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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Making a wooden staircase with your own hands: drawings. Manufacturing technology of wooden stairs. Do-it-yourself wooden staircase: we understand typical designs for the second floor

Making a wooden staircase with your own hands: drawings. Manufacturing technology of wooden stairs. Do-it-yourself wooden staircase: we understand typical designs for the second floor

Wooden stairs are gaining more and more popularity every year. This is due, first of all, to the fact that people more often began to purchase country houses several floors. When arranging a room, it plays an important role right choice steps. Stairs from natural wood have many positive aspects. This type Products can be either purchased or made yourself. To do this, you will need to collect a certain set of tools, buy good wood and be patient.

How to make the calculation correctly?

Before starting work, you should Special attention pay attention to the selection of the main material. Wooden stairs to the second floor can be made from different breeds trees, but pine is best. This type of raw material is soft and low in price. Even a beginner will find it easy to work with such material.

A staircase made of solid pine will not darken if, before starting work, the raw materials are properly treated with a special product.

In order for the structure to be reliable and last for many years, it is recommended to buy wood of more expensive varieties. These include beech, oak, and larch. They have a denser structure, but have a high price.

Main types of stairs:

  • screw;
  • marching

To make the first option, in addition to wooden materials Metal ones are also used. Such stairs are intended for human movement only. It is almost impossible to lift furniture or other large elements on them. Often screw designs are chosen to the premises small area. Popular types of wooden stairs are shown in the photo below:

Marching ones are the most practical and easiest to manufacture. Such designs are divided into many types. They can be single-march or consist of several parts. In the second option, a platform is often used that separates these elements and is used to create a turn.

Before you start work, you need to calculate the wooden stairs:

  1. The product should not have an angle of inclination greater than 45.
  2. The tread depth is at least 25 cm.
  3. The dimensions of the riser should be within 16-20 cm.
  4. Opening width from 1000 mm.
  5. The height of the railing is from 1 meter. For children – 60 cm.
  6. The opening is vertical - at least 2 meters.

In order to determine the number of steps, it is necessary to divide the height of the future staircase by the height of the riser. The resulting number should be rounded to the nearest whole number. This indicator will be the number of steps.

An accurate count can be made using a special computer program. Using simple rules and recommendations, you can make a comfortable, and most importantly, reliable staircase.

Product design

Before you make a wooden staircase, you need to know what it consists of. This will help you quickly create an option that will fit best into the chosen interior of the room.

For ease of movement, the number of steps should be odd.

The design of the staircase includes the following parts:

  1. Bowstring. This element appears in the form load-bearing beam and is an additional fastener for steps.
  2. Stringers. They are cuts that are created in the main parallel beams. They are necessary for placing treads.
  3. Riser. They are designed to cover visible part between the steps. The risers are mounted vertically. It is not necessary to use these elements.
  4. Step through. This type of element is top part steps.
  5. Balusters. With this part, maximum rigidity and strength of the product is achieved. The elements are attached to the steps and railings.
  6. Columns. They are also often called support rods. This main part screw structures.
  7. Handrails. Mounted to the top of the balusters.
  8. Radius steps. They are presented in the form of a rounded shape. Installed at the bottom of the stairs.
  9. Decorative parts. They are installed on poles. They are often called stubs.
  10. Winder step. It is installed at the very beginning flight of stairs. Its distinctive feature is its unusual shape.

The complexity of the structure depends not only on the type of structure, but also on the manufacturing method. You can make a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands for a private house using both bowstrings and stringers.

Bowstrings are mounted from the end of the tread. For this, corners, grooves and construction adhesive are used. They can also be secured using bars. All elements are fixed with bolts or screws.

As for the stringers, they are placed under the steps themselves. Special fasteners are used for their installation.

To make bowstrings and stringers, it is best to use oak or ash. Craftsmen also prefer larch. Such tree species will make the structure more reliable.

Layout and creation of elements

The manufacture of wooden stairs should be started only after full calculations have been made. You also need to finally decide on the place where the product will be installed.


If the steps will be laid on stringers, then their length should be 10-20 mm longer and their width 20-30 mm longer.

Particular attention should be paid wooden railings for the stairs. They should be sanded in several stages, reducing the graininess of the paper. This way, the handrails will be perfectly smooth.

