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» Where is Rethymno located in Greece. Sights of Rethymno or what else to see in Crete? Rethymno - the most picturesque city of Crete

Where is Rethymno located in Greece. Sights of Rethymnon or what else to see in Crete? Rethymno - the most picturesque city of Crete

Euclid Kyurdzidis

So my heart remained in this wonderful town of Rethymnon. It will be difficult for me to put all my impressions of this city into one story, because I even had to create two albums, but I will try.

Crete— what did I know about this island when we decided to go there? Nothing. My ideas were limited to the words of friends who visited there: “an island without greenery”, “lots of parties”, “cheap”. The release of the “Heads and Tails” program about Crete added a little more information, which further worsened my expectations. But when we arrived there, I saw with my own eyes how WRONG THEY ALL were! After all, Crete is an incredibly beautiful, green, unique island. As in the children's song "Miracle island, miracle island, living on it is easy and simple." Crete — this is the love of all my travels. And now more about Rethymno.

We spent a long time choosing which part of the island and which city to go to. The main thing for us was the location relative to the main attractions, living infrastructure and price policy- not very expensive. Malia fit these parameters perfectly - except for the location, since it is closer to the eastern part of the island, and all the places we wanted to visit were in the center, west and south. We don’t have a driver’s license and we are completely tied to buses, but we didn’t want to travel with a lot of transfers and spend 6 hours a day on the road. So we continued our search. And the town of Rethymno was ideal. It is located right in the center of the island (I mean in terms of attractions), but moreover, all the attractions are practically within walking distance (compared to Malia). There was only one problem - the price of tours to Rethymno, because it was at least 20 thousand more expensive than tours to Malia. We thought for a long time, studied, calculated and ultimately decided to stop at Rethymno. We have never regretted it!

TIP #1: before traveling to Rethymnon, download google play or app store application "My Crete Guide". There is a menu in Russian and English. And most importantly detailed map city ​​with all the attractions and cafes. Cities such as Rethymno, Heraklion, Agios Nikolaos, Chania, Sitia, Ierapetra are represented there. I myself studied these maps in detail before my vacation, which helped a lot.

TIP #2: On the Internet, enter KTEL Crete and you will be able to see a detailed and accurate bus schedule throughout Crete. That's exactly what we used.

In Rethymno we chose the Astali Hotel 2+. I will tell you about this hotel in a separate review, but looking ahead I will say - despite the 2 stars, the hotel is 4 stars in terms of service, breakfast and atmosphere, and the location of the hotel is directly opposite the beach (we had a side view of the sea) and at the same time almost at the entrance to the Old Town - perfect!

So, due to flight delays, we arrived at the hotel only at 11 pm. Tired, terribly hungry and upset, we left our things and went in search of a cafe where we could have dinner. I’ll say right away that Rethymno is a city that, in my opinion, does not sleep around the clock. We left the hotel and walked towards the embankment, and after a couple of minutes we came out to some kind of mini-square with a taxi stand and cafes. Since we no longer had any strength, we sat down in the first cafe we ​​came across and it turned out to be Kokkinos Restaurant - Very A cozy cafe with amazing cuisine and at the same time very budget-friendly. By the way, I’ll say one more thing as advice. Before the trip, I intensively studied the prices in cafes and reviews. So, 90% of reviews about cafes in Rethymnon were a la “lunch at least 40-45 euros for two.” After reading such reviews, I was terribly upset, but in the end, in most cases our lunches and dinners cost between 15 and 22 euros for two. And at the same time, we ordered a separate dish for each of us, didn’t skimp and ate as much as I can’t say who))) So don’t worry about the prices. (Prices for July-August 2015 for different parts Crete). Below I post photos of several dishes that we ordered at Kokkinos Restaurant. In this cafe 3 course dinner, plus juices and sodas, cost us 22-26 euros. Plus, if you come not for the first time, then after your meal you will be given a compliment from the establishment - something sweet and a glass of raki. It's a small thing, but nice.

Between the White Mountains and Psiloriti (Ida) lies the resort region of Rethymno, synonymous with the incomparable beauty of rocky landscapes, beautiful beaches, melodies of the Cretan lyre, legendary caves, historical monasteries, traditional villages and luxury resorts.

Important natural wealth The district is, first of all, Mount Psiloritis, which dominates the eastern part of Crete, its highest mountain region. The changing landscapes will delight nature lovers and others: fertile valleys alternate with colorful rocky landscapes and a rugged coastline of sandy beaches. Green ravines and small rivers that go far into the mountains, protected areas and about forty gorges complete the picturesque picture.

City of Rethymno

The city of Rethymnon is one of the best preserved medieval cities in Greece: Venetian fortifications blend harmoniously with Orthodox and Catholic churches, delightful Venetian residences, arches and cobbled streets.

