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» I'm looking for a biology tutor. Online tutor in biology preparation for the Unified State Exam. What you should pay attention to when preparing for the Unified State Exam in Biology

I'm looking for a biology tutor. Online tutor in biology preparation for the Unified State Exam. What you should pay attention to when preparing for the Unified State Exam in Biology

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Our advantages:

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Often looking for tutors:

Biology tutors

Moscow, Solntsevo

Age 78

Experience from 10 years

Service price from 1400 rub/45 minutes

Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Graduate School of Moscow State University. Candidate of Sciences in the field of chemistry and physics of semiconductors. Chemistry teacher at a foreign college. For 32 years he headed the department of chemistry at a leading university in Moscow... Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Graduate School of Moscow State University. Candidate of Sciences in the field of chemistry and physics of semiconductors. Chemistry teacher at a foreign college. For 32 years he headed the department of chemistry at a leading university in Moscow. Professor. Author of teaching chemistry as fundamental science– science of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones. Author of the algorithm mental activity necessary for system-structural analysis of the reasons for changes in the structure, quality and stability of systems as a result of quantitative changes. Author teaching aid"Chemistry of the 21st century - quantity - composition - structure - quality." Author of the discovery of the nature of processes of type 1/f. The algorithm I developed for system-structural analysis of the reasons for changes in the structure, quality and stability of systems as a result of quantitative changes is applicable in chemistry, physics, biology, geology, and sociology. Having obtained such knowledge during our classes, you will be able to understand for what reasons there is a change in the stability and reliability of systems that are studied not only by chemistry, but also by other sciences. You will acquire knowledge of how to manage the properties of systems, understand why certain specific knowledge is needed, what is its role and significance for understanding methods of managing the quality of systems. All this, within the framework of the logic of analysis, makes it easy to understand and remember the material being studied / Contents of various sections of chemistry and general chemistry, in particular, which we will study, will be revealed through an algorithm for system-structural analysis of the impact of quantitative changes on the structure and quality of systems. Thanks to this algorithm, it will be easy for you to understand and explain the reason for the periodic changes in the properties of atoms of elements, the meaning of the three laws of thermodynamics, the role and significance of kinetics chemical reactions, features of equilibrium and non-equilibrium electrochemical systems and their processes. Knowing the cause of spontaneous processes of changing the properties of nonequilibrium systems and the direction of their development, you will be able to compare the qualitative and quantitative properties of a stable structure. By studying chemistry in the logic of system-structural analysis, you will not only consolidate your knowledge of chemistry, but also acquire a cognitive tool that scientists use. You may not be a scientist, but the knowledge you gain will be invaluable in Everyday life, since this knowledge will help you track and understand the manifestations of the 3 basic laws of materialistic dialectics, understand how these laws manifest themselves in the systems with which you will deal, in the world around you and in yourself. to uncover...

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Biology is a fairly easy subject at school, but when entering other educational establishments Students often encounter questions on the Unified State Exam that were not fully covered (and often not covered at all) in class.

There are several ways to prepare for the Unified State Exam in biology - study on your own, find a traditional tutor, take courses...

The most in an accessible way is self-study. The only plus (the most financially accessible way of learning) is immediately offset by a host of disadvantages: the student must have self-discipline, he must have good level knowledge, have a large supply of time, have a person who could correct and point out errors and shortcomings. Agree - it’s unlikely that a high school student has all this.

Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam in biology are taught in groups. Everything here is aimed at preparing students for the upcoming exams - last year’s exams are sorted out Unified State Exam assignments, trial testing is carried out, typical errors are announced. The main problem with this method of teaching is that it is aimed at improving the knowledge of a group of intermediate-level students, and there are several students in the group, and the level of each of them may differ significantly. In addition, the cost of this type of training will not be affordable for everyone.

Biology tutor preparing for the Unified State Exam

Individual training is optimal in all respects, but we have already mentioned that finding a traditional tutor will be very difficult, and his prices will also be quite high.

Is there a solution to the problem?
Unified State Exam biology tutor - the golden mean!

An online USE tutor in biology is not only an individual approach, but also:
Determining the student’s “problem” areas, determining his level of knowledge;
Careful development of teaching methods for each specific student;
Work with a professional who will introduce you in practice to real exam tasks and teach you how to solve them.