Also, do not forget about the connector to the second floor. If it is not there, then the dismantling method will require removing part of the ceiling.

Installation of a wooden staircase

Fastening the structure is the main part of the work. A lot depends on the correct assembly of the elements.

The installation of a wooden staircase must begin with fastening the support beam. It is fixed to the floor where the stairs will begin. Then the stringer is attached to the beam. This can be done in two ways: washed down in a beam or washed down in a stringer.

After this, the product is fixed to the support beam, to the side wall and the ceiling opening. As soon as the first stringer is well fixed, you can proceed to the second. The second element is installed according to the length of the prepared steps.

The top step should be on the same level with the floor of the second floor.

Depending on the width of the stairs and the expected loads, you can use not two stringers, but three or more. The use of several elements gives the structure rigidity.

To ensure that the steps are not tilted different sides, stringers should be installed as evenly as possible.

Once the main parts are attached, you can begin installing the risers and then the steps. The treads are attached using wood screws to the stringers and risers. It is important to ensure that the fasteners are well embedded in the wood.

The installation of balusters and posts must begin from the markings where they will be located. The hole for the dowel should be located in the middle of the baluster. The fasteners are fixed into the connector using glue. They should protrude 10-15 cm upward. A hole is drilled in the baluster to suit the size of the dowel.

Then the posts are attached. On a single-flight structure they are mounted at the beginning and end. Only the upper elements should be attached first; the lower ones will be installed at the very last moment.

After this, you need to fix one or two balusters. This is necessary in order to determine the angle of the surface. To do this you will need to attach a handrail. Cut off the unnecessary part from all elements.

Then the base and holes of the prepared balusters are carefully treated with glue and connected to the dowels.

The railings are cut at the required angle. Holes are made on the cuts to connect them to the posts using a dowel. The slats are attached to the balusters after the glue has completely dried. They are also fixed using adhesive and self-tapping screws. For reliable fastening we use .

The bottom column is installed last. It is also fixed to the railing with a dowel. After the glue has completely dried, the wooden staircase made by yourself is considered ready.

To prevent the material from being attacked by fungus and insects, the wood must be painted antiseptic. Coat with varnish or other paint and varnish materials the stairs should be applied after the primer has dried well. To do this you will need to wait at least 24 hours. If this is not done, the paint will not apply evenly and will begin to peel over time.

Making a staircase out of wood is not difficult. By following the sequence of actions and recommendations, you can make a beautiful, strong and durable structure that will decorate the room for many years.

Video tutorial on making a stringer for a wooden staircase

The construction of a staircase structure in a private house is not only necessary, sometimes it is extremely necessary. Multi-level, two-story houses, attics, attics and porches in most cases require special access.

This can only be done with the help of an auxiliary ladder. Choosing source material for construction wood, you will immediately kill two birds with one stone:

For most dacha owners and own plot will be decisive price policy products. It’s worth noting right away that wood is not the cheapest of materials; it requires maintenance, which will constantly require cash injections. A good solution would be to build the structure yourself. Thus, you will significantly save money on installation and design services.

Design selection

After making the decision to independently engage in the production of stairs for personal use It’s worth choosing a design that will be optimal for your purposes. It is worth determining the type of structure: screw or marching. For self-building it is better to use marching structures, they are easy to install and do not require special knowledge of house engineering, but if you need to save space in the room, you won’t be able to do without spiral staircases.

The flight of stairs can be straight or rotary. Rotary or double-flight structures will allow you to change direction and save a little space, but they need to be done as carefully as possible so as not to disrupt the technology that will be described below. The fastening of steps can be based on one or more methods. Typically, a bowstring or stringer made of wood or metal is used.

Winder steps are used in marching, rotating structures, for a straight staircase a similar step design is not required.

A spiral staircase is only a cause for concern if you decide to do it yourself. Its main difference from a marching one is that you can create a unique structure of any height on 1.5-2 m 2 of area. The design is quite complex in execution and installation. It is necessary to take into account the general building regulations, which will determine the convenience and safety of use.