Discover the city's past with a tour of the historic center of Rethymno: descend from Arkadiou Street and follow the signs for the "cultural route", crossing the historical center from east to west. Here you can admire the unique monuments of Hani Pattaku and the House of Drandaki, both excellent examples of Venetian architecture, as well as the Kara Musa Pasha Mosque. Once you step onto Tsouderon Street, head towards the western part of the city.

On the way to the Church of St. Francis and the Turkish School, pay attention to the beautiful door at number 12 of Tsouderon Street. Make a short stop at 1st Square Primary school with magnificent monuments. Go to st. Vernard, where the local history museum and the Ghazi Hussein mosque are located. At the intersection of the street. Nikiforos Fokas and Koroneus you will find the impressive Church of Our Lady of Angels.

Fortezza – The Venetian fortress on the hill of Paleokastro, with a magnificent view of the Aegean Sea and the city, is undoubtedly the symbol of Rethymno. The exemplary preserved buildings of Fortezza (arsenal with arched openings, Episcopal Palace, Agios Theodoros Trichinas, Sultan Ibrahim Mosque, Erofili Theater) take visitors back to the Venetian era. Finish your tour of Rethymnon with a leisurely stroll through the old Venetian port, enjoying views of Fortezza while relaxing in a café or tavern by the sea.

If you go to Crete in summer for a holiday in Rethymno, do not miss two very important cultural events: the famous "Renaissance Festival" where you are invited to become actors, co-producers and time travelers through music and theatrical performances. Almost all performances take place at the Teatro Erofili in Fortezza.

One more interesting event is "Wine Festival" which welcomes producers, lovers of good wine and fine cuisine to a festival of traditions, gastronomy, wine tasting and entertainment in which all the inhabitants of Crete take part.

More details

Sights and excursions

The beauty of the natural wonders of Rethymnon is amazing, take a few days of your holiday in Crete to devote them to interesting excursions and getting to know the region, you will not regret it!

Lagoon Prevelis

in the place where the Megalos Potamos (Kourtaliotis) River flows into the Libyan Sea and ends at the Kourtaliot Gorge, there is the unsurpassed beauty of the Prevelis Lagoon and Finikas Beach. To get here you need to follow the road leading to the Prevelis Monastery. The path leading to the left from the monastery will lead you to a sandy beach with numerous palm trees, to an unexpected tropical paradise for the Mediterranean! The river flowing into the sea, lush vegetation and heavenly colors of the beach were appreciated by hippies in the 70s of the last century, who chose this place as their refuge.

Nida Plateau

79 km southeast of the city of Rethymnon, on Psiloritis, is the world famous Nida plateau. On the plateau, thanks to all the necessary infrastructure, you can practice skiing in winter.


a picturesque traditional mountain village in a wooded area, built on ruins ancient city Lappa. Here are mineral springs, small waterfalls and centuries-old trees, as well as a uniquely beautiful cave and a small chapel.


The district's mountain ranges of unique beauty cross: Kourtaliot Gorge (3 km) leads to the famous Prevelis Lagoon; Kotsifos Gorge starts from the village of Kanevos and reaches the village of Sellia; Patsos Gorge in the area of ​​Amarios; Prasianos Canyon leads to Platanias Beach, east of the city of Rethymnon; Arkadios Gorge and other gorges.


The mountains surrounding Rethymno are full of impressive caves. The most important are Geranios, Simonelli (west of Rethymno), Agios Antonios in the diocese of Amarios, Melidonios, Svendoni Tripa and Mushri Sison (near Zonian). The cave of Ideon Andron, where Zeus is said to have grown up, was an important place of worship in ancient times, both in the Minoan and Roman periods.

Important archaeological finds discovered at the site show that the region flourished from the early Stone Age until the early Christian period.

Archaeological sites

Among the archaeological sites, the ancient Elevferna, inhabited since the 8th century BC, and the ancient burial grounds of Armenus with more than 350 graves stand out. Religious monuments such as the stone chapel of Psiloritis, historical monasteries and ancient Christian basilicas will enrich your holiday in Crete in the Rethymnon region. Of great historical importance is the Arkadi Monastery (15th century), overlooking the gorge of the same name and the Prevelis Monastery. A real trip back in time will be an excursion to traditional villages such as Adel, Anogia, Garazo, Rustika and Khromomonastiri, where life flows at its calm pace... Here you can taste excellent local delicacies (roasted lamb with tomatoes, noodles with snails and herbs ), which are always accompanied by the Cretan drink raki!

The climate in Rethymnon is temperate Mediterranean with a long warm summer and the abundance of precipitation that falls in winter. average temperature air in Rethymnon in summer + 29C, water + 27C. In winter, the temperature does not drop below + 14C.

Seaside holidays and beaches

Visit Rethymnon in summer to enjoy the sun and sea on the resort's beautiful beaches. Both northern and south coast The prefecture of Rethymnon is famous for its sandy beaches.

