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» Do-it-yourself gas generator on the water. Hydrogen boiler - myths, reality and perspectives. The main advantages of heating on hydrogen

Do-it-yourself gas generator on the water. Hydrogen boiler - myths, reality and perspectives. The main advantages of heating on hydrogen

It is difficult to find such a person who would not seek to reduce the cost of operating modern heating systems. For this purpose, various kinds of economical devices, radiators with high heat transfer rates, as well as reliable piping systems are widely used. As an alternative category of energy carrier, many consider efficient hydrogen heating home with your own hands. More and more consumers are considering installing a hydrogen generator to heat a private home.

What is a hydrogen generator?

It is an ideal alternative to heating with conventional natural gas, as the average temperature can reach 3000 degrees. This requires the installation of a special hydrogen-powered heating burner that can withstand such a fairly high temperature without any problems.

A standard hydrogen generator is made up of certain elements. First of all, it is the most efficient hydrogen-powered generator. He processes the mixture by decomposing ordinary water into certain components. Catalysts are often used to optimize this process. There is also a burner pipeline that leads from the generator - they are required to create an open fire. It is important to have a boiler, which plays the role of a heat exchange device in the design. The burner is located in the furnace and through it the main coolant in the system is heated.

When should you install a hydrogen generator?

For each consumer, the special performance and properties of a modern heating device are of great importance. Factory settings, as well as all types of do-it-yourself hydrogen heating boilers, differ from each other in terms of efficiency.

There are several other reliable schemes that help you effectively assemble and install equipment with your own hands. So that the total calculated power does not differ much from the actual one, so that the efficiency indicator is not reduced, the organization of high-quality hydrogen heating should be done through the use of reliable boilers, as well as generators of strictly factory design.

It is worth installing a generator if the goals associated with significant savings are achieved. Modern heating devices of this kind are able to provide the following advantages:

Professionals are well aware that during the operation of a hydrogen generator intended for heating, the gas obtained in equipment of such a plan can be classified as explosive. It is distinguished by the complete absence of an unpleasant odor and color. The gas is completely harmless, its presence cannot be determined even by special devices.

If the generator is purchased ready-made, it is worth asking about the presence of a boiler or a special heat exchange device. It must necessarily be calculated for the influence of high temperature conditions.

The large number of advantages inherent in hydrogen heating boilers and generators will increase competition for all traditional heating systems. Many owners of private houses are attracted by the low cost of equipment, as well as high performance.

Hydrogen generator - step by step installation instructions

The main basis for the operation of modern heating on hydrogen is the method of releasing a sufficiently large amount of high-quality thermal energy. This is achieved through the interaction of oxygen and hydrogen molecules. For the most practical use of the device, special industrial options high-quality and reliable heating boilers. When installing a hydrogen generator, it is mandatory to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Providing connection to the main source of liquid. Often this is standard plumbing communication. The water consumption in this case directly depends on the total power of the device.
  2. It is important to provide a quality power supply. To support an efficient electrolysis reaction, it will be necessary to connect the device to a standard electrical network.
  3. From time to time, the installed catalyst is replaced. The time of use of each directly depends on the model used, as well as on the power of the boiler.

The heating of the burner is able to reach 3000 degrees, therefore it is worth taking care that materials are used that can withstand such loads. The sequence of actions for arranging equipment is as follows:

  • It is necessary to attach a special fitting to the lid of the container taken as the basis, which will then remove the gas - a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen;
  • The union joins the heat exchanger and a torch;
  • It will be necessary to create a spare storage for the finished gas, since the boiler is not able to work in the same way. In addition, this will ensure optimum safety during operation.

Despite a fairly large number of options for home development and hydrogen generator installations, finding a worthwhile sample is quite difficult. Regardless of the type and category of such an installation, the operation of such a heat exchanger requires constant maintenance of the required level of temperature conditions, as well as pressure in the system. If you follow all the instructions and tips presented to your attention, you can install equipment that will be characterized by high stability rates. This will allow you to use them in a constant mode, providing the house with heat.

Hydrogen home heating and H2 generators - a good choice or a way to the Land of Fools

Hydrogenium (H2), "generating water" - the most common element of the universe. According to scientists, it accounts for almost 90% of all atoms in the universe. Hydrogen, which provides energy to our Sun in the course of a thermonuclear fusion reaction, can serve as an excellent fuel on Earth. This is the only absolutely harmless, environmentally friendly fuel: when gas is burned, it enters into a chemical reaction with oxygen, and distilled water is the product of combustion. Hydrogenium is an ideal fuel in every respect, which is also perfect for home heating. Moreover, a conventional gas heating boiler can be converted to a hydrogen heating boiler by making only minor changes to its design. One problem: despite the prevalence of hydrogen (we ourselves are half of it), it is almost never found in its pure form on our planet. IN open sale this gas is not available, where can one get enough of it? The Internet gives us a clear and precise answer: buy or assemble a hydrogen generator for home heating.

Pure hydrogen production technologies

There are many technologies for producing hydrogen. We will only mention those that are practical use outside the walls of laboratories:

  • Chemical reaction of water with metals. The fuel is water, the reagent is an aluminum-gallium alloy. 150 kg of fuel cells are enough to drive 500 km in a "hydrogen car", then the metal must be removed and sent for recovery, which requires exposure to high temperatures.
  • Natural gas conversion, coal gasification, wood pyrolysis. By heating above 1000 ºС, pure hydrogen can be obtained from hydrocarbons for home heating.
  • Water electrolysis. High temperature electrolysis is more efficient.
  • Production of hydrogen from biomass. The raw material can be manure, hay, grass, algae and other agricultural waste. Biogas can contain from 2 to 12% hydrogen.
  • "Junk" hydrogen is obtained from household waste, subjecting them to thermal decomposition.

Home hydrogen generators

As can be seen from the previous section, most technological processes for the industrial production of hydrogen are associated with exposure to high temperatures, which is problematic at home. Consider hydrogen heating installations available in the private sector:

Hydrogen from manure

Biogas plants, of which there are many in Western Europe, are beginning to appear among domestic farmers. Handicraft biogas reactors, which “crazy hands” talk about on the Internet, do not differ in either performance or generation stability. Only rather complex and expensive installations are effective, provided that raw materials are supplied to them steadily. This is unrealistic to implement on a small private farmstead, but it is possible in a strong farm. Hydrogen is only a by-product of biogas production and is usually not separated by burning with methane. But if necessary, H2 can be separated.

Schematic diagram of a biogas plant. In order for the process of generating combustible gases to be intensive, the raw materials are fermented and periodically mixed.

Hydrogen from water

Electrolysis hydrogen plant for heating the house - the only solution available today for a private house. The electrolyzer is compact, easy to maintain, it can be installed in a small room. The raw material for fuel production is tap water. There are a number of well-known manufacturers that offer similar home hydrogen generators for home heating and car refueling. For example, since 2003, Honda has been producing the Home Energy Station, today the third generation is already on sale. HES III is equipped with solar panels and can be installed in a garage or outdoors.

Home Energy Station is a very expensive plant capable of producing up to 2 m2 of hydrogen per hour from natural gas or water electrolysis. The station includes a reformer, fuel cells, cleaning system, compressor and gas storage tank. Electricity can come from the grid or be generated by solar panels

In addition to the "branded" equipment, which, by the way, no one officially supplies to the CIS countries, today H2 generators produced by our friends in the Celestial Empire or Tajik colleagues in domestic garages are widely advertised. The level of quality and performance are different, from none to conditionally acceptable. The sellers of such equipment, unlike the more or less honest Japanese, who do not promise manna from heaven, use "dirty" advertising technologies, frankly deceiving potential buyers about the characteristics of their equipment, which is sold at inflated prices.

Semi-handicraft plant for the production of hydrogen

Do-it-yourself hydrogen heating, which provides for independent production electrolyzer. It is possible and not even very difficult if House master owns the basics of electrical engineering and his hands are growing, from where it should be. How effective and safe is a separate question.

Another issue is that getting fuel is only part of the task. It is necessary to ensure its generation in the required volumes, to separate it from oxygen and water vapor, to create a reserve, to provide constant pressure when fed into the heat generator.

