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» Historical facts in contact. Interesting facts about VKontakte and VKontakte. The most noteworthy events in the history of VKontakte

Historical facts in contact. Interesting facts about VKontakte and VKontakte. The most noteworthy events in the history of VKontakte

Which social network is the most popular in Russia and the CIS? Even people far from this topic will say that this is VKontakte! This site will be 10 years old in the fall of 2016. his popularity grew steadily among both young people and the older generation. In this article we will look at the history of its formation and many interesting facts about VKontakte.

Most notable events in VKontakte history

The official birthday of VKontakte is considered to be October 10, 2006. At that time, the site was positioned as a social network for students of individual Russian universities.

This is what VKontakte looked like in 2006

Already in 2007 it became available open registration. Moreover, each user was required to indicate real data and post a real photo. For many Internet users of that time, this was unusual, because the main platform for communication were forums where anonymity was preferred. However, Durov managed to accustom the public to posting information about himself.

Even at the beginning of its formation, VK began to receive complaints and even lawsuits for plagiarism and piracy, but this did not stop further development this social network.

In less than six months, VKontakte was able to overtake Odnoklassniki in terms of traffic, and by the end of 2007, more than a million users had already registered on it.

The peculiar “godfathers” in Runet at that time were and, which had been earning a name for themselves since the 90s. Their management was probably very upset when VKontakte, after 2 years, entered the TOP 5 visited sites in Russia.

In 2008, in addition to various useful innovations, it became possible to add interactive applications. At the end of 2008, the social network with 20 million users began to transfer to Ukrainian language and got a version for mobile devices.

Among the notable events of 2009 was the purchase of the domain. How much it cost is not known. It is worth noting that distributors of child pornography, Internet scammers and other guys who used the social network clearly for no good began to be actively imprisoned.

By the way, in the period 2009-2010, the “Happy Farmer” application was gaining popularity on VKontakte, which until today occupies the minds of children and adults. Even Zhirinovsky is delighted with him!

The year 2010 was remembered for the introduction of the ability to receive SMS messages about new events in VK. Then it became known that part of the social company belongs to Mail.Ru Group. Users were very outraged by the replacement of the usual “wall” with a microblog: the site simply exploded with “Durov, bring back the wall!” . By the end of the year, the number of VKontakte users exceeded 100 million, although a considerable percentage of pages were fake. In the same year, there was a rapid increase in fraud through VK.

This is what the familiar wall looked like

The end of January 2011 was marked by a high-profile trial regarding a VKontakte user who posted several audio recordings on his page. About 200 thousand people downloaded them, which caused enormous damage and moral suffering to the copyright holder.

A notable event occurred on February 11, 2011, when, in an attempt to combat spammers and the creation of fake pages, VK management introduced registration by invitation. By the way, not all users could send invitations. In general, this year security was improved, changes were made to privacy settings, clients were released for Android and iPhone, and it became possible to use hashtags in posts.

In 2012, there were no too significant events related to VKontakte. The site developed, a video call function appeared, and testing of the targeting system began.

In March 2013, the VKontakte domain was included in the Roskomnadzor list of prohibited sites. But very quickly this problem was corrected. VK users were very upset when a lot of music was deleted in accordance with the new anti-piracy law.

One of the saddest years for users was 2014, when Pavel Durov was forced to leave the post of director, and he also left the country. Why? I wouldn’t like to go into politics, but it was related to the events in Ukraine. No, Pasha did not support either side - he simply protected the data of his users... Although today they say that he has already returned to the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, Mail.Ru Group has completely taken over the most popular social network.

The year 2015 was remembered mainly for constant failures in the website. Many users believed that this was all because Pasha was kicked out.

The year 2016 was to some extent significant for VKontakte users, because for the first time in many years a large-scale change in the site’s design was announced. Not everyone received the redesign positively, but VK management believes that sooner or later they would have come to something similar. The new design has become fully adaptive to all types of devices.

Today, the average daily number of visitors to VKontakte is about 80 million.