  • Beach of Rethymnon- an organized sandy beach 20 km long, stretching to the east of the city.
  • Panormos located in the coastal village of the same name (20 km east of Rethymnon), and is one of the best organized beaches with excellent infrastructure.
  • Bali beach is located in the seaside village of Bali (34 km east of Rethymnon). Choose any of the nearby islands of the bay of the same name to appreciate the charms of these places.
  • Plakias. The tourist resort of Plakias (40 km south of Rethymno) is famous for its amazing beach, which offers endless possibilities for lovers aquatic species sports
  • Agia Galini beach located 58 km south of Rethymno, has an exemplary tourist infrastructure and crystal beaches clean waters, as well as nearby islands well hidden from view.
  • Prevelis beach. A resort of exceptional natural beauty, with palm trees, small lagoons where the Great River, white sand. Finikas, otherwise known as Prevelis Beach, is located 40 km south of the city of Rethymno.

Rethymnon is a city in the north of the Greek island of Crete. Tourists get here by ferry from Athens, as well as by bus (2-hour trip) or plane from Heraklion or Chania.

Tourists flock to Rethymnon (high season - all summer months and September) for the architecture of the Old Town, sandy beaches (their length is 16 km), impressive landscapes, shopping runs along the Solido shopping street, the Wine Festival (mid-July), boat trips on pirate schooners, cycling around the area...

Once upon a time, the Guora Gate (built 1540-1570) served as the main entrance to Old city Rethymno, and today a semicircular arch, 2.6 m wide, is part of the ancient preserved fortress wall. You can see the Guora Gate, which was decorated with a pediment depicting the winged lion of St. Mark, on Ethnikis Antistasios Street.

Location: Entikis Antistasios street.

The Fortezza fortress rises on the Paleokastro hill, and until the 16th century, the temples of Apollo and Artemis stood in its place. The barracks, warehouses in the basements (previously weapons and food were stored there), the bishop's palace, the rector's house, and the church remained intact.

Today, the Fortezza fortress is a venue for cultural events, in particular the Renaissance arts festival. You can visit it every day for 5 euros from 9 am to 7 pm.

Location: Leof. Emmanouil Kefalogianni - 27.

It is recommended to walk along the Rethymnon embankment at sunset to buy gifts in the souvenir shops located there (pay attention to the Olive Garden store with natural Greek cosmetics) and satisfy your hunger in local restaurants, from the terraces of which you can admire the Venetian fortress, lighthouse, pleasure yachts... In the evening with From the embankment you can go on a 2-hour boat trip “towards sunset” for 20 euros, and in the afternoon you can go to the caves or a bay where you can swim (excursion cost is 20 euros).

The 3-meter fountain is supported by 4 Corinthian columns, between which you can see the carved Rimondi family coat of arms and the inscription in Latin: “Generous Spring”. Water flows from holes shaped like lion heads into 3 pools.

There is a legend associated with the Rimondi Fountain: if lovers drink water from it together, they will get married.

Location: Mavrokordatou Alexanrou.

The Nerantze Mosque was the Church of Santa Maria during the Venetians. In 1890, the mosque acquired a minaret with 2 balconies. Next to the mosque there is a structure (there is a dome and an arched doorway), which is the mausoleum of one of the Turkish officials.

Today the Nerantze building is a venue for concerts, lectures, and theatrical performances.

Every day, except Monday, from 10 am to 6 pm in the Archaeological Museum of Rethymno you can see exhibits in the form of a statuette of the Goddess from Pankalochori, Roman lamps, double axes, gold jewelry, bronze tools, coins, weapons, seals from Monastiraki...

Location: 74131 - Αγ. Φραγκίσκου.

You can reach the Franciscan Church along the street coming from the Guora Gate. The monastery complex, the doorway of the main building of which is decorated with Corinthian and Renaissance decorations, includes 2 ancient chapels. Today, exhibitions and concerts are often held in the Franciscan church.

The Historical and Ethnographic Museum, open from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (closed on Sunday; ticket price: 4 euros), invites visitors to admire metal and ceramics, lace, costumes, and tools.

The museum is located in a 17th century Venetian mansion on Vernadu Street.

Location: Emmanouil Vernardou - 28.

The lighthouse, built by the Egyptians in the 1830s, is located in Venice Harbour. The lighthouse is presented in the form of a 9-meter tower (the area of ​​the light field is almost 50 m). At the moment it is not being used for its intended purpose, but anyone can inspect it, as well as enjoy it delicious dishes in fish taverns located along the shore.

In the Biotopoi Natural Park you will be able to see 220 species flora of the island of Crete in the form of decorative flowers, medicinal plants and tropical teas, as well as meet iguanas, turtles, rabbits, chameleons, scorpions, butterflies... The territory of Biotopoi Park (entrance - 5 euros) is equipped with souvenir shops, a children's playground, bookstores and grocery stores.

Location: Kalaitzaki - 3.

The Preveli Monastery is a two-level monastery: at the top is Piso Preveli ( active monastery in honor of John the Evangelist), and below is Kato Preveli (tourist attraction).

