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» Illusion psychology. Illusion. The biggest illusions of a person in life

Illusion psychology. Illusion. The biggest illusions of a person in life

The world of birds has thousands of species and amazes with its diversity. However, most people do not know the names of even one percent of the total number of birds inhabiting our planet. A common person, unlike specialists, does not adhere to scientific classification and most often identifies birds by size, color and voice. The most obvious and striking criterion of difference is the size of the birds. And here too nature reveals an amazing wealth of species.

When it comes to the smallest birds, people most often remember such a representative of the feathered fauna as the hummingbird. The name of this bird is familiar to many, even those who have never seen it in person. Indeed, this is the smallest bird in the world. And usually this fact exhausts the knowledge about it among people far from ornithology. But it is better to postpone a closer acquaintance with this baby until last and talk first about other birds, which, although they lost the leading position in the declared category to the hummingbird, are still worthy of attention.

Top 10 smallest birds in the world

1. We should start with one of the most beautiful representatives of small birds - Red-breasted Wagtail , living in Australia. Nature has endowed this bird with bright red plumage on the chest, abdomen and head. Males have a more saturated color and do not miss the opportunity to use this as an advantage when the question arises of attracting the attention of a female. The baby’s voice is also interesting – she can produce very pleasant melodic trills. The average length of the feathered beauty is 11.5 cm. The largest individuals reach 13 cm. The bird weighs approximately 10 grams. The basis of her diet is .

2. One of the smallest birds is also. Its size does not exceed 11 cm, and its weight does not exceed 8 grams. This yellow-bellied bird lives mainly on the South American continent, but is also found in North America. The preferred habitat is the tropics, as you can guess from its name. When the bird encounters danger, it produces a sharp and shrill song, which is difficult to expect from such a tiny creature. The little one doesn’t really like “vegetarian” food, preferring various kinds of nectar and insects.

3. In North America, another bird is more common - . He prefers to settle near people, and therefore it is not difficult to meet a siskin or, as it is also called, a goldfinch. Residents of the USA, Canada and Mexico love this bird for its sweet singing and ability to train, and therefore catch it for home keeping in a cage. The bird is no more than 11 cm long and weighs 11 grams. The plumage is yellow and is renewed twice a year during the molting process. Males have much brighter plumage in summer than in winter, while the color of females is much paler throughout the year. These birds, on the contrary, can be called “vegetarians”, since they feed only on seeds.

4. Another tiny bird, but with a more prosaic name - . The length of the largest individuals is 10 cm, weight on average 11 grams. This bird looks as modest as it is called - feathers Brown with dark spots. Perhaps that is why scientists also call the baby a “nut.” Despite its discreet appearance, the bird has a rather loud voice; its chirping can be heard from long distances. It lives in northern Africa, America and the Eurasian continent. The hungry wren is not always limited to insects; it can feed on berries, and in some cases is even capable of catching small fish.

5. In other parts of the world, such as Asian countries, China and the Australian continent, there also lives one feathered baby - a reddish color, no more than 10 cm in length and 10 grams in weight. They call her . The bird is endowed by nature with an unusual gift - the ability to make nests using thread borrowed from spiders. Moreover, the seams that this animal creates are very reminiscent of work human hands. And the spiders themselves can be eaten by birds along with insects. But few people get to see this little girl and admire her talents - she hides from people in swampy areas or thick grass fields.

6. There is another baby of similar size and weight living in Australia. It's about O leopard rainbow bird . This bird is a relative of our sparrow, but has beautiful bright plumage. On the green continent they are treated with great reverence. This is a protected bird species. Australians print an image of such a bird on postage stamps. These birds prefer to settle in narrow strips of forest along rivers; nests are made in hollows. They live either in pairs or in small flocks. The diet is standard - insects, spiders, nectar and berry juice.

7. Returning to the expanses of the New World, you need to get acquainted with the bird, which is called "Sugar" . Its scientific name sounds even more interesting - . It has a characteristic bright yellow color of plumage on the abdomen and a dark back, vaguely reminiscent of our tit. Average size – 10 cm, weight – no more than 9 grams. This beautiful bird can be found not only in wildlife, but sometimes also in city parks, squares, and suburban gardens. The bird feeds mainly on nectar. Males help females hatch and sometimes feed their chicks. But they prefer to live separately from the family, building their own nest. The warbler eats insects, nectar and berry juice.

