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» Furniture storage. Old furniture: amazing ideas for updating and restoring furniture without extra costs Old furniture: photos of design options using painting

Furniture storage. Old furniture: amazing ideas for updating and restoring furniture without extra costs Old furniture: photos of design options using painting

Our apartment was undergoing renovations and there was no place to store things. We surfed the Internet and found Rentabox. Location, prices - everything was fine. We've been storing it for 4 months now. Sometimes we bring a lot of materials, and they don’t fit in the elevator, we have to make several calls, and we want a bigger elevator. Overall, I liked the service. I wish you strong nerves, because I know what it’s like to work with... Read in full

Valery Evsikov Head of production at Karcher LLC

The issue with a place to store the assortment of cleaning equipment was resolved by itself when we decided to find out what was more profitable: storing the equipment on our territory or in the Rentabox warehouse. It was cheaper at Rentabox. In addition, it is always clean and warm there. Polite and tactful... Read more

Our company is a client of RENTABOX and has repeatedly used its services during our cooperation with the center. We contacted the center for two reasons. Firstly, one of the center's warehouse terminals is located next to our main office. And secondly, the RENTABOX company provides storage facilities with modern infrastructure and round-the-clock access for storing things. In addition, when ordering a storage service in... Read more

Kira Pronina TransCapital Bank. Leading specialist of the underwriting and transaction support department No. 1

We are very pleased with the services provided by Rentabox. The warehouse is conveniently located, dry and clean. We were very pleased with the service. We express our gratitude to the Rentabox company, we are ready to continue... Read in full

Boris Kanukov "Rosenergobank"

We cooperate with one of your branches, which is located on the street. Novoostapovskaya. Moreover, the cooperation is based on complete mutual understanding thanks to the wonderful employees Irina Lafta and Tanya Pshennova. Thank you for... Read more

LLC "Fortis" Wholesale trade in hardware

Previously, we rented a warehouse in another place, but we moved here to Khimki because we were looking for an alternative. Conditions, prices - I liked everything. Plus, there is an excellent manager here, Svetlana Benyumova, we are happy with her work. With respect,... Read more

Artem Sherer Entrepreneur

I am in business selling sporting goods. I have been using the Rentabox warehouse on Dubrovka for a year. Overall, very pleased with the quality of services and location. Delighted with 24/7 access. Guys... Read more

Alexey Bolshakov Head of Production Department, Race Information Technologies LLC

I first learned from my director that there are self-storage warehouses in Moscow, like in the West, and then I saw a large sign on the Moscow Ring Road. I especially liked that the guys have their own packaging store. We have been using Rentabox services for 2 years now. Generally...

Here is how it was…

There was a time when I tried to solve the problem of how to get rid of old unnecessary furniture on my own. Now, having gone through all the thorns and realizing the stupidity of such an undertaking, I advise everyone who is affected by this issue to contact a specialized company.
We have our eye on furniture store beautiful modern wall to the living room. So compact and at the same time roomy that it alone could replace the old, battered slide, and at the same time the cabinets, chest of drawers, bedside tables, secretary standing here and there in the room. It was decided to buy it, the room will be freed from old furniture, it will become more spacious, brighter, and more comfortable. The decision has been made, now we need to think about how to get rid of the old furniture. Nothing complicated, I thought, and enthusiastically began to disassemble our old slide, because it was impossible to take it out entirely, much less lower it in the elevator. First I'll take it apart, and then gradually take it to the trash.

In fact, it turned out that dismantling old furniture is not such a quick and joyful task. Since we don’t have a screwdriver, it’s somehow not useful in life, and for this reason it’s not worth buying one, I started using a screwdriver. In fact, it turned out that we still need wrench to hold with reverse side, otherwise the entire bolt-nut-washer system often rotates. I went to the store to get the key and continued working. There were so many of these bolts and nuts, and many were so rusty that it was very difficult to unscrew them. In the end, patience ran out, half a day passed, and still half of it was not sorted out.

