Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Characteristic personality traits of an officer. Personal qualities of an officer. “A person must know everything about something and something about everything”

Characteristic personality traits of an officer. Personal qualities of an officer. “A person must know everything about something and something about everything”

When choosing a new home, you should definitely take into account the criminal situation in your future area of ​​residence. This will not protect you 100% from encountering robbers, but it will still minimize the possibility of an unpleasant incident. Moscow specialists in real estate transactions have compiled a rating of places in the capital that are unfavorable for living in terms of crime. We bring to our readers' attention the most dangerous areas of Moscow. The rating is based on data from the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate and an analysis of the criminal situation based on the ethnic composition of the district population, psychological comfort and surrounding infrastructure.

They open a rating of the most dangerous areas of the capital. There are many industrial enterprises here, often abandoned. The most dangerous areas are the market area with a large number of illegal immigrants and the railway station area. A large number of migrants working in the market creates a tense psychological situation in the area. Walking on the streets at night in this area is unsafe.

– in 9th place on the list of the most dangerous areas of Moscow. It was included in the rating not only because of the large number of crimes committed here, but also due to the unfavorable environmental situation. For Kapotny, the biggest disadvantage is the proximity to an oil refinery. In addition, the area borders the Moscow Ring Road. Experts note the poor transport accessibility of the area, whose residents, even in the future, cannot hope for a metro station to appear in Kapotny in the near future. There is a correctional colony and the “Gardener” market on the territory of the district. Such proximity also does not make Kapotnya attractive.

Strange as it may seem, one of the most dangerous areas of the capital is. The reason for the high crime rate of one of the central regions lies in the large concentration of marginalized individuals here. Because of them, the crime rate in Arbat is higher than in other areas of the Central Administrative District. Old Arbat is a favorite place for tourists, who often become victims of many criminals.

Seventh place in the ranking of the most dangerous areas of Moscow belongs to Tverskoy area. The center of the capital attracts a huge number of visitors, who, in turn, attract many criminals like a magnet - from petty swindlers and swindlers to extortionists and robbers.

In 6th place on the list of the most dangerous areas of Moscow is. The reason for the large number of crimes committed here is the high concentration of socially dangerous elements - drug addicts, thieves, alcoholics. Most often, extortion and robbery occur here. Kuzminsky Park, located in the area, on the one hand, is a great place for relaxation and walks. On the other hand, it is an area of ​​numerous criminal incidents.

It ranks fifth in the list of the most crime-prone areas of the capital. The most common crimes recorded here are theft, theft and robbery. There are several areas in the area that attract offenders - a railway station, a car park and a market. The State University of Management is also a “hot” spot; clashes between students are common here.

It ranks 4th among the most dangerous areas of the capital. A large number of thefts, robberies, robberies and extortions occur here. Bitsevsky Park, which the area borders, is both an advantage and a source of increased danger. He regularly appears in crime reports. At the same time, the area attracts with its good environmental conditions and well-developed infrastructure.

It is in third place in the ranking of the most dangerous areas of Moscow. A large number of thefts are recorded here. Adding to the headaches for local residents is the former Cherkizovsky market, which is now in an abandoned state and practically unguarded, the Vernissage antique market and bus stations. In Izmailovo there is a large forest park - a large territory, practically not controlled by anyone, where many crimes are committed. At the same time, relatively inexpensive housing, good environmental conditions and developed infrastructure make the area attractive for buying an apartment here.

It takes second place in the ranking of the most disadvantaged and dangerous areas for living in Moscow. There is an unfavorable ecological situation here. The area borders the Moscow Ring Road, so many migrant workers settle here, which directly affects the deterioration of the criminal situation in Golyanovo. The most common crimes that occur here are robberies and assaults. Pensioners are often victims of criminals. The bus station located in the area attracts many pickpockets and scammers of all stripes.

In 1st place on the list of the most dangerous areas of Moscow is. Up to 20 crimes are committed here every day: petty thefts, fights, robberies. The reason for the high crime rate in the area is due to a combination of several factors:

  • complex infrastructure - many industrial zones are concentrated here;
  • the presence of several markets where many illegal immigrants work. They, in turn, prefer to settle close to their place of work.

At the same time, Northern and Southern Chertanovo have a well-developed infrastructure, there are many objects of social significance, and there is practically no dilapidated housing stock.

There are also quiet places in Moscow where there is a minimal amount of crime. The safest places to live are considered to be areas of new buildings, where there is a more homogeneous social environment. The quietest areas of the capital include Marfino, Maryino, Mitino, Teply Stan, Yuzhnoye Butovo.

  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation09.00.11
  • Number of pages 192

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Personality of the Russian officer: traditions and modernity: Social and philosophical analysis”

CHAPTER I. Methodological problems of studying the personality of an officer in philosophy. 9

1.1. Specificity of the human problem in social philosophy.

1.2. Philosophical science about the essence of an officer’s personality 25 (content, structure and functions).

1.3. Activity approach: formation of the personality of a Russian officer in the context of professional 52 culture.

1.4. A value approach in socio-philosophical analysis and basic values ​​in the development of the personality of a Russian 71 officer.

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Social Philosophy", 09.00.11 code VAK

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  • History of the formation and development of military etiquette and morals in Russia: XVIII - early XXI centuries. 2013, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Shirokova, Vera Valerievna

  • Spiritual values ​​in the military-professional consciousness of the Russian officer corps: socio-philosophical analysis 2008, candidate of philosophical sciences Smirnov, Evgeniy Valerievich

  • The culture of behavior of an officer in the Russian army of the 19th century: Historical research 2000, candidate of historical sciences Belotelov, Alexey Leonidovich

  • The prestige of military service of officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and ways to increase it: Sociological analysis 2004, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Gruntovsky, Iosif Iosifovich

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Social Philosophy”, Emelyanov, Valery Viktorovich


In the conditions of a transformational society, when the national-state interests of Russia and its military policy are being formed, the Armed Forces are being reformed, and they become especially relevant philosophical problems military theory. To create a modern army that meets the interests of a democratic society, it is necessary to develop new ideological foundations, determine the main directions, and formulate value ideals that are different from the previous totalitarian ones, but based on the cultural and historical traditions of the Russian state. This problem can be solved within the framework of various sciences. But to establish the truth, the depth of knowledge of war and peace, the army and the formation of the personality of a serviceman (officer), and most importantly, to create new concepts that meet the socio-economic and strategic position of Russia is possible only within the framework of social philosophy as a methodology of socio-political and socio-humanitarian sciences .

A deep, largely painful change in the life of the country caused an ideological and moral reassessment of values. Society finds itself in a situation where past scientific achievements, moral guidelines and regulatory standards do not work, and there are no new ones that objectively accurately characterize modern realities. This has a detrimental effect on all spheres of society and types of human activity. The absence of a generally recognized system of value orientations has a destructive effect on statehood, all its attributes and institutions, including the army.

Let me give here an extensive quotation from an article by M.S. Galkin, “Toward the Knowledge of the Army,” published by him in the “Military Collection” back in 1914. It seems to us that the author’s ideas expressed at that time remain very relevant to this day. M.S. Galkin wrote the following: “A Russian mother must instill in her child love for the Motherland; she must show her son clearly and visually that the Russian soldier is not an enemy of the Motherland, that through his labors a modern geographical map of Russia was created, that a lot of sweat and blood went into collecting Russian land, that Russian heroism has behind it such brilliant pages that people are moved by them. bow with tears of respect and love. Once such seeds are planted in a family, mighty tree not difficult to grow. To our deepest misfortune, our Russian families in this regard are far from ideal; under the influence of the political chaos of recent days, the family was shaken, signs of general denial and criticism appeared, and the army, the army that was steadfast and powerful, which did not allow the Russian community to be shaken, that army was mainly subject to censure. And this cannot continue like this if we want the real, and not the illusory, power of our Motherland.

Have you noticed the children's literature of recent days, the countless books, brochures, and children's magazines that the book market has thrown out for sale in recent years? A whole series of figures appeared who set themselves the task of falsifying the child’s soul and systematically directing the child’s brain to deny and discredit everything dear and holy. What was once prayed for is now rejected.

Have you ever held Russian history textbooks in your hands, from which a child studies his homeland? How far they are from national purity. Yielding to necessity, under the pressure of almost extreme repression, they devote several pages to the memory of heroic warriors, far from the idea, so that their images sink deep into the child’s soul and awaken in him the rudiments of instinctive love, which is so close to conscious. In such terrible, abnormal conditions for the country, a child grows up until the time comes to transfer him to school.

Here the picture is even more bleak: not a single grain, not a single word about what the army is, what its tasks are, what it has done for the good of the Motherland, who to count in its ranks among those who are worthy of eternal memory and gratitude of descendants, etc. . And the schoolchild grows up, moving to the next grade from year to year, in absolute ignorance of what constitutes one of the cornerstones of the foundation on which Great Russia has grown and strengthened. Where does love and respect for the army come from when there is no knowledge of it? And at the same time, when all of Europe has realized for many years that it is necessary to meet the army halfway with all its strength and means.

The schoolchild is gradually introduced to the cycle of all kinds of sciences, natural, technical, applied, mathematical, etc. Has anyone told him that all these sciences are in the army, that there is no department that would not find application in such a community as the million-strong army ? Has our secondary school student ever been to a military factory, or visited museums where all the amazing work of the armed forces over many centuries is visually collected? Have you ever seen schoolchildren at maneuvers? No, no and NO. Where does “knowledge of the army” come from after that, when the entire system of upbringing and education does not help this, but hinders it. But these are all future citizens who, due to universal military conscription, will eventually become armed with guns.

Let's see what is being done in higher education institutions. Have you ever heard that people at the head of one or another higher institution were concerned that students were at least briefly acquainted with the essence of military affairs? No, they study their specialty, not suspecting that a huge organism lives and works right next to them. After that, is it any wonder that the current opinion about the army in society is: “They are engaged in step and ruzhistica there” - and nothing more. A sad and desolate phenomenon.

I have not said a single word about preparing young people for military service, because I believe that as long as in the minds of everyone above and below it is indifferent, at what level of public service there will be no clear, precise, loving attitude towards his Russian bayonet, until then the question about the preliminary preparation of young people for military service will be up in the air, since there is nothing to base it on. Let those who do not sympathize with this note remember that the state, like any spiritual unity in general, presupposes harmony and balance of all aspects of mental activity - will, feeling and knowledge. The role of the state mind is performed by legislators or rulers. Corresponding to sensual desires in a person is a class of people in society who are engaged in the production of all kinds of goods and are obliged to be guided by the ideal of restraint and moderation. Finally, the volitional energy of the state is represented by a special class of state guards, defenders and guardians, that is, in other words, the army. Where the balance between the brain, will and feeling is disturbed, the state goes not forward, but backward. The volitional energy of the state, i.e. the army is still dark for many social strata; there is no proper “knowledge” of it, which can, should and must be worked on tirelessly

168 work.”

What was written at the beginning of the 20th century is fully consistent with current reality. What a pity that we are repeating the mistakes of the past again. And yet, despite the brokenness of the spiritual heritage, the army is alive. No one can tell another person to love the army. The awakening of this feeling must be experienced by everyone independently. One of the ways to awaken this feeling is to revive and strengthen those vital traditions that, from ancient times, carry invaluable material from the spiritual heritage of older generations.

168 See: Galkin M.S. Towards knowledge of the army. //Military collection. St. Petersburg, 1914. No. 1.

Today, the socio-psychological portrait of a modern officer is very heterogeneous. Among the features especially highlighted by researchers: the loss of the ideals and prestige of officer service among a significant part of the officer corps, reflections on the dilemma “to serve or not to serve?”; high level politicization, the desire to resolve army issues within the framework of democratic rights; dissatisfaction with the legal and socio-economic situation; passivity in self-improvement, decline in general, military and pedagogical culture; negative attitude towards changing duty stations (if there is an apartment), even with a promotion; decline in the quality of educational educational work with subordinates; loss of faith in social justice and others. Hence the need arises not only for an in-depth analysis of the personality of a serviceman (officer), the features of its formation in the context of a changing social environment (professional culture), but also to develop specific recommendations for changing the situation.

The Russian officer corps is a special socio-professional group of Russian society, the activities of which reflect the needs of society to solve the problems of its armed defense. The socio-professional group of officers is characterized by a certain heterogeneity, which has a certain impact on professional culture. At the same time, despite the specifics of the professional culture of certain military-professional layers, subgroups, in general, officers of the Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies of the country represent a single socio-professional, military-professional group, functioning in special conditions - training to armed resistance and military actions themselves (that is, in extreme situations). The work of this group is vital to society. He is an aspect professional activity, naturally developing within the framework of the social division of labor and culture as a whole.”169

In the interests of resolving the contradictions in the formation of a professional culture of a Russian officer that meets the requirements of modern information civilization, the activities of society, the state, and military command and control bodies, carried out in certain directions, are necessary. Namely:

Improving the legal framework governing the foundations of military activity and military service, and creating mechanisms to ensure the implementation of such documents;

Improving the quality of training and the level of professional culture of military personnel in military educational institutions, the system of commanders and public-state training;

Updating the educational and material base of combat training, equipment and weapons based on modern scientific achievements;

Formation among officers of a mentality, worldview, and a stable system of value orientations related to military professional activities, aimed at increasing and maintaining professional culture, through a modern system of educational influence;

Improving the system of material and moral incentives for military professional activities of officers;

Creating an atmosphere of competition and competitive spirit in the process of military professional activities;

Implementation of scientifically based military personnel policy;

Formation of the personality of an officer, independent in his judgments, irrefutable in his orders, integral with his army, devoted to his subordinates and aware of his responsibility.

169 Chernitsky O.A. Right there. - P.9-10.

Such personal characteristics form the basis of the corporate spirit of military professionals as a component of professional culture,

Improving the quality of professional selection, taking into account the capabilities and motivation of a person applying to master the profession of an officer

170 specialists.

Based on the conducted dissertation research, it is legitimate to formulate a number of recommendations, the implementation of which in the practice of organizational and educational work in the army and navy will help to increase the competence and effectiveness of the activities of management subjects in shaping the personality of an officer and the spiritual values ​​of military personnel. Thus, the issues explored in the work can serve as a starting point in creating a broader holistic concept of the formation of the personality of officers and the spiritual values ​​of military personnel of the Russian Army in the conditions of their formation and development. The materials of the dissertation and the conclusions formulated can also form the basis for further analysis of the system of conditions that contribute to the formation of positive and limiting negative value orientations of military personnel of the Russian Army. It makes sense to continue developing the issues of optimizing the formation of personality and spiritual values ​​of military personnel, managing military teams, and the spiritual development of a warrior’s personality. The formulated conclusions can serve as a methodological basis for creating a scientifically based system for managing the formation of spiritual values ​​and spiritual culture of military personnel, the influence on their behavior and communication in peacetime, in combat situations and extreme conditions.

170 See about the same. Chernitsky O.A. Right there. - P. 17.

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230. Chernyshevsky N.G. Selected philosophical works. T. 3. M., 1951.- 884 p.

231. Chertkov A.M. Optimization of professional adaptation of border guard officers in conditions of armed conflict. Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. sociol. Sci. M., 2000. - 20 p.