8. The name of the next small bird is heard by many thanks to famous novel and its film adaptations. A bird with a short and poetic name can also be found in Russia. In general, its habitat is very wide: from Great Britain to China - almost the entire territory of Europe, where the bird has been repeatedly glorified in works of art in different eras. Its average length is 9 cm, but its weight in comparison with the above-mentioned creatures is considerable - it can reach almost 16 grams. The bird can be recognized by its bright yellow or orange stripe on its head. She feasts on insects and seeds.

9. One of the tiniest birds is called short-beaked . It is distinguished, as can be understood from the name, by a short beak, which does not prevent the little one from emitting trills that are very loud for a creature of its size. The bird can be found in forests across almost the entire Australian continent (except for wet areas), where most of the time it spends searching for insects and larvae. This bird is not very “social” - it likes to live in pairs or in small groups. The bird's length is about 8 cm. Its weight of only 5-6 grams allows it to take first place among the small birds of Australia.

10. And number one among the smallest birds in the world, as already noted, belongs to hummingbird – a bird worthy of learning more about. And the first thing that needs to be taken into account when talking about birds with this name is that their family includes more than several hundred representatives. And the sizes of all of them will be different. But the smallest individual is only 4-6 cm long. Scientists gave it an affectionate name: the bee hummingbird. If we consider that from total length Most of it is occupied by the beak and tail, this name becomes clear - the body of this baby itself is barely larger than that of an insect.

If a bee hummingbird lands on a person's hand, that person may consider it weightless. Of course: the weight in the “bee” is about 1.5-2 grams. The small bird can soar in the air so much that it seems as if it doesn’t even use its wings - it wields them so quickly that its flaps, like those of a bee, are almost impossible to see. The speed of the bird in relation to its dimensions exceeds the speed of a supersonic fighter! She can also fly backwards - an ability that other birds lack. At the same time, such an active bird has an excellent appetite - the volume of food consumed, which is the nectar of flowers, is twice its own weight.

Despite the apparent external vulnerability, hummingbirds are considered extremely hardy and tenacious. They are able to survive even in the harsh conditions of such terrestrial corners as Alaska, and are not afraid to attack those larger than themselves. Babies have big hearts. And this is not an epithet - the hummingbird has a really big heart. Even huge when compared with overall dimensions pichugi: it occupies up to half the body. And this heart beats so fast that during the short existence of a miniature creature (about five years), it manages to make twice as many contractions as the heart of an average person in its entire life.

Hummingbirds and other listed birds are not all representatives of the small feathered fauna of planet Earth. In fact, there are many more such birds and they are all unique. Each, despite its modest size and short life expectancy, serves people in a special way: be it beauty that pleases the eye, or singing that delights the ear, or pollination of plants, or extermination harmful insects. Every small bird contributes to the wonderfully arranged harmonious world of living nature and deserves the most careful treatment from humans.

If you have children, then you, as parents, should know what the smallest bird in the world is. Of course it's a hummingbird. Anyone who doesn’t know yet should definitely remember the name of this bird. Today we will learn a lot of interesting information about hummingbirds. And something will probably surprise you. We will also determine the name of the miniature bird of prey on earth and where it lives.

History and description of the beauty of a tiny bird

This species of birds was discovered by Cuban naturalist Juan Cristobal in 1844. The hummingbird lives in Cuba, mostly on the island of Juventud.

Europeans, when they first saw these creatures, confused them with insects, and all because their weight is only 2 grams. And the Indians from America were very fond of using multi-colored bird wings for all kinds of decorations: in the form of earrings in the ears, for decorating the head. Hummingbirds are extremely beautiful, their body is covered with scales that shimmer in all the colors of the rainbow. Some birds are bronze in color, others are blue, purple, green. Males have special scales on their throats and heads, which is how they differ from females. The body of the hummingbird is elongated (or seems so due to its long tail). The beak of these birds is similar to an awl, which is equal in length to the body or maybe even longer. Hummingbirds' feet are very small and fragile, but their claws are quite sharp and thin. The wings of these birds are long, narrow, bent in such a way that they even resemble a sickle. From the characteristics internal structure hummingbird interesting device the tongue consists of two threads fused at the root, which are also hollow inside.

Today, more than 300 species of these birds are known, and all of them live in South America.

The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world that is not afraid of humans. These little ones often make their nests near houses, becoming almost people's favorites. And some even specially breed these wonderful birds in their garden.

Hummingbird size

The smallest bird in the world, a photo of which can be seen in this article, can reach a length of 5.5 cm. The size of a hummingbird can be compared to the size of a bumblebee. The eggs of these birds are no larger than even a coffee grain. Males are always smaller than females. The weight of these birds varies between 1.5-2 grams, no more.


