance of roller gates to wind loads- one of their most important parameters, when determining which one should focus on SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and impacts” and GOST R 52502-2012 “Metal roller blinds. Specifications" The first document introduces zoning according to wind loads, and the second - wind resistance classes of roller shutters. It is important to consider that when calculating the maximum width of the opening to be closed, some manufacturers take as a basis the minimum value of wind pressure (50 Pa), and under pressure storm winds These roller shutter gates will not stand! In the CIS, the most common are the 2nd and 3rd wind regions with loads of up to 300 and 380 Pa, respectively, according to SNiP 2.01.07, which correspond to class 5-7 roller shutters according to GOST R 52502-2012.


Generally speaking, the drive handles the function of the locking mechanism quite well. However, it still allows you to slightly (3-7 cm) raise the canvas. Therefore, to increase

To ensure resistance to burglary, a special end profile with side crossbars and a cylinder is sometimes installed. This type of lock is used to close the garage at night and during long absences. And gates with balancing springs and without an electric drive are required to be equipped with it.


When the power goes out, the drive blocks the shaft, preventing the gate from opening. The possibility of engine or transmission failure cannot be ruled out. An emergency release, controlled from the inside by a rod and from the outside by a key, will allow you to open a gate with a spring mechanism in any situation.

This is a kind of neutral gear that allows you to disconnect the engine from the shaft and raise the blade with your hands. The design without springs should be equipped with an electric drive with the ability to rotate the crank (note that the service life of the crank gear is very small - only 40-60 opening/closing cycles). But in this case it is only possible internal installation box, and you can only open the gate manually from the side of the room, which means you can’t do without a gate or door connecting the garage to the house. Another option is to move the loop under the knob outside, hiding it behind a lockable hatch.

On a note:

Depending on the location of the box, the slats can be facing the street with their convex or concave surface

Aluminum profiles are painted with polymer compounds that are resistant to moisture, ultraviolet radiation and mechanical damage; the most popular is a single-color finish, and the surface can be smooth

woven or shagreen, with a characteristic relief

When using the lightest roller-rolled profiles, 1 m2 of roller door leaf weighs only 4.7 kg; in combination with extruded profiles, its weight can reach 7 kg or more. The weight of garage doors rarely exceeds 80 kg, and yet a falling door can cause injury or damage the car, so the structure must be equipped with a braking mechanism.

There are profiles for rolling gates rollforming(with polyurethane foam filling) and extruded(ventilation and inspection)

Rolling gates do not open and close too quickly, and the cycle cannot be repeated many times in a row. Therefore, they should be used only for the entry and exit of vehicles, providing gates to the site and to the garage.

Rolling gate design components (photo)