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Full text of the dissertation abstract on the topic "Value self-determination of the personality of a Russian army officer in modern society"

As a manuscript

KLIMOV Valery Vasilievich

Value self-determination of the personality of a Russian army officer in modern society

Specialty 09 00 11 - social philosophy


The dissertation was completed at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the Military University

Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Philosophy, Professor

GORYACHEV Anatoly Ivanovich

Official opponents Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

KAVERIN Boris Ivanovich, Military University

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Nikolay Avramovich SILENKO, Modern Humanitarian Academy

Leading organization

Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The defense will take place on February 15, 2008 at 11:00 am at a meeting of the dissertation council for philosophical sciences (D-215 005 03) at the Military University (123001, Moscow, B Sadovaya St., 14)

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Military University

Scientific secretary of the dissertation

1. General characteristics of the dissertation

The current stage of military development in Russia is accompanied by fundamentally new processes in the economic, political, social and spiritual spheres of public life. Under these conditions, the value self-determination of the officer’s personality, as a significant manifestation of his sovereignty in the main spheres of life, is one of the most important factors in the modernization of the Armed Forces. And this is not by chance After all, the officer is precisely the subject of the state that largely determines his fate, internal and external stability, place, role and authority in the modern world

Global transformations and the emergence of new political, economic, spiritual realities of Russian society are accompanied by a loss of integrity and immutability of the established value system, as a result of which the officer experiences certain difficulties of value self-determination in this rapidly changing world

The relevance of the study of the chosen topic is determined by the following circumstances

Firstly, the change in the social paradigm of the development of Russian society has given rise to dramatic contradictions, forcing us to reassess many truths of social life that previously seemed obvious. The reassessment is sweeping across the economic sphere, the cultural sphere, and the sphere of international relations.

Secondly, modern Russian society is characterized by a restructuring of the deep foundations of human existence, a radical breakdown of the individual’s value system. In this regard, the interest of researchers in the problem of value self-determination of the individual in the context of new socio-economic, political and spiritual realities is increasing

Thirdly, the emergence of new material and spiritual prerequisites for personal development has a contradictory effect on the officer’s free choice of options for his existence. The modern officer is objectively pushed

to become a subject not only of one’s own life, but also modern history, to look for the most correct way to resolve contradictions that have not previously arisen, and this situation is typical for everyone. In these conditions, the value self-determination of the officer’s personality becomes the most important factor influencing his readiness to serve his Fatherland. Fourthly, at present, some of the officers who have received an education who served for a long time and laid the foundations of military service in Soviet times are retired. In these conditions, it is especially important to preserve positive value orientations, based on the spiritual traditions of the past, among young officers

Fifthly, officers of different service periods, generations, branches and branches of the Armed Forces have different personality qualities. Which personality qualities of an officer should be considered as positive and universal, which of them need to be developed and improved, with a view to strengthening the Armed Forces and the entire Russian society9 Definition such qualities are the basis for the value self-determination of the officer’s personality, his “cultivation”, the formation of his ability to make value-based, reasonable choices in certain life situations

Thus, in the modern dynamic historical situation, the problem of the value self-determination of the officer’s personality turns out to be especially difficult. A modern officer must master the art of free choice so that the meaning of life and service is clear and understandable to him. In this regard, there is a need to find mechanisms for regulating the value self-determination of the officer’s personality. Meanwhile, the relevance analysis of the mechanism of personal self-determination is far from being fully realized. This is evidenced by the insufficient level of development of this problem. In modern conditions, without knowledge of such a mechanism, it is impossible to effectively manage any social process

Self-determination is a special phenomenon of the spiritual world; it is not identical to knowledge of the laws and properties of the external world, and is not determined physically.

mi and psychological qualities of the individual This is the difficulty of its correct understanding. The presence of this complexity is now increasingly recognized by all researchers who are aware of the limitations of both narrow empirical and speculative approaches in interpreting the inner world of a person, from which significant impulses of the external manifestations of his behavior emanate

The degree of scientific development of the problem. The problem of value self-determination of the individual has long attracted the close attention of many domestic and foreign researchers - philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, etc. Thus, psychologists in the value self-determination of the individual, first of all, considered the psychological traits of a particular consciousness, how they influence the formation of personality1, sociologists paid special attention to the problem the influence of value self-determination on the socialization of the individual2, teachers paid attention to the influence of the value self-determination of the individual on the processes of training and education aimed at developing certain qualities in the individual3 Philosophers in general studied the issues of individual self-determination in the framework of axiology4

It should be recognized that the problem of studying the mechanism of value self-determination of an officer’s personality, as well as improving the main directions of the formation of his value self-determination as a separate task was not posed or studied. Thus, the question of the targeted influence of the mechanism of value self-determination on the formation of an officer’s personality remains practically unexplored. In accordance with log-

1 See more details Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K A Personality development in the process of life // Psychology of personality formation and development - M, 1981, Andreeva GM Psychology of social cognition - M Science, 1997

2 Kon I S Sociology of personality M, 1987

3 Povzun VD Value self-determination of the individual in university education Abstract of thesis of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Surgut, 2005, Feldshtein D I Social development in the space of time of childhood - M, 1997

4 Baryshkov V P Axiology of personal existence / Edited by V B Ustyantsva - M, 2005, Mikeshina J1A Epistemology of values ​​- M, 2007, Shokhin VK Philosophy of values ​​and early axiological thought - M, 2006

When researching this topic, the entire variety of sources can be divided into several groups

The first group includes works that examined some axiological aspects of the value self-determination of the individual in society, as well as the problems of the “natural state” of man and the ideal model of a possible society, the problem of free will, the irrationality of human behavior, the will to power as a stimulus for life. From modern research we can note the works of L M Arkhangelsky, A A Guseinov, O G Drobnitsky, N D Zotov, M A Rozov, N I Kuznetsova, P Shultz and others 1

The second group includes the works of domestic and foreign scientists who have studied the peculiarities of the influence of values ​​on the self-determination of an individual. These works are addressed to the origins of human activity, his “growth from within,” listening to his inner voice. Philosophical reflection helps to penetrate deeper into the essence of the process of formation and development of personality in general, moral development in particular Among the presented works, several subgroups can be distinguished, which include the following. The first subgroup includes studies devoted to the influence of existing social values ​​on the moral choice of an individual and the search for a life path2

1 See Arkhangelsky L M and others Methodology of ethical research - M, 1982, Guseinov A A Golden rule of morality - M, 1988, Drobnitsky O G Moral philosophy Selected works - M, 2002, Zotov ND Formation of the individual as a subject of moral self-determination // Personality as subject of moral activity - Tomsk, 1984, Kagan M S Philosophical theory values ​​- St. Petersburg, 1997, Kant I Fundamentals of the metaphysics of morality - M, 1999, Kuznetsova NI, Rozov MA Consciousness and the problem of man // The problem of man and the humanities Novosibirsk, 1988, Lossky NO Value and being God and the kingdom of God as the basis of values ​​- Paris , 1931, Nietzsche F Will to power the experience of revaluation of all values ​​- M, 1995, Rozov NS Values ​​in a problematic world - Novosibirsk, 1998, Rousseau J - J Selected - M, 1976, Schopenhauer A Free will and morality - M, 1992, Schulz P Philosophical Anthropology - Novosibirsk, 1996

2 See, for example, Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K A, Berezina T N Personality time and life time - St. Petersburg, 2001, Berne R Development of self-concept and education - M, 1986, Bozhovich LI Stages of personality formation in ontogenesis // Personality Psychology Reader - Samara , 2002 - T 2, Bondarevskaya E V Theory and practice of personality-oriented education Rostov-on-D, 2000, Volkov V N Ontology of personality - Ivanovo, 2001, Zhuravlev V I Pedagogy in the system of human sciences - M, 1990, Petrovsky A In Personality Activity Team - M, 1982

The second subgroup includes works that consider the problems of the inner voice and the origins of human activity1

The third group consists of works that directly reveal the essential and substantive features of personal self-determination. Such approaches are indicated in the works of M R Ginzburg, E A Klimov, N S Pryazhnikov, A K Markov, S L Rubinshtein, V F Safin, V I Slobodchikov, E I Golovakhi2 and others Most of the work of this group is devoted to the study of professional, moral, aesthetic, cultural and other self-determinations

The fourth group consists of works by scientists who have studied the axiological problems of military personnel in general. Among the presented works, several subgroups can be distinguished, which include the following. The first subgroup consists of works devoted to identifying various aspects of the functioning of the spiritual values ​​of military personnel in certain spheres of life of society and the army. These questions are most comprehensive disclosed in the works of V I Gidirinsky, A I Goryachev, A P Dmitriev, B I Kaverin, E A Klimov, S I Muzyakov, P V Petriy, B V Safronov, V V Serebryannikov, R M Timoshev, S A Tyushkevich, M N Shakhov , O V Shevchenko3

1 See Vygotsky L S History of the development of higher mental functions // Collected works in 6 volumes, Vol 3 - M, 1984, Leontyev A N Activity, consciousness, personality - M, 1975, Maslow A Self-actualization - M, 1989, Khubieva 3 A Spiritually -moral values ​​and their influence on the formation of modern personality Abstract of thesis of Candidate of Philosophy Sciences Stavropol, 2006

2 See, for example, Ginzburg M R Psychological content of personal self-determination // Questions of psychology - 1994 - No. 3, Golovakha E I Life perspective and professional self-determination - Kiev, 1988, Klimov EA Universal human values ​​through the eyes of a professional psychologist // Psychological Journal 1994 Vol. 15 No. 4, Markov AK Psychology of professionalism - M, 1996, Pryazhnikov NS Methods for activating professional and personal self-determination - M, 2002, Rubinstein S L Man and the world // Problems of general psychology - M, 1973, Safin VF Psychology of personal self-determination - Sverdlovsk, 1986, Slobodchikov V I, Isaev E I Fundamentals of psychological anthropology Psychology of human development // Development of subjective reality in ontogenesis M, 2000, Slobodchikov V I Isaev E I Human psychology M, 1995

3 See, for example, Gidirinsky V I On the issue of the methodology of spiritual and moral education of military personnel in modern conditions // Army and Society - 1999 No. 1, Goryachev A I Spiritual foundations of law enforcement // Fatherland above all" - M, 2000, Kaverin B I Russian civilization, spirituality of society and the personality of an officer of the Armed Forces // Current issues in the study of the spirituality of a Russian officer -

and many others. The analysis of the spiritual situation in modern Russian society and its Armed Forces contained in them has important methodological significance for a more detailed study of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality. The second subgroup includes works that consider the problems of value orientations of officers of the Russian army1

The fifth group consists of works devoted to improving the mechanism of value self-determination of an individual2

The author’s analysis of the state and degree of development of the scientific problem under study allows us to conclude that, despite a fairly large number of studies, many issues require clarification, primarily from the standpoint of modern military-political, military-strategic conditions. At the same time, they need to be considered the concept of value self-determination of the individual officer as the main subject of the armed defense of the Fatherland in modern Russian society, analysis of objective and subjective determinants affecting him, and the development of a mechanism for regulating this process

M, 2000, Safronov B V, Dorogova L N Methodological issues of the formation of the spiritual world of the individual - M, 1975, Serebryannikov V V Army and society - M, 1991, Timoshev R M Methodological culture of military-administrative activities Abstract of thesis for Doctor of Philosophy - M, 1997, Tyushkevich S A Laws of war essence, mechanism of action, factors of use - M, 2002, Shakhov MN Civil control over the spiritual and ideological sphere of life of the Armed Forces, military-patriotic component // Army and Society - 1999 No. 2, Shevchenko O V Spiritual traditions of military personnel of the Russian army and their manifestation in modern conditions (socio-philosophical analysis) Abstract of thesis for Candidate of Philosophy, M, 2004, etc.

1 See Protasov A A Value orientations in the professional culture of an officer (socio-philosophical analysis) Abstract of thesis for Candidate of Philosophy M, 1995, Savinkin A Cherished ideals of the Russian officer corps // Officer corps of the Russian army Russian military collection - No. 17 - M, 2000, Tkachenko A G Value orientations in the activities of employees of law enforcement agencies of the state in modern conditions // Value-normative foundations of the activities of law enforcement agencies of a legal state Mater of the interuniversity scientific conference - Golitsyn, 1999, Usynin Yu K Sociodynamics of value orientations of officers of the Russian Army Abstract of thesis of Doctor of Sociol Sciences - Saratov, 1999, Tsvetkov A G Continuity and development of moral traditions of officers of the Armed Forces Abstract of thesis for Candidate of Philosophy Sciences M, 1992, etc.

2 See, for example Latukha E A Forms, mechanisms and social spaces of personal self-determination Abstract of thesis of Candidate of Philosophy - Novosibirsk, 1999, Martynyuk I O Life goals personality concept, structure, mechanisms of formation Kyiv, 1990, Mechanisms of formation of value orientations //Edit by Mukhina VS-M, 1985

Thus, the problem of studying the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society, its essence, content, objective and subjective determinants, as well as the mechanism for regulating this process is currently becoming important

The object of the study is the personality of a Russian army officer as a subject of value self-determination

The subject of the study is the essential and substantive features of the value self-determination of the personality of a Russian army officer in modern society

The purpose of the dissertation research is to identify the specifics of the value self-determination of the personality of an officer in the Russian army, as well as the factors affecting him in modern Russian society, to determine the mechanism for regulating value self-determination and its improvement

1 To clarify the essence and content of the concept of “value self-determination of the individual” of an officer in modern Russian society

2 Identify the main objective and subjective determinants that influence the process of value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern conditions

3 Determine the features of the functioning of the mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of the personality of an officer of the Russian army in modern conditions

4 Develop the main directions for optimizing the value self-determination of the personality of a Russian army officer in modern society

The theoretical basis of the dissertation is the work of domestic and foreign scientists who have studied various aspects of the value self-determination of an individual, materials of scientific and practical conferences and seminars, texts of master's and doctoral dissertations on the topic of research,

publications in scientific and socio-political publications, as well as in the media and communications

The methodological basis of the dissertation research consists of the principles and methods of socio-philosophical analysis of social phenomena, modern scientific concepts that enrich ideas about the phenomena of the spiritual world of the individual. Among them are the method of unity of the historical and logical, the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, the method of structural and functional analysis, the activity method etc. The system of principles underlying the dissertation research also included the principle of unity of objective and subjective determinants of value self-determination in relation to the personality of a modern Russian officer, the principle of continuity, which takes into account different approaches to solving similar research problems, the principle of correspondence, which determines the dependence of the study of value self-determination on preferences , interests and needs of the officer’s personality, the principle of historicism, reflecting the determination of value self-determination by the past, present and future

The empirical basis of the study consisted of the results and conclusions of various sociological surveys and studies obtained and used by other authors on the problem under study, content analysis of the works of researchers, publications in the media, as well as observations based on the personal experience of the author

2. Structure and content of the dissertation

The logic of achieving the research goals determined the structure of the dissertation, consisting of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, analyzes the degree of its development in the literature, defines the object, subject, purpose and main objectives of the study, theoretical, methodological and empirical

base, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the results obtained are shown

In the first section, “Value self-determination of the officer’s personality, essence and specificity,” the social-objective need to study the process of self-determination of the personality of an officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is substantiated, the methodological prerequisites and foundations for analyzing the essence, content and specificity of this phenomenon are revealed.

