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» How to paint walls with vertical stripes. How to paint walls beautifully: the secrets of professionals

How to paint walls with vertical stripes. How to paint walls beautifully: the secrets of professionals

Tired of plain walls? Would you like to learn how to paint stripes or even checkered walls using only a roller and masking tape? Read our new article!

Choose a high quality tape that will keep the paint from bleeding underneath and that can be removed without damaging the underlying paint. For achievement best results apply paint on light layers, but take care that the paint is not too thin.
For streaks, use wide masking tape to divide the surface into parallel rows for neat painting. To get a checkered pattern, stick the tape and paint parallel rows in one color, first in one direction and then in the other.


  • Level
  • Pencil
  • Roulette
  • Small paint roller
  • Brush or paint roller used to apply the first coat of paint
  • Latex or art acrylic paint
  • masking tape
  • sponge applicator

Striped walls

Apply the first coat of paint in the desired color. Let the paint dry completely.

With a pencil, using a level, mark the first strip with light vertical lines. Place the masking tape between the lines and press the edges firmly to ensure a good grip.

Measure from the first stripe and draw parallel lines for the remaining stripes of the first color. Use a level to draw vertical lines. Apply painter's tape.

Color stripes brush, small roller or sponge applicator’ Allow the paint to dry.
Remove masking tape from painted strips. Repeat the process for additional colors.

Apply the first coat of a low to medium gloss latex enamel in the desired color. Let the paint dry. Measure and mark the vertical and horizontal lines for the rows of the first color. Draw light lines with a pencil on a level or level with a ruler. Use a plaid or plaid fabric as a template to determine the size and arrangement of the rows.
Place and firmly press the masking tape between the horizontal lines to give the edges of the tape a good grip.

Thin the first color with water, acrylic filler or latex paint conditioner. The paint should be slightly translucent when applied. Use the sponge applicator to paint over the horizontal stripes. Move the applicator from one end of the strip to the other, applying the paint in thin lines that mimic a fabric pattern. Let the paint dry and then remove the tape.
Apply masking tape to make vertical stripes. With the same color and the same as for the horizontal stripes, paint over the vertical stripes. Let the paint dry and then remove the tape.
Mark with lines horizontal and vertical stripes that will be painted in a different color. Repeat steps 2-4.

repeat this operation for coloring horizontal and vertical stripes of all other colors.


  • Paint brush or roller
  • Roulette
  • Level or level with ruler
  • Pencil
  • sponge applicator
  • Low to medium gloss latex enamel used for first coat application
  • Plaid or plaid fabric
  • masking tape
  • latex or artistic acrylic paints used for coloring stripes

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Repair is an opportunity to express yourself, show your imagination and show an understanding of style. This is also a chance not just to decorate the home, but to make it more cozy and comfortable. However, few people know how to beautifully paint the walls and make them really attractive.

You can paint the walls with your own hands in several ways (see), but it will look most original - striped coloring and gradient painting using the “ombre” technique.

Striped coloring allows you to transform every room, give it a special, unique design and let your imagination run wild. Moreover, you can paint with even stripes of the same color, make transitions or create waves with many shades and colors. The simplest and most common method would be to paint the walls in stripes, which are one color and do not mix.

Visually, such stripes will expand the space, make it more attractive and original. The stripes can be applied in different or equal widths. In any case, for such work, one more material will be required - masking tape.

On a note! Lines of the same color must be made strictly horizontally or vertically.

When deciding how to paint striped walls, determine how much you want to visually expand the room. If it already has big size, you should pay attention not only to the combination of colors, but also the direction of the stripes.

With the help of bright light stripes, you can create a harmonious and interesting design. Wide stripes will make the interior classic and cozy. A single wide strip in the center of the wall, horizontally or vertically, can improve the dynamics of the room and completely transform it.

Preparatory work

Before painting the walls, prepare the surface. Old wallpaper or paint is washed off the walls with appropriate liquids. If it is wallpaper, it is enough to soften it with water and wipe it off with a spatula. For paint, you will need to use special solvents or mixtures.

Important! Nothing superfluous should remain on the wall - any old finish should be removed. Also, all irregularities are eliminated.

