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» Interesting places in the world for children. Flower fields in Holland. Walls of the old city, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Interesting places in the world for children. Flower fields in Holland. Walls of the old city, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Our blue planet is unique. Nature has created truly unique things, and atmospheric phenomena and elements (winds, water flows) have created amazing sights. There are all kinds of lists and ratings that list the most beautiful places in the world. Watch, read and enjoy our top list of the most amazing miracles!

Arizona wave

A striking formation of Navajo sandstone in the form of a mountain is located in the United States, on the border of two states - Arizona and Utah. The unique creation is approximately 190 years old. Wavy lines were born over centuries by overlapping separate layers. Wind and other atmospheric phenomena completed the incredible landscape.

Getting into the Wave is not that easy. The owner limits the number of visits to 20 per day, because sandstone is a very fragile material and crowds of tourists will trample it in a day.

To become one of the lucky ones who will be able to see it in person, you need to take part in the lottery. The first ten visitors are drawn 4 months before the excursion, the second ten - the day before the visit. By the way, Australia has its own “wave” - a similar creation, but made of granite.

Beach with caves near Algarve (Portugal)

The sea grottoes on Praia da Rocha near the Portuguese city were born naturally. The wind and raging waves have sharpened the rocks, creating grandiose sculptures, grottoes, caves and figured pillars.

The sites where rice is grown in Guangxi Province (China) look like a masterpiece landscape design or onto painted batik. In fact, these lines and colors carry deep Eastern wisdom. They began to be built during the Yuan Dynasty in the 13th century. View the rice terraces from special observation platforms, a ticket for which costs approximately 250 rubles. with Russian money (50 yuan).
The terraces are planned wisely and taking into account weather conditions. Each step is irrigated in the required quantities and illuminated by the sun in such doses as necessary. This complex ecosystem provides for itself: in the spring, spring water, saturated with microelements, flows from the mountains, qualitatively irrigating the terraces. This gives the earth strength throughout the summer. At this time, the areas flooded with water under the rays of the sun become like sparkling writhing ribbons.

A charming, slender forest is located in the west of the Japanese city of Kyoto. Tens of thousands of slender mast bamboos sway slightly in the wind, their smooth trunks touching and ringing subtly. This place is located next to the famous Zen Buddhist temple Tenryu-Ji.
Visitors say that the melodious chime of bamboo trunks has a calming effect on a person and promotes spiritual enlightenment. The Japanese government has introduced the sounds of thin stems into the main attractions of their country.

Island of Happiness - Socotra

This is exactly how the name of one of the most amazing islands of the Indian Ocean is translated. Socotra lies in the northwestern part of the ocean in the territory of the state of Yemen. Thanks to its isolation, rare representatives of flora and fauna, not found anywhere else, have been preserved and live on it. In a small area - 143 km long and 40 km wide - amazing things fit. Peaked stone ridges are adjacent to snow-white beaches, and desert plains are adjacent to oases of generous and lush greenery. Here, flowers of an unprecedented riot of colors paint the futuristic landscape, and thick baobab trees stand like silent guards.
90% of reptiles, as well as mollusks and a third of plants, are endemic, that is, species that are found only on this island. 800 species grow in Socotra various plants. Scientists are inclined to believe that most of them trace their ancestry to ancient flora, which disappeared forever in ancient centuries. These include:

  • Cucumber tree;
  • The dragon tree, in which, according to legend, the blood of ancient dragons flows;
  • Dorsthenia gigantea;
  • Desert Rose (looks like a swollen elephant's foot with a delicate flower on the top).

Chocolate Hills of Bohol Island (Philippines)

People go there to marvel at the natural formations - round, almost identical hills, of which there are 1,268 on an area of ​​50 km². How these hills arose is not known for certain; the most plausible version is that these coral colonies bulged outward due to some geological processes under the island.

When the grass withers in autumn, the hills take on an extremely pleasant appearance of truffle candies, and in the summer they turn bright green under the Philippine sun.

Only on this island live the smallest monkeys in the world - tarsiers, as cute as toys (below in the photo). Their height is less than the palm of a person.

Wulingyuan: Pandora's Floating Mountains

Fans of the famous blockbuster will immediately understand what is going on. These unusual “fingers” are called “Avatar Mountains”. Huge columns of quartz sandstone, covered on top with dense tropical forest, are located in Hunan Province (China). In fact, this is a vast nature reserve, a national park founded in 1982. The entire area is well protected from destruction.
It is strictly prohibited to light any kind of fire within the park, including a ban on smoking. All hiking trails are paved with a special coating that protects the soil from erosion.

Presumably, when creating the film "Avatar", director James Cameron was inspired by the Wulingyuan Mountains.

Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

We have already written about this fascinating place in an article about, however, the famous salt desert deserves a place in our arbitrary TOP-20 ranking. This salt marsh, the largest in area, is covered with neat cones. The entire landscape has an alien appearance.
During the rainy season, the surface of the dry lake is covered with a thin layer of water, which turns into a huge mirror. It reflects the endless sky with clouds and mountains in the background, and then the landscape becomes completely unreal.

Hamilton Basin (USA)

A curious ecosystem is located in the state of Texas near the city of Austin - a lake under the dome of a cave grotto. In ancient times, it was an underground river flowing through a karst cave, but nature made its own adjustments. At some point, the vaults collapsed in one place, and the underground river saw the sun and sky for the first time.
The resulting intimate bay with a beach under the roof is a very cozy place. The water in the lake is a rich blue color. The “ceiling” of the grotto is covered with centuries-old layers of soil and rocks; moss, limestone stalactites and climbing plants hang from the edges. Swallows have built nests inside the dome. A waterfall rustles to the side.