To get started, you will need some essential tools. This is not to say that you can cut out any structure using improvised means, but if you have dealt with wood processing, the equipment will definitely be in your toolbox. For self-construction wooden stairs you will need:

  • Boards and beams;
  • Jigsaw or wood saw;
  • Construction corner and tape measure;
  • Level;
  • Chisel and hammer;
  • Sandpaper and grinder of any type;
  • Drill and hammer drill with attachments;
  • anchor, mounting angles and other consumables.

Construction and details

The appearance of even staircases of the same design may differ. The mandatory presence of columns, balusters and railings can significantly transform your creation.

The use of risers is not always appropriate, although they will fit the staircase quite gracefully into general interior building. Small carved parts can become like additional system safety or just a decorative element.

To decide in advance appearance and the complexity of the design, it is necessary to sketch out a drawing by hand, which will be important in further actions. In the drawings it is necessary to draw all the elements and details of the structure .

The height, width of the stairs and steps, features of the risers and step height are taken into account.

Basic calculations can be made using publicly available information on the Internet.

Simple mathematical formulas will greatly facilitate the design task. Designs with identical and clear drawings are much easier to complete and assemble.

Step by Step Actions

The time has come to consider step-by-step installation steps, as promised earlier. Strict compliance with the requirements is, first of all, human safety during ascent and descent, so even the smallest details should not be overlooked in any case . Let's look at the step-by-step steps in installing the simplest structure: a straight staircase.

Installation of railings may vary. In some cases, the distance to the wall allows you to install it directly to it or attach the structure to the staircase itself. Such supports can also be made independently from wood or metal. It would be a good idea to buy ready-made railings with beautiful balusters and handrails. If the space and design of the staircase allows, you can install two pillars at the beginning and end of the flight of stairs, on which the handrail will be fixed, but in such cases the handrail can rarely perform decorative functions.

If decorations are no less important to you, start making beautiful carved balusters. You can come up with a design yourself or buy one already ready product. They will be installed on a horizontal or vertical plane. You can use both steps and balusters for fastening, but this must be taken into account in advance so as not to cause damage when installing the entire structure.

If the staircase is installed not indoors, but outdoors, you can build two yourself concrete plates, to which the handrail will be attached. There are a lot of options for installation and ways to implement them, so you shouldn’t focus on one of the options, it’s better to consider them all in advance possible options and choose one suitable for the interior and exterior of the building.

Photos and videos of installation of spiral staircases

For general education, before you start making a plan, you may need brief photo or video editing tutorial.

Having received at least the basic concepts of how the material is prepared and joined together, it will be much easier for you to draw a picture in your head, which is very important. A craftsman who knows what a finished product looks like can do the job much better and faster than someone who has no idea about the lessons ahead.

Information is especially important for those who decide to build a spiral staircase. The usual description for this is not enough; you need to consider options based on specific example, with a description of all preparatory and installation work. Video tutorials on carpentry here they will have a special impact on a person and, you see, a self-created design will pleasantly please the eye spiral staircase, and where you got your information from will not interest anyone.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a wooden staircase with your own hands - video, how to build wooden steps yourself to the house, to the second floor, building a spiral staircase - installation photo, how to make a railing, assemble your own staircase - design and details


When building a house, there is often a need to build stairs. After all, most projects imply the presence of a second floor. Stairs between floors can be built from different materials. However, wood is one of the simplest, most environmentally friendly and convenient. Even a beginner can handle this material.

Of course, the work will take some time. However, the work will quickly pay off, because a design made with soul will serve for many years to the delight of its owners. In addition, building a staircase with your own hands is a significant cost savings.

Types of wooden stairs

In total, there are two main types of wooden stairs:

  • screw;
  • marching.

Marching stairs are the simplest, so it is best for a beginner in construction to take up the construction of such a structure. Spiral staircases are very complex; they require careful calculations and measurements. One mistake and the design may not work.

Marching stairs are divided, in turn, into two types: single-flight and double-flight. Both varieties are not that difficult to make yourself.

Straight staircase

Before you make a wooden staircase with your own hands, you need to purchase materials and prepare tools.

From the materials you need to take:

  • thick boards (they will go on the steps);
  • bars of a fairly large cross-section (about 40 mm);
  • screws.

Before you make a wooden staircase, you must definitely think through its design on paper.