Removal old finishimportant point preparing walls for painting

The surface is leveled due to putty and plaster (with large differences and cracks). Before puttying, a layer of primer should be applied, which will not only show all the irregularities, but also increase adhesion. The leveled, putty-coated wall is also covered with primer, which will increase adhesion and facilitate the application of the selected paint.

Technology and nuances of staining

Before you paint the walls in stripes, markup should be applied. This is done using simple pencil and a long line. The correctness of the applied lines is checked by the level. Then masking tape is glued along the marking line, which will be responsible for the evenness of the staining and will not allow the paint to step over the edges.

Marking the wall for painting in stripes can be done using the building level

The tool for work is selected depending on the width of the strips. If the strips are narrow, staining will be a more convenient method. paint brush, which will not unnecessarily “go beyond” the edges of the markup. Wide stripes are applied with a roller to save time and speed up the procedure.

On a note! In the process, the paint will get a little on the edges of the adhesive tape. There is no need to be afraid that it will appear on the wall, because the adhesive tape specifically provides for such a procedure, and any kind of paint cannot impregnate the material of the product.

The choice of paint application tool depends on the width of the strips

Work begins from the far corners and close window openings, breaking the room into segments or squares and carefully painting over them. Each square or segment should have the same layer of paint as the previous one, while during operation it is possible to visually assess the degree of readiness and the need to add mortar.

Some nuances:

  1. All surfaces that will not be painted are covered. The floor, so as not to pollute, can be covered with old newspapers or oilcloth, the ceiling is also covered with a film. To attach the protective material to the ceiling, and in some cases to the floor, masking tape is used.
  2. When applying the first stripes, as well as in further work, one should be guided by a single principle - the adhesive tape is removed after half an hour or an hour (no more) after work. In this case, the adhesive product will be the easiest to remove, as well as touch up the surface if the adhesive tape makes waves or catches part of the paint.
  3. During operation, the tool must be dipped into the paint not very deep, and also squeezed well so that streaks do not form, since it will not work beautifully if there are streaks.

Masking tape must be removed no later than one hour after painting the wall.

Ombre technique or gradient painting

Currently, gradient wall painting is quite popular. This approach will make the room really attractive, but it will also require effort from its owner. Moreover, there are also certain difficulties and nuances that must be observed when painting with a transition. Conditionally this technology can be divided into six steps or stages, the implementation of which is mandatory.

Gradient wall painting

Stage number 1.

At this stage, a light shade is applied. Moreover, it should be applied to the entire wall evenly, creating a basic dense coating. This color should be chosen with the utmost care, as it will help to correct blemishes when applying other colors and create a "cloudy" effect. Quite often, the base for painting walls with a gradient is made in blue.

Stage number 2.

At this stage, the darkest shade is applied. As a rule, it is applied to the lower part of the wall (about 1/4). During application, you do not need to strive for a perfectly even strip, you can even make small waves.

On a note! Even “careless” painting of the walls with a transition of waves (spots) will reduce flaws and make the design more original.

Stage number 4.

On the this stage a transition is created using a mixed dark and light shade. The transition is applied to the second quarter of the wall, partially affecting the first, already painted in a dark color.

Creating a transition when painting walls with a gradient

Stage number 5.

This step is considered the most important. During it, an average shade is applied to the third quarter of the wall from the bottom. To smooth the transitions, you can take a little light shade and lightly touch the roller to “blur” the border.

Stage number 6.

At the last stage, you need to prepare a soft and hard brush. They will be needed to bring the painting with the transition to perfection. Moreover, everything is smoothed and aligned in two steps:

  • paint that has not yet dried completely with a soft brush is “corrected” with respect to the desired effect;
  • layers that have already hardened are processed (including transitions) with a stiff brush for the best effect.

The use of a brush allows you to gently blur the borders of the transition

On a note! You can paint with a transition not only from the bottom up, but vice versa, while reducing the intensity. This will create an amazing effect, especially if the wave staining technique is used.

Horizontal ombre or even mixing clear transitions with waves will allow you to create an individual style. The main thing is to periodically evaluate big picture. Also, this technique will interesting solution when creating furniture or dyeing fabrics.

For a better understanding of the process, we suggest watching a video that demonstrates the transition painting technique step by step.