Schematic diagram of a complete installation for hydrogen production. As you can see, one "cone with electrodes" is not enough here, we need reservoirs, a condenser, a compressor. If you calculate the cost of all equipment, it turns out to be expensive.

How much is a kilogram of hydrogen

The average cost of 1 kg of hydrogen, depending on the technology of its production, according to the INEEL laboratory, is as follows:

  • Chemical reaction - 700 rubles with the standard method of reducing the reagent and 320 - with the use of nuclear power.
  • Electrolysis from an industrial network - 420 rubles. The data are valid for "proprietary", balanced electrolyzers. A handicraft product has obviously lower indicators.
  • Production from biomass - 350 rubles.
  • Conversion of hydrocarbons - 200 rubles.
  • High-temperature electrolysis at nuclear power plants - 130 rubles.

These figures show that the cheapest way to produce hydrogen is by nuclear power plants, where an important resource is heat, is a by-product of the main production. Hydrogen energy from renewable sources also does not pay for itself due to high cost equipment. But what about hydrogen heating at home based on a compact installation? You need to understand that the law of conservation of energy cannot be bypassed. In order to isolate H2 in the electrolyzer, you will have to spend a certain amount electrical energy. To get it, fossil fuels were burned at the thermal power plant or the energy was generated by the hydroelectric power station. The electricity was then transferred through wires. At all stages of the process, inevitable losses occur and the amount of potential thermal energy received at the end will be a priori lower than at the beginning.

Is it profitable to heat a house with hydrogen

Sellers of compact hydrogen generators convince buyers of the extraordinary cheapness of heating a house with hydrogen. Allegedly, it is even more profitable than heating with gas. They say that the water that is poured into the installation costs nothing, they are silent about the rest of the costs. Such promises have a magical effect on some of our fellow citizens who love freebies. But let's not be like Pinocchio and, before stepping into the Land of Fools, let's find out how much hydrogen heating at home actually costs.

The average selling price of natural gas for the population for heating needs and for power generation is 4.76 rubles/m3. 1 m3 contains 0.712 kg. Accordingly, 1 kg of natural gas costs 6.68 rubles. The average calorific value of natural gas is 50,000 kJ/kg. Hydrogen is much higher, 140,000 kJ/kg. That is, in order to obtain an amount of thermal energy equal to that generated by the combustion of 1 kg of hydrogen, 2.8 kg of natural gas will be required. Its cost is 13.32 rubles. Now let's compare the cost of thermal energy obtained from the combustion of 1 kg of hydrogen obtained in a good factory electrolyzer and from 2.8 kg of natural gas: 420 rubles against 13.32. The difference is truly monstrous, 31.5 times! Even compared to the most expensive of the traditional types of heating - electric, hydrogen cannot even compete close, it costs 4 times more! The electricity that will be spent on the operation of the electrolyzer is best used for the operation of heating electrical appliances, it will be more useless than an example.

As for the prospects for hydrogen energy, they are, but success is associated with promising industrial technologies that have not yet been invented. Household hydrogen generators and hydrogen cars are clearly unprofitable for at least the coming decades. Their very limited use in some countries is possible only thanks to serious government subsidies in the framework of experimental environmental programs.

Memento mori - a few words about safety

Hydrogen is a flammable explosive gas. At the same time, it is odorless, it is impossible to determine its leakage without special equipment. Handling such a dangerous type of fuel requires special safety measures. It is necessary to periodically check the tightness of pipelines, storage tanks, serviceability of shut-off valves. The h3 generator is not as simple a device as it may seem from short videos. This is a potential bomb that could blow your house apart. Converting a gas heating boiler to a hydrogen heating boiler with your own hands is also dangerous.

A home-made hydrogen heating boiler, somehow converted from an old wood-burning one and a hydrogen generator for heating a house, assembled on the knee and unsafe. The authors of the video talk about the extraordinary efficiency of the installation, without naming any numbers and offering to order a similar one at a reasonable price from them.

Debunking the myths about the efficiency of hydrogen boilers

If the economic calculations did not convince you, and you still decide to experiment with the topic of hydrogen heating at a loss, we strongly recommend that you do not engage in amateur activities, but invite specialists with experience in this field of activity. By the way, there are very few of them in our country.

How to make a hydrogen generator at home

The rise in energy prices stimulates the search for more efficient and cheaper types of fuel, including at the household level. Most of all craftsmen - enthusiasts are attracted by hydrogen, whose calorific value is three times higher than methane (38.8 kW versus 13.8 per 1 kg of substance). The method of extraction at home, it would seem, is known - the splitting of water by electrolysis. In reality, the problem is much more complex. Our article has 2 goals:

  • to analyze the question of how to make a hydrogen generator at minimal cost;
  • consider the possibility of using the installation for heating a private house, refueling a car and as a welding machine.

Brief theoretical part

Hydrogen, aka hydrogen, - the first element of the periodic table - is the lightest gaseous substance with high chemical activity. During oxidation (that is, combustion), it releases a huge amount of heat, forming ordinary water. We characterize the properties of the element, arranging them in the form of theses:

For reference. The scientists who first separated the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen called the mixture explosive gas because of its propensity to explode. Subsequently, it was called Brown's gas (after the name of the inventor) and began to be denoted by the hypothetical formula HNO.

Previously, airships were filled with hydrogen, which often exploded.

From the foregoing, the following conclusion suggests itself: 2 hydrogen atoms easily combine with 1 oxygen atom, but they part very reluctantly. The chemical oxidation reaction proceeds with the direct release of thermal energy in accordance with the formula:

2h3 + O2 → 2h3O + Q (energy)

Here lies important point, which will be useful to us in further debriefing: hydrogen reacts spontaneously from ignition, and heat is released directly. To separate a water molecule, energy will have to be expended:

2h3O → 2h3 + O2 - Q

This is a formula for an electrolytic reaction that characterizes the process of splitting water by supplying electricity. How to implement this in practice and make a hydrogen generator with your own hands, we will consider further.

Creation of a prototype

In order for you to understand what you are dealing with, to begin with, we propose to assemble the simplest generator for the production of hydrogen at minimal cost. The design of a home-made installation is shown in the diagram.

What does a primitive electrolyzer consist of:

  • reactor - a glass or plastic container with thick walls;
  • metal electrodes immersed in a reactor with water and connected to a power source;
  • the second tank plays the role of a water seal;
  • tubes for HHO gas outlet.

An important point. The electrolytic hydrogen plant operates only on direct current. Therefore, use an AC adapter, a car adapter, as a power source Charger or battery. The alternator will not work.

The principle of operation of the electrolyzer is as follows:

To make the generator design shown in the diagram with your own hands, you will need 2 glass bottles with wide necks and lids, a medical dropper and 2 dozen self-tapping screws. A complete set of materials is shown in the photo.

From special tools you will need a glue gun to seal the plastic lids. The manufacturing process is simple:

To start the hydrogen generator, pour salted water into the reactor and turn on the power source. The beginning of the reaction will be marked by the appearance of gas bubbles in both containers. Adjust the voltage to the optimum value and ignite Brown's gas coming out of the dropper needle.

Second important point. Too high voltage must not be applied - the electrolyte, heated to 65 ° C or more, will begin to evaporate intensively. Because of a large number water vapor will not ignite the burner. For details on assembling and launching an impromptu hydrogen generator, see the video:

About Meyer's hydrogen cell

If you have made and tested the above construction, then by the burning of the flame at the end of the needle you have probably noticed that the performance of the installation is extremely low. To get more explosive gas, you need to make a more serious device called the Stanley Meyer cell in honor of the inventor.

The principle of operation of the cell is also based on electrolysis, only the anode and cathode are made in the form of tubes inserted one into the other. Voltage is supplied from the pulse generator through two resonant coils, which reduces the current consumption and increases the performance of the hydrogen generator. The electronic circuit of the device is shown in the figure:

Note. Details about the operation of the scheme are described on the resource

To make a Meyer cell, you will need:

  • a cylindrical body made of plastic or plexiglass, craftsmen often use a water filter with a lid and nozzles;
  • stainless steel tubes with a diameter of 15 and 20 mm, 97 mm long;
  • wires, insulators.

Stainless tubes are attached to the dielectric base, wires connected to the generator are soldered to them. The cell consists of 9 or 11 tubes placed in a plastic or plexiglass case, as shown in the photo.

