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» Cold bath. Why do athletes take ice baths? Ice baths

Cold bath. Why do athletes take ice baths? Ice baths

To speed up recovery. The topic of the new article is an ice bath: what it is and how it affects recovery processes.

General information

An ice bath is a large tank filled to the top with ice. This procedure most often means lowering the legs into a bucket/basin of water. room temperature which is filled with ice. Since the ice melts unevenly, the water temperature drops from 15 to 0 gradually, which reduces the risk of catching a cold.

According to research, using an ice bath:

  • reduces the effect of lactic acid;
  • quickly eliminates stagnant blood after pumping;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • quickly tones the main muscle groups.

The question of why athletes take ice baths has become particularly relevant after the British athletics team was spotted at the last Olympic Games for this recreational procedure.

Interesting fact: the team itself did not achieve impressive results. This does not cast doubt on the benefits of taking an ice bath, but it does prove that its results cannot be compared with taking any doping.

How to take it correctly?

How to take an ice bath correctly so as not to harm your health and increase the effectiveness of the training process?

Follow simple rules:

  1. The water should be at room temperature (15-20 degrees Celsius), tap water is suitable for this.
  2. Without preliminary hardening, staying in an ice bath for more than 5-7 minutes is not recommended due to the risk of getting a cold. Even if you are seasoned, using a bath for more than 20 minutes is not advisable.
  3. There should be a lot of ice - about 20-40% of the water weight. Prepare it in advance by pouring it into special forms and putting the water in the freezer.
  4. It is better to immerse only muscle groups that worked during training in an ice bath, i.e. It is not located entirely, but only the legs/arms are immersed.
  5. Before taking an ice bath, it is better to consult your doctor about the dangers of using it in your case.
  6. You should take an ice bath no later than half an hour after training, while lactic acid is not yet so intensely affecting the recovery processes.

Placebo or benefit?

Why do professional athletes take ice baths? Is an ice bath really beneficial? Experts have not yet reached a consensus. On the one hand, coaches who practice using an ice bath believe that it actually increases athletes’ performance by 5-10%, which is important in competition conditions. On the other hand, opponents of using an ice bath point out that stress after training is already high, as a result of which the risk of getting sick when using this procedure increases significantly.

Let's take a closer look at both positions.

Behind Against
Ice bath removes lactic acid from musclesUnder the influence of cold, the acid only denatures, which relieves pain, but does not remove the substance from the body.
An ice bath can temporarily improve an athlete's performanceIn fact, the thermal effect only provokes the release of adrenaline, which for a while actually improves the results, but with constant use the body gets used to the cold, which reduces the effectiveness of the bath.
Ice bath tones musclesCold can cause muscle cramps.
Ice bath speeds up post-workout recoveryPossible development pain syndrome in the joints, which will not allow you to train even in the case of complete muscle recovery.

Harm to health

Despite the potential benefits of taking an ice bath, the harmful effects reduce the effectiveness of the technique.

What consequences are possible:

  1. Heart problems. This is especially true for athletes over 35 years of age. An ice bath can cause muscle cramps, including the heart.
  2. Cramps. Due to hypothermia, the muscles, instead of relaxing, enter a phase of constant tension - this is a protective reaction of the body, which, due to such contractions, increases the internal body temperature.
  3. Cold. Training itself is stressful for the body, so additional stress in the form of hypothermia often results in colds.
  4. Diseases of the genitourinary system. When immersed in a bath above waist level, there is a high risk of hypothermia of the reproductive organs.
  5. Joint pain. For people suffering from joint pain, hypothermia of the extremities is contraindicated.
  6. Increased pressure.

Note: the risk of these effects increases with violation temperature regime, or prolonged exposure to an ice bath.

Brief summary

For different types sports and different loads have developed their own variations of taking an ice bath. Let's look at all the available data in the table.

Muscle group Load intensity Dive Features Potential Harm Benefit
LegsAnyYou only need to immerse your legs to the ankles, in rare cases – to the middle of the quadriceps. The water should be at a moderate temperature -10-15 degrees Celsius. The percentage of ice content in the liquid is no more than 25%.

The duration of the procedure depends on your strength. It is not recommended to spend more than 15 minutes.