The second section, “Objective and subjective determinants of value self-determination of an officer’s personality,” reveals objective and subjective factors influencing the value self-determination of an officer’s personality, the difficulties and contradictions of this process, and reveals issues of determination by time frame

The third section, “The social mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of the personality of an officer of the RF Armed Forces,” examines the social mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of the officer’s personality based on the analysis of contradictions caused by the complexity and ambiguity of the processes occurring in modern conditions in the country and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and reveals possible directions for optimizing this mechanism

The conclusion contains theoretical conclusions and practical recommendations conducted research, summed up its results, posed problems that require further analysis

The list of used literature reflects the main sources on the topic of the dissertation research and includes 220 titles. The total volume of the dissertation is 167 pages

3. Scientific novelty of the dissertation research and substantiation of the provisions submitted for defense The scientific novelty of the dissertation research consists in achieving the following scientific results

a) an essential and substantive analysis of the concept of “value self-determination of personality” of an officer of the Russian army was carried out, the specifics of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern society were revealed,

b) objective and subjective determinants are revealed that influence the process of value self-determination of the officer’s personality in the system of modern social coordinates,

c) a mechanism has been defined for regulating the officer’s value self-determination in the interests of both the individual himself and in the interests of the army and society as a whole,

d) some directions for optimizing the mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of the personality of a modern Russian officer are proposed

The following provisions are submitted for defense

1 The value self-determination of an officer’s personality is a process and at the same time the result of a correlation between the values ​​of society and the values ​​of the officer, the result of which is the reconfiguration of his spiritual world in the direction of either its harmonization with the basic parameters of social existence, or their disharmony and mutual alienation

In terms of content, the value self-determination of an officer’s personality is a complex dynamic system that incorporates various levels and forms of interaction between the public and the individual in the individual, specific forms of a person’s awareness of the world around him, the present and the future, as well as the essence of his “I.” This is due to the fact that personality is always a holistic, contradictory, interdependent, complex system

The problem of value self-determination for the officer’s personality is a priority, since in everyday life the officer is forced to constantly determine for himself goals, life guidelines, and values. Self-determination is an anthropological characteristic of the officer’s personality and finds its manifestation

in various life situations The relevance of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality is increasing in modern conditions due to profound socio-economic changes and uncertainty of value guidelines in modern Russian society

The essence of value self-determination lies in the selection, individual perception of values ​​by an officer as personal preferences, ideals, norms, standards and other values, building their hierarchy in accordance with subjective preferences, including them in the goals and motives of all types of activities

An officer’s value self-determination is a complex process of spiritual, social and professional choice personality, which is closely connected with large-scale phenomena and processes in all areas of social life in modern Russia

The value self-determination of an individual presupposes its inclusion in a system of values ​​that raise an officer’s life activity to a fundamentally different level - the level of the life “path” is no longer so much of the officer as such, but of the values ​​with which he identified himself and in accordance with which he took his position in the sociocultural space Possessing a certain status, anticipating his future, realizing his real achievements and shortcomings, the officer strives for self-improvement through his own activities, communication with other people. He acts as a subject of his own development, determining his life program. The need for self-improvement, in building himself as an individual becomes for its leading internal motive of activity

The specificity of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality is determined by his special status, position, and the type of military activity that he must carry out in accordance with his official mission.

Military activity can be defined as a special specific type of social activity associated with ensuring the security of the state and society. It is not only the sphere of military

professional fulfillment of an officer, but also the sphere of his value self-determination

The social purpose of military activity is the armed defense of one’s Fatherland, which is caused by many contradictions and appears as the result of their complex interaction, a reflection of objective and subjective determinations

Military activity is determined primarily by the objective need of society to ensure military security. Its implementation is regulated by certain requirements contained in military regulations and governing documents. Because of this, it leaves a significant imprint on the subject of military activity - a serviceman, an officer, forming in him certain personal qualities necessary for him for self-determination

The value self-determination of an officer’s personality is extremely strongly influenced by the contradictory influence external conditions, covering the entire system of socio-political relations, all spheres of society

2 The value self-determination of an officer’s personality, being the result of free choice, is at the same time determined by a complex set of factors of an objective and subjective order, intertwined and overlapping each other, in addition, in modern conditions it is complicated by contradictions of a negative and positive nature, which have an objective level associated with the difficulties of developing the main spheres of society and subjective - with the personality of the officer, his inner world, which is always contradictory. Overcoming contradictions, both negative and positive, contributes to the officer’s value self-determination

The value self-determination of an officer’s personality is influenced by objective and subjective factors that make up a system of interacting determinants

The subjective factors influencing the value self-determination of an officer’s personality include:

The spiritual world of the officer’s personality with his preferences, attitudes, archetypes, conflicting needs and interests,

The psychophysiological state of the officer, including volitional qualities, natural inclinations, character, temperament, his abilities, state of health, physical development, etc., as well as the degree of his social activity,

The officer's family and his immediate circle (friends, colleagues and

Objective factors influencing the value self-determination of an officer’s personality include

Socio-economic and political situation in society,

The social status of the officer, the level of protection of his social rights and freedoms, the prestige of military service in general,

Strictly regulated military activity, requiring from the officer high dedication, perseverance, constant exertion of physical and spiritual strength,

The system of training and education that has developed both in society and in the Armed Forces

The value self-determination of an officer’s personality occurs in conditions of acute contradictions, the solution of which largely does not depend on the will and consciousness of the officer, but is determined by some mistakes and miscalculations in the implementation of military reform, in the leadership of the political and socio-political life of the country

The process of value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society is complex and contradictory. Every officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation faces a deep ideological choice between two opposing value systems, one of which (individualistic, egoistic, consumerist) is implanted in society,

and the other (collectivist, solidarist, socially significant) is still preserved in the army. The result of this choice at the individual level is determined by many circumstances, and therefore remains uncertain. However, there is reason to talk about a certain sequence of this process with an uncertain result

The value self-determination of an officer’s personality is determined by the past, present and future. This determination is very complex, interdependent and is manifested in the following

Determination of what happens is the impact on the officer historical memory, positive traditions coming from the past, both pre-revolutionary and especially Soviet

Determination by the present is the impact of the individual’s existing existence on his value self-determination, this is the cumulative impact of the currently existing social mega-, meso- and microenvironment on the life position of the individual

Determination by the future is the impact on a person of life goals and ideals, that is, ideal entities that, although highly desired, are not yet available in reality, and the implementation of which requires efforts, actions, exertion of strength, etc.

The difficulties of value self-determination of the personality of an officer in the modern Russian army are determined by the lack of a clear national-state ideology, the protracted reform of the Armed Forces and the steady decline in the prestige of military service, the spiritual and moral crisis of society, and the awareness of the uncertainty of the state policy in the field of military development

The determination of self-determination of an officer’s personality by a variety of objective and subjective factors occurs on the basis of the complex reflective activity of the human psyche. At the same time external influences processed, analyzed and generalized in the minds of each officer, based on the personal experience and interests of the individual and his family

3 The mechanism for regulating value self-determination is a dialectical interaction of choice, the free choice by an officer of his destiny, determination and a relatively independent stage of socialization, the essence of which is to form in the officer an awareness of the purpose and meaning of life, readiness for independent life based on the correlation of his desires, existing qualities, opportunities and requirements placed on him by society and the Armed Forces

The mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of an officer’s personality includes a stable sequence of changes in the attitudes and interactions of a given individual, leading to a significant transformation of his internal position regarding the values ​​and roles of the individual, the army and society

The central link in the mechanism of social determination of self-determination of an officer’s personality is her needs and interests, because it is with their help and through them that the objective is translated into the subjective and thanks to them a specific social subject is formed with his own aspirations, goals, expectations. The result of the value self-determination of the officer’s personality is his life position, the choice of those relationships into which he enters in the process of activity and interaction with colleagues, the military team as a whole and society in general

Carrying out value self-determination, the officer must be able to navigate the space of existential choice, find the meaning of human existence, make a choice of morally justified life activity, while demonstrating the qualities of a subject of life-creativity

The mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of an officer’s personality is based on the formation of the internal position of the officer’s personality in relation to people and values, the correlation of his life plans, self-esteem, strategies and attitudes with this position. This is the process, act and result of a person choosing his own position, goals and means of self-realization and

self-development in specific circumstances of life, the acquisition and manifestation by an officer of internal freedom, carried out on the basis of value orientations. In addition, the mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of an officer’s personality involves intense intellectual work on reflection of the life situation, that is, the search for the meaning of life, which is much more important than its acquisition

4 Optimization of the mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of an officer’s personality occurs in the process purposeful activities military command and control bodies, the state as a whole to overcome negative phenomena in the modern Russian army, taking into account the constantly changing factors and conditions affecting the process of life and service self-determination of the officer’s personality

It seems that the value self-determination of the officer’s personality will be facilitated by the implementation of the following areas of activity of the subject (state, military government bodies, etc.) to overcome negative phenomena affecting the process of value self-determination

Development at the state level of common priorities of spiritual life, the formation of citizenship, moral ideals, value systems,

Development and introduction into the public consciousness of Russians through the system of training and education, the media, of a state-patriotic idea, which will undoubtedly contribute to positive self-determination of the individual,

Formation of devotion and love for the Fatherland, one’s people, loyalty to constitutional and military duty, nurturing the honor and dignity of a serviceman as a defender of the Fatherland,

Strengthening military-patriotic work with youth through combining the joint efforts of state and public organizations, military command and control bodies in order to prepare the younger generation for higher education.

fulfillment of the sacred duty for every citizen to protect his Fatherland,

Strengthening cooperation of the Russian Armed Forces with the Russian Orthodox Church and other religious denominations in the spiritual and moral education of officers,

Development of a state program for social and legal provision of the social status of military personnel and members of their families, etc.

To summarize, it should be noted that value self-determination is one of the most important needs of an officer’s personality, which has a certain direction, continuity and meaning; in essence, it is the officer’s choice of his position, his life path. The theoretical and practical conclusions and recommendations of the dissertation are not final, but serve as a source of further research on the value self-determination of the officer’s personality. But taking them into account in the activities of educational structures, commanders and chiefs of all levels will make it possible to unite military teams, increase the influence of objective and subjective determinants of the value self-determination of the individual, which in turn will affect the prestige of military service, the cohesion of officers, and , as a result, on increasing the combat readiness of the Russian Armed Forces

4. Practical significance and testing of the study

Practical significance of the research results The content of the dissertation and the conclusions made in it create a theoretical basis for practical activities to optimize the process of value self-determination of the officer’s personality. The research materials can be used when conducting individual educational work with officers, other categories of officials, as well as when conducting public and state training in the troops

The theoretical significance of the study is to expand socio-philosophical knowledge about the problem of value self-determination in modern conditions in relation to the personality of an officer, to identify objective and subjective determinants of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality and the mechanism that ensures its regulation. The conclusions of the work can be used for an in-depth study of the mechanism of value self-determination of the individual and developing specific recommendations for its regulation

The conducted socio-philosophical study of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society allows us to propose a number of recommendations, the use of which will help optimize the mechanism of its regulation, improve individual educational work with officers, as well as when conducting public and state training in the troops. The entire set of recommendations can be divided into next two groups

The first group of recommendations of a theoretical nature are contained in the methodological provisions and approaches to the study of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society studied in the work. They can be widely used in the further study of value self-determination, in relation to other categories of military personnel, and in the implementation of a comparative analysis of personality self-determination in civil society and the Armed Forces, the study of the role of value self-determination of the officer’s personality in the modern global open socio-cultural space, ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state

The materials of the work can be used in the educational process in higher educational institutions of the RF Ministry of Defense, in the development of plans for individual educational work with officers, plans for public and state training, as well as in the system of commander training

Based on the provisions developed in the dissertation, it seems appropriate to more fully and consistently explore a number of perspectives -

new directions that significantly expand the volume of scientific knowledge on this problem

Methodological analysis of existential aspects of value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society,

Identifying the role of choice as a mechanism of value self-determination on the value self-determination of an officer’s personality,

Identification of the main types and forms of self-determination of an officer’s personality,

The influence of value self-determination on the social, professional and personal position of the individual,

Determining the degree of influence of various religious movements on the value self-determination of an officer’s personality,

Determining the degree of influence of various ideological trends in society on the value self-determination of an officer’s personality

The results of the dissertation research, proposals and recommendations can also be used in a more detailed and in-depth study of the objective and subjective determinants of the value self-determination of the officer’s personality in modern Russian society, in the study of the stages of the value self-determination of the officer’s personality, in the formation of a stable moral and psychological state of officers, in the improvement ideological foundations of life of officers, in the formation and development of value orientations of officers, in the preparation of theoretical and scientific-practical conferences

a) military scientists and teachers of military educational institutions can use the dissertation material for the following purposes

To conduct classes in social philosophy, social psychology, cultural studies, sociology,

For the development and publication of educational and methodological manuals on the topics “The influence of objective and subjective determinants on the value self-determination of the individual”, “Mechanisms for regulating the value self-determination of the individual”, etc.

b) representatives of educational structures, commanders and superiors of all levels, the dissertation material may be useful in the following respect

Include the topics “Difficulties and contradictions in the value self-determination of an officer’s personality”, “Mechanisms for regulating the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society”, into the system of command training for officers.

In the system of public and state training, pay special attention to the influence of objective and subjective determinants on the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society,

When carrying out individual educational work by commanders and superiors of all levels, pay special attention to the existential aspects of the value self-determination of the personality of officers in order to prevent them from committing suicidal acts,

When carrying out educational work, explain the difficulties and contradictions of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society, understanding and reflection of one’s capabilities, limitations and aspirations, which determine the individual uniqueness of the future life of each officer

c) to activate research work on the proposed issues

It is proposed to hold a scientific and practical conference on issues of personal self-determination in modern Russian society,

Approbation of the research results was carried out in the process of discussing the main provisions of the study at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the Military University, in abstracts of speeches at Interuniversity scientific and practical conferences (Cherepovets, December 21-23, 2004, December 22-24, 2006), as well as during conducting classes with cadets of the Cherepovets Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics

The main results of the study are reflected in the publications:

1 Klimov VV Value self-determination of the individual in education // Sociology of Education - M, 2007 - No. 4 - P 48-62

2 Klimov VV Value self-determination of personality difficulties and contradictions // Bulletin of Orenburg State University - Orenburg, 2007 - No. 7 - C 111-116

3 Klimov V.V. On the personality value system of a modern Russian officer // Materials of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference - Cherepovets, 2004 - P 95-100

4 Klimov V.V. On the problems of value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society // Materials of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference - Cherepovets, 2006 - P 16-25

The total volume of publications on the research topic was 2.5 printed

Signed for publication on January 11, 2008 Order 100 Format 60x84/16 Volume 1.5 p l Circulation 90 Printing house of the Military University




Introduction of the dissertation 2007, abstract on philosophy, Klimov, Valery Vasilievich

The current stage of military development in Russia is accompanied by fundamentally new processes in the economic, political, social and spiritual spheres of public life. Under these conditions, the value self-determination of an officer’s personality, as a significant manifestation of his sovereignty in the main spheres of life, is one of the most important factors in the modernization of the Armed Forces. And this is no coincidence. After all, an officer is precisely the subject of the state that largely determines his fate, internal and external stability, place, role and authority in the modern world.

Global transformations and the emergence of new political, economic, spiritual realities of Russian society are accompanied by a loss of integrity and immutability of the established value system, as a result of which the officer experiences certain difficulties of value self-determination in this rapidly changing world.