Tourists are interested in a small menagerie (roosters, sheep, llamas, and peacocks live there), a library (its storage contains books, manuscripts, prayers, musical compositions) and a museum at the monastery (its exhibits include church utensils and about 100 icons). Entrance fee – 2.5 euros.

The courtyard of the Frangokastello fortress with its 4 towers is used for concerts in the summer. Near the fortress you can find beaches and taverns. Entrance fee is 1.5 euro.

Melidoni Cave (ticket price - 4 euros) is interesting with the Hall of Heroes - a 65-meter chamber (height - 25 m, width - 25-30 m). In the center of the Hall there is a sarcophagus with the ashes of the dead.

Details Rethymno (Western Crete) Cities, villages and resorts of the Rethymno region Updated: June 07, 2019

In the west of the island of Crete, between the cities of Heraklion and Chania, there is a charming city Rethymno (Rethymno, Ρέθυμνο (Greek), Rethymno (English)) with its unique architecture, narrow streets, carved window frames, Venetian portals, the old port and the majestic Fortezza fortress on the waterfront. Interestingly, from year to year there are heated debates about which city is more beautiful, Chania or Rethymnon. But, in our opinion, this is still a wrong comparison, because Rethymnon has its own character, its own history, architecture, its own charm and uniqueness.

Rethymno is no less popular among tourists. Every year, thousands of poets, artists, photographers and romantics seek and find their muse and inspiration in Rethymnon. And the city itself, following new trends, is constantly developing, becoming a modern metropolis. But at the same time, Rethymno preserves its history, reverently treating architecture, customs and traditions, thanks to which it retains all the features of a true Cretan city.

City Rethymnon (Rethymno) located 78 km from the capital of Crete - Heraklion, and 60 km east of Chania. The main attraction of the city is undoubtedly the Venetian fortress of Fortezza, which has been perfectly preserved to this day. The fortress offers stunning views of the endless sea, the city of Rethymnon and the mighty Ida mountain range.

The historical part of the city is almost completely closed to cars and is a pedestrian zone where you can walk for hours admiring the beauty of the architecture,

Or you can stop at one of the many cafes and enjoy the leisurely life of Rethymno.

The variety of shops here is amazing. One gets the feeling that Rethymno has everything, from simple souvenirs to clothing from the world's leading brands. The city is home to the largest university on the island of Crete. And in summer time Rethymnon is famous for its festivals, which take place here with enviable frequency.

Attractions Rethymnon

As already mentioned, the main attraction of the city is the Venetian fortress of Fortezza, built in 1573-1590. Fortezza was conceived as a kind of center for the fight against pirates and consisted of four bastions and three Flashes.

On the territory of the fortress there were warehouses, a house of advisers, the Bishop's Palace, the rector's house, barracks for the garrison, various reservoirs, churches and an open theater. After the capture of the fortress by the Turks in 1645, a large domed mosque was erected on its territory.

The fortezza in Rethymno turned out to be so massive that there is an opinion that it is the largest fortress ever built by the Venetians. When walking around the territory of the Venetian fortress, it is worth taking a hat, because the entire space here is open. Opposite the main gate of Fortezza is located Archaeological Museum of Rethymnon, which would have been founded back in 1887. The museum is housed in a building built by the Turks to protect the main gate of the fortress, and contains exhibits from the Early Minoan, Middle Minoan, Late Minoan, Geometric, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic and Roman eras.

Among the museum's exhibits are such finds as the famous statuette of the Goddess from Pankalochori, a bronze statue of a youth, double axes, clay larnacas with intricate patterns, seals from Monastiraki, Roman lamps, a helmet of the late Minoan era, gold jewelry, a statue of Aphrodite, figurines found in Axos and Melidoni, sculptures, coins and fine ceramic products. No less popular Historical and Ethnographic Museum of Rethymno, located in a 17th-century Venetian mansion on Vernadou Street.

The museum displays weaving tools, embroidery, costumes, lace, ceramic and metal products. All museum exhibitions are divided into themes and are located on two floors of a building notable for its own architecture. Also worth a visit in Rethymno Rimondi Fountain 1626, consisting of three mouths in the form of lions' heads, from which water flows into three reservoirs, above which four columns with flutes rise. The words LIBERALITATIS and FONTES are written on the top of the fountain. The fountain is located on Platanou Square.

Rimondi Fountain

Not far from the Venetian port is Loggia XVI century, in which all the most important economic and political issues were resolved.

In Rethymno you can see other equally interesting sights and places, including: Guora Gate, Veli Pasha Mosque, Kara Musa Pasha, Neradze, Erofili Theater, Church Museum, Cathedral Center for Contemporary Art, city Pinakothek with an exhibition of works by Lefteris Kanakakis .

Walking through the streets of Rethymnon, it is impossible not to notice that many houses are still decorated with various portals from the Renaissance era. But the most romantic atmosphere reigns in Venetian port of Rethymnon- a favorite vacation spot for both locals and tourists.

