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» Why does a woman dream of a dead turtle. Why do turtles big and small dream in clear clear water, an aquarium or a terrarium. Intimate dream book: a turtle in a dream

Why does a woman dream of a dead turtle. Why do turtles big and small dream in clear clear water, an aquarium or a terrarium. Intimate dream book: a turtle in a dream

In dreams, people often see what they think about throughout the day. You may also dream of a thought or idea that gnaws at a person.

But there are times when dreams are a rather incomprehensible picture, which is not always possible to figure out on your own. Particularly interesting are unusual stories and phenomena that are remembered for a long time.

To figure out what the turtle is dreaming of: big and small, one and many, in water or on land, for a woman or a man, dream books will help.

You can see a turtle in a dream in different circumstances. If you dreamed about this reptile, you need to remember the details better, because the interpretation of dreams depends on them.

The size and condition of the reptile

The turtle is a symbol of longevity, regularity and stability. Wherein various dream books interpret the turtle, which was seen in a dream, in different ways.

You can understand what this animal is dreaming of by referring to the nuances of the dream.

The size of the reptile speaks of the magnitude of the consequences of sleep. Why is a huge turtle dreaming? The result of your actions will be great. The little turtle will tell about the events of a minor nature.

I dreamed about a turtle big size- to further luck in business and making impressive profits. In some cases, this is a symbol of replenishment in the family, equivalent to.

But in dreams sometimes we see not only living, but also dead beings. And this feature is alarming, since the deceased animal is subconsciously associated with bad news. It is not always so.

I dreamed of a living turtle - things are going smoothly and gradually, continuously heading towards the intended goal - this is what it means to see in a dream a turtle that is alive.

And why is a dead turtle dreaming? Such a dream indicates that in life there have been difficulties or obstacles on the way, overcoming which will require attention and effort.


Pay attention to what the turtle does in a dream. An animal lying peacefully or thoughtfully and slowly moving speaks of the slowness of nature or an established life. It is worth considering, perhaps it is time to change something both in the environment and in yourself.

It is interesting to observe when the animal is busy with business. Often people can feed the turtle in their sleep.

Dream Interpretations explain this as the presence of a person nearby who is unworthy of support. Take a closer look, perhaps the one you are helping is simply favored.

There is another interpretation: feeding the reptile, you call for good luck, and soon good news will appear.

Meetings in a dream with this creature are also inhospitable. If a turtle bites a sleeping person or someone else in a dream, then this person will experience changes in scale, such as the bite of a turtle itself.

There is another interpretation: the turtle bit in a dream - to a quarrel or conflict, often we are talking about family problems. The remaining trace of the turtle's teeth means the weight of the offense inflicted, and the blood that appeared in a dream at the site of the bite means feelings and torment due to the scandal that has occurred.

turtle space

Remember exactly where you dreamed of the heroine of the dream. A turtle in the water is a good deed, talking about the rapid movement towards the intended goal and the correctness of the chosen path. But it will be so if the water is clean and transparent.

In the case of filled with algae, despite the enormous amount of effort made, the situation will not be explained as we would like.

To interpret sleep and understand what a water or sea turtle is dreaming of, other details should be explained. For example, the size of the animal.

Let's turn to dream books to find out why we are dreaming big turtle in water. To see in a dream a reptile, measured and leisurely wandering through sea ​​waves, promises considerable luck or wealth.

But these are relative concepts, and an increase in prosperity can manifest itself both in winning a decent amount, and in raising salaries, awarding bonuses or moving up career ladder. That is, if you dreamed of a turtle in the water, you can safely rejoice.

Let's deal with the number of reptiles dreamed of by the representatives of the weaker and stronger sex. We will find out why a lot of turtles dream.

If a man sees turtles in a dream and there will be a lot of them, success in his career is guaranteed to him and, perhaps, generous investors who want to invest a lot of money in his project will soon appear on the horizon.

For a business man, a turtle promises a long-term relationship with business partners..

Why do turtles dream of a woman - a lot of small reptiles portends a lady expecting various troubles. A big turtle in a dream for a woman is a confirmation of a long-awaited pregnancy.