What ensured success?

A friendly and simple interface, the gradual addition of new features, a focus on ease of use - all this largely determined the formation of VKontakte. The advantage of the site at the end of the 2000s was the presence of a lightweight WAP version, which greatly pleased numerous users with weak mobile Internet.

It is generally accepted that it was word of mouth that determined the rapid growth in the popularity of VKontakte. Indeed, the overwhelming number of users came there after learning from their friends and acquaintances about such a new interesting site. But no matter what they say, a competent advertising company also played a role. This is where Mirilashvili’s cheats needed money. And a lot was invested, because VK’s management could afford to reward the most active promoters with Apple products.

VKontakte is convenient on all devices

VKontakte today is very attractive in terms of organizing advertising campaigns. A well-developed targeted service will allow you to attract attention to your product or service from precisely those users who are interested in it.

On top of everything else, VKontakte is a clone of the successful Facebook, which was not even particularly hidden. The American social network was leaked down to some elements of the source code.

Our website also has a public page on VKontakte. You can view it by clicking on the button below.

The most interesting facts about VKontakte
  • It was with the development of VKontakte in Russia that the problem of children and adolescents’ dependence on social networks began to be discussed.
  • There were a lot of suspicions and rumors swirling around VKontakte and Pavel Durov, including conspiracy theories. The most popular myth was that VK was a project of the FSB. After all, how convenient it is for these guys when millions of people post their personal information, photos and videos. In addition, until a certain moment it was not clear who was sponsoring this office, because servicing such a large resource is quite expensive. But the rumors subsided as soon as the first advertising banners appeared on the site.

    Pasha was considered an intelligence agent

  • However, it is no secret that social networks are actively used by law enforcement agencies when catching criminals with live bait.
  • The most popular personal pages in Russia are the pages of VKontakte creator Pavel Durov, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Ivan (EeOneGuy) Rudsky and Katya Klap.
  • Some mobile operators provide free access to this social network, which is available at In this version you cannot view photos, videos or listen to music.
  • Pavel Durov graduated from the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University with honors.
  • More than 340 million users are registered on the site. If VK were a country, it would rank 3rd in the world in terms of population. The population of Russia is 146 million.
  • VKontakte today is completely owned by Ru Group (serious guys!).
  • Pasha Durov, when he was still at the helm, owned only 12% of the shares, the rest belonged to the well-known guys from Ru Group and the Mirilashvili family, who were the first to help Pasha adapt Facebook in Russia.
  • Do you know how many “likes” VK users give per day? Over 1 billion!
  • VKontakte has its own “online university”, which conducts courses for future programmers. Classes are designed for schoolchildren and students.
  • In Russia, no one has yet managed to gain popularity at the same pace.
  • Only Vladimir Vladimirovich is not registered on VKontakte, but who knows. Maybe on one of the pages with his name really... but no, hardly.
  • Until 2010, VKontakte suffered major DDoS attacks. There are opinions that such large-scale actions were well sponsored by envious competitors. It’s strange, but after it became clear that part of VK belongs to the Ru Group, such frequent powerful attacks were not observed. Coincidence?
  • And this horizontal bar is installed in the VKontakte office.
  • The choice of the name of the social network was influenced by the then jingle of the radio station “Echo of Moscow” - “In full contact with information."
  • In the US, our favorite social network is listed as a pirate site. Americans are quite sensitive to copyright, and VK is simply a breeding ground for “stolen” files.
  • If you want to view all VKontakte pages, you will need 1000 years.
  • Different sources provide different data regarding what place VKontakte occupies today in the ranking of Russian sites. But definitely, these are the top three.
  • Conclusion

    The social network VKontakte has definitely changed the lives of ordinary Russians. Some will say for the better, others say for the worse. However, it should be remembered that VKontakte is just a tool, and we ourselves decide how to use it, and it cannot influence us in any way!

