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» Interior of an attic with a pitched roof. Attic design - tips for decorating a room under the roof. Will it be warm or cool

Interior of an attic with a pitched roof. Attic design - tips for decorating a room under the roof. Will it be warm or cool

The attic is a space that is often overlooked or misused. There's too much space to simply waste opportunities to use it. Did you know that the attic can become a versatile bedroom, with ample space and accommodation in convenient location in the house? Everything will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

Before you start

The attic (attic) is located directly between the ceiling of the upper floor and the sloping roof. It is also known for having a characteristic sloped ceiling shape. This is one of the reasons why most attics are used for storage purposes. But wouldn't it be appropriate to use every available space in the house, right? Some convert attics into an entertainment room, living room, bedroom, library, office, nursery game room and so on.

Today's review is about how an attic can be converted into a bedroom. I hope it inspires you to use your attic for more than just storage. In addition, you will learn how designers use furniture to give it a feeling of comfort and coziness.

Designing a master bedroom in a loft will give you the privacy you need for privacy, a beautiful view from the window will affect the price of your home if you want to put it up for sale.

Ready to turn your attic into a bedroom? Before you begin, answer yourself some basic questions that will help you get started on the right start to your attic renovation.

Is an attic suitable for permanent housing for you?

If an attic bedroom suits your lifestyle, then you can make this room a living space. A lived-in attic suitable for a full-fledged life looks amazing, although it is not very common and is not very popular among people. Think about whether the top floor is suitable for your purposes? Are you really ready to climb the stairs every time you need some personal items from the bedroom?

Another thing that can limit this possibility is small children, whose rooms you need to be as close as possible. However, once the children are older, you will have more options for creating your own independent space and loft design ideas.

Has the property been inspected by a professional?

You need to be sure that your loft is suitable for sleeping in. Make sure that

You are on the safe side and hire a contractor to inspect the entire area and evaluate your attic renovation options. He will evaluate whether placing the master bedroom here is a good idea and provide additional safety recommendations to implement your ideas.

Improving the attic in a wooden house

Before you start moving valuable furniture into your attic, consider whether there is a way to improve its structure and design. For this, you may end up hiring professional help.

A good way to start your attic renovation wooden house- check the floors. These are not just visual improvements, but what is more important is checking the strength of the beams, assessing how much weight they can support. Until now, they've only held boxes of clothes and old chairs, so you need to make sure they're strong enough to handle the bed and withstand whatever renovations you have in mind.

Reinforcing the floor may increase the overall cost of an attic renovation, but it good idea, even if the floors seem completely solid. If you are going to include a bathroom in your attic, you will need the help of a plumber to modify or install pipes. Finally, you can carry out a detailed inspection yourself to leave suitable places for storing things.

Calculating the stairs

The best way to provide access to the attic bedroom is to make a stationary staircase. Best suited for this purpose spiral staircases, because they do not take up too much space (approximately 1.5 meters on the floor), unlike straight stairs, which take up 3-4.5 meters, or a double staircase with a landing, which takes up double the area. Depending on the amount of free space you may consider creating attic bedroom with sloping walls.

Will it be warm or cool?

Before planning an attic bedroom, keep in mind that the attic is the area of ​​your home most exposed to weather conditions, which means it loses heat/cool air much faster than other rooms. In the finished attic space you will need the right installed systems heating/air conditioning, ventilation ducts and durable insulation.

Attic renovation cost

It's important to plan your finances carefully before you begin remodeling a room and budget for every repair that might come up.

For example, older attics will require more work for the heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems, which means there is a lot of work to be done installation work. Additionally, the costs will be significantly higher if you need to convert the attic into a living space from scratch or build a staircase to the attic.

In this case, only you can decide whether it is worth investing in the implementation of your attic ideas. This can be done not only for the sake of the comfort you are going to achieve, but also because the attic will increase the price of the house when selling. The best way in any case is to hire professionals who will help you adequately assess all the costs of the work.

Evacuation plan

It is a good idea to become familiar with your local building code regarding attic design, which will likely inspire you to comply with a standard escape route. We hope that you will never be in dangerous situation, but it's better to be safe. In addition, an emergency exit provides big advantage: It increases natural light inside the bedroom!

Access to natural light

Since lofts are often enclosed under the roof of a home, the lack of natural light inside can be a significant problem for many grand conversion plans. Only a few lucky people have the benefit of a roof window, but others should definitely make one themselves.