It would be very unwise to build without a drawing, so before building the stairs you need to take measurements and make a rough plan.

When taking measurements you need to take into account:

  • height of the stairs;
  • angle of inclination of the structure;
  • number of steps;
  • width.

You can create a similar diagram electronically. There are special computer applications that allow you to create such models. Professional software for construction purposes may even have 3D functionality. However, it is not at all necessary to create such clear example when calculating a simple staircase.

Bowstring or stringer?

A simple marching staircase can be installed on stringers or on bowstrings. The difference is that the stringers are located on the side of the steps, and the stringers are located under the steps.

A simple flight staircase, as a rule, has two side strings. The steps are attached on both sides. The design described here will be arranged in exactly this way.


Painting the stairs

The entire process of painting stairs can be divided into three parts:

  • Preparation;
  • painting;
  • protection (varnish layer).

First you need to prepare each element of the staircase for painting. This involves two types of work: puttying and sanding. Putty is produced using special mixtures that are intended exclusively for wood. It is prohibited to use compounds that are not suitable for wood.

When the putty layer has dried, you can begin sanding the surfaces. Grinding is carried out in two stages. The first stage is rough, superficial. After that you have to wait a couple of days. Very soon it will become noticeable that fibers are rising on the surface of the wood. Before the second grinding, they must be blown with air.

After grinding work the board becomes perfectly flat and smooth. Now you can start applying the coating.

When the surface of the stairs is ready for coating, you need to decide what it will be. Before painting a wooden staircase with paint, you need to apply a layer of primer. It is better to choose a primer that matches the color composition.

The choice of paint is best made among alkyd and urethane types of coating. They are ideal for painting a flight of stairs. As for flowers, it is preferable to take something light.

If desired, you can use stain instead of paint. The advantage of stain is that it perfectly emphasizes the unique grain of wood. The staircase will look just great. Natural drawing is always preferable. Why hide it with coloring compounds when it can serve as a decoration in itself.

The stain can be chosen together with the varnish. It is advisable not to save money when purchasing. After all, the better the composition, the longer the structure itself will last. Stain - not only decorative finishing. This composition perfectly protects against various factors.

When the paint has dried, apply to the surface finishing layer varnish It is better to choose a matte varnish; a semi-matte variety is also suitable. In the case of stairs, varnishing is carried out in three stages. The composition is applied three times, and before each new application the previous layer must dry thoroughly. If bubbles form on the varnish, they must be sanded down.

If you still want to make a spiral staircase in your house, then you can try the simplest installation option. The advantage of this design is that it significantly saves space.

During construction, it is important to take into account that the stairs are not too steep. If there are elderly people and small children in the house, then it is wiser to abandon such a design, because it can be dangerous.

The easiest way to install a spiral staircase is to buy a ready-made, already measured kit and simply install it. Savings on installation will also bring significant benefits.

The design of a spiral staircase consists of three main elements: a rack, a railing and steps. It is better to choose oak steps. They are not only one of the most durable, but also have high aesthetic characteristics. Stained and thermal oak also look very good.

Before purchasing, you need to measure the dimensions of the future staircase in order to choose the design that exactly suits your home. A more expensive option is to hire a specialist who will measure everything himself, and then place an order for the design. If you have construction skills, you can make the steps yourself, ordering only the stand and railings. Most often, posts with railings are metal, but there are also wooden varieties.

Staircase device

  1. The steps on one side have a place for attachment to the rack. On the other side there is a hole for the railing.
  2. The stand is most often metal. It has a flange to which the steps are attached.
  3. The most simple design spiral staircase - "duck step". It is assumed here special shape steps.
  4. The rack is mounted between floors. It is attached to the floor with anchor bolts.
  5. When the rack is installed, you can begin installing the steps. The distance between them should not exceed 20 cm. This is necessary for safety reasons.

The spiral staircase also has many decorative details. Moreover, each set can have its own decorations and various elements fastenings. When installing a regular flight of stairs, the calculation is carried out differently; the geometry of the opening is rectangular. In a spiral staircase, the staircase opening is a circle.


You can learn more about the process of constructing wooden stairs in the following videos:

If you still decide to order the production of wooden stairs to the second floor, contact a trusted company with good reviews, compare prices for wooden stairs. Buy finished stairs or do it yourself, it's up to you.