If a pregnant girl sees a dream about a turtle, then the baby will be born healthy and happy, as well as endowed with excellent external data.

Night dreams with the participation of shellfish symbolize a long and happy relationship for lovers. You can be confident in your spouse and know that she will not let you down.

An animal imprisoned in an aquarium reflects the limitations or obstacles in life. You need to reconsider your thinking, and then it will be possible to expand the possibilities of getting out of the current situation. Many turtles will be upset - long and painful expectations will probably be in vain.

A large turtle in the house promises a peaceful course family life . Strife and misunderstandings will fade into the background, and everyday life will be filled with peace and tranquility. But if you encroach on the life of an animal - do not expect anything good, in the future large and very serious troubles await.

Did you see the heroine of the dream in your hands? Be sure: luck is already on your side.


One turtle that visited a dream will tell you that you are on the right track, but you should not expect instant results and make sudden decisions. Everything goes on as usual, albeit at a snail's pace, but in any case, a positive result awaits you.

Seeing many little turtles in a dream portends replenishment in the family, and for young girls - a series of gentlemen.

According to the modern universal compendium, a huge number of tiny armored creatures represent financial success. Perhaps soon a wealthy partner will be interested in your project.

And a lot of large amphibians stands for the approximation of a long trip.

The nuances of dreams

The dream book will also tell you what the turtle is dreaming of, depending on its environment. If a woman dreamed of a floating reptile in a body of water, it means that external problems have been settled, and the work begun is gradually approaching its logical conclusion. And at the finish line, success and recognition await him.

I dreamed of a turtle that decided to swim away from the dreamer in a dream - in life very soon a break with a close and dear person awaits him.

What will a few turtles talk about?

But it also happens that a dreaming reptile is not alone in a dream. Running a race with another animal, she suggests that you will not be able to overtake competitors.. This is especially important when in a dream the turtle interacts with a bird, trying to grab hold of its wings and taste the value of flight.

We are not talking about competition here, on the contrary, reduce your ardor and become less self-confident. Because on this stage life, such traits bring you only disappointment.

What do popular dream books say?

People who are fond of deciphering dreams learn their interpretation in different ways:

  • Some go to fortune tellers;
  • Others try to find scientific explanation seen;
  • Still others ask for help from specialists in oneirology (the science that studies dreams);
  • The rest prefer to independently decipher the symbols using dream books.

Popular dream books offer the following interpretations of a turtle in a dream:

What to expect?

aforementioned good news, which the turtle symbolizes, may portend a meeting with a childhood friend. So, the distant past will not cease to please and amaze in the present.

But the surprise can be absolutely anything: from the arrival of an old friend to winning a million. That's why, having seen such a dream, do not immediately bet on global changes.

Interestingly, dreams about turtles are so popular that they even released a dream with that name. computer game- "Dreams of the Turtle 2". Its passage is very exciting. In addition, on English language there is a song called "The Dream of the Blue Turtles". It was written by the British singer and composer Sting.

If you are a leisurely person by nature, then slowing down in business without resolving important issues can completely stop what you started. Try to get active and finish what you started.

If you have other character traits, then the dreaming turtle, on the contrary, will become a sign of future career success.

Well and in any way, a turtle leaving you, alas, will not save you from losses and troubles in a relationship.

Thus, there is no exact and specific interpretation of one dream. To correctly decipher the "night" message, you need to remember the details. It is on the little things that the course and direction of interpretation depends. In addition, if you have a phenomenal memory, interpreting a dream from a dream book will not be difficult.

If you dream of a turtle, then in reality an unexpected event will bring you joy and strengthen your spirit, which will immediately affect your work. There is turtle soup in a dream - to dubious entertainment.

Modern dream book Turtle

To dream of a turtle means that an unusual event will bring you joy and improve the situation of your commercial affairs. Eat turtle soup - predicts that you will find pleasure in risky intrigues.