You could even install a window on the sloping side of the ceiling to allow air flow sun rays into the room. This decision will make you feel more positive and relaxed.

Choosing a color

The main thing to remember when transforming an attic space into a wonderful bedroom or even an attic office is to choose a natural palette.

Dark colors have a shrinking effect, which means they will diminish the area and make it look small and uninviting.

Deciding on the ceiling

Avoiding dark ceilings in the bedroom is an established design rule that keeps the room fresh and the mood positive.

Dark surfaces overhead look depressing and make the space feel smaller than it actually is.

So even if the walls are painted a medium tone or a little darker, or you need a special project for low ceilings, the best solution it will be clean white ceiling- it will make the room light and spacious.

Bed in the attic

Choose a place for the bed in this room, preferably closer to the wall and away from the stairs. Make sure the ceiling above is not too low so you don't have to bump into it every time you get out of bed.


As always, complement it with a nightstand (or two) and a small table/floor lamp to add some style to the loft.

Using panels

Vertical cladding can be a good decision for low and confined spaces, especially in the case of a small attic bedroom. The panels make the room appear larger and appear much taller than it actually is. On the other hand, horizontal attic cladding expands the space and fits into narrow rooms.

Modern style attic design

Converting an attic into a bedroom is a great idea, especially for small houses. There is usually enough space there. Additionally, a loft bedroom would be a particularly useful addition for growing families. Although designing such a room will be a challenging task.

Here's what to consider when creating your dream bedroom:
  • whitewash the ceiling;
  • think about lighting. Usually in attic bedrooms there are few sunlight, so consider using light colors. Moreover, the use of lamps is also very important;
  • use attic walls that are at an angle. These low walls are suitable for placing furniture there for storage;
  • make skylights. Place the bed so that it faces the window;
  • use available textures. If there Brick wall- don't hide it. It can be a great decoration piece, like many other things in an attic bedroom.

Vaulted ceilings, which are commonly found in attics, have different heights, depending on the immediate proximity to the roof.

A common practice in placing a bed is to face the window.. You can also place the bed in the center of the room to reduce the likelihood of feeling cramped on both sides.

Children's room in the attic

Consider using the attic as a nursery. This room, due to its placement, will help maintain peace for all family members, absorbing excess noise.

Good idea - decorating a nursery

Before the little one arrives, ask the professionals for advice on making your attic space cozy and safe for baby:
  • Paint can be a lifesaver in small spaces. You can make your attic even taller by painting the walls and sloped ceiling the same color. This visual trick allows the two components to appear as one tall wall.
  • Use color with pleasure. Baby ones don't always have to be pink or blue. Use shades of berry, seafoam, lemongrass or apricot, or try an interactive accent wall for baby development.
  • Use slanted storage space. Identify areas in your room where the ceiling is low enough to create dead space. Organize them by adding a freestanding dresser or built-in shelves to these spaces. You can make them yourself using MDF shelves. Make them fun with unusual shapes, paint them in dynamic colors. Cover the inside with whimsical wallpaper to give the room a special charm.
  • Avoid monotony and boring look with proper lighting . It's amazing how easy it is to make a space bright, cheerful and functional with appropriate and sufficient lighting. It could be pendant lighting at the seating areas or in the corners or a bed with built-in lighting. Place table lamps on your dresser, bookcases or bedside table.
Customize your nighttime lighting by placing your lighting on dimmer switches, or add creative lighting to the ceiling to create the effect of fireflies or constellations.
  • Skip the light by adding mirrors in unexpected places. If you're lucky enough to have a window in your loft, go the extra mile by placing a mirror opposite it to bounce light throughout the space. Hang mirrors in fun shapes and sizes.
  • If you don't have windows, there is a creative solution for this too.. Attach it to the wall correctly large mirror or a series of mirrors and drape them like a window. Hang drapery from the ceiling to visually increase the height of the room.
  • Visually increase footage with vertical space. Create a visual line from floor to ceiling by adding vertical stop elements. Hang drapery to the ceiling, use tall bookcases, hang a mobile or create eye-catching vertical stripes using strips of graphic wallpaper on the walls. All of these things will allow your eye to travel from floor to ceiling, increasing the visual height of the space.