In addition, online preparation for the Unified State Exam in biology will be affordable for everyone, because classes are conducted remotely using modern means communications (Skype). You just need to have access to the Internet and decide on a time when it will be convenient for you to study. And also choose a teacher from those presented on our website!

Join right now, improve your knowledge, study at home on a schedule that suits you!

Is your child having difficulty learning biology? This most interesting science Has it started to seem too complicated? Need to prepare for school exams? Then you need a biology tutor to prepare for the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam in Moscow or the region - depending on what class the student is in and where you live. An experienced teacher will explain the subject in such a way that even the most indifferent student will become a keen researcher of wildlife or simply pass the required exam well. Selecting a tutor is quite simple: select the profile of a suitable teacher and write to him in the feedback form. To make your search for a tutor as fast as possible, set its basic parameters and choose only from those private tutors that match them. Indicate whether the teacher should teach at his place or at your home. Please indicate the price for tutoring services that suits you. Indicate your general wishes to the teacher. After this, the circle of candidates will narrow, and choosing a tutor will be easier. It is also useful to indicate for whom the teacher is needed: a private biology tutor for a student (urgently need to prepare for an exam) and a school biology tutor for preparation for the State Examination (GIA) or the Unified State Exam - these are slightly different areas and different cost of classes (one-time lessons can cost quite inexpensive). Or you can write all these wishes in the order, and the administrator will select a tutor in accordance with your requirements. This will be relevant when you need to hire a tutor urgently and there is no time for selection.

Graduated from graduate school at the Department of Vertebrate Zoology at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.
On February 15, 2016, a candidate’s thesis was defended on the topic “Principles of construction and population-geographical variability of the song of the eastern nightingale (Luscinia luscinia L., 1758)”, information on the website of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
2005-2010 – student of the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Received a red diploma.

Additional education:
In October - December 2009 at the Intensive Training Center foreign languages at Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov took the course in English“Step forward” according to the method of Prof. G.A. Kitaygorodskaya (2 – “Intermediate” – level), about which there is a certified certificate. Since September 2010 I have been studying at the Russian-German Institute of Science and Culture at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.

I am the author and co-author of eight scientific publications, including two in peer-reviewed journals listed by the Higher Attestation Commission. Participated in six international scientific conferences with oral presentations, the abstracts of which were published in collections of reports of the relevant conferences. Citation index 3.
FSBI "Tsentrokhotkontrol" - since January 2013 I have been working as a senior researcher.

Preparation for the Unified State Examination and State Examination, entrance exams in biology and chemistry for specialized schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, closing current gaps in knowledge, including express preparation. Classes are available for external and home-schooled students, including lessons via Skype. Applicants are prepared for internal exams and olympiads at leading universities in Moscow - Moscow State University, Sechenov Moscow State Medical University, Pirogov Russian State Medical University, Moscow State Medical University.

Students from 8th grade inclusive and older, incl. students.
Departure is possible in the first half of the day (8.00-14.00).

All options are used in the preparation of students Unified State Exam tests presented in exams in last years, and there is also a breakdown of tests on certain topics for more efficient work. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of issues in Part C.
During the entire course of classes, trial Unified State Examinations are conducted in order to ensure the student’s psychological preparedness for the exam, which is important when passing the real exam. Targeted preparation is also carried out for Olympiads of various levels of complexity (including Lomonosov and Vorobyovy Gory at Moscow State University) and internal university exams.

My students improved their current performance, passed state exams with high scores, and entered MSU. Lomonosov, MMA named after. Sechenov and Russian State Medical University named after. Pirogov, won the Olympiads held by Moscow State University "Lomonosov" (1st degree diploma - 90 points out of 100 in 2012, Katya Vorobyova and 85 points out of 100 in 2013, Maria Konopleva)" and "Vorobyovy Gory". One of my students , who graduated from the university 20 years ago, successfully entered the Sechenov MMA. In 2012, the minimum score of my students on the Unified State Exam was 80 points.

Statistics of student results on the Unified State Exam for 2013:
Biology Emin 80 Mila 81 Pavel 89 Danil 89 Ilya 90 Abdulvahid 94.
Chemistry Emin 80 Pavel 83 Danil 88 Masha 92

I don’t study chemistry remotely according to the 9-11 grade program.