Possibility of catching a cold. In case of problems with joints - exacerbation of pain caused by sudden cooling.Allows you to quickly get rid of accumulated lactic acid after cardio exercise.
LowThe whole body is immersed up to the neck short term(up to 5 minutes). The amount of ice in the liquid is no more than 10%. Seasoned athletes can stay longer in an ice bath, but the effectiveness of such a procedure remains in doubtRisk of catching a cold. Risk of getting reproductive problems. Risk of contracting pneumonia.Quickly tones muscles and prepares them for heavier loads. Speeds up recovery.
Emergency recoveryLimitImmerse your body waist-deep in ice water in small bursts of 2-3 minutes every 10 minutes. For the remaining time, the athlete rubs vigorously until he is completely warm. The percentage of ice in the water is no more than 40%.There is a small chance of getting problems with the reproductive function of the body. The risk of getting a cold due to a weakened body.Helps quickly get rid of lactic acid, tone muscles and speed up recovery.
Working in a circleMedium intensityImmersion of the legs in the middle of the quadriceps, procedure duration – up to 12 minutes. The percentage of ice can reach up to 30%.Colds, pneumonia, exacerbation of joint pain.Returns muscle tone and relieves pain caused by stress.
General hardeningAnyFull body immersion. Daily procedure – start from one minute, increasing the duration of the procedure by 20-30 seconds every day.Risk of catching a cold. Otherwise safe.Increases the body's resistance to cold and overload.
Recovery after competitionLimitImmersion of the legs + the muscle group involved in the load for 3-7 minutes, depending on the hardness of the body.Colds - pneumonia - exacerbation of pain in the joints.Allows you to quickly restore muscle performance.


Why do athletes take ice baths if the procedure is potentially harmful? In competitions it is important to achieve maximum results. Absolutely everything is used for this available funds, ranging from massage to placebo. If an ice bath can improve an athlete’s performance by at least 5-7%, this can be a decisive indicator in obtaining the coveted victory. That's why, despite the possible harm, ice baths are so popular among Olympic athletes.

Remember the main points regarding the ice bath after exercise:

  1. High risk of catching a cold. This is due to the fact that the body is in a state of extreme stress after training (competition).
  2. If immersed incorrectly or insufficiently hardened, serious health problems are likely.
  3. The effectiveness of ice baths has not been scientifically proven.
  4. The procedure will not increase the productivity of the training cycle, it will only reduce side effects, such as sore throat, lactic acid retention, etc.

Taking into account the above, the editors would not recommend the use of ice baths for non-professional athletes.

Usain Bolt, who won the gold medal in the 200-meter dash at the World Championships in Moscow yesterday, addressed the fans. On his Instagram, he posted a traditional video: a Jamaican plunged into an ice bath. In a similar way, it usually restores muscles after intense starts. In his address, Bolt joked that it was time for him to find a different way to celebrate victories. Let us remind you that Bolt has already won two gold medals in Moscow - before that he became first in the 100-meter dash.

Ice Bath After Workout: Pros and Cons

Many people know this way to get rid of muscle pain after exercise as an ice bath. Professional athletes resort to it quite often. But we still have questions: is this method suitable for us, and how safe is it?

Word to science

Runner's World magazine wrote back in 2008: Ice baths were named one of the most effective ways compensate for the damage caused during training. Immersion in cold water suppresses inflammation and heat in the muscles, as cold temperatures constrict blood cells and reduce metabolic activity.

Just recently, scientists examined the results of more than 17 studies and found that ice bathing reduced muscle soreness by 20% compared to doing nothing. This method is also found to be slightly more effective than elastic bands and stockings, as well as light running.

However, the method also has critics. The main doubt is that ice baths can lead to increased heart rate and, as a result, a heart attack.

Therefore, it is worth knowing how to take ice baths correctly so that you only get the benefits of this method, and not its disadvantages.

Ice baths: how to take them correctly?

After intense or unusual physical exercise, after training that pushes one’s own capabilities, muscle soreness usually occurs. This condition is called "soreness" (another term is DOMS). It usually lasts from 24 to 48 hours. Main symptoms: muscle stiffness, swelling, muscle soreness, decreased strength.

This occurs due to mechanical damage in the muscle fibers, which leads to pain and inflammation. Many people mistakenly believe that warming muscles can relieve pain, and take hot baths. But athletes practice ice baths, or ice baths, to combat pain. Photos of American gymnasts from the US team at the London Olympics, where they took ice baths after difficult starts, trying to recover faster, went viral on Twitter.

For professional athletes, baths are prepared by specialists, but we can take advantage of their experience and make an ice bath at home.

Ice bath rules:

The water temperature for an ice bath is 10-15 degrees Celsius.

You can stay in the ice bath for five minutes. Much depends on your condition and reaction; some make such baths longer, up to 20 minutes.

The easiest way to do an ice bath is to pour cold water into the bath tap water and add ice from the freezer.

It is best to take an ice bath no later than half an hour after training.