Make wall decor in the form of frescoes. From trees to the night sky, the effect of wall art will space out the walls, making the room feel spacious. Use furniture in the same style as the frescoes. Hang wooden boards beds on ropes attached to the ceiling. Apply this trick to nightstands, shelves, or fun seating as well.

Girl's bedroom

In fact, keeping white or gray walls and adding little bits of color gives you even more options to make your kids' room creative and playful. Plus, a room like this will be much easier to repaint when the kids outgrow the lime green or Barbie pink walls in three years.

When it comes to finding colorful accents, first think about what your child already has. Children's books and stuffed animals often have fun colors, so place them in areas that highlight the decor. Wall decals, bedding and rugs can add color and pattern to a child's room, but can easily be changed as they age.

Any attic space that is large enough for a room can be decorated as a lovely children's bedroom in any theme and style. Don't think that your attic space is dark and boring, you can easily transform it into a charming room.

How to decorate an attic children's room?

Make the space serene and filled with light and air, because here you can do additional windows in the roof: they will let in light during the day and show the stars during the night.

Organize your storage right: Don't leave dead space, use it for storage with eye-catching shelves and ottomans. If it's a family room, consider arranging the two beds in a smart way in a cohesive style.

A couple of ideas for a teenage girl

All teenagers are different. Some teenage girls have entered the "I'm already a woman and I can do whatever I want" phase. Some become even more romantic and emotional. Some people start doing home crafts.

But the fact is that many teenage girls want girly things. And without stereotypes, I am sure that every teenage girl will love these ideas.

The special geometry of the attic space inspires many designers to create unusual interiors. You can arrange almost any room under the roof, but the bedroom will look most organic here. By using space wisely, following simple rules in furniture and interior design, you can create a comfortable and cozy bedroom.

Advantages and disadvantages of an attic bedroom

In 1630, the architect François Mansart designed and built a house with a sloping roof, under which he arranged a bedroom. Since then, attic spaces converted into living rooms began to be called after the author's surname - attics.

Attics have a special relaxed atmosphere, so it is best to place a bedroom under a sloping roof. This transformation of the attic space has many advantages:

  • increasing the living space of the house;
  • You can change the dimensions of the room yourself, delimit functional zones - under big roof you can arrange a bedroom with a bathroom or combine a room with an office;
  • an attic with slanted windows will become the most romantic place in the house - in the evening you can watch the stars and in the morning wake up with the first rays of the sun;
  • the bedroom under the roof can be made in different styles, and all kinds of finishing materials are used to decorate the room;
  • the attic is a warm room, so the bedroom will be comfortable and cozy.

The disadvantages of placing a bedroom under a roof include:

  • the roof needs additional heat and waterproofing;
  • the choice of finishing and room layout largely depend on the type of roof;
  • Furniture for the attic often has to be made to order in order to make maximum use of every centimeter of the bedroom area.

Layout and arrangement of furniture depending on the type of roof

The layout of the attic space, the choice and arrangement of furniture are determined by the needs of the home owners, the area of ​​the room and the roof structure.

The roof of a house can be single-pitched, gable, multi-pitched, hipped or broken. Thus, the room may have no ceiling at all or be unusual form, and the walls of the room can have very different angles of inclination. Such features of the structure are “stolen” usable area attics, so when arranging a bedroom you need to act carefully and competently.

Spacious attic with pitched roof - convenient option to accommodate the bedroom. Bed in in this case placed under an inclined window, and a spacious closet can be placed along a straight wall.

A small bedroom can be decorated differently. Use a partition to separate the space for a dressing room - on the side of the straight wall, and place the bed there. Additionally, you can arrange bookshelves at the head of the bed. With this option, it becomes possible to make an exit to the balcony.

Under gable roof It’s difficult to place a tall cabinet, but if the space allows, you can slightly adjust the space and use a screen to “straighten” one of the walls. A gable roof with symmetrical sloping windows is an excellent option for combining a bedroom and an office.

Bedrooms for two children are often set up in “gabled” attics. Beds are placed along sloping walls. If desired, the room can be separated by a mobile partition - a curtain or decorative hangings. The disadvantage of such a room is that there is little space for storing children's clothes and toys.

Design Features multi-pitched roof must be turned into its advantages. You can focus on the curved lines of the ceiling. To make it easier to place furniture, you will have to install plasterboard walls - this measure is only permissible in spacious rooms. In small bedrooms, the partition will have to be abandoned and replaced spacious wardrobes compact chests of drawers, trellises, wall shelves, drawers and decorative baskets for storing things.