Grand Canyon (USA)

One of the deepest and largest canyons in the world is located in Arizona. In the depths the river of the same name flows among high walls made of layers of shale, limestone and sandstone. The canyon extends 446 km in length and up to 1800 m in depth.
65 million years ago, the Colorado flowed across the plain, but then the plateau gradually began to rise. The angle of the river changed, the flow accelerated, and the water began to erode the soil in its path. The canyon has been in the form in which we see it now for 6 million years, and to this day soil erosion continues and the failure deepens. The Grand Canyon is the most famous in the world, immortalized in dozens of American films.

Canaima National Park (Venezuela)

Located in the state of Bolivar on the east coast of the country. The entire area is strictly protected as the reserve is included in the list World Heritage. An interesting fact is that it is here that you can see the highest waterfall on the planet -. The Kerepakupai River falls from a height of almost a kilometer and falls into the jungle.

Angel falls from a unique table mountain (979 m) and is called Devil's Mountain.

Tepuis are shaped like a table with a flat top and straight walls.

Valley of Flowers (India)

Incredibly beautiful meadows can be seen in the upper part of the Ganges River in the Western Himalayas. The vast majority are endemic, growing only here. Alpine meadows with a length of 88 km² are under the close attention of scientists. The most beautiful flower meadows surrounded by forests, mountains and waterfalls. Locals are sure that fairies lived in the valley.

Danakil Desert and Dallol Volcano (Ethiopia)

One of the most incredible, beautiful and mysterious places. Photos of these bright and abstract landscapes evoke thoughts of extraterrestrial worlds. Locals believe that here, on the plain, is the gate to Hell through the mouth of Dallol. The Tribes tribe does not allow scientists to explore their volcano, so as not to disturb the demons inside it.

"Pulpit" (Norway)

We have already mentioned the most famous Norwegian rock in the article about. This work of nature with a top as flat as a table also earns a place in our top 20. Photos of the “Cathedra...” are circulating on the Internet in huge quantities; “the folk trail will not overgrow” it, since the view of the fjords is stunning.
The cliff overhangs the Lysefjord at 604 m. Width upper platform 25x25 m. To get there, you will have to walk 6 km along rocky paths. On average, the climb takes 2 hours, but the most breathtaking sight in the world awaits you as a reward! Huge, inaccessible cliffs rise in all directions, and somewhere far below the mirror of the Lysefjord looms black.

Crystal River (Columbia)

“River born of a rainbow”, “River that escaped from paradise”... Colombians gave many names to their pride - Kanye Cristales, which flows in the north of the country.
As you can see from the photo, its waters are painted in the brightest colors that exist in the world. And this is not chemical waste being poured into the reservoir, it is the most natural algae that blooms so wildly. This splendor can be seen in the autumn months, when numerous marine organisms begin to bloom, each in their own color.

Pamukkale (Türkiye)

Pamukkale means “cotton castle” in Turkish. The locals gave this name to an unusual plateau located in the very center of the country. Essentially, these are terraces made of travertine, a polycrystalline rock. Thermal springs for centuries they were created by streams of mineralized water, which, flowing down the slopes, did not have time to reach the bottom of the mountain and evaporated under the hot rays.
Now the resort is in high demand, because here you can not only be treated with mineral baths, but also wander through the azure pools, beautiful snow-white terraces, admiring the design and imagination of Mother Nature.

Dengxia Colored Mountains (China)

Another bright “explosion” took place in the Chinese province of Gansu. The endlessly beautiful red-orange mountains with blue and green stripes attract many tourists here. Danxia got its killer color from a variety of sedimentary rocks and thanks to a large inclusion of red sandstone and centuries-old soil erosion.

Scientists believe that the mountains got their color back in the Mesozoic era, and inside the rock you can find the remains of extinct lizards.

Li River (China)

In general, this Asian country is full of all kinds of beauty, which is why it appears in several positions in our top 20. This time we want to show the Chinese Lijiang River, the muse of poets and artists, full of romanticism and softness.

Lijiang is one of the most beautiful, clean and scenic rivers in Gualin Province.

Director John Curran filmed the film The Painted Veil here.

Multnomah Falls (USA)

This is one of the most popular hiking trails in Oregon. It plunges into the Columbia River Canyon. Multnomah Falls is one of the five largest waterfalls North America, but it ranks first in height among those that never freeze - 189 meters. To get to the place, you need to drive just 30 minutes from the city of Portland.

Machu Picchu: an unsolved mystery (Peru)

Remains ancient civilization Incas - on the list of the New Seven Wonders. It translates as “old mountain.” And lies lost city on a flat area at an altitude of 2057 m. Until the beginning of the 20th century, no one suspected the existence of evidence of an ancient civilization in Peru.
Why did the Incas need to build their city so high in the mountains? We will never know this, all that remains is to wander around the old mossy stones and make guesses.

One way or another, the lost and mysterious city of Machu Picchu closes the ranking of “The most beautiful places on earth” - the best twenty.

We invite you to watch the video, which also shows places not included in the list. Is it possible to list all the unique corners of the planet? After all, she is absolutely beautiful!

Beauty is an entirely subjective concept. Looking at the most fascinating places on our planet, a person begins to realize that true beauty is all around him, and it is impossible not to enjoy it. Over endless millions of years, Mother Nature has created so many masterpieces that still not all the most beautiful places on Earth are covered by tourist routes.

Lake Uyuni (Bolivia)

This is the largest salt lake in the world, and here time seems to slow down. You can even walk on its surface! During the rains, this salt marsh becomes a huge and extraordinary mirror. Here salt is mined, which is exported using antediluvian locomotives, the cemetery of which is located three kilometers from the city of Uyuni. The ideally flat and stable surface of the salt marsh, better than the surface of the ocean, makes it possible to adjust satellite instruments probing our planet. There are islands on the salt lake on which cacti manage to grow - photographs of such vegetation against the backdrop of the sparkling whiteness of the salt marsh are incredibly spectacular.