The ice bath is not given to the entire body, meaning you should not immerse yourself completely. The safest thing is an ice bath on your feet, below the waist is possible, and very rarely you should dive up to your chest (full immersion only after consulting a doctor!).

Useful criticism

In order not to harm your health, it is worth listening to the critics of ice baths. Firstly, there are a number of experts who cannot find scientific confirmation the effect of ice baths. They believe that it's all about the so-called placebo effect.

Other doctors say that you shouldn't rely entirely on an ice bath to relieve pain. It is necessary to combine several methods of pain relief: water procedures, massage, stretching.

It is worth considering the strict warnings from almost all doctors: Not everyone can benefit from an ice bath. The shock effect on the body that immersion in cold water produces should not be underestimated. Ice baths can affect the heart blood vessels, respiratory system. An ice bath can greatly increase your blood pressure and heart rate.

Even athletes do not use ice baths regularly, only during periods of very heavy loads. The long-term effects of ice baths have not been studied, so don't get carried away. Remember that during our Russian holiday of Epiphany, when believers swim in an ice hole, an ambulance is always on duty nearby to help unprepared people with a weak heart and high pressure. Be careful!

Athletes performing at top level, we are sure that ice baths help tired muscles recover after tough matches. This technique is used by two-time Olympic champion and Grand Slam winner tennis player Andy Murray. Even before he managed to climb to the top of the ATP rankings, every time after games he performed the same sequence of actions: warm shower- light snack - drink water - massage - ice bath for 8 minutes.

Optimal water temperature

Of course, the bathtub for the world number one is filled with water above 0 degrees Celsius. The Briton considers the optimal liquid temperature to be 8-10 degrees. Additionally, ice cubes are placed in the water. This method of immersion is considered gentle. Andy Murray is far from the only professional athlete who practices recovery by immersing his body in ice water. This is what heptathlete Jessica Ennis-Hill does. Only instead of a bath, the girl uses an empty trash container (in an upright position it is easier to relieve tension and inflammation from the legs).

Can we talk about the effectiveness and benefits of this method?

If you look at the titles of these famous athletes, there is probably no doubt in your mind that the recovery method they chose is the only correct one. But the teachings cannot yet give a definite answer regarding the benefits of ice recovery procedures. For objective reasons, there are too few scientific research. In the meantime, the sports world is divided into two opposition camps: supporters and irreconcilable opponents of ice baths.

From the point of view of supporters of the method

Supporters this method emphasize the benefits of cold temperatures. So, many of us are accustomed to applying ice to the site of an injury or bruise to slow down the blood flow and prevent the formation of a bruise or swelling. Also, this simple procedure actually has a slight analgesic effect. It’s no secret that an athlete’s body experiences enormous overload after a grueling start. In addition to heaviness in the muscles, athletes often receive microdamages, which can subsequently provoke more serious injuries. An ice bath helps slow blood flow and eliminate inflammation in the muscles. Of course, complete immersion is not always required. For example, runners or football players are more likely to suffer from legs.

From the opponents' point of view

If for ordinary person If you accidentally sprain your leg, ice guarantees relief, but for professional athletes, cold recovery can result in harm. What arguments do opponents of ice baths give? In fact, in addition to fighting inflammation, slowing blood flow causes a decrease in protein synthesis. This means Jessica Ennis-Hill has to work harder in the gym. Amateur bodybuilders who prescribe restorative procedures for themselves should remember this. Otherwise, weight lifting training will not bring the desired results. After all, inflammatory processes after exercise in the gym in this particular case can themselves replace recovery.

Research using anti-inflammatory drugs

Although inflammation causes pain and discomfort in the body, in some cases there is no need to block this process. This is partly supported by studies that involved anti-inflammatory drugs (particularly ibuprofen). In most cases, reducing inflammation gave the athlete short-term relief and relief from muscle discomfort. At the same time, the recovery process slowed down significantly. It is worth noting that a lot of research has been carried out to study the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs on the recovery processes of athletes. Let's carry out short review the most significant of them.

Depending on different age categories

For people over 65 years of age, a course of anti-inflammatory drugs for 12 weeks produced noticeable results. The researchers divided the experiment participants into two groups, one of which took a placebo. Those exercise enthusiasts who took real medications after training noted a slight increase in muscle mass. Do you think there are many people in this age group who would like to replace the anti-inflammatory drug with an ice bath? Unfortunately, young athletes who are at the peak of their physical fitness risk using synthetic drugs to slow down their recovery process.

