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» Primer for walls for putty on plaster, on putty, choice of composition and processing method. How to prime walls before puttying: simple instructions and tips on choosing a material. Which primer to choose before puttingtying walls

Primer for walls for putty on plaster, on putty, choice of composition and processing method. How to prime walls before puttying: simple instructions and tips on choosing a material. Which primer to choose before puttingtying walls

June 20, 2017
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

What primer should I use under putty and how to apply it? Previously, I myself was interested in this question, but now, having gained experience, I will try to answer it in detail. In addition, I will tell you how long it takes for the primer to dry, and I will also introduce you to other nuances of working with this material.

Why prime

Many people who are faced with renovating their home for the first time are interested in whether a primer is needed or can be done without it? After all, priming not only takes time, but also increases the cost of repair work.

  • Improves adhesion. Adhesion is the adhesion of materials to each other. If adhesion is poor, the putty will begin to peel off soon after hardening or will not adhere at all.

Accordingly, the better the adhesion, the stronger and longer the putty will last;

  • Strengthens the foundation. This quality is important for crumbling, loose surfaces;

  • Prevents mold growth. The soil usually contains an antiseptic that prevents fungus from developing on the treated surface.

As you can see, in principle you can putty without a primer. However, it is impossible to guarantee a high-quality result. Therefore, if you do not want to do the job twice, you should not refuse priming.

Types of primers

For priming walls before puttying in Lately polymer, often acrylic primers are used on water based. They cope with the task perfectly, in addition, they have the following positive qualities:

  • No smell. Due to the fact that these soils are water-based, they are environmentally friendly and practically odorless;
  • Fast drying. Since water evaporates quite quickly, the drying time of the primer can range from 2-3 to 12 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment.

Keep in mind that the soils in question come in several types:

Deep penetration

These compounds are designed to strengthen the surface. They penetrate deep into the structure of the base (up to 10 centimeters) and glue the pores together. In addition, they form a film on the surface, thereby reducing consumption. finishing materials.

Therefore putties deep penetration used for porous and crumbling surfaces. In particular, it is recommended to use them before filling old plaster.


All prices in the article are current in the summer of 2017.


The name of these primers speaks for itself - they are designed to improve adhesion between building materials. This quality is due to the presence of a fine abrasive in the liquid, due to which smooth surfaces become rough after processing.



Universal primers have the properties of all the compositions described above - they improve adhesion and strengthen the base. It must be said that these compositions are the most common, since they can be applied to the following surfaces:

  • Plastered walls;
  • GCR-lined surfaces;
  • Putty walls, i.e. primer can be applied between layers of putty.

Universal primers can be applied not only to mineral substrates, but also to wood. The only thing, keep in mind that as a result of the presence of water in the composition, they lift the wood fibers. Of course, this doesn’t matter when putting putty, but before painting wooden surface will have to be sanded further.

This raises the question: what is the difference between a universal primer and an adhesive or deep penetration primer? And why do we need the latter at all, if you can use a universal composition?

The fact is that with adhesive primers and deep penetration compounds the effect is more pronounced, since they are narrowly targeted. Therefore, “universal” primers are called conditionally. In reality, they cannot replace, for example, adhesive primer.


Priming technology

Finally, let’s look at how to properly prime the surface with your own hands before filling. This operation includes 3 main stages:

The work is done like this:

Illustrations Description of actions

Surface preparation. Do not rush to prepare the primer, because first you need to tidy up the walls by following these steps:
  • If you putty cracks, they must first be widened;
  • Peeling areas of old plaster or paint must be removed;
  • Then the base must be cleaned of dust and dirt.

Soil preparation:
  • If the composition is purchased in the form of a concentrate, it must be diluted with water. Detailed information about this procedure is contained in the instructions on the package;
  • Shake the liquid thoroughly;
  • Pour the primer into a flat container. It is most convenient to use a special cuvette for this.

Surface treatment:
  • Apply the liquid in an even, thin layer using a brush or roller. Make sure that the surface is processed completely, without gaps;
  • Wait until the liquid dries. I already mentioned how long it takes for the primer to dry before applying putty - on average 2-4 hours;
  • Treat the surface again and wait until it dries.