The relevance of the study of the chosen topic is determined by the following circumstances.

Firstly, the change in the social paradigm of the development of Russian society has given rise to dramatic contradictions, forcing us to re-evaluate many truths of social life that previously seemed obvious. Revaluation covers both the sphere of economics, the sphere of culture, and the sphere of international relations.

Secondly, modern Russian society is characterized by a restructuring of the deep foundations of human existence, a radical breakdown of the individual’s value system. In this regard, the interest of researchers in the problem of value self-determination of an individual in the context of new socio-economic, political and spiritual realities is growing. 4

Thirdly, the emergence of new material and spiritual prerequisites for personal development has a contradictory effect on the officer’s free choice of options for his existence. The modern officer is objectively pushed to become a subject not only of his own life, but also of modern history, to look for the most correct way to resolve contradictions that have not previously arisen, and this situation is typical for everyone. Under these conditions, the value self-determination of an officer’s personality becomes the most important factor influencing his readiness to serve his Fatherland.

Fourthly, at present, some of the officers who received an education, served for a long time and laid the foundations of military service in Soviet times are being transferred to the reserve. In these conditions, it is especially important to preserve positive value orientations, based on the spiritual traditions of the past, among young officers.

Fifthly, officers of different service periods, generations, branches and branches of the Armed Forces have different personality traits. What qualities of an officer’s personality should be considered as positive and universal, which of them need to be developed and improved, bearing in mind the strengthening of the Armed Forces and the entire Russian society? The definition of such qualities is the basis for the value self-determination of the officer’s personality, his “cultivation”, the formation of his ability to make value-based, reasonable choices in certain life situations.

Thus, in the modern dynamic historical situation, the problem of value self-determination of an officer’s personality turns out to be especially difficult. A modern officer must master the art of free choice so that the meaning of life and service is clear and understandable to him. In this regard, there is a need to search for mechanisms for regulating the value self-determination of an officer’s personality. Meanwhile, the relevance of analyzing the mechanism of personal self-determination is far from being fully realized. This is evidenced by the insufficient level of development of this problem. In modern conditions, without knowledge of such a mechanism, it is impossible to effectively manage any social process.

Self-determination is a special phenomenon of the spiritual world; it is not identical to knowledge of the laws and properties of the external world, and is not determined by the physical and psychological qualities of the individual. This is the difficulty of understanding it correctly. The presence of this complexity is now increasingly recognized by all researchers who are aware of the limitations of both narrowly empirical and speculative approaches in interpreting the inner world of a person, from which significant impulses for the external manifestations of his behavior emanate.

The degree of scientific development of the problem. The problem of value self-determination of the individual has long attracted the close attention of many domestic and foreign researchers - philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, etc. Thus, psychologists in the value self-determination of the individual, first of all, considered the psychological traits of a particular consciousness, how they influence the formation of personality1, sociologists paid special attention problem of the influence of value self-determination on the socialization of the individual2, teachers paid attention to the influence of the value self-determination of the individual on the processes of training and education aimed at developing certain qualities in the individual3. Philosophers in general have studied issues of personal self-determination in the framework of axiology4. It should be recognized that the problem of studying the mechanism of value self-determination

1 See for more details: Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Personality development in the process of life // Psychology of personality formation and development. - M., 1981, Andreeva G.M. Psychology of social cognition. - M.: Nauka, 1997.

2 Kon I.S. Sociology of personality. M., 1987. - 226 p.

Povzun V.D. Value self-determination of personality in university education: Author's abstract. dis. doctors ped. Sci. Surgut, 2005. - 26th; Feldshtein D.I. Social development in the space of time of childhood. - M., 1997 - 160 p.

Baryshkov V.P. Axiology of personal existence / Ed. V.B. Ustyantseva. - M., 2005; Shokhin V.K. Philosophy of values ​​and early axiological thought: Monograph. - M., 2006. 6 the officer’s personality, as well as improving the main directions of the formation of his value self-determination, was not set or studied as a separate task. Thus, the question of the purposeful influence of the mechanism of value self-determination on the formation of an officer’s personality remains practically unexplored. In accordance with the logic of the study of this topic, the entire variety of sources can be divided into several groups.

The first group includes works that examined some axiological aspects of the value self-determination of the individual in society, as well as the problems of the “natural state” of man and the ideal model of a possible society, the problem of free will, the irrationality of human behavior, the will to power as a stimulus for life. Among modern studies, we can note the works of L.M. Arkhangelsky, A.A. Guseinova, O.G. Drobnitsky, N.D. Zotova, M.A. Rozova, N.I. Kuznetsova, P. Shultz1.

The second group includes the works of domestic and foreign scientists who studied the peculiarities of the influence of values ​​on the self-determination of an individual. These works are addressed to the origins of human activity, his “growth from within,” listening to his inner voice. Philosophical reflection helps to penetrate deeper into the essence of the process of formation and development of personality in general, moral development in particular. Among the presented works, several subgroups can be distinguished, which include the following. The first subgroup includes studies

1 See: Arkhangelsky L.M. and others. Methodology of ethical research. - M., 1982; Guseinov A.A. The golden rule of morality. - M., 1988; Drobnitsky O.G. Moral philosophy. Selected works. - M., 2002; Zotov N.D. The formation of the individual as a subject of moral self-determination // In the book. Personality as a subject of moral activity. - Tomsk, 1984; Kagan M. S. Philosophical theory of value. St. Petersburg, 1997; Kant I. Fundamentals of the metaphysics of morality. - M., 1999; Kuznetsova N.I., Rozov M.A., Consciousness and the problem of man. // In the book. The problem of man and the humanities. Novosibirsk, 1988; Nietzsche F. The will to power: the experience of revaluing all values. - M., 1995; Rozov N.S. Values ​​in a problematic world. - Novosibirsk, 1998; Rousseau J.J. Favorites. - M., 1976; Schopenhauer A. Free will and morality. - M., 1992; Schultz P. Philosophical anthropology. - Novosibirsk, 1996. 7 studies devoted to the influence of existing social values ​​on the moral choice of an individual and the search for a life path1.

The second subgroup includes works that consider the problems of the 2nd inner voice and the origins of human activity.

The third group consists of works that directly reveal the essential and substantive features of personal self-determination. Such approaches are outlined in the works of M.R. Ginzburg, E.A. Klimova, N.S. Pryazhnikova, A.K. Markova, C.JI. Rubinshteina, V.F. Safina, V.I. Slobodochikova, E.I. Golovakhi and others. Most of the work of this group is devoted to the study of professional, moral, aesthetic, cultural and other self-determinations.

The fourth group consists of the works of scientists who studied the axiological problems of military personnel in general. Among the presented works, several subgroups can be distinguished, which include the following. The first subgroup consists of works devoted to identifying various aspects of the functioning of the spiritual values ​​of military personnel in certain

1 See, for example: Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A., Berezina T.N. Personal time and life time. - St. Petersburg, 2001; Berne R. Development of self-concept and education. - M., 1986; Bozhovich L.I. Stages of personality formation in ontogenesis // Personality Psychology: Reader. - Samara, 2002. - T.2; Bondarevskaya E.V. Theory and practice of student-centered education. Rostov-on-Don, 2000; Volkov V.N. Ontology of personality. - Ivanovo, 2001; Zhuravlev V.I. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. - M., 1990; Petrovsky A.V. Personality. Activity. Team. -M., 1982.

See: Vygotsky JI.C. History of the development of higher mental functions. // Collected works in 6 volumes, vol. 3, M., 1984; Leontyev A.N. Activity, consciousness, personality. - M., 1975; Maslow A. Self-actualization. - M., 1989; Khubieva Z.A. Spiritual and moral values ​​and their influence on the formation of a modern personality: Author's abstract. dis. .candidate Philosopher Sci. Stavropol, 2006.

See, for example: Ginzburg M.R. Psychological content of personal self-determination // Questions of psychology. - 1994. - No. 3; Golovakha E.I. Life perspective and professional self-determination. - Kyiv, 1988; Klimov E.A. Universal human values ​​through the eyes of a professional psychologist // Psychological Journal. 1994. T. 15. No. 4; Markov A.K. Psychology of professionalism. - M., 1996; Pryazhnikov N.S. Methods for activating professional and personal self-determination. - M., 2002; Rubinshtein S.L. Man and the world // Problems of general psychology. - M., 1973; Safin V.F. Psychology of personality self-determination. - Sverdlovsk, 1986; Slobodchikov V.I., Isaev E.I. Fundamentals of psychological anthropology. Psychology of human development // Development of subjective reality in ontogenesis. M., 2000; Slobodchikov V.I., Isaev E.I. Human psychology. M„ 1995. 8 other spheres of life of society and the army. These issues are most fully addressed in the works of V.I. Gidirinsky, A.I. Goryacheva, A.P. Dmitrieva, B.I. Kaverina, E.A. Klimova, S.I. Muzyakova, P.V. Petria, B.V. Safronova, V.V. Serebryannikova, P.M. Timosheva, S.A. Tyushkevich, M.N. Shakhova, O.V. Shevchenko1 and many others. The analysis they contain of the spiritual situation in modern Russian society and its Armed Forces has important methodological significance for a more detailed study of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality. The second subgroup includes works that consider the problems of value orientations of officers of the Russian army2.

The fifth group consists of works devoted to improving the mechanism of value self-determination of an individual3.

1 See, for example: Gidirinsky V.I. On the issue of the methodology of spiritual and moral education of military personnel in modern conditions // Army and Society. - 1999. No. 1; Goryachev A.I. Spiritual foundations of law enforcement // Fatherland above all! - M., 2000; Kaverin B.I. Russian civilization, spirituality of society and the personality of an officer of the Armed Forces // Current issues in the study of the spirituality of the Russian officer. - M., 2000; Petriy P.V. Spiritual values ​​of Russian society and the army (socio-philosophical analysis): Monograph. - M., 2002; Safronov B.V., Dorogova JI.H. Methodological issues of the formation of the spiritual world of the individual. - M., 1975; Serebryannikov V.V. Army and society. - M., 1991; Timoshev R.M. Methodological culture of military management activities: Author's abstract. dis. Doctor of Philosophy Sci. - M., 1997; Tyush-kevich S.A. Laws of war: essence, mechanism of action, factors of use. - M., 2002; Shakhov M.N. Civil control over the spiritual and ideological sphere of life of the Armed Forces: military-patriotic component // Army and Society. - 1999. No. 2, Shevchenko O.V. Spiritual traditions of military personnel of the Russian army and their manifestation in modern conditions (socio-philosophical analysis): Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. Philosopher Sci. M., 2004, etc.

See: Protasov A.A. Value orientations in the professional culture of an officer (socio-philosophical analysis): Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. Philosopher Sci. M., 1995; Tkachenko A.G. Value guidelines in the activities of employees of law enforcement agencies of the state in modern conditions // Value-normative foundations of the activities of law enforcement agencies of a legal state: Mater, interuniversity scientific. conf. - Golitsyno, 1999; Usynin Yu.K. Sociodynamics of value orientations of officers of the Russian Army: Author's abstract. dis. Doctor of Sociol. Sci. - Saratov, 1999; Tsvetkov A.G. Continuity and development of moral traditions of officers of the Armed Forces: Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. Philosopher Sci. M., 1992, etc.

3 See, for example: Latukha E.A. Forms, mechanisms and social spaces of personal self-determination: Author's abstract. dis. can. Philosopher Sci. - Novosibirsk, 1999; Martynyuk I.O. Personal life goals: concept, structure, formation mechanisms. Kyiv, 1990; Mechanisms for the formation of value orientations. // Ed. Mukhina B.S. - M., 1985. 9

The author's analysis of the state and degree of development of the scientific problem under study allows us to conclude that, despite a fairly large number of studies, many issues require clarification, primarily from the standpoint of modern military-political, military-strategic conditions. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the concept of value self-determination of the individual officer as the main subject of the armed defense of the Fatherland in modern Russian society, an analysis of the objective and subjective determinants affecting him, and the development of a mechanism for regulating this process.

Thus, the problem of studying the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society, its essence, content, objective and subjective determinants, as well as the mechanism for regulating this process is currently acquiring important importance.

The object of the study is the personality of a Russian army officer as a subject of value self-determination.

The subject of the study is the essential and substantive features of the value self-determination of the personality of a Russian army officer in modern society.

The purpose of the dissertation research is to identify the specifics of the value self-determination of the personality of an officer in the Russian army, as well as the factors influencing him in modern Russian society, to determine the mechanism for regulating value self-determination and its improvement.

Defining the subject of research and setting goals involves solving the following specific tasks:

1. To clarify the essence and content of the concept of “value self-determination of the individual” of an officer in modern Russian society.

2. Identify the main objective and subjective determinants that influence the process of value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern conditions.

3. Determine the features of the functioning of the mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of the personality of an officer of the Russian army in modern conditions.

4. Develop the main directions for optimizing the value self-determination of the personality of an officer of the Russian army in modern society.

The theoretical basis of the dissertation is the work of domestic and foreign scientists who have studied various aspects of the value self-determination of an individual, materials of scientific and practical conferences and seminars, texts of master's and doctoral dissertations on the topic of research, publications in scientific and socio-political publications, as well as in the media and communications.

The methodological basis of the dissertation research consists of the principles and methods of socio-philosophical analysis of social phenomena, modern scientific concepts that enrich ideas about the phenomena of the spiritual world of the individual. Among them are the method of unity of the historical and logical, the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, the method of structural and functional analysis, the activity method, etc. The system of principles underlying the dissertation research also included the principle of the unity of objective and subjective determinants of value self-determination in relation to the individual modern Russian officer; the principle of continuity, taking into account different approaches to solving similar research problems; the principle of correspondence, which determines the dependence of the study of value self-determination on the preferences, interests and needs of the officer’s personality; the principle of historicism, reflecting the determination of value self-determination by the past, present and future.

The empirical basis of the study consisted of the results and conclusions of various sociological surveys and studies obtained and used by other authors on the problem under study, content analysis of the works of researchers, publications in the media, as well as observations based on the author’s personal experience.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation research consists in achieving the following scientific results:

An essential and substantive analysis of the concept of “value self-determination of personality” of an officer of the Russian army was carried out, the specifics of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern society were revealed;

The objective and subjective determinants affecting the process of value self-determination of an officer’s personality in the system of modern social coordinates are revealed;

A mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of an officer has been determined in the interests of both the individual himself and the interests of the army and society as a whole;

Some directions for optimizing the mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of the personality of a modern Russian officer are proposed.

The following main provisions are submitted for defense:

1. The value self-determination of the officer’s personality is a process and at the same time the result of the correlation of the values ​​of society and the values ​​of the officer, the result of which is the reconfiguration of his spiritual world in the direction of either its harmonization with the basic parameters of social existence, or their disharmony and mutual alienation.

12 in the individual, specific forms of awareness by the individual of the surrounding world, present and future, as well as the essence of his “I”. This is due to the fact that personality is always an integral, contradictory, interdependent, complex system.

2. The value self-determination of an officer’s personality, being the result of free choice, is at the same time determined by a complex set of objective and subjective factors, intertwined and overlapping each other; in addition, in modern conditions it is complicated by contradictions of a negative and positive nature, which have an objective level associated with the difficulties of developing the main spheres of society's life and a subjective level - with the personality of the officer, his inner world, which is always contradictory. Overcoming contradictions, both negative and positive, contributes to the officer’s value self-determination.