The elements are connected according to the scheme known on the Internet, which includes the electronic unit, Meyer cell and water seal (technical name - bubbler). For safety reasons, the system is equipped with critical pressure and water level sensors. According to the reviews of home craftsmen, such a hydrogen installation consumes a current of the order of 1 ampere at a voltage of 12 V and has sufficient performance, although exact figures are not available.

Schematic diagram of the inclusion of the electrolyzer

plate reactor

A high-performance hydrogen generator capable of ensuring the operation of a gas burner is made of stainless steel plates measuring 15 x 10 cm, the quantity is from 30 to 70 pieces. Holes are drilled in them for tightening studs, and a terminal is cut in the corner for connecting the wire.

In addition to sheet stainless steel grade 316, you will need to buy:

  • 4 mm rubber, resistant to alkali;
  • end plates made of plexiglass or textolite;
  • tie rods M10-14;
  • check valve for a gas welding machine;
  • water filter for water seal;
  • connecting pipes made of corrugated stainless steel;
  • potassium hydroxide powder.

The plates must be assembled into a single block, insulated from each other with rubber gaskets with a cut out middle, as shown in the drawing. Pull the resulting reactor tightly with pins and connect it to the nozzles with electrolyte. The latter comes from a separate container, equipped with a lid and valves.

Note. We tell you how to make a flow-through (dry) type electrolyzer. It is easier to make a reactor with immersed plates - there is no need to install rubber gaskets, and the assembled block is lowered into a sealed container with electrolyte.

Wet generator circuit

The subsequent assembly of the generator producing hydrogen is carried out according to the same scheme, but with differences:

  1. A tank for electrolyte preparation is attached to the body of the apparatus. The latter is a 7-15% solution of potassium hydroxide in water.
  2. Instead of water, the so-called deoxidizer is poured into the "bubbler" - acetone or an inorganic solvent.
  3. A check valve must be placed in front of the burner, otherwise, when the hydrogen burner is smoothly turned off, the reverse blow will break the hoses and the bubbler.

To power the reactor, it is easiest to use a welding inverter; electronic circuits do not need to be assembled. How Brown's homemade gas generator works, the home master will tell in his video:

Is it profitable to get hydrogen at home

The answer to this question depends on the scope of the oxygen-hydrogen mixture. All drawings and diagrams published by various Internet resources are calculated for the release of HHO gas for the following purposes:

  • use hydrogen as a fuel for cars;
  • smokeless combustion of hydrogen heating boilers and ovens;
  • be used for gas welding.

The main problem that crosses out all the advantages of hydrogen fuel: the cost of electricity for the release of a pure substance exceeds the amount of energy obtained from its combustion. Whatever adherents of utopian theories claim, the maximum efficiency of the electrolyzer reaches 50%. This means that for 1 kW of heat received, 2 kW of electricity is consumed. The benefit is zero, even negative.

Recall what we wrote in the first section. Hydrogen is a very active element and reacts with oxygen on its own, releasing a lot of heat. In trying to split a stable water molecule, we cannot apply energy directly to the atoms. The splitting is carried out by electricity, half of which is dissipated in the heating of electrodes, water, transformer windings, and so on.

Important background information. The specific heat of combustion of hydrogen is three times higher than that of methane, but in terms of mass. If we compare them by volume, then when burning 1 m³ of hydrogen, only 3.6 kW of thermal energy will be released compared to 11 kW for methane. After all, hydrogen is the lightest chemical element.

Now consider the explosive gas obtained by electrolysis in a homemade hydrogen generator as a fuel for the above needs:

For reference. To burn hydrogen in a heating boiler, the design will have to be thoroughly reworked, since a hydrogen burner is capable of melting any steel.


Hydrogen in the composition of HHO gas obtained from homemade generator, useful for two purposes: experiments and gas welding. Even if we discard the low efficiency of the cell and the cost of assembling it, along with the electricity consumed, there is simply not enough performance to heat the building. This also applies to the gasoline engine of a passenger car.

We make a hydrogen generator for heating the house with our own hands. Press!

A hydrogen generator (electrolyzer) is a device that works for the light of two processes: physical and chemical.

During operation, under the influence of electric current, water decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. This process is called electrolysis. The electrolyser is quite popular among the most known species hydrogen generators.

How the device works

The electrolyzer consists of several metal plates immersed in a sealed container with distilled water.

The case itself has terminals to connect the power source and there is a sleeve through which gas is discharged.

The operation of the device can be described as follows: an electric current is passed through distilled water between plates with different fields (one has an anode, the other has a cathode), splits it into oxygen and hydrogen.

Depending on the area of ​​the plates, the electric current has its strength, if the area is large, then a lot of current passes through the water and more gas is released. The plate connection scheme is alternate, first plus, then minus, and so on.

Electrodes are recommended to be made of stainless steel, which does not react with water during electrolysis. The main thing is to find high quality stainless steel. It is better to make the distance between the electrodes small, but so that the gas bubbles move easily between them. Fasteners are best made from the appropriate metal as the electrodes.

Please note: due to the fact that the manufacturing technology is associated with gas, in order to avoid the formation of a spark, it is necessary to make a snug fit of all parts.

In the considered embodiment, the device includes 16 plates, they are located from each other within 1 mm.

Due to the fact that the plates have a fairly large surface area and thickness, it will be possible to pass high currents through such a device, but the metal will not heat up. If you measure the capacitance of the electrodes in air, then it will be 1nF, this set uses up to 25A in plain water from the tap.

To collect a hydrogen generator with your own hands, you can use a food container, since its plastic is heat-resistant. Then you need to lower the electrodes into the container to collect the gas with hermetically insulated connectors, a lid and other connections.

If you use a metal container, then in order to avoid a short circuit, the electrodes are attached to the plastic. On both sides of the copper and brass fittings, two connectors are installed (fitting - mount, assemble) to extract the gas. Contact connectors and fittings must be firmly fixed using silicone sealant.

Compliance with security measures

The electrolyser is a device of increased danger.

Therefore, during its manufacture, installation and operation, it is imperative to comply with both general and special safety measures.

Special measures include the following items:

  • the concentration of the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen should be controlled in order to prevent an explosion;
  • if the liquid level is not visible in the viewing window of the hydrogen generator, then it cannot be used;
  • during the repair, you need to make sure that there is no hydrogen at the end point of the system;
  • the use of open flames, electric heaters and portable lamps with a voltage of more than 12 volts near the electrolyzer is contraindicated;
  • while working with electrolyte, you should protect yourself by using protective equipment (overalls, gloves and goggles).

Skilled craftsmen believe that making homemade hydrogen generators for cars at home is a risky business.

They explain this by the fact that the electrolyzer for cars has a complex and unsafe system of devices.

It is necessary to engage in the manufacture of such units using special materials and reagents.

Please note: in the case of self-installation of an electrolyzer that was made by oneself, it is recommended to strictly exclude the possibility that gas enters the combustion chamber with the engine turned off. When the engine is turned off, the hydrogen generator must be automatically disconnected from the vehicle's electrical power supply.

If you nevertheless decide to make an automobile hydrolyzer on your own, then you should definitely equip it with a bubbler - this is a special water valve. When using it, the safety of driving a car will increase significantly.

Heating the house with Brown's gas

Scheme of the hydrogen generator. (Click to enlarge)

Hydrogen is the most common chemical element, so it is economically beneficial to use it.

For many owners of houses and summer cottages, the question often arises of how to get “clean” and cheap energy for household needs. The answer can be found in innovations such as a water generator for home heating.

Scientists, thanks to their developments, have allowed many to use such a device to produce gas. The plant is capable of generating hydrogen (Brown's gas) and this gas will be used to generate energy.

You can represent this compound with a chemical formula like hho. This gas can be obtained from water using the electrolysis method. There are many examples in life when people want to heat their homes with oxyhydrogen. But in order for this type of fuel to gain popularity, you must first learn how to get it (Brown's gas) at home.