This is a place of contrasts. On one side there are noisy cafes, and on the other side of the embankment fishermen calmly sort out their fishing gear. Ancient Venetian houses here coexist with modern life cities. And finally, you should definitely visit Rethymno in the evening, when the city is transformed, lit up with a thousand lights, night bars, discos and incredible nightlife, which boils until the morning.

Of course, these are not all the attractions of Rethymno; moreover, there are so many interesting things in the vicinity of this beautiful Mediterranean city. And, in principle, you can rent a car and go on an exciting journey on your own, as we do quite often, or you can book an exciting excursion, where the guide, by the way, one of the local residents, will share with us secrets, interesting facts about this or that place, will tell about secrets and riddles, show places that we ourselves might have missed. Some excursions in the vicinity of Rethymno can be found here (active form):

History of Rethymno

Finds made in the Rethymnon area indicate that a settlement existed on this site already in Neolithic times and the Late Minoan period. No one can say with certainty about the exact location of the ancient city of Rithymna (that’s what the city was called before its modern name). But some archaeological finds in the area of ​​Arkadiou Street and Venetian records indicate that Rithymna did exist on the site of modern Rethymno. And the found coins dated back to the 4th-3rd centuries. BC, confirm not only the existence ancient city Rithymna, but also about its significance among other cities. It is also assumed that long before the Venetians built the fortress (Fortezza), earlier fortifications existed on the hill.

It is not for nothing that the hill received the name Paleokastro from the Venetians - the old fortress. This theory is confirmed by Magagnatto’s drawing, which depicts fortified buildings called Castrum Retemi, located between the port and the Paleokastro hill. Castrum Retemi was formed during the second Byzantine period, when a group of houses was surrounded by a wall. At that time, it began to represent the prototype of a fortified city, which, with the arrival of the Venetians on the island after 1204, received the name Castel Vecchione. Since 1537, the idea of ​​fortifying the city has appeared in Rethymnon.

The reason for this was the weakening of the Venetian position in the east after the fall of Constantinople in the middle of the 15th century. The construction of the city walls was completed in 1570, and already in 1571 they were destroyed by the Turks, and the city was plundered and burned. This served as a powerful incentive for the construction of a fortress on the Paleokastro hill. The construction plan for Fortezza was already implemented in 1573, when construction of the fortress began. Initially, it was planned that the fortress should be polygonal with many bastions and wide walls made with a slope, and it was planned to build houses on its territory. But the plans were partially destined to come true, because... The complexity of the terrain did not allow the construction of the fortress in the form in which it was originally conceived. As a result, Fortezza received fewer bastions, and its territory was very limited, so the construction of houses inside the walls had to be abandoned. But the built fortress was ready to become a refuge for the city residents in case of danger. This is what happened in 1646, after the attack on the city Turkish troops. Residents of the city were forced to take refuge from the Turkish invaders within the walls of the fortress. But due to the large number of wounded and the lack of ammunition and food, the situation of the besieged was so dire that the commandant was forced to begin negotiations on the surrender of the fortress and the city to the enemy. The conditions under which Rethymno was ceded to the Turks turned out to be very lenient for the city’s residents. Anyone could leave the captured city and go to Khandak, and those who wished to stay in Rethymnon found themselves obliged to pay tribute to the Sultan. The Fortezza fortress fell to the Turks on November 13, 1646. From this moment on, the architecture of the city begins to change, mosques and minarets are built. Turkish culture is being imposed on the residents, which could not but cause discontent among the local population, who strongly supported the anti-Turkish uprisings breaking out on the island.

And only after the island of Crete gained independence and joined Greece in 1913, Rethymnon began a period of restoration. In 1923, the famous Greek-Turkish exchange took place. But in 1941, Rethymno, along with other cities on the island of Crete, again became a center of resistance, now against fascist troops. And, despite all the heroism of the local residents who desperately fought the invaders, the fascist troops manage to capture Rethymno. After the liberation of Greece from the Germans, the island of Crete, along with all Greece, experiences civil war, the rise to power of the “Junta of Black Colonels” in 1967. During these years, Rethymnon, along with the whole of Crete, begins to feel the first timid steps of tourism coming to the island.

Very soon, tourism on the island begins to develop at an unprecedented pace. The first hotels are being built in the city and its surroundings, beaches are being equipped and infrastructure is being created. The city is constantly developing, acquiring its unique appearance, which has survived to this day.

Region Rethymno rich in archaeological areas, monasteries and other attractions. In particular, the Arkadi Monastery and the Arkadi Gorge, the Psilorit region with its customs and traditions, the villages of Axos and Anogia, the Idea Cave, the Preveli Monastery and many other wonderful villages and attractions of the Rethymno region are of particular interest. The Rethymno region is also famous for its long, many-kilometer sandy beach. This beach starts right in the center of Rethymnon and goes for many kilometers along the coast of the region. It is worth noting that all the beaches of Rethymno are well equipped and annually win the Blue Flag of Europe for their exceptional cleanliness and arrangement.