3. The mechanism for regulating value self-determination is a dialectical interaction of choice, the officer’s free choice of his destiny, determination and a relatively independent stage of socialization, the essence of which is to form in the officer an awareness of the purpose and meaning of life, readiness for independent life based on the correlation of his desires and existing qualities , opportunities and demands placed on him by society and the Armed Forces.

4. Optimization of the mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of an officer’s personality occurs in the process of purposeful activities of military command and control bodies, the state as a whole, to overcome negative phenomena in the modern Russian army, taking into account constantly changing factors and conditions affecting the process of life and service self-determination of an officer’s personality.

The theoretical significance of the study is to expand socio-philosophical knowledge about the problem of value self-determination in modern conditions in relation to the personality of an officer, to identify objective and subjective determinants of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality and the mechanism that ensures its regulation. The findings of the work can be used for an in-depth study of the mechanism of value self-determination of an individual and the development of specific recommendations for its regulation.

Practical significance of the study. The content of the dissertation and the conclusions made in it create a theoretical basis for practical activities to optimize the process of value self-determination of the officer’s personality. The research materials can be used when conducting individual educational work with officers and other categories of officials, as well as when conducting public and state training in the troops.

Approbation of the work was carried out in the process of discussing the main provisions of the study at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of the Military University, in abstracts of speeches at Interuniversity scientific and practical conferences (Cherepovets, December 21-23, 2004, December 22-24, 2006), as well as during conducting classes with cadets of the Cherepovets Military Engineering Institute of Radio Electronics.

The total volume of publications on the research topic was 2.5 printed pages.

The structure of the work is subordinated to the purpose and objectives of the study. It consists of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion and a list of references. The volume of the dissertation is 167 pages.

Conclusion of scientific work dissertation on the topic “Value self-determination of the personality of a Russian army officer in modern society”


The socio-philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society, its essence, specificity, relationships, as well as the main mechanisms of regulation, carried out in this work, indicates the high theoretical and practical significance of this problem, the complexity of its solution both in social cognition and in everyday life.

Explaining his understanding of the problem of an officer’s value self-determination, the dissertation proceeded from the level of its development achieved by modern philosophical thought, relying on the socio-philosophical methodology of studying the problem of man and the intentions of his spiritual world. The contradictory reality of modern Russian society, radical changes in all spheres of public life, including in the life of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the works of domestic and foreign authors have provided a wealth of mental material for generalizations and conclusions necessary to solve the research goals and objectives set in the dissertation.

As a general result of the study, it should be noted that qualitative changes in the conditions of a person’s social existence encourage him to a kind of revaluation of values, correlating the value core of the individual with the new value system being introduced into society. This process is complex and contradictory, sometimes acquiring an acute character, but this, in fact, is the essence of value self-determination. It occurs for each individual with certain characteristics in various social, professional, demographic and other groups, and is correlated differently in individual individuals. A study of the specifics of an officer’s value self-determination in the realities of modern Russian society, identifying the determinants influencing this process, as well as

140 of the mechanism of its regulation allowed us to formulate the following theoretical conclusions.

1. The problem of value self-determination for the officer’s personality is a priority, since in everyday life the officer is forced to constantly determine for himself goals, life guidelines, and values. Self-determination is an anthropological characteristic of an officer’s personality and finds its manifestation in various life situations. The relevance of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality is increasing in modern conditions due to profound socio-economic changes and uncertainty of value guidelines in modern Russian society.

The essence of value self-determination lies in selection, individual perception of values ​​by the officer’s personality as personal preferences, ideals, norms, standards and other values, building their hierarchy in accordance with subjective preferences, including them in the goals and motives of all types of activities.

An officer’s value self-determination is a complex process of spiritual, social and professional choice of an individual, which is closely related to large-scale phenomena and processes in all areas of public life in modern Russia.

Value-based self-determination of an individual presupposes inclusion in a system of values ​​that raise an officer’s life activity to a fundamentally different level - the level of the life “path” of not so much the officer as such, but the values ​​with which he identified himself and took his position in the sociocultural space. Possessing a certain status, anticipating his future, realizing his real achievements and shortcomings, the officer strives for self-improvement through his own activities and communication with other people. He acts as a subject of his own development, determining his life program. The need for self-improvement, to build oneself

141 as an individual becomes for him the leading internal motive of activity.

2. The specificity of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality is determined by his special status, position, and the type of military activity that he must carry out in accordance with his official mission.

Military activity can be defined as a special specific type of social activity related to ensuring the security of the state and society. It acts not only as a sphere of military-professional realization of an officer, but also as a sphere of his value self-determination.

The social purpose of military activity is the armed defense of one’s Fatherland, which is caused by many contradictions and appears as the result of their complex interaction, a reflection of objective and subjective determinations.

Military activity is determined primarily by the objective need of society to ensure military security. Its implementation is regulated by certain requirements contained in military regulations and governing documents. Because of this, it leaves a significant imprint on the subject of military activity - a soldier, an officer, forming in him certain personal qualities necessary for self-determination.

A decrease in the level of material well-being and social security, political instability in society negatively affects the value self-determination of an officer’s personality, the determination of goals and the choice of activities to achieve them, and also affects the behavior of officers and the nature of the relationship between them.

The value self-determination of an officer’s personality is extremely strongly influenced by the contradictory influence of external influences.

142 viii, covering the entire system of socio-political relations, all spheres of society.

3. The value self-determination of an officer’s personality is influenced by objective and subjective factors that make up the system of determinants.

Subjective factors influencing the value self-determination of an officer’s personality include:

The very personality of the officer with its preferences, conflicting needs and interests;

The psychophysiological state of the officer, including volitional qualities, natural inclinations, character, temperament, his abilities, state of health, physical development, etc., as well as the degree of his social activity;

Officer's family.

Objective factors influencing the value self-determination of an officer’s personality include:

Activities of the state and army;

The system of training and education that has developed both in society and in the Armed Forces;

Strictly regulated military activity, requiring high levels of effort from the officer.

The value self-determination of an officer’s personality occurs in conditions of acute contradictions, the resolution of which largely does not depend on the will of the officer, but is determined by some mistakes and miscalculations in the implementation of military reform and the leadership of the political and social life of the country.

The process of value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society is complex and contradictory. Every officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation faces a deep ideological choice between two opposing value systems, one of which (individualistic, egoistic) is implanted in society.

143 society, and the other (collectivist, solidarist) is still preserved in the army. The outcome of this choice at the individual level is determined by many circumstances and therefore remains uncertain. Nevertheless, there is reason to talk about a certain sequence of this process with an uncertain result.

The value self-determination of an officer’s personality is determined by the past, present and future. This determination is very complex, interdependent and is manifested in the following.

Determination by the past is the impact on the officer of historical memory, traditions coming from the past, both pre-revolutionary and especially Soviet.

Determination by the present is the influence of the individual’s existing existence on its value self-determination; this is the cumulative impact of the currently existing social mega-, meso- and microenvironment on the life position of the individual.

Determination by the future is the impact on the personality of life goals and ideals, i.e. ideal entities, which, although highly desired, are not yet available in reality, and the implementation of which requires efforts, actions, exertion of strength, etc.

The difficulties of value self-determination of the personality of an officer in the modern Russian army are determined by the “state-ideological vacuum”; protracted reform of the Armed Forces and a steady decline in the prestige of military service; spiritual and moral crisis of society; awareness of the uncertainty of the state's policy in the field of military development.

The determination of self-determination of an officer's personality by a variety of objective and subjective factors occurs on the basis of the complex reflective activity of the human psyche. At the same time, external influences

144 views are processed, analyzed and generalized in the minds of each officer, based on the personal experience and interests of the individual and his family.

4. The mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of an officer’s personality is a stable sequence of changes in the attitudes and interactions of a given individual, leading to a significant transformation of his internal position regarding the values ​​and roles of the individual, the army and society.

The central link in the mechanism of social determination of self-determination of an officer’s personality is its needs and interests, for it is with their help and through them that the objective is translated into the subjective and thanks to them a specific social subject is formed with its own aspirations, goals, and expectations. The result of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality is his position, the choice of those relationships into which he enters in the process of activity and interaction with colleagues, the military collective as a whole and society in general.

An officer must be able to navigate the space of existential choice, find the meaning of human existence, make a choice of morally justified life activity, while demonstrating the qualities of a subject of life creativity.

The mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of an officer’s personality is based on the formation of the internal position of the officer’s personality in relation to people and values, the correlation of his life plans, self-esteem, strategies and attitudes with this position. This is the process, act and result of a person’s choice of his own position, goals and means of self-realization and self-development in specific circumstances of life; the officer’s acquisition and manifestation of internal freedom, exercised on the basis of value orientations. In addition, the mechanism for regulating the value self-determination of an officer’s personality is the intellectual

145 work on reflection of the life situation, that is, the search for the meaning of life, which is much more important than its acquisition.

The conducted socio-philosophical study of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society allows us to offer a number of recommendations, the use of which will help optimize the mechanism of its regulation, improve individual educational work with officers, as well as in conducting public and state training in the troops. The entire set of recommendations can be divided into the following two groups.

The first group: recommendations of a theoretical nature includes the methodological provisions and approaches to the study of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society studied in the work. They can find wide application in the further study of value self-determination in relation to the personality of an officer, the study of the role of value self-determination of an officer’s personality in the modern global open socio-cultural space, ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state.

The materials of the work can be used in the development of plans for individual educational work with officers, plans for public and state training, as well as in the system of commander training.

Based on the provisions developed in the dissertation, it seems appropriate to more fully and consistently explore a number of promising areas that significantly expand the volume of scientific knowledge on this problem:

Methodological analysis of existential aspects of value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society;

Identification of the role of choice as a mechanism of value self-determination on the value self-determination of an officer’s personality;

Identification of the main types and forms of self-determination of an officer’s personality;

The influence of value self-determination on the social, professional and personal position of the individual;

Determining the degree of influence of various religious movements on the value self-determination of an officer’s personality;

Determining the degree of influence of various ideological trends in society on the value self-determination of an officer’s personality.

The results of the dissertation research, suggestions and recommendations can also be used: in a more detailed and in-depth study of the objective and subjective determinants of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society; in the study of the stages of value self-determination of an officer’s personality; in the formation of a stable moral and psychological state of officers; in improving the ideological foundations of life of officers; in the formation and development of value orientations of officers; in the preparation of theoretical and scientific-practical conferences.

The second group: recommendations of a practical nature includes practical proposals directly aimed at developing the value self-determination of an officer’s personality: a) military scientists and teachers of military educational institutions can use the dissertation material for the following purposes:

To conduct classes in social philosophy, social psychology, cultural studies, sociology;

To develop and publish teaching aids on the topic “The influence of objective and subjective determinants on the value self-determination of the individual”, “Mechanisms for regulating the value self-determination of the individual”; b) representatives of educational structures, commanders and superiors of all levels can benefit from the dissertation material:

In the system of command training for officers, include the topics “Difficulties and contradictions of the value self-determination of the officer’s personality”, “Mechanisms for regulating the value self-determination of the officer’s personality in modern Russian society”;

In the system of public and state training, pay special attention to the influence of objective and subjective determinants on the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society;

When carrying out individual educational work by commanders and superiors of all levels, pay special attention to the existential aspects of the value self-determination of the personality of officers in order to prevent them from committing suicidal acts;

When carrying out educational work, focus special attention on explaining the difficulties and contradictions of the value self-determination of an officer’s personality in modern Russian society, understanding and reflecting on one’s capabilities, limitations and aspirations, which determine the individual uniqueness of the future life of each officer. c) to intensify research work on the proposed issues:

Thus, it should be noted that value self-determination is one of the most important needs of an officer’s personality, which has a certain direction, continuity and meaning; the officer's choice of his position, his life path. Theoretical and practical conclusions and recommendations are not final, but serve as a source for further research into the value self-determination of an officer’s personality. But taking them into account in the activities of educational structures, commanders and superiors of all levels will make it possible to unite military teams, increase the influence of objective and subjective determinants of the value self-determination of an individual, which in turn will affect the prestige of military service, the cohesion of officers, and, as a result, increasing the combat readiness of the Armed Forces Russian forces.

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Recently, teachers and parents have been alarmed by the fact that the upbringing of boys is carried out by women. Often a boy grows up without experiencing male influence. Only a man can develop strength, perseverance, and courage in boys faster. Researchers have noted that in recent years, adolescents have shown irresponsibility, indecisiveness, weakness of will, and spoiled behavior, i.e. those traits that from time immemorial have not been characteristic of the male character. The reason is the weak male influence on the formation of the psychological and moral character of children.

According to psychologists, a man can be an excellent educator, since he has a balanced nervous system and a rich supply of information. The masculine principle in education is justice, objectivity, restraint. Thanks to male influence, the child develops intelligence, ingenuity, work skills, and the desire to stand up for himself and others. A man for a boy is an example from which he consciously or unconsciously copies behavior and masters the male role in society.

Research by L.F. Obukhova and I.V. Shapovalenko prove that the plasticity of the child’s psyche is manifested in imitation. Recently, it has been viewed as a unique form of orienting a child in the world of specifically human activities, methods of communication and personal qualities by assimilating and modeling them into the activity itself. Therefore, the person who is nearby and carries out the educational function is of great importance. This is the person whom the teenager imitates, consciously or unconsciously takes an example.

The education system at the Suvorov Military School makes it possible to correct negative phenomena in gender development and promotes the development of masculine qualities.

The educational process in the IED system is organized by the platoon officer - educator and company commander. Therefore, the personality of the educational officer is of great importance.

What qualities are necessary for the interaction of an officer-educator with Suvorov students, teachers and parents:

  1. Personal characteristics associated with her education and upbringing. These include moral values, mental health and interpersonal skills.
  2. Life and professional experience to sharpen your intuition.
  3. Natural qualities - sociability (the ability to easily get along with people), empathy (the ability to empathize), reflexivity (the ability to understand another person), eloquence (the ability to influence with words. These qualities make up a set of natural talents, denoted by the concept of “the ability to please people and influence them "

Analysis of data from a survey conducted among Suvorov students in 2002-2005. shows that the personality of the educator officer plays a significant role in their lives. They note personal and business qualities, with deep respect they note their services to the Fatherland.

Currently, SVU employs people who are dedicated to their work and are worthy role models.

Lieutenant Colonel Chmelev S.M. - commander of the 3rd company - he is characterized by humanism and concern for his subordinates, the ability to carry out an individual approach to each student, reasonable demands and a vision of the goals of education. This has beneficial influence on the quality of study and discipline. The company has repeatedly taken first place in all indicators.

Major Korenek A.N. - officer-educator of the 5th company of the 3rd platoon - participant in combat operations, awarded the Suvorov medal by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 143 of 02.13.06. An educated, competent officer, he loves his profession and passes this on to the Suvorov officers in full.

Major K. G. Bashmakov and I. A. Yakovlev, captain, went through the school of the Suvorov Brotherhood; they know the characteristics and needs of teenagers like no one else, and have the personal qualities necessary to interact with teenagers.

It is difficult to list all the worthy officers who fulfill their professional mission with honor and have high human qualities.

However, in every phenomenon there is also back side. This also applies to the personality characteristics of the officer-educator. Analysis and adjustment personal characteristics is an indispensable condition for organizing the educational process on the part of the leadership of the VU.