This procedure must be repeated after applying each layer of putty. This will create a durable and reliable coating on the surface of the walls.

This completes the priming.


Now you know what primer to use for putty and how to apply it correctly. Watch the additional video in this article. If you have any questions on the topic raised, you can contact me in the comments, and I will definitely answer you.

Wall repair includes a variety of finishing and preparatory work. This includes plastering, treating with putty, painting the walls or gluing wallpaper on them. Many people consider all of the above to be mandatory measures, but for some reason not everyone remembers that a primer must be applied before puttying.

And this is in vain, because such treatment of walls brings a lot of benefits. Moreover, regardless of what they are built from. So why is it needed and how to do everything correctly with your own hands? It’s worth understanding this step by step.

Why do walls need to be primed?

A primer for puttying walls involves treating their entire area until further work is carried out on them with special compounds. They form a thin film-like layer on the surface, which:

  • increases the adhesive (adhesive) properties of walls;
  • eliminates their looseness and porosity;
  • prevents surface destruction;
  • works as an antiseptic and protects against fungi and rust;
  • does not allow moisture to be removed from the putty layer, so that after drying it will not crumble;
  • promotes subsequent uniform application of putty and plaster, due to which they are saved, and finishing decorative materials lie on the surface better and with better quality.

Before priming the walls before puttying, you need to figure out how this is done. After all, just like for others repair work, a special building material is used for this.

Choosing a primer for walls

Previously, just ordinary PVA glue was used for these purposes. It was diluted with water and then applied to the wall. Also, the primer for walls under putty was made from regular paint, which was diluted with a solvent or drying oil.

Of course, there was an effect from such compositions, but not the one that can be achieved now. After all, the industry that produces building materials is actively developing, new technologies are appearing in production, thanks to which many types of mixtures for priming surfaces have appeared on store shelves. They fit better, work more efficiently, and are much easier to use.

All primer mixtures are divided into categories based on many factors. They, in turn, include many varieties. When asked which primer to choose, you can refer to the following table:

Regardless of the type, it is better to choose a primer for putty from famous brands. If you use low-quality products, you may encounter a lot of problems when repairing walls, in the form of either swelling of the putty layer, or even worse - peeling of decorative materials.

Also, the key to the success of repair and wall work will be compliance with priming technology, so it is worth considering it carefully, especially if this event is planned to be carried out with your own hands.

Wall priming process

The primer for puttying surfaces must begin with preparation. At this stage you may need:

  • removing old coating or scraping off loose elements from the base base;
  • cleaning the surface from dirt, dust and other particles;
  • degreasing oil stains with special compounds, if any;
  • drying the walls provided they are damp.

After this, you can begin the process of preparing the primer mixture for work. This is done quite simply, since all such modern liquids are already sold ready-made. You just need to mix them well and pour them into a convenient container.

If they were purchased in concentrated form, then before that they will need to be diluted in accordance with the instructions on the packaging, where the proportional ratio of the components must be indicated.

Next, you can begin to directly apply the primer to the surface of the walls. This is done unsharp uniform movements using a construction roller on an elongated handle according to the principle from top to bottom and vice versa. The vertical strips of primer should overlap each other to prevent untreated areas.

Once the entire surface has been treated, it will take time for it to dry thoroughly. If after this it becomes dusty or other defects remain visible on it, then it is advisable to prime it again.

Depending on the initial condition of the wall, it happens that it is enough to apply one layer of the mixture to it, but often it requires priming in 3 steps. At the same time, each time it needs to be allowed to dry.

You can putty the surface after all the primer layers have dried well. But it’s also not worth delaying this event for a long time, since dust flying in the air may settle on it again. As a result of this, the walls will need to be processed again.

Thus, many have now figured out whether it is necessary to prime the walls before puttying, why this is necessary and how important such a process is. That is, when repairing walls, you definitely need to remember this stage. Moreover, this event is quite inexpensive due to the affordable cost of primer mixtures.

In addition, this stage of repair can be attributed to simple work, which are very easy to do with your own hands, even in the absence of special skills in this area. A small waste of money and effort on priming the walls in the future will help to significantly save both money and time, postponing the repeated renovation of the room for a long time.