Intimate dream book Turtle

Riding a sea turtle in a dream - this dream symbolizes the anxiety that has gripped you in Lately. You not only cannot get rid of it, but also infect everyone around you with it. Look at the world more optimistically, and then your gloomy mood will disappear in an instant. If in your dream the turtle did not want to come out of its shell, it means that you tend to blame anyone but yourself for all your problems. But this is fundamentally wrong - you yourself are quite far from ideal and at the same time spoil relations with people. By the way, this dream can have another interpretation - problems with erection in men. Watching a crawling turtle - such a dream portends you an illness, the cause of which may be your too quick temper.

Dream Interpretation Longo Turtle

The tortoise is a symbol of slowness, and this is not worth mentioning. Accordingly, her appearance in a dream suggests that you are not particularly good at controlling the situation, and to be honest, she just got out of control. This is due to your slowness. Perhaps your lethargy and indecision are due to some serious circumstances, but in the near future you will have to forget about these circumstances, or at least not pay attention to them, since you will need the ability to act quickly and make decisions quickly and not waste for reflection days and weeks. If in a dream you catch this slow animal, then in the near future you will have to engage in combat with an enemy that is lagging behind you in all respects. There is nothing surprising that victory in this fight will be yours, but this should not give you a reason for carelessness, in addition, try to show sympathy for the vanquished, because, as folk wisdom says, they don’t beat the recumbent. It is enough for you that you have shown your strength and made it clear that you are always ready for a fight. Your enemies, even powerful ones, should be stopped by this.

Dreams for the fulfillment of desires Turtle

your worries and worries will disappear, as it turns out that there is no reason for them. Imagine a seashore. You see a huge sea turtle come ashore. She settles down to bask in the sun. Ordinary small turtles begin to approach her from all sides. They settle around the big turtle and they all rest peacefully together.

Your personal dream book Turtle

A turtle in a dream portends a change in your life for the better, thanks to an extraordinary situation. There is turtle soup in a dream - to the pleasure of risky intrigues.

Muslim dream book Turtle

It is said that the tortoise is the supreme judge of the qadi. Seeing a turtle in a dream - to a long and prosperous life. Eat turtle meat - to gain knowledge or money.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky Turtle

Dream about myself.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti Turtle

Indicates an attractive personality, which, however, actually pushes a person to premature old age.

The turtle is a slow and calm animal. Most often, dream books interpret a dream with this animal as good sign. But sometimes such a dream is a warning of danger. If you remember it in detail, then it will be possible to predict the appearance of losses, destroy the cunning plans of enemies, or take the right decision in a difficult situation.

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    Who is the dreamer?

    The turtle is a symbol of good luck and confidence in own forces. Most dream books interpret such a dream as a slow movement in the right direction, the successful completion of projects.

    But it is important to consider who exactly dreamed of this animal. The dreamer may be married woman, young girl or man.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books


    If a woman sees this wise creature in a dream, then soon she will have to take a high position. If you dreamed of a huge turtle on which the dreamer was riding, then in life she would be accused by her loved one. A small turtle in a dream portends a change in a woman's personal life.

    If the animal is dreaming unmarried girl, then she will meet a wealthy and powerful groom who wants to start a family with her.

    When a married woman sees such a dream, important family issues will soon have to be resolved. Don't worry - everything will end well.

    For a pregnant woman, a dream with a turtle portends the birth of a healthy and economic daughter.

    The newlywed sees in a dream a walk with this animal to a happy family life.

    Why dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books


    A man should be careful to do business if he saw a big turtle in a dream. Such a dream promises losses.

    Selling this slow animal is a big financial loss.

    Buying a turtle - to harmony in the family, unexpected news about the wedding of a relative, or an invitation to friends for a holiday. Depending on the place of purchase, the dream is interpreted differently:

    • if in a dream an animal was bought on the market, then soon it will appear in life true friend;
    • a turtle was bought in a store - to a meeting with loved ones who had not been seen for a long time;
    • if in a dream an amphibian was bought from gypsies, one should beware of the deceit of friends;
    • an animal that was bought from a child in a dream portends success and harmony in the family.

    Turtle actions

    The amphibian portends happiness, good luck, but at the same time speaks of a slow movement towards the goal. Such a dream can also be a signal of danger, a warning about the machinations of enemies.