Under hip roof you can arrange two full bedrooms by dividing the space in the center with a partition. In this case, a high wall appears, which will simplify the arrangement of furniture.

Features of finishing an attic bedroom

The choice of finishing for the room under the roof depends on the design of the attic bedroom. Can be used for walls regular paint, wallpaper, lining or putty.

Particular attention should be paid to the finishing of the ceiling. Some people prefer to leave the wooden roof beams exposed, emphasizing the natural direction of the interior.

The ceiling can be leveled by covering it with plasterboard, and finishing choose in accordance with the overall interior of the attic bedroom.

The room turns out organic if the same material is used to decorate the walls and ceiling, for example wallpaper. In this case, the ceiling becomes a continuation of the walls - this technique visually expands the space.

Textile finishing of the ceiling allows you to soften the angular shapes of the attic space.

Color in the interior of a room on the attic floor

When choosing a color palette to decorate a cozy bedroom under a roof, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules and recommendations:

Lighting and decor for an attic bedroom

When organizing lighting in the bedroom, you need to think through many details: which side the windows face, the choice of main and local light, the design of the window opening.

The location of windows in the attic, their shape and size are usually not standard. Therefore, such rooms often lack natural light. Great importance is given by the play of shadows and artificial lighting

When planning the design of an attic bedroom, you can use the following techniques to improve the lighting of the room:

The choice of decorative elements will depend on the style of the bedroom.

Advice. In order to visually smooth sharp corners gable roof, the window opening can be framed with an arch, filling the room with “soft” accessories and furniture with smooth outlines

Choosing a bedroom style: interior photos

The interior concept of an attic space is very often directed towards rustic styles: Provence and country. The spirit of simplicity, comfort and grace of French style is perfect for creating a peaceful environment.

Painted wooden beams, carved furniture in light colors, light curtains and textiles with small floral pattern convey the atmosphere of Provence.

Country style conveys the flavor of rural life. Simple antique wooden furniture, bright textiles and an abundance of accessories create the spirit of England in the 19th century.

Classic would look appropriate in a spacious attic with large windows, since this direction involves the use of massive furniture, heavy curtains and solid, respectable chandeliers.

Classic attic bedroom design: photo

The American loft style is reflected in the presence of free space in the interior, clear shapes and lines. The functional zones in this case are practically not demarcated from each other.

The main features of minimalism are conciseness and clarity of design. The room contains only the most necessary furniture of simple geometric shapes, minimum number of decorative elements. Color solution - a combination of no more than 2-3 colors.

Bedroom under the roof in Scandinavian style- simple decoration of walls and ceilings, restraint and orderliness of the interior. The design of the room is dominated by light natural tones, a bed made of pale wood, bright lighting, simplified design window openings or a complete lack of curtains.

Asian style. The presence of “cold” materials in the design of the headboard and textured textiles on the pillows give the interior an oriental touch.

The game of white and blue colors in a nautical theme gives the attic bedroom a feeling of freshness. Wide stripes symbolize warm, soft waves and calm water flow.

The main accent of the attic room is the decoration. The style of the bedroom is dictated by massive wooden beams and lining, color contrasts - furniture and textiles with bright patterns. General interior it turned out organic and complete.

A two-level ceiling and sophisticated lighting leveled out the geometry of the attic space. This solution is only permissible in a house with a high roof.

White trim and snow-white furniture make a room with small windows much lighter. A bright spot in the interior is a round carpet.

Most attics are used for storing various things, especially if it is too low to walk freely. But there are also attics that replace a bedroom, living room, bath, study, and so on. Today we will talk about how to stylishly design an attic and arrange a cozy room.

Using an attic for housing purposes is a smart way to save space in your home. You are simply using free space. Please check out some useful tips. Our recommendations will help you achieve perfection and decorate a cozy attic.

Consider access to the attic room

These aspects are important when decorating any room in the house. This is especially true for the attic. You can get to this place using convenient steps or a ladder. But the best option– use a full-size ladder. This will make it easier for you to keep order. There should be enough free space in the attic interior. Since there is an area that is too low, you can place some items there and decorative elements. Avoid cluttering things in your attic.

Make sure the deck is at the correct height

Living rooms with sloping ceilings should have at least a 50% slope or a height of 220 cm. This will allow people to fully use the attic while in a vertical position. When choosing the ceiling height, consider the height of all family members.