I went to the store and bought a hacksaw, since we are not going to use this furniture anymore and it is destined for a landfill, why bother with it, unscrewing dozens of bolts and nuts. We need to quickly resolve the issue of how to get rid of the old furniture; the new wall will be delivered tomorrow, but the old one still stands undisassembled. With sawing, things went faster, but in the process of work I realized that a crowbar would still be useful, but I no longer bothered to go to the shops to look for a crowbar.

By the end of the day, when it was already dark, she was lying in the middle of the room. big mountain of disassembled furniture, I didn’t even expect there to be so much. It seemed to me simply unacceptable to take it out to our yard waste site. It won’t fit in containers, and my conscience doesn’t allow me to put a bunch of it next to each other, and is it even possible? I heard that they can impose a fine for this, why would I need all this trouble? I quickly started looking at advertisements on the Internet on how to get rid of old furniture, there was a lot of advice - give it away, sell it, and yes, take it out. I call, a sweet female voice answers and introduces herself as the manager of a garbage and furniture removal company, household appliances complete cleaning and tidying of apartments. I explain my situation that the furniture has been disassembled and is lying in the apartment, and tomorrow they will bring new furniture; urgent removal is needed. My order was accepted, but delivery was scheduled for the next day in the morning, which is understandable, it’s almost night outside. When placing an order, I was asked whether it was necessary to disassemble the furniture, I replied that I had already disassembled it, but I asked how much more expensive it would be to remove the furniture and disassemble it. What they answered shocked me.

The cost of the purchased tool and the fact that I fussed around all day in vain, putting in so much effort, would have more than paid off if I had ordered the removal of the furniture with disassembly right away. It turns out that the main cost is the delivery of the car and the removal of waste to a landfill for disposal. Disassembly and removal, taking into account the availability of tools and the timing of the work, as well as calm nerves, are estimated cheaply in my opinion, if only I had known this earlier.
Finally in the morning, in set time no later, a car arrived with two loaders, who went up to our floor and in 15 minutes carried out to the car the entire mountain of furniture that had been disassembled yesterday. When I said that I had been disassembling it all day, one of the movers replied that they did such work within an hour. If I had placed an order yesterday morning, the furniture would have been taken out before lunch, I wouldn’t have had to run to the shops for tools and spend so much time and nerves disassembling furniture that I no longer needed. Now I know exactly how to get rid of old furniture, and when I decide to change it in the bedroom, I will act based on the experience gained. And for those who are faced with a similar problem for the first time, I think my confession will be useful for making the right decision.

Thank you for your attention.

You can find out the cost of your work by calling 8-499-343-28-57

In every apartment, house or administrative premises there is furniture that differs in quality from each other, technical characteristics, materials from which it is made, etc.

From time to time it is necessary to clean the furniture, as dust, dirt, and greasy stains settle on it, which can sometimes be quite difficult to get rid of.

In order not to damage the surfaces of the furniture during cleaning, you should know what products can be used and how to wash it correctly. In this article we will talk about popular ways to care for polished and other furniture at home.

Do you need to clean your wooden furniture? What are the most common methods? First of all, it is worth noting that wooden furniture requires constant care. Wood is one of the most popular materials in furniture production.

Wooden furniture samples must be cleaned every day (wipe dust), once a week general cleaning to remove stubborn stains. In this case, you should use a special soft brush and exclusively natural cleaning products.

The most common care recipes wooden furniture The following techniques include:

  1. Baby soap should be added to 500 ml of water and stirred. With this composition, you can begin to clean dirty areas using a regular cloth. Once cleaning is complete, you will need to wipe the furniture with a dry cloth.
  2. A mixture of water and lemon essential oil is applied to a sponge and cleans the surface of the furniture. Essential oil is an excellent component for polishing furniture. In addition to excellent cleaning properties, essential oil lemon has a pleasant smell that will remain on the furniture for some time.
  3. Mix 50 ml olive oil with 100 ml of vinegar. The prepared solution is poured into a spray bottle, gently sprayed onto the furniture and wiped with a cloth. After this procedure, polished furniture will look like new.
  4. Add 50 ml to 50 ml of water lemon juice. This is an excellent furniture care product that does not leave streaks. First you need to clean the furniture with a cloth soaked in this solution, and then wipe it with a dry sponge or cloth.
  5. Add 10 ml of ammonia to 60 ml of water, wipe the surface of the furniture with the solution. This product can cope with the most difficult stains.
  6. One of the most popular ways to combat white stains on furniture after hot dishes is Vaseline. They need to treat the problem area and leave it overnight, and polish it in the morning.