We can highlight those negative qualities that negatively affect Suvorov students:

  1. Partiality is the selection of “favorites” and “bad” ones from among students, public expression of likes and dislikes.
  2. Imbalance is the inability to control one’s temporary mental state and mood.
  3. Vindictiveness and arrogance - the desire to settle personal scores and emphasize one's superiority.
  4. Absent-mindedness - forgetfulness, absent-mindedness.
  5. "Double Standards"

There are professional contraindications, that is, those qualities in which communication with teenagers is unacceptable and has a negative impact on them:

The presence of bad habits recognized by society as socially dangerous (alcoholism, drug addiction);

Moral uncleanliness;

Assault, rudeness, unscrupulousness, incompetence in matters of education;


Clear personnel policies and control help to prevent people with similar manifestations from raising teenagers, since we clearly understand “like begets like.”

When drawing up a professiogram for the purpose of effectively carrying out pedagogical activities in an IED, we identified professionally significant qualities necessary for an officer-educator:

  1. Social activity, readiness and ability to contribute to solving public problems in the field of teaching.
  2. Determination is the ability to use one’s qualities to solve pedagogical problems.
  3. Balance is the ability to control one’s actions in any pedagogical situations.
  4. The ability and desire to communicate with students during the educational process.
  5. Charm is a fusion of spirituality, attractiveness, taste.
  6. Honesty and justice - conscientiousness in activity and the ability to act impartially.
  7. Modernity, humanity and pedagogical optimism - the ability to provide qualified pedagogical assistance, faith in the student and his abilities.
  8. Pedagogical tact and tolerance - compliance with universal human norms of communication and interaction, patience in working with children.

In order for a boy to grow into a real man, he must have a worthy example to follow. Therefore, the main task facing the leadership of the Suvorov School is to ensure such personnel potential that corresponds to the goals of educating the younger generation, future defenders of the Motherland.

Punchenko N.V.

Colonel Litus A.I.

Deputy Head of VCU for Academic Affairs

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KRUTILIN D.S. The image of an officer-leader of the modern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (sociological analysis)

The dissertation council D 215. 005. 07 at the Military University (123001, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya St., 14) announces that a dissertation for the degree of candidate of sociological sciences was presented by Dmitry Sergeevich KRUTILIN on the topic: “The image of an officer-leader of the modern Armed Forces of the Russian Federations (sociological analysis)”, (22.00.08). The defense will take place on December 28, 2011. T.: 684-13-50.

The dissertation was completed at the Department of Sociology of the Military University

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Vladimir Igorevich Veremchuk

Official opponents:

  • Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Sergey Stanislavovich Frolov
  • Candidate of Sociological Sciences Vadim Gennadievich Maslikov

Leading organization: – Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Military University.

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council, candidate of sociological sciences Osipenko Eduard Borisovich


The objective need of Russian society for the creation of new Armed Forces, modernization of the system of training and education of military personnel requires special attention in the military-social management of the personality of the officer - a military professional, patriot, defender of the Fatherland. There is an urgent need to optimize the process of military-professional socialization of the officer’s personality. This process is characterized by a number of contradictions and negative trends associated with the social status of career military personnel in modern Russian society, with the personal exemplary character and authority of command staff among subordinates. It is no coincidence that one of the priorities in the activities of the military department, the President of Russia named the training of highly qualified military specialists who own modern equipment and are deeply motivated in relation to their chosen military profession. This determines the relevance and practical significance of the scientific analysis of the process of forming the image of the officer-leader of a military unit, which forms the basis of his authority in the military team and largely determines the effectiveness of his leadership.

The military reform carried out permanently over the past decades, carried out in the context of the social crisis of Russian society, and the low efficiency of providing for the social, spiritual and professional needs of military personnel have led to a number of negative phenomena in the officer environment. Among them are the degradation of the moral values ​​of the institution of military service, the orientation of a significant part of the officer corps towards the utilitarian-pragmatic component in professional activities, disinterest in the training and education of subordinates, and lack of desire for professional and personal self-improvement. These phenomena caused significant problems associated with the authority of commanders in the military collective and led to the formation of a negative image of officers among a significant part of military personnel undergoing conscription military service. That is why in the system of modern military-social management, an important place is occupied by the image of the officer-leader formed in the military team, which largely determines the nature of specific military-social relations in the “chief-subordinate” link.

This circumstance determined the need for a sociological study of the key social characteristics and typological features of the image of officer-leaders, endowed with full administrative power in relation to subordinates and responsible to society and the state for all aspects of the life and activities of the units they head.

Thus, relevance sociological analysis of the image of the officer-leader of the Armed Forces is due to the following circumstances:
- increasing social significance of the authority and socialized personal qualities of the officer-manager in modern system military-social management;
- insufficient theoretical and practical development of the phenomenon of the image of an officer-manager in the sociological literature;
- the lack of sociological methods that make it possible to comprehensively assess the image of an officer-leader, to identify factors that promote and hinder its formation in the military-social environment in modern conditions;
- the need for a sociological study of the influence of the image of an officer-leader on the controllability and efficiency of the functioning of military units;
- the demand for scientifically based recommendations for the study, assessment and purposeful formation of the image of an officer-manager by military-social management bodies at the present stage of modernization of the military organization of the state.

The degree of scientific development of the problem. In identifying the interdisciplinary interpretation of the concept of “image” and the specifics of the sociological approach to the study of this phenomenon, the developments of foreign and domestic sociology and sociology of management were used.

Scientific literature on the research problem can be classified into the following areas.

The first direction is represented by the works of P. Berger, P. Bourdieu, M. Weber, I. Hoffmann, E. Durkheim, C. Cooley, T. Luckman, R. Merton, J. Mead, P. Sorokin and others, containing the conceptual foundations of sociological the study of social relations, as well as the works of N. Luhmann and T. Parsons, which describe universal models of structural-functional and system analysis. The ideas and views of these scientists make it possible to determine the social essence, place and role of the image of the subject of management activity in the system of social relations.

The second direction consists of the works of foreign scientists, the subject of which is the phenomenon of image in market socio-economic conditions. Among the foreign authors involved in the study of personal image, scientists such as F. Bauri, P. Bird, P. Weil, P. Chisholm, B. Schwalbe and others stand out. A. Deyyan, B. Karlof, H. Mackay, M. Mescon, F. Rogers, F. Khedouri, Lee Iacocca; S. Black, F. Davis, and Joe McGuinness devoted their research to the politician’s image.

The third direction is formed by the works of domestic scientists, which reveal the practical aspects of the formation and functioning of a person’s image, focusing on the development of universally effective methods of self-presentation of a subject of social activity. It also includes works devoted to the study of the attributes, functions and mechanisms for constructing the images of political figures, organizations, institutions, managers, teachers and educational institutions.

The fourth direction includes the work of representatives of the scientific and applied branch of human studies - imageology, which is defined as a discipline emerging at the intersection of sociology, psychology, philosophy and a number of other sciences that studies the patterns of formation, functioning and management of the image of an individual and an organization.

The fifth direction covers the works of military scientists who consider various aspects of the system of social interaction “the personality of a serviceman - the military-social environment.” The subject of study is mainly general patterns and trends in the process of socialization of the personality of a serviceman as a representative of a specific socio-professional group, carrying out military-professional activities in certain socio-cultural conditions, as well as general principles and methods of scientific analysis of the personality of a military leader.

From the perspective of dissertation research, works from the late 20th – early 21st centuries, covering various aspects and structural elements image of both individual categories of military personnel and the Armed Forces as a whole.

Paying tribute to theoretical depth, thoroughness and versatility scientific research devoted to the problem of image, it should be noted that special sociological studies in which from modern positions would reveal social essence and the content of the image of the officer-leader of the Armed Forces is not available. There is no characterization of the main components of the phenomenon under consideration, no description and analysis of its main functions in the military-social environment. The terminological apparatus that reveals the features of the process of formation and functioning of the image of an officer-manager requires scientific development and clarification.

The relevance of the problem and its insufficient theoretical and applied study determined the choice of object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study.

Object of study is the image of the officer-leader of the modern Armed Forces.

Subject of research there are social characteristics and factors in the formation of the image of the officer-leader of a military unit of the Armed Forces, its influence on the effectiveness of management of military units.

Purpose of the study is to describe, on the basis of sociological analysis, the social characteristics and factors in the formation of the image of the officer-leader of a military unit of the modern Armed Forces, its influence on the effectiveness of the management of military units.

The goal determined research objectives:

1. Analyze theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of image.

2. Formulate a sociological definition of the concept of “image of an officer-manager” and develop a conceptual model of its main components.

3. Analyze the current state of the image of the officer-leader of a military unit of the Armed Forces and determine the priority factors for its formation.

4. Identify and describe social types of image of an officer-leader of a military unit of the modern Armed Forces.

5. To study the influence of the image of the officer-leader of a military unit of the modern Armed Forces on the moral and psychological state of conscripted military personnel, their motivation for military work.

Main hypothesis of the study. The effectiveness of the managerial activities of an officer-manager directly depends on the social characteristics of his image that has developed in the military unit. The modern image of officers-leaders of military units does not fully ensure their personal authority in military teams, which reduces the effectiveness of managing military units.

Particular research hypotheses:

1. The image of the officer-leader influences the attitude of his subordinates towards him, affects their moral and psychological state and attitude towards military work.

2. The formation of a positive image of the officer-manager is not given due importance, which negatively affects the effectiveness of his management activities.

Theoretical and methodological basis dissertation research are the fundamental provisions of the sociology of management, military sociology, social psychology on the role of the leader’s personality in the modern system of social management. The author relies on the methodology of systemic and structural-functional analysis, as well as on the concepts of modern sociologists studying various aspects of the management of social systems and the processes of military-social management.

The dissertation research is based on the principles of an interdisciplinary approach. The dissertation uses socio-philosophical, sociological and socio-psychological approaches, theoretical and applied developments in the field of imageology.

Empirical basis dissertation work are the results of a sociological study conducted by the author in 2009-2011. , official statistics from all-Russian public opinion polls and research results from the Research Center (sociological, Armed Forces of the Russian Federation). On the research problem, official documents and statistical data published in the media, monographic literature, materials of theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, seminars, and round tables were studied.

Reliability and scientific validity of the results research is provided with theoretical and methodological substantiation of the essence and content of the image of an officer-manager; application of a comprehensive scientifically based sociological methodology for studying the phenomenon under study; reliability and validity of the data used, representativeness of the sample; integrated use of relevant quantitative and qualitative methods for collecting primary sociological information; correct application of mathematical and statistical methods for processing and analyzing sociological research data and their correlation with the results of other studies.

Scientific novelty of the dissertation research consists in developing and justifying a model for forming the image of an officer-leader of the Armed Forces. In the process of implementing the goals and objectives of the research in the dissertation, the following results of scientific novelty were obtained:

The sociological conceptual-categorical apparatus in the subject-object area of ​​research is systematized, a sociological definition of the concept of “image of an officer-manager” and a conceptual model of its main components are proposed;
- the author’s methodology for sociological research and assessment of the image of a leading officer, his influence on the effectiveness of managing military units, was created and tested;
- the social characteristics of the modern image of officers-leaders of military units have been studied, the main factors of its formation in a military unit have been identified;
- procedures and techniques for typologizing the image of an officer-manager have been developed;
- the influence of the image of the officer-leader on the effectiveness of the management of military units was studied;
- the main directions for improving the image of an officer-leader have been identified and recommendations have been developed for government and military authorities in this area.

Theoretical significance of the study is to clarify theoretical ideas about the essence, content, and mechanism of formation of the image of a modern officer-leader, which allows us to improve the methodology for studying this phenomenon and the activities of state and military authorities in this area. The materials and conclusions of the study contribute to the integration of modern branches of humanitarian knowledge: sociology, sociology of management, psychology, imageology, military sociology, which allows, on a scientific basis, to optimize the management process in military teams and improve the training of officers for this type of activity.

Practical significance of the study is ensured by the development and testing of a methodology for sociological research and assessment of the image of a leading officer, which can be used by military command and control bodies as a methodological basis for studying and assessing the professionally important qualities of officers; formulating scientifically based recommendations to government authorities and military command on the formation of a positive image of an officer in modern conditions; the opportunity to use the research results as information and analytical material necessary for adoption management decisions in the process of training future officers in universities. The results of this study are also applicable for preparing curricula, seminars and teaching aids as part of teaching courses in sociology of management, sociology of personality, military sociology, imageology.

Compliance of the dissertation with the Passport of the scientific specialty. The object-subject area of ​​the dissertation research includes subjects and objects of management of military professional activities, as well as methods and results of management influence on the consciousness and behavior of members of military units, which corresponds to the formula of the specialty 22.00.08 - “Sociology of Management”.

The content of the dissertation corresponds to the paragraphs of the Passport of the scientific specialty, defining the field of research in the specialty 22.00.08 - “Sociology of Management”: the study of the conditions of managerial interaction between officer-managers and subordinate personnel during the reorganization and modernization of the Armed Forces corresponds to paragraph 6 “Factors determining managerial behavior individuals in social institutions and organizations"; analysis of the personal qualities and leadership styles of officer-leaders, their influence on the performance of military units corresponds to clause 9 “Content, functions and structure of management culture. The influence of management culture on the actual behavior of people”; the study of the influence of the image of an officer-manager on the moral and psychological state of military personnel corresponds to the content of paragraph 15 “Problems of the effectiveness of management activities”; the description of value orientations, motives for military-professional activities of army and navy officers is consistent with the subject field of paragraph 24 “Values, motives and orientations of the individual in the management system”; the creation and testing of a methodology that allows one to evaluate the image of a leading officer formed in a military unit corresponds to clause 30 “Methods for collecting, analyzing and assessing social information in the management system.”

Approbation of the study. The theoretical provisions and analytical conclusions of the dissertation research were discussed at the Department of Sociology of the Military University, with members of the expert community and officials of state and military authorities.

The main provisions of the dissertation were tested in presentations at scientific and practical conferences of the military scientific society of students and cadets of the Military University (2009-2011), at the X international scientific sociological conference of students and graduate students “Our sociology: research practices and prospects” (RGGU, 2011), in articles published in scientific journals. The most important results of the study are presented in the form of scientific reports at conferences, articles in scientific and information-analytical publications with a total volume of 4.8 pp, including three publications published in publications recommended in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission.

The main provisions of the dissertation submitted for defense:
1. Sociological definition of the image of an officer-leader and a conceptual model of its formation in a military unit.

The study of existing theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon of image allows us to consider the image of an officer-manager as his social image, reflecting the inherent and attributed to him individual-personal, status and professional-managerial qualities, characteristics and largely determining the social attitudes of his subordinates in relation to him as the head of the military-social organization. The image of an officer-leader is determined both by the sociocultural characteristics of the military organization and by the value-orientation and social-attitude predispositions of the individual. The image of an officer-leader forms the foundation of his authority in the military team and is one of the key factors in the effectiveness of military-social management.

2. Methodology for sociological analysis of social characteristics and factors in the formation of the image of an officer-leader in a military unit, which is a research technology that includes a set of methods for collecting and analyzing sociological information.