Weather in Rethymnon determined by the Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and quite warm winter. Average summer temperatures can range from 25°C to 32°C. In winter, the air rarely cools below 10-12°C. The sea water temperature in the Rethymnon area in summer can fluctuate between 22-27°C, while in winter the sea can cool down to 15-17°C. It is worth noting that the weather in coastal Rethymnon differs from the weather in mountainous Rethymno, where temperatures in winter can reach negative levels, and due to heavy snowfalls roads can even be blocked. In general, the weather in Rethymnon is not very different from the weather in other cities on the northern coast of Crete.

  • What to see? In the city there is the Venetian Fortezza Fortress (Coordinates: DD 35.371634, 24.472475. DMS 35°22"17.9"N 24°28"20.9"E) and the Venetian Lighthouse in the Old Town (Coordinates: DD 35.373397, 24.484176. DMS 35°22"24 .2 "N 24°29"03.0"E. Beautiful Monastery of Saint Irene, located just 4 km from Rethymnon or you can walk around Mili Gorge, located nearby.
    Other travel routes can be found here: Routes from Rethymnon.
  • Different spellings of the city name: Often, in addition to Rethymno, you can see other spellings of the name of the city, such as: Rethymno, Rethymno. In general, to understand why Rethymno, you will have to delve a little into the rules of the Greek language and cases. We probably won’t do this within the framework of this note about the city. It's more interesting to talk briefly about the letter "θ" in the name of the city Ρέθυμνο . This is essentially an interdental sound similar to English "th", so in general it’s correct that it’s ours "T" in the name of the city, pronounce between the teeth. Nature of origin of the letter "F" in the name Rethymno, to be honest, is still a mystery to us, however, we quite often come across this variant of spelling the name of the city.
  • Where to stay? Of course, to enjoy this stunningly beautiful city, it’s not enough to just come here for a few hours. After all, you will definitely want to take a leisurely stroll through its picturesque streets, have dinner in one of the taverns in the Venetian port, and wake up in the morning to the singing of birds and quiet conversations of local housewives discussing plans for the day. All this is real, and you can find accommodation in an old Venetian mansion for the price of dinner for two.
  • Hotels and apartments in Rethymno:

    Let us seem not entirely original, since we say this in almost all notes about the cities of Crete, however, we ourselves often do this, and we sincerely believe that cities like Rethymnon are definitely worthy of staying here at least for the night and get to know this place even closer, immerse yourself in the local flavor, literally feel with every cell the incredible atmosphere of Rethymno, for which this romantic city is so loved. Moreover, the choice of hotels here is truly huge:

    Rethymnon hotels in the Hotellook search engine

    (in the search you need to type: Rethymno Greece)

    All about holidays in Rethymno 2019 - one of the largest and most picturesque cities in Crete. How to get from the airport, where is it better to stay - in the Old Town or closer to the beach, where to swim, besides the city beach, what to buy in Rethymno and what dishes to try in a local restaurant.

    Rethymno is a resort city that combines everything at once. This is the proximity to the capital, and the rich past, and stunning Venetian architecture, and the purest sandy beaches, and convenient communication with the main excursion points of the island. Therefore, tourists who come to Crete for the first time most often choose Rethymnon and its surroundings as their location.

    How to get to Rethymno from the airport

    From the island's capital Heraklion and its international airport Nikos Kazantzakis resort is only 80 km away (Rethymnon is located to the west). You can get to the resort yourself by bus. There are no direct buses from the airport to Rethymnon, so you need to get to Heraklion first. The most convenient option is a taxi (about 10 euros). If you want to save money, you can get to the bus station from the airport by city bus. But keep in mind: not all drivers speak English, so they won’t always tell you where to go. And you need to go to the KTEL A station (near the port).

    The easiest, but also the most expensive way to get from the airport to Rethymno is a taxi or a pre-booked transfer (about 120 euros). But in 1 hour 15 minutes you are already there. If you order in advance (for example, on the Kiwi taxi website), then at the current rate it will cost 80-90 euros.

    Order a transfer (or estimate prices):

    The transfer price includes meeting the driver with a sign in the arrival hall, loading luggage if required, and delivery to the hotel door.

    Where to stay in Rethymno 2019

    #1. Casa Dei Delfini

    A picturesque hotel in the Old Town, on one of the narrowest streets, lined with flower pots. If somewhere is worth staying in Crete, it is only in such an authentic corner. Interiors, panoramic terrace for breakfast, the hospitality of the owners, the convenience of the location - all 5 points.

    #2. Leo Hotel

    Intimate 3 star hotel on a quiet street in the heart of Rethymnon (a few minutes to the beach). In the rooms picturesque interiors And large beds with clearly not budget mattresses - just right for relaxing after a busy day! Friendly staff, cleanliness, quite varied breakfast for Greece.