Pamukkale (Türkiye)

In the southwest of Turkey there is a very beautiful geological formation - a rock made of limestone tuff - Pamukkale. Here the river begins, which descends along stone terraces in the form of waterfalls and forms multi-tiered pools. Local residents rather poetically called this place “cotton castle.” Calcium-saturated water provided this unusual landscape with incredible whiteness. Thousands of tourists began to come to the natural terraces and thermal springs at the foot of the mountains every year.

Yunnan Rice Terraces (China)

The rice fields located on the mountain terraces of the Chinese province of Yunnan are extremely picturesque. They stretch for several tens of kilometers, exactly repeating all the curves of the earth's topography. The local ecological system is unique in its formation. In February, rice is planted in the soil, renewed by mountain springs, and the harvest is harvested in early autumn. The tourist season lasts from late autumn to mid-spring. Inexperienced travelers are attracted by the mirror surfaces of rice paddies, reflecting the rays of the sun, which, when refracted, provide the entire solar spectrum.

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Great Blue Hole (Belize)

Off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea there is a barrier reef, in the center of one of its atolls there is an unusual object - a mysterious, beautiful blue hole, perfectly round and leading into a very deep cave. However, in nature such phenomena occur frequently, in in this case The size of the hole is amazing - the diameter is 300 meters and the depth is 120 meters. Extreme divers love to come here to get new doses of adrenaline. Once upon a time this hole was explored by Jacques Cousteau himself, after him it became famous throughout the world.

Arizona Wave (USA)

Near the border separating the states of Arizona and Utah, on the Colorado Plateau is unusual formation made of sandstone, having irregular, bizarre shapes with smooth curves and painted in rich ocher colors, which was given the name “Arizona wave”. All self-respecting professional landscape photographers definitely strive to get here, but to do this they have to overcome many obstacles, because good roads doesn't exist here. The peculiar structure, reminiscent of a frozen stream of caramel, arose as a result of a long process of petrification of sand dunes into solid rock.

Jiuzhaigou National Park (China)

The southeastern Chinese province of Sichuan has many attractions, one of which is the incredibly beautiful National Park Jiuzhaigou. It is located in the north of the province. There are many lakes and waterfalls here, and the special composition of the local water makes them incredibly beautiful. turquoise. They look especially magnificent in the fall, when their waters reflect the crowns of trees with leaves of all kinds of colors.

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Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

The Balkan country of Croatia also has a mysterious, colorful and incredibly beautiful place - Plitvice Lakes. They are included in the largest national park in Croatia. The landscapes of the park smell of mysticism: it is surrounded by impenetrable dense thickets, which locals call the “devil’s forest.” A chain of lakes is located in one mountain valley; water from each upper lake flows through numerous waterfalls into the lake located below. Since water quickly destroys limestone rock, the waterfalls change every year. In winter, frozen waterfalls are no less spectacular than in summer period. All Plitvice lakes are divided into upper and lower.

Valley of the 10 Peaks (Canada)

The nature of Canada is very beautiful, especially its icy beauty. One of the notable natural sites is the Valley of 10 Peaks, which is located at the base of the multi-headed Vekchemna mountain range, which has 10 peaks. Nearby is glacial Moraine Lake, which is a prominent feature of Banff National Park. To better explore the local attractions, there are many trails for tourists. One of the views is called "20 dollars", because a 20 dollar bill was once issued with this landscape.

Mount Roraima (Brazil and Venezuela)

On the border between Brazil and Venezuela is the very beautiful peak of Roraima. In fact, Roraima is the name given to several mountain ranges rising among the Amazon wilds. This place became especially famous after the publication of Arthur Conan Doyle’s most popular novel “The Lost World”; it was here that he transferred the main events of the novel and populated the local lands, closed from the whole world by inaccessible mountains. In fact, these places can serve as a powerful source of imagination and creative inspiration.

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Monument Valley (USA)

In northeastern Arizona, on the border with Utah, there is the Colorado Plateau, a desert with an unusual and fascinating landscape. It was called the valley of monuments (monuments), because in the middle of the flat desert there are rocks, carved by the wind into unusual shapes, scattered, creating an alien landscape. Almost all American westerns were filmed here; we have long been accustomed to seeing dashing cowboys on the screen, galloping through the desert against the backdrop of these reddish rocks.

Colored rocks of Zhangye (China)

There are many amazing places in China, for example, the unusually beautiful colorful rocks in Gansu province. They arose during the Cretaceous period. An overview of this mountain range reveals a completely unusual range of colors in which its rocks are painted. It is explained by the fact that among other rocks, red sandstone clearly predominates, as well as sedimentary silt rocks that have undergone oxidation after the waters have receded from these places. Currently, the Chinese authorities have turned this place into one of the popular tourist routes. Landscape artists adore the local mottled ocher-colored rocks.

Ha Long Bay (Vietnam)

The poetic name Halong translated from Vietnamese means “the bay where dragons find shelter.” Following the bay, the city located on its shores inherited the same name. Perhaps the bay fully lives up to its mystical name, because it contains over 3 thousand small islands, mysterious caves and rocky mountains along the shores. In some caves, penetrating deep into the rocks, attractions have been arranged; here, exciting adventure routes have been prepared for tourists, and multi-colored lighting has been installed. Any guest here feels as if in the palace of a real dragon.

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Iguazu Falls (Brazil and Argentina)

Iguazu Falls means large complex, including 275 cascades. They are twice as tall and wide as the famous Niagara Falls. The waterfalls owe their origin to volcanic activity: after the eruption, a huge crack formed in the ground, right under the bed of the Iguazu River, which caused the appearance of a whole cascade of waterfalls. The waterfall looks especially impressive during the rainy season, which occurs in November-March, when the swollen river brings down 13 thousand cubic meters of water every second.