So far, there is no technology for hydrogen heating of a private house that would be sufficiently reliable.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains how to make a hydrogen generator with his own hands:

Long gone are the days when a country house could be heated in only one way - by burning wood or coal in the stove. Modern heaters use different kinds fuel and at the same time automatically maintain a comfortable temperature in our homes. Natural gas, diesel or fuel oil, electricity, solar and geothermal heat- here is an incomplete list alternatives. It would seem - live and rejoice, but only the constant rise in prices for fuel and equipment forces us to continue searching for cheap ways of heating. And at the same time, an inexhaustible source of energy - hydrogen, literally lies under our feet. And today we will talk about how to use ordinary water as fuel by assembling a hydrogen generator with our own hands.

The device and principle of operation of the hydrogen generator

It is beneficial to use hydrogen as a fuel for heating a country house not only because of its high calorific value, but also because it does not emit hydrogen during its combustion. harmful substances.
everyone remembers from a school chemistry course, when two hydrogen atoms (chemical formula H 2 - Hidrogenium) are oxidized with one oxygen atom, a water molecule is formed. In this case, three times more heat is released than when natural gas is burned. It can be said that hydrogen has no equal among other energy sources, since its reserves on Earth are inexhaustible - the world ocean consists of the chemical element H 2 by 2/3, and in the entire Universe this gas, along with helium, is the main "building material". Here's just one problem - to get pure H 2 you need to split water into its constituent parts, and this is not easy to do. Scientists have been looking for a way to extract hydrogen for many years and settled on electrolysis.

This method of obtaining volatile gas consists in the fact that two metal plates connected to a high voltage source are placed in water at a short distance from each other. When power is applied, the high electrical potential literally breaks the water molecule apart, releasing two hydrogen atoms (HH) and one oxygen (O). The escaping gas was named after the physicist Y. Brown. Its formula is HHO and its calorific value is 121 MJ/kg. Brown's gas burns with an open flame and does not form any harmful substances. The main advantage of this substance is that an ordinary boiler running on propane or methane is suitable for its use. We only note that hydrogen in combination with oxygen forms an explosive mixture, so additional precautions will be required.

Generator designed to produce Brown's gas large quantities, contains several cells, each of which contains many pairs of electrode plates. They are installed in a sealed container, which is equipped with a gas outlet, terminals for connecting power and a neck for filling water. In addition, the plant is equipped safety valve and water seal. Thanks to them, the possibility of backfire propagation is eliminated. Hydrogen burns only at the outlet of the burner, and does not ignite in all directions. Multiple magnification usable area installation allows you to extract a combustible substance in quantities sufficient for various purposes, including heating residential premises. But doing this using a traditional electrolyzer will be unprofitable. Simply put, if the electricity spent on hydrogen production is directly used to heat the house, then it will be much more profitable than heating the boiler with hydrogen.

The American scientist Stanley Meyer found a way out of this situation. His installation did not use a powerful electrical potential, but currents of a certain frequency. The invention of the great physicist consisted in the fact that the water molecule swayed to the beat of changing electrical impulses and entered into resonance, which reached a strength sufficient for its splitting into its constituent atoms. For such an impact, currents were required ten times smaller than during the operation of a conventional electrolysis machine.

Video: Stanley Meyer Fuel Cell

For his invention, which could free mankind from the bondage of oil magnates, Stanley Meyer was killed, and the works of his many years of research disappeared to no one knows where. Nevertheless, separate records of the scientist have been preserved, on the basis of which the inventors of many countries of the world are trying to build such installations. And I must say, not without success.

Benefits of Brown's gas as an energy source

  • The water from which HHO is obtained is one of the most common substances on our planet.
  • When this type of fuel is burned, water vapor is formed, which can be condensed back into a liquid and reused as a feedstock.
  • During the combustion of detonating gas, no by-products are formed, except for water. It can be said that there is no more environmentally friendly fuel than Brown's gas.
  • When operating a hydrogen heating installation water vapor is released in an amount sufficient to maintain the humidity in the room at a comfortable level.

Application area

Today, an electrolyser is as familiar a device as an acetylene generator or a plasma cutter. Initially, hydrogen generators were used by welders, since carrying a unit weighing only a few kilograms was much easier than moving huge oxygen and acetylene cylinders. At the same time, the high energy intensity of the units was not of decisive importance - everything was determined by convenience and practicality. In recent years, the use of Brown's gas has gone beyond the usual concepts of hydrogen as a fuel for gas welding machines. In the future, the possibilities of technology are very wide, since the use of HHO has a lot of advantages.

  • Reducing fuel consumption in vehicles. Existing automotive hydrogen generators allow HHO to be used as an additive to traditional gasoline, diesel or gas. Due to more complete combustion of the fuel mixture, a 20–25% reduction in hydrocarbon consumption can be achieved.
  • Fuel economy at thermal power plants using gas, coal or fuel oil.
  • Reducing toxicity and increasing the efficiency of old boiler houses.
  • Multiple reduction in the cost of heating residential buildings due to full or partial replacement traditional fuels Brown's gas.
  • Use of portable HHO production plants for household needs - cooking, getting warm water, etc.
  • Development of fundamentally new, powerful and environmentally friendly power plants.

A hydrogen generator built using the “Technology of Water Fuel Cells” by S. Meyer (namely, that was the name of his treatise) can be bought - many companies in the USA, China, Bulgaria and other countries are engaged in their manufacture. We offer to make a hydrogen generator yourself.

Video: How to properly equip hydrogen heating

What is needed to make a fuel cell at home

Starting to manufacture a hydrogen fuel cell, it is necessary to study the theory of the process of formation of detonating gas. This will give an understanding of what is happening in the generator, will help in setting up and operating the equipment. In addition, you will need to stock up necessary materials, most of which will not be difficult to find in the distribution network. As for the drawings and instructions, we will try to cover these issues in full.

Designing a hydrogen generator: diagrams and drawings

A home-made installation for producing Brown's gas consists of a reactor with installed electrodes, a PWM generator to power them, a water seal and connecting wires and hoses.
Currently, there are several schemes of electrolyzers using plates or tubes as electrodes. In addition, the installation of the so-called dry electrolysis can be found on the Web. Unlike the traditional design, in such an apparatus, not the plates are installed in a container with water, but the liquid is fed into the gap between the flat electrodes. The rejection of the traditional scheme allows to significantly reduce the dimensions of the fuel cell.

In the work, you can use drawings and diagrams of working electrolyzers, which can be adapted to your own conditions.

The choice of materials for the construction of a hydrogen generator

Almost no specific materials are required for the manufacture of a fuel cell. The only thing that can be difficult is the electrodes. So, what you need to prepare before starting work.

  1. If the design you choose is a wet type generator, then you will need a sealed water tank, which will also serve as the reactor pressure vessel. You can take any suitable container, the main requirement is sufficient strength and gas tightness. Of course, when using metal plates as electrodes, it is better to use a rectangular structure, for example, a carefully sealed case from an old-style car battery (black). If tubes are used to obtain HHO, then a capacious container from a household water filter will also do. by the very the best option there will be a manufacture of the generator case from stainless steel, for example, grade 304 SSL.

    When choosing a “dry” fuel cell, you will need a sheet of plexiglass or other transparent plastic up to 10 mm thick and technical silicone o-rings.

  2. Tubes or plates made of "stainless steel". Of course, you can also take the usual “ferrous” metal, however, during the operation of the electrolyzer, simple carbonaceous iron quickly corrodes and the electrodes will often have to be changed. The use of high-carbon metal alloyed with chromium will give the generator the ability to work for a long time. Craftsmen involved in the manufacture of fuel cells have been selecting material for electrodes for a long time and settled on 316 L stainless steel. By the way, if tubes from this alloy are used in the design, then their diameter must be selected in such a way that when installing one part in the other there was a gap of no more than 1 mm between them. For perfectionists, here are the exact dimensions:
    - outer tube diameter - 25.317 mm;
    - the diameter of the inner tube depends on the thickness of the outer tube. In any case, it should provide a gap between these elements equal to 0.67 mm.

  3. PWM generator. Properly assembled circuit diagram will allow to regulate the frequency of the current within the necessary limits, and this is directly related to the occurrence of resonant phenomena. In other words, in order for hydrogen evolution to begin, it will be necessary to select the parameters of the supply voltage, so the assembly of the PWM generator is given Special attention. If you are familiar with a soldering iron and can distinguish a transistor from a diode, then electrical part can be made by yourself. Otherwise, you can contact a familiar electronics engineer or order the manufacture of a switching power supply in an electronic device repair shop.