When performing preliminary work, beginners often have questions about whether it is necessary to impregnate the plaster before applying the putty mixture and whether it is necessary to prime the walls after puttying. In fact, the answer depends on many factors, but in most cases, in both cases, a primer will not be superfluous.

Why it is needed and how to apply it correctly, we will tell you in our article.

The need for primer

For plaster

Priming and puttying walls are almost mandatory steps when preparing surfaces for painting, wallpapering or applying decorative coatings. Of course, when performing so-called non-essential work (when the fact of painting is important, and not its quality), you can do without these operations, but in most cases it is better to complete the full cycle.

As a rule, primer is applied between layers different materials. IN in this case These are layers of plaster, putty, etc.

The advantages provided by the soil laid under the finishing leveling coating are as follows:

  • Firstly, due to the polymerization of the binder, dusting of the dried plaster is reduced.
  • Secondly, the adhesion of the putty mass to the leveled wall increases to the maximum, while the quality of adhesion becomes uniform over the entire treated surface.
  • Thirdly, the base is strengthened due to the penetration of the primer into the thickness of the plaster. Of course, the penetration depth rarely exceeds a few millimeters, but this is also enough to avoid delamination.

it is almost always necessary, however, if the putty will be applied in a layer of more than 3 mm, then impregnation of the base is mandatory.
Otherwise, there is a high risk that the finishing leveling material will begin to fall off under its own weight.

For putty for painting or wallpapering

Whether it is necessary to prime the walls after puttying is another very pressing question.

And the overwhelming majority of masters answer it positively, taking into account the following considerations:

  • In this situation, just as when preparing a plastered wall for leveling, increasing adhesion is important. By treating with primers, reliable adhesion of the wall to the paint or wallpaper glue.

The thicker the paint layer and the heavier the selected wallpaper, the more reliable the primer you need to choose.

  • Secondly, the polymers that make up the priming liquids fill the pores between the particles of the base material. This filling increases the contact area between the wall and the decoration, and therefore the strength of the decor increases.

  • The penetration of the binder into the thickness of the putty also “plays in our favor”: due to the incorporation of polymers into the composition of its supporting base mechanical strength increases quite significantly.
  • For paint, one more point will be important: the treated wall absorbs paint and varnish compositions more evenly, so their application becomes more predictable.

  • The bactericidal properties of some compositions are also a definite plus. Of course, in difficult situations (high humidity, contact with environment) it is better to use special antiseptic impregnations, but for normal conditions it will be enough to buy a primer that protects against bacteria and fungi.

As you can see, priming the walls for puttying and painting is quite justified. But in order for this event to produce the desired result, it must be performed in strict accordance with the rules. We'll talk about them in the next section.

First of all, we need to decide which primer is best for walls under putty.

Despite the fact that the range of such compositions is very extensive, only a few options are suitable for our task:

  • Acrylic emulsion compositions. This variety is highly versatile, therefore it can be used both under a leveling layer and under decorative coating. The material is very easy to apply with your own hands, has virtually no odor, and dries quite quickly.

  • Mixtures based on perchlorovinyl. They are characterized by a high polymerization rate, therefore they are rarely used to prepare walls for decoration. At the same time, perchlorovinyl primer is well suited for fixing the base for putty.
  • Polystyrene materials. They provide high strength to the treated base, therefore they are mainly used for facade finishing. At the same time, these compounds are very toxic, so the instructions recommend that all work be carried out in personal protective equipment and exclusively in the fresh air.
  • Polyvinyl acetate primers. This type of material is the fastest drying - no more than half an hour passes from application to finishing. However, such products can only be used to prepare walls for the application of PVA-based paints.

Also, thinly diluted paint or wallpaper glue can be applied to the putty as a fixative (depending on the planned finish).
And yet such measures are forced, so it is better to use specialized compounds.

Processing technique

The technology of applying a primer to the surface itself is not complicated. If you decide to do all the finishing yourself, then this process can be considered one of the least labor-intensive.