The main stages of the creation and implementation of the methodology can be identified: (1) theoretical and methodological (systematic description based on developed general scientific and sociological approaches of the social phenomenon of the image of an officer-manager, the specifics of its manifestation; construction of a conceptual research model); (2) procedural and methodological (identification, during the empirical interpretation and operationalization of the basic concept, of necessary and sufficient indicators to obtain qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the image of an officer-manager), (3) organizational and technological (selection and implementation of an adequate research strategy); (4) subject-analytical (implementation of procedures, tools and methods for processing empirical information, analysis and interpretation of data).

3. Social characteristics and typology of the modern image of officers-leaders of military units of the Armed Forces.

Analysis of the results of sociological research shows that in modern conditions, a significant part of the officers-leaders of military units are characterized by an image that does not ensure their personal authority in military collectives. The number of commanders with the sought-after maximum functional type of image (“Optimal”), formed in military units of conscripted servicemen, was insufficient at the time of the study - 50%. This significantly reduces the efficiency of command and control of military units. This circumstance determines the need to develop and implement management decisions to improve the image of modern officer-leaders.

4. Priority areas for improving the image of an officer-leader in a military unit, developed taking into account the specifics of this social phenomenon and the most important tasks for the modernization of the Armed Forces.

A comprehensive system of purposeful formation and improvement of the image of an officer-leader in a military unit is a reflective and regulatory activity of state and military authorities to create and maintain such conditions for the interaction of the “officer-leader - military-social environment” system, which ensure self-improvement and personal self-realization - business qualities of an officer-manager within the framework of professional activities.

Dissertation structure determined by the general conceptual design and logic of the study. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three sections, a conclusion, a list of references and three appendices. The volume of the main text is 206 pages. The dissertation includes 14 figures and 17 tables. The list of references contains 195 sources.


In the introduction the relevance of the dissertation topic is substantiated, its scientific development in modern domestic and foreign scientific literature is presented, the object, subject, purpose, objectives and hypotheses of the research are determined, the scientific novelty and practical significance of the results of the dissertation research are shown.

In the first section– “Theoretical and methodological foundations of the sociological analysis of the image of an officer-leader in a military unit” – the main theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the image of an officer-leader are revealed, its concept, structural components and functions are substantiated.

The problem of personality image and its significance for the effectiveness of managerial influence is a topic of research by a large number of foreign and domestic scientists, writers, military theorists and generals.

Issues of training officers, developing their personal and business qualities necessary for the formation of high authority in a military unit have long been the subject of consideration in military historical literature. So, Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov noted three main qualities necessary for a commander: courage, intelligence, health (physical and mental). He attached particular importance to the officer’s personal example and the need for self-education. “The commander needs continuous education of himself in science through reading,” wrote A.V. Suvorov.

The famous military thinker and brilliant publicist M.I. Dragomirov saw the main reason for victories and defeats, the flourishing or decline of military art in man, the moral properties of the army and its commanders, and in varying degrees of development of the sublime aspects of human nature. “The most important military element is man, the most important property a person’s moral energy,” he wrote.

The “Russian Officer's Handbook” (19th century) noted: “The commander must be a father to his soldiers.” Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. spoke about the high authority of officers close to their subordinates in spirit and mood. Zhukov.

The exclusive role of the officer corps and the personal qualities of commanders in the command and control system was given much attention in the works of cavalry general A.A. Brusilov, Lieutenant General P.I. Batova, Marshals of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky and K.K. Rokossovsky and others.

Napoleon I Bonaparte noted that the fate of a war is decided primarily by the personal qualities of commanders, their intelligence, will, and determination. The German military theorist and historian K. Clausewitz wrote: “Without courage outstanding commander unthinkable... We consider it the first condition for a military career.”

Our country has the priority of creating a scientific and applied branch of knowledge and an academic discipline - imageology, dedicated to the comprehensive study of the phenomenon of the public image of individuals, organizations and social institutions. The concept of “imagelogy” was introduced into scientific circulation and the development of the fundamental foundations of this scientific and applied direction, which this concept denotes, was carried out by the Russian scientist V.M. Shepel. The emergence of this industry has intensified research interest in the problem of forming the image of subjects of social activity.

The study of image definitions existing in modern scientific literature allows us to state that scientific concept This social phenomenon currently has no unambiguous interpretation. At the same time, scientists involved in the study of the image of individuals, organizations or social institutions are united by the recognition of it as an important management resource. At the present stage of development of Russian society, the role of image and its influence on the distribution of social statuses and roles is becoming more and more realized, and image formation from a spontaneous process is turning into a purposeful, conscious activity.

The specificity of the sociological approach when studying the phenomenon of image allows us to consider the personality of an officer in the format of his social status as the head of a military unit. An officer, being a member of a certain social community (demographic, territorial, professional), acts both under the influence of his own needs, attitudes, interests, value orientations, and under the influence of the social environment of which he is a subject. Formed as a result of external influence on a person with its internal content, the image may correspond or may conflict with the requirements of society, institutional or organizational development. The main direction in the study of image is the search for ways to harmonize the image of an individual with the requirements of society, social institutions and organizations.

The section analyzes the contribution of military scientists to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the study of various social characteristics of the image of both the individual soldier and the institution of military service as a whole.

It was revealed that the problem of the image of the officer-manager was not posed directly. In addition, this problem has not been sufficiently developed in theoretical, methodological, methodological and practical terms. In particular, the existing various conceptual and categorical ideas about this phenomenon form an ambiguous substantive picture, which is caused by a certain inconsistency and disorder of approaches to its study. The lack of a general sociological framework (theoretical, methodological, methodological) objectively actualizes the need to develop a conceptual model that serves as the basis for a sociological analysis of the image of an officer-manager.

Summarizing the results of the content analysis of military-historical and scientific literature, it can be argued that the image of an officer-leader should be understood as his social image, reflecting the inherent and attributed to him individual-personal, status and professional-managerial qualities, characteristics and largely determining social attitudes subordinates in relation to him as the head of the military-social organization.

The study of conceptual approaches to the analysis of the phenomenon of image in modern sociological literature allows us to present the process of forming the image of an officer-leader in a military unit in the form of a system, the components of which include: the officer’s personality as a result of the socialization process in the military-social environment; a military unit, which is a group of people united on the basis of the socially significant goal of protecting the state, solving problems of mastering military affairs, maintaining constant combat readiness and conducting armed struggle. The image of an officer is formed as a result of the perception and interpretation by subordinates of the personal qualities demonstrated by the officer, which determine the individual’s behavior in the military-social environment; professional qualities necessary for successful mastery of the military profession; status characteristics of the officer; leadership style as a set of individual characteristics of using methods of influencing subordinates and building relationships with them.

It should be especially noted that the image of an officer-leader is determined by the art of his self-presentation, as well as the specifics of the social structure and the characteristics of the organizational culture of the military-social organization. The role expectations of subordinates, formed in the process of military service and social interaction with the officer-leader, determine the social attitudes of military personnel associated with the perception and assessment of the entire complex of personal characteristics of the officer (individual, status, professional, etc.), and through this to military activities in general.

Thus, the image of an officer-manager is an important component of his personal and professional reputation, which is understood as a public assessment of the merits and demerits of an individual, formed on the basis of the results of his practical activities. If an officer demonstrates the most socially approved qualities and behavior, then he will have the best reputation, which will allow him to gain authority in the military unit.

The formation of the image of an officer-manager occurs both through direct interaction with subordinates, and indirectly, in the format of social distance, when the image is constructed on the basis of indirect information (stories, rumors, publications in the media, etc.), endowing the officer with certain characteristics.

Being one of the effective means of socio-psychological influence of an officer-manager, the image simultaneously performs the functions of self-expression and self-presentation as a subject of social activity, as well as the closely related functions of self-knowledge, self-development, and self-improvement. Carrying out productive activities to create his positive image, the officer not only demonstrates to the social environment the most socially important personal, professional qualities and management skills, but also learns to see himself “from the outside” - to correlate his characteristics with the socially popular image of the officer.

The process of forming the image of an officer-leader in a military unit is determined by a system of objective and subjective factors.

Objective factors represent the external circumstances of the formation of a person’s image. Depending on the specifics of the social impact on the individual, they can be limited to two social environments: social and military.

The social environment actively influences the personality of the officer-leader: his social status in the social structure of modern Russian society creates opportunities for self-realization and social mobility. The influence of the institution of military service on the formation of the image of an officer-leader lies in his integration into the military-professional socio-cultural environment; creating conditions conducive to the assimilation and development of institutional norms and values ​​of military service, role behavior models; coordination of the officer’s values ​​and worldview with the general social goals and objectives of military units.

Subjective factors in the formation of the image of an officer-manager in the study appear in the form of a system of needs, social attitudes and value orientations that regulate the direction of his social behavior.

A systematic description of the formation of the image of an officer-manager is presented in the form of the following conceptual model (Fig. 1).

An important aspect of studying the importance of the image of a leading officer in the management of a military unit is the consideration of its functions, the list of which is varied. The main functions of a person’s image, according to researchers, include: social-managerial, identification, interpersonal adaptation, personal-actualizing, normative and socially organizing.

To study social characteristics, typological features and factors in the formation of the image of an officer-leader in a military unit, as well as its influence on the effectiveness of managing military teams, an original methodology has been developed, which is a research technology that includes a set of methods for collecting and analyzing mass and unique information, as well as procedures on their application.

The basis of the methodological design is the analysis of a number of indicators, the severity and dynamics of the values ​​of which allow us to speak about the qualitative state and features of the image of the officer-manager. These indicators include: the severity of the personal, professional and moral qualities of the officer-manager; assessment of his status characteristics and activity behavior; quantitative characteristics of the staffing of officer positions and assessment of law and order and military discipline in the military unit; the nature of the relationship of conscripted military personnel to the officer-leader; assessing their level of satisfaction with military service; assessing the orientation of conscripted military personnel to continue serving under a contract; assessment of the level and dynamics of the moral and psychological state of the personnel of the military unit; characteristics of value orientations of military personnel; public opinion about the officer's profession; socio-economic situation of career military personnel and members of their families.

In the second section– “Social characteristics of the image of an officer-leader of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in modern conditions” - based on the results of an empirical study, generalized characteristics and typological features of the phenomenon under study are analyzed, revealing the current state of the image of officer-leaders of military units.

One of the generalized indicators of the current state of the image of officer-leaders is the assessment of their personal and professional qualities by military personnel undergoing military service on conscription. Diagnostics of the representation of these qualities was carried out by analyzing indices of the expression of qualities of commanders of military units.

The revealed values ​​of the indices of the expression of personal and professional qualities of commanders based on the survey results allow us to assess their representation as insufficient (Fig. 2).

Assessments of the personal, moral and professional qualities of commanders, obtained as a result of a survey of conscripted military personnel, indicate that in various military service situations commanders demonstrate both positive and negative qualities. The manifestation of the latter, as a rule, contradicts the requirements of governing documents for command personnel and is expressed in tactless behavior, indifferent attitude towards subordinates, and humiliation of their honor and dignity. Such omissions significantly complicate the formation of a positive image of an officer-leader and reduce the effectiveness of his managerial influence on the military team. In addition, the level of trust of subordinates in the command staff is decreasing, which is reflected in the state of military discipline, mobilization and combat readiness of military units.

The analyzed qualities of a commander have a specific active expression. They are manifested in his style of leadership of military units.

The results of the study show that the predominant leadership style of commanders is democratic. According to conscripted military personnel, the democratic style is used by 54% of commanders (Fig. 3). The managerial interaction of such officers is characterized by an orientation towards both the formal and informal structure of relationships with subordinates, collegiality in decisions, encouragement of reasonable initiative, a well-thought-out system for monitoring the performance of soldiers (sailors), and tact in communicating with them.

The authoritarian (directive) style of managing subordinates is less common among commanders (42%). Typical characteristics of the control influence of officers using this style are: suppression (non-use) of initiative, creative potential conscripted military personnel; passion for administration, denial of collective decisions; tendency to apply penalties.

The results of a study of typical leadership styles of commanders indicate the existence of a third type - liberal (4%). Its characterological feature is the wide freedom of subordinates with weak managerial influence of the commander. Typical features of officers with a liberal leadership style include: avoidance of making strategic decisions; little control of subordinates; avoidance of responsibility when making decisions; indifference to personnel.

An important indicator characterizing the modern image of an officer-manager is his socio-typological characteristics, which were obtained on the basis of typology using cluster analysis. As a result, it became possible to distinguish three types of image of commanders: optimal, problematic, non-referential.

The distribution of the formed types according to the key social characteristics of the image made it possible to describe the typical portrait of their representatives.

1. Commanders with an optimal type of image correspond to a high level of development of personal, moral and managerial qualities. Such commanders use a democratic style of leadership of military units. In their official activities, they strictly adhere to the principles of fairness, personal exemplary behavior, a combination of exactingness with concern for subordinates, and respect for their personal dignity. These officers are distinguished by a high cultural level and education. Conscripted servicemen value, above all, responsiveness, the ability to understand and help in resolving personal and work issues.

2. Commanders with a problematic type of image are characterized by the development of personal and professional qualities, but insufficient expression of moral qualities. Such commanders are decisive, disciplined, highly efficient, quite principled, and devoted to military traditions, but they may be biased in assessing the performance of soldiers (sailors). They use an authoritarian leadership style, show a desire to assert themselves, often demonstrate tactlessness and rudeness in communicating with subordinates, and strictly maintain an inter-status distance. Often the principle of unity of command is transformed into administration, permissiveness, and arbitrariness.

3. Commanders with a non-referential type of image are characterized by low expression of moral, personal and professional qualities. They are not distinguished by exemplary behavior, courage, or punctuality; in most military service situations they rely on the opinion of the social environment, and they allow connivance in the management of military units.

A quantitative analysis of the distribution of commanders by social types of their image (Fig. 4) allows us to conclude that the image of commanders does not fully comply with the modern requirements of the institution of military service for the personality of an officer-leader. Thus, the share of commanders with the optimal type of image is only 50%. Such officers are role models both professionally and morally. At the same time, a significant number of commanders of military units of the modern Russian army do not have sufficiently formed leadership qualities necessary for effective management of military personnel.

Almost every third commander (30%) views conscripts as demanding of their subordinates, but is not self-critical and shows disrespect for them. Every fifth officer-manager (20%) does not sufficiently identify themselves with the status they occupy, which is manifested in the underdevelopment of their personal, moral and managerial qualities, and their tendency to shift responsibility to others.

Having analyzed the statistical data of disciplinary practice in military units, it was revealed: among commanders with problematic and non-referential types of image, the state of law and order and military discipline have lower indicators than in military units commanded by officers with an optimal type of image. In addition, in these military units there is a higher percentage of outflow of military personnel due to reluctance to serve under the leadership of commanders who do not have personal authority. The largest number of offenses is observed in military units in which a non-referential type of image of the commander has been formed in the perceptions of military personnel (Table 1).

Table 1

Dependence of the state of law and order, military discipline and staffing of military units with officers on the image of the commander (data for 2009-2011 are provided)

One of the objectives of the sociological study was to analyze the influence of the image of the officer-leader on the moral and psychological state of conscripted military personnel, on their attitude towards him and towards military service in general.

The results of a survey of experts confirmed the assumption about the influence of the commander’s image on the MPS of subordinates. The vast majority of them (84%) are confident in it, with every second (44%) calling this influence very strong. 14% of experts believe that the image of an officer-leader is not a factor in the mobilization and combat readiness of soldiers (sailors).

