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» What to make an indirect heating boiler from. We make an economical homemade water heater. Manufacturing and installation procedure

What to make an indirect heating boiler from. We make an economical homemade water heater. Manufacturing and installation procedure

Problem hot water becomes relevant where there is no centralized hot water supply: in country houses, private urban and country houses. Today, the installation of a ready-made device for heating water to required temperatures requires serious investment. An alternative way to supply hot water is, which you can make yourself. Its advantage is that hot water supply to residential premises is carried out economically and at minimal financial costs.

Features and diagram of making an indirect heating boiler with your own hands

Boiler appearance indirect heating- this is a big one storage capacity, independent of energy sources (gas, electricity, etc.). Inside the tank, made of corrosion-resistant material, there is a spiral-shaped tube through which the coolant circulates. Cold water is supplied to the tank through an inlet tube, usually located at the bottom. Water is heated evenly due to the moving coolant of the heating system. The hot water outlet pipe is installed at the top. For ease of use, the pipes are equipped with ball valves. The outside of the tank is covered with a layer of thermal insulation.

A drawing for the manufacture of an indirect heating boiler with a volume of 100 liters is shown below:

Schematic diagram of the boiler operation:

Heating water from the boiler enters the water heater tank, where, passing through a spiral tube, it is converted into cold water at the outlet. Return chilled water flows back into the boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages of an indirect heating boiler

The advantages of using a DIY boiler:

  • connection to central system heating;
  • installation near a heating boiler;
  • low costs for installing the circuit;
  • significant reduction in energy consumption;
  • providing water at a constant temperature.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • required for boiler installation big square or a separate room;
  • heating a large volume of water requires a long time, while heating of the premises will be carried out with less intensity;
  • rapid formation of deposits on the serpentine tube, requiring cleaning with chemical or mechanically Twice a year.

This option for obtaining hot water is suitable during the heating season. At other times, the role of coolant can be played by an electric heating element built into the boiler tank.

Then the water will be heated using electricity. In this case, you can turn on the boiler at night, when night, low tariffs are in effect, or as needed.

Making a boiler yourself

Due to quite simple principle You can make such a device yourself. Now let's look at how to make an indirect heating boiler with your own hands.

All work on the manufacture of a water heater consists of assembly components designs:


A tank is used as a boiler capacity. Its volume depends on the needs of the home owners for hot water and is calculated from the amount of 50–70 liters per person daily. Approximately, a 200-liter boiler is suitable for a family of 4 people.

For heating device the tank must be made of stainless steel, aluminum alloys or other material resistant to corrosion. As an alternative - gas cylinder, but its walls must first be cleaned and primed. Without this action, the hot water will smell like gas.

5 holes are made in the tank: 2 on the side for mounting the coil, one at the bottom for the inlet pipe, one at the top for water intake and one at the bottom for drain tap. To use the boiler outside the heating season, it is necessary to install a heating element. The bottom hole is also drilled for it. Shut-off elements or ball valves are attached to the holes made.


A copper or brass tube is suitable for this element, the diameter and length of which depend on the volume of the tank. On average, for every 10 liters, 1.5 kW of thermal power of the serpentine tube is calculated. You can use a tube made of metal-plastic or other metal with good heat transfer.

The tube is wound in a spiral onto a cylindrical mandrel. To do this, you can take a log or a large diameter pipe.

When winding the coil, it is important to monitor the turns:

  • in order to ensure the best contact of the heating surface of the tube with the heated water, the turns should not come into contact with each other;
  • You should not wind it with excessive force, otherwise it will not be easy to remove the coil from the mandrel.
  • The number of turns on the coil is calculated from the volume and height of the tank.

Thermal insulation

The outside of the tank must be covered with a layer of insulation. It is necessary to increase efficiency and reduce heat losses. Polyurethane foam, mineral wool or any other material is suitable for insulating the container. thermal insulation material, which is attached to the base with wire, glue or strip ties. For neat appearance It is better to cover the tank body thinly sheet metal or foil insulation.

You can also insulate the tank using another container of larger diameter. To do this, a do-it-yourself boiler is inserted into a large tank, and the wall is filled with insulating material or foam plastic, using the principle of a thermos.


Assembly of a self-made boiler is carried out after preparing all the components:

  • the coil is mounted in the center or along the walls inside the tank, and pipes are soldered to its inlet and outlet pipes;
  • for a vertically standing boiler, supports are welded to the bottom, for attachment– loops “ears”;
  • the heating element is installed;
  • the boiler is tightly closed with a lid;
  • connecting the coil according to the diagram for making an indirect heating boiler with your own hands to the heating system circuit;
  • connecting the inlet/outlet pipe for water;
  • pipe distribution to the kitchen or bathroom at the water collection point.