Thus, painting walls with a transition or even stripes is an easy task that anyone can do. All it takes is a little time, effort and imagination. Show your imagination, create and create really interesting, original and bright individual design for every room in your home.

Repair in an apartment or house is a responsible process. Much attention is paid to the design of the walls. Today, most people prefer to paint their walls. This is not surprising, since the application of paint does not require a lot of time. The coating is durable.

The greatest popularity is now beginning to acquire striped wall painting. Many do not know how to paint striped walls with their own hands correctly. Unlike the usual standard application of stripes, it requires some care and compliance with the most important rules, without which the result will not be of high quality.

Wall preparation

Before proceeding with painting the walls, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surfaces. As a rule, the walls to be painted should be perfectly even. This is especially true for walls on which stripes are supposed to be made. Curved walls visually distort the stripes, which in the end will look inorganic.

So, first, the walls are completely freed from the old coating. If it is wallpaper, then they must be torn off along with the paper, if any, under them. If there was paint under the wallpaper, it is necessary to use a special solution that provokes swelling old paint and allows you to remove it completely and easily.

After that, it is necessary to try to remove loosely fitting old plaster and putty. If this is not done, then they will eventually fall off and break the wall. If the material is held securely, you can not touch it. Next, the walls are covered with a primer, sealed and puttied, and, if necessary, leveled. In conclusion, you need to generously apply another layer of primer and wait for it to be completely absorbed.

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Design Choice

The next step is choosing a specific stripe design and marking them on the walls. First decide on the width. Wide striped walls can make a room look smaller. A lot of narrow stripes will make the room colorful, which is not always desirable. The best option is to use strips of medium thickness, alternating them with thinner or thicker ones.

If you have low ceilings, give your preference to vertical stripes. At high ceilings You can use horizontal stripes. But you need to be careful, because if you do not want to make the entire wall striped, but only a separate section of it, you need to abandon the horizontal lines. Then the best option there will be a choice of alternating vertical stripes.

It is important to immediately decide colors. Stripes can be either the same color or different. A very large contrast will give the room a variegation. Experienced designers recommend either choosing colors that are similar to each other, or focusing on gradients. Whatever color you choose, a dark to light gradient will give the room a sense of lightness and mystery. And it always looks pretty cozy.

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Line marking

After that, you need to paint the wall in the main color, which will be the base. It should also go well with the color of the stripes. It is better to stop at matte paint, and then make the stripes glossy - so they will look more impressive. Leave the walls to dry for about three days.

Now you can start marking the walls for applying stripes.

It can be very difficult for beginners to properly mark a striped wall, since in this work it is extremely important to make sure that all lines are fairly even. Therefore, for markup, stock up on tools such as:

  • roulette;
  • chalk or a simple pencil;
  • masking tape;
  • building level;
  • plumb;
  • small ruler for small measurements.

First, figure out how many stripes you want to see on the walls. How thick should the stripes be? Then mark down from the top of the wall with a tape measure and chalk (pencil). Remember to use a plumb line if the strips are vertical, or a spirit level if they are horizontal.

When the lines are applied, masking tape must be glued along their edges. At the same time, it must be applied so that the main lines that will be painted in separate colors are protected on both sides by strips of adhesive tape. So you will get them even, and the paint will not fall on nearby stripes.

When sticking adhesive tape, it is important to observe a few important rules. First of all, you need to try to firmly press the adhesive tape to the wall. It is good to use a spatula for this. If this is neglected, then the paint will fall under the tape. Then the lines you get with jagged edges. And it will be very difficult to fix it later.

The second rule is to protect the floor and ceiling well from paint from stripes. To do this, the joints are carefully glued with adhesive tape. This is especially important if the ceiling is already finished. It is difficult to fix the ingress of paints on the ennobled ceiling, so take care of protection in advance.

One of the newfangled trends in interior design is the stripe on the walls. It would seem that there is nothing more elementary and simpler than a straight line. In fact, painting the walls in stripes is not exactly an easy task. You can verify this if you carefully study the instructions before painting the walls in stripes.