The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world, which eats food 2 or even 3 times its personal weight. This is due to the fact that these crumbs are quite mobile. These birds feed on nectar various plants, can also pamper themselves with small insects. What’s interesting: when they eat, the food immediately enters the duodenum, bypassing the stomach. They feed every 10 minutes. When these birds drink nectar, they lower their tongue into the core of the flower up to 15 times per second.

Flight Features

The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world and the only one that can fly backwards. Its flight speed can reach as much as 80 km/h. The frequency of wing beats is 90 beats per second.

Role in nature

Although hummingbirds are the smallest birds in the world, they are still an inseparable part of the ecological system. These babies play an important role: they pollinate many plants. For example, in a day they can pollinate about 1.5 thousand flowers. And this, in turn, helps maintain the ecological balance in nature.


Hummingbirds lead a very isolated lifestyle. The only thing that can make them change is procreation. However, after reproduction, males and females separate, and only the mother is involved in raising the offspring. She is the one who protects her babies from the scorching rays of the sun. Their breeding season begins at the end of the rainy season, when many trees and shrubs begin to bloom.

Mating of a male with a female is carried out at a decent speed - sometimes even over 70 km/h. Both parents build their nest, and it turns out to be quite simple in design, and the material is spider web threads, as well as saliva. Females often lay 2 eggs per year, and they hatch their babies for 20 days.

How do they get nectar from flowers and where do they make nests?

They pump it out in the air: first they hover over the flower, and then insert their beak into it. Then the tongue continues its work, which takes out various small insects and the nectar itself.

Half the body length is the beak.

The heart of these birds beats at a frequency of 500 beats, while that of a human can reach only 80. And when this bird flies, its internal engine can work at a frequency of 1200 beats in 60 seconds.

These little ones have the highest body temperature of all birds and reaches 40 degrees.

The hummingbird is the smallest bird in the world, which also has the minimum number of feathers - only about 1 thousand. While ordinary birds have about 25 thousand.

These birds never sit on the ground; they feed on the fly. They can only sit on branches, since their legs are not suitable for walking.

Hummingbirds have twice as many cervical vertebrae as giraffes.

These birds are an endangered species. More than 10 species of these birds are listed in the Red Book. The enemies of this baby are rats, frogs, fish, spiders, and birds of prey. However, their main offender is man. And all because people, engaged in massive deforestation and drainage of swamps, simply destroy the habitat of hummingbirds.

This miniature bird is depicted on the coat of arms of Trinidad and Tobago.

Tiny predator

The smallest bird of prey in the world is the little falcon, and there are 2 species: Montenegrin and white-fronted.

Both copies have average length 15 cm, including the tail (5 cm). The weight of these feathered predators is only 35 g.

They feed on various insects (butterflies, dragonflies, moths), termites, small birds and lizards.

Where do they live?

The little falcon is a predator native to Central and South America. These birds live in wooded areas, near wide open plains at an altitude of about 1300 m above sea level. These birds are found in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Borneo, and Indonesia.

Now you know what the smallest bird in the world is. It was determined that hummingbirds are not only tiny, but also very beautiful birds that have unique abilities: they can fly backwards, have more cervical vertebrae than giraffes, they do not sit on the ground, but feed on the fly. But the falcon can rightfully be called the tiniest bird of prey in the world. However, not a simple one, but a Montenegrin and white-fronted representative of this falcon species.

The smallest bird in the world- This hummingbird, a bird from the hummingbird family, order Hummingbirds. In Latin it sounds like Trochilidae.

It is not for nothing that these birds were given such nicknames as “topaz hummingbird”, “flying ruby”, “emerald neck”, “fiery topaz”. The plumage of a hummingbird has been compared to precious stones: when hit sun rays their feathers sparkle with fabulous hues. Moreover, this is the only one in the world a bird that can fly backwards, that is, backwards and also sideways.

What does a hummingbird look like?

The size of the hummingbird does not exceed 5 cm, and the weight of the hummingbird is 1.6-1.8 grams. It's really smallest birds in the world. But among them there are also larger representatives, for example, the gigantic hummingbird. Its dimensions are truly “giant” - it weighs as much as 20 grams, and the body length of some individuals reaches 21.6 cm!

How many beats per second does a hummingbird make?