You can clean polished furniture at home using available products.

One of the most famous folk methods are the following products.

  1. . You need to take 1 potato tuber, peel it and cut it in half. Any dirt on the furniture should be wiped with raw potatoes and then wiped dry with a dry cloth.

Polished furniture does not need to be cleaned with a damp cloth, as the polish wears off and the former shine disappears. Lacquered furniture Do not clean with soapy solutions, as this may damage the surface.

  1. Burr oil. To wash furniture with it, you need to apply this product to a cotton swab and wrap it in a cotton cloth so that the oil can drain onto the surface of the furniture. You need to wipe the furniture with this rag, clean off any remaining oil with a dry cloth, and polish it with a flannel.
  2. Flour and vegetable oil . You can clean furniture perfectly with this composition.
  3. Salt and vegetable oil. If there are stubborn stains left on the furniture from or any other hot product, wipe them with a cloth soaked in oil and salt. You can apply salt and oil to the stain and wait a few hours, then remove this mixture and wipe the stain with a rag.
  4. Vinegar. This product is ideal for cleaning heavily soiled furniture.
  5. Brine from under sauerkraut . Apply it to stains and wipe off with a rag.

Of course, that's not all known methods cleaning polished furniture with improvised means, but the most basic and popular.

Concerning upholstered furniture, then its care will depend on the type of fabric used in its production.

How to clean this furniture to keep the upholstery in great condition? For example, removable covers can be washed in washing machine at a certain temperature.

In other cases, you will need to use sponges and brushes for quality cleaning.

Sofas in front wet cleaning should be vacuumed every week.

Corners and seams should be cleaned monthly with a brush. It accumulates in these places large quantity dust.

When cleaning furniture with long piles, you will also need a brush. It is recommended to use natural cleaning products that will not cause a negative effect.

If there are traces of wax on the furniture, they can be cleaned without damaging the surface of the furniture. To do this, you will need to heat the knife in boiling water and use the blunt side to clean off the dried wax. Next, use a gasoline rag to wipe the area where the wax mark was.

If, for example, you stained a table with ink, then cleaning such stains at home will be as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to take heated beer and pour it over the stain, wait until everything dries, spread wax on the stain and polish.

In addition, various stores sell a wide range of products that are ideal for cleaning polished furniture at home.

In order to keep your furniture clean, you should adhere to a few simple rules.

  1. Regular care of furniture is a guarantee of its cleanliness and beauty.
  2. Refusal household chemicals When caring for furniture at home, it will help avoid allergies.
  3. The use of soft fabrics and sponges when caring for furniture will help prevent scratches and damage.
  4. A soft brush will help to thoroughly clean furniture that has threads.
  5. Avoid alcohol, cologne and acetone when cleaning furniture, as they dull the surface.

In the event that over time, polished furniture has faded or changed color, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • wipe off dust, clean furniture surfaces warm water and wipe with a dry soft cloth;
  • the next step is to prepare a special solution consisting of linseed oil and turpentine, as well as table vinegar;
  • mix all the components, moisten a cotton swab in the resulting solution and treat the furniture surface with it;
  • Furniture should be cleaned quickly enough so that its surface does not heat up. In this case, the oil reacts with other components, oxidizes and returns the furniture to its former shine and beauty.

Sticking to these simple recommendations, you will be able to maintain all the furniture in your home in perfect order, and it will look like new. And it costs a lot, because to buy new furniture due to the formation of stains on the old one, which can be easily dealt with, it will simply be unwise.


Caring for unpolished furniture is often a problem, especially for young housewives. However, there is nothing complicated about it, you just need to understand what an unpolished wooden surface is. It is necessary to use only oil-free products that do not leave greasy stains after use.