Still, some rules should be followed:

  • At the first stage, we level as efficiently as possible load-bearing walls plaster. In this case, all large irregularities must be eliminated and surface defects must be masked.

The strength of the leveling layer should not be lower than the strength of the finish, otherwise cracks will inevitably appear!

  • Then dry the plaster thoroughly. This can take from several hours to several days, depending on what composition was used for the job.
  • Apply the base primer to the dried layer. To apply, use a wide brush or spray bottle.
  • As for dust removal, only large accumulations of dust particles need to be removed. Minor dusting will be eliminated due to polymerization of the soil.
  • After the primer has dried, we begin to putty the wall for painting or wallpapering. During the puttying process, we need to obtain a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

When applying the leveling material, we try not to exceed the maximum permissible layer thickness, otherwise no primer will help us - cracks will definitely appear.

  • We prime the dried putty again, this time for painting. Since primers are relatively inexpensive, it is recommended to apply two preliminary coats. This will ensure a more secure fixation of the base.

And only after the second layer has dried, the wall can be painted or wallpapered.


High-quality primer of walls before puttying and before application finishing is a guarantee that the repair will be successful, and we will consolidate its results for quite a long time.

It is not worth saving time and money on this operation: the benefit will be insignificant, but in the future we risk getting a lot of problems that will ultimately result in a complete rework. The video in this article contains several practical recommendations, so you should study it very carefully before starting work.

Experts say that priming the walls before puttying is a mandatory stage of preparatory work, although to an ignorant person this work may seem like a waste of time and money. In order to cast doubts aside, you need to understand why this coating is needed, what functions it performs and whether it needs to be primed before puttying.

Why do you need a primer before putty?

Coating a wall with a primer serves several purposes simultaneously. This layer:

  1. Provides strong adhesion between putty and wall
  2. Saves material consumption
  3. Improves the quality of the result
  4. Guarantees durability of the putty layer

Mixtures that are used to prime walls before puttying contain cementing components and fine sand. This creates on smooth wall necessary roughness, ensures reliable bonding of materials. Otherwise, the applied layer may not be properly fixed, which will cause it to crack and fall off. Applying putty directly to the wall will require more material consumption, since the mixture will initially be absorbed, filling microscopic voids in plaster, wood, concrete, and other materials. The primer eliminates this process.

Anyone who has tried to learn how to properly putty walls () knows that the most difficult thing in this work is creating a uniform layer. The primer levels the wall surfaces, which greatly simplifies the task. The putty is better distributed over the surface, providing a high-quality result. This material, being absorbed into the plaster and wall, protects it from moisture penetration. Therefore, the finish retains its integrity longer.

How to prime walls before puttingty

There are several types of primers, now you will find out which primer to use before puttying. The purpose and properties of the materials depend on the base of the mixture. She may be:

  • Mineral
  • Acrylic
  • Alkyd
  • Polystyrene, etc.

In roughing, which is required for leveling walls made of concrete, gas silicate blocks, brick, plastered surfaces, a primer created on mineral based. The addition of cement to such mixtures allows them to increase adhesion and provide reliable grip.

Acrylic primers are universal. They are suitable for treating any surface:

  • Plastered
  • Cement
  • Concrete
  • Plasterboard
  • Painted

The acrylic copolymer base guarantees perfect adhesion. Additional advantage The material is fast drying, which reduces production time finishing works.

Primers made on an alkyd basis also have universal properties. These mixtures are used in both roughing and secondary processing. Alkyd primers contain ingredients that prevent rust formation, making such mixtures excellent for treating metal surfaces.

Polystyrene primers can be used on plastered walls. But due to their high toxicity, indoors such mixtures are not used.

There are special types of primers to which components are added that prevent mold from appearing, prevent damage to the ceiling under the influence of nicotine, etc.