    #3. Filoxenia Beach Hotel

    This is an inexpensive, but extremely well located hotel on the first line from the sea. The cozy rooms have small terraces overlooking the Cretan Sea and the Fortezza of Rethymnon. A good choice, both for relaxing on the beach (equipped with sand) and for excursions. There are no complaints about the staff and breakfast.

    #4. Menta City Boutique Hotel

    If retro style is not to your taste, there is a hotel Menta City with ultra-modern design. Everything here is top notch: breakfasts are open terrace, high-quality beds and mattresses, spacious rooms with all imaginable amenities, including thermal and sound insulation. Gym, swimming pool, library, Board games, parking.

    #5. Eltina Hotel

    Standard room at Eltina Hotel with kitchenette

    New hotel, newly renovated, a few minutes walk from the central beach. The rooms are equipped with a kitchenette and have balconies with panoramic views of the modern part of Rethymnon. But the main advantage is the budget cost. Nearby there is a bus stop (about 1.5 km to the Old Town), a supermarket, shops.

    #6. Bellagio Luxury Boutique Hotel

    Standard room at Bellagio Luxury Boutique Hotel

    A beautiful hotel on one of the central but quiet streets. The rooms are spacious, the interiors are in retro style - vaguely reminiscent of snow-white huts . The hotel also has delicious, hearty and varied breakfasts, which is rare for Crete, and a hospitable atmosphere, but this is found everywhere.

    Rethymno beaches - where to swim

    #1. Rethymno city beach

    The beach is located east of the city center, right behind the main harbor, and stretches for tens of kilometers. There are many cafes and bars along the beach, toilets, changing cabins, and paid sun loungers are also available. Behind the beach along the coast there are many hotels. The coast is covered with sand, there are pebbles near the water's edge, there are areas with a rocky bottom, so for safety it is better to stock up on special shoes. The beach expands closer to the city center, there is a volleyball court and plenty of space for other activities.

    But coming to Crete and swimming on the city beach is a crime! After all, near Rethymnon there are a huge number of clean coves and the most beautiful beaches. Tourists and Cretans themselves constantly travel in search of the best places on the coast.

    #2. Adelianos Kampos

    Located 6 km from the center of Rethymno, Adelianos Kampos beach is located in the tourist suburb of the same name. Its long sandy shore is like a continuation of the city beach of Rethymnon. The coast is well equipped: there are umbrellas, sun loungers, showers and changing cabins, bars and shops with all sorts of little things. But since there are no natural coves in this area, Adelianos Kampos can be quite windy.

    #3. Panormos

    The village of Panormos is located 20 km east of Rethymno. The town, like its main beach, is intimate and cozy. There is a long boardwalk pier and several rocky spots where even a beginner can snorkel. The depth near the shore is quite childish; the coast is strewn with sand and equipped with paid sunbeds. For 8 euros you get an umbrella and two chairs, plus free drinks. Due to the peculiarities of the landscape, the coast is protected from the wind, so many families with children, as well as older tourists, relax here.

    #4. Bali

    Bali Beach is located 30 km east of the city. It is located at the foot of the village of the same name. The coast is divided into several picturesque coves, the natural setting of which is rocks covered with greenery. The beaches are small, but equipped with everything you need - neatly arranged sun loungers, small taverns, souvenir shops. The beaches in Bali are both sandy and pebble, the water is clean! On the small beach of Karavostasi there are excellent natural conditions for snorkeling near the coastal rocks.

    The water in the bay is so clear that it seems that small ships and boats are floating in the air. You can also see a stunning sunrise on the beaches of Bali (this section of the coast faces east).

    What to do and see in Rethymnon

    As soon as you take time to take a break from the beach and devote an hour or two to the excursion, immediately head to the Fortezza fortress. It was built by the Venetians back in the 16th century, and just a few years after the completion of the work, Fortezza was destroyed by corsairs, but then rebuilt. Here you have to decide: to continue the walk on your own or go on a guided tour.

    On Tripster there is a route. An unusual look at the origins of the resort: acquaintance primarily with Turkish, rather than Venetian, roots. And a little more interesting information about the connection between Rethymnon and the famous series “The Magnificent Century”!

    The promenade and harbor are the very heart of Rethymnon:

    Streets of the ancient city of Rethymno / Photobank Lori:

    Panorama of Rethymno with a Venetian-Turkish touch:

    For those who are not inclined towards excursions - even with an individual guide, short plan self-guided walks in Rethymnon:

    • The fortress mentioned above is located on Paleokastro hill in the northwestern part of the city, and from its walls a stunning panorama of the city opens. We recommend starting to get acquainted with the city from here.
    • In Piazza Platano (near the harbor) be sure to take a few photos Rimondi fountain- it is the most famous in the city and, probably, the oldest - built by the Venetians back in the 17th century. The fountain is surrounded by buildings that are already three to four hundred years old.
    • Located on the main city embankment picturesque lighthouse, along the promenade there are dozens of shops, restaurants and taverns clustered together.
    • Further, deeper into the island, dozens of streets and alleys lead, where styles and eras are mixed, still giving primacy to Venetian architecture. Old city- it's practically an open-air museum!
    • 25 km from the city there is the famous medieval Arkadi Monastery.