Video: how to make an indirect heating boiler with your own hands

Video: making an indirect heating boiler

Availability of running water hot water- this is part of the usual comfort for modern home. However, it is not always possible to solve the problem of connecting centralized communications to suburban real estate.

Therefore, owners of private households arrange an autonomous supply of hot water, using a heating circuit as a heating source. To solve the problem, you just need to build an indirect heating boiler with your own hands.

We will tell you how to make a useful device for everyday life. The article describes in detail the rules for installing and connecting equipment that supplies sanitary water to water collection points. You will learn how to prepare the boiler for startup and how to put it into operation.

In essence, the device is a regular heat exchanger.

True, heat exchangers are traditionally built according to the “pipe-in-pipe” principle, and in in this case The heat exchange elements are a vessel and a tubular coil. The storage vessel plays the role of an external “pipe”, inside of which an internal “pipe” or coil is placed.

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When solving the problem of supplying hot water to a home, they often choose the option of an indirect heating boiler. However, this type of heater is quite expensive, so the question of the possibility of creating it yourself is quite relevant.

Design and principle of operation

An indirectly heated boiler is a storage-type device in which the water is heated from the coolant from the heating system. The design of such a boiler is represented by a body, inside of which there is a tank, and between the tank and the body there is insulation that helps retain the heat of the heated water.

A heat exchanger is placed inside the tank, most often in the form of a spirally twisted pipe. The coolant moves along it, which enters the device from the heating system.

Also, each indirect heating boiler has two inlet and outlet pipes - some are responsible for the circulation of the coolant, others are connected to sanitary water (cold water is supplied from the water supply and heated water is discharged).

The operating principle of such a device is very simple - through the walls of the heat exchanger, heat from the coolant passes to cold water in the boiler tank, heating it.

How to calculate the required volume?

When calculating the required volume of a homemade boiler, you should take into account the needs of the whole family. One person spends an average of 5-15 liters of water per day for washing and from 50 to 90 liters for showering. On average, 20-25 liters are needed to wash dishes warm water in a day. To take a bath, you need 160-200 liters of warm water. When making calculations, you must not forget that the water in the boiler has high temperature, and for use it will be diluted almost twice as cold.

Having added up the amount needed for all family members, the figure should be rounded up.

Features of DIY boilers

  • Installing such a device saves the home owner’s finances.
  • The device is connected to heating system home and should be installed next to the heating boiler.
  • From such a device the user receives water at a constant temperature.
  • If the boiler capacity is large, heating the water in it takes quite a long time. Moreover, during this heating, the intensity of heating the premises of the house decreases.
  • Scale is gradually deposited on the heat exchanger tube, so it will have to be cleaned mechanically or using chemicals 1-2 times a year.
  • Hot water from such a boiler can only flow during the heating season. In order for the device to provide water and summer period, a heating element should be built into it.


  • For the container, you should choose a material that is resistant to corrosion. It can be like plastic or Aluminium alloy, so stainless steel. Ordinary steel is also suitable for the tank if it has been pre-treated protective equipment, for example, covered with enamel. Often a gas cylinder is used as a tank, which is cleaned and primed. In this case, it is preferable to take a new cylinder so that the water does not have unpleasant odor, and when working with it (cutting and making holes), the container must be filled with water.
  • For the coil, you can take metal or metal-plastic pipe with a small diameter. Good choice there will be a brass or copper tube. Its diameter and length are selected depending on the volume of the future tank.
  • Any material with heat-insulating properties is suitable for thermal insulation of a homemade boiler. For example, you can use polyurethane foam, mineral wool, isolon, foam film, polyurethane foam and others building material. The outside of such insulation is often covered with foil material.

Stages of work on creating a boiler

The boiler drawing may look like this.

Creating a Heat Exchanger

When choosing the diameter of the future coil, it is important that the water in the tank comes into maximum contact with such a pipe. To do this, free space is left between the turns of the pipe. To make the work easier, you can use a log or pipe around which the heat exchanger tube will be wrapped. One end of this tube is fixed, and then turns are smoothly created, controlling the density of the resulting spiral.

Preparing the boiler tank.

Having chosen a suitable container, you need to make two holes in it for insertion cold water and output hot. Ball valves should be built into each of them for ease of operation. You also need two holes for mounting the heat exchanger. Another hole will be needed for the drain valve, which is located at the bottom of the device.

If you plan to install an electric heater, a separate hole is also drilled for it at the bottom of the tank.