    A switching power supply designed to connect to a fuel cell can be bought online. Small private companies in our country and abroad are engaged in their manufacture.

  4. Electrical wires for connection. It will be enough conductors with a cross section of 2 square meters. mm.
  5. Bubbler. With this fancy name, the craftsmen called the most common water seal. For it, you can use any sealed container. Ideally, it should be equipped with a tight-fitting lid, which, if the gas inside ignites, will be instantly torn off. In addition, it is recommended to install a cut-off between the electrolyzer and the bubbler, which will prevent the HHO from returning to the cell.
  6. Hoses and fittings. To connect the HHO generator, you will need a transparent plastic tube, inlet and outlet fittings and clamps.
  7. Nuts, bolts and studs. They will be needed to attach the parts of the electrolyzer to each other.
  8. reaction catalyst. In order for the HHO formation process to proceed more intensively, potassium hydroxide KOH is added to the reactor. This substance can be easily bought online. For the first time, no more than 1 kg of powder will be enough.
  9. Automotive silicone or other sealant.

Note that polished tubes are not recommended. On the contrary, experts recommend sanding the parts to obtain a matte surface. In the future, this will help increase the productivity of the installation.

Tools that will be required in the process of work

Before you start building a fuel cell, prepare the following tools:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • set of wrenches;
  • flat and slotted screwdrivers;
  • angle grinder ("grinder") with a set circle for cutting metal;
  • multimeter and flowmeter;
  • ruler;
  • marker.

In addition, if you build a PWM generator yourself, you will need an oscilloscope and a frequency counter to set it up. Within the framework of this article, we will not raise this issue, since the manufacture and configuration of a switching power supply is best considered by experts in specialized forums.

Instructions: how to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands

For the manufacture of a fuel cell, we take the most advanced "dry" scheme of the electrolyzer using electrodes in the form of stainless steel plates. The instructions below demonstrate the process of creating a hydrogen generator from "A" to "Z", so it's best to stick to the sequence of actions.

  1. Manufacturing of the fuel cell body. The side walls of the frame are hardboard or plexiglass plates, cut to the size of the future generator. It must be understood that the size of the apparatus directly affects its performance, however, the cost of obtaining HHO will be higher. For the manufacture of a fuel cell, the dimensions of the device from 150x150 mm to 250x250 mm will be optimal.
  2. A hole is drilled in each of the plates for the inlet (outlet) fitting for water. In addition, drilling will be required in the side wall for the gas to escape and four holes in the corners to connect the reactor elements to each other.
  3. Using an angle grinder, the electrode plates are cut from a sheet of 316L stainless steel. Their dimensions should be less than the dimensions of the side walls by 10 - 20 mm. In addition, when making each part, it is necessary to leave a small contact pad in one of the corners. This will be needed to connect the negative and positive electrodes in groups before connecting them to the supply voltage.
  4. In order to obtain a sufficient amount of HHO, stainless steel must be treated with fine sandpaper on both sides.
  5. Two holes are drilled in each of the plates: with a drill with a diameter of 6 - 7 mm - for supplying water into the space between the electrodes and with a thickness of 8 - 10 mm - for removing Brown's gas. Drilling points are calculated taking into account the installation locations of the respective inlet and outlet pipes.
  6. Start assembling the generator. To do this, fittings for water supply and gas extraction are installed in the hardboard walls. Their connections are carefully sealed with automotive or plumbing sealant.
  7. After that, studs are installed in one of the transparent body parts, after which the laying of the electrodes begins.

    Please note: the plane of the plate electrodes must be even, otherwise elements with opposite charges will touch, causing a short circuit!

  8. The stainless steel plates are separated from the sides of the reactor by O-rings, which can be made of silicone, paronite, or other material. It is only important that its thickness does not exceed 1 mm. The same parts are used as spacers between the plates. During the laying process, make sure that the contact pads of the negative and positive electrodes are grouped into different sides generator.
  9. After laying the last plate, a sealing ring is installed, after which the generator is closed with a second hardboard wall, and the structure itself is fastened with washers and nuts. When performing this work, be sure to monitor the uniformity of tightening and the absence of distortions between the plates.
  10. With the help of polyethylene hoses, the generator is connected to a container with water and a bubbler.
  11. The contact pads of the electrodes are connected to each other in any way, after which the power wires are connected to them.
  12. The fuel cell is supplied with voltage from a PWM generator, after which the apparatus is tuned and adjusted according to the maximum HHO gas output.

To obtain Brown's gas in an amount sufficient for heating or cooking, several hydrogen generators are installed, operating in parallel.

Video: Assembling the device

Video: The operation of the "dry" type structure

Selected points of use

First of all, I would like to note that the traditional method of burning natural gas or propane is not suitable in our case, since the combustion temperature of HHO exceeds that of hydrocarbons by more than three times. As you understand, structural steel will not withstand such a temperature for a long time. Stanley Meyer himself recommended using a torch unusual design, the diagram of which is given below.

The whole trick of this device lies in the fact that HHO (indicated by the number 72 in the diagram) passes into the combustion chamber through valve 35. The burning hydrogen mixture rises through channel 63 and simultaneously carries out the ejection process, entraining outside air through adjustable holes 13 and 70. A certain amount of combustion products (water vapor) is retained under the cap 40, which enters the combustion column through channel 45 and mixes with the burning gas. This allows you to reduce the combustion temperature several times.

The second point that I would like to draw your attention to is the liquid that should be poured into the installation. It is best to use prepared water that does not contain salts of heavy metals. The ideal option is a distillate, which can be purchased at any auto shop or pharmacy. For the successful operation of the electrolyser, potassium hydroxide KOH is added to the water, at the rate of about one tablespoon of the powder per bucket of water.

During the operation of the unit, it is important not to overheat the generator. When the temperature rises to 65 degrees Celsius or more, the electrodes of the apparatus will become contaminated with reaction by-products, due to which the performance of the electrolyzer will decrease. If this did happen, then the hydrogen cell will have to be disassembled and the plaque removed with sandpaper.

And the third thing we put special emphasis on is safety. Remember that the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is not accidentally called explosive. HHO is a hazardous chemical compound which, if handled carelessly, can cause an explosion. Follow safety rules and be especially careful when experimenting with hydrogen. Only in this case, the “brick” that our Universe consists of will bring warmth and comfort to your home.

We hope the article has become a source of inspiration for you, and you, having rolled up your sleeves, start manufacturing a hydrogen fuel cell. Of course, all our calculations are not the ultimate truth, however, they can be used to create a working model of a hydrogen generator. If you want to completely switch to this type of heating, then the issue will have to be studied in more detail. Perhaps it is your installation that will become the cornerstone, thanks to which the redistribution of energy markets will end, and cheap and environmentally friendly heat will enter every home.

Brief theoretical part

Hydrogen, also known as hydrogen, - the first element of the periodic table - is the lightest gaseous substance with high chemical activity. During oxidation (that is, combustion), it releases a huge amount of heat, forming ordinary water. We characterize the properties of the element, arranging them in the form of theses:

For reference. The scientists who first separated the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen called the mixture explosive gas because of its propensity to explode. Subsequently, it was called Brown's gas (after the name of the inventor) and began to be denoted by the hypothetical formula HNO.

Previously, airships were filled with hydrogen, which often exploded.

From the foregoing, the following conclusion suggests itself: 2 hydrogen atoms easily combine with 1 oxygen atom, but they part very reluctantly. The chemical oxidation reaction proceeds with the direct release of thermal energy in accordance with the formula:

2H 2 + O 2 → 2H 2 O + Q (energy)

Here lies an important point that will be useful to us in further debriefing: hydrogen reacts spontaneously from ignition, and heat is released directly. To separate a water molecule, energy will have to be expended:

2H 2 O → 2H 2 + O 2 - Q

This is a formula for an electrolytic reaction that characterizes the process of splitting water by supplying electricity. How to implement this in practice and make a hydrogen generator with your own hands, we will consider further.

Creation of a prototype

In order for you to understand what you are dealing with, to begin with, we propose to assemble the simplest generator for the production of hydrogen at minimal cost. The design of a home-made installation is shown in the diagram.