Depending on the load

According to scientists, athletes who train at an amateur level and do not experience constant stress can relieve pain and discomfort in muscles without resorting to medications. Ice bath in in this case may be comparable to an ice pack applied after a bruise or sprain. Occasionally, this recovery method can be effective. But as we already know, for athletes who train for many hours every day, an ice bath does not have the desired effect.

Ice bath as an emergency recovery method

Researcher Jonathan Peake recommends that professional athletes reconsider their recovery strategies. An employee of the Queensland University of Technology and colleagues took blood from athletes for biomarkers and performed a biopsy of the thigh muscles for two weeks. All athletes were divided into two groups, one of which took an ice bath as a recovery after training, and the other simply rested. Ultimately, analyzes in both groups of athletes did not reveal any significant differences in performance. This means that the ability of ice water to relieve inflammation is completely questioned.

Hardening and excellent strengthening of the immune system are only part of it beneficial properties, which a cold bath has. It has an excellent effect on the skin, easily making it elastic and smooth. With this procedure, the body becomes less susceptible to various viral diseases and infections.

Incredibly, ice baths with the addition of ice cubes are recommended for weight loss, and many have been able to test the effectiveness of this method for themselves. This procedure will also give excellent results after training, effectively relieving pain and tension in tired muscles.

Correct Application

Despite the simplicity and accessibility of this method to effectively help the body, this should be done with extreme caution. Instead of hardening the body or losing weight, you can get a lot of problems that will be impossible to solve without medical intervention. It is best to take such baths in the morning, then the excellent, cheerful mood will last throughout the day. In winter you need to do this a little more often than in summer. You should not immediately get into ice water, not everyone can decide to do this, and the body must get used to such a procedure.

Before the session, it is recommended to do a little gymnastics, or at least jump and do a few squats. The body will warm up a little, hardening or the process of losing weight will occur with maximum benefit. That is why ice baths are recommended for athletes at the end of a grueling workout. After hard physical labor, it is also advised to relax and unwind in such a bath. For bruises and stretch marks cold water can create a real miracle - the pain will certainly subside.

If cold water interests you only as a way to lose weight, do not hope for such a miracle. To do this, you need to at least review your diet and add a little exercise. If time does not allow you to seriously engage in sports, then you need to do a few minutes after breakfast. gymnastic exercises. Very soon you will see that the frequency of such procedures gives excellent result for weight loss.

When immersed in cold bath The body will feel a slight discomfort, but it should go away quickly if you do not have any health problems. You can add a little warm water, this will help get rid of the chill. Such a bath will also have a positive effect on the condition of the whole body after a hard workout, the muscles will be able to completely relax, and blood circulation will accelerate. It is strictly forbidden to sit in the water for more than 10 minutes. After your bath, you can rinse yourself in a cool shower and be sure to thoroughly rub your body with a hard towel. It is strictly not recommended to walk outside immediately after the procedure is completed. You need to wait a few hours, regardless of whether it is warm or cold outside. Even in the house, protect yourself from drafts.

It is recommended to take a bath while sitting; in no case should the level of cold water rise above the heart area. Also, if there is increasing discomfort, dizziness or deterioration in health, it is necessary to immediately stop the procedure. Your body may not be ready for such stress and this will negatively affect your health. Start hardening with warmer water or cold rubdowns.

Ice bath with medicinal herbs

Such a bath will perfectly boost the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Cold aromatic water will calm the nerves, increase skin tone, relieve pain after training, make hardening of the body pleasant, and is also perfect for losing weight.

To prepare a healing decoction you need to take 50 grams. medicinal chamomile, 150 gr. nettle leaves, 100 gr. dried viburnum flowers, 20 gr. calendula and 100 gr. currant leaves. Pour this mixture cold water and put on fire. After boiling, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Remove, cool and strain through several layers of gauze. Pour into the bathtub and top up with cold water until required quantity. You can freeze this decoction in ice cube trays and add it each time you use it. The benefit will be double: the water will cool as much as possible and become truly healing.

Magnesia bath

Magnesia is often used to remove excess fluid from the body. This type of salt can be bought at any pharmacy, it is inexpensive, but it is very helpful for hardening the body or losing weight.

  • To prepare a bath, you will need three types of salt - kitchen, sea and magnesia.
  • Mix them in the following proportions - 1 kg of plain salt, 0.5 kg of sea salt and 150 g. magnesia.
  • Dissolve them in small quantity warm water, stirring until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  • After this, add cold water.

Take this bath for about a quarter of an hour, rinse a little warm water and thoroughly rub your entire body with a terry towel. Before going to bed, you can apply anti-cellulite cream or another weight loss product.