Having prepared all the components of the future boiler, you need:

  1. Weld hinges for mounting the boiler on the wall or legs when installing the device on the floor.
  2. Install the heat exchanger inside the tank.
  3. Connect the necessary tubes and hoses. Particular attention should be paid to the pipe through which cold water will flow into the boiler. It must be mounted on it check valve, preventing water from flowing out of the device.
  4. Install a heating element inside the tank, if planned.
  5. After checking the tightness of the coil, close the tank tightly by welding its lid.
  6. Insulate the device. Attach the selected heat-insulating material to the tank with wire ties or glue, trying to cover the entire perimeter of the device. Such lining will not only help maintain the temperature of the water heated in the boiler, but will also reduce the heating time, which will increase the efficiency of the device. One option would be to use two containers with thermal insulation placed between their walls.

Sometimes a homemade water heater is great option save on the necessary expensive equipment. It can be used as a temporary option in case of breakdown old technology, or on an ongoing basis, for example, V country houses , where the need for hot water is seasonal. Of course for permanent water supply in a private house or apartment, it is best to use factory systems. The manufacture and installation of a homemade device for heating water does not require special experience; anyone can make it. The main thing is availability required material and tools for work. So, how to make a water heater with your own hands?

Of course, self-made pressure storage water heaters, designed by yourself, will be more convenient to use. But their assembly requires additional investment and knowledge. Such systems must be equipped circulation pump to maintain a pressure of 1 atm or connect to a water supply system already installed in the house.

If your budget is limited and there is no opportunity to purchase something like this optional equipment, or there is no water supply system in the house at all, you should pay attention to the non-pressure option. You can make such a water heater with your own hands from an ordinary bucket or large-capacity pan. The main thing is to mount such a device higher so that water runs out of it under the influence of gravity. But you will have to monitor the filling all the time storage tank and water temperature.

Because in such homemade device It is difficult to provide a mixing system; the water should initially be heated no higher than 40 degrees.

What to make a storage tank from

Before making a water heater, you need to decide on the design features of the future boiler. Most often, this is a storage tank with a heating element installed inside it, which is responsible for heating the water.

For storage tank It is better to choose containers made of corrosion-resistant metal. The most suitable options: stainless or enameled steel, high quality plastic, aluminum. You can also use iron tanks, but they will have to be pre-treated with a special protective composition, which minimizes rust formation. Otherwise, the water passing through such a heating device may not be suitable for domestic needs.

For homemade storage water heaters, a variety of containers are used; a gas cylinder can be noted as an example. This is a fairly convenient tank in size, shape and strength.

How to make a water heater from a gas cylinder

Ideally, a new vessel will be purchased for this. If this is not possible, use a used cylinder. To get rid of the smell of gas, it should be carefully treat with nitro primer and rinse inner surface. To do this, the cylinder will have to be cut first and then welded again.

Worth paying Special attention, that before performing work that will involve violating the integrity of the cylinder, it must be filled with water to prevent the possibility of an explosion.

Tools and materials:

  • welding machine and drill for metal;
  • metal-cutting tool for applying threads (die);
  • screwdrivers and gas wrench;
  • empty gas cylinder;
  • heating element with thermostat;
  • insulating composition for heating element (lubricant or tow);
  • metal eyeliners;
  • nut, safety and check valves;
  • fasteners for fixing the finished boiler.

Manufacturing instructions.

The DIY water heater is almost ready. Now the completed device can be filled with water and checked for leaks. If all is well, you can connect the heating element and use the device.

Economical DIY water heater

The constant increase in electricity tariffs forces many consumers to switch to saving mode. Not a bad option - storage boiler do it yourself, powered by solar energy.

To make it you will need:

  • large volume storage tank (100-200 liters);
  • PVC pipes and hoses for water supply;
  • fasteners.

Instructions on how to make an economical boiler for a summer cottage:

  • holes are made in the storage barrel for the pipes;
  • hoses are connected to them;
  • the capacitive tank is installed in a sunny place protected from the wind;
  • water supply is organized (this can be a hose connected to the water supply);
  • conclusion is made to the tap or outdoor shower.

Under the influence sun rays the water in the barrel heats up and can be used for your needs. This practical option for organization summer shower on his own garden plot. Often such barrels are installed directly on the roof of various buildings. In order to make the most of natural energy and achieve maximum efficiency from such a device, next to the reservoir in which the water is located, reflective elements(for example, the remains of a foil backing for a laminate), or the tank itself should be painted a dark color.

If desired, anyone can make a water heater with their own hands. The main thing is to think ahead design features equipment, select suitable materials and secure the water heating system.