How to prime walls before puttingty

Putty is the final stage preparing the walls for final finishing. These materials are applied in a thin layer. Therefore, if there are deep unevenness or differences on the surfaces, it is initially carried out. Only after this is the primer applied. The work will require:

  • Primer
  • Capacity
  • Brush
  • Roller
  • Respirator

If there are contaminants on the surface, they must be removed before priming. Then the walls need to be moistened. To do this, the surface is treated with a sponge dipped in water. The primer can be applied to the wall with a brush. But the roller allows you to significantly speed up the process. With its help, the mixture is distributed more evenly. The brush is used for processing corners, other hard to reach places. The resulting primer layer should be thin. Do not allow material to accumulate in certain places. If leaks appear, they must be removed immediately. The applied wall primer must be completely dry before plastering the walls. Drying time is indicated on the product packaging. It may depend not only on the composition, but also on air temperature and humidity.

Before finishing work, you need to prepare the surface. Many people believe that when cosmetic repairs It is enough to plaster the walls, then paint or wallpaper. Priming the walls before puttying promotes better adhesion of materials, removes dust from the surface, and reduces the consumption of finishing raw materials.

Benefits of priming walls

The question often arises whether it is necessary to prime the walls before puttying. Saving time and money at this stage can lead to the finishing material falling off soon.

The primer penetrates deeply into the pores and small cracks of the surface, facilitating easier application of the finishing material.


  • the primer, penetrating into the pores, makes the material more dense and durable;
  • building elements adhere better to each other;
  • prevents the absorption of moisture from plaster mortars, due to this finishing material is consumed more economically;
  • ensures uniform application of raw materials used for finishing.

Types of primer

Some people still dilute PVA glue the old fashioned way and prime the walls with it, but this method is not always justified. From the right choice The primer depends on the final result of the finishing work. The question arises, which primer is best for walls under putty. It depends on the materials from which the walls are built.

To decide which primer to use before puttingty, you need to study the characteristics of the mixtures:

Type of primerProperties
1 Universal acrylicSuitable for priming walls under putty. The surface must be clean and level. Dry within 4-5 hours. They have no smell.
2 Acrylic deep penetrationThey penetrate deeply into the pores of materials, eliminating their looseness and porosity. Suitable for treating drywall and other highly absorbent surfaces. Recommended for priming walls in rooms with high humidity.
3 EmulsionThey are odorless, dry quickly and can be diluted with water. Suitable for treating surfaces of any material.
4 AlkydNot suitable for application on gypsum and plaster walls, but are the best option for covering wood surfaces. Dries in 14-16 hours depending on the temperature and humidity in the room.

How to prime the walls before puttying is up to everyone to decide for themselves. It is better to purchase mixtures from trusted manufacturers, focusing on the material from which the walls are made.

Compliance with surface priming technology is the key to successful repair work. Each manufacturer indicates on the label what materials it is suitable for. specific type primers, its consumption per m2, recommendations for application.

Selecting a primer depending on the wall material

The primer for putty is selected depending on the material from which the walls are made and functional purpose premises. Before answering the question of how to properly prime walls, you need to decide on the optimal choice suitable composition for the raw materials from which the wall is built.

Which primer to use before puttying each specific material:

Wall material, type of premisesType of primer
1 Smooth concrete surfaces coated with oil paintConcrete contact or other mixtures containing abrasive particles that help impart roughness to the surface.
2 Metal surfacesAnti-corrosion primers prevent the appearance of rust.
3 Wood wallsAcrylic, water-based, shellac mixtures, and drying oil are suitable. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of additives that protect wood from damage by insects and fungal infections.
4 Wet and poorly heated visitsAntibacterial mixtures will protect the surface from mold formation.

Applying a primer for wall putty is a mandatory step.

Surface preparation

Surface preparation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Remove wallpaper, remove old plaster or other finishing raw materials.
  • Clean off all weakly adherent Construction Materials, clean out swelling and loose areas.
  • Rust stains must be cleaned down to the base, otherwise they will appear on the surface. Some experts advise painting over all visible areas with paint. metal elements so that rust spots do not appear later.
  • Protruding reinforcement and metal fasteners are treated with anti-corrosion compounds.
  • Degreases greasy stains.
  • Cracks and dents are filled with cement-sand mortar or putty. After drying, sand it down with sandpaper.

From quality training the surface depends on the durability of the finish and the good adhesion of the primer and putty to the surface.


To the question whether it is necessary to prime before puttying, there is a clear answer: this is a mandatory step when performing construction work.