What does a primitive electrolyzer consist of:

  • reactor - a glass or plastic container with thick walls;
  • metal electrodes immersed in a reactor with water and connected to a power source;
  • the second tank plays the role of a water seal;
  • tubes for HHO gas outlet.

An important point. The electrolytic hydrogen plant operates only on direct current. Therefore, use a wall adapter, car charger or battery as a power source. The alternator will not work.

The principle of operation of the electrolyzer is as follows:

To make the generator design shown in the diagram with your own hands, you will need 2 glass bottles with wide necks and lids, a medical dropper and 2 dozen self-tapping screws. A complete set of materials is shown in the photo.

Of the special tools, you will need a glue gun to seal the plastic caps. The manufacturing process is simple:

To start the hydrogen generator, pour salted water into the reactor and turn on the power source. The beginning of the reaction will be marked by the appearance of gas bubbles in both containers. Adjust the voltage to the optimum value and ignite Brown's gas coming out of the dropper needle.

Second important point. Too high voltage must not be applied - the electrolyte, heated to 65 ° C or more, will begin to evaporate intensively. Due to the large amount of water vapor, it will not be possible to ignite the burner. For details on assembling and launching an impromptu hydrogen generator, see the video:

About Meyer's hydrogen cell

If you have made and tested the above construction, then by the burning of the flame at the end of the needle you have probably noticed that the performance of the installation is extremely low. To get more explosive gas, you need to make a more serious device called the Stanley Meyer cell in honor of the inventor.

The principle of operation of the cell is also based on electrolysis, only the anode and cathode are made in the form of tubes inserted one into the other. Voltage is supplied from the pulse generator through two resonant coils, which reduces the current consumption and increases the performance of the hydrogen generator. The electronic circuit of the device is shown in the figure:

Note. Details about the operation of the scheme are described on the resource

To make a Meyer cell, you will need:

  • a cylindrical body made of plastic or plexiglass, craftsmen often use a water filter with a lid and nozzles;
  • stainless steel tubes with a diameter of 15 and 20 mm, 97 mm long;
  • wires, insulators.

Stainless tubes are attached to the dielectric base, wires connected to the generator are soldered to them. The cell consists of 9 or 11 tubes placed in a plastic or plexiglass case, as shown in the photo.

The elements are connected according to the scheme known on the Internet, which includes an electronic unit, a Meyer cell and a water seal (the technical name is a bubbler). For safety reasons, the system is equipped with critical pressure and water level sensors. According to the reviews of home craftsmen, such a hydrogen installation consumes a current of the order of 1 ampere at a voltage of 12 V and has sufficient performance, although exact figures are not available.

Schematic diagram of the inclusion of the electrolyzer

plate reactor

A high-performance hydrogen generator capable of ensuring the operation of a gas burner is made of stainless steel plates measuring 15 x 10 cm, the quantity is from 30 to 70 pieces. Holes are drilled in them for tightening studs, and a terminal is cut in the corner for connecting the wire.

In addition to sheet stainless steel grade 316, you will need to buy:

  • 4 mm rubber, resistant to alkali;
  • end plates made of plexiglass or textolite;
  • tie rods M10-14;
  • check valve for gas welding machine;
  • water filter for water seal;
  • connecting pipes made of corrugated stainless steel;
  • potassium hydroxide powder.

The plates must be assembled into a single block, insulated from each other with rubber gaskets with a cut out middle, as shown in the drawing. Pull the resulting reactor tightly with pins and connect it to the nozzles with electrolyte. The latter comes from a separate container, equipped with a lid and valves.

Note. We tell you how to make a flow-through (dry) type electrolyzer. It is easier to make a reactor with immersed plates - there is no need to install rubber gaskets, and the assembled block is lowered into a sealed container with electrolyte.

Wet generator circuit

The subsequent assembly of the generator producing hydrogen is carried out according to the same scheme, but with differences:

  1. A tank for electrolyte preparation is attached to the body of the apparatus. The latter is a 7-15% solution of potassium hydroxide in water.
  2. Instead of water, the so-called deoxidizer is poured into the "bubbler" - acetone or an inorganic solvent.
  3. A check valve must be placed in front of the burner, otherwise, when the hydrogen burner is smoothly turned off, the reverse blow will break the hoses and the bubbler.

To power the reactor, it is easiest to use a welding inverter; electronic circuits do not need to be assembled. How Brown's homemade gas generator works, the home master will tell in his video:

Is it profitable to get hydrogen at home

The answer to this question depends on the scope of the oxygen-hydrogen mixture. All drawings and diagrams published by various Internet resources are calculated for the release of HHO gas for the following purposes:

  • use hydrogen as a fuel for cars;
  • smokeless combustion of hydrogen in heating boilers and furnaces;
  • be used for gas welding.

The main problem that crosses out all the advantages of hydrogen fuel: the cost of electricity for the release of a pure substance exceeds the amount of energy obtained from its combustion. Whatever adherents of utopian theories claim, the maximum efficiency of the electrolyzer reaches 50%. This means that for 1 kW of heat received, 2 kW of electricity is consumed. The benefit is zero, even negative.

Recall what we wrote in the first section. Hydrogen is a very active element and reacts with oxygen on its own, releasing a lot of heat. In trying to split a stable water molecule, we cannot apply energy directly to the atoms. The splitting is carried out by electricity, half of which is dissipated in the heating of electrodes, water, transformer windings, and so on.

Important background information. The specific heat of combustion of hydrogen is three times higher than that of methane, but in terms of mass. If we compare them by volume, then when burning 1 m³ of hydrogen, only 3.6 kW of thermal energy will be released compared to 11 kW for methane. After all, hydrogen is the lightest chemical element.

Now consider the explosive gas obtained by electrolysis in a homemade hydrogen generator as a fuel for the above needs:

For reference. To burn hydrogen in a heating boiler, the design will have to be thoroughly reworked, since a hydrogen burner is capable of melting any steel.


Hydrogen in the composition of HHO gas, obtained from a home-made generator, will be useful for two purposes: experiments and gas welding. Even if we discard the low efficiency of the cell and the cost of assembling it, along with the electricity consumed, there is simply not enough performance to heat the building. This also applies to the gasoline engine of a passenger car.

Simple homemade schemes

If we do not take into account the sophisticated and difficult-to-reproduce units at home, but limit ourselves to improvised means and materials that can be found without leaving home, then it turns out that making a compact but efficient hydrogen generator with your own hands is not an unsolvable task. One of the most simple circuits includes components available to almost everyone. These are the things that can easily be left lying around in your home:

  • power supply (12 V, 1-2 A);
  • glass jar with a metal screw cap (~0.5 l);
  • plastic bottle (~1.0 l);
  • rectangular ruler made of plastic (10–15 cm);
  • razor blades (lamellar, such are in rectangular cassettes of 10 pieces);
  • a pair of medical dropper systems;
  • connecting wires (made of copper, small section);
  • water and common salt.

To make a hydrogen generator out of this set of items with your own hands, you will need a simple tool, somehow stationery knife, sandpaper, soldering iron with appropriate soldering materials, hot glue gun. You should start with the preparation of the blades, which consists in one-sided cleaning along their non-sharp edges (2–3 mm) and tinning. Then it is necessary to apply notches-grooves evenly (after 3-4 mm) on the ruler. Blades will be placed in them.

It should be borne in mind that increasing the distance between the grooves will entail a greater current consumption and, accordingly, a more powerful power source will be required.

Each blade should be perpendicular to the main plane of the ruler. They are fixed on it with glue so that it is excluded electrical contact. Visually, it turns out a kind of ribbed heating battery in miniature. After the glue dries, it is necessary to supplement the resulting structure with wired connections. Simply put, you need to connect all the odd blades to one wire, and all the even blades to the other (similar to how it is done with the plates inside the batteries).

Further, holes should be made in the metal cover for this pair of supply wires, and one more, larger one for the hydrogen outlet (the diameter is specified by the size of the dropper filter, which will be mounted in the cover). The ruler with blades can be fixed here, on the free inner plane of the lid. All holes made after passing wires and droppers through them must be filled with glue, fixing these elements. So that the lid after screwing closes the volume of the jar completely tightly.