    Interesting historical facts attract with their diversity. Thanks to them, humanity has a unique opportunity to understand what happened in a given period of development of a nation, society and states. Facts from history are not just what we were told at school. There is a lot that is classified in this area of ​​knowledge.

    1. Peter the Great had his own method to combat alcoholism in the country. Drunkards were awarded medals that weighed approximately 7 kilograms and could not be removed.

    2.During the times Ancient Rus' Grasshoppers were called dragonflies.

    3.The anthem of Thailand was written by a Russian composer.

    5.Those who urinated in the pond were executed during the time of Genghis Khan.

    7. Braids were a sign of feudalism in China.

    8.Virginity English women in Tudor times it was symbolized by bracelets on the arms and a tightly tightened corset.

    9.Nero, who was emperor in Ancient Rome, married his male slave.

    10. In ancient times in India, ear mutilation was used as a punishment.

    11.Arabic numerals were not invented by Arabs, but by mathematicians from India.

    13.Binding feet was considered ancient tradition Chinese residents. The essence of this was to make the foot smaller, and therefore more feminine and beautiful.

    14.Morphine was once used to relieve cough.

    15.The ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun had a sister and brother.

    16. Gaius Julius Caesar had the nickname “boots”.

    17.Elizabeth the First covered her own face with lead white and vinegar. This is how she hid traces of smallpox.

    18.The symbol of the Russian tsars was precisely the Monomakh cap.

    19. Pre-revolutionary Russia was considered the most non-drinking country.

    20.Until the 18th century, Russia did not have a flag.

    21. Since November 1941, the Soviet Union had a tax on childlessness. It amounted to 6% of the entire salary.

    22.Trained dogs provided assistance in clearing mines during World War II.

    23. Almost no earthquakes were recorded during large-scale nuclear tests 1960-1990.

    24. For Hitler, the main enemy was not Stalin, but Yuri Levitan. He even announced a reward of 250,000 marks for his head.

    25.The Icelandic “Saga of Hakon Hakonarson” talked about Alexander Nevsky.

    26. Fist fights have long been famous in Rus'.

    27. Catherine the Second abolished flogging for the military for same-sex contacts.

    28. Only Joan of Arc, who called herself a messenger of God, managed to expel the invaders from France.

    29.The length of the Cossack seagull, which we remember from history Zaporozhye Sich, reached approximately 18 meters.

    30. Genghis Khan defeated the Keraits, Merkits and Naimans.

    31. By order of Emperor Augustus, houses that were taller than 21 meters were not built in Ancient Rome. This minimized the risk of being buried alive.

    32.The Colosseum is considered the bloodiest place in history.

    33. Alexander Nevsky had military rank"Khan".

    34.In times Russian Empire It was allowed to carry edged weapons.

    35.Soldiers in Napoleon's army addressed the generals on a first name basis.

    36. During the Roman war, soldiers lived in tents of 10 people.

    37. Any touching of the emperor in Japan before World War II was blasphemy.

    38.Boris and Gleb are the first Russian saints who were canonized in 1072.

    39.In the Great Patriotic War A Red Army machine gunner named Semyon Konstantinovich Hitler, who was Jewish by nationality, participated.

    40. In the old days in Rus', to clean pearls, they were given to a chicken to peck at them. After this, the chicken was slaughtered and the pearls were pulled out of its stomach.

    41. From the very beginning, people who cannot speak Greek were called barbarians.

    42. In pre-revolutionary Russia, name days for Orthodox people were a more important holiday than birthdays.

    43.When England and Scotland came to a union, Great Britain was created.

    44.After Alexander the Great brought from one of his Indian campaign Cane sugar was brought to Greece and they immediately began to call it “Indian salt.”

    45. In the 17th century, thermometers were filled not with mercury, but with cognac.

    46.The first condom in the world was invented by the Aztecs. It was made from a fish bladder.

    47. In 1983, not a single human birth was registered in the Vatican.

    48.From the 9th to the 16th centuries in England there was a law that every man must practice archery daily.