    The turtle could run away from the dreamer, swim, hide in its shell, etc. The actions of the turtle have a direct impact on the interpretation.

    Lying on the sand

    If in a dream the animal lay on the sand, then the dreamer in life is wasting time. Do not wait for the right moment, missing so many chances. He needs to be more decisive and act quickly.

    To dream that a turtle is lying on its shell and unable to roll over means that now the dreamer is waiting for better times. Some dream books interpret such a dream as a sign that speaks of the need to change their goals.

    Runs away

    If in a dream a usually calm animal quickly ran away from the dreamer, then in life there will be a fight with rivals. It may seem that competitors are weaker, but you should not finish them off. It is only necessary to indicate your position and show the ability to stand up for yourself.

    The slowly crawling turtle symbolizes the dreamer himself and suggests that in reality he is a slow person and can hardly endure a change of scenery.


    If the dreamer saw an animal in an aquarium, then there will be a long wait ahead. You need to be patient to get through this period.

    A dream where an amphibian swims in muddy water- to losses. It is worth considering this when doing business and making transactions.

    If the tortoise is in the sea and swims in clean water, clear water, then this symbolizes a slow but sure movement towards success.


    If in a dream an animal has bitten a dreamer, then he should be more attentive to his surroundings - someone may not justify trust and break a promise. Such a dream may also indicate an unresolved problem.

    When a turtle bites a dreamer in a dream, this portends trouble due to the fault of an older person or boss. But you should not get hung up on this, as soon the issue will be safely resolved.

    To ride

    Riding a turtle in a dream - to disturbing thoughts that can interfere with moving forward. These experiences do not allow the dreamer to enjoy life. But they are not due to serious reasons, so you need to calm down and gradually continue on your way.

    If the dreamer sat on this kind and wise animal in a dream, then in life a long-standing situation will finally be resolved, from which he no longer hoped to find a way out.

    Hiding in the shell

    A turtle in a dream can hide in a shell and not want to get out of it. Such a dream symbolizes the dreamer's unwillingness to take responsibility. In life, he often shifts the blame to others. Some dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of a quiet and happy life.

    An amphibian without a shell in a dream - to trouble in life. They can arise in areas where the dreamer did not expect problems to appear.

    Catch a turtle

    If in a dream the dreamer caught an animal, then soon he will have to take part in someone's quarrel. It can also mean a skirmish with an opponent that will not cause serious harm.

    Catch a turtle in a dream - to mourning in life or fair competition with competitors. But to catch and hold an animal in your hands is a sign of endurance and constancy.

    If it was not possible to catch the amphibian, then the troubles in life will worsen, problems in business are possible.

    Killing a turtle in a dream is very bad sign. Such a dream is a warning against actions that can bring great harm to the dreamer.

    Saving an animal is a difficult issue. It is worth taking a closer look at the one who attempted on the turtle. It is possible that this person is the culprit of all troubles.

    Turtle species

    The turtle most often comes in a dream, portending happiness and good luck. To get a more detailed interpretation of your dream, you should try to remember how she looked.

    It could be large or small, land or sea, etc. The interpretation depends on these details.

    Big or small

    Seeing a big turtle in a dream is good luck and building relationships. Also, this dream portends a major commercial success - a profit from a deal, a salary increase or an inheritance. In some dream books, you can find an interpretation according to which a big turtle promises replenishment in the family. Although fish often dream of pregnancy, a turtle as a marine animal can also indicate this.

    The little turtle dreams that the dreamer will not be able to cope with a fairly easy assignment. Another such dream indicates that some business is not a priority for him now, but it is worth doing it.

    Sea, river or land

    If the dreamer saw a land turtle crawling on land, then his life is boring and monotonous. It is worth bringing something new into it, changing the environment and relaxing. You can arrange a holiday or just a meeting with friends. There are two options for the development of events in a dream:

    • the animal crawls without obstacles - to success in endeavors;
    • if there are obstacles on the way of the turtle, then the road to the goal will not be easy. However, in the end everything will work out.