The applied primer before puttying promotes compaction, dust removal of the wall and improves the adhesion of materials.

Before applying primer under the putty, you need to prepare a roller or wide brush in advance. It will be more convenient if you have a tool with a long handle, otherwise you will have to use a stepladder to reach the surface under the ceiling.

The surfaces of a large plane are treated with a roller, and a brush is used in the corners and at the junctions of walls and ceilings.

When using a roller, you will need a special tray into which the mixture is poured. The primer for walls under putty is selected, as mentioned above, depending on the material, structure of the walls and functional features of the room.

The finished mixture is poured into a container, the concentrated mixture is diluted according to the instructions on the label, dry formulations are diluted with water to the required consistency.

Apply the composition in strips using a roller. The solution should evenly cover the entire surface, there should be no untreated areas left. You need to make sure that vertical stripes the soils at the edges overlapped each other.

Sometimes it is necessary to apply several layers of solution. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried. At a temperature of 22-24 degrees, the surface drying time is about 4 hours.

The primer and putty must be of high quality. Puttying of the surface begins after the primed walls have completely dried. It is not recommended to delay the time between these two stages, as the wall will become covered with dust, which will prevent the putty from adhering to the surface. In this case, you will have to apply the primer again.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Many people ask the question whether it is necessary to prime between layers of putty, what is applied first, putty or primer. It is recommended to apply primer to the surface after each stage of work:

  • After the surface, the walls are treated with a primer, sometimes several layers are required (the surface should stop dusting and have a uniform color). The solution is applied in a thin layer, distributed so that there are no drips.
  • Putty the walls. about a day, usually several layers of the starting mixture are applied.
  • after puttying it allows you to make the layer more durable. It is applied to a dry surface.

How to determine that the wall is well prepared for subsequent work. To do this, you need to rub it with your finger. If a dirty mark remains, this means you need to apply another coat of primer.

Many people are interested in whether a primer or putty is first applied to the drywall. You need to apply primer first, then putty and then primer again.

There are disputes among builders about whether it is necessary to prime the walls after finishing putty. This operation is performed at the discretion of the master. The finishing putty is a fairly dense smooth layer, no thicker than 2 mm, primed depending on what finishing material will be used in the next step. Before wallpapering, you can treat the surface directly with wallpaper glue diluted with water according to the manufacturer's instructions.

When applying a primer solution under the putty, its absorbency decreases and strength increases. As a result, the material used for finishing is saved.

There are rules for processing each material. Not every mixture is suitable for metal or wood.

Some tips on how to prime walls before puttying:

  • treated with deep penetration mixtures, this helps to reduce its absorbency.
  • The fastener heads and joints of plasterboard sheets are leveled with putty and rubbed sandpaper. The caps can be painted over or coated with primer with anti-corrosion properties.
  • Used for wood walls waterproofing mixtures. They protect the material from deformation and rotting under the influence of moisture.
  • Treating walls made of fresh wood with shellac will prevent the release of resin and hide the difference in shades.
  • A primer after putty will allow you to get a denser and more durable layer. Putty the surface with a thin layer of a special putty mixture. It is better to apply several thin layers (each subsequent after the previous one has dried) than one thick one.
  • It is better to carry out work at an air temperature of more than +5 degrees.
  • It is not recommended to mix formulations from different manufacturers. They may have the same purpose, but differ in chemical composition. Mixing often leads to a deterioration or change in their properties.

The first three days after filling the walls, it is necessary to protect the room from humidity, drafts, hypothermia and sudden drying. IN winter period It is not recommended to turn on additional electrical appliances at this time.

To save material consumption and time, you can use a spray bottle. With its help, you can quickly and efficiently prime walls for putty.

It is necessary to prime the putty before to ensure high-quality adhesion (setting) of the paint. In addition, this stage guarantees the uniformity of the layer and shade when the paint is absorbed, and, accordingly, its uniform application in layers.

You can watch the video on how to prime walls:

Before carrying out construction work, it is important to understand whether to apply primer or putty first. Primer is a mandatory step when performing repair work. Treating the surface with primer does not require specific skills, helps reduce the consumption of finishing materials and extends their service life.