Hummingbirds differ from other birds not only in their small size. Their multi-colored plumage is pleasing to the eye, and the speed with which they flap their wings is truly surprising: while a person blinks, this little bird will have time to flap its wings dozens of times. Small hummingbirds make 80-100 beats per second, large species make 8-10 beats per second. The wingbeat of hummingbirds is so fast that these birds can hover over a flower while they draw nectar with their proboscis beaks.

The flight of a hummingbird resembles flight, and, moreover, unlike all other birds, hummingbirds can fly in the opposite direction. At the same time, the speed of the hummingbird reaches 80 km/h. However, flying is not easy for them and takes a lot of energy. In order to perform such colossal work for their body, the heart of a hummingbird accelerates to 1200 beats per minute, while at rest it makes only 500 beats.

Hummingbird - description and photographs.

hummingbird beak long and thin, his top part wraps the edges around the lower one. There are no bristles at the base of the beak, which are characteristic of most birds, and in addition, these birds have a forked tongue. The wings of hummingbirds, the smallest birds in the world, are sharp, represented by 9-10 primary feathers and 6 short minor feathers, which are almost completely hidden under the covert feathers. Birds' feet are weak, very small, with long claws. Since they are not suitable for walking, hummingbirds are in the air most of the time.

Hummingbirds have bright plumage, with males being brighter in color than females. Some species have tufts or unusual coloring on the head. Tail different types can have a variety of shapes and consists mainly of 10 feathers. Of all species, only a few are able to sing, but most hummingbird voice sounds like a faint chirp.

Hummingbird species.

Birds from the order Hummingbirds number more than 350 species.

The smallest hummingbird bird, the bee hummingbird, measures 7 centimeters and is found in Cuba.

The largest among hummingbirds is the gigantic hummingbird. Its body length reaches 21.6 cm, and its weight is 18-20 grams.

Where do hummingbirds live?

The hummingbird bird lives in the Northern and South America. Habitat - wherever there are flowers: in meadows, fields, deserts and forests. Basically, they lead a sedentary lifestyle and prefer to settle in mountain meadows and damp forests. Some species, namely the ruby-throated hummingbird, live in Canada.

For There is no single theoretical basis for explaining the illusion. According to G. Helmholtz, the “blame” for their appearance should be taken by the mechanism responsible for the formation of the property of constancy of perception (the structure of the eye, features of signal coding, etc.). In the very general view it can be assumed that illusions are caused by differences in a person’s subjective need to check the signs of perceived objects, appearing from variousno probability, on their reality and objectivity.

Illusions of perception– this is a distorted (erroneous) perception of the image. It is detected in the activity of various analyzers, most often visual.

The occurrence of illusions depends on:

subjective factors:

– human attitudes (observation);

– focus (on actions or sphere of relationships);

– emotional attitude (time);

objective factors:

– illumination (light objects are perceived as more voluminous than dark ones);

– position in space.

Types of illusions:

    The illusion of similarity. Occurs when perceiving the same components in various shapes.

    The illusion of overvaluation. It arises from the fact that most people exaggerate vertical lines compared to horizontal ones.

    The illusion of perceiving the size of objects. Occurs when the laws of perspective image are violated.

    Illusions caused by differences in the brightness of the object and the background of perception. Figures appear lighter against a darker background than against a less dark one.

    Stroboscopic effect. If at short intervals you show a series of images reproducing the stages of movement of an object, you get the impression of movement (watching movies).

    Autokinetic effect. Apparent, illusory movement in the darkness of a stationary, luminous point. The autokinetic effect occurs in many people if a stationary point in the visual field is the only visible object.

    "Phi-phenomenon." If the interval between the ignition of the first and second luminous point object (at a short distance) becomes less than 0.1 s, then the illusion of moving the light source from one position to another arises, and the trajectory of the corresponding movement is visually illusory.

IN In particular cases, illusory perception is explained by:

    the individual’s affective states caused by anxieties and fears (for example, unfriendly figures of some creatures may appear behind the bizarre forms of plants in the night forest);

    differences in the perception of vertical and horizontal lines of an object (vertical lines seem longer than horizontal ones due to the fact that moving the eyes vertically requires more effort);

    the phenomenon of transferring the dimensions of the area to the length of the sides (the sides of the figures are perceived as unequal due to the difference in the areas of the figures);

    the phenomenon of the relationship between parts and the whole (the top line seems longer than the bottom due to the relationship of the lines and arrows themselves);

    the effect of object contrast, which arises due to the influence of the environment in which the perceived object is located (the same circle among large circles seems smaller than among small ones);

    phenomenon of brightness and contrast.