If there is an intention to see the walls striped, then it is important to pay attention to the fact that the different arrangement of the stripes on the wall will be perceived in completely different ways. So, vertical stripes will visually increase the height of the wall surface between the ceiling and the floor, while horizontal stripes will give a feeling of freedom and spaciousness. In other words, painting the walls in stripes involves a choice:

  • the direction in which it is preferable to see the stripes on the walls in the room;
  • places where the strips will be placed (on the entire surface or on one wall);
  • the effect of the action - a visually high or spacious room.

We paint the walls in stripes: preparation for the main work

The first step is to analyze the existing surface on which you plan to place the lines. The surface texture can also be painted ( water-based paint, enamel, etc.), paper (pasted with wallpaper) or something else.

Whatever the surface, it must first be prepared: cleaned of dirt (dust, cobwebs), remove old wallpaper, if necessary, restore plaster defects, remove peeling paint. Then a primer is applied and allowed to dry.

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Choosing a stripe design

The number of straight lines, their width and colors depend entirely on personal preferences, creative imagination and to a large extent from the possibilities.

There are a lot of options for how the striped composition will be located, starting from one strip around the entire perimeter and ending with wide stripes from floor to ceiling (from corner to corner). Unit lines are a common technique and are often used to separate a panel area.

Originality is distinguished by the pattern formed various shades one color segment. It is better if the shades will gradually and consistently replace one another, starting from light to dark, and vice versa. If you darken the bottom, an illusion of a bowl will be created, with a darkened top - a pyramidal effect.

The color of the stripes is chosen, relying more on your own taste and interior parameters. Some undesirable moments should be taken into account, which can be obtained quite unexpectedly by experimenting with color. For example, if the lighting in the room is subdued, then the cold tone of blue will give the impression of an unattractive "gray" environment.

Warm tones - peach, apricot, caramel. Their companion colors are turquoise, sea ​​waves. It looks beautiful combination of burgundy, beige and pink colors.

It is not always appropriate to use many narrow stripes. Especially if each of them has its own shade. For visual perception there will be a sensation of a clear color oversaturation. In such a colorful space, it is unlikely that anyone will have a feeling of comfortable stay in it.

You should decide in advance at what interval the lines will alternate, and also set the sequence of the composition by color.

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We paint the walls in stripes ourselves

Hand-painted wall painting in a line is within the power of most people, but not everyone House master is aware of the subtleties of coloring surfaces with a striped pattern. To facilitate the task, we will describe the entire sequence of actions as detailed as possible.

For work you will need to prepare:

  • measuring tape;
  • chopping cord (or twine of light colors);
  • colored chalk for pigmenting twine;
  • simple pencil;
  • many buttons;
  • builder level;
  • a shallow plastic bath;
  • short pile roller;
  • masking tape;
  • fly brush;
  • rag.

Painting walls in a line is best done with a partner. Since this will affect the quality of the work performed, and so it is necessary for safety reasons.

It is also quite possible for one person to master everything, but the procedure will be carried out without a hydraulic level.

Instructions for work:

  1. Taking a tape measure, measure the desired width for the strip.
  2. From one corner of the wall to the other, a chopping cord or twine dyed with colored chalk is stretched and fastened with buttons. With the assistance of the level, the plane is adjusted. If everything matches, pull the center of the cord a couple of centimeters and release. The line marked on the wall in a similar way will protrude as one of the boundaries of the future strip. These steps are repeated as many times as necessary.
  3. Masking tape is glued along the resulting boundary designations. This technique allows you to create a clear and uniform demarcation, and when staining eliminates the formation of smudges.
  4. When staining, the main actions are performed with a roller, corrective - with a brush.
  5. After waiting for the paint to dry completely, the masking tape is torn off the surface of the walls.

If there is only one bath, what do they do in this case? Of course, before filling it with paint, polyethylene or foil material is laid inside. After working through one color, the film is taken out of the tray and thrown away. In place of the former, a new one is laid under a different color of paint.

After studying the intricacies of having stripes, you can safely get to work.

Happy repair!

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Do-it-yourself striped wall painting technology

Stripes on the walls have long been a classic. This technique can be found in many styles of interior design. It is especially often used in classical, vintage style, pop art and country. Although it is not necessary to design your interior in a certain style. The main thing is that the strip looks like an addition to it.