    49.When the Winter Palace was stormed, only 6 people died.

    50.About 13,500 houses were destroyed during the great and famous fire of London in 1666.

    We all love one or another interesting fact. There are communities on VKontakte that are dedicated to various facts that cannot leave you and me indifferent. But few people know interesting facts about VKontakte as a social network. Our article today is universal. In it you will find not only links and reviews of communities that are devoted to interesting facts on topics or other topics, but also all sorts of interesting things directly about the social network VKontakte. Rest assured, we will satisfy your curiosity!

    Let's start directly with interesting facts about VKontakte as a social network. This information is not so easy to find!
  • The social network VKontakte is the second most popular site in Russia, and not the first, as many people think.
  • Initially, this social network was conceived as a student one. The working title was
  • Facebook appeared earlier than VKontakte. Due to the similarity not only of ideas, but also of principle, as well as design, Pavel Durov is very often and still accused of plagiarism.
  • At the moment, the only shareholder of the VKontakte social network is Group.
  • On March 1, 2011, the authorities of the United States of America directly accused the social network VK of piracy.
  • An interesting fact is that it was once noticed that the social network VKontakte carried out real DDoS attacks on third-party sites at the expense of social network users.
  • In the winter of 2009, the prosecutor's office of the Central District of St. Petersburg accused the VKontakte website of hosting various materials, which describe and promote illegal activities.
  • If you believe the administration, then during the entire period of various corporate events, employees of the social network used about 48,436 oranges.
  • At the moment, 13,391,938 requests have been sent to the VKontakte Support Service.
  • An interesting fact about VKontakte: the site has been translated into 74 languages. One of them is the most exotic - the Dravidian language Kannada. Which is common only in southwestern India.
  • The average age of VKontakte employees is 26 years. The youngest is only 15.
  • 42 autographs of famous and famous people were left on the press service board.
  • In the VKontakte office there is a horizontal bar on which everyone can do pull-ups before going to lunch.
  • These are the interesting facts about Contact. Agree, some of them are very curious and even funny. Now let's talk about others interesting facts VKontakte, we will provide links to the most informative communities.

    Five interesting facts about the world every day! There are already more than two million people in the community, and the number is growing daily. Needless to say, the administrators of this public did a great job. Not everyone was able to create such a brainchild.

    If you love our little brothers and facts about them, join the community of the same name. In it you will find not only very interesting facts about four-legged animals, but also their colorful photographs.

    MOVIE BLOOPS - interesting facts

    Do you like movies? Then you will be interested to look at various film blunders that are sought out and then published in this community. Not all of them are so easy to notice. Try it too!

    Everyone likes to learn something new and cool that can’t help but make them wonder or smile. Interesting facts in contact will not leave you indifferent.

    Let's start directly with the facts about VK, which many argue about, but cannot confirm that they are right; the correct information is not so easy to find!

  • VKontakte is the second most popular site in Russia, and not the first, as many believe.
  • In the USA, is classified as a pirate site. The reason for this was the repeated violation of intellectual property rights throughout the planet.
  • The creator of the social network, Pavel Durov, reinterpreted the phrase “In full contact with information,” broadcast on the radio station “Echo of Moscow,” and this is how the name appeared.
  • The social network Facebook appeared before VK. It is not surprising that Pavel Durov is often accused of expropriating a bourgeois idea, that is, plagiarizing an idea and design.
  • Few people know the fact that in reality Pavel today is not the full owner of the social network. The only 100% shareholder of is Group.
  • Initially, VK was created as a closed application to the St. Petersburg State University forum. At the startup stage, one of the name options was
  • The youngest employee of the VKontatka company is only 15, and the average age is 26 years.
  • Interesting fact about VKontakte: the most exotic language into which VK is translated is the Dravidian language Kannada, spoken only in southwestern India. In total, the popular Runet social network has been translated into 74 languages.
  • The number of registered users on the social network is over 160,000,000.
  • It was once noticed that real DDoS attacks on third-party sites are carried out by users of the social network VKontakte.
  • More than 15,000,000 requests have been submitted to the vk support service.
  • In 2009, the prosecutor's office of the Central District of St. Petersburg accused the social network of posting illegal and propaganda materials.
  • According to the words of the site administration, over the entire period of numerous corporate events, more than 50,000 oranges were eaten by employees in contact.
  • 42 celebrities signed on to the press service board.
  • A rather interesting fact was recorded regarding the search and extraction of loans from debtors through online communication, followed by a meeting with them and detention.
  • To date, about four dozen Dima Bilan accounts, more than two dozen Zhirinovsky pages, and a large number of Ksyusha Sobchak have been created. All these are unreal profiles that have nothing to do with celebrities, although one of them may be real.
  • In the VK office there is a horizontal bar on which everyone can do pull-ups before lunch.
  • These are the interesting facts about contact. Agree, many of them are really funny and interesting.