Daily care

It should be remembered that the surface unpolished furniture much more susceptible to contamination, since it is not protected by a layer of furniture varnish. Therefore, it must be cleaned regularly, ideally daily, with a vacuum cleaner with a soft bristle attachment. This will help avoid the accumulation of dust, which gets into the smallest cracks of the wood and gives the furniture an untidy grayish tint.

If contamination cannot be avoided, wipe the surface with a damp soft cloth and then wipe dry. Heavy soiling You can wipe it with soapy water and immediately remove any remaining residue with a dry, clean cloth. Products for polished furniture should not be used, as they will wooden surface Difficult to remove greasy stains will remain.

How to restore old furniture

Old, unpolished furniture that has stood for a long time without proper care has an unpresentable appearance. You can refresh it in the following way. First, remove dust and dirt with a damp cloth and wipe the furniture dry, removing any remaining moisture. Then prepare the following remedy: pour the wax cut into pieces into a bottle, fill it with turpentine, seal it and place the bottle in hot water. Once the wax has melted, shake the bottle vigorously several times until the mixture is homogeneous. Using a soft swab or brush, apply the composition to the surface of the furniture and leave for a day, then vigorously rub all surfaces with a piece of cloth or thick woolen fabric.

Caring for light unpolished furniture

Caring for unpolished furniture made from light wood varieties is as follows. Take a piece of white candle natural wax, melt in a water bath and add to it an equal amount of gasoline or white spirit. Apply the cooled mixture to the surface light furniture for several hours, then polish with soft flannel. The wax will create on the surface of the wood protective film, and in further care will become much more simple.

How to get rid of grease stains

It is quite difficult to remove greasy stains from the surface of unpolished furniture. Try using a mixture of equal parts alcohol and drying oil for this. Stir the liquid until smooth, moisten a flannel swab and wipe the contaminated area until the stain disappears. When the surface of the furniture is dry, polish it with a piece of soft cloth.

How to remove a dent on furniture

A small dent on furniture can be removed quite easily. To do this, you need to take a little turpentine, damp gauze and a metal bottle cap. Wipe the area where the dent has formed with turpentine, place gauze folded in 4 layers on it, and place the cork on top, smooth side down. Press the heated iron firmly onto the cork. The steam generated under the metal will straighten the deformed wood fibers, and the dent will disappear.

How to remove bloating on furniture

On old unpolished furniture that has stood for some time in damp unheated room, for example, in a country house, swelling may appear due to warping of the veneer with which it is lined. You can remove them as follows.

If the swelling is small, it is often enough to iron it with a hot iron through several layers of white paper. Large swelling is “treated” as follows: use a sharp awl to pierce a small hole in the bladder, put a little bit of any furniture glue into an insulin syringe and carefully pour it inside, then place paper on top and iron it until smooth. Press down this place with a weight and leave for two to three days.

No matter how carefully the furniture is used, sooner or later it will need cleaning. Turning to professionals is not a bad idea, but cleaning services do not always provide quality guarantees, and you will have to pay a considerable amount for the service. To avoid unnecessary expenses, you can clean furniture yourself.

Cleaning furniture at home requires some preparation. The following tools may be needed for surface treatment:

  • Broom for dust removal;
  • Clothes brush;
  • Sponge;
  • Cotton fabric;
  • Spray;
  • Toothbrush;
  • Tweezers;
  • Container for solution.

You will also need a vacuum cleaner or steam generator. To clean surfaces you will need the following:

  • Vinegar-salt solution - considered optimal for removing dirt from upholstery;
  • Soap solution is the simplest means for cleaning furniture from stains. difficult spots;
  • Ice – you can use it to remove stuck gum;
  • Household chemicals (stain removers, shampoos).

The most popular means considered: soda, vinegar, powder. However, one should not forget that chemicals may cause unpleasant consequences for skin. In this case, when cleaning furniture, products for allergy sufferers can be used. In case of absence of one or another item in everyday life, they can be replaced with a similar one.

Basic cleaning methods

There are several basic cleaning methods used for home cleaning:

  • Dry;
  • Wet;
  • Steam cleaning of furniture;
  • Chemical treatment;
  • Mechanical cleaning.