Crystal River (Columbia)

Although this Colombian river is officially called Caño Cristales, Indian tribes living in the wilds of Central Colombia call it “the escaped from paradise” or “the river of five colors.” There are many natural wonders in the tropics, but this fabulously picturesque multi-colored river is especially original! In different places its bottom is colored pink, red, yellow, green, blue and black. It's all because of the amazing colorful algae that turn the river into a rainbow flowing through the Amazon forests.

Enchanted Well (Brazil)

The magic of this unusual attraction manifests itself every day for only an hour and a half - from 10:30 to noon, when the rays of the sun penetrate into the cave. This well, 37 meters deep, is located at the bottom of an even deeper cave (80 m). But the water in it is so clean that at the bottom of the well you can see fragments of trees that fell there in time immemorial. As if by magic, the walls of the cave and the lake at its bottom are suddenly illuminated with a magical blue light. Access to this cave, located in the Chapada Diamantina National Park, is strictly regulated due to the abundance of visitors and the fragility of the local ecosystem.

One of the most amazing creations of Mother Nature are caves. Among them there are a lot of damp and unsightly looking ones, but sometimes you come across some unsightly ones...

Marble Caves (Chile and Argentina)

This place is located on the border between Argentina and Chile and has three names: among the Argentines - Buenos Aires, among the Chileans - General Carrera, and among the local Indian tribes - Chelenko (lake of storms). The mountain climate here is actually very harsh. But there are a lot of fish in the lake, including salmon and trout. On the Chilean side there is the most interesting place - the marble caves. There are huge reserves of this valuable stone, and different shades, including even the rarest deep blue. Penetrating into a cave sunlight refracted from marble in different colors.

Sagano Bamboo Grove (Japan)

In the west of the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto there is an extraordinary bamboo forest. Thousands of bamboo trunks, like masts, sway gracefully in the wind, while they rub against each other, emitting a subtle ringing sound. Next to the grove stands the ancient Buddhist temple Tenryu-Ji, protected by UNESCO.

Hamilton Basin (USA)

This unusual ecosystem is located near the city of Austin in Texas and is a lake hidden under the dome of a cave. Many thousands of years ago, an underground river flowed in this place through the karst rocks and gradually undermined them until the cave vaults collapsed in the center, revealing the river hidden beneath them to the sun. It turned out to be a very cozy secluded bay with a beach under the canopy. The water in the lake has a rich blue color. Moss and climbing plants hang from the vaults of the grotto in some places, and beautiful limestone stalactites descend in others. Swallows make their nests under the dome, and nearby a waterfall falls from a 15-meter height.

Valley of Flowers (India)

In the western Himalayas, in the upper reaches of the Ganges, there are incredibly beautiful flowering meadows. Almost all plants growing here are endemic. Scientists are closely monitoring the local alpine meadows, which stretch over 88 square meters. km. Magnificent flower meadows are adjacent to mountains, forests and waterfalls.

North American relief can be divided into several types: in the central and northern parts you can admire the delightful plains, ...

Grand Canyon (USA)

The Grand Canyon area is one of the oldest national parks in the United States. This is one of the most large-scale creations of nature that has attracted human attention. The canyon is located in Arizona, and was carved over millions of years by the Colorado River. Until the middle of the 16th century, a tribe of Pueblo Indians lived in the canyon, who settled in small gaps in the walls of the canyon. These are the most beautiful places in the world, so now the Grand Canyon has turned into a giant tourist complex - there are many descents, places to stay overnight and parking lots.

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Places where every cultured person dreams of visiting.

Experts from the world's largest travel site TripAdvisor have compiled a ranking of 25 cultural sites that were most highly rated by tourists from around the globe.

In general, if you have not yet decided on your vacation plans, in this review website you can find some great ideas. For the next 25 holidays.

1. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, recognized as one of the New Wonders of the World, is located in modern Peru, on the top of a mountain range at an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level. It is called the “city in the sky” or “city among the clouds”, sometimes called the “lost city of the Incas”. Some archaeologists believe that the city was created as a sacred mountain retreat by the great Inca ruler Pachacutec around 1440, and functioned until 1532, when the Spanish invaded the Inca Empire. In 1532, all its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared.

2. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is one of the six largest mosques in the world. Named after Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, the founder and first president of the United Nations United Arab Emirates. Unlike many others Muslim temples, everyone is allowed into it, regardless of faith.

3. Taj Mahal, Agra, India

The Taj Mahal Mausoleum is one of the most recognizable landmarks not only in India but throughout the world. The structure was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died during childbirth. The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and also a symbol of eternal love.

4. Mezquita, Cordoba, Spain

Walls decorated with intricate patterns, mosaic ornaments, hundreds of thin openwork columns - this is how the Cathedral Mosque of Cordoba appears today. Many centuries ago, there was an ancient Roman temple on this site, then it was replaced by a Visigothic church, and in 785 the Mezquita appeared. It became the second most important mosque on the planet, and the pilgrimage to Cordoba was even equated to the obligatory hajj to Mecca for every Muslim. But then the Catholics replaced the Moors, and Mezquita was turned into a Christian temple.

5. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican, Italy

The heart of the Vatican and the entire Catholic world, St. Peter's Basilica is one of the main attractions of Rome. Here you can view ancient Rome from a bird's eye view, admire the interior of the cathedral from the top of the dome, celebrate Mass and even receive the blessing of the pontiff.

6. Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Cambodian temple Angkor Wat is the largest religious building ever created, the history of which goes back almost 9 centuries. Even its name speaks about the monumentality of the temple complex, because Angkor Wat literally translates as Temple City. It covers an area of ​​200 hectares and is surrounded by a moat 190 meters wide. This colossal structure is dedicated to the god Vishnu, revered in this area.

7. Bayon Temple Complex, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Bayon is one of the most amazing temples located on the territory of Angkor Thom and was its religious center. The “highlight” of Bayon are the towers with many faces carved from stone, silently looking from above over the vast territory of Angkor Thom, and during the heyday of the state, over the entire Khmer Empire. Initially, there were 54 towers, which symbolized the 54 provinces under the rule of the king. Today, only about 37 towers remain.

8. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on the Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, better known as the Church of the Savior on Blood, became the only Russian attraction on Trip Advisor's list. The Savior on Spilled Blood attracts tourists from all over the world not only with the splendor of its domes and interiors, but also with its unusual history, which has given rise to many legends and speculations. Many of them are related to the fact that the temple was erected on the spot where on March 1, 1881, the Narodnaya Volya member I. Grinevitsky mortally wounded Alexander II, who was popularly called the Tsar Liberator for the abolition of serfdom.

9. Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

10. Walls of the old city, Dubrovnik, Croatia

In 1979, UNESCO declared Dubrovnik's Old Town a World Heritage Site, including a significant portion of the city's ancient walls. They surround the city on all four sides and house a venerable collection historical monuments, including towers, fortresses, churches, monasteries, squares and streets, schools, museums and galleries. These stone walls, built for defensive purposes, have protected its citizens since the founding of Dubrovnik in the 6th century.

11. Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar

Shwedagon Pagoda is the tallest spiritual building in Myanmar, or, as it is also called, the Land of Pagodas. The entire complex of the giant pagoda occupies more than five hectares of land, on which, in addition to the main structure, there are many smaller spiers and countless sculptures of mythical and real animals : golden griffins and elephants, dragons and lions. The Shwedagon Pagoda became what it is today in the 15th century, during the reign of Queen Shinsobu. It was then that the gigantic temple was finally given the shape of an inverted begging bowl and sheathed in gold from top to bottom.

12. Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool, Washington, DC

The Lincoln Memorial is a majestic temple made in the ancient Greek style and somewhat reminiscent of the Parthenon. It is supported by 36 columns made of white marble by the number of states belonging to the United States at the time of President Lincoln's death. In the center of the temple is a statue of the world's most respected American president sitting in a chair. Its height is 5.79 meters.

13. Ancient City of Petra, Petra/Wadi Musa, Jordan

In the very heart of Jordan, in the Wadi Musa valley, deep in the sandy mountains, there is the most amazing ancient city of Petra. Petra was originally a temporary refuge for the nomadic Nabatean tribes. From several fortified rock caves, it gradually grew into a large fortified city. There is only one way to get to the city - through the narrow Siq gorge, which was once the bed of a mountain stream. Petra still belongs to the Bedouins, who warmly welcome guests to their land.

14. Section of the Great Wall of China Mutianyu, Beijing, China

On no other section of the Great Wall of China were restoration work carried out as well as on the Mutianyu section. This site, with 22 watchtowers that have retained their original appearance, is a real architectural masterpiece. The phrase Mutianyu from Chinese is translated as “a valley in which you can admire the views of the fields.” Among all the sections of the Great Wall of China, Mutianyu is the longest fully restored section open to tourists.

15. Ancient city of Ephesus, Selcuk, Türkiye

The largest and best preserved ancient city on the shore Aegean Sea and second in importance after Pompeii in the Mediterranean, ancient Ephesus is the most visited attraction in Turkey. Legends connect the appearance of the city with the name of Androcles, the son of the ruler of Athens, Codra, who, on the advice of an oracle, arrived in these places to found the temple of Artemis. The city got its name from the Amazon Ephesia, Androcles' lover.

16. Alhambra, Spain

The Alhambra (Arabic: Al Hamra - literally "Red Castle") is an ancient palace and fortress of the Moorish rulers of the province of Granada in southern Spain. The castle occupies the top of a rocky plateau on the southeastern border of Granada. The name Alhambra probably comes from the color of the sun-dried clay or bricks from which the castle walls are made. However, some historians suggest that the name came from the “red flame of torches” that illuminated the many years of construction of the castle, which went on around the clock.

17. Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia

The Australian War Memorial is the main memorial dedicated to the memory of soldiers killed during the First and Second World Wars. Today it is considered one of the most significant monuments of its kind in the world. The memorial is located near the Parliament building, from the balcony of which a 360-degree panorama of the monument opens.

18. Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy

According to the chronicles, in early XIII century, the inhabitants of the city-state of Siena, which acted as the main competitor and adversary of Florence, “called upon their leaders to build a temple more magnificent than that of their neighbors.” So, between 1215 and 1263, on the site of the old temple, the Duomo of Siena was founded according to the plan of the Gothic master Niccolò Pisano. Today this majestic temple is the main attraction of the city.

19. Milan Cathedral (Duomo), Milan, Italy

The most important place in Milan is the Cathedral of Santa Maria Nascente (Duomo), a pearl of Italian Gothic architecture, which was built from 1386 to early XIX century. The third largest Catholic church on the planet can easily be considered one of the wonders of the world. Its hundred-meter spiers tower over the center of Milan, and the golden statue of the Madonna on the longest spire (four meters high) is visible from many areas of the city.

20. Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, ​​Spain

The Basilica of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is one of the most famous long-term construction projects in the world: its construction began almost 150 years ago and continues to this day. Although Antonio Gaudi initially had nothing to do with the construction of this temple, a year after the start of work he headed this project. Gaudi built the temple for 30 years until he died. The reason for such a long construction period is that the Sagrada Familia is built solely on donations from parishioners.

25. Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. Its architect was the Dane Jorn Utzon. Having designed the original roofs, somewhat reminiscent of shells, he gave Sydney a magnificent gift - a symbol of the city. Today, every tourist planning to visit Australia definitely includes an excursion to the majestic opera house in his travel itinerary.

Millions of tourists annually visit the most interesting places in the world. What could be more tempting than taking a photo against the backdrop of the unusual Chinese Danxia rocks, seeing with your own eyes the Gates of Hell located in Turkmenistan, enjoying the cherry blossoms in the Japanese Hitachi Park, or strolling along the streets of the abandoned town of Pripyat near Chernobyl?