Pay attention to the slope of the roof slope

It would be great to have as much as possible in the attic more space. Steeper roofs can provide useful space in side areas. The lower parts can be used for arranging furniture, storing things, and so on.

Add skylights

This will also expand usable space. The attic raises the roof in the area where you place it. Thus, the attic becomes not only higher, but also lighter. This element will also make the room more comfortable and attractive for both your family members and guests.

The structure of the floor coverings must be durable

The floor must be able to withstand the expected amount of load. The rafters must support the weight of the ceiling end. You can also use special beams to support the floor. Take care of durability and safety.

Pay due attention to temperature

Naturally, a cozy room should not be too hot or cold. During quite warm summer It is in the attic that the temperature will rapidly rise. And in winter the situation can be the opposite. Use dielectrics for the ceiling. In addition, you can buy an air conditioner.

Use a glazed roof and windows.

Without a doubt, the attic will be much more comfortable if you add these elements. Thanks to this, natural daylight will constantly enter the room. This will also provide the necessary ventilation. By placing windows on the north and east sides, you will get soft light, and on the west and south - hot light. Be careful where you place your windows.

Get creative with your storage

Storage areas are an essential area of ​​attics. It is advisable to equip such a site in low places. People won’t be able to mix freely there, but you can create a creative place to store various utensils.

Take care of your own comfort

Of course, we constantly think about convenience. Make sure that in the attic you can safely arrange all the necessary furniture and technical devices, as well as install the necessary lighting. If you decide to arrange a living room or bedroom here, purchase soft carpets. You just need to follow the basic rule: avoid clutter. The attic is a fairly small room, so there is clearly no need for unnecessary items here.

The attic can be used as you please, provided that you decorate the room correctly. The tips listed above will help you design a cozy and beautiful room. It is quite possible that you will want to set up a home library or even your personal office in the attic, where no one can disturb you. This is a great place to read and work away from the usual noise.

We wish you success and endless creative inspiration!

PS. Several photos of interesting attics

Attic - photo from pink wall

Arrangement of the attic - living room

In modern private or country house Attention is paid to every element of the building, from the layout to the arrangement of decorative accessories for the style of each room. One of the significant elements of construction is the attic. Today it is given special importance: it is a decoration of the house, so it should have stylish design. Let's figure out how to do this.

Features and Benefits

The attic is a usable attic space, which is installed directly under the roof of a private house or on the top floor of a certain part of the house that has a special mansard roof. In other words, this is an attic space adapted for a living room. The difference between an attic and an attic is the presence of heating and insulation. This is not a balcony, an extension or a loggia: externally the room differs in that it shows all the features of the ceiling, including the presence of beams and a slope on the inside.

Today, these ceilings are in the spotlight, so deliberate roughness is only beneficial when arranging the attic and composing a certain composition.

The features of this room lie in the advantages and disadvantages of the attic, which:

  • saves the usable area of ​​a private building, allows you to profitably use the common space;
  • is a separate type of room that allows you to arrange a secluded corner to your liking, without the need to select a style identical to other rooms;
  • is environmentally friendly, providing the correct microclimate in the room;

  • does not weigh down the structure of the house, therefore does not create a weight load on the supports and foundation, and eliminates subsidence of the building;
  • it is durable, so it allows you to equip a space with a full set of furniture without fear of collapsing the ceiling of the lower floor;
  • is distinguished by a variety of room shapes, subject to a certain type of roof;
  • allows you to implement different stylistic solutions, taking into account financial capabilities and the characteristics of the available space.

The attic room can become a separate corner for an adult or teenager. Often a room for children is set up in it.

This room allows for different experiments in the purpose of the area: the attic can be winter garden, study, bedroom, dining area or living room.

The attic is not always distinguished by the spaciousness of the room. This is due to the limited footage allocated for the overall construction. This room also has other disadvantages:

  • the arrangement of such rooms is subject to the shape of the roof, which in some cases forces you to buy furniture in such a way as to position it as close as possible to the wall;
  • in these structures it is difficult to install high furniture near the walls: the ceiling height near the walls can be 80-100 cm;

  • the arrangement of attic rooms (furniture assembly) is carried out directly on site; it is difficult, if not impossible, to carry it up the stairs;
  • in such rooms there is often insufficient lighting, the windows themselves may be located on the slope of the roof, which changes the perception and forces you to get used to the layout, limiting the design of windows with curtains or other decor;
  • Such premises are planned immediately: neither the windows nor the walls can be altered to improve the premises (this can lead to deformation of the walls).