A plastic bottle must be equipped so that it performs the function of a bubbler-hydroseal (there may be more than one). The hose from the glass jar, passed through the lid, should almost reach the bottom of the bottle. Accordingly, the second hose for the removal of hydrogen is located in the upper part. The passage of the connectors in the cover must also be sealed.

Now you need to pour water into a bottle (not to the very top) and a jar, pour a few tablespoons of salt into the last one and stir. After that, it remains to close the lids tightly and start testing this DIY mini-generator. Shortly after turning on the power supply to the network, you will be able to observe the process of hydrolysis and the release of hydrogen. It should be enough that when you bring a lit lighter to the tip of a needle located on the outlet hose, the flame is picked up by this small burner. Of course, this is just a mock-up demonstrating the fundamental possibility of creating such a device at home.

For serious purposes such as heating a house or gas cutting metal, you will, of course, need to scale it. Instead of blades, take larger full-fledged plates, instead of a can with a bottle, appropriate containers, etc. Other popular schemes that you can also do yourself at home (at least in garages), in principle device all are the same as described. Containers can be taken different shapes and from various materials, metal compounds, alkalis and acids, etc. can act as reagents. In a word, there is plenty of room for experiments.

Where to send

Depending on what goals you set for yourself, how subtly and deeply you master the schemes proposed by the craftsmen for doing it yourself, how far you go in your experiments, depends on how and where you can apply the results of your work. In general, there are several main directions:

  • metal gas cutter;
  • enrichment of fuel in the car;
  • heating in the house.

The practice of desperate motorists shows that these devices, including those made by hand, can be very effective both in terms of fuel economy and in terms of reducing the level of harmful substances in exhaust. And recently, in the open spaces of blogs and forums, a rather new application for such products has been hotly discussed - in heating systems. This is embodied mainly as an addition to the main appliances.

For example, underfloor heating or walls. When creating with your own hands at home such a device as a hydrogen generator, take the trouble to take care of the elementary safety rules. If it is intended for a heating system, then it must be designed for round-the-clock operation. This is especially true if you decide to use non-harmful chemical compounds as reagents.

Perhaps you are interested in making a Brown gas generator with your own hands?

Modern methods of heating buildings and premises are offered on the domestic market in the form of many options. It is understandable that consumers choose those that promise maximum efficiency at minimum cost.

One of alternative ways space heating is considered to be the use of a hydrogen generator.

A bit of history

The principle of operation of hydrogen energy was noted in ancient times. The famous healer Paracelsus, during his scientific experiments, noticed that when some elements are combined, bubbles form, which at that time he mistook for air. Later it turned out that it was hydrogen, which is a gas without color, under certain conditions, exhibiting explosive properties.

At present, hydrogen has been learned to be used for various purposes, including for heating a residential building or any other structures. These technologies are being actively developed and implemented in many industries. Being an innovation in the market of scientific developments, heating with hydrogen has already attracted the interest of many consumers and continues to gain popularity among the general public.

It has been proven that hydrogen is considered not only a fairly common, but also an easily accessible substance. The only difficulty is that it has to be extracted from chemical compounds, most often water.

Features of the hydrogen generator

Based on the requirements and quadrature of a private or municipal building, it is necessary to choose a hydrogen burner with an optimal power level adapted to the needs of a particular room. It should be noted that the maximum possible generator power is 6.

The production of hydrogen, rightfully recognized as the most economical type of fuel, is possible in any quantity. A prerequisite for this is the availability of electricity, as well as water.

The main task of the equipment is a full-fledged independent heating of premises. However, hydrogen-based installations can perfectly complement existing home heating systems. It is only necessary to ensure that all elements of the heating system function at low temperatures.

Also, these units are used for space heating using warm floors, which are currently easy to assemble with your own hands.

The principle of operation of the device

The heat generation process is based on the electrolysis of water in an environment saturated with a catalyst. The main condition for normal operation, as well as the safety of the generator, is that under such conditions, water does not decompose into oxygen and hydrogen, the combination of which can be explosive.

Modern generators operate to produce Brown's gas. This is a completely non-explosive substance of a brownish or green hue, also called water gas. After working out and heating up to 40 degrees, it immediately goes to the combustion chambers, and more specifically, to the heat exchanger. There it is mixed with air-fuel cells.

The main structural components of the simplest hydrogen unit are pipes and the boiler itself. Often no technical accessories or additional elements and fixtures are needed anymore.

This also applies to components designed to remove combustion products. Indeed, as a result of the functioning of the generator, only steam is released into the atmosphere: water, clean and completely safe.

Often these types of burners are modular in design, each part of which has its own catalyst, which increases the overall efficiency of the system.

With regard to pipes for a hydrogen heating system, it is advisable to use those whose diameter is in the range from 1 to 1.25 inches. Some deviations are allowed, but most often these are used to heat the house. An important rule that should not be neglected when installing heating pipes, - each previous branch must be larger in diameter than the next one.

Features of Electrolytic Hydrogen Generator

A hydrogen generator based on the principle of electrolysis is most often produced in a container version. A prerequisite for the acquisition of such a device for heating is the presence of the following documents: permission from Rostekhnadzor, certificates (compliance with GOSTR and hygienic).

The electrolytic generator consists of the following elements:

  • a block that includes a transformer, a rectifier, junction boxes and devices, a block for replenishing and demineralizing water;
  • devices for separate production of hydrogen and oxygen - an electrolyzer;
  • gas analysis systems;
  • liquid cooling systems;
  • a system aimed at detecting a possible hydrogen leak;
  • control panels and automatic system control.

To achieve the most efficient process of electrical conductivity, lye drops are used. The tank with it is replenished as needed, but most often this happens about 1 time per year.
Any electrolytic generators of industrial type are produced on the basis of European environmental and safety standards.

It has been experimentally proven that the purchase of a hydrogen electrolytic generator is much more profitable than the regular purchase of gas. So, for the production of 1 cubic meter of gas from hydrogen and oxygen, only about 3.5 kW of electrical energy is required, as well as half a liter of demineralized water.

Benefits of using a hydrogen unit

The device attracts many for the following reasons:

  • The efficiency is about 90%, the technique competes with the most advanced achievements of science and technology related to heating any home.
  • There is no need to use a flame to achieve heat. The whole process is based on chemical reactions with catalysts.
  • Absolute harmlessness of the device.
  • Hydrogen generators are sources of clean energy that cannot be exhausted.
  • The use of hydrogen as the main source of heat minimizes the need for the constant exploitation of fossil resources, the extraction costs of which are many times higher than the costs of producing heat from hydrogen.
  • Perfect soundlessness of the unit. Installation of the device does not require separate chimneys.

Negative aspects of hydrogen-type building heating

In fairness, it is worth highlighting some of the disadvantages of this heating method:

  • explosion hazard, which can be provoked by incorrect operation of the unit;
  • insufficient prevalence of hydrogen devices in the Russian market, which is accompanied by problems with the installation or purchase of equipment;
  • lack of specialists and service masters capable of certifying or servicing heating appliances of this class.

Is it possible to independently create a hydrogen generator?

It is better not to take risks, because such a process is associated not only with the need to know the intricacies of technology and chemistry, but also requires proper compliance with safety rules. But do-it-yourself installation of equipment is possible. To do this, it is enough to follow the instructions and not allow amateur performance.

The heating of any house should provide not only comfortable living for a person, but also the ecological cleanliness of the environment. This is achieved due to the fact that after the combustion of hydrogen, no harmful compounds are formed.

IN Western countries heating with hydrogen generators has gained wide acceptance and economic justification. If a similar method takes root in Russia, it will significantly increase the heating efficiency with minimal resource costs.

Earlier country houses it was possible to heat only one way - they kindled the stove with wood or coal. Today, a variety of fuels are used to heat a private house: diesel, fuel oil, natural gas, electricity. However, with rising fuel prices, many homeowners are looking for a cheaper way to heat. One of them is ordinary water, which is used by a hydrogen generator to form a fuel such as hydrogen. Hydrogen is an inexhaustible source of energy. It can be used not only for space heating, but also for the car.

Hydrogen generator: device and its principle of operation

It is very beneficial to use hydrogen for heating residential buildings, since it has a high calorific value and does not emit harmful substances. However, it is impossible to produce hydrogen in its pure form, great content it is found in rivers, seas and oceans. The human body even consists of 63% hydrogen.