The study showed that among the considered social characteristics of the image of the commander, his leadership style has a stable influence on the level of MPS of personnel (Table 2).

table 2

Correlation coefficients between the social characteristics of the commander’s image and the Ministry of Railways of conscripted military personnel

As mathematical and statistical analysis of the data has shown, the level of MPS of conscripted military personnel is stable when the commander, along with an authoritarian leadership style, has highly developed professional qualities. This result is explained by the fact that in combat conditions, in the opinion of soldiers (sailors), a strong-willed and professionally trained commander inspires trust.

The lowest indicators of the MPS of personnel are with a liberal leadership style, when subordinates cannot count on the courage, stamina and ability of their commander to effectively manage a military unit. With democratic interaction between command staff and conscripted military personnel, a fairly stable MPS of subordinates is observed, its parameters are generally stable and manageable.

It should be noted that the awareness of soldiers (sailors) about the status characteristics of the commander, for example, about the experience of participation in combat operations, influences the level of the MPS of military units. A weak but positive correlation was found between these indicators (r = 0.161). The presence of state and departmental awards for the commander is practically not associated with the mobilization and combat readiness of conscripted military personnel (r = 0.011), which indicates the low effectiveness of the information work of state and military authorities in explaining the importance of striving for exemplary performance of official duties and the manifestation of reasonable initiative.

The image of the commander, in addition to the MPS of the personnel, largely determines the informal attitude towards him, which was noted by 95% of experts. This circumstance is confirmed by those presented in table. 3 correlation coefficients, the values ​​of which indicate a fairly strong influence of the studied qualities and leadership style of the commander on the attitude of his subordinates towards him.

Table 3

Correlation coefficients between the social characteristics of the commander’s image and the attitude of conscripted military personnel towards him

It is important to note that conscripts have the most positive attitude towards commanders who adhere to a democratic leadership style (Iot = 3.49). The attitude of soldiers (sailors) towards authoritarian leaders is the least positive (Iot = 0.63).

Analysis of empirical data made it possible to record a weak positive correlation between the social characteristics of the commander’s image and the attitude of conscripted servicemen to military service (Table 4). Based on this, we can conclude that the higher the development of an officer’s personal, moral, professionally important and managerial qualities, the more the soldiers (sailors) receive satisfaction from military work.

Table 4

Correlation coefficients between the social characteristics of the image of the commander and the satisfaction of conscripted military personnel with military service

The largest number of respondents satisfied with military service (41%) is observed in units in which the image of the commander reflects a democratic leadership style. Where commanders use an authoritarian style, there are half as many soldiers (sailors) satisfied with military service (21%).

The assumption that the attitude of subordinate personnel to military professional activities depends on the image of the commander was confirmed by a survey of experts. Thus, the overwhelming majority of them (84%) are confident that the image of the commander influences the attitude of conscripted military personnel to military labor.

Thus, the data from the sociological study confirmed the main hypothesis of the dissertation research: the effectiveness of the commander’s managerial activities depends on the characteristics of his image that has developed in the military unit. The modern image of officers-leaders of military units does not fully ensure their personal authority in military teams, which reduces the effectiveness of managing military units.

The formation of the image of a commander in a military unit is carried out in specific conditions of social space, which can be represented by a set of social factors. The study of scientific literature and the results of an expert survey made it necessary to highlight such objective factors in the formation of the image of commanders as the public opinion that has developed in Russian society about an officer of the Armed Forces, the institutional status of the officer, the socio-economic status of military personnel and members of their families.

Data from public opinion polls indicate an ambiguous attitude of Russian society towards officers of the modern Armed Forces. Thus, the share of positive associations among respondents about the image of an officer is only 44% of the total number of associations among Russians. For 16% of respondents, the concept of “officer” evokes negative associations, 7% of respondents treat the officer corps with pity, and 33% of Russians could not describe the image of an officer in the modern army and navy, which confirms the “blurredness” of the currently existing image of an officer.

In the formation of public opinion, the dominant role belongs to the media, informing citizens about the activities of the institution of military service.

Content analysis of periodicals showed that the number of negative judgments about various categories of officers in the Russian Army significantly exceeds the number of positive mentions (Table 5). The largest number of negative publications are devoted to senior officers - commanders of military units and heads of services.

Table 5

Nature of references to officers of various categories (in%)

Statistical data from content analysis allows us to talk about the formation of public consciousness negative image of the officer corps and the Armed Forces as a whole through print media reports.

Stable social factor The formation of an officer's image is his institutional status and socio-economic status. Currently, 71% of officers are not satisfied with the prestige of their chosen profession and the Armed Forces as a whole. In addition, 73% of respondents believe that the measures currently being taken by the military leadership to strengthen the status of the Russian Army are insufficient.

The results of monitoring the implementation of the Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 indicate the existence of a set of problems in the field of ensuring a decent quality of life for military personnel and members of their families. The greatest dissatisfaction among military personnel with the implementation of the Strategy (which indicates the ineffective work of responsible officials) within the framework of socio-economic support is observed in relation to the following factors: provision of housing (47%); amount of monetary allowance (45%); size and form of distribution of additional monetary incentives (39%).

Institutional status and socio-economic problems largely determine the military service behavior of officers. This is reflected in such negative phenomena as corruption among officers of military units, extortion of funds from subordinates, disinterest in the proper performance of official duties, and low motivation for military service. Such trends cannot go unnoticed by conscripts and affect the image of the commander formed in a military unit.

The subjective part of the factor field for forming the image of commanders in the study is focused around the value orientations of officers, through which their individual attitude towards the service and subordinates is realized, their personal position on fulfilling military duty, increasing the level of responsibility, and improving management skills is expressed.

The results of sociological surveys indicate a reorientation of officers towards pragmatic values, which occurs due to a decrease in the importance of patriotic and collectivist attitudes. In particular, awareness of one's involvement in the defense of the Fatherland is currently not a motivating factor in military professional activity. Only 34% of officers currently note it as a personally significant value. The change in the situation in society towards the total predominance of market relations has increased the importance of such attitudes and motivational complexes of officers as receiving special benefits and advantages (42%), the ability to solve the housing problem (41%), guaranteed salary and the desire to avoid unemployment (40%) , acquisition during service of knowledge and skills necessary for civilian life (32%), achieving a high position in society through career growth (27%).

The growth of a pragmatic attitude towards the service of officers began to dominate their behavior, which is manifested in their attitude to official duties, in plans regarding the prospects of service, and the organization of the life of subordinates. It negatively affects the image of the officer-leader.

In the third section– “Priority directions for improving the image of the officer-leader of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” - based on the results of the empirical study, specific directions for forming a positive image of the officer-leaders of the Russian Army are determined.

The results of a sociological analysis of the image of officers-leaders of military units show that it does not fully meet the requirements of modernization of the Armed Forces. A significant portion of commanders in military units have developed types of image that complicate the management interaction of officers with personnel. This circumstance determines the importance and necessity of developing specific directions for forming a positive image of officer-leaders, taking into account the changed conditions of the external environment and the tasks of improving the system of training and selection of command personnel.

Forming a positive image of a commander in modern conditions is the search, development and maintenance by methods of social influence of such conditions of interaction of the “officer’s personality – military-social environment” system, which ensure self-improvement and self-realization of the officer-manager within the framework of professional activities.

During the dissertation research we determined the following directions formation of a positive image of an officer-manager in modern conditions:

a) individual-personal – self-improvement and mastery of self-presentation technologies, which presupposes the officer-manager’s knowledge and experience in using a set of human science technologies, increasing his military-professional competence;

b) social-environmental - the creation of favorable general social, institutional and organizational conditions for military activity. These conditions are predetermined by the functionality of various institutions, including the institution of military service.

Taking into account the specifics of the image problem, special attention should be paid to the design and implementation of human science technologies into practice. Among them, we should highlight: the technology of individual work, the technology of “constructing” a business team, the technology of anticipating and overcoming conflicts, and the technology of orthobiosis.

The main goal of mastering human science technologies is the desire of the officer-leader for full self-expression and self-realization, increasing personal and business potential, rational use of personnel resources, and successful formation of his positive image in the military unit.

Of particular importance is the development of the commander’s human competence, which algorithmizes his managerial thinking, giving him a vector of humanity and moral motivation.

The formation of a positive image of an officer-manager in the real conditions of his life should take on the character of a well-thought-out social policy aimed at introducing effective feedback technologies in the “manager-subordinate” link. In this regard, the following priorities should be highlighted in shaping the conditions for military service at the public and state level.

1. Education of citizens in the spirit of ideological and moral values ​​of military service.

2. Ensuring the high social status of the Russian officer and the prestige of military service.

3. Creation of a complex of socio-economic, material, living and legal conditions for the life of officers and members of their families.

An important direction in forming a positive image of a leadership officer is to ensure the stability of the institutional and organizational complex operating at the level of the military service institute. It's about on the development and implementation of a comprehensive technology for regulating the social behavior of officers at all stages of military service, on their internalization of military professional norms and values. Such social technologies should include various methods of social regulation: economic, political, legal, sociocultural, pedagogical, orientation, managerial, symbolic, aesthetic.

An effective tool to facilitate the integration of officer-leaders and military teams is the development of the Code of Honor of the Russian officer, based on a system of corporate moral and value regulators of professional activity, based on the traditions of the Russian officer corps.

The development and implementation of the Code of Honor of the Russian officer, reflecting the spiritual and moral guidelines for the training of career military personnel, the professional values ​​of their military work, will make it possible to present the virtual image of the officer and determine the directions for its translation into reality. Knowledge of the virtual image will facilitate the training of future officers and will stimulate in universities the search for new approaches to training, instilling patriotism, military duty, and developing a desire for personal and professional self-improvement.

In conclusion, the results of the dissertation research are summed up, the main conclusions and practical recommendations are formulated for government and military authorities on the formation of a positive image of officer-leaders of the Russian Army.

Conclusions based on the results of the dissertation research
During the dissertation research, a sociological analysis of social characteristics and factors in the formation of the image of officers-leaders of the Armed Forces was carried out, and priority directions for its improvement were developed. The conducted research confirmed the hypotheses put forward: the effectiveness of the commander’s managerial activities directly depends on the characteristics of his image that has developed in the military unit. The results of the study indicate that the modern image of officers-leaders of military units does not fully ensure their personal authority in military teams, which reduces the effectiveness of management of military units. This state of affairs is due, among other things, to the insufficient scientific and practical development of the problem of the image of an officer-manager and the lack of necessary theoretical and applied recommendations for its formation.

A sociological analysis of the state of the image of modern officer-leaders in military units, the factors of its formation, served as a conceptual basis for developing recommendations to government and military-social management bodies on the formation of a positive image of the command cadres of the Russian Army.

  • The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation should concentrate the efforts of state media on creating a positive public attitude towards the institution of military service and increasing the prestige of the officer’s profession. For these purposes, the media assumes:

Propaganda of the heroic past of the army and navy, informing the public about the exploits of modern officers;
- conducting patriotic information and advertising campaigns aimed at forming in the public consciousness the image of an officer as a defender of the interests of the people, his Fatherland and the world;
- dissemination of interviews and speeches by representatives of senior government and military leadership on issues of modernization of the Russian army;

  • provide a system of measures aimed at supporting private media participating in the formation of a positive image of the Armed Forces;
  • VTsIOM organize monthly monitoring of public opinion on issues of modern development of the Armed Forces in order to prepare informed proposals for the country's leadership on the implementation of state programs for creating a positive image of the Armed Forces in general and the officers of the army and navy in particular;
  • improve the system of military-patriotic education of youth, taking into account the experience of implementing the state program “Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015”, expand the network of clubs, organizations of historical and patriotic orientation in secondary and higher educational institutions;
  • legislatively ensure an increase in the social status of the Russian officer corresponding modern stage development of society, tasks of modernization of the military organization of the state;
  • ensure the implementation of a complex of social guarantees for officers and members of their families;
  • create a Concept for forming a positive image of the Armed Forces, including as mandatory components those characteristics that make military service attractive to modern youth;
  • to form a state ideology of military service, which presupposes loyalty to constitutional duty, strict adherence to the military oath and adherence to the best traditions of the Russian army.
  • develop and adopt a Code of Honor for the Russian officer, reflecting the spiritual and moral guidelines for the professional activities of career military personnel, the social and moral values ​​of their military work;
  • within the framework of the “Strategy for Social Development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020”, develop and implement a Comprehensive Program for Improving the Patriotic, Cultural, Moral and Legal Training of Officer Leaders;
  • develop standard sociocultural models of the personality of the future officer-leader;
  • The Press Service and Information Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense will continue to improve and saturate the Internet site of the RF Ministry of Defense with information (;
  • The research center (sociological, RF Armed Forces) to monitor issues of personal integrity of unit and military unit commanders in order to prepare informed proposals to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense for making the necessary personnel decisions;
  • The Main Directorate for Work with Personnel of the RF Armed Forces to create a system of sociological support for the activities of military command and control bodies to form a positive image of officer-leaders;
  • In the drafts of new general military regulations, manuals and instructions on the moral and psychological training of troops, lay down the main provisions of imagery as a scientifically based and technologically proven process for developing and forming a positive image of the command staff of the Armed Forces;
  • introduce a special course “Formation of a positive image of an officer-leader in a military unit” into the training and advanced training program for command personnel of the army and navy. In order to ensure the quality of teaching this course, involve professional specialists: sociologists, psychologists, teachers, image makers, etc.

Third group of recommendations addressed directly to the person of the supervising officer. It includes the development and implementation into the everyday life of an officer-manager of proven human science technologies focused on: a) self-preservation and self-development; b) preservation and maintenance of health; c) formation of a system of individual-personal and professional-managerial qualities; d) mastery of self-presentation technology.

Recommendations for research work addressed to research organizations. To expand research activities on the problem of forming a positive image of officer-leaders, it is proposed:

  • develop standard methods for social diagnostics of the image of command personnel formed in military units;
  • develop social technologies and recommendations for government and military authorities aimed at improving the image of command personnel.

Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the List of Higher Attestation Commissions:
1. Features of the social portrait of the officer corps of the modern Armed Forces of Russia // Bulletin of the Military University. 2010.
No. 4. P. 71-78 (0.7 pp.).
2. Image of the officer corps of the Russian Army // Observer-Observer. 2011. No. 4. P. 16-24 (0.7 pp.).
3. On the image of an officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation // Military Thought. 2011.
No. 7. P. 47-52 (0.6 pp.).
Publications in other scientific publications:
4. Officers of the Russian Armed Forces - some fragments of the social portrait against the backdrop of reforms // Military sociological studies. 2010.
No. 30. P. 27-41 (0.9 pp.).
5. Formation of the image of the officer corps of the Russian army by the media // Military sociological studies. 2010.
No. 32. P. 4-11 (0.8 pp.).
6. On the question of the social portrait of an officer in the modern Russian army // Collection of scientific articles of applicants, adjuncts and graduate students. Novosibirsk: branch of the All-Russian Scientific Training Center "OVA RF Armed Forces". 2011. No. 5. P. 76-81 (0.6 pp.).
7. Officers of the modern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation // Collection of articles based on the materials of the X International Scientific Sociological Conference of Students and Postgraduate Students “Our Sociology: Research Practices and Prospects”. M., 2011. P. 118-124 (0.5 pp.).

The total volume of publications on the topic of the dissertation is 4.8 pp.