10 most incredible corners of our planet:

  1. City of Machu Picchu.
  2. Flower fields in Holland.
  3. Danxia Geopark.
  4. Moon Valley in Argentina.
  5. Wulingyuan Mountains.
  6. Gates of Hell in the Karakum Desert.
  7. Bobsleigh track in Sarajevo.
  8. Ghost town Pripyat.
  9. Abandoned ship Airfield.

Man-made wonders of the planet

In 1911, US archaeologist Hiram Bingham, while in Peru, accidentally discovered the ruins of a fortress city hidden in the Andes. Machu Picchu.

It is believed that the town was founded in the middle of the 15th century and for some time served as the residence of the ruler of the Inca Empire, Pachacutec, and after his death it became a place where the children of the nobility were educated. Tourists are attracted by the unique architecture of Machu Picchu.

Situated at an altitude of more than 2 km above sea level, the ancient city attracts travelers with unusual buildings built from polished rectangular stones. In total, about 200 buildings have been preserved, including several temples dedicated to the sun god Inti. Modern scientists were amazed by the scale of the buildings, because in order to build them, it was necessary to have the broadest knowledge in the field of engineering, geology, astronomy and other sciences, which humanity did not possess in those days. How the ancient Incas created the city remains a big mystery. Some researchers even seriously suggest that aliens took part in the construction of Machu Picchu.

Flower fields in Holland

The Netherlands is known in every corner of the planet not only for its Red Light District or the Marijuana Museum, but also for its picturesque tulip fields.

The fashion for growing these flowers dates back to the distant 16th century. It was then that the botanist Karl Clusius first planted botanical garden Leiden several tulip bulbs.

The strange flowers quickly caught the fancy of the local population, and soon any noble Dutchman considered it an honor to grow them at home. Today, tulips of all varieties and the most incredible shades grow on endless plantations located on the North Sea coast, as well as near Amsterdam, The Hague, Leiden, Enkhuizen and Delft. You can admire the incredibly beautiful flower fields in the Netherlands from mid-April to the end of the first ten days of May.

The most unusual gardens are in Japan. To see this, just visit Hitachi National Park, which stretches over 120 hectares in the city of Hitatinaka on the island of Honshu.

Previously, there was a US military base in its place, but since 1973, the Japanese authorities decided to plant the vast territories with luxurious flowers, shrubs and trees. Work to improve the park took 18 years, and in 1991 it was opened to the public for the first time. At different times of the year, sakura, kohia, tulips, lilies and other plants bloom on huge plantations, turning Hitachi into a place of indescribable beauty.

Unusual creations of nature

In the Chinese province of Gansu, near the city of Zhangye, the unique Danxia Geopark is located. It became famous throughout the world thanks to its unusual colored rocks.

An inexperienced tourist may think that a person had a hand in their creation, but this is not so. The cliffs of Zhangye Danxia are natural object, they were formed over 24 million years from deposits of red sandstone and other mineral rocks. Their unusual shapes, colors and patterns are the result of numerous weather disasters. Today there is not a single landscape formation on the planet that even remotely resembles Danxia, ​​so the geopark is very popular among lovers of unusual experiences.

Contrary to expectations, the Valley of the Moon is not located on a natural satellite of the Earth, but in the northwestern part of Argentina. Ischigualasto Provincial Park received this name because of its alien appearance.

There is practically no flora and fauna in the valley. Its attraction is the unusual geological formations, similar to polished skittles with a diameter of up to 70 cm. Scientists today are unable to explain their origin. The area gained particular interest among tourists after NASA employees tested their Mars rovers there.

Located in the Hunan province of China, the Wulingyuan Mountains are covered in greenery with 3,000 peaks and cliffs, some of which reach heights of up to 800 m.

Between them there are gorges with picturesque lakes, streams and waterfalls. Few people know, but it was the Wulingyuan Mountains that inspired the authors of the film “Avatar” to create fabulous landscapes that would amaze viewers.

Underground road to hell

Listing unusual places world, it is worth mentioning the Gates of Hell, located in the Karakum desert (Turkmenistan). The attraction with such an impressive name is a gas crater, the depth of which reaches 20 m and a diameter of 60 m.

It was formed in 1971 after unsuccessful searches for underground gas. While drilling a well, Soviet geologists came across a void filled with natural gas, into which the earth and equipment located on its surface had fallen. To prevent the gas from leaving the crater and poisoning people living in nearby settlements, it was decided to set it on fire.

Mineral seekers hoped that it would go out within a few days, but they were greatly mistaken. More than 40 years have passed since the formation of the crater, and natural gas it burns incessantly. From the outside, this spectacle has a mystical appearance.

Forgotten corners of the world

The most beautiful abandoned places in the world have always attracted the attention of travelers. Once in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), tourists should head to the long-forgotten bobsleigh track.

A modern track that meets international standards was built on the eve of the 1984 Winter Olympic Games; its length was more than 1.5 km. The track was used after the end of the Olympics until the outbreak of the civil war in Yugoslavia in 1991. The hostilities in this Balkan country have long since ended, but interest in bobsleigh among the local population has subsided. The track, where the best athletes on the planet competed for prizes, has been abandoned for more than two decades and is of interest only to travelers.

The small town of Pripyat in northern Ukraine can be called, without exaggeration, the most interesting settlement in the post-Soviet space. Founded in 1970 as a city of nuclear workers, it ceased to exist 16 years later. The reason for this was the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant located 3 km from it. After the explosion at the power unit, the entire population of Pripyat was evacuated. The city turned into an exclusion zone, and people began to call it a ghost.

Today in Pripyat everything looks the same as it did at the time of the tragedy. Once in the city, it’s as if you’re transported back 3 decades. The walls of buildings are decorated with communist slogans, schools and kindergartens are waiting for pupils, and apartments are waiting for their owners. But the city differs from other settlements in that no one is going to return to it. Its streets are filled with piercing silence, and the only people there are tourists and tour guides.