Milling strings for steps

Making a stringer


Do-it-yourself log staircase

Processing of the finished product

All elements of the staircase structure are securely fastened and sanded. All that remains is to treat the surface of the porch or stairs for the house by special means protection from insects, from rotting and to give a beautiful appearance.
Indoor staircases should fit harmoniously into the interior of the room. Therefore, to process these structures it is used varnish coating. If necessary, the stairs can be tinted in suitable shades with colored varnish, stain, or whitened (this technique is now very popular).

Using special varnishes or stains, the stairs can be tinted in any color.

The entire processing process can be divided into three main processes:

  • grinding;
  • primer;
  • varnish protection.

It is best to sand the stairs using initial stage disassembled.


When choosing materials for processing, it is better to give preference to alkyd and urethane varnishes.

It is very good to treat the porch of a wooden house with drying oil applied in several layers. This will prevent the structure from rotting and extend its life.

For a beginner without certain skills in working with tools, building a ladder on his own will not be easy. However, it is possible. The main thing is to correctly calculate and accurately mark the structural elements. Installing precisely calibrated parts will not be a big hassle.

Professional production and installation of wooden stairs

Anyone who decides to build a house with at least two floors will definitely face the problem of making a staircase. You can, of course, buy ready set, but this is a rather expensive way to solve the problem. The services of professional craftsmen are even more expensive. To really get decent option, you will have to pay an amount commensurate with the cost of part of the house. Therefore, most self-taught builders decide to build the interfloor structure themselves.

An inexperienced craftsman should not try to build complex design, the production and installation of which are expensive and material-intensive. But a simpler option, for example, a straight wooden staircase without risers, will be feasible even for an amateur.

Of course, in order for the product to be of high quality and the construction to not be very expensive, you first need to understand what types of stairs there are and the basic principles of their assembly. And also purchase materials and tools. And now everything is in order.

Choosing material and design

Wood is considered the easiest material to process. And if you follow the basic rules, the ladder will last a very long time.

What types of wood to use

Beech. There is wood with light grayish or reddish-yellow shades. The tree has a weak structure, mediocre strength and is susceptible to external factors. For example, beech is sensitive to humidity fluctuations and even increases in volume at high values. Therefore, beech stairs should be placed inside well-heated rooms. The competitiveness of this variety is explained by its low price;

Spruce. Low cost makes spruce a very popular raw material. The texture of the wood is uniform and light in color. Spruce is not exposed to external factors;

Oak. Hard wood with beautiful design light yellow color. It is believed that solid oak stairs are the strongest and most durable, which, of course, affects the cost: it is one of the highest in the segment;

Larch has a golden or dark yellow hue with light brown veins. The material is enviably durable. The breed is resistant to mechanical stress and aging: she is not afraid of rot or moisture. The cost is above average.

Ash has a light shade and a characteristic fiber structure. Making stairs from this type of wood is a pleasure: ash is easy to process and bend, and its strength exceeds that of oak. The influence of external factors is minimal;

Maple has increased strength, which is due to the absence of pores. Wood does not absorb moisture, which allows the products to be placed outdoors. However, because of this, wood processing protective compounds causes a lot of difficulties. The result is durable, reliable and very expensive solid wood stairs.

Preparation of components

We make a list of everything you need. To assemble a wooden staircase, you will need the following parts and components:

  • steps; it is possible to select them in the size that is needed specifically for your project, and thereby simplify your further work; we take a step 1 meter wide;
  • galvanized corner for fastening steps;
  • self-tapping screws 40 mm;
  • string for stairs; since we have one span, we will need 2 pieces, keep in mind that this is the largest part of the structure, so it is better to buy it at the nearest store;
  • other constituent elements: balusters, handrails, pillars;
  • materials for wood processing: varnish and stain.

A set for a wooden flight of stairs will cost a relatively small amount, approximately 10 thousand rubles.

Anyone who has the appropriate tools and skills will save significantly by making all the necessary elements themselves. If there are no tools and little experience, then components for stairs can be purchased at any construction market.

How to make calculations and drawings

First of all, you need to make a calculation of the stairs - determine the number of steps and their sizes. It is equally important to correctly calculate the dimensions of the staircase opening. If you want the product to be comfortable and safe, the calculations must be carried out most carefully.