Pure hydrogen can be obtained from many different chemical compounds, such as hydrogen and oxygen. The most famous way to produce hydrogen is the electrolysis of water.

To obtain pure hydrogen, water must be split into two hydrogen atoms (HH) and an oxygen atom (O). This is the principle of operation of a water generator: the production of hydrogen by electrolysis. The gas that is released is named after the great physicist Brown and has the formula HHO. Such gas does not form harmful substances during combustion and is environmentally friendly. pure product. However, the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen eventually forms a combustible gas, which is explosive. Therefore, using an electrolyzer at home, additional safety measures must be observed.

The water engine has such a device:

  • Hydrogen type generator, where electrolysis takes place;
  • Burner, it is installed in the firebox itself;
  • The boiler acts as a heat exchanger.

The production of a gas such as brown uses four times less energy than is released when it is burned. At the same time, electricity is consumed very economically, and the fuel that it needs is ordinary water.

Hydrogen generator: its advantages and disadvantages

Today, the electrolyser is as familiar a device as, for example, a plasma cutter or an acetylene generator. Such a water-powered electrolysis plant (stove) has become quite popular, it is used to heat private houses, and is also installed on a motorcycle or car to save fuel.

The hydrogen generator is an environmentally friendly fuel, the only waste it produces is water. It is released in a gaseous state and is known to us as water vapor. And he, in turn, does not have any negative impact on the environment.

Such a device has other positive advantages, but also disadvantages. The most important drawback is its explosiveness. However, by observing all the precautions and safety rules, you can avoid negative consequences.

The hydrogen reactor has its advantages:

  • Works on water;
  • Saves electricity;
  • Is environmentally friendly;
  • High efficiency;
  • Ease of maintenance.

Such an HHO device can be purchased ready-made in a specialized store, it will cost, of course, not at all cheap. However, you can make it yourself from the available parts, while saving a decent amount. However, he needs protection from water and a separate house for storage.

Homemade hydrogen generator: step by step instructions

The manufacture of a hydrogen generator can be done at home, but this will require drawings and step-by-step instruction the whole process. The scheme of the electrolyzer is very simple (you can watch it on the Internet), so there is practically no need for any specific materials.

To create a homemade hydrogen generator, we need some tools and materials: Plastic container or a polyethylene canister with a lid, a transparent tube 1 m long, with a diameter of 8 mm, bolts, nuts, silicone sealant, stainless steel sheet, 3 fittings, check valve, filter, hacksaw, wrenches and knife.

Having collected all this, you can begin to manufacture it. The assembly is carried out according to the drawings, which can be found on the Internet or ordered from a specialist.

Manufacturing instruction:

  • Cut out 16 identical plates from a stainless steel sheet.
  • Drill a hole in one of the corners. The angle should be the same for all 16.
  • Be sure to cut the opposite corner.
  • We install the plates alternately on the prepared bolts, isolating them with washers and polyethylene tubes. They must not contact each other.
  • We tighten the entire structure with nuts, we get a battery.
  • We fix this design in a plastic container, grease the holes with sealant.
  • We drill holes in the lid, process them with silicone in the same way, then insert the fitting.

Homemade oxygen hydrolyzer is ready. Now it only needs to be checked for performance. To do this, fill the container with water up to the mounting bolts and close it with a lid. We put a polyethylene hose on one of the three fittings, and lower its second horses into a separate container, also filled with water. Electricity must be connected to the bolts, if bubbles appear on the surface, then the generator is working and emitting hydrogen. After such a connection and verification, we drain the water, and then pour the finished alkaline electrolyte into the container in order to get more gas released.

Electrolyzer for a car: types of catalysts

A hydrogen generator, when installed, is able to reduce the fuel consumption of cars or trucks, motorcycles, as well as reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Today, such a generator for a car is gaining popularity. The process of electrolysis in a car occurs due to the use of a special catalyst. The end result is hydrogen oxyhydrogen (HNO), which is mixed with fuel, which contributes to its complete combustion.

Thanks to this installation, you can save fuel by 50%. And also, by installing this design in your car, you will not only reduce toxic emissions, but also: increase the service life of the engine, reduce the temperature of the motor itself and at the same time increase the power of the entire power unit.

All processes that occur in a hydrogen generator occur automatically according to a special program. This program is sewn into the computer, which controls the entire car. The machine simply won't work without it.

There are several types of catalysts:

  • Cylindrical;
  • With open plates or they are also called dry;
  • with separate cells.

You can make a hydrogen generator yourself, but experts do not recommend doing this, since this device is very complex in design and is not yet safe. If you still decide to make it yourself, then a battery that has failed is best suited for this purpose.

In the Middle Ages, the famous scientist Paracelsus during the experiments noticed such a process as the release of air bubbles during the interaction of iron and sulfuric acid. However, it was not air, but hydrogen. It is a light gas that is colorless and odorless. And if it mixes with oxygen, then the gas is explosive. Today, do-it-yourself hydrogen heating is a common phenomenon. After all, hydrogen can be obtained in any quantity, where there is water and electricity.

Under the action of electrolysis, water molecules are divided into oxygen and hydrogen. The latter has a lot of unique properties. In the liquid state at a temperature of -250 degrees Celsius, it is the lightest liquid, and in the solid state it is the lightest substance. Hydrogen atoms are the smallest. And when mixed with atmospheric air, hydrogen turns into a mixture that can explode from even the smallest spark.

The use of hydrogen in heating

In the age of technology, there are many options for heating your home. However, those who like to create various technical devices on their own can make home heating with hydrogen with their own hands. This is an environmentally friendly, at the same time, a very powerful source of heat, thanks to which you can heat a large room.

Hydrogen home heating was developed by a company in Italy. When such a plant is in operation, it does not produce any harmful emissions. Thus, it is an environmentally friendly, efficient, silent heating of the house.

Scientists have developed a way to burn hydrogen to heat a home at temperatures as high as 300 degrees Celsius. Thanks to this, it became possible to produce boilers for heating from traditional materials. Boilers of this type do not require a special system for the removal of combustion products into the atmosphere for operation, since there are no such products here. IN this case only steam is emitted, which is not harmful to the environment. And getting hydrogen is an affordable process. All that will be spent on is only electricity. And if you, using a hydrogen generator for heating, also use solar panels, then the cost of electricity can be minimized.

Most often, a hydrogen boiler is used to heat floors. And such systems today can be found from the very different power. They are installed by hand.

A hydrogen home heating plant consists of the following components: a boiler and pipes having a diameter of 25-32 mm (1-1.25 inches). Pipes of other sizes are rarely used. Pipes can be mounted independently, but one condition must be met here - after each branching, the diameter must be smaller. And the order of decreasing the diameter is the following - pipe D32, pipe D25. After branching - pipe D20, the last - pipe D16. When this rule is followed, the hydrogen burner for heating will work efficiently and efficiently.

Benefits of heating with hydrogen

Hydrogen heating has several important advantages that determine the prevalence of the system:

  • These are environmentally friendly systems. And here the only by-product emitted into the atmosphere during operation is water in a state of steam. This steam does not harm the environment in any way.
  • Hydrogen in the heating system functions without the use of a flame. Heat is created as a result of a catalytic reaction. When hydrogen combines with oxygen, water is obtained. This releases a lot of heat energy. The flow of heat at a temperature of about 40 degrees goes to the heat exchanger. For underfloor heating, this is the ideal temperature regime.
  • Very soon, do-it-yourself hydrogen heating will be able to replace traditional systems, thus freeing society from the extraction of various fuels - oil, gas, coal and firewood.
  • The efficiency of heating a private house with hydrogen can reach 96%.

Another option is to use Brown's gas

Another method, currently quite controversial, is the use of Brown's gas for heating. Brown gas for home heating is a chemical compound consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The combustion of such gas creates almost 4 times more energy.

A special electrolyzer is used for heating the house. After all, the basis for obtaining such a gas is the principle of electrolysis of water. In order for this technology to be applied in heating, an ordinary boiler is being redone. At its base there will be an electrolyzer - an electrolyte is poured here, consisting of distilled water and a reaction accelerator. Alternating current with a given frequency is given to metal plates or tubes. Under its influence, the molecules of oxygen and hydrogen are separated, after which brown gas is obtained heating.