Before choosing methods and means, you must carefully study the material from which the cabinet or table is made.


Dry cleaning furniture is considered a less expensive way to deal with dirt. This method has several advantages:

  • Maintaining appearance;
  • Effective in fighting stains;
  • Availability.

The use of various powders and foams for carpets also applies to dry cleaning. On wooden or plastic surfaces Dust often accumulates. You can remove it with a dry cloth.

This is the method that is used if you are not sure how to clean flock furniture at home. It is knocked out or treated with a dry brush.


  1. Cleaning washing vacuum cleanerthis method more effective in terms of improving the appearance of the product. If more thorough cleaning is required, it is better to choose a washing vacuum cleaner model. They are designed to remove old dirt, as well as some types of stains. Cleaning furniture at home using a vacuum cleaner consists of the following: a detergent solution is poured into the device. Using a nozzle, it is sprayed onto the surface. After complete treatment, the furniture is vacuumed again. Then the process is repeated, but with clean water;
  2. Cleaning with steam is the most in a modern way cleaning, which can be classified as a wet method, is cleaning furniture with a steam generator. This unit is suitable for treating almost all surfaces in the house. It is easy to use, but remains an expensive device. To clean it, you need to pour water into it, and then treat the surfaces with a stream of steam coming from the steam generator spout. Under the influence of high temperatures, fine dirt softens and breaks into small pieces. Then simply wipe the surface with a dry cloth to remove these residues. Cleaning furniture with a Karcher steam cleaner is considered simple and fast, since with its help it not only refreshes the surface, but also removes many stains and dirt.

For many housewives, the question is important: is it possible to clean furniture with a steamer if it has wooden parts? You should not risk the integrity of the wood, since high temperatures steam may cause swelling and deformation.

Steam application

Cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner


Furniture for clean rooms needs deep cleaning from bacteria. The most popular means necessary for cleaning furniture items are:

  • Vanish as a bleach or carpet shampoo;
  • Fairy to combat greasy stains.

It’s easy to work with the products: just dilute a cap of the product in water until you get a thick foam. In order not to spoil the surface, you should strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations for proportions, since the chemicals for cleaning furniture are quite toxic.


In some cases the best option will mechanical cleaning furniture in the apartment. It involves the use of tools to remove stains and dirt.

If the upholstery is dusty, you can use a regular carpet beater and vacuum cleaner. With their help, the internal filling is deeply cleansed. A vacuum cleaner is sufficient for daily cleaning. This method is dry cleaning. Using a powerful unit, you can remove dust, small debris and minor dirt. If there is a coating of dust on the upholstery or crumbs have accumulated, using a clothes brush for dry cleaning is sufficient. With its help, some stains will be removed quickly and without streaks.

Choosing a method depending on the type of contamination

Depending on the material, the method and means for cleaning and products are selected. Special attention wooden, wicker items and upholstery of upholstered furniture deserve.

Cleaning metal surfaces

Furniture from of stainless steel for clean rooms can be treated with liquid detergent, after which it is washed with water and wiped dry. If stains occur, you can use caustic soda. But in this case, movements should be as careful as possible so as not to leave scratches. More difficult stains can be removed using a solvent (acetone). It is especially difficult to clean furniture if it is greasy. To remove greasy shine, you can wipe the surface with a vinegar solution and then polish.

Processing of natural materials

Furniture made from eco-friendly pure materials requires a delicate approach in choosing funds. To clean wicker chairs and tables, you need a vacuum cleaner and a brush. To remove contaminants in the most hard to reach places It is recommended to use tweezers or a toothbrush. With their help, you can easily remove stuck grains of dirt and dust. After washing with water, it needs to be dried naturally or using a hairdryer or fan.

For cleansing wooden cabinets and tables, you can use a dry cotton cloth to remove dust. If the facades are painted, a vacuum cleaner for cleaning furniture with a special brush attachment is suitable. If your apartment has varnished furniture, how can you clean it at home? There are special polishes for such products on sale. To clean oil-soaked wood furniture, it is recommended to prepare a solution of turpentine and flaxseed oil. The resulting product is applied to a napkin, which is used to wipe the facades.