According to the type of roof, the attic room has several varieties. Today during construction the following types are performed:

  • shed - a roof in the form of half a triangle (a plane with an area of ​​half the perimeter of the house), having one large wall in height, from which there is a slope;
  • gable - a roof in the form of an isosceles triangle, which is more spacious in the center of the room, but rather inconvenient on the sides with a low height (in addition to the central windows, it has windows on the roof itself);

  • hipped - a roof of four slopes connecting in the center (two triangles located perpendicular to each other, differing in the complexity of waterproofing and window design);
  • hip - a roof that resembles a hipped variety with a slight difference: its slopes have a broken or elongated perspective, which provides more internal space;

  • gable broken - a roof in which each of the slopes consists of two edges, often one of them turns into a canopy (a convenient option for placing furniture and windows);
  • with a remote console - a type of roof characterized by the complexity of installation, while it is possible to install windows at right angles;

  • frame with mixed support - a combined type of roof, the distinctive feature of which in most cases is the presence of a balcony and complex appearance, consisting of gable roofs with smaller identical slopes placed on them.

Depending on the height of a particular type, the attic can be:

  • full floor (if minimum height its walls exceed 1.5 m);
  • classic attic(when the height of the wall is within the mark of 1.5 m);
  • semi-attic (if the height of the walls is less than 1.5 m).

Style selection

Despite the limitations of the design idea, it is possible to arrange the attic so that it does not resemble a chopped country style in the usual sense, which is especially important for modern people.

Of course, in such a space it is difficult to implement a classic design idea with elements of palace solemnity and pomp. Carved legs, a massive multi-level chandelier with crystal and a ceiling with stucco are inappropriate here. However, some classic elements are quite suitable for the attic. You can arrange it compactly wooden furniture(or its imitation), equip the room with a mirror, due to which the space can be visually increased.

An excellent design solution would be a rustic flavor in the spirit of Provence or country: by painting the walls with white paint, adding natural furniture details and multi-colored textiles, you can follow current stylistic trends that are appropriate in a given room.

If you need creativity, you can try to arrange a room with light shade grunge and loft styles. Let complete imitation industrial facility is impossible, however large space, open plan and highlighted walls brickwork It will be possible to create this mood. Moreover, the ceilings are created just for this: the presence of beams and communications is the hallmark of this design.

Space delimitation

Divide attic room possible using zoning techniques. It makes no sense to overload the space with partitions. It is effective to differentiate into functional zones by:

  • using different shades, patterns, textures and compositions facing material walls and flooring;
  • emphasizing the necessary zones, highlighting them with a special shade against the background of other areas of the room;
  • using furniture arrangement (for example, placing a sofa with its side edge against the wall, maintaining the distinction by placing a shelving unit on the back of the sofa);

  • using individual lighting devices for each specific zone, starting from the design and style of the main central lamp;
  • using carpets, mats, sofa cushions, curtains;
  • arranging separate corners using projections, niches or other design features of the room and roof.

With a harmonious and thorough approach to arranging an attic room, you can simultaneously use several zoning techniques.

At the same time, it is important to take into account their compatibility with each other and moderation: excessive separation, which deprives the interior composition of integrity, is unacceptable. An unobtrusive organization of space is needed.

Ideas and projects

The attic is planned at the very beginning of construction. For this purpose, a special design project is being developed. Room mansard type can be a decoration for a country house or country house, the highlight of a wooden home. The interior of any private house or cottage with this feature requires a design approach to arranging the roof inside. The design of the attic can be simple, characterized by laconic lines, a sloping ceiling without frills, or complex multi-level.

In each specific case, they start from the available area of ​​space, the purpose of the room, and the material of its manufacture. At the same time, they take into account the resistance of materials to moisture, waterproofing, and the features of installing window units while maintaining tightness. Communication matters. The project includes a plan-drawing with the exact location of each detail of the layout and calculation of the amount of necessary raw materials, including the presence of a balcony, if one is provided for in the project.