If your body is prone to colds, this method will have a great effect on hardening. After regular procedures, you will see and feel the effective effect of saline solutions on your health. Magnesia is included in medications that help relieve pain. Therefore, taking such a bath will be useful for athletes after a long hard workout.

Honey bath

About the magical help of natural honey in the composition different means for weight loss has been known for quite some time. After training, many doctors advise relieving fatigue with the influence of this product. Hardening the body is also impossible without such useful substance. As a result of taking a bath with natural honey fat deposits in problem areas begin to melt at an incredible speed, immunity to cold viruses is developed, and the whole body becomes healthy and energetic.

To prepare such a healing bath, you need to combine 2 liters of full-fat milk and a glass of honey. Heat the mixture in a water bath until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. Pour into the bath and fill it to the required volume with very cold water. You can sit in this healing solution for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and apply nourishing cream to your body. It is advisable to take a bath before bed so that you can immediately crawl under the covers.

Do not forget that many people are allergic to honey, so such a bath is categorically not recommended for them. Even if you have not experienced any discomfort from this product before, if you experience any incomprehensible discomfort during the procedure, immediately get out and rinse thoroughly big amount warm water. Hardening with honey will be more effective if you follow the bath for a few minutes, finishing the procedure under a cold stream.

Contraindications for use

If you decide to use such a pleasant and wonderful method for hardening or losing weight, it is worth considering that there are also some contraindications. Ice baths are strictly not recommended in the following cases:

  1. the presence of any malignant tumors;
  2. hypertonic disease;
  3. cardiovascular diseases;
  4. skin damage;
  5. Chronical bronchitis;
  6. pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  7. colds.

Baths using cold water should be taken periodically, alternating different components. You can do cold procedures for two days, and then allow the body to rest for the same amount of time. If your workouts in the gym are very hard and you sweat profusely, it is recommended to first lie down for half an hour in a warm bath. Start hardening gradually, smoothly moving from cool water to ice water. Very soon you will notice that this is a great way to influence your health, and it is completely free and very effective. Go to the gym to train, harden your body, take baths with cold water, as a result you will get a healthy body and a stunning, toned figure!

After exercise and exercise various types sport, I definitely want to take a bath to wash off bad smell, relieve muscle pain and get rid of fatigue. How useful this is and what water temperature is preferable will be discussed in our article.

Any athlete feels fatigue and muscle pain after an intense workout. To cheer up and get maximum energy, you can take a cold shower. Provided that a person has enough good health and hardening experience, ice baths after training will not cause damage to the body. After training, a cold shower helps contract warmed muscles, thereby speeding up blood circulation. Soon a person feels a surge of strength, freshness and vigor. Cold water will also help cope with unpleasant muscle pain.

If the human body is not hardened and trained, a cool shower can only aggravate the current situation. Unhardened vessels relax under the influence of ice water, which makes the athlete feel sleepy and exhausted.

How to take a bath:

  • Suitable temperature is 10 - 13 degrees.
  • After you have trained, the encouraging manipulation is carried out no earlier than 20 to 30 minutes later.
  • If cold water makes you uncomfortable, avoid the procedure.
  • Carry out the procedure strictly in a sitting position. At the end of the procedure, completely soak your body in a cool shower.
  • Do not pour ice water on your head, this can lead to colds.

Hot baths

After a grueling workout, soak in a hot bath - what could be more beautiful? Feelings of unreal muscle pain after training, this phenomenon is familiar to everyone who has been involved in bodybuilding or other physical activity. Many athletes wonder whether it is possible to take a hot shower? In bodybuilding, this method is often practiced for an analgesic effect. A bath after training will dilate blood vessels and relax the body, subject to certain rules:

  1. Don't do too much hot water, optimal temperature water - 39 - 41 degrees.
  2. In order not to overload the heart, the time spent in the bathroom should not be more than 20 minutes.
  3. Add to water sea ​​salt, penetrating the skin, it will soothe and anesthetize the muscles.
  4. To avoid drowsiness and loss of strength, take water procedures while sitting.
  5. If the process takes place in a shower stall, monitor your health so that the steam from the water does not choke you, open the doors slightly.

If hot water temperatures make you sleepy, and you don’t like a cold shower, you can take the optimal position - take a contrast shower after training.

Cold and hot shower

Many experts believe that it is considered the most useful after training. Firstly, it will enhance the training effect, especially if your goal is to lose weight. Heated body under the influence different temperatures promotes fat burning. If your goal is to gain muscle mass, avoid taking cold exercises, as they significantly slow down muscle hypertrophy. If you have a full body, a contrast shower after training will help you avoid possible sagging skin.