    Sea turtle near the ocean, surrounded by shells, indicates a favorable set of circumstances that will help the dreamer achieve his goal. Such a dream is especially good if the clean and transparent ocean is lit sunbeams.

    Turtle in the river - for change. The river symbolizes the variability and rapid flow of life. But a wise and confident animal, even in such conditions, will be able to adapt and reach the goal. Such a dream says that one should not be afraid to change the chosen path.

    With cubs

    Sometimes you may dream of little turtles, which portend optimism and a great mood upon awakening. This is due to the opening of new prospects in the future.

    If a woman sees how a turtle gives birth to cubs, this is a pregnancy.

    It is very good to see tiny turtles in the water in a dream for those who are engaged in business. This sure sign increase profits and profitable contracts.

    But if the turtles in a dream were in an aquarium, then in the dreamer's life obstacles and hardships await. A conflict at work due to competition and envy promises a dream with an aquarium full of turtles.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    In general, the turtle is a good sign. It is a symbol of wisdom and confidence.

    But in Vanga's dream book you can find various interpretations:

    • crawling turtle - do not wait for active progress in business;
    • if the amphibian turned over, then the dreamer's plans may collapse;
    • calm turtle - to a long and happy life;
    • if a woman feeds an animal in a dream, then soon she may find out about a long-awaited pregnancy.

The turtle acts as a symbol of longevity, calmness, sluggishness, slowness.

Why do turtles big and small dream in clean clear water, an aquarium or a terrarium

Such a dream suggests that you need to be patient, as you will have a period of painful waiting.

Dream interpretation big turtle in hands

Animal turtle associates with the long-awaited joy that an unexpected event will bring, which will have a beneficial effect on your well-being, mood, work, and relationships with loved ones.

Dream interpretation turtle colored in the air

This is a dream about unfulfilled dreams, what you have been dreaming about for so long, imagining, will never come true if you do not urgently take matters into your own hands and start taking decisive steps.

Why do turtles dream without a shell

Such a dream is a harbinger of problems. This is a sign of danger, difficulties that lie in wait for you in the most unexpected places.

Dream interpretation turtle with a broken shell or throws it off

Such a dream speaks of defenselessness. There is a person in your environment who urgently needs your help.

Why dream of turtles that bite and attack

This indicates the approach of difficult times and the possibility of losses in business or at work. Most likely, your financial opportunities will be greatly reduced.

Dream Interpretation Turtle Bitten Leg, Finger, Hand

Such a dream portends trouble from people you trusted. Perhaps someone you know is unhappy with your attitude and is trying to get your attention.

Dream interpretation turtle eats a snake, fish, human, another turtle

Such a dream speaks of the dullness of your everyday life. Try to paint everyday life with bright colors, bring something new, unusual, fun into your everyday affairs. Relax, change the scenery, arrange a meeting with old acquaintances, make new friends. You can even arrange a holiday just like that, for no reason.

Why do turtles dream of laying eggs

Such a dream symbolizes some slowdown in the fulfillment of your intentions and desires. Maybe the past or the prejudices associated with upbringing prevent the realization of your secret fantasies in life.

Why do turtles dream of pregnant girls

Such a dream speaks of a slow but constant progress towards the goal. You may be carrying a baby.

Dream interpretation turtle gave birth and runs fast

Such a dream portends trouble and the pursuit of good luck, which may turn out to be completely useless. Near you there is a person who builds insidious plans and arranges minor dirty tricks, it will be difficult to detect him, try to keep your cool, you will really need it in this situation.

The egg symbolizes the emerging life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life ...

dog like in real life, and in a dream is a symbol of friendship and fidelity. But to see a puppy in a dream is not always interpreted as a good sign, as ...

It is worth remembering the legends of the ancient peoples, and you will notice that the animals in them symbolize certain qualities. will not be an exception and turtle associated with solidity, wisdom, balanced decisions. But she also has unattractive features, including slowness and slowness. So why is the reptile dreaming: good luck or stagnation in business?