The main idea of ​​the design project is to make it as cozy and comfortable as possible, while being stylish and modern, if space is limited. If a children's room is planned, sharp protrusions and corners are removed, windows are made in such a way that children cannot reach them in order to avoid traumatic situations.

When designing a bedroom, take into account the location of the bed, bedside tables and a small wardrobe. If the attic will be a recreation area, a false fireplace is placed in it, finishing the ledge with imitation brick. For the work area, a corner is thought out so that the space desk was located as close to the wall as possible.

If you need to set up a music corner with an audio system, a part of the wall is allocated for it, complementing the relaxation area comfortable sofa or a chair. It is important to ensure that arranging the room is not difficult. To do this, doorways must be wide. Ideal if the ceilings are high: this will allow them to be finished with paneling material, achieving what is needed stylistic direction design. So that the interior is not overloaded, in the attic There should be no mixing of styles.

To make the attic room cozy and comfortable, when arranging it, you should listen to several recommendations from stylists, this will help fill the room with harmony:

  • do not overload the room with an abundance of furniture: in most cases it has a complex ceiling with beams, which in itself makes the style heavy;
  • since there is often little light in this room, use it appropriately artificial lighting, highlighting each functional area, bringing the intensity of the luminous flux closer to daylight, taking into account the temperature of the shade of the lamps;
  • eliminate the abundance of wood in the interior design: this way the room will resemble a Russian bathhouse or wooden box that on a subconscious level will provoke internal discomfort;

Extensive article on the topic: attic design photo gallery of the interior in a private house

Finishing the attic of a wooden house inside photo

Attic bedroom design

Bedrooms are often located in attics, and this is not surprising, because it is difficult to imagine a more romantic place. Especially if its interior is thought out tastefully and down to the smallest detail. Sloping walls give an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, which is very important for the bedroom, and there is a certain flair in the air that awakens the imagination to create interesting and original projects.

See also:

Rustic style attic bedroom design

Attics often evoke something rustic due to the simplicity of the space. And in this case, the French provincial Provence style fits perfectly here, creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony. But Provence is not just a village surrounded by flowers. It combines elements of classical style, rural life and natural flavor. The interior of a bedroom in Provence style combines calm, light, neutral colors. Pink, lilac, lavender combined with cream and white.

Provence is a summer style, which is why there is such an abundance of flowers, greenery and bright colors. Floral motifs are often used for wall decoration, which can also be present as furniture elements and accessories.

Classic is always in fashion

The classic interior is still popular, and it can be successfully used for an attic bedroom. The main elements of luxury, elegance and sophistication characteristic of the classics are:

  • floor made of natural materials - wood or marble;
  • walls with a delicate pattern in light colors, combined with blue, olive or burgundy;
  • furniture made of precious wood with luxurious upholstery, carvings and inlays;
  • a four-poster bed and elaborate curtains.

If we talk about newfangled styles, then minimalism is fully consistent with the spirit of our time. It is great for a small space. Unusual architectural lines, lack of decor, graphic design - all this makes the attic bedroom unusual and interesting.

Minimalism is characterized by:

  • using drywall to create flexible forms;
  • minimum furniture and its functionality;
  • minimal color scheme. More often - white color in combination with some other color;
  • The walls are plastered or painted.
Furniture selection

To decorate the bedroom interior, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the room. An attic is a small room under a roof with sloping walls, so a dark floor will allow you to feel more solid ground under your feet, and light walls will visually expand the space of the room, and the low slopes of the roof will not “press” so much.

The ceiling in the attic is low, and in order to visually raise it, the furniture should also be low. Place the head of the bed against the low wall of the attic. The ideal place is near the window. Wardrobes and chests of drawers should also not be bulky and wide. Ideally it would be modular furniture, practical and ergonomic.

The walls can be covered with wallpaper or covered with water-based paint. Look original wooden walls and ceiling.

Lighting and shades

Lighting plays an important role in decorating a bedroom. Since the windows in the attic are not large and their location does not provide enough light in the room, it is worth thinking about additional lighting. When choosing colors, you need to remember that:

  • soft pastel colors visually expand the room and add volume;
  • dark shades visually narrow the walls, here properly installed lamps will come to the rescue;
  • The diffused light coming through a light curtain looks very aesthetically pleasing and nice in an attic bedroom.

You should discard the chandelier, since it will illuminate the floor and walls, and the ceiling will remain dark and will appear lower. But spotlights located along the entire perimeter of the ceiling will create brightness and increase the volume of the attic.