Video: how to calculate a wooden staircase structure

To make it easier for you to find all sizes, use simple drawings. It is very important to have an idea of ​​what the finished product will look like and how it will fit into the interior design. And only after careful design begin construction.

Wooden staircases on bowstrings look very neat due to the fact that the ends of the steps do not peek out, but are covered with a load-bearing element.

Making a wooden staircase with your own hands

The manufacturing technology is quite simple. The most important thing is to fit all the parts well to each other so that there are no gaps. This way the structure will be rigid and will not creak. The most labor-intensive operation is cutting the bowstring. The better the cut is made, the smoother the flight of stairs will be.

Making a bowstring

To make a bowstring, you will have to work hard. The bowstring is quite massive: its cross-section is 60 by 300 mm, so sawing it by hand will be difficult. To make straight cuts, use a guide bar, which must be pressed against the pre-marked cutting line, as shown in the photo. With a certain skill and patience, the cuts turn out to be quite even. To avoid skewing of the steps, the strings should be as identical as possible. It is recommended to make one first, and then mark and cut out the second one. Each ladder string is sanded and installed in place.

To make cuts, you should get a sharpened hacksaw with fine teeth, otherwise there is a chance of hopelessly ruining the bowstring. Cuts that will face the floor can be made with a two-handed saw. Small chips must be sanded thoroughly. Despite the apparent complexity, it is quite possible to make a bowstring yourself.

Fastening the steps

Assembling the staircase begins with marking the steps. In accordance with the calculations and drawings, we outline the places for installing the steps. Be sure to use a level to check the horizontal lines. To avoid mistakes, first mark the place where the step is attached to one string. Then install the stage and check the level. Only after this mark the step on the other string. You should not fasten the steps right away, otherwise, in case of a mistake, the holes from the screws may end up in the most visible place.

Mark the locations for the steps as described above, starting at the bottom and working your way up to the top of the flight of stairs. Check if the last step is at the same height as the others. If necessary, make adjustments to the markup. After making sure that the ladder is marked correctly, proceed to attach the steps to the string.

We mount the corners on the drawn lines using self-tapping screws and install steps on them, which we also secure with self-tapping screws from below. Practice shows that for every metal corner At least 4 screws are required for the step. And to ensure that the stairs never creak, it is better to increase their number. So we made a flight of stairs.

Installing railings

To install the railings correctly, you need to take the process of preparing the balusters seriously. They need to be sawed off at exactly the same angle, which is quite difficult to do manually, because there are already 12 of them. There is a high probability of error. Therefore, you should use a special machine that is capable of sawing small thickness timber at a given angle.

As an alternative, you can buy a set of ready-made railings from of stainless steel, the installation of which is extremely simple and boils down to the assembly of prepared parts.

We attach the post to the floor with hardware. This is quite enough, but if you want, you can additionally screw it to the bowstring. A groove is first made in the post into which the end of the bowstring is inserted.

The question often arises of how to properly install balusters on a string and attach a wooden handrail. As a rule, dowels are used for this, which are coated with glue. You can also cut steel rods with a diameter of 5 mm and a length of at least 8 cm from ordinary nails. The effect will be the same.

In the bowstring, balusters (on both sides) and in the handrail, it is necessary to drill recesses with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the rods. Then the structure is mounted on pins and secured with self-tapping screws.

The next stage of installation is the installation of handrails. Attach the lower end to a pole, the upper end to the wall or again to a pole. Remember that the main load falls on these places, so you need to fix them firmly.

We can say that the work ends here. All that remains is to apply protective covering. depends on several factors, such as the location of the product, its purpose, cross-country ability and other operational characteristics.

  • In conclusion, it must be added that wooden stairs for the home, first of all, should be comfortable. The most comfortable step height is up to 22 cm, the depth is not less than 25 cm, but not more than 40 cm. These dimensions must be selected so that the upper step is level with the floor of the second floor;
  • If a flight of stairs ends with a door, then a landing must be provided, the width of which is sufficient so that this door can be freely opened;
  • Even to save space, you should not make the flight of stairs slope too steeply, because first of all, structures must be safe.