One of the most unpretentious materials for making upholstered furniture is leather. Professional cleaning of leather furniture from stains is carried out using wet wipes. If this is not enough, you can make a remedy from eggs. The surface is treated with protein and then wiped with a dry cloth. You can remove ink stains with alcohol.

Cleaning the sofa upholstery

If the sofa fabric is suitable for cleaning with a cleaning agent, you can use the following types of household chemicals:

  1. Laundry detergent can be used to clean removable covers;
  2. Vanish shampoo for carpets and sofas allows you not only to update the color, but also to get rid of old stains;
  3. Vanish antibacterial gel has the same properties. Its advantage is its ability to eliminate odors and destroy bacteria present in the upholstery;
  4. To quickly remove difficult stains, it is recommended to use Vanish spray. It is strong in fighting stains from juice, tea, chocolate, ice cream, wine, herbs and cosmetics.

A furniture steam cleaner is effective for cleaning and renewing upholstery. It removes even old stains and protects against the growth of harmful bacteria. If you don’t have ready-made powders on hand, you can use folk recipes.

Spray Vanish

Gel Vanish

Methods for removing stains

Each stain requires careful cleaning, otherwise it may increase. Exist traditional methods removal of pollution:

  1. If greasy stains appear, before cleaning the furniture from stains, its surface should be covered with salt and left to soak for some time. Afterwards it is wiped with a damp cloth and dried;
  2. If coffee is spilled on the upholstery, it must be moistened with water and rubbed with laundry soap. The stain is then left to be exposed to chemicals. Remaining foam and dirt are removed with a brush;
  3. Juices can leave traces that are difficult to remove. To remove stains, you need to mix ammonia with vinegar, and apply the resulting product to the stain and leave until dry;
  4. Before you clean candle marks on furniture, you need to cover them with thick paper. Then iron the area with an iron. If the result does not appear after the first time, the procedure can be repeated several times;
  5. Blood stains can be removed using cold water. But before treatment, you should blot the contaminated area with a dry cloth;
  6. To remove traces of coffee, tea or alcohol, you can use laundry soap;
  7. Beer stains can be removed with a mixture ammonia and vinegar. It is enough to apply the product and leave it until completely dry;
  8. During transportation, many parts are secured with tape. After installation, the problem arises of how to remove traces of tape on furniture. A stationery eraser is considered the best tool. If you don't have it on hand, you can use oil. However, in this case it is important to consider the material from which it is made. Such experiments cannot be carried out on untreated wood;
  9. When deciding how to clean double-sided tape from a surface, do not forget that medical alcohol will help in this case too. This product is softer than gasoline.

It is best to use a spray bottle to apply solutions. With its help, the product is applied more evenly and does not create additional streaks.

Grease stain

beer stain

Common Mistakes

When cleaning furniture at home, even experienced housewives can make some mistakes. Furniture for clean rooms cannot be a springboard for getting into trouble. Therefore, to avoid them, you should follow some rules:

  1. When removing stains from leather sets, you should blot them rather than rub them. Otherwise, pollution will spread to large area. This is especially true for stains from food, ink and various drinks;
  2. Before cleaning furniture at home, you should carefully study the composition of the product so as not to leave indelible marks or damage the surface;
  3. When working with plastic furniture Do not use abrasives or hard sponges, as they can damage the ideal smoothness of the material. Cleaning furniture at home with baking soda is effective, but can seriously damage appearance glossy facades. Also, do not use solutions with chlorine, as it can discolor surfaces;
  4. Before cleaning traces of adhesive tape on furniture, you should not use a knife or scissors, as this may scratch the facade;
  5. If you have a problem with how to clean furniture if there were stickers on it, you should try treating it with medical alcohol. An eraser is also effective, with the help of which dirt is simply erased;
  6. Before working with cleaning solutions, you need to make sure the floor is clean and cover it around the sofa with newspapers or plastic wrap. This is especially important when it is necessary to treat furniture for clean rooms;