This design of the walls is appropriate when you need to visually adjust the room. For example, if the ceilings in the apartment are too low, then you can paint the walls in vertical stripes. She will make the ceilings visually higher. A horizontal strip will “lower” the ceiling a little and make the room longer. In this article, I will tell you how to paint striped walls

Paint or wallpaper?

In modern stores finishing materials you can find a fairly good selection of striped wallpaper. Of course, you can buy and paste wallpaper. But finding stripes of the right width and with the right combination of colors can be very problematic. That is why most often resort to painting the walls. For this they buy white paint and colors of the desired colors, with the help of which you yourself will easily make a shade of paint of the desired color and intensity. Also, painting gives you the advantage of choosing the width of the stripes.

Coloring technology

Wall painting in stripes takes place in several stages.


At the first stage, you need to carefully consider how wide the stripes will be, how they will be located, what colors can be successfully combined. If you make multi-colored stripes, then the room may turn out to be too colorful. Therefore, most often the stripes are made in the same color, but different shades. For example, blue and cyan or pink and red. In some cases, you can make an even less flashy transition by using paint of the same color, but of different qualities, that is, take glossy and matte paint. This option is ideal for a modern or classic interior.

Three or more colors can be used when painting. But you need to be very careful in their combinations so as not to introduce an imbalance in the room.

Next, you need to make small calculations - measure the length and width of the walls that you are going to paint and divide them by the width of the strips. If an integer number of stripes does not work out, then you will have to work out their width a little. You can slightly increase or decrease it. Alternatively, the stripes can be made in different widths. For example, you paint a wall blue and blue. You can make the blue stripes a little narrower blue.

By the way, it is especially fashionable now to make wide stripes. Their width can be up to 30 centimeters.

Be sure to draw on paper a plan for the location of the stripes on the wall with the dimensions applied. This will help you not to get confused in the process.

base color

The base color is usually lighter. For example, if you are painting a wall with creamy brown stripes, cream will be the base color.

So, choose a base color and paint the walls in it. Since the base color, as a rule, is quite light, the wall should be light before painting. If you had dark paint on the walls, then you must first remove it or cover it with white paint.

Before applying the next layer, be sure to wait for the base color to dry completely.

Wall marking

Now you are waiting for a very important part of the work. You need to put markings on the walls. Be sure to use a spirit level so that the stripes are perfectly even. Vertical lines are applied from top to bottom, horizontal - from corner to corner.

masking tape

At the next stage, you need to stick masking tape inside the strips of the base color so that the paint does not get on them. Stick the tape exactly along the previously drawn lines. You also need to paste over the joints of the ceiling and walls, walls and floor with masking tape so that the paint does not get on them.


Now you can start painting the stripes with the second color. If your stripes are narrow, then you need to work with a comfortable brush. It is much more convenient to work with wide stripes, since you can use a roller.

If the strips do not differ much in color, then the paint can be applied in one layer. If they are very different in color, then you may have to apply two layers.

When painting stripes, don't be afraid to get on the masking tape. This even needs to be done so that the stripes are evenly dyed. Apply paint from top to bottom.

Removing masking tape

And finally The final stage. Now you need to remove the masking tape. And, without waiting for the paint to dry. If the paint dries, it may crack a little when the tape is removed, and instead of an even connection, you get ugly notches. Remove the tape very carefully so as not to damage the coatings. This work is completed.

Three color wall painting

When painting a wall in three or more colors, there will be no difficulties either. Coloring is done in the same way. The base color is sealed with masking tape. Next, each strip is painted in its own color and the tape is carefully removed. That's all wisdom.

Creative wall painting

By the same principle, you can create a unique pattern. You just need to connect your imagination, and you can turn ordinary stripes on the walls into a herringbone, diagonal stripes, a cage, or whatever your heart desires.

For example, if you like thin stripes more, then cover the wall with a base color. Then apply masking tape and apply a layer of the second color. After removing the tape, you will have a wall painted in a thin strip.

You can stick tape in the form of squares or diamonds. As you stick the tape, you will get such a pattern. It all depends on your imagination.

So, on this our painting work is completed. If this is your first time painting striped walls, then it does not hurt to first practice on a piece of plywood. This will give you the opportunity to evaluate the quality of the paint and the result of the color combination. Then you can safely take on the coloring of the walls.