Travelers looking for the most beautiful abandoned places in the world should head to Australia. On this distant continent in Homebush Bay the remains of the steam ship Airfield have rested for many years.

The British ship was launched in 1911 and carried ammunition and coal during World War II. Now the Airfield is considered the most famous abandoned ship on the planet. Real thickets of mango trees grew on its deck, which is why it was popularly called the “Floating Forest.” The ship looks especially spectacular in the sunset.

Beauty is a subjective concept, however, looking at the mesmerizingly beautiful places on Earth created by nature itself, one comes to the realization that beauty is all around us, and it is impossible not to perceive it. Traditional tourist routes often do not cover even a small part of what was created by the tandem of the most talented “architects” - time and nature. A review of beautiful places on the planet that are amazing in their aesthetics and unique landscape features will make it clear that true beauty is not accessible, but overcoming obstacles is worth it to see a real miracle with your own eyes - the most beautiful places in the world.

1. Lake Uyuni in Bolivia

Undoubtedly, this unique salt lake, the largest in area, is among the top most beautiful places in the world - a place where time slows down. Surprisingly, you can walk along its surface! In the rainy season it turns into a large-scale beautiful mirror square. 3 km from the city of the same name there is a cemetery, which became the last stop for many steam locomotives that once served as vehicles for transporting minerals mined at local mines.

The surface of the salt marsh has become an optimal alternative to the ocean for testing and adjusting the operation of sounding instruments on satellites in orbit. Within the salt desert there are entire islands, the flora of which is represented by cacti. The spectacle is so controversial and beautiful that it is unforgivable not to capture it with a camera!

- the most beautiful national park in Italy in the east of the bohemian Riviera. This beautiful place is permeated with the spirit of the Italian Middle Ages. There are five small villages on the territory, the architecture of which is represented by defensive buildings dating back to the distant times of pirate raids on this area. Reliable protection The land was provided with a rocky coastline that was as picturesque as it was dangerous.

This beautiful corner is full of romance - stone beaches and narrow paths, one of which has the mysterious name “the road of love” and is fraught with many legends about the most noble and temperamental inhabitants of Europe.

Southwestern Turkey is interesting for its unique and very beautiful geological phenomenon - a rock made of limestone tuff. Streams originate in this place, cascading down stone steps, forming waterfalls and pools unique in their origin. Cotton Castle is how the residents poetically call this beautiful landscape. The thermal springs and natural terraces at the foot of the mountains attract many tourists, as they represent a storehouse of calcium-rich water against the backdrop of a majestic white landscape.

4. Yunnan Rice Terraces

Another incredibly beautiful place on our Earth is the rice fields in China, located in the mountains of the province. The terraces are several tens of kilometers long and exactly follow the curves of the terrain. The uniqueness of this area lies in the nature of the formed independent ecological system. Rice is planted in soil renewed by mountain springs in February, the beginning of autumn is harvest time. Tourist season opens late autumn and lasts until mid-spring. At this time, the terraces attract inexperienced glances with their mirror surface, from which they reflect Sun rays, forming a mesmerizingly beautiful color spectrum.

5. Great Blue Hole in Belize

In the central part of the atoll (one of the objects of the coral barrier reef off the coast of Belize) there is an amazing blue hole, which is a cave going into the depths. This phenomenon is common in nature, but this blue abyss is striking in its size (depth is 120 meters, diameter - 300). A favorite place for extreme divers, a paradise for those who have made diving the meaning of their lives. Jacques Cousteau conducted his research here and brought world fame to this place.

On the border between the states of Utah and Arizona on the Colorado Plateau there is a beautiful formation of sand rocks, called a wave, due to its bizarre uneven shape and the predominance of rich colors. To get to this place of pilgrimage for all experienced photographers specializing in landscape photography, it is necessary to overcome a full-fledged “obstacle course” that arose due to the lack of roads. The unique structure of the beautiful landscape was created over a long period of time by transforming sand dunes into hard rock.

7. Jiuzhaigou National Park

In the southeastern part of China is the province of Sichuan, which attracts many tourists: a delightfully beautiful nature reserve, located in the north of the region, is a unique protected natural site. Many waterfalls and lakes, called colored lakes due to the special composition of the water, are hidden from prying eyes by the mountains of Tibet.

For a long time, it was not possible for everyone to get here, but the airport that recently opened in the mountainous region has created the opportunity to get here from Shanghai by direct flight. The mountain trails here have been improved for tourists.

Previously, nine settlements were founded on the territory, which gave the name to the future reserve - “Valley of Nine Villages.”

One of most beautiful places in the world Nearby Croatia can also boast - a mysterious and colorful land. We are talking about the Plitvice Lakes, located on the territory of the largest national park in the state. The surrounding nature immerses you in an atmosphere of mysticism. Around the park there are dense impenetrable thickets, called “Devil's Forest” by local residents.

All 16 lakes are located in a mountain valley. They are connected to each other, as a result of which the purest water flows form grandiose noisy waterfalls. Every year the number of waterfalls grows, as water destroys limestone rocks. The total area of ​​the water area is two square kilometers. Located at different levels, the reservoirs form two picturesque complexes - Upper and Lower Lakes.

9. Valley of the Ten Peaks in Canada

Canada is a land of harsh, but attractive nature with its icy beauty. Here we find one of the most beautiful natural places world - the Valley of the “Ten Peaks”, located at the foot of ten mountains with the common name Vekchemna, not far from the lake of glacial origin Moraine. The lake is the jewel of Banff National Park. There are many hiking trails here that allow you to appreciate the local attraction. One of the mountain views is called “20 dollars”, since at one time an identical image appeared on a banknote of this denomination.