    Good day everyone, my dear friends. To be honest, this one work week was quite heavy. There was a whole lot of work. So today, on this wonderful day off, I just wanted to relax a little. Therefore, I have prepared an article for you accordingly.

    In one of the previous articles I talked about the most interesting ones, but this time I want to touch on another popular social network. Well, from the name you already understand what kind of network this is). In general, relax and read the most interesting facts about VKontakte in my personal opinion.

  • According to the original plan, this popular social network was conceived as just an application to the St. Petersburg State University forum. And it was planned that it would unite all students and graduates of this educational institution. But as you can see, the network has gone far beyond the university forum and the number of registered users is in the tens of millions.
  • Many have noticed that the main color of the contact, like Facebook, is blue. I don’t know what Pavel Durov was motivated by, but Mark Zuckerberg is colorblind, and Blue colour(with all shades) this is the only one that he distinguishes flawlessly.
  • I don’t know if this is a coincidence or just Pasha Durov’s superstition, but there are no users with id13 and id666 registered in the contact. This didn’t seem to happen on Facebook).
  • At the moment, VKontakte is the most visited site on the Runet. But the truth is there is one BUT. If we add up all Yandex services (mail, market, maps, auto, news, pictures, search, etc.), then of course Yandex takes first place.
  • Despite the fact that this social network has the simplest address, a huge number of users still look for this site using search engines.
  • Due to the great similarity and basic idea, the United States officially declared that VKontakte is a pirate site, and Pavel Durov was accused of plagiarism.
  • One of the main reasons why the site is named “In Contact” is the phrase “Be in full contact with information”, which Durov heard on the radio “Echo of Moscow”. Pavel rethought this phrase and then it came to mind to name his social network that way.
  • In 2014, Pavel Durov resigns from his post general director, quits his brainchild completely and sells all his shares. Now he is the creator of the popular Telegram messenger, which, by the way, has not even been translated into Russian. But he does not leave his page unattended and publishes periodically.
  • In the fall of 2014, the Group company buys out the remaining share of shares in contact and thus becomes the sole owner of this network.
  • By the way, about Mail.Ru group. This company is the owner of not only the contact, but also the Odnoklassniki website, and this is not counting itself. That is, in fact, all the most popular domestic social networks. networks belong to one company. What a twist.
  • In fact, Group has long wanted to have 100% of the shares of the contact, but Durov previously rejected all these offers and even published on Instagram a photo of himself with an outstretched middle finger, signing the photo like this: “The official response to trash Mail.Ru holding company to its latest attempts to absorb Vkontakte." But as you now know, this holding still managed to become the full owner.
  • Well, that’s basically all I wanted to tell you about the most famous social network in Russia. I hope you were able to relax and enjoyed today's facts. But if you have something to add, then don’t hesitate to write.

    Well, this is where I end my article. Be sure to subscribe to my blog updates so you don't miss anything interesting. By the way, I recommend that you look at other articles on my blog. I'm sure there will be something interesting for you. Well, I say goodbye to you for today. See you in other articles. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.