To find the answer, remember the details of night visions. Although in general the appearance of an animal is considered a favorable sign, some nuances will affect the interpretation.

Why does a woman dream of a turtle

Young women of the fair sex can rejoice at the appearance of a turtle in a dream. This means that in the foreseeable future you will find a pleasant surprise and the attention of others. When you see a large animal, tune in to improving your financial situation: it will happen after meeting with an enviable groom.

If a woman has already found a chosen one, then the speed with which the “tortilla” moved will play an important role. Try to remember if she moved too fast or tried to hide from the danger that threatened because of her slowness. In the first case, a dream means that the relationship is developing too rapidly, and the man may turn out to be authoritarian. When the animal barely hides from the enemy because of its sluggishness, the meaning changes: it is worth talking with the chosen one about the transition to a more serious stage.

When interpreting such a dream, attention should be paid to the overall impression. When the atmosphere is friendly, even a slow-moving reptile will be an auspicious sign: he wants to say that the lack of haste will help to avoid mistakes.

Why do big turtles dream

Seeing a large turtle, expect profit and success in business. A dream is especially favorable where you walk with her, as if with a pet: a probable inheritance awaits you, a promotion or a valuable gift.

If the reptile is a married lady, she portends an early pregnancy, like a fish. But men will need to pay attention to the shell: it heavy pollution warn of troubles, delay in business, failures. Western dream books claim that such a vision means impending discord in personal life. After all, a turtle is an animal whose strong external protection helps to hide vulnerabilities! For a business person, the habit of being tough in order to defend positions becomes second nature. In this case, the wise animal warns that such behavior is good in business, but destructive in family relationships.

Why do little turtles dream

Dreamed turtles become a sign of good luck and future prosperity. When there are a lot of cubs, it is likely that the dreamer will find an investor for undertakings and successfully expand the business. If they hatch from eggs, then in the future you will be overshadowed by numerous ideas.

Worse, when you feed one small reptile: an addict will appear in the environment, weak person. Get ready to immediately reduce communication, otherwise you will have to spend time and finances on it. You should not rejoice in the case when you catch a small turtle, which bodes trouble. A quarrel with a loved one will follow a dream, and if a reptile bites you, then the quarrel will drag on due to rudeness on his part.

What is the dream of a turtle in the water

A representative of the fauna frolicking in a clean pond means that you will forget about life's vicissitudes and receive unexpected income. Let failures haunt you for a long time, such a dream means their imminent end! After all, the tortoise, clumsy on land, turns out to be agile under water and orients itself in an environment where others are lost. Appearing in a dream, she reminds that in any environment you need to catch luck and realize the opportunities that have turned up. It is especially good if she splashes in the well: wealth will not keep you waiting.

But the aquarium, which constrains the inhabitant, turns into a bad sign! It gives out the internal discomfort caused by the bounding boxes. Consider if you have erected barriers with my own hands or found themselves at a disadvantage due to enemies. When in aquarium water a few turtles are splashing, get ready for a long wait for an important event for you.

Why dream a lot of turtles

If in a dream you see numerous reptiles, then the meaning changes depending on the situation:

  • young charmers will look forward to a period full of gifts and cute trifles;
  • those who are dissatisfied with the work should pay attention to the cases that have accumulated due to sluggishness;
  • people who were expecting change will be disappointed when they see the accumulation of tortoises, because they symbolize stability and immutability.

During a night's rest, do you watch the tortillas, after playing in the waves, go out to bask in the sun? The dream serves as a reminder that a warm relationship is more important than momentary entertainment. Pay attention to your family to soak up the rays of their love and be inspired to new achievements.

Astrologers also claim that the abundance of turtles that appeared at night promises profit. But such dreams have a peculiarity - their implementation is long in coming. After all, the animal does not differ in mobility, so the dreams inspired by it come true later than we would like!

What is the dream of a sea turtle

When you dreamed of a turtle frolicking in the depths of the ocean, this means that you will easily achieve your goals. Let her slowly move her flippers, because progress towards success will be slow, but stable. Difficulties await only in the case when the animal is entangled in algae or is in dirty water- things will not end as expected.