Many private houses do not have hot water supply, and residents experience big problems. Domestic needs are always solved through the use of hot water, and its extraction becomes quite troublesome. However, there are several options for getting out of this situation: geyser, double-circuit boiler, electric water heater, - the purchase and installation of which requires considerable financial investments. But there is alternative way manufacturing and installation of a hot water supply system - a homemade indirect heating boiler. Its advantage is the economical hot water supply to residential premises with minimal investment.

Where to begin

A boiler is a system that heats water to provide a room with heat and hot water. Accordingly, an indirect heating boiler is storage device water heater that does not require additional power sources to reproduce hot water supply.

Any design of a water heater consists of a container of sufficient volume and a heating element located inside it, which is responsible for supplying heat. In the process of increasing the temperature of the heating element, the water filling the container is heated to the required level. It is considered more preferable to connect the boiler in parallel to the house heating system.

When choosing a container for creating a homemade water heater, you should take into account the tendency of the material used to be damaged by corrosion. As suitable option you can use aluminum alloy, plastic or stainless steel, or just a steel container that has undergone preliminary external treatment necessary means protection from the destructive effects of moisture.

This container is equipped with two holes: one at the top of the body for hot water discharge, the other at the bottom for flowing cold water. Ball valves are built into each of these holes to ensure easy operation.

DIY coil

An important component of the boiler is the presence of a coil for the movement of the primary coolant. The material used can be a metal or metal-plastic pipe of small diameter. Determining the diameter of the coil depends on the preferences of the manufacturer; the main condition is that the contact with water is maximum.

To make it easier to create a coil spiral from a tube, you can use any pipe or cylindrical log of suitable diameter. One end of the tube must be fixed on the rod and smooth rotations must be made, controlling the density and freedom of the turns, so that the resulting spiral can then be removed from the rod.

Since hot water rises as the temperature rises, the tap that supplies it is mounted in the upper part of the tank.

It is worth noting the fact that the coil has the property of forming scale by depositing metal salts contained in the water. Therefore, this system requires periodic cleaning at least twice a year.

Implementation of thermal insulation

Thermal insulation in the boiler design is necessary to increase the degree of heat retention. For this purpose, any thermal insulation material used in construction can be used: isolon, polyurethane foam, polyurethane foam, etc. It is attached with glue or wire ties, covering the entire perimeter of the container. This casing allows not only to retain the heat of hot water in the boiler for a long time, but will also reduce its heating time, which will have a positive effect on coolant consumption, increasing its efficiency.

Sometimes the double container method is used, that is, placing a container with a smaller diameter in a container with a larger diameter. The space created between them also serves as thermal insulation.

Making a boiler yourself

In order to make an indirect heating boiler with your own hands, you need a certain range of knowledge and available materials for its manufacture.

To work you will need:

  • gas cylinder;
  • nitro primer;
  • nut with a diameter of 32 mm;
  • plastic tubes;
  • coil;
  • welding machine.

First, we cut the gas cylinder intended for use into two parts.

Attention! Before cutting the container, it must be completely filled with water. Otherwise, an explosion will occur when cutting.

It is advisable to use a new cylinder, since a used one will give the water a peculiar smell for several months. If it is difficult to get a new cylinder, then we use a nitro primer and treat the entire inner surface of the gas cylinder with it, followed by a thorough rinsing.

Secondly, a nut with a screwed-in thread is welded into place for installing the coil. The hot water tube is installed up to the very top of the device. Cold tube tap water should have the following pattern: one end is equipped with a thread, and the other with holes and a plug on the sides. This system is designed to prevent hot and cold water from mixing.

Thirdly, by welding we form a hole for installing the heat exchanger. Depending on the intended type of installation of this system, corners or ears can be welded as a means of attaching the boiler to the wall. The next step is to install a heating element with an electrical signaling sensor.

Fourthly, for greater reliability, it is advisable to wrap the boiler with heat-insulating material. Connect all hoses and tubes to common system at home, special attention should be paid to the tube connected to cold water, it must have a check valve. This measure will protect against water draining from the boiler and protect the heating element from possible risk burn.

Alternative source of hot water indoors

A fairly simple and effective way to create your own indirect water heating boiler from the following materials:

  • wooden boards;
  • aluminum sheet;
  • copper pipe;
  • copper collector.

A body is constructed from boards, inside of which is lined aluminum sheet. Copper pipe furrows are formed and a copper collector is installed. There is an entrance on one side, and an exit on the other. This heating system allows you to heat water in the required volume.

The technological process is practically unchanged, it should only be noted that for better heat absorption it is worth using glass and specialized paint.

The undoubted advantage of making a homemade water heater is the minimum financial and physical costs. In addition, a huge variety of options for possible water heating structures can be used, depending on the compliance with the conditions of the room where they are installed.

A tankless water heater is an excellent solution for a summer house or country house.