The design of a bedroom for the attic can be done in almost any style and direction, using various color solutions, experiment and create. Try it, because in the old days all writers and poets lived in attics and, looking at the starry sky, created their masterpieces. Attic - very cozy place and, despite the style decision or design that you choose, it will always be a quiet and peaceful corner where you can relax, dream, love, create and live in harmony with yourself.

Finishing the attic inside: photo

Children's room in the attic (in the attic)

Most attics do not have high ceilings, and the slope of the roof visually makes the space even smaller. Therefore, designers recommend using materials that have a “pulling” effect when decorating walls and ceilings. Very popular, in this case, are wallpapers with a vertical print or pattern. As a rule, these are vertical stripes, but you can choose wallpaper with a vertical ornament or a small pattern. Natural bamboo can also be used for wall decoration. This material is environmentally friendly, it is easy to clean and looks original in the interior.

Using natural materials when decorating walls will help bring the interior closer to nature and isolate you from the bustle of the city. In the children's room, decorated natural materials, the child will feel comfortable and cozy.

Materials for finishing a nursery in the attic

There is a huge variety of different finishing materials for finishing attic walls. This can be regular or liquid wallpaper, paint or wood. You should opt for environmentally friendly, easy to clean and harmless coatings. No less responsible is the choice of finishing materials for the floor. The most popular options are: linoleum, cork covering floors and laminate.

Concerning color range finishing materials for a children's room in the attic, then the choice depends on the degree of illumination of the room and the character of the child. Psychologists say that it is better to decorate the nursery of a calm child in bright colors; for children who are too active, you should choose finishing materials in bedding shades.

Recreation room in the attic

When the area of ​​the cottage is small, a dilemma arises about which room to place in it. The room is indeed specific in its use and layout, but it has a unique romantic flair. For example, one of the advantages of locating in attic rest room It is possible to place a window above a sofa or other bed - then you can lie down and admire the blue sky during the day and the starry sky at night. In addition, such a room can save a significant area below, which would be more logical to give to the kitchen and dining room, that is, those areas that are used during the weekend and weekdays are used most often. But you can go up to the top floor to just lie down, watch TV, play video games or have a heart-to-heart conversation over a cup of tea - for such purposes the size of the living room is definitely enough.

Study in the attic

One more possible view functional solution To use the attic floor, you can arrange a study there, which is also very convenient if the dacha is used as a place of permanent residence. Isolation and good natural light attics will allow you to make a wonderful home Office, and the window can be located not on the right or left, but on top.

An office usually has a minimum of furniture, and in the attic there will be even less of it, since cabinets built into the rafter niches will not be considered cabinet furniture as such.

Gym in the attic

An insulated veranda or attic floor can be considered ideal for placing a gym, if it does not spoil the design of the entire building as a whole, since in this case the “gym” will definitely have windows. And windows are one of the most necessary conditions in this case, because their presence not only allows access at any time fresh air, but a room with windows is more conducive to training than a room that is deaf and has no special features.frames, except door ones.

Dressing room in the attic

Attics have a non-standard layout. First you need to decide along which walls the dressing room will be arranged:

  • If you have chosen a low wall, it is worth considering that it is advisable to install structures for storing things at least a meter high. For this purpose, cabinets equipped with drawers, as well as open shelving. In such cases, it is convenient to use low structures in the form of racks in the loft style, as well as custom-made compact furniture that optimally fits the sloping shape of the ceiling;
  • It’s easy to combine a bedroom with a dressing room in the attic by placing a bed or sofa near a low wall, not far from the window. In this case, the storage area will be located against a high wall. In this case, the type of filling of the dressing room can be any.

Living room in the attic

If you study the photo gallery of interiors and attic design in a private house, you will immediately notice that most of the options are related to the arrangement of the living room.

Designers believe that a few steps are enough for this:

  • the right palette: muted tones help soften the angle of the wall, and if you want bright accents, concentrate all the rich colors on the central wall;
  • the right furniture: in the attic living room there should not be a lot of it, just cozy enough soft corner, a table, a pair of poufs. We distribute everything else according to corner shelves and shelving - they add volume to the room;
  • the right accessories: it is better to choose elongated shapes, hang paintings or photos vertical rows;
  • windows: curtains made of light fabrics or roller blinds are chosen for them.

Attic design with a gable roof photo