    Rethymnon is perfect place for cycling. The city is small, so if you meander through its streets, you will soon find yourself in the countryside. There is a completely different world there! Gardens with fruit trees, traditional architecture, an atmosphere of total relaxation, sleepiness and enjoyment of life.

    Holidays, festivals, events 2019

    The most spectacular event of the year in Rethymno is Carnival. It is timed to coincide with the beginning of the 40-day fast before Easter, so the dates of Carnival fall on different days every year. For the Greeks, Carnival is an opportunity to party “like it’s the last time” before a long period of fasting. But the Carnival begins long before that - usually back in February. Throughout the month, the city hosts a lot of cultural events - exhibitions, concerts, conceptual parties.

    This is because Rethymno is considered the main center of carnival festivities on the island (and, by the way, the second in all of Greece after Patras). IN last days During Carnival (Maslenitsa week), a parade with huge floats, life-size puppets and costumes takes place through the streets of the city. The culmination of the holiday is the demonstrative burning of an effigy (the king of the carnival) on the coast of Rethymno.

    Other holidays and festivals of Rethymno:

    • The city celebrates on August 15 Assumption of the Virgin Mary- for the Greeks this is important date church calendar, they gather with families, go to churches, crowded processions pass through the streets, where believers carry figurines or icons of the Virgin Mary.
    • From the end of summer and all autumn in Rethymnon they organize harvest festivals You can keep track of their dates on the city’s website. During the holidays there are always markets where you can buy Greek honey, wine, oil, fresh vegetables, seasonings, the famous resin mastic, natural cosmetics etc.
    • In the first half of October, Rethymno hosts renaissance festival. Its goal is to combine historical heritage and today's realities, the wisdom of generations and aspirations modern man. During the festival, theatrical performances, exhibitions, and concerts are held.

    Excursions to Rethymno at the best prices

    The most interesting excursions in Crete are routes from local residents. They are created by people who have something to tell about cities and resorts. An interesting route includes a sightseeing walk around Rethymno.

    What to try from dishes and desserts

    The old town of Rethymno is, as experts say, one continuous tavern. The already narrow streets are lined with hundreds of tables, and the menu of local restaurants is dominated by Greek cuisine. First of all, it’s worth trying, of course - here it’s called "rustic" or Khoryatiki.

    Do you like vegetables? Then order melizanosalata- a hearty and tasty salad of baked eggplants with olive oil and garlic.

    Grilled octopus is the #1 dish in Rethymnon restaurants (Crete, Greece)

    For exotic lovers - htapodi beautiful- octopus boiled in wine. If you don’t want alcohol, feel free to order grilled octopus - it’s served in almost every establishment. For a quick snack, choose souvlaki- This is a version of Greek pork kebab. If you want to have a snack on the go - order gyros is a local fast food place where tomatoes, meat and fries are wrapped in dough (tipoo). Well, if after the main course you also want dessert, then be careful. In terms of sweets, all statements about a healthy Mediterranean diet can be forgotten, because Greek desserts are very high in calories (most of them, by the way, were brought to these lands by the Turks).

    So, loukoumades- fried dough balls in syrup that taste like donuts. Kataifi, or “angel hair” - the thinnest strips of teska, like hundreds of small threads, wrapped around a nut filling. Milopita- pie with apples and cinnamon. Baklavas- a version of the familiar baklava - puff pastry, which covers a mixed nut filling, drenched in sweet syrup. Kurabiedes- Greek Christmas cookies rolled in powdered sugar.

    If you want to learn more about Cretan cuisine and products, book a tour. You will visit oil mills, get acquainted with local cosmetics based on olive oil, learn not only what the difference is between black olives and olives, but also learn how to distinguish Kalamata from calamona And crown from chondrels- just like that!

    Gyros - Cretan fast food:

    Lukumades - Greek dessert:

    Souvenirs from Rethymno - what to buy

    The classic tourist set that almost everyone takes home after a holiday in Rethymnon is local wine (ask in small, inconspicuous shops away from the center), olive oil and metaxa (Greek vodka).

    Textiles with hand embroidery (tablecloths, pillows) can be a good find. Gold and silver jewelry is also in abundance here, look for something with a Greek theme (meander patterns, images of famous archaeological finds or characters from ancient Greek myths). Wooden or ceramic dishes will be an interesting and useful souvenir. We all remember that the ancient Greeks were still potters! And their heirs are trying to keep up.

    Also, in the tourist shops of Rethymnon, pay attention to clothing for leisure - tunics, T-shirts and summer sundresses made from natural fabrics are cheaper here than in our shopping centers.

    For edibles, it is recommended to take nuts and dried fruits, olives, and sweets made from natural ingredients. Also take a closer look at leather products - the price-quality ratio is excellent, and besides, a wallet, belt or folder for papers will become not only a memorable, but also a practical souvenir.