This beautiful mountain is a unique symbol of the neighborhood of the South American states of Venezuela and Brazil. - these are several mountain ranges rising among the wilds of the Amazon. This place gained fame after it was depicted in Conan Doyle’s novel about the times when the Earth was inhabited by dinosaurs, and the mountains served them as a safe haven. The landscape and atmosphere truly give the impression of being isolated from the real world and are an endless source of inspiration.

An archipelago of many (more than a thousand) small islands, each of which is a separate paradise for tourists, is located in the Indian Ocean. Turquoise water, sandy white beaches, Exotic fruits- this is the Maldives, an ideal, heavenly beautiful place for a family holiday, active entertainment or a honeymoon.

Diving is an activity that can be mastered here to perfection, since visibility under water is close to perfect. Some uninhabited islands are conducive to solitude and romantic dates.

12. Machu Picchu in Peru

The beautiful city of Machu Picchu was founded in the 13th century by the Inca leader Pachacutec. A hundred years later, his empire was conquered by the Spaniards, but the city still has the glory of a lost sacred refuge of the Incas. The mystery of this beautiful place is due to a historical mystery: after a foreign invasion, all the inhabitants of the city disappeared for unknown reasons.

The architectural content of the city is represented by temples and premises for the needs of the population. All buildings are made of stone slabs. The ephemeral spirit of worship of the Sun God is present in this mountainous space and makes you feel soulful awe. It is also worth noting that Machu Picchu is included in the "" list.

13. Monument Valley in the USA

In the northeastern region of Arizona, you can observe a geological feature that is justifiably the pride of the American people and our list of the most beautiful places on Earth. Located in a valley once inhabited by the Navajo Indians, the park is unique in that it is a complex of fantastically contoured rocks set against the backdrop of the desert landscape of one part of the Colorado Plateau.

This beautiful corner is favored by Hollywood directors working in the Western style, and therefore is permeated with the atmosphere of the supposed presence of dashing cowboys and exciting adventures.

Check out the most popular ones in a separate article.

China is a country rich in beautiful natural wonders. One of these is the beautiful rocks painted in variegated shades in Gansu province. The origin of the unusual geological formation dates back to the Cretaceous period. Diversity color range, observed when looking at the mountain range, is explained by the predominance of red sandstone among other rocks, as well as the products of oxidation of silt sediment, which arose when the area was drained over the centuries. The modern environment is fully adapted to the significant tourist traffic. Mountains in shades of rust and ocher are the dream of any landscape painter.

15. Ha Long Bay in Vietnam

“The bay where dragons find shelter” is how the name “Ha Long” is poetically translated. It belongs not only to the bay itself, but also to the city on whose shores it is located. Rocky mountains, mysterious caves, more than 3,000 islands - the beautiful bay lives up to its mystical name. Separate deep caves formed in the rocks are equipped with attractions: tourists can follow a breathtaking route illuminated by multi-colored lamps and feel like a guest in the palace of an ancient mythological monster.

16. Bora Bora Island

The Pacific Coast is a tempting prospect for a beach holiday. One of them, Bora Bora in French Polynesia, is the most preferred holiday destination for sophisticated tourists who value comfort and the “view from the window”. This is evidenced by the huge number of hotels aimed at wealthy guests.

The island is surrounded by small isolated areas of land (motu), between which a delightful blue lagoon has formed. The motu are formed from sand and coral, and the central part of the island is from volcanic lava, since the three highest mountain peaks on Bora Bora are the rims of a volcanic crater, now inactive.

17. Tulip fields in the Netherlands

Holland and tulips are concepts that stand in the same associative row. In the western part of the country, tulips are grown in areas comparable to full-fledged plantations. This process is organized on an industrial basis and has a huge scale.

Outwardly, these beautiful fields resemble a whole sea of ​​flowers, which cannot but cause delight in a person who has not previously observed such a riot of rich colors. From April to May, the Netherlands turns into a blooming garden and continues to be so even in August, when tulips give way to gladioli.

Iguazu Falls is a complex of 275 beautiful cascades formed as a result of a volcanic eruption. It is twice as tall and wide as Niagara. After the eruption, a significant crack formed in the ground, which led to the formation of large-scale cascading flows of water in the bed of the river of the same name. During the rainy season (from November to March), the waterfall manifests itself in all its power; a flow of 13,000 cubic meters falls in a second.

The ancient Egyptian civilization remains alive in the monuments of its unique architecture. In the suburbs of Cairo there is a complex of buildings whose age is more than 4,500 years. Until now, scientists cannot establish how the builders who erected the pyramids managed to fix huge blocks weighing several tons. Some do not even deny the intervention of alien intelligence. You can believe this, or you can treat it with irony, but the fact is that many buildings of that era were irretrievably lost over time, and the Pyramids of Giza are undoubtedly included in the list of the most beautiful places in the world, and remain a symbol of Egypt and a reason for debate among mystics and skeptics.

Another beautiful place in Turkey is Cappadocia, which is recognized as an element of the world cultural heritage. It is located at an altitude of about one kilometer above sea level, on the territory of the Anatolian Plateau in the central part of the country. Parts of underground monasteries from the time of the birth of Christianity have been preserved here. The terrain was entirely formed under the influence of volcanic eruptions and their residual processes.

21. Mount Tianji in China

The beautiful Tianji Mountain reaches a height of more than 1200 meters and is located within the boundaries of Wulingyuan Park. The name translates as “son of heaven.” This is what one of the rebel leaders whose camp was set up near this mountain called himself. If you reach the peak, but from above you will see a mesmerizing panoramic view of many individual mountain peaks, symbolizing the soldiers of the glorious leader. When appreciating the local beauties, the Chinese like to repeat that once a person sees Tianji, he will not want to conquer other peaks.

Of course, this review does not list all the beautiful places in our world. The manifestations of nature are so diverse and often bizarre that in almost every country there are amazing corners of nature hidden from the surface, and therefore preserved in their original form. To enjoy their beauty is the only reasonable duty of man.